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04x10 - The Trouble with Troubles

Posted: 06/02/23 11:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on “Haven "...

NATHAN: You're the ones
that have been kidnapping people,

messing with the troubles. Why?

Audrey Parker.

You don't get to thr*aten Audrey.

You. You put that mark
on those people.

They're inferior.
All of 'em.

Them, not us.

This isn't actually
about some stupid trouble.

This is about us.

I love you,
and you love me, too.

There isn't any part of me
that will ever love you.

Not Audrey Parker.

And not Lexie
or any other Haven-savers,

but there's someone else in there.

And she is mine.

[Sirens blare]

Clear the way.

Hang on, Susie.
I'm right with you.

She's gonna be okay, right?

The hospital's expecting her.

I love you, Susie.
That's my girl,

Don't worry, Cliff.
I'll be all right.

it's William.

He's one step ahead of us again.

Well, that sucked.

What happened?
Are you okay?

Yeah, picked up a few stragglers
and took 'em to higher ground.

How the hell did this happen?

Doreen Hanscomb --
the librarian?

Before William
put her trouble on steroids,

she'd remember her trip to Hawaii
and she'd get sand in her shoes.

Now, a volcano erupts.

All right, I'm gonna go call Jennifer,
make sure she's okay.

Let's go home.


He's changing the troubles,
and we don't know any of the rules.

And we have nothing.



Your hair.



It's nice to see Audrey again.

[Soft rock music]

But the real question is...

...who does William think that I am?


Well, uh, he certainly thinks
there's something between you two,

but he's wrong.

Of course.



- There's a trouble...
-[ Laughs] your bed.
- No.

Yeah, I think we should check it out.


I want you to have a look in there.







This is why I don't get pedicures.


No, no, no.
Where is my car?


Just got that car.


So The Gull is now a bait shop.

I live in a bait shop.



Ow. Right, this way.

All right.

Seriously, so over this.

What kind of trouble
takes my shoes?

Oh, thank God.

-Ma' am?

What are you doing out here?


Is this a joke?

I don't know, you tell me.

You're the one walking around
in your pajamas with no shoes on.

You okay?

You need some help?

Duke, come on.

You know my name?

Yeah. I'm Audrey.

Audrey Parker.

You don't know me.

Okay, I'm gonna assume
that you don't have any I.D. on you.

No, I don't have any I.D. on me.

So, Ms. Parker,
where you heading?

Well, I was heading
to Haven P.D. to find Nathan.

Nathan Wuornos.

There is no Wuornos at Haven P.D.
You wanna try again?

Okay, listen, this has gotta be
some kind of Haven thing, all right?

I woke up this morning,
and everything's different.

You're a cop --

You look good as a cop,
but you're still a cop.

The Gull, I! isn't The Gull.

Let's get in the car,
and we'll sort all this out.

You're not really making any sense
right now.

You know about this town,
though, right?

Ma'am, I know everything
about this town.

I'm third-generation Haven P.D.

Come on, let's get you
off the side of the road.

Come on.
Let's go.

It's all right.
You're gonna be fine.

Yep, that's right.

Just hop in the back of the car
for me.


Seriously, Duke, I think
that something happened to you.

Says the woman who's
walking around in her pajamas-.

Okay, listen, if you're a cop,

then why don't you take me
to the station?

You haven't broken any laws,
and I have to make an urgent stop.

If you agree to get
a psych evaluation at the hospital,

I will help you out.

We will get you some shoes
to start with,

and I will help you
try to find your friend.


But first, I need you
to wait in the car

so I can go take
this witness statement.

That's what you're worried about?

I know.

This town is going to hell.

If I leave you here,
you gonna take off on me?

Won't get very far.


Wait in the car.





I'm sorry.
Have we met?

My dear, what ever happened
to your shoes?

It's -- It's me, Audrey.

Oh, my. I understand
what's happening now.

You do?
Oh, fantastic, fantastic.

Haven has its first homeless person.

Vandalism, and now vagrancy.

Guys, listen.
I know about the troubles.

My dear, this is Haven.

There's never been any trouble here.

Oh, my God.

The troubles are gone.

[Somber folk music]

Well, the nurses say you're okay.

A doc's gonna have to sign off
before you're officially released,

but, uh, yeah.

Were you able to find out anything?

Nobody named Nathan Wuornos
has ever lived in Haven.

- I'm sorry.
- That's okay.

You know, I'll find him.

Always do.

Look, um, I don't know exactly
what you're going through,

but, uh, well, you certainly
don't have to do it alone.

I'm here if you need to call.
That's my cell.

I still can't believe you're a cop.

It's the hair, right?
Yeah, the chief hates it, too.

And so you keep it.

- Yeah.
- Mm.


You might wanna be careful
that you don't get fired.

Oh, that's not likely.

The chief is my dad.

Doctor's ready for you now.

Okay, well, um,
thanks for everything.


Meeting you was really unexpected.

Well, the feeling's mutual.

- Stay safe.
- Rig ht.

-[ Whistling]
- Okay.

Ms. Parker, I'm Dr. Hansen.




Right, your father was Max Hansen.

You knew him?

Sort of.


Uh, sorry.
Have -- have we met?

Uh, technically yes,
but actually, not really.

So, no.

You're a doctor?

That's what they tell me.

Well, your test came back clear,

and, uh, the nurse said
you were lucid.

- But do you mind?
- Mm-mm.

So they found you
wandering on the highway?

I was walking.
I was not wandering.

- That's an entirely different thing.
- Mm-hmm.

Where were you walking to?

Was looking for someone,
but I --

I found him.


The report says
that you kept repeating

there's some trouble
that you needed to fix.

The trouble that I was
worried about, it fixed itself.

- Good.
-Everything is... perfect.

Okay, Ms. Parker.

Audrey Parker, but you --
you can just call me Parker.

Okay, Parker, you're free to go.

- Great.
- Mm-hmm.

This may sound a little weird,

but, um, are you doing anything
later tonight?

[ Beep ]
Code blue, room 305.

Excuse me.

[Heart monitor beeping]

All right, I can feel the tear.

Yeah, hemostat now.

Okay, let's get him into surgery.


Boy, am I glad to see you.

Has this day been freaky or what?

Okay, you need
to stay right here.

Oh, lets think this through.

Who's he gonna believe?

Me, or a girl who was here
for a psych evaluation?

What did you do to Haven?

Please, I didn't do this.

Somebody's trouble stranded us
in this boring tourist trap.

You know what's going on?

You're immune to the troubles.

Just like you.

- I told you we were connected.
- No, we're not.

Wow, I gotta get you back
to the old Haven,

so you can remember
who you really are.

And unfortunately, we're gonna need
the old troubles to do that, right?

- Hey, there's Daddy. Daddy!
- Hey, there's my big girl.

How you doing?

You guys good?

Oh, wow.

Dr. Douche has a family.

Hi, beautiful.

Oh. So in love.

Well, good for him.

I'm glad he's happy.


Haven is better
without the troubles.

Here's what you don't know.

Deep down...

you like the troubles.

Hell, you want the troubles.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

No, you don't, but you will.

And if you're not gonna help me
bring the old Haven back...


...then I'm gonna
have to do it myself.

And I won't be delicate about it.

Don't get too comfortable being here.

I won't do it.
It's irresponsible.

We could incite panic.

If Haven is being overrun
by homeless bag ladies,

the people have a right to know!

- Vincent.
-It's our journalistic duty.

Since when are we journalists?

[Bell jingles]


Afternoon, fellas.

Oh, is this about placing an ad?

I'm sorry, but we're in the middle
of chasing a story.

Oh, sounds exciting.

No, I'm looking
for someone actually,

and I know you guys know everyone,
so I thought maybe you could help.

I'm awfully sorry,

but we don't have
a “missed connection" section

here at the Herald.

Well, I'm sure
you'll be able to help...

one way or another.


Hi --
No, that's fine.

I didn't think you'd call,
but, um, I'm glad you did.

Did you find your friend
that you were looking for?

Not exactly.

You know,
I meant what I said earlier.

I really do wanna help you.

That's why I'm here.

Listen, Haven has a big problem.

You have seen the signs, right?
This is the safest town in --

No. There's a situation
that you need to be aware of.

There is a man,
he's extremely dangerous,

and I don't think that you're ready
for whatever he's planning.

Whoa, I know
that we are a small town,

but I know how to do my job.

Listen, that's not what I meant,
all right?

H.P.D. needs to take precautions.

You can't just be on defense
with this guy.

He's always a step ahead.
I can help you.

I can help you find him,
I.D. him, bring him in.


I think I know what's going on.

You think I'm Barney Fife

because you are
law enforcement, too.

You know, I found an Audrey Parker
in the FBI.

But it wasn't you.

You undercover?

-It's complicated.
- Oh.

Listen, I know this guy.

All right, who is he?

His name is William.


Does William have a last name?

-[ Chuckles]
- Right.

[ Phone rings]

Excuse me,
I have to take this.

Yeah, this is Detective Crocker.

I'll be right there.

[ Phone beeps]

What's wrong?

Haven just had its first m*rder
in 42 years.

You knew this was gonna happen.

Who's the victim?

You can see for yourself.



And Dave.

I saw you talking
to the two of them earlier.

You knew them?

In a way.

Looks like Vince
was taken by surprise.

Dave fought back.


He was a tough old guy.

Blonde hair.


Listen, he is trying
to set me up, okay?

He planted that there.

I-I can explain everything.

And you will.

Get up.

Audrey Parker,
you're under arrest.

We both know you don't have
enough to charge me,

and you can't hold me here

Well, Audrey Parker,
I wouldn't have to hold you at all

if you'd just be straight with me.

Who are you,
and what are you doing here?

Truth, huh?

Listen, what I'm about to tell you
is gonna sound really--

Yeah, I got it.

This whole world --
This isn't right.

My Haven, the real Haven,
people can do things,

supernatural things,
and we call them troubles.

So somebody's trouble turned
everything into what it is now.

And only you know about this?


And William.

And he's k*lling people
to find the troubled person

who can change this back.

William, right.

Look... I tried to help you.

But this --
This is too much.

Okay, Duke, I know you.

In my Haven,
you're -- you're the criminal.

[ Scoffs ]

Yes, with the same long hair,
and you -- you do what you want.

You live on a boat,
for God's sake.

- A boat?
- Yeah.

And we're friends.

We trust each other.

[ Phone vibrates]

We got another body.

Does the name Doreen Hanscomb
mean anything to you?


In my Haven,
she was William's last experiment.

He must have thought that
she caused this with her trouble,

but he was wrong.

Everything's still the same,
so he k*lled her.

- I've heard enough.
- No, listen!

I'm not crazy, all right?
He's still out there!

He'll keep doing this!

You can't leave me in here!


- Detective Crocker.
- Dr. Hansen.

- Mm-hmm.
- You're my M.E. today.

- Yes.
- Nice to meet you.

Uh, we've met, actually.

- Oh.
- Do you remember?

Third grade.
Mrs. Pryal's class.

You stole my Han Solo lunchbox.

And I would like to file
a formal report and --

-[ Clears throat]
- I'm just kidding.

I like to joke, I'm --

You may remember that I broke
my arm that year, uh, sledding.

Had to be reset twice,
hurt like hell.

That is part of the reason
that I became a doctor.

Okay, if I say that I remember you,
will you stop talking?

-[ Laughs]
- Just kidding.

You -- you like to joke.



So I guess I got the short straw
at the hospital today,

What would it take to get
a full-time M.E. in this town?

Well, a lot more murders.

Doc, you signed off on a woman
earlier today, Audrey Parker.

You notice anything off about her?

No comment.

Doctor-patient confidentiality.


I'm just --

She seemed -- she seemed
to have a thing for doctors,

but she checked out fine.

Yeah, well, there's no record of her
in any system anywhere.

Oh, why are you
so interested in her?

No comment.

Knock, knock.

You got a visitor.

It's your lawyer.

I don't have a lawyer.

No, no, it's him!

Arrest him!
He's the m*rder*r!

- You said she'd try that one.
- I know, right?

Wish me luck.

I told him you were delusional.
[Chuckles ]

Oh, come on.

Is that any way to look
at the only person like you

that you've ever met?

I am nothing like you.

I know this is hard,
but someday,

you're gonna look back on this
and laugh.

- Laugh?
- Yeah.

You k*lled Vince and Dave.

I thought they'd lead me
to the troubled person.

[Groans sarcastically]
My bad.

Ah, and then Doreen.
You thought it was her.


Not her.

And now I'm back to square one.

Thing is...
[Clears throat]

I hate the legwork.

You know, the suspects
and the clues and the --

It's just so time-consuming.

But I know someone
who's really good at it.

Audrey Parker.

So you are gonna help me
find the troubled person.


I wouldn't help you,
not in this world or any other.

Yeah, you will.

'Cause if you don't,
more people are gonna die.

And people that Audrey Parker
cares about.

Don't do this.

This is for your good.

And for you,
I will do whatever it lakes.

So I'm gonna give myself
a little head start

'cause you're a little cranky today.


So, when you get out of here,
I'd hop to it.

Good talk.


I've examined the body
and, well, it wasn't an accident.

The k*ller broke her neck.

How do you know
it wasn't an accident?

That's how.


What do you think it means?

I think it means "not her“.


She wasn't k*lled here. They --

Somebody dumped the body.

What is this?

You see that
underneath her fingernails?

I don't know.'s not dirt.


It's fiberglass.

- Huh.
- That's strange.

Well, I've got the time of death.

About four hours ago,
give or take.

Four hours?

No, that's not possible.

Let me check.

Yeah, it is.

Audrey Parker was still in custody
four hours ago.

Audrey Parker was your suspect?

- No, I --
-[ Phone rings]

Just --

That's my wife.

Hello, honey.

Honey? Marie?



Guess she hung up.

Well, it's been great
working with you.

I think we make a very good team.

Come on.
Your hold is up.

Your lawyer says
that we have to let you go.

All right, Stan,
if that lawyer comes back here,

don't trust him.


Get some help.

Nut job.

Wow, Nathan, nice house.

Oh, thank God
you're all right.


- You.
- What's wrong?

Okay, whatever you want right now,
I can't.

- My family is missing.
- What's --

lam calling the police.

[ Phone rings]

[ Chuckles]
Oh, thank God. That's --

- That's my wife.
- Good.

Thank God.

Hi, honey, I--

Who is this?

It's someone named William.

He wants to talk to you.

William, don't hurt his family.

Well, that part's up to you, Audrey.

You find me the troubled person
that did this Haven,

and I'll give the Hansens back.

The Hansens are innocent, all right?
What do you want with them?

Well, you made it clear to me
that you'd sacrifice your happiness

by staying here.

But I'm guessing you won't sacrifice
Nathan's happiness.

Find the troubled person
or the Hansens die.

See you soon.
[Phone beeps]

It went well.

What the hell is going on?

Okay, we don't have time for that.

I am calling the police.

You cannot call the cops, okay?

- What?
- William wants to deal with me.

Anything you do is gonna put
your family in jeopardy.

Who are you?

How am I supposed to trust you?

You don't have any other choice!

The person that William's
looking for, we need to find him.

Who is he looking for?

The person he's looking for

They may view this Haven
as different or even bad.

Is there anything weird
you've noticed here lately?

Weird? ls there anything
that seems weird?

Uh, you mean other
than the three murders

and the fact that my wife
and daughter have been kidnapped?

There was nothing weird in Haven.

There was no crime in Haven
until you came.

Yeah, except for the vandalism.

Vandalism? What?
Since when?

Wait, so that's new?


Are these your flyers?

What? Who cares?

Yeah. Susie.

In the old Haven,
she was injured in an expl*si*n.

Where I'm from,
she's married to Cliff.

But here she's with this guy.

His face was scratched out
on one of their signs.

I need to talk to Susie.
There's an open house.

- Open house.

We gotta get to this open house.

We're going to an open house?

I don't care that her hold was up!
Do you understand that?

She was my only lead!

Get out of my way.

Find her!

[ Scoffs ]

Susie and I really think
it's the time to jump in.

The Haven real estate market
has never been hotter.

Look, there he is again.

Who is that guy?

And why does he
keep following us around?


Look, just wait, okay?
I'll handle this.


Hey, cliff, just hang -- hang on.

You know who I am?


Yeah, I do, and I--
I know that you're troubled.

I always thought it was some
dumb family joke, but it's real.


What happened?

Susie got hurt back in old Haven

because of the volcano troubles,


Well, she died later that night.

So I wished for the troubles
to go away.

I mean, it's just something you say,

I never thought it would happen,
but then, poof.

Trouble-free Haven.

So w-wait, you just wished
the troubles away?


My family always said
there's a dark side to every wish.

They were right
because she's alive again,

but she doesn't even know
that I exist.

Now she thinks
I'm some kind of creep.


I just wanted to see her again.

Why don't you just try wishing
for something different?

That could make things worse
than they already are.

It's like playing Russian Roulette.
The wishes come with a downside.


At least she's alive again,

and, well,
it looks like she's happy,

even if it's without me.

But wait. Cliff, what happens if --
if something happens to you?

What happens
to this version of Haven?

I don't know, it's not like
I have some sort of manual.

We can't take any chances,
all right?

We're gonna get you out of here.
We're gonna keep you safe.

Okay, what are we doing?

Are we making
some kind of exchange?

No, we can't do that.

- My family --
- I will gel them back.

I promise you.

But for now, I mean,
all William wants is me, so --

Did you --
Did you call the police?

No. Just wait here.

Duke, stay out of this-.

If you think that Hansen
needs protection,

let me remind you
that I am the cop here.

You have no idea what's going on.

You don't even know where you are!

Okay, I am not crazy, all right?

William has been k*lling people
to get to that --


What are you doing?

We gotta go.
We're wasting time.

Will you just stop and listen?

Do people put up with this
where you're from?

Look, the dead newspaper men,
Doreen Hanscomb's m*rder,

the note carved into her forehead --

All of that leads back
to one common denominator,

and that is you.

Okay, I tried to warn you.

Yeah, you did.

And I believe you.


If this William is fixated on you,

then, well, maybe we can use
that to our advantage.

Now can you tell me,
where is Hansen taking him?

- To William.
- Okay.

You used Nathan's cell phone
to find us, right?

- You still got a signal?
- I sure do.

Okay, then we can use that
to track him.

You can fill me
on the case details in the car.

Hey, you really believe me?

You were right about the boat.

I always did want one.

Hey, Doc, you okay?

Thanks for coming so quickly.

You're gonna get your family back,
all right?

I just need your friend.

I'm s--
I'm sorry.

It's okay, I would've done
the same thing if it was my wife.

Start walking.

It's okay.

- Oh, God.
-It's okay, it's okay.

Hey. Come on, let's get you home.
Come on.

Come on.

Listen, I'm -- I'm no good to you.

My wishes, they never turn out
the way they're supposed to.

You wished for this place?


Okay, uh, then I'm gonna have
to have you wish

to have the old Haven back.

No, no.
No, I'll never do that.

- Susie's dead there.
-[ Sighs]

This is gonna be exhausting.

What do you mean you're leaving,

Set the alarm.
The police are on their way.

Tell them everything.

Where could you possibly be going?

I put that man in danger.

I need to help him.

I'll be right back.

[Whispers ]:
Hey. Hey.


g*n! Drop it!
On the floor!

Kick it.

Hey, hon.
How are you?

I've had a rough day.

Let Cliff go.


Cliff's our ticket back to old Haven.

Look, William,
we can all walk away from this.

Let's just talk.


You son of a bitch!

- Why did --
- Don't move.

Eh, I shouldn't have done that.

And I am sorry.

The thing is he doesn't matter.

I mean, none of them matter.

They matter.

This place, it matters.

You only think that they do.

You gotta get this idea
out of your head

that you're some savior
here to fix the troubles.

The real you?

You made the troubles.

Why do you think you're the one

who has to come back to Haven
over and over?

Why do you think you're the one
who has to deal with the troubles?

You made them.

You made the troubles.

You're being punished.

That's what Agent Howard said.

But no, that's -- that's not true.

It is.

And, um...

I know,
because we did it together,

and we liked it.

So, just give him
one of your little Audrey pep talks,

fix this trouble,
and take us home.

Maybe --
maybe what you're saying is true.

You know about us,
about the troubles.

I just -- I --

I don't know who I am.

It's really scary, you know?

I just need you to be --

Can you just be patient with me?


Drop it.

Drop it.

This might do the trick.

-[ Gasps ]

- Oh.
'Hey, you okay?

What happened?


We need to k*ll him.

I'm just glad that you're still alive.

Vince and Dave, too, of course.

- I was a cop.
- Yeah, a really good one.

- And William shot me?
- Mm-hmm, point-blank.

Yeah, I'm gonna get a bigger g*n.


Susie died of complications
last night.

They found cliff shot dead.

William got to him before
he could untrouble Haven again.


William can't get away with this.

Well, we know
he's somewhere in Haven.

Did you find out anything new
about him?

No. Nothing.

But Detective Crocker did mention
that he found fiberglass

on William's last victim.

It was --
it was an industrial grade,

like the kind
that you build boats with.

Which gets me thinking...

Maybe he's using the same hideout.

- Yeah.
- Boathouse or repair shop.

Fiberglass boat repair.

Okay, there's only three in the area.

Well, he wouldn't wanna risk
getting caught.

Which one's the furthest
from where they found Doreen?

Danny's Dry Dock,
but, God, there's no number.

That is because it's a cover.


Old man Jessup, he dries out
his weed harvest there once a year.

- What? It's not my job to arrest him.
- Uh-huh.

Growing season's over.

That makes it the perfect hideout.

Nice work, Detective Crocker.

That hurts me.

Okay, come on, guys.
Let's go.

- Shotgun.

[g*ns cock]

Well, I thought you'd wanna
finish our conversation.

Just didn't think
we'd have an audience.

I didn't come here to talk.



You don't wanna sh**t me.

Hey, pal.
She really does.

But not for the reason you think.

Let me guess.
You didn't tell 'em.

Well, they have a right to know.

Don't you think?

- About us?
-S hut up!

I like you guys.

So I'm gonna tell you
everything you wanna know

about who she is
and what she's done.


What we did.


'Cause we are so connected.



What the --

You're all right, babe.

What the hell's happening?

It's the same wound.
They are connected.

Parker. Parker.