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04x22 - The Sighting

Posted: 06/02/23 11:02
by bunniefuu
Sergeant dietrich,
just made some coffee.

- Care for some?
- No, thanks.

Everything going okay?


Glad to hear it.

- Listen, levitt.
- Hmm?

I understand what
you're going through.


I know how difficult
it is being the new man,

The outsider.

It is a little
uncomfortable at times.

It's one of the worst
sensations there is,

That feeling that you
don't really belong,

That you're not really
part of the group,

That everyone else
is looking at you

Thinking, "who's he?

"What the hell's he doing here?

Where does he come off
trying to be one of us?"

- Don't let it get to you.
- Thanks.

- Hey.
- Yeah?

- That's my cup.
- Sorry.

Forget it.


Uh, i-i want my
husband arrested.


You mean you'll do it?

Oh, no, ma'am.

I was merely acknowledging
your right to make the request.


Would you like to have a
seat right over here, please?

Wojciehowicz not in yet?

No, sir. Fresh coffee, sir?

Yeah, thank you, levitt.

What's harris got?

Domestic dispute, I believe.

The wife.

Levitt... Levitt,
that hot coffee's

Going to burn right
through that wax.

Why don't you use a mug?

In time, sir.

- Good morning, sergeant.
- Hey, barn.

You look wonderful.


I've been up all night.

Wojo, we have discussed
at length many times

The need to keep
a proper balance

Between your job here

And the more romantic
aspects of your life.

Uh... Wasn't all that.

What else were you doing?

Uh, it's kind of
hard to explain.

Try. We'd appreciate the effort.


Okay, uh, well, uh,

It's just something I saw.

Something you saw?

Yeah, out on staten island.

Something you saw
on staten island.

Yeah. Well, uh, not
exactly on staten island.

More like all over it.

Wojo, what did you see?!

I'm not sure.

You're not sure, but
it kept you up all night?

Yeah, well, you
know, of course it did,

Thinking about it.

Wojo, what is it you saw?!

Some kind of spaceship.

Wojo, you want to
talk in my office?

Yeah, good.

You gentlemen have
important work to do, I trust.

So I left her
house about 4:00 a.m.

'Cause I knew that I had to
go to work in the morning.

Very conscientious
of you. Go on.

Okay, I was driving along

Just before you
get to the bridge.

All of a sudden, I heard
this strange sound...


The spaceship?

No, no, my tire.

I must have run over
a nail or something.

Wojo, please get on with it!

All right.

Yeah, so... So I pull over
to the side of the road.

Then I got out and
started to change the tire.

And I saw it... These
red and blue lights

Just over a field about
a quarter of a mile away.

That could have
been anything, wojo.

It could have been the bridge.

It could have been the
reflection on the water.

That's what I figured.

But, you know,
it was real foggy.

I couldn't tell for sure,

So I walk over to
take a closer look.


They were on this thing.

It was just hovering
over the ground.

I mean, it was, uh,
about, oh, 15 feet across.

And it was kind of
silver-metal color.

And it was shaped
like a... Saucer.



And I started to
move in a little closer,

And it just sort
of slipped away.

And I started to
move a little closer,

And it slipped away.

Then it just
disappeared in the fog.

That's it?

That's it.

And last year,

H-he started reading
these funny magazines...

Fortune, business week,
u.s. News and world report.

Well, that's quite disturbing.

Oh, it made him crazy.

I mean, the first thing he did

Was take out all our money
out of the savings account.

Then he sold our car.
Then he sold our house.

Do you know what he
bought with all of this money?

Not offhand.


Gold... You mean...

I mean gold! Gold! Gold!

Gold coins, ingots, bars.

I mean, he has them all
heaped into small, little heaps

All over this little room.

Can you imagine that?


Could I get you a
cup of coffee or tea?

What I want is some help.

Uh, ma'am, you'll find
that I'm a lot more help

After I've had my tea.

Interesting case.

Uh, no, not really.

Just a husband
gone a little bananas.

Actually, what's he's
doing, though it's bizarre,

Is conceptually valid.

Uh, yeah.

Many economists are saying

Gold will be the only
thing of real value

After the international
monetary collapse.

Say again.

When the world economy
collapses in the next year or so.

Nobody mentioned that to me.

Oh, yeah. It's inevitable.

Worldwide hyperinflation.

Collapse of many
foreign currencies.

Epidemic of corporate

The plummeting of the dollar.

Anybody without any
valued intrinsic assets

Is gonna be in a
pretty grim situation.

Oh, well, then, I mean,

I'm not wholly unprepared
for such eventualities.

I just happen to be compiling

A rather extensive
investment portfolio.

Oh, what do you got?

Oh, blue-chip
stocks, aaa bonds...

No, oh.

Something wrong with that?

Yeah, well, what
you got is just paper.

Most economists say
that's gonna be worthless.

So what would you
suggest, huh, dietrich?

You got any gold?


Cuff links.

Keep your sense
of humor about it.

Look, man. You are my broker.

You are supposed to be
watching out for my interests.

Yeah, so how come you got me

Sitting on a bunch
of fancy paper

That's gonna be worth
zilch in a year from now?

What are you looking at, levitt?

Nothihg, nothing. I was
just watching to see

If the bathroom was free.


Uh, go ahead.

Oh, no, no, no. I was...
Just for future reference.

So I want you to start unloading

Some of those
blue-chip stocks now.

Hey, man, look, don't give me
none of that bear-market junk.

If you wasn't so hot
for your commissions,

Maybe you wouldn't have
put that junk down my throat

In the first place.

Listen, how would you
like it if I come over...


I may just sue that sucker.

He's probably sold
my clothes by now.

Can't we do something?

Uh, what's the problem?

It's her husband.

She says that he's
begun acting erratically.


He's gone crazy!

Ma'am, that's just
a matter of opinion.

Tell him. Go on. Tell
him what he's done.

Well, apparently, barn,

It seems that he's
begun converting

The bulk of their assets
in property into gold.

He sold our bedroom
set last month.

Do you know what it does to a
marriage sleeping on twin cots?

Uh, well, I sympathize, ma'am,

But I'm not certain that
any law has been broken.

Oh, really? What about that?

Oh, barney, mr. Brower
forged her name

On a number of the bond
receipts before he sold them.

Well... Well, what?

All right.

You and levitt find brower
and bring him in for questioning.

Okay, barn.

I'd like to have a little
chat with him myself.

Uh, barn, uh, look.

Dietrich did some checking,
and nobody else saw anything,

So why don't we
just let it ride?

I mean, it'll just be more
trouble than it's worth,

Don't you think?

Good idea.

Captain wayne
diamally, u.s. Air force.


We received a
report this morning

Of an alleged ufo sighting.

Yeah, uh, I called
the air force.


I must have forgot to tell you.

You must have forgot to tell me.

What can I do for you?

Well, I'm captain diamally.

Captain, I'm captain miller.

I'm looking for a
sergeant "wojowicz."

That's wojciehowicz.



Uh, could we talk
someplace a little less busy?

You can use my office.

Thank you.

We'll talk in there.

So, uh, then I tried
to get closer to it,

And it just sort of
floated off... Into the fog.

That's it.


That was a very vivid narrative.

What do we do now?

Well, you see,

There are approximately
2,500 reported sightings of ufos

Every year,

And our job is to try and
properly classify them.

As what?

Well, we've found that
most of these sightings

Fit into one of four
basic categories.

There are those sightings

Subsequently discovered
to be man-made objects...

Natural or otherwise
explainable physical phenomena.


And then there
are those sightings

Which, at present, there
is no explanation for.


Then there are those

Which, well, they're
discovered to be hoaxes.


And then there
are those sightings

Which are discounted
as made by persons

Who are determined
to be mentally unstable

Or possessing of schizophrenic
or psychotic tendencies.

Where do I fit in here?

Where do you think?

Well, I know what I saw.

All right.

Let me see that I've got
it all down accurately.

"Large, cigar-shaped craft,

Silver, metallic
surface, flashing lights."

That's right.

You sure you didn't
see anything else on it?

- No.
- Markings, insignia...


Okay, right in here, mr. Brower.

You got no grounds to arrest me.

I've got proof of ownership
of every single ounce.

Yeah, yeah.

Hi, phil.


You're in on this, too!

Oh, stop talking crazy.

Uh, barney, this
is phillip brower.

Brower, I'm captain miller.

You can't have my gold!

I don't want your
gold, mr. Brower.

Baloney! Everybody wants it!

Uh, barn, he was
in the apartment

Sitting in the dark with a
bunch of gold and stuff

And this shotgun.

Got a permit for this
w*apon, mr. Brower?

I don't need a
permit. I got gold.

You want to have
a seat over here?

Heavy, huh?

Oh, I can handle it.

Gold is one of the heaviest
of all precious metals

Because of the density
of its molecular structure.


It's sort of a thrill just
holding something so valuable.

Oh, yes.

Gold has been one
of the most important

And influential mineral elements

Throughout the
history of civilization.


I suppose you can get a
hernia with lead just as easy.

Be careful with that!

Take it easy,
mr. Brower. Take it easy.

Wojo, you, uh, straight
with the air force?

Well, he's calling in a
report to his superior.

Look at it.

This gold is our insurance
policy for the future.

I don't care about the
gold. I want my clothes back.

Mr. Brower, would you have
your seat back over there, please?

In two years, the world
is gonna be in chaos,

Nations in ruins,
hunger and starvation.

What if maybe it doesn't happen?

Don't be such a pessimist!

Quite mesmerizing.


Oh, yeah.


Throughout history,

Gold has had an almost
mystical effect on people,

Causing sensible people

To abandon all
societal inhibitions...

Causing others to
lose all self-restraint,

Act irrationally.

Looks like he got it all.

Looks like he didn't leave
none for nobody else.

That's what it looks like.

Yeah, that's it.

Well, I just put in a
call to my division chief.

They're gonna check a
few things, call me back.

What... What things?

That coffee looks real good.

Help yourself.

Here you go.

How long you been
doing this kind of work?

About three years.

Must be, uh,
relatively interesting.

It's been very,
uh, entertaining.

What I meant was you
probably get to meet

A lot of different
kind of people.

Not really. They're
pretty much the same type.

I'm, uh, gonna go outside.

You know, we do get a lot of
sightings from peace officers.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

There was a deputy sheriff
down in north carolina

That I talked to last month.

He observed a craft that
was very similar to the one

That sergeant
woj... Wojciehowicz.

Wojciehowicz described.

Well, then it's not all
that unusual or fantastic.

Then he was beamed
aboard, hypnotized,

Put back down
without any clothes on.

That didn't happen
to you, did it?

Hey, look, buster,

So maybe you think I'm some
kind of psycho nutcake, huh?

Everybody thinks
this is real funny.

I don't really give a flying...

Okay, wojo!

My eyes are just as good
as anyone else's, you know,

And I know what I saw, so
stick that one in your cap.

What was his rank?


That's all?

I know how you feel.

- Wojo not back yet?
- No, sir.

Afraid he's still
unaccounted for.

Maybe he backed off
proceeding with the investigation.

Not likely, captain.



- Yes?
- Yes?

That was the
jersey state police.

They got over half a
dozen calls this morning

Reporting sightings
over staten island.

Oh, really?

All the descriptions pretty
much the same as wojo's.

Of course, we can't
rule out mass hysteria.

Of course.

Mind if I use your phone again?

Sure. You can use this one.

That one?

Unless this is top secret.

No, no. That'll be fine.

Phil, is all your
precious gold still there?

5, 6, 7... Harriet, I
don't understand you!

You didn't have to drag
me into a police station.

We could have discussed it!

I can never get your attention.
You're always counting.

I'm doing this for you.

Don't do me any favors.

Listen. Listen, harriet.

Do you want to have to shove a
wheelbarrow full of paper money

Up to the supermarket
to buy one loaf of bread?!

I don't mind as long as
you're shoving with me.

What do you want me to
do? Get rid of all of this?

No, not all of it. Just some.

Just enough so I can
buy back my furniture.

Oh... This... Come on, phil.

Well, all right. All right.

You win. It's an awful mistake.

I'll sell some.


I'm back.

I see.

Who's he talking to this time?


It appears there
was a complication.

That's right.

Half a dozen other
people in jersey

Seem to have made the
same sighting you did.


Not that it matters
that much to me.

There seem to be several
corroborating calls

Coming in, sir... Large,
cigar-shaped craft, metallic.

A what?

I can't tell them that.

Yes, sir, I
understand, but... No...

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir. Goodbye, sir.

Well, gentlemen,

I believe we've uncovered an
explanation for this incident.

We have?

Mmm. It's been learned from
the national weather service

That last night there was an
atmospheric-observation craft

Over the staten island
area at the time in question...

A weather balloon.

A weather balloon?

A weather balloon.

Wasn't no weather balloon.

Let's just try and keep
an open mind on this.


Uh, barn.

It seems that mrs. Brower has
decided not to press charges.

They've reconciled?

Well, mr. Brower's
gonna sell off

Some of the gold now.

- Oh, that's nice.
- Yeah, I think so.

What about the weapons charge?

Oh, well, I just wrote off
a desk appearance ticket

And gave him that spiel...

The one you always give
about keeping one's perspective.

Well, I'm glad you
felt free to use it.

Well, barn, I mean, that must
be in public domain by now.

Captain, I'll be going back
to my office to file my report.

We appreciate you
coming down, captain.

It's my job.

And if there are any further
developments in this incident,

I hope you'll come back
and tell us about them.

Of course.

We'd love to see more of you.

Good day, captain.

Here's my personal
check for $225.

It's quite good.

Yeah, yeah. I trust you.

There you go.

You're kidding.

That's a mexican
50-peso piece...

An ounce and a
quarter of pure gold!

Oh, yeah, sure.


Thank you, mr. Brower.

It's a start.

It's easy to count.

- Come on.
- Okay.

- Open the door.
- I can't.

- Oh, levitt.
- Yes, sir.

Give them a hand with that
stuff and send them home.

Yes, sir.

Yeah, what do they mean
about a weather balloon?

What a crock.

Keeps people happy.

You know, more and more
people are becoming convinced

That there is other
intelligent life in the universe,

And they recognize the
possibility that these creatures

May have already made
exploratory journeys here.

Oh, yeah?

Some also believe
that these aliens

Have already entered our society

And at this very moment
are living among us.