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05x19 - Perditus

Posted: 06/03/23 07:27
by bunniefuu
15 puncture wounds I've counted so far,

and all made with a sharp blade.

Wounds like that, they're personal.

She said that Croatoan is my father.

But why would he k*ll her? I just...

I don't understand any of this.

- I'll be OK. I'm good. It's OK. - Here.

She was your mother.

I'm here if you need me.

You should go check on Dwight.

If you're looking for Conan, he took off.

Did he say where?

No, but if he's as pissed as I think he is

and he was looking for me, I would just sh**t myself

in the head and be done with it.

Don't forget the half dozen

on the beach the day the Colorado Kid died.

Counting us, that's 20 people whose memory

- Croatoan altered. - Yeah, 20 we know about.

Who knows how many more there could be?

Or what it is that Croatoan is making us forget.

Croatoan. Need everything now.

- What happened, son? - He just k*lled Charlotte.

What? Why?

That's what I'm going to find out.

Sorry, Dwight. I know how close you two were.

But what about her research, the new Barn?

It was going to end the Troubles for good!

Forget about the Barn. We need to put Croatoan down.

- Dwight! - Audrey!

I'm sorry.

Let me guess. You're here to stop me from

- going off half-cocked? - Croatoan k*lled my mother and my son.

We're going to find him together

and you are going to help us.

Me? How?

You're going to have another vision.

(theme music playing)

(Duke): Who the hell are you?

That is the wrong question, Duke.

Says who?

OK, you know what? I don't have time for this.

You came a long way, Duke.

All the way to North Carolina.

Now that you're here, come on.

What is it you really want to know?

OK, I'll play along.

I want to know what the hell is wrong with me.

There's nothing wrong with you.

You are who you were always meant to be.

(scoffing): Oh, well...

Thanks, Deepak, but what exactly is that?

Crockers are Trouble collectors.

It's been that way for hundreds of years.

Do you know the story of Roanoke Island?

Yeah, it was a settlement where everyone disappeared.

The colonists were cursed.


They came here to escape persecution,

but so many Troubled people in the same place,

it attracted the attention of Croatoan.

What is a Croatoan?

Croatoan came to collect the Troubles from the colonists

but he couldn't. He wasn't yet strong enough

to escape the Void.

So he turned a young Powhatan man

into the first Crocker, someone who could collect the Troubles

- for him. - And how exactly did

Great, Great, Great Grandpappy do that?

By k*lling every man, woman and child in the settlement.

(door opening) (stammering): It's me!

- Just me. - Sorry. Thought you were...

Well, emotions are running high. I've never seen

Dwight so angry. Audrey could give him a run

for his money. How's she doing?

Seems very focused, very professional.

- So she's really hurting. - I believe so.

I thought my family was messed up. What are you doing here, anyway?

Audrey and Dwight are trying to get Dave to have

another vision. I'm not much use there, but I want to help.

Charlotte told me she finally figured it out:

how to build a Barn, end the Troubles without k*lling anyone

or taking Audrey away.

Then she must have left notes.

I haven't found anything so far.

Still haven't been able to find Charlotte's go bag, either.

The roller bag she brought everywhere? It isn't here?

Do you think Croatoan took it?

Unless Charlotte had time to hide it.

So many unanswered questions.

If only we could talk to Charlotte

one last time.

Maybe we can.

You told me your sister can talk to the dead.

Yes. She has a Trouble now, too.

It must have been activated around the same time mine was.

We've always both been really into the occult,

so it makes sense that we both got them.

And you're sure that it is a Trouble, not just...

It's real.

A few days after my husband Herb was k*lled

in Trouble Alley, Ona came to me with a message from him.

We'd been arguing recently

and Herb wanted me to know that he forgave me for everything,

even the car accident I caused a few years ago.

Herb almost lost his arm.

I felt so guilty about that.

Where's your sister now?


it's important.

It's about stopping all of this.

- Ending the Troubles. - She's squatting

at the police station.

- I don't know what's wrong. - (Dwight): Try it again.

We're just wasting good whisky.

Croatoan must have figured out a way to stop me from accessing his memories.

Maybe it's not Croatoan preventing your visions.

- Huh? - Then who?

Please, Audrey.

You don't understand. I don't just see what's happening,

I feel it, too.

- The hatred, the anger. - You want to see anger?

- Dwight, this isn't the way. - He's our only lead.

Dwight's right.

For whatever reason, you have some kind of link

to Croatoan,

to... my father.

I don't understand how that monster

could possibly be related to you.

Well, technically he's Mara's father, so...


Look, Dave, I know that this is hard,

and if there was any other way

I wouldn't be asking you, but Croatoan has come after all of us

and now Charlotte is dead.

We need to find him

before anyone else is k*lled.

I need you to be strong for me.

For you.

I'll try.

I'll try to have another vision.

Oh, spirits, heed our call.

I beseech you to help us commune with Charlotte Cross.

Only her knowledge can save Haven.

(gasping) (shouting in Latin)

I'm sorry.

Your friend, she must have already crossed over, I...

I can't reach her.

Well, thanks for trying.

Yeah, um... I wish I could have done more.

It was a Hail Mary.

We'll find another way.

And don't worry, I'm not going to bust you for squatting here.

- You sure it's alright? - Yeah. Hopefully, someday soon

Haven will need a police station again,

Until then no loud parties.

Everything alright, Ona?


- Hey, I'm Detective Wuornos. - Herb.

That's a wicked scar.

(laughing nervously)

Old car accident.


- He's just a friend. - No.

He's your sister's husband,

and he's supposed to be dead.


- You want I bring Lainey down here? - OK, fine.

My Trouble...

It doesn't let me talk to the dead, it...

brings people back from the dead.

A resurrection Trouble.

Wait, "people"? How many have you brought back?

All of my friends.

Everyone here.

(breathing irregularly)

(Croatoan): So, you like to watch, Dave?

Take a look at this!

He spoke to me. He said my name!

What do you think it means? Could Croatoan

tell when I'm having a vision?

Is he going to come after me next?

We'll protect you, I promise.

You saw Aether fragments in Charlotte's go bag,

that means we can use the rougarou device to track it down.

We find Charlotte's go bag

and we find the k*ller.

And maybe Charlotte's notes,

although I don't see how we're going to be able to build a Barn

without Charlotte.

We may not have to.

We can bring Charlotte back.

So this Croatoan guy

created the Crockers to collect Troubles.

Why? What did he want with them?

Same thing he wants now.

Hold on, 'hell you think you're going?

- We're not done! - No, we're not.

(rushing and ringing sound)

(distorted humming sound)

What the hell?

I'm in Haven...

How is this even a question?

We have a way to bring Charlotte back!

I want my mother back more than anything,

- but by using a Trouble? - You once used one to bring Nathan back.

That was a different Trouble.

That was one that we knew how to control.

Ona has had her Trouble for what, a few days?

She has no idea how it really works - none of us do.

Audrey's right.

We don't know much about Ona's Trouble...

- Big surprise. You agree with her. - But we have to take the risk.

We need Charlotte

to end the Troubles.

(sighing): OK, let's try it.

I'll get Charlotte, bring her to the police station.


Herb and the others Ona resurrected seem fine.

It just seems too good to be true.


I need you to take this.

Dave said that Croatoan was looking

- for the Aether core. - You think he knows you have it?

Just in case, will you take it and hide it somewhere?

Somewhere where no one else can find it, not even me.

We can't let Croatoan get hold of it.

You found a way to bring her back.

- How did you... - It's not my first rodeo.

Are you sure about this, high pockets?

I've lost so much to the Troubles.

My army career,

my sister...

My daughter.

Can't they finally do some good?

Well, we're about due.

I'm not going to let anything else get taken from me again.

(roaring and whooshing sound)


- Mom? - Charlotte?

What... What's going on?

What's this all about?

You're going to be OK, alright?

We... We brought you back.

From where? Why am I at the police station?

We used a Trouble.

Uh... We're supposed to be at the cavern.

We need to purify the Aether.

We already did that.

- We were just about to start. - What's the last thing you remember?


Starting Audrey's training.

Why, what happened? What...

Why do you both keep looking at me like that?

(Audrey): She doesn't even know she was k*lled.

It takes them some time to remember everything.

Think about it, she just went through the most traumatic thing possible.

How long? She's our only lead in catching Croatoan.

You have to be patient.

We don't have time for patience.


How long before Herb remembered his death?

A couple of days. It came back in pieces at first.

OK, I need to talk to him.

He'll be right back. He just went to grab some supplies.

Go in. Talk to Charlotte.

Yeah, remind her who she is,

who she cares about.



(loud humming)



I'm working.

Yeah, I can see that.

I have to put everything back the way it was.

It won't work!

It never works!

Where's Audrey and Nathan?


Dead. Like everyone.

(loud humming)

Audrey and Nathan are dead?

OK, who's not dead?

Nobody. Dwight?

Gloria? Dave? Vince?

I can take you to Vince.

OK, let's try that.

Yeah. Charlotte's gone? How can she be gone?

She slipped out while we were talking to Ona.

Should have... (slamming)

Did she tell you anything? About Croatoan, about the Barn?

No, she couldn't remember anything that

happened and Ona said it's going to take a while.

She's confused, disoriented.

There's got to be some place she'd go.

I'll start at her lab. We'll find her, Dwight.

We'd better, before Croatoan gets to repeat history.

- Is he going to be OK? - He's taking it hard.

He's blaming himself.

- And you? - Me?

My recently resurrected interdimensional mother

has partial amnesia and ran away.

I'm fine.

Have you been able to hide the core?

Yeah. Want me to swing by, pick you up?

No, I need to talk to Lainey. Maybe her tarot cards can help us.

Isn't that what got us into this in the first place?

Yeah, so maybe they can get us out.

(hanging up)

Oh, is there a new vampire Trouble?

You never know what'll come in handy out there.

Oh, well what are you doing with this?

It'll track the vial of Aether

in Charlotte's go bag.

I find that, I'm one step closer to finding Croatoan.

You're going after Croatoan?

I think maybe you should wait for your buzz to fade.

Or maybe liquid courage was exactly what I needed.

Talking to Audrey, I realized

I can't keep hiding from this, Vincent.

I see what Croatoan's doing

and he knows I'm watching,

and it's only a matter of time before he comes after me.

So you go to him first.

That's your plan? It's a terrible plan!

Is it? At least I'll see my death coming,

instead of waiting for it,

cowering like a child in the corner!

Dwight and Nathan are out searching for Charlotte.

I have to do this, Vince.

Then I'm coming with you.


Hey, is there anybody here?

(squelching and chewing noise)



Hands up.

(spitting) (grunting)


Oh, my God!

Put your hands over your head.

Get up. Slowly.

(grunting and slobbering)

Get back! Back!

(both grunting)

(Herb growling) (banging on door)

OK... (dialling)

Nathan? Hey. (growling and banging continue)

Those people that Ona brought back,

they're turning into monsters.

We need to find Charlotte and we need to find her fast before she turns too.

No, this is crazy. Herb is fine!

Herb is not fine anymore.

He was eating Lainey.

How many days has it been since you brought Herb back

- from the dead? - Two days.

He... He was the first.

You must have cared about him a lot.

I know he was married to Lainey, but...

I loved him, and he loved me.

But then the Troubles came,

and when he died...

It just hurt so bad.

That must have activated your Trouble.

And now because of me, my sister's dead and Herb's become...

I'm so sorry.

Maybe there's a way we can change him back?

Yeah, and then we can stop the others from becoming like him.

Where... Where are the others?

They left to see their families.

I'm going to need those addresses.

I thought I was doing the right thing, bringing them back.

Now, please.

I found a reference to Ona's Trouble in Duke's journal.

A Crocker was asking a resurrected woman about her death,

next thing he knew he was fighting some kind of

undead creature.

So she turned after she remembered how she died.

If that's true...

Asking Charlotte all those questions about her death...

Is going to make her transform, and according to the journal...

They come after people they were closest to, people who

remind them the most of the life that they have lost.

If Charlotte turns,

she's coming after you and Dwight.

He has no idea what kind of danger he's in.

I knew you'd come here.

This is our spot.

Where you first shot me.

I regret that.

Pretending to be a CDC agent,

lying about why I was here and...

sh**ting you.

Good intentions...

Bad aim.


You took a b*llet for your town.

You do what you can for the people you love.

I'm sorry I have to ask, but...

do you know what happened?

They died.

I should have been there.


No, you...

you would have just died too.

Do you remember what happened?

I don't know, it's...

it's all so fuzzy, it's like I'm...

trying to see underwater.

It was Croatoan.

You told Audrey that he's her father.

No, that... that would mean that...

- I must have been confused. - You have to try, Charlotte.

Try and remember.

Aha! (device beeping)

We've got the breadcrumbs, they should lead us

right to Charlotte's go bag.

- And her k*ller. - Cold feet?

What happened to the liquid courage?

I should have brought some with.

Go back, Dave. Let me do this.

This is my fight, more than anyone's.

Besides, when we do find him,

can't let you hog the spotlight.

Perish the thought.

All right. Together then,

until the end of all things.



Is that you, youngster?

Duke Crocker?

- Oh... - You know,

I guess I just got homesick.

Not much of a home to return to, I'm afraid.

Croatoan won.

OK, seriously, can somebody please just tell me

- who that is? - It doesn't matter,

nothing does.

The game was played and lost.

Lost when Nathan went into the Void

and never came out.

And nothing's been the same since.

Vince, I need you to tell me everything that happened

after I left Haven.

Why did Nathan go into the Void?

(man screaming)

It's too late,

Croatoan's here.

So what the hell are we gonna do?

The only thing we can do...


Oh, screw that.

I asked her to remember,

- begged her. - You didn't know.

But now she's gonna change because of me.

No, you did the right thing.

Charlotte is gonna change no matter what.

But it's all for nothing if she doesn't tell us

about Croatoan and how to build a new Barn.

You want to make her remember even though she...

It's gonna happen, Dwight, we can't stop it.

Please, let her save the rest of us.

You'd never give up on Audrey, but I'm supposed to give up on Charlotte?

(banging on door) (Audrey): Guys!

(undead moaning and growling)

Guys? Can we get some help, please?

(undead moaning and growling)

(undead moaning and growling)


- Well, that was handy. - OK...

Doors boarded up, should give us a minute to figure this out.

(glass breaking)

- Or not. - Keep your hands on the door,

- I'll cover the windows. - Done.

I don't understand! Why do they want me?!

They're coming for the people that they're closest to.


- I only wanted to help. - Oh, you did.

You let them say goodbye. You gave their loved ones peace of mind.

- You really think so? - Yeah.

Dwight, I have to try and get through to Ona.

No, Audrey. You talk to Ona, Charlotte disappears,

- and your mother dies again. - There's no other way to stop this.

I lost you once today, I'm not gonna let it happen again.

I'd rather take my chances with the undead.

Dwight's right. Until we figure out how to build a Barn, Charlotte's going nowhere.

What about me? Don't I get a vote?

- Charlotte, you're confused. - No, I'm not.

I finally remember everything, my death and my life,

I would never let people get hurt,

- so that I could live. - I'm sorry.

Don't be. Help Ona.

(undead growling and grunting)

So you want to build a Barn?


Nothing here.

I'm still dreaming.


are the fulcrum, Duke.

You'll either save your friends

or k*ll them all.

You OK? You were mumbling in your sleep.

- I was? - Yeah. Sounded like

a bad nightmare, or something. Frankly, I suspect

- it was the tacos, but... - I wish it was.

The stranger showed me something.

- I'm sorry, the who? - The guy who was just here.

Dude, I've been right here

the whole time. There's nobody here.

Ona, you have to let her go.

The journal says it's the only way.

But that means Herb goes back to being dead.

I know it's hard, but you have to accept that he's gone.

But there has to be a way to fix him,

just to turn him back to normal.

Ona, I'm sorry, there isn't another way.

Your Trouble changed him

and now there is no going back.

Door can't take much more!

It's hard to buy one that's Trouble-proof.


- please. - I'm trying,

but I can't stop thinking about Herb

and how I'll never see him again.

That's fine.

It's good to have memories,

but that's what he has to be right now,

- a memory. - You don't understand.

He is the only person I have left.

I didn't have anyone when I first came here.

My husband died, I lost my daughter...

And I was sure I'd never find her again, but...

I did.

And I hate the fact that...

I'll never see her again after this,


that hate, it doesn't outweigh

the love I gained in getting to know her.

And that, I'll take with me.

(undead moaning and growling)

Running out of time, ladies!

They're dropping in the order Ona brought them back.

Then Charlotte only has a few minutes left.

If this is really goodbye...

I need to tell you about your father.

She wants to see you.

(Nathan): Come here.

It's never fair, is it?

No, it isn't.

What did Charlotte tell you about the Barn?

She said the next piece we need is in the Void.

She called it the controller crystal.

As long as this Shroud's up,

there's no way to get a Thinny open.

And without a Thinny, there's no way to get into the Void.

There's something else I need to tell you.

Before I came here, I wasn't the best person.

- (whispering): It's OK. - No.

But then I fell for you...

and this stupid town, and...

you changed me, Dwight.

And if there was a Thinny open right now,

I wouldn't go...

because here...

with you, it's...

the happiest I've been

in a very long time.

I love you, Dwight.

Goodbye, Dwight.

She really did love you.

And you.

Before she passed,

Charlotte told me what happened...

how she died.

I don't know, dude, maybe we should check out Roanoke.

Maybe that's what your spirit guide was trying to tell you.

For the last time...

wasn't my spirit guide.

So what was he then? (Duke sighs.)

Alright. You relax,

I'm gonna get some snacks. Stay right here,

unless you want to reboot my memory again.

So I got you some of these, because who doesn't like

tubes of processed mystery meat?

- Duke? - (Duke whistles)

What are you doing? Did you steal that car?

Why are you stealing that car?

'Cause I'm going back... to Haven.

And the van doesn't go

in that direction because...?

Because I'm going alone.

Oh, come on, man.

You know, I could just follow you there.

Except the second that you drive away...

You forget all about me...

and the Troubles and Haven,

and you live a full and happy life, Seth.

Come on, Duke, don't do this.

- Duke. Duke... - (car starting)


I can't believe he's been this close for so long.

That's why I tell you it's so important

to keep the door locked!

(device beeping regularly)

We're getting close.

(device beeping faster)

Oh, my! (device beeping quickly)

How could this be?

Croatoan must be inside.

I told you he was gonna come after me!

Look, look... We have to go for backup.

Come on, Dave.

- Don't be crazy. - Come on!

(device beeping quickly)

Why aren't we waiting for reinforcements?

(device beeping very quickly)


(Vince shuts off the beeping.) How?

If Croatoan took

her bag, why did he put it here?

Because Croatoan didn't take the bag...

Dave did.

Dave k*lled Charlotte.