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04x16 - Eviction: Part 1

Posted: 06/02/23 10:56
by bunniefuu
12Th precinct, yemana.

No, ma'am.

Uh, you have to report
obscene phone calls

To the phone company.

No, ma'am.

Uh, I don't want to
hear what the man said.

N-no. No, ma'am.

Hold it, lady.

Shame on you.

What's happening?

Obscene phone call.

No kidding.

My first one.

You sure that wasn't for me?

No, no, no, no, no. For me.

My voice turned her on.

The more I talked,
the dirtier she got.


We get along fine.

I hope you're very
proud of yourself,

Taking good people
out of their home

And throwing them in the street!

I told you, it's not my idea!

Oh, yeah! I hope you
can sleep tonight.

Okay, just keep it
down. What have we got?

Uh... This is elena elezando

And, uh... Georgie... Jorge!

Jorge rodriguez.

They're from that fleabag hotel.

Hey, it's not a fleabag
hotel. It's our home!

It's not your home anymore!
You're being evicted!

They're tearing the place down!

Wojo, I'm sure they're
aware of the circumstances.

Just tell me what happened.

Well, I went down there
with a couple uniforms,

And I showed them
the eviction notice

And asked them to please
vacate the premises,

And they all started yelling
at me in some foreign language.

It was not a foreign
language. It was spanish.

Thank you. And then?

And then they kept slamming
their doors in my face,

So I told them they're
gonna get arrested

If they don't obey
the court order,

And they all started
throwing garbage at me

From all the landings.

You two are the representatives
of the tenant group?

I was selected due
to my vast experience

With the police department.

You have a record,
miss elezando?

Yes, a spotless one... 17
Arrests and no convictions.

Very commendable.

There's a couple other
hookers in the building,

But the rest are
mostly decent people.

"Decent"?! What do
you know about decent?

You take an innocent
woman and a pathetic old man

Out of their home
and throw them in jail.

That's decent?

Just have a seat, miss elezando.

You'll be able to
call your attorney.

I don't need no attorney.

I'm calling the eyewitness news.

That's up to you.

Uh, el seato?

Señor rodriguez.


Yeah, got it. Captain?

Disturbance at
landry's market on 7th.

Okay, you and, um...
You and yemana.


Listen, dietrich...

You've been working
here quite a while now.

I see no reason why you
shouldn't call me "barney."

I mean, everybody
else does, you know.

I-i just didn't want to
seem overly familiar.

Well, I mean, sometimes I feel
our communication between us

Is not as efficient
as it might be.

Maybe this will help
alleviate it, huh?

- It's possible.
- All right.

Listen, why don't
you call me "arthur"?

Oh, yeah. All right.


Here you go.

- Hey, captain?
- Yes, dietrich?

Got you.

We are not alone.

They're tearing down a
perfectly good building,

And you know what
they're going to put up?

- Place of birth?
- Condominiums.

Yeah, right. I need to
know your place of birth.

And you know condominiums.

They always ruin
the neighborhood.

They bring in an
unsavory element.

Doctors, lawyers.


I'm retired.

I like to keep a little active.

Step right in here, miss.

I would have paid for
everything. I would have.

This is our disturbance?


She was going up and down
the aisles in the market,

Eating stuff as she
was going along.

I didn't think
anyone would mind.

When we got there, she was
in produce, making a salad.

Roughage... It's very
important to the diet.

I agree.

Don't you think you
should have paid for it first?

I don't have any money.

They insisted on
pressing charges.

They want to make
her an example.

Uh, you're gonna have to
give some further information

To detective dietrich.

Oh, if I can... Okay,
please, have a seat.

Oh, barn?

What I am supposed to
do about mr. Rodriguez?

Look, miss elezando,

You must understand
that, sooner or later,

You're gonna have to
vacate that building.

And go where?

Well, I can't tell
you precisely.

Neither can anybody else.

But there are departments,
city agencies that are there

To help you be relocated.

We talked to them already.


They're going to take
us "under advisement."

It's too cold outside to
be taken under advisement.

Miss elezando, if
there's a confrontation,

Someone may get hurt.

Hey, that's up to
you, but we're staying.

All right, wojo, let's
put them in the cage.

I'm sorry. We're gonna
have to hold you.


Nos vamos a tener
que quedar aquí.

- ¿En la cárcel?
- Eh, sí.


¿Por qué no pueden dejar a
un viejo como yo en su casa

Que viva los ultimos
años de su vida

En dignad y tranquilidad?

He wants to know why
can't an old man be allowed

To stay in his own home
for the last years of his life

In peace and dignity?

Tell him I'm terribly sorry,

But there's absolutely
nothing I can do about it.

Dice el capitán miller que
comprenda nuestro problema,

Pero tough luck.

Thank you.

- Ma'am?
- What?

We're gonna have to get
a little information, okay?


Now, full name?

It's all right. We'll
get back to that.

How about your address?


Favorite color?


Good. We'll work from there.

Good afternoon, gentlemen.



Say hello at home.
Hi, woj. Barney.

Inspector, what
brings you around?

Barney, I just
dropped by to tell you

You might not be seeing too much

Of the old inspector for awhile.


Hmm? No, no, no.

It's just I never used up all
my vacation time, you know?

It's been piling up,

So the department wants
me to take some of it now.

You've never taken a vacation?

Oh, yeah, yeah.
Back in, what, oh, '49?

Remember, when they were
renovating the music hall?

Eh? The rockettes?

You know, they
weren't there, so, uh...

I went over
to jersey for a few days.

Well, you deserve
the rest, inspector.

I thought maybe you
could give me a few ideas...

You know, places
to go, things to see.

We're a little busy around
here. It's kind of hectic.


Well, we got that, uh... Uh...

Hotel-eviction thing going on.

Oh, are them people
still holed up in there?

Yeah, I've been trying to deal

With their
representatives, here, but...

Want me to have a few
words with them, barney?

No, no, no.

I mean, that's part
of my job, you know?

Ironing out them
delicate situations.

Sort of put a diplomatic
cap on the local hostiles.

It's really not necessary.

No problem at all, barney.


Buenos días, señor.

Señorina, ¿qué "paser"?

I'm inspector luger, new
york police department.


So you people got
to get out of there.



No, you've got to, you
know, vamoose el premisos.

Get out. You understand?

A ti cuando te digan
vas, si respondes, ¿eh?

Huh? Give me that again.

El aire.

Oh, yeah? Well, the
feeling's mutual.

Inspector, you wanted
to see me in my office?

Oh, yeah, barney. Sure.

Sorry I couldn't
help you out there.

There seems to be a little
language barrier with them.

That's understandable.


Uh... Yes, arthur?

I think I'd better
run over to bellevue.

Why, what's the problem?

From what I've observed, I
think she's in a fugue state.


It's one of several
psychological disorders

Commonly classified as
dissociative phenomena.


I'm talking about amnesia.


She says she doesn't
remember her name,

Where she's from... Nothing.

- No identification?
- No.

From what I've heard,

True amnesia's
relatively rare, isn't it?

Yes, but... I mean,
she could be faking.

No, I don't think so.

Listen, she's, uh... Quite
an attractive young lady.

Are you sure you're not
being influenced by that?

Believe me, she's displaying
all the classic symptoms

Of the disorder...

Disoriented behavior patterns,
selective memory process,

Dissociative replies.

Okay. If you're sure.

Eyes like that don't lie.

Why don't you run her over?

Thanks, barn.

All right, I'm gonna take you
over to see some doctors.

Listen, I'm sorry if I
caused you any trouble.

Hey, forget it... If
you haven't already.

Yes, I realize we're
coming up on a deadline.

I-i-i just assumed

That the tenants would
get another extension,

You know, the...

> Yeah, I'll hold on.

Old klein, now, barney...

You know he used to like to
go fishing out on the island.

Hey, that's an
idea. Yeah, I'm here.

Fishing. Who needs it, huh?

Stand there on the
end of a smelly pier,

Your string
hanging in the water,

Waiting for something
slimy to come along

And nibble on your cheese.

Sounds very nice.

All right.

All right, well, I'd appreciate
if you'd keep me informed.

Yes, thank you.

Barney, I think I'll just
stick around the big city.



Oh. Yeah, that's...
Sure, why not?

I mean, there's plenty to
do here... Museums, theater.

Yeah, that's a good...

Barney, there's a guy out there
from the development company

That owns the building.

All right.

Hey, thanks. Thanks, barney.

You know, that's a good idea.

Lot of shows I haven't caught
yet. I haven't had the time.

Yeah. Will you
excuse me, inspector?

Sure. Hey, nick?

Is the "flower drum
song" still running?

Captain miller, mr...

Clayton walsh, captain,
drexler boz corporation.

We own the manchester hotel.

Yes, I'm aware of that.

Well, there are still
people in there, captain.

I'm aware of that, too.

Yes, well, I have the
final court order

Directing you to clear the
premises by 3:00 p.m. Today.

Thank you.

It's 2:47.

I'm aware of that.

Yes, well, all right, then.

It's 2:48.

Mr. Walsh!

Mr. Walsh, I'm sure
you would prefer

If we could settle
this matter peacefully

Without resorting to force!

Well, of course.
We're not brutes.

All right, that'll
take a little time.

- It's 2:49.
- Mr. Walsh!

Captain, I do not particularly
enjoy being the heavy,

But that court order is
explicit, and it is almost 3:00,

And I do have to know
what you're going to do!

What I'm going to do is, uh...

Is consider all
the possibilities

And, uh, weigh all
the consequences...

But first, I'm gonna
have my lunch!

He's an absolute
bear when he's hungry.

No, sir. I am not
disregarding the court order.

I am merely
interpreting its intent

In the broadest possible aspect

So as to allow for
maximum flexibility

In considering
the various options

As regards this situation.

Yes, sir, i-i think I can
explain what I just said.

Afternoon, gentlemen.
Oh, inspector.

It's always a pleasure
to see you, sir.

Yeah, yeah.

It's always a pleasure to
see you, too, greenberg.



Hey, levitt, did you... Did
you ever go anywhere?


- Anything to do there?
- No, sir.

You've been a big help, levitt.

Anytime, sir.

Levitt: sir.

Captain, it's 4:15.

Thank you, mr. Walsh.

- Sir?
- What, levitt, what?

Well, I heard some
of the men downstairs

Discussing the
eviction situation,

And I just wanted you to know

That I would like to
join the as*ault team.

There will be no as*ault team!

Reason, levitt. That's what
we're gonna use... Reason!

Any idiot can use force!

What's ever needed, sir.


Yes, sir.

Thank you for volunteering.

Of course, when
I said "as*ault,"

I was thinking from
the intellectual,

point of view, sir.

I'll be right over there,
sir, if you need me...


Oh, barn.

I checked them for priors,
and rodriguez is clean,

And elezando...

It's been almost a year
since she's been picked up.

Hey, you mean "arrested."

All right, wojo, open it up.

Hey, hold it. Wait a
minute. What are you doing?

Detective wojciehowicz is
gonna take them back to the hotel.

Captain, you can't do that!

Just take it easy.

Now, look, I am letting
you go back there

Because I think you're
intelligent enough

To understand the
reality of this situation.


Dice el capitán miller

Que cree que somos
bastante inteligentes

Para comprender la situación.

Oh, muchas gracias.

The point is, there can
be no more extensions,

No more discussions,

And unless there is some
concrete progress made,

I am gonna be
forced to go in there

And clear that place out
with whatever means necessary!

You don't scare us, captain.

Well, that's unfortunate,
miss elezando,

Because maybe you
should be scared.

I mean, this is a
frightening situation!

It's dangerous.
People can get hurt!

And I wish you
would go back there

And tell that to the
rest of those tenants.

I will do that, but I don't
think it will do any good.

Thank you.

Captain, how could
you do this to me?

Nothing personal,
mr. Walsh, nothing personal.

You know, I have a home.

I'd kind of like
to keep it, too.

What are you worried about?
Explain it to your superiors.

Oh, that's easy for you to say.

You don't have to
face drexler and boz.

They're animals.

- Wojo, just get going.
- Yeah.

So are you certain you
don't need any assistance?

You don't happen to
speak spanish, do you?

Yes, sir.

I think I can hold my own.

Well, why don't you
escort mr. Rodriguez?

Yes, sir.

Let's go.

I'm coming.


We're gonna vámonos, now.



> He said, "where?"

Oh, that's what I
thought he said.

Vámonos h*m*.


I believe the word is casa.

Casa. You're right.
You're right. Casa.

Casa. No h*m*.


No offense.

Heard from wojo yet?

Uh... No.

Thank you.

You know, harris, it's amazing.

In the midst of all
this hugger-mugger,

What with the eviction
and everything else here,

You seem to be able
to remain above it all,

Sort of carve out your
own personal sanctuary,

Free from petty annoyances,

Uncluttered by the minor
irritations of the day.

Why, thank you.

You think you could work
up these manpower requests?

Oh, sure.

Oh, I can squeeze this in, barn.

- Thanks.
- Sure.

Why don't you give me your coat?

- Oh.
- Okay?

You can just have
a seat over there,

And I'll be right back.

Whatever you say.

I thought you
were going to, uh...

I thought you were
gonna take her to bellevue.

- I did.
- And?

They confirmed my diagnosis.

They said it was
probably the result

Of some severe emotional crisis.

That sounds like something

They'd want to keep her
there for awhile, huh?

Well, they don't have
any private room available.

I don't want her in a ward.

You don't...

Well, I mean, it would
be inconvenient.

Well, uh... What are
you gonna do with her?

I thought I'd get her a
room at the greenwich

So I could keep an eye on her.

I'd be in close proximity.

Maybe I could, uh...

Maybe I could help her
remember something.

Dietrich, I don't have to
remind you about the, uh...

Danger of getting personally
involved with a suspect.

Oh, i... I can
handle it, barney.

I mean, this is no
mickey spillane novel

Where the hard-boiled detective

Falls for the
beautiful amnesiac.

She's just another case to me...

With your average
sensational gams.


You won't believe
what happened, sir!

We get there. We take
them into the hotel.

We come out of the
door, and all of a sudden,

About two dozen patrol
cars come roaring up

In front of the building.

Sirens blaring,
brakes screeching.

I'll tell it, levitt.

I just wanted to do the color.

Patrol cars? At whose command?

Manhattan south.

They said we'd been
relieved of the detail.

Manhattan... Nick, get on the
phone to manhattan south.

Those sons...

I want to talk to the
watch commander.

Well, they got out with their
bullhorns, special weapons,

Started surrounding
the building.

Did they go in?

Well, not when we left.

Barney? Captain doring.

Uh... Captain?
Captain miller here.

What the hell are you
doing in my precinct?!

Yes, I am referring to
the hotel manchester.

Orders? Whose orders?!

The commissioner?

Barney? Can I talk to you
in your office for a minute?

Uh... Thank you, captain. Yeah.

What the hell does the
commissioner think he's...

You know anything
about this, inspector?

Yeah, but before I
hit you with it, barney,

I want it on the record

That this is the most
distasteful, revolting duty

I've ever had to perform.

All right,
inspector. What is it?

I'm here in an official
capacity, barney,

To inform you that,

"As of now and
pending final decision

"Of the official review hearing,

"You are being
relieved of command

And placed on
modified assignment."

You are joking.

There's some other garbage
in here about insubordination

And failure to properly execute
an authorized court order.

Well, they can take
their court order and...

All right, wojo.

Well, barn, this isn't fair.

Somebody's going to
get a very hot letter.

Actually, I'm not
that surprised.

I mean, look, they... They
wanted something done,

And I was, uh...
Unwilling to do it.

It happens every so
often, right, inspector?

It comes with the territory.

Now, barney, I'm
supposed to ask you

For your g*n and your badge.

Guess that is the procedure.

Thank you.

All right, now
I guess I'm, uh...

I'm supposed to pass these
on to the next in command.

Who's senior, barney?


Oh, my god.

Here you go, nick.

I guess you... You're
in charge for awhile.

I think, uh... I may demur.

Nick, the responsibility
of running this squad

Is now yours,

And I have complete confidence
in your ability to do it.

I'll do the best I can.

And I'm sure you'll receive

The same cooperation and respect

That it's been my
privilege to receive.

Right, barn.

I'll, uh...

Be in my office...

Doing something.

Okay, nick, so what do we do?


What do you say
we call it a day?