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05x01 & 05x02 - Kidnapping: Part 1 & 2

Posted: 06/03/23 08:28
by bunniefuu
Hmm. Interesting move.

Thank you.

Probably gonna
cost you the game.

I doubt that. I
seriously doubt it.


- Do you play?
- Nope.

That's surprising.

Not to me.

No, I just meant

That it's one of the most
popular games in the world.

Oh, yeah?

Has its origins
in the middle east

About 3,000 years before christ.

I got a home version
of "beat the clock."

I find that the modern
games are more challenging.

Gentleman, it is, uh,
10 minutes after 9:00.

I hesitate to point
that out to you.

We're almost finished, captain.

I'm just gonna
double harris to $64.

Would you mind doubling
on your own time, dietrich?

It's all over if
harris doesn't accept.

Good. Harris?

Oh, uh, yeah, right, barn.

Okay, I accept.

Hey, I win.

Well, that's the way it goes.


I'll be going back to
my official duties now.

I was expecting
at least a "damn."

Sure. Step inside,
will you, please?

Come on. Inside.

No kidding? In here?

You give great instruction.

Would you keep moving?

Come on, come on.

Hey, harris.


Yeah. Good morning.

What do you got, woj?

Same old story, barn.

He was buying it.
She was supplying it.


Excuse me. Are
you in charge here?

Yes, I'm captain miller.
What can I do for you?

Captain, my name is wilmore.

I'm with the anderson
manufacturing company

In little rock.

Captain, I think if I can have
a few moments of your time,

We could take care of
this misunderstanding.

There's no
misunderstanding, barn.

The guy was soliciting.

I'm up here on a
buying trip, sergeant.

That's what "soliciting"
means, mr. Wilmore.

I hardly even noticed her.

Do you believe that?

Hardly likely.

Barney, the guy noticed her.

His eyeballs were
sticking out yea far.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Uh, obviously
sergeant wojciehowicz

Feels he has probable
cause for arrest.

You'll have your
opportunity in court to...

Court?! That's degrading.

Damned inconvenient, too.

Why don't you have a seat
at sergeant dietrich's desk?

He'll take your statement.

Dietrich: right over
here, mr. Wilmore.

And you, over there.

Me, understand.

I don't believe I've seen
you around before, miss, uh...

Dixon. Marsha dixon.

I'm new in the neighborhood.

Well, wish I could
say "welcome," but...

Forget it. I understand.

Who's got time to be
neighborly nowadays?

12Th precinct. Yemana.




Trouble at siegel's
department store.

- Shoplifting?
- Kidnapping.


They kidnapped old man siegel,

Snatched him right
out of the limousine.

You better get over
there. Harris, go with him.

Wojo, get on the phone
to the federal bureau.

Tell them we'll
keep them posted.


- Ready, harris?
- Yo.


What's this?

It's my personal check for $64.

You don't have to pay me now.

Dietrich, every
time a cop goes out,

There's always a chance
that he won't come back.


Well, it's not that I
enjoy paying you the $64,

But I ain't owing nobody
nothing for eternity.

We've got about 40 uniforms

Doing a house-to-house
of the immediate area.

Excuse me, inspector.

The fbi just called. They
got someone on the way.

Uh, thank you.

I've just heard that
the federal authorities

Are now entering the case.

You know why I'm here?

Yeah, I know why you're here.

Because I'm from arkansas.

No, we haven't
enforced that in years.

I'm here just because I
have a noticeable accent

And live in little rock.

Well, that doesn't make
me some kind of yokel

You can take advantage of.

Little rock, arkansas,
happens to be

A modern and sophisticated,

Up-to-date manufacturing
and business center.

Can I have your first
and middle name, please?

Robert joseph.

Bobby joe?

You got it.

Excuse me.

You haven't forgotten
about me, have you?

Uh, no, I haven't
forgotten about you.

Thank you. That's a
very nice compliment.

What's a very nice compliment?

Well, you just said you
hadn't forgot about me.

I didn't mean it
as a compliment.

Just a simple fact.

Oh, well, I took
it as a compliment.

All I meant was I know
you're still sitting there.

I wasn't trying
to be nice to you.

Sorry. I thought you were.

No, no, no.

It was just an honest

Yeah, well, you just
hold on to your horses,

And I'll be with
you in a minute.

You know, the word on the street

Is that you're a pretty
decent group of guys up here.

Yeah, we're a regular
bunch of sweethearts.

- That's what they say.
- Yeah, yeah.

I meant that as a compliment.

Well, just quit it!

I mean, we don't compliment you,

And you got no reason
to compliment us,

So just quit it, all right?


Okay. I'll be with
you in a minute.

Just let me finish
my business, okay?

- Okay.
- Okay!

You're very kind.

You're asking for trouble.
You know that, don't you?

Problem, wojo?

No, just trying
to finish this list

Of people with
kidnapping priors,

And I keep getting interrupted.

It's my fault,
captain. I'm sorry.

You see?

She keeps pulling that
polite hooker routine.

We'll be with you as soon
as possible, miss dixon.

Thank you.

It's just the old
polite captain routine.

Look, would you just
step right inside here?

How a person is dragged
off in broad daylight?

I mean, a decent, a respectable,

A very, very influential person.

I mean, what is happening
to this country?

I told you he
needed a bodyguard.

- You never
mentioned bodyguard.
- The other day...

On my life, the word "bodyguard"
never came near his lips.

Look, you want to just
sort of keep moving here?

- I sent a memo.
- I never saw it.

You never read my memos.

Then stop sending them.

Uh, barn, this is lorraine
and andrew siegel.

Mr. And mrs. Siegel.

Ms. Siegel.

We're not married.

They're brother and sister.
Mr. Siegel's their father.

Oh, I beg your pardon.

We've had separate
rooms since I was 9.

No one cares, andrew.

Yemana: okay. In here.

30 Years.

30 Years without a major
accident, and now this.

Well, I guess you were due.

Barney, this is
mr. Blake, the chauffeur.

He saw the whole thing.

Yeah, sure, I saw the
whole thing... Big deal!

But I couldn't stop them.

I got arthritis.

Just take it easy, mr. Blake.

You got a good look
at the kidnappers?

I got a good look.

There were three of them, and
they all had g*ns, but no faces.

Beg your pardon?

Barney, apparently they
were wearing stocking masks.

Mr. Blake said
that one of the men

Appeared to be a little
darker than the other two.

He wasn't sure whether
that was a racial difference

Or just personal
taste in nylons.

Have a seat at
sergeant yemana's desk.

He'll take your statement.

Mr. Siegel, miss siegel,

I want to apologize
for losing your father.

Ah, forget it.

No, you can't fight
with arthritis.

You can hardly drive.


Miss siegel, I couldn't
blame you if you fired me.

Don't grovel,
eddie. Be a person.

Mr. Blake.

Mr. Siegel, if
you'll have a seat

At sergeant dietrich's desk.

There's no one there.

He'll be right back.

Harris, that leaves
you with ms. Siegel.

Funny how these things work out.

Ms. Siegel, you want to
have a seat over here, please?

It would be my pleasure.

I know the feeling.

What feeling is that?

Having nobody there
when you need someone.


Yemana: 12th precinct. Yemana.

Barney? Hang on.

A radio station
about the kidnapping.

No comment.

Oh, my god... Publicity!

That's all we need.

Andrew, did you hear that?


That's all I need.

- Hey, barney.
- Inspector.

Looks like you got a big one
on your hands, huh, barney?

Be with you in a
minute, inspector.

Likewise, I'm sure.

Barney, it's the
station manager.

They received some tapes.
Demands from the kidnappers.

- Oh, my god!
- I'll get back to you.

Captain miller here.

Remember when we got the
lindbergh note, you know.

50,000 Big ones they wanted.

Hey, when was that,
barney? Back in 193...

We'll talk later.

Use your phone, barney?

- Huh?
- Thank you.

All right.

Yeah. Thanks.

Look, I'd appreciate
a copy of that.

Thank you.

Captain, what do they
want? Who are they?

Ms. Siegel, I'm
afraid it looks like

It's politically motivated.

Political? My father
is not a politician.

My father is a businessperson.

Well, in addition to
certain sums of money,

They're demanding that
the doors of your store

Be thrown open to the public
and merchandise be given away

To the "poor and
alienated victims

Of the capitalist
oppressor in our custody."

He was a very strict father.

Are they crazy?!

I mean, give away
a whole store?!

Are these people crazy?!
Who are these people?!

They call themselves the
manhattan liberation force.

Well, I never heard of them.

- Neither have i.
- Neither have i.

Ms. Siegel, why
don't you have a seat?

Mr. Siegel, please
just sit down.

We'll see what we can do.

Nick? Yo.

All right. Let's
get into the files.

Let's check out this
manhattan liberation force

And all other
neopolitical organizations,

Radical splinter
groups, t*rrorists,

Or any other persons
who might have used this m.o.


Oh, you want it now?

As soon as possible.

Hey, barney...

Don't you think it'd be
easier to just find the guy?

Yes, the ransom demands
have been received.

The decision is in the
hands of the family now.

Look, the investigation
is in progress.

I cannot release that kind
of information at this time.

Reporters. Lousy bloodsuckers.

No, look, I really
can't help you.

I'm sorry. I can't
release any information.

You're welcome.

Some poor slob gets
himself kidnapped,

And they got to know
all the gory details.

It's their job, inspector...
To inform the public.

What? So what, you know?

Big deal. Another kidnapping.

Everybody's doing
it today, barney.

It's big business.

Unfortunately that's true.

Malcontents. That's
what it is, barney.

- You're probably right.
- Sure. Certainly.

They're nuts. Watch.

You pay the ransom,

And the chances
are 9 times out of 10,

You're gonna wind up
finding some stinking body

Stuffed into a car trunk.

Or else they'll wind
up getting the pieces

Back through the mail
in about 12 shoe boxes.

Inspector, mr. Siegel's son
and daughter are out there.


I'd rather not
unduly alarm them.

It's our job to reassure them.

Hey, listen, you want
me to talk to them?

I'd be glad to do it, barney,
if it's gonna help you out.

Inspector, it really
won't be necessary.


This job is never
easy, is it, barney?


That coffee sure looks good.

I'll pour you a cup.

No, I don't drink it.


My name is andrew.

Marsha dixon.

My father owns siegel's
department store.

Oh, really?

He was abducted.

I'm sorry.

I guess it's just
one of the risks

That goes along with
being exceptionally wealthy.

So what brings you here?

Oh, sort of a
get-acquainted visit.

- I like your outfit.
- Thank you.

I worked in women's
wear, so I know.

I'm gonna take you down
for pictures and prints now.


Because that's the way
we do things around here.

I'll see you later.

I'll look forward to it.

I mean, they just want
us to fling open the doors

And let people come in and
grab whatever they want?

Well, that's
insane. It's insane!

You can't run a
business that way.

I mean, I love my father.

I know they've got
my father. I know it.

Maybe we could have
a really good sale.

Ms. Siegel, do you want
to just sit back down there

And take it easy?

Thank you.

That's very considerate of you.

Would you like a cup of coffee?

Is there any ice tea?

Uh, no, I'm afraid not.

Ah, I get so warm.

I get warm when I'm nervous.

I understand.

Have you ever done any modeling?

Who? Me?

You certainly
got the body for it.

Oh, why, thank you.


I beg your pardon?

With sugar.

Oh, you mean the coffee?


I understand.

Right this way, sir.

Thank you, officer.

Just stay here.

And then there was the time

They put the snatch
on zero zacketti, barney.

Remember how they sent him back?

In mason jars.

Uh, inspector.

Captain miller, that
is philip martin, fbi,

Believe it or not.

His credentials appear
to be in order, sir.

Thank you, levitt.

Mr. Martin, I'm captain miller.

Captain miller, I'm looking
forward to working with you.

Martin, inspector luger, nypd.

Always a pleasure to
work with the bureau.

The pleasure's mutual

Uh, why don't we step
in my office, mr. Martin?

I can fill you in
on the situation.

Uh, captain, is this man
going to be in charge

Of my father's case?

I'm sorry. Mr. Martin,

This is mr. Siegel's
daughter, ms. Lorraine siegel.

Ms. Siegel, the
bureau is going to do

Everything in its power

To affect the safe
return of your father.

How old are you?

Uh, mr. Martin, my
office is this way.

Uh... Excuse me.

How old is he?

I don't know.

He's about 145
pounds, if that helps.

And a copy of the tape

Is being sent over
by the radio station.

It certaily seems you're
right on top of this, captain.

Thank you.

You know, if there's,
uh, some free space,

I'd like to, uh,

Like to set up a command center.

I think that can
be arranged. Yes.

Well, until there are some
some subsequent developments,

I'd say there's nothing
much further to do

Except wait.

You're in charge.

I'll be 28 in october.


Come on. We got other
things to do around here.

- Sit down.
- Hey.

Do you think it
would be possible

To get some copies
of the pictures?

What do you want them
for? They're mug sh*ts.

A memento, a little remembrance.

You know, I don't think
it's sunk into you yet,

But you're under
arrest for prostitution.

It ain't supposed to be fun.

Look, there is nothing
I can do about it, right?

So why shouldn't I make
the best of the situation

And just enjoy the
people around me?

Sit down.

I got to go downstairs
and check you for priors.

Why don't you enjoy
nick for a while?


I'm having a good time.

Sergeant, what's happening?

I checked for priors here.

I still got to wait to
hear from arkansas.

I guess I'm going to
be here all day, huh?

Listen, if you're hungry, I'm
going down for sandwiches

In a little while. I could
pick you up something.

You mean like grits? Hog jowls?

It's up to you.

You know, we appreciate
the same things down there

That you folks do up here.

A fine cut of meat,
fresh lobster,

- A good bottle of wine.
- Red or white?

- Depends.
- With possum.

- Red.
- Thought so.

Nick, find anything?

Oh, yeah.

Uh, a pamphlet from
the young republicans.

Uh, yeah, I understand. Right.

- Uh, barney?
- Yeah.

Seems there's a riot developing

Over at siegel's
department store.

- What?
- The radio station made a copy

Of the tape with the demands
and played it on the air,

So now everybody's lining
up for the big giveaway.


Uh, there's been
some fist fighting,

And one of the display
windows was smashed out.

Oh, my god. Oh, my god!

Uh, harris, get over
there. Nick, go with him.

Dietrich, get on
the phone to kogan.

I want some uniforms there.

Uh, I'm afraid I can't
get officially involved

Unless a state line is crossed.

We'll do what we can

To contain it in
lower manhattan.

Humor... It's as vital
to a cop as his g*n.

Depends on the caliber.

- Captain.
- I know. I'm a funny guy.

Not very humble about it, is he?

Yeah, all right. Okay,
keep me posted, kogan.


Ms. Siegel, I'm afraid
I'm gonna have to insist

That your store be shut down.

Shut down?!

- According to crowd control...
- Crowd control?

He's right, lorraine...

- Andrew, you're
explaining things.
- Sorry.

You're not good
at explaining things.

Oh, yeah. I just remembered.

Good decision... Unofficial.

But from the
bureau's point of view,

It's operable, functional.

It's a good decision.

Thank you.


Good move, barney.

Thank you, inspector.

Proud of you.

All right. All right,
so we close the store.

What about my father?
What happens now?

Well, we're doing
everything we can

To find your father, ms. Siegel.

The investigation
is progressing,

And I'm fairly certain they're
gonna contact us again.

They've got to. They're
gonna want something.

So what do we give them?

Miss siegel, our policy

As regards ransom
in a case like this

Is to leave that decision
entirely up to the family.

We're here to advise

And, of course, to
give recommendations.

So what do you recommend?

Have a seat, kiddo.

How do you do?

Fine, thanks. And you?

Oh, not bad.

It's been a kind of
difficult day, you know,

Where we've got a
kidnapping going on in there

- And they called me in for...
- Hey, hey.

You mind? I'm
trying to finish up

An arrest report here.

Oh. Sorry. Yeah.

Uh, who's been arrested?

She has.

Oh, really?

What's the charge?

She's a hooker.

Well, that's... That's
not a federal crime.

I mean, unless you happen
to be crossing a state line

At the time.

I'm with the fbi.

Uh, we, uh, we're here
in an advisory capacity,

So, uh... I'll be
downstairs if, uh...

If you have any questions.

He's cute.

You'd think quasimodo was cute

If he came swinging in here.

He's not as cute as you are.


Sorry. Just slipped out.

I'm not one of your cheap hoods!

- Right there.
- I-i pay taxes!

I-i pay your salary!

And we appreciate
that. Thank you.

Who have we got here, nick?

He's one of the
guys from the riot.

Knocked an old lady down.

A little old lady?

- Yeah.
- That makes me sick, you know?

That just makes
me physically sick.

Yeah. It's a tough town
to keep anything down in.

What's it like out there?

Oh, lots of yelling,
screaming, stomping.

Actually, pretty normal
for this time of day.

- Harris: barney?
- Yeah.

This is phillip glandsman.

He shoved an old
lady onto the sidewalk.

Pleasure to meet you.

I gave! I gave, all right!

I gave till it hurts,
and now I'm taking,

I'm taking my fair share!

I'm captain miller.

I pay your salary, too!

I beg your pardon?

Oh, I already
thanked him, barney.

Now, I want to know
why I'm being arrested!

Well, I would assume
there's an as*ault charge out.

You mean that old lady?

She pushed me first.

I got a right to defend myself.

Mr. Glandsman is
also being charged

With inciting to riot,

Disturbing the peace,
and resisting arrest.

I thought he was a looter!

It's an honest mistake.

Mr. Glandsman, you don't
appear to be too deprived,

Materially speaking anyway.

Oh, don't try that
guilt number on me.

- Harris.
- Mr. Glandsman,

You want to take a
seat over here, please?

Just because I'm white,
male, and middle class,

I'm not apologizing to anybody.

I raised a family, worked hard,

- Sent my children...
- Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Hey. I got enough friends.

Hi, andrew.

Hi, marsha.

That's a very lovely name.


It's short for marshall.

- Oh.
- My dad wanted a son.

Mine, too.


By the way...

When all this is over,

And... We've all gone home...


I was wondering
if, uh, sometimes,

I could call you.


Nothing personal. I
mean, strictly business.

Andrew, you don't have
to pay for affection.

Well, that's very
generous of you.


What I meant was, uh...

You have got a lot of
very appealing qualities.

You're... You're sensitive,

And you're warm.

I am warm.

I spend a lot of time warm.

Andrew, I'm very flattered,

And under different

Anyway, you can do
a lot better than me.


They'll find you.

I mean, after all, you're, uh...

You're intelligent.
You're attractive.

Oh, yeah.

And you're a very successful
young businessman.



So just don't be
too tough on them.

- I'll remember that.
- Hmm.

You're in my seat.


I was through with it anyway.

Okay, I'm going to need
your address, mr. Glandsman.

Listen, I've got nothing
against you people, either.

I mean, if a guy works
hard, saves his money,

I'm on his side.

Your address?

657 Honey bear lane.

It's in the suburbs.

Oh, really?

Disgusting. The store is closed.

Everybody is just
standing around

Getting paid for doing nothing.

Unless it's an act of
god. What do you think?

Uh, I'm not a
lawyer, ms. Siegel.

Or a theologian.

I hate this. Don't you?


The disk jockey from
the radio station

Heard from the kidnappers.

Another tape?

No. They just phoned it in.

He was taking requests.

Uh, yeah, captain miller here.

Uh, yes, mr., Uh... Wild bill.

Oh, I hate him. He plays junk.

Yeah, go ahead.

For 30 years, they've
been gouging us,

Sucking the blood
out of the middle class

To pay for the poor
people's food stamps

And the rich people's loopholes.

We're gonna put you in the cage.

Everyone thinks
you're made of money

Just because you
work your butt off

To have a nice house, a
new car, wear a nice suit.

That's a matter of opinion.

Don't you think
we're being gouged?!

I was referring to the suit.

Yeah, thank you. 6:00. I got it.

Thank you very
much, mr., Uh, wild.

What is it?

Well, it appears the kidnappers
have had second thoughts.

They've been...
Watching the riots on tv,

And they've become
disillusioned with the masses.

They've changed their demands.
They're now asking for $200,000.


In money?

I'm afraid so.

That's $150,000 more
than bruno wanted.


You know, back then,

You could get a loaf
of bread for 10 cents,

A nice new suit of clothes
like yours for 30 bucks.

Everything's gone up.

Uh, I wouldn't know.

Too young.


Yeah. You want to catch
them when they're about 40.

You know, that's when
they really get desperate.

Captain, what about delivery?

They want one cop to
drop it off in the park.

The specific instructions call

For the money to
be put in a suitcase.

And at exactly 6:00 p.m., The
officer will begin jogging north

Through central park,

Wearing nothing
but jogging shorts.

They'll contact him as he jogs.

Ms. Siegel?

Yes, what?

Well, whether we go
along with this is up to you.

Well, what if they get the money

And don't give me
back my father?

That's a distinct possibility.

Well, who does
business like that?

Captain. I'll phone the bank.

We'll have the money
over here in 30 minutes.

- Andrew, just...
- Oh, shut up, lorraine!

Some things in this
life you pay for!

Others you do not.

May I use the phone?


Gentlemen, I'm
gonna need a jogger.

Oh, barney, I tried to make
it around the park one time.

I couldn't make it.

Oh, that's okay.

I think it's mine,
barn. I run every day.

Yeah. Go change.

I'll be back.

Listen, take care of yourself.

It might get dangerous, right?

I'm only going to
the locker room.

Yeah, I know. I heard about it.

I'll be back.

I understand there's
a new ransom demand.


Who? How much? What happened?


You want to wait in
my office, mr. Martin?


You will be coming
in, too, won't you?

Of course.


Nick, hang in there
with mr. Siegel,

And give him whatever
help he needs.

Coming right now.

An officer will be right over.

The money's waiting.



Barney, the bank
has the $200,000 ready.

I'm gonna go pick it up.

Okay, see you in a while.


He's always joking.

Still jogging?

God, it's over two hours.

Yeah, the instructions
said jogging.

Nobody said anything
about resting.

Could have been
an oversight, yes.

All right. Uh... Keep me posted.

Thank you.

What's happening?

Unfortunately, not
much of anything.

Nobody's tried
to contact him yet.

Well, what if he
can't keep going?

- I mean...
- Oh, no.

You don't know sergeant
wojciehowicz, andy.

For captain miller, that
boy would keep running

Until he dropped dead.

Thank you, inspector.

My pleasure, barney.

Why don't they contact
him, for god's sakes?

Mr. Siegel, we have found

That kidnappers have
very little consideration

For anybody but themselves.

What did you do?

Nothing. It was a

Yes, with me, too.

I mean, all I wanted
was my piece of the pie.

That's only fair, isn't it?

Not in this town.

Dietrich: let's go, mr. Wilmore.

I sure appreciate it.

I was beginning to
feel like a caged animal.

I know.

I had you cooped up like
a red-eyed razorback.

Your humor is
interminable, sergeant.

Have a seat over
there, mr. Wilmore.

- Dietrich.
- Yeah.

What's a razorback?

A razorback is a thin-bodied,

half-wild mongrel pig.

They used for food?

Oh, sure. But talk about
your ugly pork chops.

Can I help you, levitt?

Yeah, I got a bail ticket
for a dixon, marsha.

It's that young
lady right there.


Dixon, marsha?

Hi, there.

Hi, there.

Hi, there, levitt.

Oh, oh, this is
job-related, sir.

What's that?

Oh, my standing here
talking to dixon, marsha.


I've got her bail ticket, sir.

Somebody put up the money.

It was a big fella with a
fuzzy hat and a pink lincoln.

A friend in need is a
friend indeed. Here you go.

Just hang on to that, will you?

Captain, any word about
sergeant wojciehowicz?

No, not yet.

Here you go. Have a
safe trip, mr. Wilmore.

Mr. Wilmore.

You are aware of the
consequences of nonappearance.

I'll be back. "Monday the 19th."


In fact, I may even come
in on sunday the 18th.


Or even saturday the 17th.

And I'll probably be staying
at the winston hotel again.


Pardon me.

I went through the whole
lindbergh deal, you know?

It must have been a rough trip.


I thought he went alone.

Mm. I'm sorry.

Would you care for a
cup of coffee, mr. Blake?

Oh, no, thanks.

I can't drink the stuff
since I got the arthritis.

- Oh, really?
- Yeah.

I didn't know that
coffee affected that.

It doesn't. It's the
cups with the handles.

I can't put them down.


It's embarrassing.

People keep refilling
it all the time.

Throwing their change in there.



Harris: hey, hey, man.

Wojo, what happened?

I jogged about 11 1/2 miles.


And then, finally, this
jogger comes up behind me

And says "don't turn around."

So I didn't, and he says
"throw the suitcase

"In the next car that
pulls up next to you

And keep running."

So you saw the car.

Yeah, I threw the
suitcase in it, kept running.

The license plate was covered.

It was probably stolen anyway.

All right.

Can I take a shower?


So where's my father?!

Oh, uh...

I don't know. He
wasn't in the car.

See, I knew we shouldn't
have given them the money.

Are you happy now?!

I'm not happy.
I'm not not happy.

Yeah? Well, we'll
never see him again.

Ms. Siegel, the ransom
was just delivered.

Yeah, and there's often
a delay between payment

And the actual
return of the person.

Of course.

Sometimes it might take
four or five months.

You can't expect
too much, you know.

Sometimes you get him back.

He might be stuffed into a...

Uh, do you want some coffee?


Just sit, drink, and
wait, right, captain?

I'm afraid so.

Mason jars.

Anything happen yet?

No, woj.

You change more than I do.

Your bail ticket
came, didn't it?

Yeah. It got here
a little while ago.

Yeah, I heard about him.

So what are you
still doing here?

Well, mr. Siegel isn't back yet.

I just don't want to leave

Until I see how
everything turns out.

That's got nothing
to do with you.

Yeah, I know, but,
uh, this is like a movie.

I hate walking
out in the middle.

Oh, is that right?

Do you mind?

What do I care?

Stick around and watch
the cartoon, if you want.

Right this way, mr. Siegel.

Daddy, are you all right?!

- I'm fine. I'm fine.
- Hello, father.

Mr. Siegel, I'm sorry.


- Mr. Siegel?
- That's me.

I'm captain miller.

How are you?

Siegel, frank luger, nypd.

Glad to get you
back in one piece.

Sir, it appears that the
kidnappers let him loose

Down on the bowery.

A squad car picked him up.

Uh, mr. Siegel, I'm
philip martin, fbi.

Glad to have you back.

Well, a regular convention...

My daughter, my son, the police,

The fbi, marsha.


Uh, mr. Siegel, we're
gonna need your statement.

Sure. Sure.

Thank god you're alive.

Lorraine, that's enough.

It was worth every penny.


What every penny?
Every penny of what?

Well, the ransom.

How much ransom?


My god, are you crazy?!

That's what I said.


Andrew: but we
got you back safe.

I'm 61 years old. I've
had two bypasses.

I've got a pig valve right here.

At tops, I'm worth $50,000.

But they wanted $200,000.

So where is it carved in
stone that you couldn't dicker?

Mr. Siegel, under
the circumstances,

I'd say your son made
a very wise decision.

Andrew, you did it out of love.

Of course I did.

And it's my fault, I suppose.

Thanks, dad.

Forget it.

Maybe it's a write-off.

We'll keep a good thought.

Uh, excuse me, mr. Siegel,

Do you want to take a
seat over here, please?

Hey, siegel! You got
lousy merchandise!

What? Who is that?

He was at your riot.

A riot?

I had a riot?

At the store.

The kidnappers... They made
us give away free merchandise.

Oh, don't tell me
a thing like that.

But I love you.

Mr. Siegel.

Captain, I assume
you'll forward me

A copy of mr. Siegel's

Of course.

And I'll keep you informed

In our locating
of the kidnappers.

We'd appreciate that very much.

Goodbye, captain.


Excuse me.

You know, you have a
very good group here.

Thank you.

We could use some men
like you down at the bureau.

No, I couldn't work
under a man like hoover.

Surely you know
mr. Hoover is no longer alive.

Is that what they told you?

Well, barney, I guess
there's nothing much more

I can do around here, huh?

I guess not, inspector.

Yeah. Well, so long, fellas.

Again, congratulations.

Job very well done
on a difficult case.

Thank you, sir.

Yeah, sure.

But I guess for
you, it's just another

In a series of great and
challenging investigations, sir.

You really do know how
to suck up to a superior,

Don't you, levitt?

Absolutely not, sir.

Well, maybe it's
time you learned.

Come on.

Uh, barney, I just got a
preliminary statement

From mr. Siegel, but it's
been an awful long day, barn.

Why don't we let him go?

Good idea. Mr. Siegel, we
won't be needing you any longer.

We'll contact you.

Thank you, captain.

Lorraine, andrew, we're leaving.

Eddie, take us home.

Yes, sir, mr. Siegel. Yes, sir.

I'll go get the car.

Bye, captain.

Mr. Blake.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Sergeant harris,

You've been very understanding.

Well, uh,

I'm glad everything
came out all right.

I pay $25 an hour.

Pardon me?

For modeling.

Uh, yeah, well, uh, I'll
give that some thought.

So will i.

I'm leaving now, marsha.

It was very nice meeting you.

I was enriched.

Andrew, get away from there.

Well, goodbye, captain.


Thanks a lot for
everything. I'll be going now.

Yeah, sure.

Just show that...

Ticket to the desk
sergeant downstairs,

On the first floor.

Anything you say.

I'm glad you're okay.


Listen, uh...

I didn't get my one phone call.

What do you want it for?

I need a cab. I don't like to
walk the streets at night.

Since when?


I'd just like to thank you
for being so considerate.

Goodbye, miss dixon. Good luck.

Hey, uh...

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to
jab you like that.

Oh, that's all right. Guess
you can't help yourself.

Uh, look... Uh...

Just wait downstairs,
and I'll call a cab,

And they'll pick
you up out front.

Thank you.

Well, sergeant.


It looks that way.

Okay, glandsman,
come on. Let's go.

Glandsman: go where?

Got to go downstairs...
Pictures and prints.

You mean that old lady really
is going to press charges?

Just plain vindictive, I guess.

She started it. She
cut in front of me.

She even got a toaster.

I'll mention that in the report.

Uh, yeah, broadway cab?

Yeah, I want a, uh...

Uh, never mind. Forget it.

Barn, uh...

Do you need me for
anything right now?

Uh... No.

'Cause I thought I'd just
step out for a couple minutes.


I might be gone an hour.


Maybe two.


Woj, look, you had a rough
day with all that running.

You must be exhausted.

Why don't you just
check out and go home?

Well, I don't want to leave
you guys shorthanded.

Oh, we can handle it, right?

Yeah, get some rest.

Okay. See you.

See you, nick. Dietrich.

Dietrich: see you, woj.

See you, barn.

See you tomorrow.

Might be late.

What a day, huh?

Yeah, what a day.

You holding up okay?

Yeah, I'm doing fine.

Listen, if you want
to go in your office,

Lie down, rest a few minutes,

I'd be glad to watch things.

No, no. It's okay. I'm fine.

I mean, we've all been
running around a lot.

Dietrich, I'm all right.

Bodies need a
chance to recharge.

Look, dietrich, you feel
the need to recharge,

Why don't you go in
my office and lie down?

No, I wouldn't want
to inconvenience you.

No, please.

You sure?

Go ahead.

No calls.