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05x08 - Exposure

Posted: 06/03/23 07:16
by bunniefuu
- Previously on haven...

- Where's the body, officer? - There isn't one.

These shadows were all that was left of them.

- Do you know what kind of trouble this is?

- We're ghosts. You're dead.

- I'm not really a ghost. I'm alive.

- I will tell you what I know,

But you must give me something first--

The crocker family journal. - You're not getting it.

- Detective parker.

I'm trying to track someone down.

Do you mind if I look through those?

Do you know who that is?

- No, but he was here all morning

Staring at everybody, like a creep.

- On your knees.

- Oh, jeez. What the hell is this?

- I'm just really afraid I'm not gonna be able to save you.

- I will come back. I promise.

Morgan? Glen?

- I don't know what's gonna k*ll me first, boredom

Or your cooking. - I will make sure

To convey your concerns to hotel management.

- Seeing as how I hold all the cards,

I would be trying much harder to get on my good side.

- Says the woman who is chained to a chair.

- Exactly my point.

Audrey's not immune to the troubles,

Nathan's a phantom, and you're about to erupt.

You have one good resource,

And you've chained her to a boat.

- I think that you have an overinflated sense

Of your own importance.

I would have already thrown you overboard

If we didn't need you to communicate with nathan.

- Well, if you want something,

You have to give something first.

- You're not getting the crocker family journal.

- Well, you know how negotiations work--

Start with a big ask...

- And then you fall back on what you really want, huh?

- Mm-hmm.

- Well, please, by all means.

- Tell me a story.

Tell me about your mother.

- [chuckles]

Why would you wanna know about her?

- Well, you drone on and on about your father.

You've hardly ever said a word to audrey

About your mother.

- Forget it.

- You know, nathan's life is on the line.

And all I want is a story.

- What do you mean, nathan's life is on the line?

- When you were out there burning my lunch,

Nathan stopped by.

Someone is k*lling all of his friends

Over in ghost world.

Left nathan a threatening note--

Dramatic, cryptic.

So you know, ticktock.

- Did nathan say anything else?

- Only the first one's free.

So now, it's your turn. If you and that animated husk

Ever wanna see your doe-eyed boyfriend again,

I suggest you start diving into your mommy issues.

- Not gonna happen.

- Well, all right, then.

If you change your mind, you know where to find me.

- Why leave a message?

Is it a warning? A threat?

- I didn't even know this was possible.

Maybe whoever did this

k*lled glenn because--

- Because he was helping me.

- That was rude.

I'm sorry. I don't know.

What does your forensic evidence or whatever tell you?

- k*ller used a long, smooth blade.

But how?

We can't touch anything.

Has anyone figured out a way to move things

Or pick something up in this state?

- No.

We can only touch other ghosts

And what we had with us when we crossed over.

- We all cross over as our--

What'd you call it?

- Residual self image.

I actually stole it from the matrix.

- So someone's residual self image

Includes a big knife?

- Says the guy with the g*n on his hip.

- Fair enough.

So you know any ghosts

That carry around a knife?

- No. - Then we're all vulnerable

Until we solve this trouble.

- What's wrong? What did mara say?

- She knows we need her help.

And she's using it as leverage.

- Okay. What does she want?

- It doesn't matter.

We don't know what she's planning, what she really wants,

And if we give her anything, who knows what she'll do with it?

- Duke, what did she say?

- Nathan's in danger.

Someone is k*lling the victims of this trouble.

- What? - k*lling other ghosts.

- Did she say who? - That's all she told me.

- All right, there's gotta be some other way

We can talk to him. - How?

Audrey, he could be here right now

And we wouldn't even know it. - But even if we can't see him,

There's gotta be something else about him that we can sense.

- Yeah, sorry. My sense of smell is shot.

- An energy signature or infrared,

A motion detector, I--

- Wait.

That's it.

Oh, I can't believe I'm gonna do this, but--


Who you gonna call?

[cell phone buzzing]

- Darkside seekers. We hunt what's haunting you.


[somber folk music]


- Oh.

I'm not gonna let you win

Just because you're in the hospital.

- My dear vincent, you couldn't beat me

If I was in a brain-dead coma.

Gin. [chuckles] - oh.

- Dr. Reynolds.

There's a face that could cure what ails you.

Here for one last sponge bath

Before releasing your favorite patient?

- One night with me and you'd be back in this hospital for good.


Speaking of which, looks like you'll have time

For a few more hands of rummy before heading out.

- What do you mean? His injuries were all minor.

- Injuries from the car crash were.

But that is a nasty infection on your leg.

I've honestly never seen anything like it.

Oh, boys.

I didn't mean to worry you. I'm sure it's nothing.

We're just a little bit out of our depth here.

So we're gonna take a small biopsy

And send it off for analysis.

I promise it won't hurt... Much.

- Can't we just deal with this

When we get back home?

- Sorry, old goat, it's hospital policy.

If we don't know what it is, we can't have you

Walking the streets with it.


Just sit tight for a few days till we get the all clear.

- Well, look at this.

Here we are again,

Miss marvel, dave navarro,

And yours truly, the token geek.

- Seth, it's nice to-- - oh, that's weird.

I take it from your desperate phone call

And baffled expressions that you're in dire straits.

Well, fear not, my friends,

The cavalry has arrived.

- God help us. [clears throat]

Where's your better half?

- Oh, who, anderson?

He's probably swimming in a silo full of gold doubloons

Like scrooge mcduck.

Who knew that matching like-colored candy

Was worth millions of dollars?

Really makes college seem like a sound investment.

- All right, guys, I'd love to catch up,

But we really need to figure out what's going on here.

- Yes, right.

Nathan, he's a ghost.

- Not necessarily a ghost, he's just--

- Ghost, incorporeal, doesn't matter.

Let me tell you something.

A lot of the strange things that happen around here,

People dismiss it as paranormal activity.

But just because these things are caused by the troubles,

Doesn't mean they're not bound by physical laws.

Gravity, nuclear bonds, electromagnetic fields--

- Seth, is there a point buried in there somewhere?

- Okay, I think

That nathan should still radiate an electromagnetic field.

So even though we can't see him, even though we can't hear him

Or--or feel him,

He should still have an electromagnetic presence.

And that, lucky for you,

Daddy can track.

[device clicks softly]


Okay. - What's going on?

- Wow. Whoa.

- Is that good?

- Well, it's definitely spooky.

There is a ghost...

Right here. - Is it nathan?

- They must be desperate. - I don't know.

Do you have more than one ghost haunting your office?

- Seth, I just-- - well, I don't know for sure

If it's nathan, but I mean,

If it is him, he should be listening to us right now.

- Nathan...

I'm gonna bring you back.

Can you make it so that he can talk back?

- I'll have to modify some internal components,

Probably set up a sensory detector and--

- Seth, yes or no? - Eventually?


- Great. Do that. - Do it?

- Do it. - I'll be back.

- Duke, do you think you would consider

Going another round with mara?

Anything that she could tell us about this trouble

Would be really helpful.

- Look, I go in there singing the same song,

We're gonna get the same result. - Okay. Well, then maybe

We should consider giving her a bit of what she wants.

- Audrey, we can't trust her. - I don't trust her.

But I trust you.


If it means getting nathan back.

- [sighs]

All right, I'll talk to her.

- I'm gonna keep digging, nathan.

When I find something,

I'll--I'll leave you a note here.

- Good work, parker.

- I take it you would prefer to drink your lunch.

- Think I'll spill all my secrets

If I get a little booze in me?

- I don't know,

But it usually works on me.


And if I'm gonna sit here and talk about my mother,

Well, then I need to be very...

Very drunk.

- Damn it.

It's worthless. - Okay.

I'm sorry. Can you give me a chance here?

This is my first time building

An interplanar communication device

Using hand-me-down police radios.

- I'm talking about this.

I asked for these photos from this photographer named amy

At the farmers' market. I just keep staring at them,

Hoping that something new will jump out.

- Well, maybe take a break.

You know, grab a coffee, give it a minute.

- I don't have a minute.

The longer it takes me to I.D. This suspect,

The longer nathan's stuck wherever he is with a k*ller.

Look, I'm sorry. It's just...

This is the kind of thing we used to do together.

- Right. Working together.

It's nice. I miss it.

- Yeah.

Me too.

Without nathan, maybe I just can't do this anymore.

- Hey, listen, I have seen my share

Of the supernatural and the unexplained.

And I have dealt with the people living with it.

I mean, I used to think that I was helping those people.

I really did.

And then I met you and nathan.

Look, I used to look at a guy like this,

And I would see a--

A paranormal curiosity.

I would see a specimen to study.

But you see through the weird.

You see a person who needs help.

- So my friends are working on a way to communicate with us.

- That's possible?

I could actually talk to my fiancee again?

- More than that. Once we can talk to them,

Maybe we can find whoever's trouble is causing this,

Find a way to go home.

First, we need to stop this k*ller.

- That's what I wanted to tell you.

Some friends saw a new guy stalking around--

Bearded, rough-looking,

Maybe the kind of guy who'd carry a knife.

- One day, somebody gonna do what's right.

Take you down.

- Reggie. - You know him?

- He blames me for what's happened to haven.

And he wants me dead.

- They'll have to call in the national guard to hold me down.

We're getting out of here.

- But what about the sample?

- The sample, the wound,

The thinny, let's put it all behind us.

We need to get back to haven and do what we do best,

What we swore to garland wuornos we'd do--

Protect haven.

- I'm talking about protecting haven.

We need to steal that biopsy

Before they send it away for analysis.

- It's not that bad. - You're not making any sense.

Your leg was wounded back when you were dangling in the void.

That biopsy could be swimming in god only knows what.

If we just walk away

And they find something, they'll come to haven.

The secrets we worked our whole life to protect

Will be revealed, and we would be responsible.

- What if we get caught? What if I get caught?

You think they'll care about a little tissue sample

When they've got patient zero?

I will not spend the years that I have left

As a science experiment!

I'm sorry, but I can't.

I'm leaving.

- [sighs]

- This is the one thing americans do better

Than anyone else.

- What, drinking?

- Bourbon.

- Cheers to that.

- Are you drunk enough yet?

Come on, duke, your mother can't be that terrible.

Is she worse than me?

- Well, now, that just depends on your perspective.

- [laughs]

- [clears throat]


When my dad died,

The state tried to declare me an orphan.

And just before the paperwork came through,

My dear, sweet mom showed up

To reunite the family.

I was just a stupid kid, eight years old.

I actually believed that things would be different.

- But it wasn't.

- Even at that age, it didn't take me long to realize

That I was just my mom's next meal ticket.

She turned my dad's place into a flophouse.

Wasn't long before protective services shut that down.

She didn't come around very much after that.

By the time I got to high school,

Only time we ever saw her

Was when she wanted to collect the welfare checks.

- What did she need the money for?

- Certainly wasn't to help pay the bills.

So I learned

How to do things on my own.

- And that's when you learned to steal what you needed.

- There's nothing here to tell us where reggie would have gone.

All we have to go on is this shadow.

- So we all left one of these when we disappeared?

- From what I can tell, yeah.

- I was swimming when it happened,

So I must not have one.

Left without a trace.

I remember how scary it was for my fiancee when it happened.

One day I was there, and then...

Poof, just gone.

After I thought I'd died,

I followed amy around for weeks.

She hardly left the house.

Cried all the time.

All I could do was just stand there.

I guess that's how we get haunted houses, huh?

Ghosts lurking around their old places.

- First place you went was home.

- Yeah.

- I stayed at the police station 'cause I knew audrey would come.

- Well, it makes sense. We tend to gravitate

Towards places we're familiar with.

- Right.

Reggie was a member of the guard.

It was everything to him.

I bet he's hiding out at their headquarters.

- Guard headquarters?

Sounds like a supervillain's lair.

- Yeah, and I bet he knows it like the back of his hand.

- And you wanna go there?

- There's no choice.

He's not gonna stop till one of us is dead.

- We're running out of time, seth.

Why don't you just walk me through how it all works?

- Okay, see these little guys here?

When these are placed,

They're gonna pick up the electrical signals

That your body generates when you speak.

And this console here

Is gonna translate those signals,


Into an audio message, into something you can hear.

- How are we going to put those on nathan?

Won't they just...

Go right through? - That was very nice.

You just had to jump right to the problem.

I mean, you couldn't maybe compliment my ingenuity.

It's-- - no, no. You're right.

You're right. That is the issue. I am working on it.

First, I got to test these things out, though.

So if you don't mind-- - whoa!

You know that I carry a g*n, right?

- Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. - Right here.

- Don't sh**t. I am unarmed and uninsured.


- I pulled a g*n on reggie in the alley.

He was on his knees, he put his hands behind his head.

- What are you talking about? - He wasn't standing like that

When he disappeared.

- So? - So...

This pic of the shadow in the alley,

It matches his pose in this photo.

- So who took the photograph?

- Amy, the photographer.

She's gotta be the troubled person that we're looking for,

And we have got to talk her down before nathan gets k*lled.

Amy. Amy at 44 dearing place.


- Yeah, I'm coming.

[door opens] - excuse me.

- [gasps]

- What are you doing?

- Why, hello.

I'm ron thigpen.

Features desk, southern journal of infectious diseases.

I'm sorry to catch you off guard,

But dr. Reynolds asked me to swing by and grab this.

Thought it might be good for a feature I'm writing on her.

- A biopsy?

That isn't really proper protocol.

Dr. Reynolds should know that.

I'm gonna give her a call. - Oh!

So you know her? Well, well, well.

My piece could use a more personal touch.


- What publication do you write for?

- Southern journal of infectious diseases,

The sjid?

Oh, I'm so sorry.

I left my business cards in the car.

- Dr. Reynolds is a consultant at sjid.

Wouldn't a profile on her be like a conflict of interest?

And wouldn't a real journalist know that?

[door lock buzzes, beeps]

Nice try, but I'm calling the cops.

- Detective parker, did you get the pictures I sent you?

- I did, but I'm going to need to see

All of the pictures from the farmers' market.

- Yeah, sure. They're just in here.

Uh, there's not much to show.

I only ever print my favorite photos.


- There it is.


- There what is? What are you talking about?

- Amy, have you--have you ever heard of the troubles?

- After your mother abandoned you,

Why didn't you go get help?

- From who? What, the state?


Bouncing around from foster care to foster care family?

You think I'm screwed up now?

- How did you survive?

- [chuckles]

I sold bootleg liquor under the bleachers

To the other juvenile delinquents in my school.

And from there, well, it was just

Hop, skip, and a jump to all of this.

When I was 18, the welfare checks

Stopped coming to the house

And so did mom.

- Was that the last time you saw her?

- No.

Just once more.

A few years ago, actually,

I was doing a drop in boston.

And I walked around this corner...

And there she was.

Wanted to score some dope off me,

But she didn't have any money.

And she said

She'd be happy to pay me some other way.

She didn't even recognize me.

- Reggie?

We just want to talk.

I know you blame me for what's happened.

We can work together,

Solve this trouble.

We can all go home.

- [voice muffled] shut up!

[muffled groan]

[indistinct muffled shouting]

- Get away from him!

- Aah!

- [grunts]

- This is just a hobby.

I don't take that many photos.

My camera isn't even that nice.

- It's not your camera, amy. It's you.

When you took pictures of these people, they disappeared.

We need to figure out what your trouble is and fix it

So that we can get them back.

- I'm--I'm sorry.

I-I didn't--

What does that mean?

That wasn't like that before.

- Nathan.

- Ah!

- Aah!


- Okay, who is this guy?

- Just some guy at the park.

He seemed happy, so I took his picture.

But he did not look like that.

He did not have blood on his chest.

- Okay, wait a minute. Wait a minute.

That must be the ghost that was m*rder*d.

So the injuries, they show up in the photos.

But that means that... - Nathan's in trouble.

Finished or not, seth, we need to use that thing.

- No, no. This is not gonna work

Unless it's connected directly to a subject.

We don't know how to do that.

I mean, these guys can't touch anything.

Nathan couldn't even use this unless somebody actually--

Oh, no.

- When the people disappeared,

All that was left was their shadows, right?

There were no cell phones. There were no wallets.

There was-- there was nothing.

That means that objects can cross over too.

I'm taking this with me.

And my g*n.

Okay, take my picture.

- No, no, no, no. Wait a second. Just--just--just--just--

Let's wait on second, okay? 'cause this is kind of nuts.

First of all, aren't you immune to the troubles?

- Not anymore, but I'm going to use that to my advantage.

I'm gonna save nathan.

And I'll use this device to talk to amy

And solve the trouble.

Take my picture.

- This is your fault!

You're the reason the trouble's still here.

After I k*ll you,

I'm gonna cut that ink out your arm.

- [grunting]


- Did it work? - Nothing.

You wanna take the lens cap off or something?

- No, it is. Look. What if--what if you're wrong?

What if I'm not troubled?

- Can you please just try it again?

- Okay.

- Okay, when you took these photos,

Were you thinking of anything?

Did you feel any kind of emotion towards these people?

- I-I don't know.

- We know it's tied to the photos.

The question is just this, why just these exact people?

Why not everybody you've ever photographed?

- It's time to cash in on a deal.

[phone line trills] duke, we're stuck.

Is mara ready to talk yet?

- That's right, sheriff, confirmed with dr. Reynolds.

Never heard of him.

No rush.

He's not going anywhere.

- Honestly, dear,

This really isn't a big deal. If we could just--

- Save the story for your lawyer.

You'll need it.

The crackdown on prescription drug trafficking

Means stealing from hospitals is now a federal offense.

- This is all a terrible misunderstanding.

- I understand just fine.

You saw this place and thought, easy mark.

Backwater clinic, slack-jawed hillbillies.

But you are going to jail.

And I hope they lock you up till your teeth fall out.

- If they've got this device working,

We can share information with them.

Together, maybe we can end this trouble

And reunite you with your fiancee.

My partner left a note.

"it's the photographer, amy potter.

44 dearing place."

- Did you say amy potter?

- Yeah, why?

She's your fiancee, isn't she?

- Yeah.

- Troubles usually express themselves with extreme emotion.

I think amy finding out her fiance had cancer qualifies.

- Amy?

- We can use the device.

You can talk to her, tell her you're still here.

Maybe then...

- We can be together.

- Let's go.

- All right, you set the rules.

I shared. Now, you share.

- I know, but I--

I don't know anything

About an atomic shadow trouble.

- [sighs] well, there's gotta be something.

Let's start from the top.

A woman takes a photograph.

There's a flash and then a delay,

And then a person vanishes, leaving behind a shadow.

- What if the trouble

Evolved over the centuries?

What came before a photograph?


- You made a painting trouble.

- I gave it to an artist.

And when he finished his portrait,

The subject would disappear.

The body would be trapped in the painting,

And the soul was left to haunt the world.

- What about the shadow that it left behind?

- Used to be a splash of paint. - But you said

When the painting was finished, the person would vanish.

- Mm.

- How do you finish a photograph?

- You print it.

- Thank you.

- Duke, I don't know what you had to do,

But it was worth it.

We have to print the photo.

That's how I cross over. [device clicks]

- Oh, wow. Looks like your timing's spot on.

[beeping] nathan got your note.

He's here.

- Good work, parker.

Plan works, we're all going home.

That knife.


- I wish you hadn't seen that.

- Okay, remember, one on the chest,

One just below the vocal chords.

I'm gonna be back here running things on this side

And, you know, just saving the day, as usual.

Are you sure you're ready for this?

- Yeah. Let's do this.

- Okay.

Hit it.

- Ow. - Oh.

Holy crap! I can't believe that worked.

I mean, I don't wanna sound like a skeptic,

But that was frickin' amazing.

- Nathan?



- You shouldn't have come here.

[knock at door]

- Thought you'd get away with this again, did you?

You slimy old rake.

Think this helpless old man act is fooling anyone?

- Um, what's going on?

- Police chief garland wuornos, ma'am.

I see you've already met the father of lies.

- Amy.

Amy, can you hear me?

- Okay!

I'm a genius. - Oh, my god.

Morgan, is that you?

- Yeah. Who is morgan?

- Hi. Yes! Yes, it's me!

It's me. I can't believe I'm talking to you.

- Morgan, it's been so long, I-I thought you were dead.

- So did I. But listen, none of that matters now.

- Does--does this mean I did this to you?

- It's okay, honey. We can fix this.

Audrey and nathan are here, and we've figured out a way.

- Okay. Okay. Yeah, what is it? I'll do anything.

- Just take a photo of yourself and then print it out.

That will end your trouble.

- Okay.

- Okay. Okay, wait. Can I just say one thing here?

I know I don't know too much about troubles,

But solving them usually doesn't involve

Falling on your own sword.

Um... - You heard him.

We can be together. - I heard him.

I just don't know why he didn't let audrey or nathan speak.

It doesn't make any sense.

No, no, wait, wait, wait!

- Morgan?

- Amy? - Oh, morgan.

Oh, I thought I'd never see you again.


What is this?

Morgan, why are they in handcuffs?

- Don't trust him, amy. He's k*lled--

- Shut up!

- This old codger isn't just a liar and a thief,

He's a junkie.

- Figured. - Damn right.

Sneaking into hospitals, stealing whatever dr*gs

He can lay his hands on,

Spitting out whatever lies

Will get him what he wants.

What's he this time, pharmacist, health department?

- Claimed he's a journalist. - A journalist.

A journalist. [laughs]

Growing ever bolder, are we, frank?

Or is it henry?

Ah, it doesn't matter.

They've only got one name for your kind in the hoosegow.


You know, he almost k*lled his own brother.

Practically threw him to the dogs.

- Hang on-- - can it!

Sorry, miss.

Silver-tongued scoundrels like this really get my hackles up.

Get your ass up!

Better take this for evidence.

Thank you kindly, miss.

What were you gonna do, smoke a tissue sample?

Damn junkie! - Get your hands off me!

- Why are you doing this?

- Listen to me for one second.

This was the only way.

He was gonna end this, and I was gonna go back in my body,

And then-- my cancer.

I can't do that.

But here--

Here we could be together.

- But those men.

Morgan, did you--

- Amy...

His picture that you took of him on his birthday,

That's the man you wanted to be with.

That was his last birthday

Right before he found out he had cancer.

- Yes.

Morgan, how could you do this?

- Amy, don't listen to them. - You wanted so badly

To keep him like that,

To capture that exact moment.

That's when your trouble-- - shut up!

- But he's not that man, all right? He's gone.

- I am not gone!

I'm right here!

- No.

No, they're right.

You k*lled those people.

The morgan I wanted to marry, he never would have done that.

You are not the man in that picture,

Not anymore.

That man died a long time ago.

- What happened?

- We're back.

- Why couldn't you leave us alone?

Why do you guys get to be together and we can't?

Why are you the only one that gets to be happy?

- You show up here saying you'll fix everything,

But you ruin it all!

- Morgan, no!

- I am the one

Who goes bump in the night.


No? That's not working?

Okay, stay there.

I got another one. Let me try that again.

- The emts say it won't be long,

Just a matter of making him comfortable.

- I'm sorry. That must be really hard to hear.

- I thought I lost morgan a long time ago,

But I really lost him today.

I guess I never really let him go.

I don't know that man.

He hurt people.

He k*lled people just so we could be together.

That man is not morgan.

- Okay, guys,

There's something we seriously need to discuss.

Did you see the way I took that guy out?

It was just like a... Pow!

Honestly, I don't know how you do this.

The stress alone is just crazy.

- You know you loved it.

- Yeah, maybe. But I bet I'm not the only one.

Anyhoo, crisis averted,

Day saved,

Guess I'll head out while I'm still on top.

- Seth, thank you.

- You kidding me? Thank you.

This has been yet another revealing trip to haven.

You know, I had some doubts

About working without my partner,

But I learned that I can still do this,

Even on my own.

Next time, who knows?

I'll see ya.

- What amy said,

Is that what I'm doing?

Hurting people to be with you?

- No.

Just today, you brought back everyone

That was affected by amy's trouble.

It's because of you

That they can be back with their families again.

I mean, after everything that we have been through

And everything that we have sacrificed...

I mean, we deserve to be together.

- Let's go home.

- I hate to say it,

But you may have saved nathan's life today.

- You couldn't hate saying it

More than I hate hearing it.

- [chuckles]

- So now that nathan's all back

Safe and sound,

Why am I here, duke?

- Well, I'm not gonna throw you off my boat.

You still got half a glass.

It's expensive bourbon.

- That's not what I mean.

I've been thinking

About when you used that trouble on me.

Why didn't you just put audrey back in control?

You split us in two.

- Believe me,

It was an accident.

- Oh, no.

Remember who you're talking to.

I know how venting a trouble works.

The most important aspect being intent.

You split us because you wanted audrey back,

But at least subconsciously,

You wanted me around too.

And so my question for you, duke, is...


- Here's to haven, its secrets safe for another day.

- Bugger that. Here's to your performance.

- I'll drink to that, sugar.

- [laughs]

I really thought I was headed for the clink.

What made you come back?

- I'm sorry for running out on you, vincent,

But I was scared.

- Scared of what?

- Well, what that sample represents.

The thinny, the visions, the lost time,


It's a reminder.

I'm part of it.

Whatever role I have to play in it all,

It terrifies me.

- Well...

I was treating you like a piece of the puzzle

And not like a brother.

Come what may,

We'll face it together.

- Come what may.

But for now, here's to the teagues.

Haven's protectors.

- And I will drink to that.

The cdc.

Oh, no.

- Vince teagues?

- Can I help you? - Dr. Charlotte cross.

Centers for disease control.

I'm looking for your brother dave.

- He's upstate.

Feature story, a three-clawed lobster.


Is everything okay?

- That's what I'm hoping to find out.