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04x12 - When the Bough Breaks

Posted: 06/02/23 11:27
by bunniefuu
Previously on “Haven "...

AUDREY: That's not just
some cheesy paperback.

It's something more.

"In times of great evil,
the child of ruin

must find the heart of Haven
and summon the door.“

What's a child of ruin?

I think it's me.

That's why William
wants you dead.

Because I can summon the door.

William --
he knows everything about her.

He knows where she comes from.
They have this connection,

I don't know if I know
how to protect her anymore.

William kept saying
that we're connected,

that he and I are responsible
for the troubles.

They're here because of us,
because of me.

Have you told Nathan?


[ Distant shrieking ]

-[ Distant shrieking]
- Great game.

- What's that awful sound?
- I don't hear it.


[ Distant shrieking ]

Do you hear that?


Perimeter's all clear, Nathan.

You got to admit,
this place is easy to defend.

We can see anyone coming.

That's exactly why I use this place --
I mean, for business.

But mostly as a space of, like,
reflection and solitude.

Stan, remember, if you see William,
you do not sh**t.

Copy, all due respect, boss,
for, like, the 16th time.

I'm reminding myself, too.

I don't think that William's coming.

I think that maybe
because Jennifer has that book,

he can't hurt her.

[ Scoffs ]

The book is a book
like the barn was a barn.

It's some of otherworldly
instruction manual

that Jennifer
and only Jennifer can use

to summon the door
between two worlds.

I think that book exists
to deal with William.

That's why his rougarou died
when he touched it.

That book is showing us
how to get rid of him.

So we find the door
between the two worlds

and we shove him right through.

And lock the bastard out for good.

Well, that explains
why William wants you dead.

I'm gonna have to start
calling you Obi-Wan.

You're our only hope.

Duke's right.

You're the only one that can
banish William from this world.

But I think now that he knows
that you have that book,

he's gonna try to step up his plan.


So, step one --
find the heart of Haven.


Yeah, we never heard of it.

- Great.
-[ Cell phones ring]

- Three dead bodies.
-It's got to be William.

You find that door,

we won't have to deal with this
much longer.

Are you sure the book's
not telling you anything else?

I think it only reveals instructions
one at a time.

Right now all it says is,
"Find the heart of Haven,“

and I turn the page,
and it's just The Guard symbol

that sort of fades in and out.

Fading in and out.


I know somebody
with a Guard tattoo

that does the exact same thing.

[indistinct chatter
over police radio]

Three victims spread around town,

all died within a minute
of each other, around 10:15.

Older man, a younger man,
a younger woman --

- All unrelated.
- Mm-hmm.

There's got to be
some kind of connection.

I'll go chop 'em up and see.

- Thanks.
- Yeah, no problem.

Same as the car-wash girl --

both victims seemed to hear
something right before they died.


Some kind of death-whisper trouble.

Maybe. But three bodies
at one time, that's a lot.

- William.
- Yeah, it has to be.

No, I mean, William.

Hi, there.

You son of a bitch.

You feeling better?
I healed us as fast as I could.

You did this.
You k*lled those people.

Well, I don't want to brag,
but sort of,

and it's just the beginning.

Bodies are gonna start
stacking up like cordwood.

That's a confession.
Put your hands behind your back.

Arrest me,
and people will keep on dying.

No? Good.

You need my help
to solve this trouble.

Follow me, alone,

and I'll show you how.

Parker, hey.

Nathan, what's he gonna do --
hurt me?

He's k*lled three people already.

We need to figure out
how he's doing this.

[Somber folk music]

The Cabot journal was right.

A soft spot between worlds
was torn apart by that door.

We have to put William

and all the evil
that he brought with him

back on the other side.

What is the heart of Haven?

We don't know.

But in the book, Jennifer
is seeing a Guard symbol

that fades in and out,

just like I've seen yours do.


Oh, what?

My symbol --
it's been acting strangely.

Normally, I control it,

but it's begun fading in and out
on its own.

You never told me that.

You didn't tell me you ate the last
of the marmalade last night,

That's not the same thing,

Gentlemen, the tattoo?

They're doing it together.

The symbols are glowing
in sync with each other.

It's signaling you.

But I have no idea why.

So Audrey Parker thinks I'm evil.


Well, she's just a shell.

And I want to free you
from that prison.

Just tell me how to stop
this trouble that you caused.

That I caused?

[ Laughs]
That's charming.

You caused it.
I just tweaked it.

It was always your favorite,
'cause it was just so darn deadly.

- Oh, I don't believe you.
- No?

Well, here's the plan for today --

I'm gonna introduce you
to a troubled person.

You're gonna see that the usual
“Audrey Parker tricks" don't work,

and then --
here's the best part --

you're gonna have to give someone
a new trouble to fix things.

You want me to give someone
a trouble?

Yes, it'll be like sleeping
in your own bed again,

and I'm betting,
when you do,

you're gonna remember
who you are.

How does me
giving someone a trouble

fix the one
that's already k*lling people?

Well, we used to set up
complementary troubles

to see how they'd interact --

fire and ice, that sort of thing.

Jordan caused pain,
and Nathan can't feel her.

And this one is a sound trouble,

so you're gonna have to make --

A silence one.

Bam. She's a natural.

I will never give a trouble
to solve a trouble.

I'll find another way.

No, you won't.


[Baby cooing]

You didn't.

- What a beautiful baby.
- Thanks.


Oh. Oh...

I Baby cries]


I Baby cries]

- Is she okay?
- Oh, my gosh.


You were always
such a clever troublemaker.

Before the incident today,
when did your boy last cry?

Around 10:15.
He was hungry.

Okay, Nen, listen, I know
that this is gonna be hard to hear.

Aaron has it --

The Harker family curse.

It's not supposed to start
before puberty,

but somehow he --
he got my trouble.

I thought William made this trouble.

No, he just --
he triggered it in the baby.

"Never let a Harker cry,
lest near or far people die.“

So Harkers don't cry.

Generation after generation,
we teach our children not to cry.

I Haven't cried since I was 11.

But Aaron is four months old.

How do I get my boy not to cry?

Okay, where is your baby now?

With his mother,

Okay, listen,
I need you to tell me

everything you can
about this trouble.

We cry, people die,
near or far.

What more is there?

There's got to be more, all right?
I need you to think,

We can't just teach your kid
not to cry.

We need to have
some other kind of option.

My great uncle had Down Syndrome.

They couldn't teach him not to cry
before puberty.

All right, so what'd they do?

- Come on, Ben.
- They cut his vocal cords.

Is that the kind of solution
you're looking for here?

-[ Sighs ] No, it's not.
- I'm sorry.

I need to see my boy.

- Listen --
- Hey, we need to talk.

Hey, we need to finish
questioning Ben.

What is going on?

What did William say to you?

Whatever it is,
we can deal with it together.

Maybe not this time.

Maybe you won't --
you won't want to.

Talk to me, Parker.

For so long, I've wanted
to know who I am -- me...

before Audrey,
before Lucy, before Sarah.

And then William comes along,
and he has some answers.

And who I am...

is a woman
who used to love him.

You're not that person anymore.

- You have me now.
- I don't deserve you.

He says that I started the troubles,

All those years ago,
I used to love William,

and he and I created
the troubles together.

We would give them
to people together --

yours, everyone's.

And now he wants me
to do it again.

William told me
that the only way to help the baby

is by creating
some kind of trouble

that'll stop his cries
from k*lling people-.

And if I do that...

He says if I give someone a trouble,
then I will remember who I am.

You are Audrey Parker.

You don't give people troubles.

You save them.

The first born in my family
always had this mark,

going all the way back
to the founding of Haven, and more.

The Teagues have Mi'kmaq blood.

You call it a tattoo,
but really it's a birthmark

and a birthright.

It designates me to be protector
of troubled people.

That's why you're
the leader of The Guard.

That's my sacred duty.

Okay, but your symbol
blinks in rhythm with this book

like you're supposed to show us
the heart of Haven,

and you have no idea?



What if I'm the heart of Haven?

Oh, please. Does your egotism
know no bounds?

Hang on.

It's not a bad question.


If he was, I think I'd have a new set
of instructions by now, but...

no luck.

So what kind of birthmark
does the second born get?


I have no Teagues blood.

Like you, I was adopted.

Well, that explains a lot.

All right, so the woman at the park
was about 50 feet from the baby.

But the tennis player
was six miles away.

Other victims spread around,
near or far.

The more information we get,
the more random it looks.

There has to be a pattern.
We just haven't seen it yet.

There isn't. Believe me.
Oh, Benny.

God, Benny, I'm sorry.

Hi, Mom.

You're Ben's mom?

Step-mom. I was married
to Ben Sr. for 20 years,

God rest his soul.

Gloria raised me, and she's been
an amazing grandma to Aaron.

So you know
about the Harker family curse?

You think marriage is tough

until you fall for a guy
who can't allow himself to cry.

It brings new meaning
to "emotionally unavailable.“

Now, how can you be so sure
there's no pattern?

There's got to be
some way to stop this.

Oh, I've been here before.
I tried to figure this out.

I didn't want to have
to teach Ben to never cry.

So you researched
the Harker family trouble?

Yeah, we laid into the history.
We went back as far as we could.

We worked nights, weekends
for years to find a way.

It's a dead end.

Every trouble has rules,
some connection.

There -- there has got to be
some sort of logic.

The logic on this one is brutal.

Victims die randomly and in droves.

It hasn't been this ugly since 1901.

Hundreds -- hundreds of people
died in Haven

and the surrounding counties.

The old Herald had to run
a bogus story on Spanish influenza.

Okay, but it stopped.
Somebody stopped it.

I'll give you one guess how.

They k*lled a troubled person.

You show me somebody who has
the heart to m*rder a baby,

and they're gonna have to go
through me first.

So you know what? Just, like, rev up
your trouble-solving machine,

or whatever she is,

and just find a way
to save my grandson!

William says that you need
to give someone a silence trouble

to neutralize
the baby's deadly cries,

but, no, Gloria's right.

You are a trouble solver.

You're immune.

So what happens if I hold the baby
the next time he cries?


[Baby fussing]

He does that when he's tired.

He usually cries
right before he falls asleep.

it's okay, Aaron.
You don't have to cry.

You're gonna be safe.

[ Baby crying ]

Ashley? Ashley?

Oh, my God, Ashley!

My wife is gone,
and I can't cry.

Tell me what to do.

I need something to do.

You stay strong for your son.

Well, it, uh, looks like
her heart just stopped...

-[ Cell phones ring]
-...similar to the others.

The baby's cries k*lled two people --

his mother and some guy
in a warehouse across town.

Listen, Gloria, just let us
get somebody to cover for you.

There's no time for that.
I'll do it.

There's too much to take care of.

I'm here to take care of you.

I'm scared.
I'm really scared.

- In the good ear, love.
- Oh.

I'm afraid we're gonna lose him.

I know.
I know, I know, I know.

Lincoln -- Gloria's worse half.

Nice to meet you.

I think the baby could use
some Grandpa Lincoln time, okay?

Yeah, all right, honey.

So he knows about the...

The troubles?

Hard to live with Gloria
doing what she does and not know.

To think I lived in Haven
for 60 years

before I discovered its secret.

I'll go sit with Ben, hmm?

- I love you. Thanks.
- Mm-hmm.

Ben thinks we have about 1.5 hours
till the baby wakes up.

All right, listen,
I'm gonna go down to the Herald.

I'm gonna take a fresh look
at the archives

and see if there's
some kind of pattern

that you may have missed, Gloria.

Maybe with the new D.O.A.,

we can find
some sort of connection.

Well, you got about 90 minutes
to prove me wrong,

and I hope you guys do,

or we're gonna have another plague
like 1901 on our hands.

We will figure this out.

I'm gonna check out the D.O.A.
at the warehouse.

[Car door opens, closes]

[ Engine turning over]

Hey, Duke.

What do we got?

I've always wanted to say that.

You think k*lling innocent people
is funny?

Oh, I'm not the m*rder*r here.

Now, I know he looks cute and all,

but if you ask me,

I think the baby did it.

[ Normal voice] I was actually hoping
I'd bump into your partner here,

but you can take her the message.

This all stops when she makes
the right decision.

The right decision?

You're out of your mind.

And you're out of your league.

You have no idea
about the larger picture.

It --

it's like trying to explain physics
to a goldfish.

Now, you can do whatever you want
with Audrey Parker.

Go steady, lake her to the prom.

I want the original.

She only is...

and always will be
Audrey Parker.

And yet, when you shot me,
she bled.

That's a level of intimacy
you can't comprehend.

You don't know
the first thing about love.

When I break
your connection to Audrey,

I'm gonna put you in the ground,
and it will hurt.


Hurt like this or like this?


Aw, you feel me
just like you feel her.

That's all you can do.

You can throw punches,

but you can't turn Audrey
into something she's not.

Clearly she thinks I can,

or she wouldn't be stalling.

[Whistling ]

A troubled baby
whose cries k*ll people?

That's the worst thing
I've ever heard.


Hey, go help Audrey.

I'm not leaving you here alone.


Half of the Haven P.D. is outside,

there's a getaway boat on the dock,

and I have the, uh, badasses
of checkers as well.


Look, I just don't know about this.

Plus, I have this.

I'll be fine.
Go help Audrey.

We will look for the door here
however we can.

And then maybe tomorrow
we can just have a quiet brunch,

do the crossword.


If you think that we are gonna be

like some flavored-coffee

you clearly don't know me.

I know you, Duke.

- All right.
- Okay.


That's me.

[Door opens, bells jingling]

So what's so important

that you couldn't tell me about it
on the phone?

Gloria's right-
it's completely random-.

I can't stop the Harker curse.
I never could.

I faced it before, and I failed.

Now, in about 25 minutes,
that baby wakes up,

starts k*lling people.

All right, so the going theory
is that William's giving out troubles

because he thinks
the original Audrey liked it.

And he wants you to remember her.

If that's true,

does that mean
that you and William...

Did you make the troubles
in the first place?


And now he wants me
to do it again.

He wants me to create
a silence trouble

that will stop these deaths
and save the baby.


So you called me down here
to grant you permission

to give someone a trouble?

Audrey, you can never do that,

no matter what happens.

He is trying to get you
to shove that needle

back into your vein.

There's no recovering from that.

You don't trust me
to hold on to who I am?

I don't trust the troubles.

They are deep and dark,

and they take
the people you love away.

No one's taking Audrey away.

[Door closes, bells jingling]

Do it.

Trouble whoever you need to
to make this stop.

I know you're strong enough.

You're not gonna turn
into whoever William wants you to.

I believe in you, Audrey...

But if you turn back into some
female version of William...

If that happens,
forget the troubles,

forget babies that k*ll people.

We are screwed
on a whole other level.

I knew you'd come find me here.

It's our place.

So, you ready
to give someone a trouble?


I've decided to k*ll the baby.

That's not what I was expecting.


You're bluffing.


You want to see what I'll do?
Let me be plain.

The Harker clan is large.

Baby Aaron has eight cousins
under the age of 10.

If you k*ll that baby...

I'll activate each and every
last one of them.

And you would do it, too.

Because you're important
and because I love you,

I have to corner you
into making a trouble.

All right...

I'll do it.

You have no idea
how happy this makes me.

- This isn't about you.
- Oh, don't ruin the moment.

Just tell me what I need to do.

Giving someone a trouble
requires an alchemy of three things.

First, a strong intention.
What kind of curse do you want?

Use your imagination.

Two, the person you choose is key.

I mean, who are they?

Are they a good match
for your intention?

Now, the curse, or intention,
is shaped in here.

You're giving them a release.
It's a gift.

I'll never believe that.

Yeah, you will.


There's this.

Think of this as the breath of life.

Put it in your hand,
put your hand on a customer,

and wait for the party.

Intention, person...


black ball of stuff.

This is gonna be amazing.
I can't wait.

You're not invited.

How about a kiss for luck?

Come any closer,
I'll punch you in the face.

It'll be worth my own black eye.

Intention, person, evil black goo --

You know, jacking up somebody's
life shouldn't be this simple.

But it's not that simple.

Aaron's gonna wake up and cry
at any minute,

and I've got to come up
with some kind of silence trouble.

What's that mean, okay?
What's my intention?

The D.O.A. at the warehouse,
right before he died,

he said he heard a baby cry.

That's five miles away.

So the sound travels supernaturally.
It's still just sound.


You want to give somebody, what,
a "bubble of silence" curse,

and then stick the baby inside of it

so that the -- the evil sound
never leaves its throat?

A troubled version
of cutting his vocal cords.

But a lot less cruel.

Okay, I wasn't really
suggesting that,

Okay, but who do I trouble?
Help me think.

Troubles are always related
to the people that have them.

Right, Jack Driscoll was
a deep-sea diver.

He developed
a crazy pressure trouble.

- Oh.

Well, you weren't exactly

the most emotionally-expressive kid
in school.

Now you're numb.

- You're a sponge.
- Wasn't derogatory.

Okay. Who can best manifest
this bubble of silence?

Maybe somebody who's mute?


Or someone who can barely hear.

Are you out of your mind?

I definitely heard that
in both ears, my dear.

Now, how about
we let Audrey continue?

I don't want to hear another word.

She wants to ruin your life
with a trouble.

I don't want to do any of this.

It's just our only option left.
I think you know that.

So, with my poor hearing,

you think I'll have a trouble
that silences things,

and can save little Aaron
from k*lling people.

I understand all that,

but can you really give me
a trouble, brand-new,

with the ribbon still on?

I think so.

Oh, I didn't think that was possible.

Neither did I
till a couple days ago.

- King me.
- A cheat deserves no crown.

King me.

Okay. I got next game.

- Vincent.
- Hmm?

Your birthmark.



Oh, my God.

Are you doing that?

I think it's the book.

It's moving like a compass,
and the figure's the pointer.

It's always pointing
in the same direction.

What's I! pointing at?

The lighthouse.

Maybe the lighthouse
is the heart of Haven.

You sure you're ready for this?

Yeah, I'm a tough, old goat.
You'll never hurt me.


How do you feel?

It feels strange.

It, uh, tingles.

Okay, well, I think it --

I think it worked.

-[ Groaning ]
-[ Clock chiming loudly]

- What's that noise?

My ears! Oh!

[ Baby crying ]

[Clock chiming, baby crying]

It didn't work!
Everything's turned to noise!

[ Baby crying ]

Let's get the baby out of here.

Something went wrong.


There was nothing I could do.

There was just too much noise.
He cried a lot.

What happened in there?

It's not your fault, Ben, okay?

It's mine. Here...

Why don't you just, um,
try to give him a bottle?

-[ Cell phone rings]
- Okay.


Five more bodies.

Slay here.


tell me your name.

Audrey Parker.

Damn. I-I-I really...


We'll get through this.
Um, what happened?

I did what you told me to do.

I gave a sweet, old man a trouble,
and it didn't work.

But you gave him a trouble?


Instead of eliminating sound,
it made everything sound strange.

But it's pretty great.

I mean, your first try,
after all these years,

you made a sound-related trouble?


When you did it,
did you feel anything?

I felt terrible.
And I didn't help the baby.

Try again,
and you will get it right.

Why are there six in here?

Troubles are more of an art
than a science.

That's why we like them so much.

Look, that baby's
almost done his bottle,

and I know Audrey Parker
wants to help.

You're close, I promise.
Keep going.

And when you're back,

you're gonna kick yourself
for not having more fun.

Is Lincoln okay?

Give me the box.

I have to keep trying.

You know, I'm fine if you want
to lie to that scumbag,

but you're not gonna lie to me.

Lie about what?

You felt her.

You felt your original self...

And you liked it.

This is the heart of Haven.

There's been
some kind of lighthouse here

as long as anyone can remember.

No stairs, no ladder --
How do we get up?

Well, looks like
we're out of luck, then.

- I think we should go down.
- We're not out of luck, Dave.

You can hoist me
up to that ledge there.

You know how hinky my back is.

Guys, seriously, why don't
we go down the trap door?

What door?

You don't see the trap door?


Then we definitely
have to go down there.

I think going down there
is a really bad idea.

Come on, Dave.

Come on!

It was terrifying.

It was, like, the worst jolt
of just evil when I touched him.

And I think that some
deep part of me liked it.

Which is why you can't do this.

The temptation is too much.
He will get you back.

You won't be Audrey Parker anymore,
and you won't care.

But I do care.

I care about you.

I'm not gonna let you do this.

How do I justify what I did
to Lincoln?

I can't just give up.

We'll stick him
in a soundproof room.

We'll -- something.
We will find another way.

All right, but I am not
gonna hurt that baby.

No, you're not.

You're gonna hurt me.

I know about the Crocker curse.
k*ll me.

It's really dark down here.


- I think I have some matches.
- I knew it.

You said you quit smoking
five years ago.


Holy jumping...

I think we have found
the heart of Haven.

Four people.

To summon the door,
we need four people --

one for each spot.

Okay, Ben, listen,
that's really noble of you, but --

Hang on.

Are you sure about that?

Am I sure I want to leave my son
without any parents?


But I don't know another way.

I'm sure she didn't tell you,

but Gloria considered
the Crocker family curse

a great blessing.


It cured her family of the trouble.

One of your ancestors
k*lled one of hers.

I want to take this trouble
to the grave.

All right.

Take the baby up to the house.
We'll meet you there.

Are you crazy?

You just told me
that I shouldn't trouble anyone else,

and now you want me
to re-trouble you,

give you the Crocker family curse

so that you can k*ll
that baby's father?

No, we've been down
that road before.

Hey, I don't like it either.

But he is volunteering...

And so am I.

You can't go on
troubling person after person

until you get it right.

Body count's just keep climbing.

You know me.

You know my curse.

I mean, just... more hand slap,
and we're done.

I mean, it's...

it's that, or you k*ll the baby.

No. No, Benny. No!

It's the only way.

No, it can't be!

All the troubles
you've solved in this town...

This is your plan -- to strip me
of my family one by one?

Listen, Gloria,
it wasn't my idea.

Well, then think of something, okay?

Just think of something,

something that won't make
my grandson an orphan!

He'll have you.

That's not enough.
He needs you.

You called the Crocker family curse
a blessing

when it cured your family
of their trouble.

You know, I don't even know
what it was.

I don't know either.

How great would it be

if Aaron's kids didn't know
about this curse?

You raised me as best you could,
and I love you for it.

I need you to teach Aaron
how to live and how to feel

and how to cry without fear.


We are so close
to getting that door.

If we find the right four people,

we can put William away,
and life becomes manageable.

That's still the plan, okay?

I-I have to get back up there
and do this.

No, you have to explain this to me.

I understand that people are dying
and there's a baby,

but why do you have to be the hero
this time?

Because I'm not a wild card
like Gloria's boyfriend,

because the Crocker you see
is the Crocker you get.

Yeah, exactly.
The Crocker curse --

Do you really want
to go through all of that again?

I don't want to.
I have to.

I am gonna be fine

and just as annoying
as when you first met me.

This isn't funny, Duke.

None of this is funny.
This is horrible.

And I'm horrible for feeling this way,
but I don't care.

Jennifer, stop.

I know you're scared.

After this, you and me --
we will still be okay.

No, I was with you
when your brother died,

after your brother died,

and everything
that you went through.

- Look --
- No. No --

We were supposed to have

our flavored-coffee commercial

with all of this stuff behind us --

William, that stupid door.

We still will.

And we'll make a toast
to your family curse.

Are we doing this?

Yeah, we're doing this.