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01x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 06/02/23 17:40
by bunniefuu

The RPM.

What the hell?

Brakes. Brakes, damn it.

This girl, Park Hyo-rin.
Is she your friend?

Is she harassing you?

Are you being bullied?

Did you

get paid for that painting?

Is that it?

I'm going to use that to study abroad.

Hyo-rin's mom promised to send me
to Boston Arts High School with Hyo-rin

in return for painting
a few pieces for her portfolio.

In-hye. That's a crime.

Da Vinci, Rembrandt, Velázquez…

They all made a living

by painting portraits
of kings, nobles, and even their dogs.

I don't feel ashamed.

You saw my painting.

I put my heart and soul into it.

I imagined that it was Hyo-rin
who was painting it.

The girl who took her first steps
in galleries around Europe.

The girl who's been to the French village
where Van Gogh once lived.

The girl who had ice cream
in front of a fountain

at a cathedral in Italy.

That made things so easy.

I think that's why I won the prize.

I was Park Hyo-rin, not Oh In-hye,
when I painted it.

That's wrong.

You're selling your soul.


What is a soul made of?

If I had a soul and Hyo-rin's mom
bought it for a high price,

I'd be flattered.

Do you know any other way
I could study abroad?

I got you out, Director Shin.

You're safe now. Don't worry.



Eun-seo, take this.

It's mushroom porridge.
Eat it while it's warm.

I'll wait outside. Let's go home together.


You can head home first. I have plans.

In-hye left a while ago.

She's not here.

Darn it.

Do you know where she went?

She went to Park Hyo-rin's place.

Park Hyo-rin won a prize,
so she's throwing a party.

Park Hyo-rin?

I didn't know Park Hyo-rin had a friend.

Exactly. I can't believe it.
Since when does she have a friend?

I know.

Twenty-seven, twenty-eight,
twenty-nine, thirty…


-Mr. Choi.
-Ms. Oh.

Are you okay?

Why are you answering
Director Shin's phone?

He had a car accident.

Where are you? I'll come to you.

Excuse me.

May I see your invitation, please?

Well, I know someone at the party.
Can I just--

Reporter Oh In-kyung?

This is a private gathering.
You can't enter.

I'm here for a personal reason.
My sister is inside.

What's your sister's name?

Let me bring her to you.


-I'm here!
-You can't enter! Stop her.

In-hye, where are you?

I told you not to touch me.

-Drag her out.
-In-hye, your sister's here!

In-hye, come out!

-Is she really your sister?
-In-hye, come with me!

-I said, let go of me!


Who is that lady?

-No idea.
-How embarrassing.

What were the guards doing?


The person you are calling is unavailable.

So it's you.

You're way too talented to stay in Korea.

I told you.

Everyone in my family
loves your paintings.

Hyo-rin's dad is
especially generous to geniuses.

It makes more sense
to invest in one genius

than to hand out money
to a hundred ordinary people.

You know we're putting together
a marvelous plan for you, right?

Thank you.


That'll be 1,800 won.

Are you okay?

Are you not hurt?

This is yours, right?

It was found at the scene.

I went to confront…

Director Shin.

I accused him of being responsible
for Hwa-young's death.

He denied it.

And then he said

that there was something else
to be scared of.

That there's someone high up above us.

He drove off after that, but then…

You must've been shocked.

I gave him CPR,

but it didn't help.

Director Shin is dead.

Pull yourself together and listen.

You met him to hand over your projects
after your resignation.

He had an accident on his way back.

That's the story you must stick to.

Can you say it back to me?

You asked me if I was okay
as soon as I answered the phone.

Did you know
that Director Shin had an accident?

It wasn't just an accident, was it?

Will I be causing someone trouble

if I don't lie to the police?

You're already in trouble.


-Try this too.

-Let's go home together!
-What's her deal?

There she goes again.

-Oh In-hye! Come out!
-Go check!

Come out!

No way.

In-hye! Please come out!

Shall we go inside?

You should stay away
from any bad influences.

I'm not going home without you!

-Please, come down.
-Come down!


Come out! Please!

What is wrong with her?
I heard that she's a reporter.

Looks like she's had one too many drinks.

Goodness, what a sight.

In-hye! Your painting
was absolutely beautiful!

You must've been devastated
to sell it off!

I'm sorry

for failing to protect you!

When I was in high school,

I hated going home too.

Do you know
why I still came home every day?

It was because you were waiting for me!

You don't have to leave.

If she's bothering you,
I can make her be quiet.

But this is fun.

Just leave her be.

A video of an alcoholic reporter
making a scene.

People will love it.

It was just a suspension last time,
but I'm sure she'll get fired this time.

Can't you just stay?

Your sister seems scary.

She's still her sister.

She must feel bad.

-Is that the girl?
-It's her.



She's coming.

Darn it.


Don't touch the pole.


Move aside!

Gosh, who is it?

It's you, In-hye. My sweet In-hye.

Excuse me.

We got a report.
Let me ask you some questions.

What report? This is my sister.

She's my daughter's friend's sister.

Please let her go.

Mr. Park Jae-sang.

Hyo-rin's father.

You have everything,

so why are you eyeing
the youngest girl of a poor family?

Be quiet. Let's just go.

Let me tell you.

She is the person
I love the most in the world.

If you ruin her, I won't sit back.

I'll chase you to the ends of the earth
and make you pay.

-Ms. Go.
-Yes, sir.

It looks like our guest has had
too much to drink.

Have Mr. Yang drive her home.

Forget it.

Wait for me, In-hye!

I got this CCTV footage
from the bank yesterday.


Hwa-young was managing
about 20 slush fund accounts.

The day before she left for Europe,

she moved the money around
into other accounts

and withdrew two billion won in cash.

Isn't that strange?

She was going to leave Korea for good.

But you can't take that much cash abroad.

That does sound strange.

It was for someone in the country.

Most likely an accomplice.

What do you mean, an accomplice?

I've ruled out her father.

When we offered him 50 million won,

he immediately cremated her
and provided all the information.

What about her other acquaintances?

She has no siblings or relatives.

Her only friend…

was you, Ms. Oh.

How would someone feel
after losing 70 billion won?

They would feel awful, right?

Those people tend to obsess over money.

They'd do anything to get it back.

But luckily, it seems
the stars have aligned for you.

What do you mean?

We'll say Director Shin took it.

Director Shin?

That used to be his MO.

Putting all the blame on a dead person.

Hwa-young's su1c1de and his accident…

Just leave things as they are.

Let sleeping dogs lie.

Is that a threat?

It's a favor.

I'm covering for you
with no strings attached.

Why? You're not that kind of person.

Then what kind of person am I?

You only care about money.

That's why you can trust me.

I wouldn't gain anything
by taking the money from you

and giving it to another person.

I told you to check her out thoroughly.

Hyo-rin's future is on the line.
No mistakes are allowed.

I checked her parents, finances,
grades, and friends, but…

You failed to check her siblings.

And her sister happens to be
a loudmouthed reporter.

I'm sorry.

What do we do, Honey?

I think it's rather interesting.

She can't say a word to anyone.

Think about whose life
will be ruined if she did.

And now we know who she loves
the most in the world.

Today was the most
humiliating day of my life.

I don't think I'll be able to forgive you
as long as I live.

I'm blocking you.
I refuse to talk to you anymore.

What should I do, Hwa-young?

If you died an unfair death,
I was determined to bring it to light.

But I'm too scared.

I don't think I can go on.

I'm truly sorry,

but I want to put it all behind me now.

Would that be okay?

Look at you.

You really are a princess.


"I drew these from memory."

"Because you brought Princess along
on your last visit,

I was able to hang on a little longer."

"Won Sang-woo."

Won Sang-woo the CEO?

PS, I have a favor to ask you.

When Princess blooms,

will you show it to the CEO,
Mr. Won Sang-woo, in the hospital?


Just so you know,

he's a fellow outcast.

You can tell him anything.



In-hye! Let's go home together!

In-hye! Your painting
was absolutely beautiful!

Housebreaking, property damage,

disturbing the peace, threat, and insult.

Park Jae-sang is willing to file charges

unless we fire Ms. Oh.

She has publicly shown hostility
toward Mr. Park multiple times.

She is a threat
to our impartiality as the press.

We also risk getting on the wrong side of
the potential mayor of Seoul.

So we should fire her?

Isn't it better to get it over with?

Or Mr. Park will leak the video
and file charges.

They can't.

Why not?

If they do, I'll start talking
about the things I shouldn't.

Did you drink?


An alcoholic doesn't need
a reason to drink.

Wait outside, Ma-ri.

By the way, Ma-ri.

How did you get yourself
into Park Jae-sang's party?

It was a private gathering
so reporters weren't allowed in.

His wife invited me.

You know her?

At the meeting last time,
it seemed like you didn't know her.

He will be the next mayor of Seoul.

Eventually, he will run for president.

I made sure I got acquainted with his wife
before he wins the election.

It makes a huge difference
to get a head start.

Are you the one who filmed this video?

-My sister told me.

She saw someone from my workplace
filming me on her phone.

I hope I'm wrong

but were you the one
who filmed that viral video too?

I recognize the breathing.

-What do you take me for?
-Get out.


I know you can be reckless at times,

but I know you're not this stupid.

I'm sure you had a reason, so explain.

A good reporter

should be able to cover a story even if
it involves a family member, right?

Is your sister involved?

You can fire me.

I don't think I deserve to be a reporter.



Thank you.

I heard about Hwa-young.

I thought I would

never get to see Princess again.

Do you believe

that Hwa-young k*lled herself?

Do you believe otherwise?

To tell you the truth,

I believed that Director Shin k*lled her.

-He died too.


Something's been bothering me.

Hwa-young left me…


Two billion won in cash.

Throughout my life,
I've thought about money a lot.

What would I do
if 100 million won fell into my lap?

I would spend 30 million
to pay off Dad's debt,

and 10 million to buy a car.

I would imagine these things
before falling asleep when I was younger.


when I saw this money, I cried a little.

I was thrilled.

But now,

I'm scared.

What do you think I should do?

I don't want to die because of money.

Should I return it?
Or should I report it to the police?

When I first took over the company,
I was shocked.

I found huge slush funds
being transferred somewhere each year.

I sued my father, the former CEO,

for embezzlement and malpractice.

You sued your father?

He kept pressuring me
to set up more slush funds.

In the end, he got acquitted,

and I was put in a psychiatric hospital.

So nothing will change

even if I report it?

The police will conclude that you pocketed
the money Hwa-young had embezzled

and turned yourself in for it.

The two billion won will go to
those who orchestrated the embezzlement.

Do you want that?

They're all a bunch of thieves.

You deserve this money
just as much as they do.

Just take it and protect it.

I guess

that's what you said

to Hwa-young as well.

She was a brave person.

She completely understood

that rich people risk their capital
while poor people must risk their lives.


still don't understand it.

Does this money make you anxious?


Spend it.


Money is transient,
so it makes you anxious.

Turn it into things
that can't be taken away.

What did you want to buy
if you had the money?


A winter coat.

Winter clothes are a status symbol.

In summer, your clothes
don't really show how poor you are.

But winter clothes are expensive.

A winter coat is a must.

So that we can look forward to winter.

What else?

What could change your life
for the better?

An apartment.

This is what they're after right now.

Take them with you.

What are these?

Slush fund ledgers.

Director Shin knew those people very well.

He was thoroughly prepared
for the worst-case scenario.

This could have

saved Hwa-young's life.

Why are you

so nice to me?

Hwa-young once told me
that you resembled Princess.


You may not look like much now,

but once you bloom,
you'll be more dazzling than anyone.

Let's say that I'm curious
to see you in bloom.

Who is it?

I'm Choi Do-il, sir. Please open the door.

I'm a bit occupied.
Can you come back later?

It's urgent, sir.

Please open the door.

Send me a picture of your winter coat.

I hope you're not telling me
to leave through here--

Do come back when you bloom.

And be sure to buy an apartment.


I'm coming in.


For heaven's sake,
Edmond Dantès just managed to escape.

I'm sorry.
I'm looking for something urgently.

This was found in Director Shin's bag.

A sample copy of the slush fund ledgers.

I think he was going to make a deal
with the prosecution.

I'm looking for the original.

His dashcam footage revealed

that this was the last place
he visited before his death.

Is that right?

Search all you want.

Excuse me.


-Thank you.
-This tree here…

I planted it with my father-in-law
when Hyo-rin was born.

What do you think General Won Gi-seon,
your father-in-law, would have said

about your political career?

You're taking the opposite path
from him in terms of ideology.

"Is that what you think?"

"By the way,
what should we have for dinner?"

Something like that.

He never imposed his ideas on anyone.

I'm in charge of grilling.

It's always been a man's job

since tens of thousands of years ago
when men hunted to feed their families.

Let's see here.

Here you go.

-It's good.
-It is?

I just can't take this away from him

because of his pride as the provider
and the guardian of this family.

That must be why he went into politics.

To feed as many people as he can.

Here you go, Hyo-rin.

How would you rate your dad?

I'd give him 100 out of 100.

But as a husband, he would get a 200.

I think he loves my mom
more than he loves me.

If you're jealous, marry a man like me.

You're Hyo-rin's best friend, right?

How do you feel
when you see Hyo-rin's parents?

They make me want to become a grown-up.

I've never felt that way before.

She calls my mom Ariadne.

During cast drawing, she said
Ariadne had the same nose as my mom's.

Thanks, In-hye.

That's so sweet of you.

Dig in, In-hye.

Eat up.

It's good, right?

It tastes even better
if you dip it in the sauce.

Won Sang-woo fell short of his father,
General Won Gi-seon's expectations.

He lost a power struggle
with his brother-in-law, Park Jae-sang,

and ended up in the psychiatric hospital.

I see.

Are the ledgers in there?

How did you know?

-Mr. Won made a clever move.

What would he enjoy more
than you going after Mr. Park

with those ledgers?

He'll get his revenge
without lifting a finger.

Of course, you could die
during the process.

But why should he care?
It doesn't concern him.

Anyway, how did you end up there?

Was Mr. Won involved in
Hwa-young's embezzlement?

Mr. Choi.

You came here to find the ledgers, right?


And you just did.

I did.

You also know I took the two billion won.


Let's strike a deal. Once and for all.

I won't ask for much.

Two billion won and my safety.

But you must guarantee
my safety at all costs.

Director Shin was a thorough person.

For 25 years, since his days
at Wonryeong Construction,

he should have recorded how, where,
and how many slush funds were set up.

That for only two billion won?

Then what am I supposed to do?

Just wait.
It's not time to strike a deal yet.

As the election approaches,
the ledgers will become more valuable.

You probably can't negotiate it yourself.

Let's split it fifty-fifty.

Are you suggesting that we team up?

I promise to get the most money
out of the ledgers.

That's my expertise.

Look, Mr. Choi Do-il.

I already told you
what I think of you, didn't I?

Yes. You think I'm someone
who only cares about money.

To be honest,

I suspect that you had something to do
with Director Shin's death.

I'm even terrified
to be in the same car as you.

So how can I possibly team up with you?

That day

when I became friends with Hwa-young
at a small cafe in Geneva,

she told me many things.

Everything from her mother
to the Bookkeeper from the Future.

She even told you about that?

I can't stop thinking,

"If only she had asked me
to work with her that day."

Where are you investing your money?

I've been designing
this software for years.

Hwa-young had a great plan.

But she couldn't implement it alone.


If she had me,

she wouldn't have died.

What if you betray me?

I'd end up like Hwa-young
or Director Shin.

Do you have your ID?


I'll drop you off at a bank.

Rent a safe deposit box
and store the ledgers there.

They won't be able to harm you

since you'll be the only one
who can access it.

But don't deposit the cash.

You may as well be advertising
that you have it.

Have I ever told you what I think of you?


You're a small storm, Ms. Oh.

No matter where you go,
you change the flow of the air,

although you don't seem to notice it.

But you can't do this alone.

To play this game,

you'll need me.

Let's split it sixty-forty.

And the two billion is mine.

I get sixty, okay?

Your sister blocked you,
and you're on the verge of getting fired?


Do you know that I'm an ETuber?

Are you suggesting I become one too?

When you lose your job,
you're bound to go on ETube.

Check it out when you're bored.

What is it about?

The charm of produce?






They're lovely.

It grew into healthy yeolmu
with just some water and sunlight.

You like yeolmu kimchi, right?

Take some with you later.


But my mom isn't here to make me some.

I can make them for you.


How did you even think of doing this?

During a rough patch in the States,

I stumbled upon an ETube video.

And it somehow cheered me up.

That's why I started it.

What video was it?

What is it? Show me.

Typhoon Catherine is sweeping
over the Korean Peninsula,

causing serious damage.

Let's hear from Reporter Oh In-kyung
about the situation out there.

Reporter Oh.

It randomly showed up on my feed.

I swear I didn't look up
your name regularly.

I'm reporting from Jeollanam-do, which was
severely hit by Typhoon Catherine.

The continuous strong wind
makes it hard for me to even stand still.

I'm having the wind at my back
to report more smoothly,

but let me face the wind for a second

to show you just how strong the storm is.


When the wind is at its worst…


…I can't even keep my balance.

I will keep you updated on the latest

from the most affected areas.

I'm Oh In-kyung with OBN
from Jeollanam-do.



Hello, my name is Kim Hui-seong.

I'm the late Kim Cheol-seong's
younger brother.

To my brother,

Uncle Dal-su was like a father.

He taught him how to read
and sent him to school.

He ran over whenever he got in trouble.

So that's why your brother
looked after your uncle.

It's funny.

His real sons didn't even care.

Anyway, my brother couldn't accept
that Uncle Dal-su k*lled himself

and kept watching the CCTV footage
from the day of his death.

Was there anything suspicious?

Not at all.

We fought over it a lot.

He obsessed over it like a madman
when it was clearly a su1c1de.

This was in my brother's pocket
on the day of his accident.

The CCTV footage?

I think he wanted to give it to you.

He was afraid someone was coming
after him while he was at the hospital.

That's why they put up security cameras.

That day, he locked himself up
in the bathroom for hours.

He cried saying
he would die if he came out.

Then his attorney came.

Is that Park Jae-sang?

As soon as Park Jae-sang arrived,
he started to behave.

He even went to sleep.

He pretended to be asleep.

He suddenly got up,

went into the bathroom with a syringe,
and didn't come out.

Thirty minutes later,
a nurse found him dead

with a narcotic analgesic in his arm.

That's scary.

It's obviously a su1c1de, no doubt.

But Mr. Kim watched this
over and over again

as if he could prove
that it was m*rder by doing so.

I wonder what he saw in this footage.

Hold on.

What is that? In front of the mirror.

-The syringe?
-No, in his other hand.

He's smelling something.

Did something get on his hand?

No, there's something in his hand.

Something small and blue.

Off to the academy?

Get some snacks.

For your friends too.


I'm going to study abroad in Boston.

-I'm leaving on the 24th of next month.

What did you say?

Next month?



Try making a little more sense.

What are you talking about?

Hyo-rin is going to
Boston Arts High School next semester.

Her mom was supposed to go with her,

but she can't because of the election.

The problem is
Hyo-rin can't sleep or eat alone.

-That's why I'm going with her.
-Why would you?

Are you her maid?

Tell them you're not going.

I'll be the one
sending you to study abroad.


By doing back-breaking work?

Through another crazy marriage?

How would that make me feel?

Whether I break my back or get married,

I'll take care of it!

Nothing in this world is free.

If you owe someone
beyond what you can pay off,

God knows what
you'll have to give in return later.

I'd much rather live as a maid
in Hyo-rin's house

than live like you two in this house.


I made up my mind when Mom took off
with my field trip money.

That I'll do anything

to get out of here.

Nothing in this world is free, In-joo.

If you break your back to send me abroad,
how am I supposed to pay you back?

You'd already be crippled by then.

Mom already submitted her consent
to the school.

After all, you're not my mom.

Did you really make this?

No way. It's so good.

Let me tag along next time, In-kyung.


If Mr. Kim's death was a m*rder

and the bank president's death is fishy,
this is too dangerous.

Take me with you next time you go out
to cover the story. I'll drive.

I'm a reporter.
It's my job to cover these stories.

I've seen the scene of the accident.

Now that I've seen it,
I can't send you out there alone.

Aren't you busy?

Did you study hard abroad
just to become my driver?

Get a job.

Your grandpa is worried about you.

He's very ill.

That's why I want to be with him

so I can make good food for him

and so that we can nag each other.

I'm sorry. I didn't know.

When he passes away,

I'll be all alone.

That's why I can't leave you in danger.

What is this?

What a peculiar-looking flower.

I found it at the scene
of Mr. Kim's accident.

I think it's a very rare orchid.

It looked like it was dying,
so I decided to dry it.

Hold on.

Hold still.

It's a flower.

He's smelling a flower.

They look similar.

It's small and blue.

Could it be the same orchid?

You must be awfully worried

to send your only child
to the States alone.

I adore my baby sister, In-hye, too.

In-kyung and I grew up poor
and had to walk on eggshells.

But I didn't want In-hye
to go through that.

In-hye is the most mature
and confident 18-year-old I've ever seen.

I heard that you paid for
her studies abroad.

For her to be confident in any situation,
she should pay for things herself.

May I ask your name?

It's Oh In-joo.

I like you, Ms. Oh.

I liked you from the first time we met.

I think it's because I could feel
how much you care about your sister.

But you know what?

You're mistaken about something.

I didn't pay for her studies.

My husband runs a scholarship foundation.

It helps talented
yet financially disadvantaged children.

Children like In-hye.

In-hye won a scholarship
through its official screening process.

Have you seen In-hye's paintings?

This is the portfolio she sent to Boston.

Her paintings are brilliant for sure,

but how do they make you feel?

They're dark.

They make you want to cry.

She's almost at her breaking point.

I once asked her,


"What troubles you so much?"

Why are you lying there alone
in the dark forest?

That's not me.

It's my sister.

My dying sister.

After talking to you today,

I finally understand the reason why
In-hye paints her sister that way.

It must have been hard to prepare
this much money so quickly.

Do you always go to
such lengths for In-hye?

A child is the mirror image
of their family.

In In-hye's eyes,

I can see the reflection
of her struggling sister.

Was In-hye sick last year?

She suddenly collapsed
and was hospitalized.

They said it was
because her muscles tensed up,

but she couldn't get a diagnosis.

She said it was tough for her back then.

Because she became
a burden to her sisters.

Don't try too hard.

You're a young woman
with your whole life ahead of you.

You're not In-hye's mom.

Ms. Go.

You told me In-hye skipped the field trip
because her family couldn't afford it.

But her sister just showed up
in extremely expensive shoes

and offered me 70 million won
in cash for her tuition.

I'm curious where her sister

managed to find all that money.

It's bound to show up.

I think it's an epiphytic orchid
that absorbs

water and nutrients from the air.

But I can't find the exact species.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Sink down deeper.

Mommy! The baby isn't breathing!

One step deeper.

Deep down, you'll find yourself.

Find your hidden self.

What's wrong with the baby, Mommy?

Is the baby dead?

I found it.

"Epipogium aphyllum, an orchid that
resembles blue smoke hanging in the air,

is also known as the Ghost of Vietnam."

"After being brought into the US
by soldiers during the Vietnam w*r,

it is reported to have failed to breed,
leaving only a handful of offspring…"

-I can do it.
-It's fine.

Can you close the trunk?

-I said I'll carry it.
-It's fine.


What's this?

Your dead colleague.

Does this money
have anything to do with her?


I can't allow this.

This is stealing.

What is stealing?

Is taking dirty money
that belongs to no one

stealing as well?

Isn't that obvious?

She k*lled herself.

You could end up dead.

When we were little,

when Dad's print shop went under,

we packed up in the middle of the night

and ran away from our apartment, remember?

How we drove to a polytunnel
in a truck together?

We had a younger sibling back then.

You mean In-hye?

No, not In-hye.

It was a girl, two or three years old.


She had been in and out
of consciousness for days.

Then she suddenly didn't wake up.

The doctor said it was too late.

Because we didn't have money…

Because we were on the run,

she died without receiving any treatment.

I don't know any of this.

I don't remember anything.

You were six and I was eight.

After she died,

Mom lost her mind
and Dad started drinking.

You were sent to Great-Aunt's.

I stayed with Mom and Dad
because of school.

And we never talked about it.

This is what was carved
into my heart back then.

"You die if you don't have money."

I hoped that Dad

would bring some money home
even if he had to steal

so that we could eat, live,

and survive.

People die when they're poor.

I don't remember.


don't remember anything.

If we had had this money,

I wouldn't have married that con artist.

You would have studied what you wanted to.

In-hye would have become
a talented, cheerful high schooler.

And that little girl

would still be alive.

I wonder what her name was.

I don't mind being poor.

It's how I've always been.

But I don't want to become a thief
because I'm poor.

That would mean…

that I lost.

When I was with our great-aunt…

When I was the only poor kid in my class,

I was treated as a thief many times

even though I never stole anything.

I'd rather die than become a thief.

If you intend to take this money,

I'll turn you in.

Go ahead.

I'll spend this money and go to prison.


In-hye knows about our dead sister.

It happened before she was even born,
so I wonder how.

I thought…

you might have told her.

Goodbye, ma'am.

There were some things
I couldn't understand.

Why do I drink?

Why did Dad look so sad when he drank?

Why did I always choke up
when reporting certain stories?

Just why was In-hye so dear to me?

Thank you. Goodbye.

The story that I searched
the whole world for was…

the story of my poor family.

It's egg liqueur. It's my favorite.

I asked for it
so I can hear you out patiently,

so relax and tell me.

I have

two billion won in cash.

The money isn't illegal
but it isn't so legal either.

Just know that I didn't harm anyone
in the process of acquiring it.

I want to buy an apartment in Seoul.

With three bedrooms
for each of us sisters.

About 25 to 30 pyeong.

I'm sure you understand

that you can't buy an apartment
just because you have cash.

I need to talk to my legal team,
so it'll take a while.

It might not work out.


You have to make it work.

As soon as you can.

Is there a reason why
I have to do this for you?

Your guilt.

You'll feel less guilty.

You refused to lend any money to my dad

when his print shop went under
during the Asian Financial Crisis.

I don't feel guilty over such things.

I never invest in businesses
that are bound to fail.

That's why I didn't give you
a cash gift for your wedding.

When my family lived in a polytunnel
after Dad's business failed,

the baby…

You came to the hospital
when the baby died.

You cried and said
we should've told you about the baby.

You've always hated kids.

When I visited you,
you gave me money to play outside.

You said you couldn't stand
the sound of children whining.

But you took in In-kyung soon after.

"Doesn't In-kyung's voice bother her?"

That's what crossed my mind then,

but now I understand.

You couldn't have done that
if you hadn't felt guilty.

As you near the end of your life,
a sense of guilt must be creeping in.

That's why you called In-kyung here.

You were trying to lessen the guilt
by giving her money.

But you know what?

If you help me buy an apartment,
everything will be solved.

The three of us will live
in that apartment.

We'll live carefree lives
as if we had always lived there.

I think you're right.

Maybe that will cure
my persistent insomnia.

But just so you know,

I didn't hate all children.
It was you I hated.


As a kid, you smiled a lot.

You smiled at everyone
you made eye contact with.

I hated that.

When you're young and adorable,
people smile back at you.

But once you grow up,
the world slaps you in the face in return.

But I can see that you've learned
that much over the years.

I've been through a lot.

I'll look into the apartment tomorrow.

Leave your ID, seal, and seal certificate

with my legal team when you have time.

They'll try to figure something out.

Thank you.

You'll be able to sleep well now.

Your digestion will improve too.


The General got them
on his business trip to the UK.

The doll house was for Hyo-rin's mom,

and the tin soldiers
were for Hyo-rin's uncle.

Hyo-rin's uncle, Won Sang-woo,
wouldn't let me play with the soldiers

except when he was bored.

Twelve soldiers make up the platoon.

One day, one of the soldiers,

perhaps a sergeant, went missing,

and he turned the house upside down.

And he couldn't find it?

Because I threw it away.

Are you two childhood friends?

Sang-woo was the General's son,
and I was his driver's son.

Back then,
everything in this house looked amazing.

The soap that smelled funny,

the hand towels, the fruit forks,
and even the nail clippers…

I would shove them in my pocket
and throw them away on my way home.

Why did you do that?

I was upset
that I didn't belong in this house.

I wanted to live here.

Now you do.

On his next business trip,
the General bought me the same soldiers.

He knew all along that I was the thief.

I stopped stealing.
Instead, I tried to show him…

what I was good at

and how loyal I was.

To prove that I fit in with his family
better than Sang-woo.

Why did you tell Hyo-rin
to submit your painting as hers?

It was painted by Hyo-rin.

I was Hyo-rin when I was painting it.

With her typical expression on my face,

I used her favorite colors

and textures.

That painting is perfect.

The General knew that I was special.

That's why he passed down this house
to me instead of Sang-woo.

I had to make huge sacrifices,

but I overcame them all.

Do you…

want that doll?



can you do it too?

Can you betray someone

who loves you the most in the world?

I have some ledgers.

I'll use that to get
the most money out of it.

You can decide by tomorrow morning, right?

The w*r isn't over.

Someone from rock bottom…

Doesn't it look like a face?

Is that why it's called the ghost orchid?

From now on, this is your orchid.

I know you.

Your name is Park Jae-sang, isn't it?

Now I'm curious about
how far you would go for money.

If you don't have the money,
you need to grin and bear it.

I'm always prepared to do so.

Ms. Oh is important to us.

One wrong move and something might happen
to that 70 billion won.

Be my assistant.

I want you to work for me, Ms. Oh.