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05x16 - The Trial of Nathan Wuornos

Posted: 06/03/23 07:25
by bunniefuu
- Previously on Haven...

- Still haven't figured out
how to bring down that fog wall yet.

- Maybe that's a blessing.
Keep this chaos contained to Haven.

It's not what hides in the dark
we need to worry about.

- It's the dark itself.
- You'll die if you...


- Go into the dark.
- Hailie!

- When I was 12,
I heard you and my dad

talking about using my mom's
special powers to get stuff.


- The car went through me.
- I did it to save your life.

Let's just hope it doesn't end it.

- What am I looking at?
- Rolf Starr.

My missing person
you're supposed to be tracking down?

- What the hell's going on
with your eyes, man?

- Three other deaths
in the last two weeks.

The no marks k*ller.
- I've been getting a blip.

- You need help?

- There's aether down there.
- Now what?

- We follow.

- Where's Kira?

- We got stuck in the dark. Kira's dead.
- You bastard!

This is your fault.

You k*lled her!

(crowd yelling)

- Calm down!

Everybody, just calm down.

Let's not get riled up.

It sets off Troubles.

- I can't believe she's gone.

- What's going on?

- Nathan got Kira k*lled.

- What happened?

- I need to talk to you in private.
- ls she alive or isn't she?

- She's dead.
(crowd murmurs)

I'm sorry.

- Are you okay?

- I'm fine.

- Nathan left the power plant with Kira.

Won't say where they went.

- Who here lost someone last night
because the power was out?

- I have.

- And if the plant fails again,
how many more are gonna die?

It was Nathan's mission
to protect Kira,

to protect all of us.

Kira's electricity Trouble

was our only hope
against the darkness.

She was my fiancée,
and Nathan got her k*lled.

He's gonna get us all k*lled.

- Yeah!
- We can't let him stay here.

- Yeah, get him out.

- You want me to banish Nathan?
- No.

- You're supposed to keep us safe
from people like him.

- The safety of the group
is the most important thing, but I will...

- You need to hear Nathan out.
- I will hear Nathan out.

- Listen, Dwight,
we've survived this far

because you've been strong
and you've been fair.

You can't let Nathan off
just because he's your friend.

- Wait, so you're saying Kira's not dead?

- She's alive.
Underground, but her leg's pinned.

I couldn't free her.

She's using her Trouble to power
a light to keep the darkness off.

- We just came this close to a riot. Why do
you want people thinking Kira's dead?

- 'Cause we found William's aether.


- What?

- Haven's on the edge of chaos,
and you want to throw in

the supernatural equivalent
of plutonium?

- If people knew that Kira
was alive, they'd go after her.

We'd never be able
to keep the aether a secret.

- They would scramble for it
hoping that it would be a cure.

- Which it won't. Kirk thought
it would help him, and it got him k*lled.

No, under all circumstances
the aether must remain a secret.

Mara couldn't find the aether.
How did you?

- A machine Seth left behind led me to it.

Now Charlotte can make a cure.
- Nathan...

- Charlotte said if she has aether,
she can make a cure.

Freeing Kira
is a two-person job.

That's why I came back.
But we have to go now.

She's been awake for 24 hours.
She falls asleep, she dies.

- I let you walk out of here,
I will have a riot on my hands.

- Then banish me.
- No, I'm going with you.

- No, people need you here.

- People need you.

Besides, how is Charlotte
gonna help you

with the aether
if you're locked outside?

We got to figure out
another way to fix this.

- You better hurry up. They're already
growing restless in the gym.

Tony's riling them up to take justice
into their own hands if need be.

- Fine, leave me here.
You go. Take Charlotte.

- Dwight, you're the only reason
that that crowd calmed down.

If you're not here,
they come for Nathan.

- She's right.

- Those people are just scared,
and they are taking their fear out on me.

The sooner you go, the sooner
you bring Kira back, this all goes away.

- I can't risk this place coming apart.
- No, you can't.

We need to give the people
what they want.

- What they want is my head.
- No, what they want is justice.

We need to put Nathan on trial.

(somber folk music)

- You want to put me on trial?
- They're so angry he'll be found guilty.

- It will never get that far.

All that matters is time.

- Nothing's slower than a legal proceeding.
That's brilliant.

It'll give you plenty of time
to rescue Kira.

- I like it for another reason too.

- So you want us to decide
what happens to Nathan? Why?

- You think we've survived
because I'm strong?

No, we've survived this long
because you all are.

Your stability
doesn't depend on me. It can't.

I could die tonight.

The old courts and lawyers,
they don't seem appropriate.

- Agreed.

We're still in crisis mode.

- Maybe we come up
with a simple, reliable...

- Justice system.

- Yeah, a good one,

not based on fear.

Listen, if we do this,
can you all be deliberative,

calm, fair?

(crowd murmuring)

- Yes.

- Work with Vince and Dave
on what kind of trial.

I want your input.

- Thank you, Dwight.

- I'm unclear.

Is this trial a stalling tactic,

or is it the rebirth
of democracy?

- Can't it be both?

Keep the process legit
while I'm gone.

- Just stop the car. Stop the car!

I want to do it again.

- No, you don't.

- Hey, you ran me over.

My power's activated
because of you.

- Only 'cause I was trying to save your life.
Don't make me regret it!


What you are trying to do,

you have no idea
how dangerous it is.


You are gonna k*ll yourself.

- I'm gonna get k*lled anyway.

I might as well do it on my own terms.
And I'm not gonna stop.

If I did it once,
I can do it again.

- Wait!


When I almost hit you
with the car,

what were you thinking about?

Was there anything else
in your world

or just the car?

- Just the car.
- Exactly.

You need to focus.

Your mom said she wasn't...

passing through the wall,
she was becoming the wall.

- I get it.

- Great.


- I did it!

- Yeah, terrific.

- Good morning, Haven.

This is Dave Teagues here,

coming at you
from the principal's office.

- We are not disc jockeys, Dave.

Have you no gravitas?

- Okay, fine,
you do it, Gravy Ass.

(clears throat)

- In consultation with Tony,

we have decided that
the best trial for our situation

is the kind they used to hold
long ago in Athens.

Everyone gets to vote on the
accused's guilt or innocence.

- Even if they banish me,
I'll survive. Been doing it for days.

- You've been doing it for years.

- Athenian tribunals are simple.

Speaking for the dead
is Kira's fiancé, Tony.

Nathan will speak for himself.

He is charged
with endangering group safety.

- If convicted,
Nathan will be banished.

We now take a short recess.
Then Tony will begin--

- Hold on.
Point of order.

When we talked about setting up
this tribunal,

the Teagues said
that we'd adhere to the rules.

- Oh, absolutely.

There can be no bias
or favoritism whatsoever.

- Well, I taught history
in this school for ten years,

and under Athenian law,
the prosecutor sets the punishment.

When you said "banishment"
without asking me,

you weren't trying to rig things
in Nathan's favor, were you?

(crowd murmuring)

- Oh, certainly not.

I just assumed...

What sentence do you seek?

- Banishment isn't enough for Nathan.

He can survive out there
and continue to endanger us.

There is only one safe course.

Nathan Wuornos...

must die.

- We will take a short recess
before proceeding.

- Isn't that a bit extreme?
- It's up to the people to decide.

- I understand you're grieving, but...

- Come on,
this isn't about vengeance.

This is about our survival.

I only sought the death penalty
after reviewing

Nathan's entire record,

and you have a long history
of harming this town.

- What are you talking about?

- Most recently,

Duke Crocker was trying to leave Haven
so his Trouble b*mb

wouldn't hurt anyone
until Nathan stopped him.

Nathan is the reason
that everyone is Troubled now.

This is just one example I'll cite.

- Where'd you get that information?

- I don't have to tell you that.

But thank you for confirming it's true.

- Tony must have an informant.

- Who?

- Someone who wants me dead.

- Athenian rules
require that we let Tony

make his case without delay.

- Screw the rules.
Just stop the tribunal.

- We cannot screw the rules.

- Somebody has it out for Nathan.

- I agree, but there's nothing
we can do about that right now.

Didn't you hear how they reacted
when Tony accused me of favoritism?

- Vince is right.

It seems pretty clear that Tony

can incite that crowd
in a second.

- What if we could find a legal way
to stop it, to slow it down?

- As in to find a loophole in the rules?

- Yeah. You love loopholes.

Maybe there's something
in the library.

Well, let's go.

- This isn't how it's supposed to go.
- Trial's still a good idea.

Gives Dwight time to find Kira,

but Kira needs to be alive
when he gets there.

So I need you to solve
this darkness Trouble.

- No, I am not leaving you.

- We still have time here, Parker.

Let the trial run its course.

But if the darkness kills Kira, then...

- Saving Kira saves you.

- Exactly.

- Whatever gets you out of this.

- Nathan kept us alive yesterday.

The engineer's death
wasn't his fault.

- Nathan's as good as any Ranger
when he keeps his eyes down.

(doors slamming)

- It's harmless.

Just a poltergeist Trouble
that slams things shut.

- Problem is,
when Nathan looks up

at some pie in the sky, he trips.

Brings people down with him.
You made him look up.

Sent him for aether
while people were dying.

- No, I didn't, Dwight.

I asked Nathan
not to leave the power plant.

The only reason
I told him about the aether

was because I thought
I was gonna die.

I figured maybe someday
he and Audrey could try.

- You really do think there's a way
to cure the Troubles after all.

- Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.



- You have to focus.

You rematerialize too soon, you're gonna
end up as part of the gate.

I'm gonna be picking you out of it.

- Is that how my mom died?

- Yeah.

That's why they're called Troubles,
not powers.

- And what about you?
Do you have any Troubles?

- No.

I'm just a normal guy.

- Aw, damn.

I did rematerialize too soon.

- See? You're bleeding.
- Oh.

My heel must have got stuck
in the metal.

Are you squeamish around blood?

- No.

Put this on.


Hold that there.
- Okay.

- Oh, my God.

My husband is dead?

- I'm sorry.


- How?

- The darkness k*lled him.

- Then I vote for Nathan to die.

He abandoned that power plant,
and now my husband is dead!

- Listen, your husband said that he saw
a man emerge from the darkness unharmed.

That man is the person
with the darkness Trouble.

Please, did Rolf say anything?

- Just go away!

- Listen, Peggy,

I-I couldn't save your husband, all right?

But please let me try
to save you and your kids.

- Rolf was with another man at the time.

He might have seen
the Troubled person too.

Name's... Furber?

Tall guy, nose ring.

- Is it Faber, maybe?

Is it Faber Haskins?
- Yes, that's it. Do you know him?

- I've arrested him twice.

Aggravated as*ault, bad guy.

- One ancient Greek
compared the tribunal

to a cattle stampede.

It cannot be stopped.

- But who knows
what Tony will divulge next?

We have to stop him.
- But we can't.

- Oh, watch me
take out his kneecaps.

- Guys! The noose is around my neck,
not yours.

Just let the trial proceed.

- But who knows what he'll say?

And how does he know all this?

- He has my entire record.
I'd like to hear that.

If Tony's gonna
make this personal...

- What?

If I'm gonna make this personal,

I stand behind what I've done.

- And I'm gonna take you down
for what you did to Kira,

for what you did to Haven.

You're gonna burn.



- Here's what I don't get. The last
thing you built to end the Troubles...

The Barn... was gonna
k*ll all the Troubled people...

- It was the only way I knew
how to eradicate Troubles.

I had to protect
against a far greater evil,

should it ever rear its head.

- What greater evil?
- We don't know much about it.

We don't want to.

It lives in the Void and
feeds off aether and Troubles.

If it would ever escape,
you can't imagine the destruction.

- I've seen
some pretty awful things.

- No one in your world has seen
anything quite like this.

I lost my husband to it.

- I'm sorry.

- It was a long time ago.


- The Troubles are running rampant
in Haven right now.

So are we in any danger
from this greater evil?

- I don't know.

- Duke didn't want
to trouble everyone.

Nathan did.

And that's just
the latest chapter.

Nathan once had,
in his clutches,

the woman
who created the Troubles.

Did he turn her into The Guard
as Dwight wanted?

No, he ran off to
a romantic cabin in the woods.

And that is where I believe

she recruited him

to help spread the Troubles.
- That's not true.

- Do you know why there was
so much damage, why the Troubles

didn't end for 27 years?

- I will pull the fire alarm.

If that doesn't work,
I will set fire to this school.

- Parker...
- He is lying to everyone.

- His facts are true.

His interpretation's a bit off.

- Every bad thing
that has ever befallen Haven,

Nathan has had some

key role in.

How does this connect to Kira?

Because Kira knew

these dark secrets about him,

and Nathan got her k*lled
to silence her.

- She's not dead!

- Shh! Not yet she isn't.

Let's keep it that way.
How's the case coming?

- Faber Haskins may be
an eyewitness, but I can't find him.

- I heard him.

His crew might be
in the basement.

You be careful.
- I know who I'm dealing with.

(Tony): We were planning
on getting married in Venice.

Now we'll never get to do it
all because Nathan had it out for her

the same way he's got it out
for everyone in Haven.

(men shouting)

- Help!

- Help! No!
- Get him in there.

- Get him in there!
- Help!

(overlapping shouting)


- Hey! Freeze!
No, don't move.

- Detective Parker,
glad you could join us.

- Faber, open the door.

You've been busy down here, Faber.

- Protecting the public,
since you're so useless at it.

- Did you see someone
survive the darkness?

- Lights went out in the boiler room.
Three people got flayed,

except for one bearded dude
with a yellow bandanna.

He came strolling out like
he's sneaking out of Sunday school.

- So now you're just randomly
throwing in bearded men?

- Until somebody survives

and the Troubled one is ID'd.

- That's first-degree m*rder.

- Yeah, well, that crap
doesn't matter anymore, does it?

- You need to let Grayson go.

He has a different Trouble.
I helped him last week.

- Is that true?

- He can't hear you.
He is hearing impaired.

- Turn tail, sweet cheeks.

Let me see 'em swish
as you leave.

- I don't think so.

- Well, you know
there's five of us, right?

There's one of you.

You might get a shot off,

maybe two
before we have our way with you.



- Come on, get up.
Come on.

Get them out.
Get them out of here.

- How'd you know?

- Nathan, he said
you might need some backup.

- Where are you gonna take 'em?
- Dwight gave me one mandate...

Don't let a riot break out.

And given what's brewing
upstairs over your boyfriend,

I don't have enough manpower for crowd
control and keeping these guys under guard.

- So you're taking them
to the Sandman

to put them in that sleep.

- It's the only choice I got.

- Well, they deserve much worse.

- Is he gonna be all right?
- Yeah.

- This is not a restaurant.

- Surprise!

- No, I am not going
to help you rob a bank.

- I just wanted to practice
on thicker walls.

- And take $31,000
while you're at it.

- Well, while I'm here.
- Damn it, Hailie.

- Like you and Dad never
stole back in the day, huh?

- Not the point.
Look, I'm not even against stealing.

I am against you
using your Trouble to do it.

- Those men will k*ll me
if I don't get that money.

- And if I don't?

- I'll do it without you.

- One condition.

You never use your Trouble
again after this.

- I promise.

- All right, make it fast.

. Okay-

- Great.

- I have something
better than a fire alarm.

I'm going to use Grayson.
- Parker.

- I'm going to have him
set off his Trouble,

and everyone in the school
will scatter.

Can you meet me
outside of the police station?

- Audrey, no.
- N... are you crazy?

Tony has made you
sound like a monster.

There is no way that that jury
is going to acquit you now.

- The sound that Grayson makes
is so painful,

it activated five other Troubles last time.
We can risk a chain reaction.

- I don't care, all right?

I will do anything to save you.
- Oh, you're stealing my line.

When you went into the Barn,

I was willing to risk anything
to keep you with me

while you faced your fate

- It is not your fate to be ex*cuted
for something that you didn't do.

- But that's just it.
Some of what Tony said, I did do.

So I feel like
I'm on trial for being me,

or at least the me
that I've become

since I fell in love with you.

I want to defend that.

- Nathan, that's really noble,

but you're not...

You're not exactly
a public speaker.

- Parker, do not use Grayson.

People will get hurt.


- Okay, what is your defense?

You're going to counter-punch
with something, right?

- No, I won't attack him.

Though I could.

Tony said he and Kira
were getting married in Venice.

Last night, Kira told me that Venice
would've been a huge mistake.

I didn't know what she meant, but...

- She changed her mind
about marrying Tony?

But under the rules, he has no right
to speak for the dead and prosecute you.

That's... that's great.
Use that.

- Let me worry
about my defense.

Right now, you need to solve
the darkness Trouble. If Kira dies...

All bets are off for me.

- Nathan said
it's not much farther.

We just have to get...

down there.

- So about this new cure...

- I thought you weren't
interested in a cure.

- Of course I am.

I just want to live the life I have and not
wait for the one that may never happen.

So you never said
what was different.

Last I heard, you had to k*ll people
to end the Troubles. So what changed?

- It's the poltergeist Trouble.

We're trapped.

That was fast.


- Don't thank me yet.

I had to drop the rope to get
the glow stick out in time.

- With all our supplies?

- And our light sources.

This glow stick is all we have.

- Thanks, folks. Thanks.

It's not a happy day.

The trial isn't over yet.

- But no beard.

- Rather than be
a disembodied voice over the PA,

Nathan has asked to make
his appeal to you in person.

Those of you who are not in the gymnasium
can join us in here,

or you can listen
from wherever you are.

Nathan will begin momentarily.

- Tony, when did you shave?

- Two days ago, WhY?

- Three days ago,
a bearded man

with a yellow bandanna
walked out of a dark boiler room.

Was that you?

- I got lucky.

- I don't think luck
had anything to do with it.

- What? You think this is my Trouble?
No way.

No, you're trying
to undermine rne to save Nathan.

- No one else survived.
No one.

- Doesn't mean anything.

- Yes, it does.

We know that Kira
broke off your engagement.

- No, she didn't.

- Is the breakup
what activated your Trouble?

The same day
that the darkness started?

- That's a coincidence,
and it was a spat.

It wasn't a breakup.

- Tony, the darkness is growing.

You need to stop it,
or we will all die.

Tony, this is getting worse.

You need to accept
that this is you.

- Can't be me.

Kira didn't leave me.

- Yes, she did.


- The research I did

when you thought
I was a CDC doctor,

that's what's different
from the last time.

Now I think there might be
a way to cure Troubles

without k*lling people.

I never would've seen it
if Nathan hadn't kept pushing me.

- Yeah, he can be stubborn.

- I just wanted you
to know that

it's not impossible.

- Your timing is stunning.

- Hi, everybody.


I've been Troubled
since I was a kid.

My dad, Garland Wuornos...
Most of you knew him...

He was Troubled too.

Helping Troubled people

has been the family business
for a long time.

Let me tell you, I wouldn't wish
a Trouble on my worst enemy.

- Maybe that's
what your Trouble's about.

You refuse to look
at the dark, emotional truth.

You're scared
that it might k*ll you.

And then that fear,
it manifests itself literally.

And now that I'm trying
to make you face it,

you're making the room darker,
and we're all going to die.

You need to accept
that she broke up with you.

You need to accept
that you're doing these things.

- I'm not.
- Tony's right.

I have been front and center

for the awful events
in Haven's recent history.

Because it's my job.

To help. It's what I do.

- This is getting nowhere.
Everyone, get closer. Get in the light.

Get your light sources out.

Use your flashlights,
your cell phone, get a lighter.

- I've dedicated my life
to helping ease the Troubles.

Some of you know that there have
even been a few times

when things have gone my way.

Tony didn't mention
any of those.

Guess that's 'cause it's just
the way the Troubles are.

- We are going
to use these to get out.

I'm gonna take the kids first.

Come here.

Yeah, you, stick together.

Here we go.

Keep going, good, out this way.

- I'm not trying
to duck anything.

I guess for me it's
more important to keep going.

And the only way
to do that is,

first, you don't deny
how bad it is.

Face it,

no matter how scared you are.

You have to light up the dark
with hope.

- Okay, they're good. They're safe.

There's enough light
out there to keep them safe.

Keep staying close.
Stay in the light, close.

- Doesn't matter
how dim the hope seems.

Hope and love, which is
what hope is really about,

can come out
in the darkest places.

The Troubles
have made Haven dark,

but we can light it up again,

keep trying
to make things better

even when it seems impossible.

- Please.

- We have to light up the dark
with hope.

It's the only way
to make life worth living.

Thank you.

- It's funny.

I think Nathan's optimism

is kind of rubbing off on me.

I thought we were gonna make it.

- Me too.

- Good-bye, Dwight.

- Good-bye, Charlotte.

Charlotte, you still alive?

- Not sure how, but yeah.


- Kira did leave me,

said I couldn't deal
with negative feelings.

(clears throat)

My Trouble has k*lled
so many people.


I'm ready.

I have to face my darkness
just like Nathan said.

- Kira? We're coming.

We're coming.
- Oh, thank God.

- You're a brave young woman.

You're gonna be okay.
We're gonna get you out of here.

- Nathan was right. It's a two-person job.
I'll set up a lever.

- As I suspected,
there's not nearly enough.

- Of the swirly black stuff?

Look over there.

- I don't believe it.

Nathan was right.

I can end the Troubles.

- Guess how much.

- If it's a penny more than 31 K, put it back.
- You can keep the change.

- No, thank you.

Come on, we've been here too long.
Let's go.

(alarm blaring)

- Freeze!

Put your hands on your head.


Put your hands on your head.


- You do have a Trouble.

- It's not a Trouble.

- Duke, your eyes.

What are you doing?


- Run.

- Who gave you this information
about Nathan'?

- Honestly, I-l don't know.

I was alone in my room.

I fell asleep or something,

and when I came to,
it was all there.

- Is this your handwriting?

- No.

- You didn't see or hear anything?

- Like I said, I spaced out or...

It's like time didn't exist for me.

What could make a person
lose time like that?

- There's still no sign of Dwight.

Which means that your life
hangs on your eloquence.

Your speech, it helped me
get through to Tony, though.

It was really...
It was really good.

- You think they heard it
with your ears?

- If they didn't,
I'm going to use Grayson.

- Hey.
- No, I don't care what you say.

And have you seen him?

- Ladies and gentlemen,
may I have your attention, please?

The votes have been tallied,
decision made.

And the verdict is...

- Hey look, it's Kira!

(cheers and applause)

- That's a hell of a lot
of aether you found.

- Duke, please.

Please. Please don't hurt me.

- I don't want to hurt you.

I'm sorry.



- Not exactly lobster
at The Gull.

- I'll take it.
- So now what?

How do we build the structure
to end the Troubles?

- Step one,
concentrate that aether

into a workable form.

And there's so much.

I'm gonna need a hand.

I like your hand.

But for that much aether,

I'm gonna need another being
from my world.

- You need Audrey.

- We all do.

More than ever.

- Have you seen Grayson?



The Sandman.

- I hate that name.