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04x19 - Quo Vadis?

Posted: 06/02/23 10:59
by bunniefuu
- You know what I mean?
- I know what you mean.

I've been waiting half an hour
for someone to wait on me!

One of our detectives
is on vacation, okay?

We're just a little

If you'll have a seat, I'll
be with you in a minute.

I just got to book this guy.

I can't wait here all day!

Ma'am, I got a criminal here.

12Th precinct, wojciehowicz.

What did he do?

Uh, he tried to
stick up a market.


I don't feel that
way about you, ma'am.

Uh, could you call
back in an hour?

I'm going to book you now.

Hey. Sure. I can
appreciate that.


You got your job, I got my job.

Full name.

Loftis, milton l.

♪ Love, love ♪

♪ Lovin' you, baby,
all night long ♪

♪ Love, love, love ♪

♪ Lo-o-o-o-ve... ♪

Uh... Is, uh, anyone
helping you?

No, and I've been waiting
for over half an hour.

Oh, well, someone
will be along soon.

♪ Lovin' again, again ♪

You picked a great
day to be late.

Oh, how are you, wojo?

You look like you've
been up all night.

You moonlighting again?

Uh, no.

It, uh... As it happens, I
had a social engagement

Which lasted longer
than I had anticipated

Or could possibly
have hoped for.

- Congratulations.
- Yeah.

Meanwhile, I've been trying
to handle things here alone.

Oh, yeah? Where's,
uh, where's barney?

I had this guy,

So barney had to go out
on a call with dietrich.

Oh, I thought we were
getting some extra help.

Yeah, but it's not here
yet, so, uh, in the meantime,

Do you think you might take
care of miss jacobs there,

Who's getting kind of surly?

Oh, yeah. Sure.

It just requires a
little special knack

With the older types.

You know what I mean?

Miss jacobs? Hi.

I'm detective harris.

If you'll have a seat
right over there,

We'll be right with you.

Both of you?

Uh, no, I meant me.

Then say what you
mean, for heaven's sakes.

Get over there and
sit down in that seat.

Right there. Let's go.

Morning, fellow detectives.

Morning, levitt.

Good morning, levitt.

Anything going down?

Not much, levitt.

I, uh...

I suppose I should take
sergeant yemana's desk.

I suppose.

This thing go up any higher?

Okay, ma'am.

The, uh, problem?

I want that smut
shop closed down.

Well, ma'am, I'm gonna need
a little more information.

Could you give me an address?

125 Christopher street.

And, uh, the name of
the establishment?

The monroe gallery.

But, ma'am, that's
an art gallery.


It's still got smut
in the windows.

Ma'am, the type... Don't.

It, uh, ma'am, it has a very
distinguished reputation.

It also has very filthy
paintings of naked women

Lying around on sofas.

One filthy picture
after another.

Well, ma'am, I mean,

There are many people
who admire such works.

To me it's filth.

Well, you know, the
saying, "one man's meat is"...

Strike that.

12Th precinct, wojciehowicz.

Uh, yeah, yeah, I can hold.

Barney's been shot.

What?! Where?

I don't know. The
dispatch just called it in.

They put me on hold.

- What happened...
- I don't know.

Harris: yes, ma'am. I'll hold.

All dispatch knows
is he was shot.

Uh, I'm trying bellevue now.

I feel so helpless.

Uh, woj, look, man.
He's... He's gonna be okay.

First time in a month
he goes out on a call,

This happens.


I talked to kogen.

They haven't heard
anything downstairs.

Yeah, he's talking to
bellevue right now.

If he needs blood,
I'm available.

I'm also willing to
donate certain organs.

Oh, please, levitt.

Call st. Luke's, all right?


I'll call mercy general.

I meant that about the organs.


Morning, harris.


Levitt. Hey, looks nice.

- Barney...
- Barney, what happened?

I mean you're all
right. What happened?

We ran into a
robbery in progress

At, uh, kottiman's deli.

Uh, dietrich is on the way
down to manhattan south

With a couple of suspects.

Barney, dispatch
said you got shot.

I did.

That's it?

Well, I mean, it
was just a graze.

Uh, I went into st.
Luke's emergency.

They patched it up.

I was just calling there, sir.

You were calling hospitals?

Well, they told
us you were shot.

We were prepared for the worst.

Hey, I'm sorry.

Listen, now, you know,

It was just a
communications foul-up.

I hope I didn't cause
you any undo anxiety.

- Oh, no. Nothing.
- Anxiety? Pbht!

Well, it was pretty painful.

Oh, yeah, sure. Look at it.

I'll bet it was.

Listen, harris, i-i-i...

I mean, I didn't mean to,
you know, cause any...

Who's that?

A miss jacobs.

Um, she wants us
to slap a padlock

On the monroe art gallery
down on christopher.

Everybody's a critic, huh?

Yeah, she was offended by some
of the paintings in the window.

Let me see what I can do.

Good morning, ma'am.
I'm captain miller.

It's the most disgusting
display of filth I've ever seen.

A lot of filthy naked people.

Excuse me a minute. Excuse me.

Did you check out the gallery?

No, barney.

I never did get to
finish the report.

Everything went
crazy around here.


You got shot.

Oh, right.

Uh, look, get on the
phone to the art gallery

And find out what the hell it is

They've got in that
window anyway.

Sure, barn.

Captain, are you going to do
something about this or not?

Sergeant harris is gonna
get some further information,

And then we'll find out.

Quite frankly, I'm not too
sure there's anything we can do.

Why, you close down dirty
bookstores and massage parlors!

That's only after
obscenity has been proven.

This stuff is obscene.
Take my word.

I'm afraid we can't do that.

I mean, you're talking
about art works

That are protected by
numerous court decisions.

Yeah, well, we appreciate
your cooperation.

Uh, barney?

Uh, ma'am, why don't
you just have a seat?


I, uh, I spoke to the manager,

And, uh, they've got some pretty
hot stuff going on over there.

They've got some renoirs,
some gauguins, uh, nude scenes.

Nothing that could
be termed, uh...

Participatory? No.

Ma'am, what we have is a
perfectly reputable art gallery

Exhibiting some,
uh, admittedly frank

But perfectly
acceptable artworks.

Bull hooey!

Miss jacobs, there
is a vast distinction

Between a delicate renoir nude

And a pornographic picture.

What's that, sir?

One is art and
one is, uh... Not.

That's very logical, sir.

Thank you.

All right!

I know some people
enjoy these things,

But let them do it in private.

Do they have to flaunt them?

Set them up so that everyone
is forced to look at them?

Is that fair?!

Ma'am, all I can suggest

Is that you walk on the
other side of the street.

Feisty little mother.

I was speaking
biologically, of course, sir.

Oh, hi, liz.

Hi, ron.

How are you?

- I'm fine.
- Good.

Hi, liz.

Hi, stan.

Hi, liz, hi.

What brings you down?

Well, i-i was just in
the neighborhood,

And so i-i thought I'd
stop in and say hello.


I hear you got shot.

Oh, it was, uh...
How did you, uh...

St. Luke's called. Uh,
something about insurance.

Liz, it was a scratch.

Nothing... A paper cut
would have been worse.

Liz, i-i...

I'll be in my office.

Hold all calls?

- Did I say that?
- No, sir.

Screen them.

Yes, sir. Screen them.

I think I'm beginning to
understand his subtleties.

It is such a minor
injury it is embarrassing.

Then why didn't you call?

I couldn't dial?

I didn't call because I didn't
think it was important enough

And I didn't want to upset you
and I know you would get upset,

So I didn't call.

So what happened?

A holdup in kottiman's deli.

Some kid with a
g*n... A teenager.

He was so scared,
holding that g*n.

I'm sure he didn't want
to fire the damn thing.

Sounds like a lovely boy.

All right, you're
right. I apologize.

No, you're right. You
have a right to know.

I should have called.

I should have called.

I know you don't
want to be protected.

I know you don't want to...

I know you feel you
can handle anything

As long as you know the truth.

Oh, barney, I just hate it

When you try to anticipate me.

Oh, for god's sakes.

It's getting worse and worse!

There are fewer and
fewer of you out there,

And there are more
and more of them.

It just seems that way.

Well, i-i-i really
wonder sometimes

What it would be like
to live somewhere else.

Such as?

Such as... Long island.

Long island.

- Connecticut.
- Uh-huh.



It's very law-abiding
there this time of year.

We talk about it, and
we talk about it, liz.

Well, but nothing
ever seems to happen!

I have a responsibility here!

Well, sometimes, barney,

I really don't know
how much longer...

I-i don't know how much
longer things can go on like this.

What kind of things?

I don't know.

I don't know. I'm...
I'm just rambling.

Liz, I'm okay. I'm okay.

Well, if you say so.

Everything's fine.


Okay, everything's fine.

Got it. We're on our way.

Guess where, harris.


The monroe gallery,
christopher street.

Oh, okay. Let's get it.





Listen, why don't we think about

Going somewhere this weekend?

Sure, sure. Anything you say.

We'll talk about it
when I get home, huh?


- Bye.
- Bye.


Was that mrs. Miller?

Yeah, yeah.

The past tense
was unintentional.

Okay, miss jacobs.

You, uh, remember the
detective squad room?

If you'll have a seat
right over here, please.

This is more than just
vandalism, you know.

This is an as*ault.

All right, I am obligated
to ask, what happened?

Well, barn, apparently,
after leaving here,

Miss jacobs went back
down to the gallery

And threw a bottle
of shoe polish

All over one of the paintings.

I'm entitled to my opinion!

And, um, this is mr. Levant.

He's one of the
owners of the gallery.

Why do I get all the crazies?

I'm not crazy, smut-peddler!

Hold it down! Hold it.

Excuse me, sir. Where
should I put the painting?


Thank you, sir.

Look at it...
Desecrated, ravaged!

All right, we'll try
and straighten it out.

What can we
"straighten out," captain?

We're talking about a
piece of art, not a tv set.

A painting is a singularly
unique, irreplaceable expression

Of one person's most
intimate perceptions.

I understand...

And that frame cost 70 bucks.

I take it you are
pressing charges.

As a matter of principle, yes.

All right, miss jacobs,

If you'll accompany
detective harris.

I'm afraid we're gonna
have to book you.

- Someone had to do something!
- Ma'am.

Mr. Levant, if you'll have
a seat right here, please.

Levitt, do you want to
get some information

From mr. Levant?

Interesting work.

Yeah, uh-huh.

You see how the subtle
shadings of light and dark entwine

To create a naturalistic
yet eloquent symbol

Of the woman eternal?

Nice body, too.

Oh, yeah.

Loftis: hey.

Don't blame yourself.


My wife walked out
on me two years ago.

My wife hasn't walked out on me.

Suddenly one day
she says... Mr. Loftis...

"Milt, I can't
handle it anymore."

That's not
necessary, mr. Loftis.

When we got married,
she knew what I was.

I mean, I told her
right up front

What it would be like.

The lousy hours...
Late evenings...

Temporary separations...
And she agreed.


Well, didn't your wife agree?


Uh, barn?

I, uh, got all the pertinent
information on miss jacobs.

What do you want
me to do with her?

I don't know.

I know how you feel.

All right, let me
see what I can do.


Mr. Levant.

If miss jacobs agreed to
reimburse you for the painting,

Would, uh, would you
consider dropping the charges?

That's fine with me. I'll
need a check for $1,100.

I don't have $1,100.

That's unfortunate.

Look, can something be done

To, uh, to restore the painting?

Yeah, I suppose so, but
it's not a cheap process.

I don't want it restored.

Miss jacobs, if this
painting can be restored,

Mr. Levant may agree
to drop the charges.

What would it cost?

It's hard to say.

I said no!

Miss jacobs, are you
just being difficult

Or is there something
about this particular painting

That, uh... Disturbs you?

Um... When was
this thing painted?

I believe in the late '30s.

Lovely woman.

It's you, isn't it?


I can understand that modesty...

It wasn't meant
for public viewing.

Don't you understand?

It was a very personal thing.

Oh, do whatever
you want with it.

I... I don't care. It's
not important anymore.

Mr. Levant, in view
of the circumstances,

Don't you think
you can find it, uh...

Find some way of absorbing
the cost of restoring...

Absorb the cost?!

Don't you think she's
contributed enough

To the painting?

Yeah, yeah.

Thank you.

Mr. Levant has agreed to
restore the painting himself.

You're, uh... You're free to go.

I want the painting.

That'll be $1,100.

I told you I don't have
that kind of money.

I'm sorry.

Mr. Levant, now, wait.

Prices in the art world
are not carved in stone.

They are negotiable,
are they not?

Yeah, I suppose.

Why don't you make him an offer?


Oh, god.

Uh... Make her a counteroffer.



This is ridiculous!

I'm sure you two will
eventually agree on a price.

Levitt, do you want to help
them down with the painting?

Mr. Levant, thank
you... Yeah, yeah.

Miss jacobs, goodbye.

Goodbye, captain.

Professional curiosity.

You were lovely.

Well, what do you say?



The frame alone is worth $70!

Get your coat.

I've got your bail ticket.

There, you see? The
system really works.

Harris and dietrich
check out already?


Listen, you might
as well cut out, too.

Yeah, I was gonna go after I
dropped loftis off but, um...

Okay, fine.

Well, I don't have to go now,

You know, if you
feel like talking.

Yeah, no hurry, barney.

Go home.

All right. I'll,
uh, I'll see you.

Good night, mr. Loftis.

You take it easy. I mean it.

Thank you.

- Okay.
- Oh.

Hey, lady, give him a break.

I mean, you knew what
you were getting into

When you married him.

Come on, come on.

Who are you?

Just a friend of barney's.

Let's go.

Good night.

I came back to, uh...
Clarify my position.


That, uh, might be nice.

You know all those
things I said earlier

About wanting to
be somewhere else

And so on and so on?

And so on.

Well, i... I meant it.


I know how important
this job is to you.



Excuse me, sir, i... Oh.

Excuse me, mrs. Miller.

I, uh, I worked up the
manpower request,

And I gave it to kogen.

Fine, levitt.

If there's nothing
else, I'll be checking out.

No, no, there's nothing else.

Except to say I am very
pleased with your work today.

Thank you, sir.

He's a remarkable man.

I guess you know that.

Just thank god
we didn't lose him.


I meant, may the
force be with you.

Good night, sir.

Thank you, levitt.

You know, in
situations like this,

One really must
have a sense of humor.

Or else one must move to sweden.


Uh, just an expression, levitt.

Just an expression.

Oh, you mean like the country?

Same spelling,
different meaning.


Well, good night.

Good night.

I love you.

I love you.

Wait for me, will you?

I always have.