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04x18 - Wojo's Problem

Posted: 06/02/23 10:58
by bunniefuu
Morning, woj.

Morning, barn.

You're early.

Yeah, I guess I am.

I can't ever recall
your being early before.

For a minute there,
I thought I was late.

That's, uh...

Bruno bender.
Yeah, you remember.

He's the guy that
wanted to pay citizens

For k*lling
criminals in the act.

Oh, god. Don't tell me he's
putting those posters up.

He got held up

In his sporting-goods
store this morning.

I got him looking
through mug books.

Morning, mr. Bender.
Nice to see you.


We'll do what we can.

Well, maybe if you'd left
those reward posters up,

This wouldn't have happened.

Mr. Bender, let's not
reopen any old wounds.

I like your sense of humor.


Purely unintentional,
mr. Bender.

Purely unintentional.


Worked up those, uh,
manpower reports you wanted.

You did all of these today?


What time did you get here?

Uh, about 4:00.

4 A.m.?

Well, sometimes you
get up a little early.

And then you shower
and shave a little faster

And there's not as much
traffic on the way in,

And, uh, you get
someplace early.

Five hours early?

Well, I'll go back to
coming in late if you want.

No, no, no.

You're to be commended.


That's just his
way of being nice.

No, no, no, no, nick.
That's not the point.

The man is impossible
to live with.

He's thoughtless.
He's aggravating.

He's arrogant... Obtuse.

I assume he's
referring to dietrich?

I think they had a spat.

Morning, harris.


You know, harris, I can
remember a time when...

When you used to
walk through that door

With a smile on your face...

A friendly hello,
cheerful, pleasant.

One might even say chipper.

We were watching
"casablanca" last night.

Comes to this part where
bogart's listening to the guy,

You know, playing
the tune on the piano.

So, I just happened
to turn to dietrich,

And I said, "hey, man,

Wonder what cab
calloway's doing now?"

No, no, no. That
was dooley wilson.

I know that.

Dietrich corrected me, too.

Uh, well, look, it's
a... It's a natural, uh...

You know, maybe he
thought you didn't, uh...

Look, let's face it.

The man has the
edge over both of us

In certain areas of esoterica.

No, I don't m... I
don't mind that.

It's just the way
he gloats over it.


Harris, if he's really
that unbearable,

Why the hell don't
you just move out?

Because the suites at the
st. Regis start at $110 a day.

A dilemma. Truly a dilemma.

Anyway, barn, it's...

Well, I guess it's
pretty convenient.

It's certainly cheap and...

I guess I'm kind of
getting used to it.

Then why don't you
do yourself a favor?

You're gonna live
under a man's roof,

Why don't you learn to
develop a certain... Tolerance?

And for your own sake,

Don't get so unnerved at
every minor eccentricity.

All right. Yeah, well,
maybe you're right.

We'll... Start afresh.

Morning, captain.

Good morning, dietrich.

Hey, harris.

Hello, there, dietrich.

> Play it again, sam.


There's a 10-30 going on
at a market on hudson.

Okay, you and, uh...

Oh, barney, I'll
take that, please.



Okay. You and nick.



I'm looking for captain miller.

He's right over there.

Yes? Can I help you?

Rosslyn licori,
detective, third grade.

Yes. What can we do
for you, miss licori?

I'm supposed to be working here.

I beg your pardon?

I'm the replacement.

Replacement? For whom?

You weren't expecting me?

I'm afraid not.

I've got my transfer
papers here someplace.

Miss licori, why don't
we go in my office,

And then we can
unravel it there?

It's got the commissioner's
name printed on it.

Yes, I'm sure.

Come on, nick.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Save my seat.

No. I was not informed
of any replacements,

Any new personnel, nothing.

Oh, yeah. I remember doing that.

I would like to compliment
you on your prompt action.

You're welcome.

Is it cleared up?

Yes. You are indeed
replacing someone.


Chano amenguale.

Uh, which one is he?

No, no, no. He's no longer here.

That request went
in two years ago.

Well, here I am.

Yeah, well, the question
is, where have you been?

Traffic control.

Oh, captain, this
is my first chance

To make some real progress.

I'm willing to do
anything to prove myself.

I'm sure you are.

Miss licori, won't you...?

I meant in the area of
police work, captain.

Of course.

I wasn't referring
to anything else.

I wasn't implying that you were.

I got this job on merit.

I'm certain you did,
detective licori.


I apologize.

It's just that I know
there's a lot of talk

Going around the department...

You know, how some women
have come up through the ranks.

I don't want you to think

That my promotion was in any
way due to that sort of thing.

Believe me, the thought
never entered my mind.

Of course, I had opportunities.

I'm sure you did.

Yeah, I had to go to work.

Yeah, yeah, I know I jumped
out of bed pretty fast.

There wasn't much
reason to stay.

Oh, hey, look, I w...

It wasn't your fault
what happened...

I mean, what didn't happen.

Yeah, well, I guess
I was just... Tired.


Look, i-i've got a lot of
work to get through here.

I'll call you back later, okay?

Is there something
I can do for you?

Hey, it's none of my business.

What isn't?

Whatever you were talking about.

Guess you got a pretty
good idea what that is, huh?


Well, if you got
something to say, say it.

Well, all I would say to you
is that occasional failures

Are not that
serious or uncommon.


The greater danger is
exaggerating the problem

And letting the fear
of future failures

Create a psychological
stumbling block.

Thanks, dietrich.

No offense.


Gentlemen, it appears

We're gonna have some
additional manpower, so to speak,

At least temporarily.

This is detective
rosslyn licori.

Stan wojciehowicz.



Arthur dietrich.

Hi, how are you?



I'm afraid we're a little
shy of desks at the moment.

The only thing we've got
left is this little one back here.

This is lovely.

I like a view.

Oh, boy. Whew!

Barney: harris?

I may want my name
off this arrest report.

What? Why? What? What's...

Keep your elbows in, and
you won't hurt yourself.

Take it easy, will you?
This ain't a rickshaw.

Okay, now we're going
into the squad room.

I know where we're
going. I ain't blind.

This is louis frankel.

He wheeled himself into
cruson's market on 3rd,

Pulled this out, and
demanded all the money.

Everybody else does it.

Not in exactly the same way.

Are you actually, uh...

Confined to that chair?

What do you think this is,
a gag? Fool your friends?

I'm a cr*pple!

I'm sorry.

Ah, it ain't your fault.

Just an expression.

We caught up with him
about a block from the store

Sort of wedged
between a car and a curb.

When are they gonna put in
some ramps, for god's sakes?

I pay taxes, too.

Mr. Frankel, I'm afraid we're
gonna have to book you.

You want to roll yourself
over to that desk over there?

Bender, would you mind?

Would you sit over there

At sergeant
dietrich's desk, please?


I'd rather be dead
than be in a wheelchair.

Come on, harris.

There are plenty of handicapped
people who lead fruitful...

Productive lives.

I just pictured dietrich
pushing me down a boardwalk.

Have a cup of tea.

Thank you, barney.
That's a good idea.

Put it on my tab.

Did you ever see those
guys play basketball?


The way they whizz
up and down the court

In those chairs,

Passing the balls, sh**ting.

They're really very good.

I know.

Of course it's still
a tall man's game.

Oh, yeah.

Okay, mr. Frankel,

I'm taking you down
to be processed.

Stairs again, right?

Afraid so.

Why isn't anything
designed for us?

I can't get on a bus. I
can't use a pay phone.

Sometimes I got to
go 10 different places

To find a restroom I can use.

Is that fair?

I wouldn't stand for it.

Very funny.

12Th precinct, captain
miller speaking.

Yes, he is. Hold on a minute.

There's a lady for you on 3.

Oh, I'm not in.

Don't you want
to know who it is?

It doesn't matter.

Would you tell her I'm out?

Sergeant wojciehowicz is
unavailable at the moment.

Hold on a minute.

She says it's very important.

Tell her I'll call her back.

I can have him return your call.

Yeah, hold on.

She wants to know when.

Well, tell her I might be
back later this afternoon.


How about this afternoon?

No, ma'am, I don't
know exactly what...

Would you hold on a minute?

Would you please
answer the telephone?

Yeah. I'll...


Yeah, look, I told you
we'd talk about this later

When I got home.

Well, i-i might pull a
double shift, you know?

It'd be tomorrow morning...

Or, uh, afternoon.

This coffee for anybody?


Listen, there's a lot
of things going on here.

We'll talk about
it later, all right?

Yeah. Bye.

I think I know why you people
were never able to catch

The guys who ripped me off.


None of them were
in wheelchairs.

Hey, look, bender!

We do the best
we can, all right?

I mean, we're just human
beings! We're not machines!

Well, wait a minute.
Hold it a second.

You don't just flip a
switch and then we perform!

You know, nobody's perfect!

- Wojo.
- What?

Can I talk to you in
my office for a minute?

Yeah, sure.

Uh, did mr. Frankel
come in here?

Frankel? What are you...

Don't tell me you lost him.

He couldn't have
gotten very far, barney.

Harris, out front.
Dietrich, back stairs.

Give me kogan.

I left him just for a second.
How could he get away?

Lucky roll.

Barney, we looked everywhere.

Closets, storage rooms.
He just disappeared.

That's just what
kogan just said.

Nothing yet, barney.

Can I help you?

I'm looking for my wife.

How long has she been missing?


We can't take a report

Unless she's been
gone at least 24 hours.

She works here...
Rosslyn licori.

I'm her husband.


Yeah. "Oh."

She didn't mention
she was married, huh?

No. We haven't
talked at length yet.

I'm sure it would have
come up eventually.



This is roz'
husband, mr. Licori.

Oh, how do you do?
I'm captain miller.

So you're the guy she'll
be working under, huh?

Yes, I'm her superior officer.

Well, I brought her lunch.
She must have forgot it.

Or maybe she, uh... Maybe
she had other plans.

Well, I have some
work to do in my office.

You got a couch in there?

As a matter of fact, yes.



All right, what is it?

You called me in
here. Well, I didn't ask...

I realize that.

I thought maybe you
would like to discuss

Your somewhat
uncharacteristic behavior today.

Uh, there's not much to discuss.

Hey, woj?


Listen, I thought, uh...

I thought we had
developed, you know,

A kind of special rapport,

Mutual understanding, respect,

Where you'd feel free enough
to be able to confide in me

No matter what your problem was.

I'm having trouble in bed.

I mean, I sleep good.

Unless you'd rather not.

It's kind of hard to
talk to anybody about.

Well, if you'd prefer
not to, i-i'll understand.

It's never happened
to me before.

I don't know if this
is a fluke or what.

Listen, woj, this is an area

That I'm not really an
expert in, and, you know,

Since I don't know
exactly what happened...

Well, I'll tell you.

No, no, it's not necessary.

Well, look, if it is indeed
an isolated incident,

All I can say is, you know,
don't become preoccupied.

You know, don't
overexaggerate it

Into a bigger problem
than it really is.

It isn't just what
happened last night.

I mean, it's my whole
problem with women.

And that problem is?

Well, they won't
leave me alone, barn.

I'm sorry.

Well, you've seen it.

I mean, every lady that
comes into that squad room...

I don't care if
she's 20 or 75...

You know, they're all over me.

I really haven't paid
that much attention.

I feel like I'm in a tug-of-w*r
sometimes, you know?

I mean, this one wants to
move in with me, you know,

And another one wants
me to move in with her!

I mean, the pressure,
barn... It starts to get to you.

Listen, wojo, I really
don't know what to tell you.


Yeah, I understand.

I mean, I guess it's pretty
hard for you to relate to this.


Yeah? Thanks.


If barney asks where I am,

Tell him that a blue-and-white
spotted a wheelchair

Turning into an alley
back of macdougal.

Why don't you knock it off?

- Later.
- Want me to go with you?

No. I want to go myself.

I still have a
little pride left.

Hey, rosslyn.

What's the matter?
What are you doing here?

You forgot your lunch.

I didn't forget
it. I don't want it.

What do you mean
you don't want it?

Are you lunching out?

Oh, please.

All right, all right, okay.

It's a very attractive
group you got here.

Now, don't start with that.

Listen, I've got a lot
of work I got to do.

Thanks for lunch.

Hi, roz. You comfortable?
Everything all right?

Yeah, things are
great. Thanks a lot.



Hi. I'm detective
licori's husband.

Oh. Hi, I'm ron harris.

Ron? Hi, ron. Single?

Vince, just stop it and go home.

Get around a lot?

I apologize.

Oh, that's okay.

Don't ever apologize
for me, rosslyn!

We'll talk about
it later, vince.

Well, I'm going home.

I'll be home around 6:00.


Captain miller.

Mr. Licori, you're leaving now?

For now, yes.

It's been a pleasure
meeting you.

It's good to get a look at you.


Are you married?


Hey, it's him!

Are you sure?

Yeah! That's the guy!

Captain, mr. Bender
says he's got his man.

Wonderful. Follow it up.

We're going into the
squad room, mr. Frankel.

I know where we're going.

I got him, barney.

Squad cars. Motorcycles.
Cops on horses!

Hey, that's real sporting.

Where'd you find him?

I found him in the
park off of 10th avenue.

I'd have been in jersey by now

If it hadn't been
for that damn ice!

All right, pictures and prints

And take him down
to manhattan south.

Oh, I just brought him up here.

I'm not going down
those stairs again.

Well, get his possessions
and run him over.

Whatever you say.

Bender: captain,

I'll be back in my
store if you need me.

I appreciate your
cooperation, mr. Bender.

It's my pleasure.

Mr. Bender, I want to apologize

For blowing my stack back there.

I had a lot of
things on my mind.

Yeah, listen, forget it,

'Cause I know you guys,

You work under
a lot of pressure.

Anytime, anywhere,
when you least expect it...

Boom! You know, somebody
can blow you away.


Actually, the danger from
physical v*olence is much less

Than the risk to psychological
and emotional well-being.


Statistics show that policemen
have a greater incidence

Of most emotional
and personal problems.

Higher rate of su1c1de,

Alcoholism, impotence.

Thank you, dietrich.

Depression, divorce.

I think it should be noted

That policemen have
traditionally demonstrated

Great resiliency in
the face of difficulties.

Uh, moral restraint,

Indomitable spirit.

Speaking of
indomitable spirit...

I kind of hate to tell him.