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05x07 - The Prisoner

Posted: 06/03/23 08:33
by bunniefuu

- Hey, barn.
- Captain.

How we doing on our cat burglar?

Well, harris seems to
think it's the same guy.

Barney, this m.o.
Is very familiar.

I'm sure we've
dealt with it before.

On the other hand,
it may just be similar.

You know,

Sometimes when you experience
something over and over

That has basic similarities,
the details just tend to fade.

It only appears to be the same
thing you've experienced before.

Much like this conversation.

That's a good example.

Pretty good story, inspector.

Yeah, but you see,
by the time old prouty

Comes up to my
stakeout position,

I'd already spotted the car
with the three suspects in it.

So when I tells him this,
he says to me, "frank..."

"Frank," he says,

"You mean to tell me I've
been watching the wrong car

For 3 1/2 hours?"

He's a beaut, that
prouty, I'll tell you.

Some of the stuff
he comes up with...

I got to get the phone.


- Hi, barney.
- How are you?

Hey, men.

How you doing?

What, uh, brings you...

What brings you down
here on a saturday?

Oh, that's a good
question, barney, yeah.

Uh, well, I got some good
news, and I got some bad news.

Well, by all means, let's
have the good news first.

Should we talk
about it in your office?


I think under the circumstances,

It'd be more
appropriate, barney.

Those "good news,
bad news" jokes k*ll me.

But you're not
gonna tell me one.


That's the good news.

Now, barney, as
far as I'm concerned,

Your personal life is
your own private business.

Thank you.

You're very welcome, barney.

I just wish the department
felt the same way about it.

I don't believe I follow.

They wanted me to come down
here and get all the juicy details

As to why your
marriage is on the rocks.

Inspector, there
are no juicy details.

That's what I told 'em, barney.

I said, "if captain miller wants
to get himself separated,

"You got to be pretty damn
sure he's got a good reason,

"And there ain't nothing dirty
or smutty or juicy about it.

Captain and mrs. Miller are
not dirty, smutty, juicy people."

Are you, barney?


Certainly not.

Inspector, liz and I have
had a few difficulties.

And until those difficulties
are resolved one way or another,

We just decided it would be
wiser to separate for a while.

Barney, if you don't
want to talk about it...

I don't mind.

Well, good, because there will
be somebody down from personnel

To talk to you about it.


Department policy.

Don't worry about it, barney.

Thanks for the warning.

You're welcome.

Ironic, isn't it, barney?

What's that?

Your marriage busting
up, me getting engaged.

Okay, come on in here.
Right across here.

- Will you look at this!
- Yep.

These places haven't
changed in 30 years,

And you've done 'em in antiques.

It's a kind of memorial
to the depression.

Why don't you sit
down right here?

Oh, thank you.
Thank you very much.

You're welcome.

I mean, for something
like this to happen at, uh...

My age?

I-i-i didn't mean, uh...

Listen, I wasn't, uh...

That's the realities
of life, barney.

Sometimes they creep
up on you, you know,

Like a stomach flu or
a... A little heartburn.

It's a nervous reaction.

- Perfectly normal.
- Normal?

What the hell is normal
anymore, barney, huh?

I mean, I thought you and
liz were normal, you know?

I thought you were
something safe, secure,

Something I could count on,
and one day what happens, huh?

Pbht. Gone. Out the
window. Goodbye.

That's a bit of an
overstatement, inspector.

I mean, but now with
you and liz breaking up,

I say to myself, "is this
what I want for frank luger,

"Huh, something transient?

A lousy 20, 25 years
together, and it's all over?"

No, sirree bob, barney.

Not for me.

I want something
permanent or nothing at all.

Her name is agnes.

Who the hell is
named agnes anymore?

Okay, give me your full name.

Ralph timmons... T-i-m-m-o-n-s.



I meant before now.


Now, don't get smart, ralph.

Who's being smart?

I was unemployed
the last two weeks,

But before that, I was
in prison for 30 years.

What are you doing getting
yourself arrested for?

See, I'm a victim of my past.

What's the matter? Don't
you read crime statistics?

This was inevitable.

You're nuts.



Uh... This sounds
more promising.

Here it is. I told you so.

It's the exact m.o.

About three years
ago, henry newbound.

Everything's the same.

Hits only small
buildings, method of entry,

Only jewelry
taken... Everything.

Good work. Thanks.


Thank you, dietrich.

Although you're gonna have a
hard time serving arrest papers.

Oh, do you?

Man's been dead since 1976.

I'm afraid that's what it says.

Yeah. Got an airtight
alibi, so to speak.

Uh... Excuse me. I'd
like to study this.

Sorry. He had to be told.

12Th precinct, yemana.

I think so.

- Inspector?
- Yeah?

Just a second.

Call for you. All right.

She says, "it's you-know-who."

Hello there, agnes.

Just a second.

Excuse me.


I told you never
to call me here.

Just go ahead and
tell him about prison.

I've been out for two weeks.

And he was in for
30 years before that.


Well, you can check
the record, captain.

I should've served 43,

But I had 13 off
for good behavior.

I'm very proud of that.

Well, you should
be, mr. Timmons.

Question is, what were
you doing with a g*n?

Was he threatening someone?


Listen, captain, carrying a
g*n is in violation of my parole.


Well, that was the only way.

The only way to what?

To go back to prison.

You want to go back to prison?

Isn't it obvious?

Have a seat, mr. Timmons.

That's a new one.

Guy's got a couple
lug nuts loose, barn.

Let's see if we can
find his parole officer.

Maybe he knows
what it's all about.



I haven't had any time
to look for an apartment.


What's wrong with my place?

It's a perfectly nice room.

Got it.

Barney, there's a robbery
in progress over on canal.

Same area, same pattern,
barn. This is newbound.

Come on, the records
show the man deceased.

Barn, records can be wrong.

All right. You and dietrich.

Oh, yeah.

Right this way.

Please wait here, father... Sir.

We can get a license any time.

I'll call you back.

A police priest just
came in the room.

Father, I'm captain miller.


Let's talk.




A priest who's a
cop? That's weird.

Since the singing nun,
nothing surprises me.

Where's timmons?
I'm his parole officer.

He's... Over here, fred.


What the hell are
you doing in there?


Are you crazy?!
Get out of there!

I can't. I'm under arrest.

For what?

Illegal possession of a firearm.

He shot somebody?

No, he wants to
go back to prison.

You're nuts!

See? Now, you
wouldn't believe me.

Therefore shall a man leave
his father and his mother

And shall cleave unto his wife.

Any problems cleaving, captain?

No, no, that wasn't it.

I mean, I never, uh...

Captain, I can understand
how embarrassing,

Even painful, this all must be.

Uh... Department
policy. I understand.

Yes, I am a little nervous.

Does the uniform bother you?

Part of it.

You're not a catholic.

I'm afraid not.

That's funny. They
told me you were.

Probably a mistake in
the chaplain's office.

Same problems here.

Not quite the same, captain.


You want to step
in here, please?

Oh, this place
looks so familiar.

I mean, it's like I've
been here before.

I know what you mean.

You do?

You want to take a
seat over here, please?

I'll be with you
in just a moment.


Drinking habits?

Occasional glass of wine.

Not unlike myself.

However, to excess... No.


The irish sweepstakes.

Good for you.


Oh, barney, sorry.

No, come on, come on.

Father, sergeant harris.

Oh, mr. Miller, what a pleasure.

Not my father. Father clement.

Oh it's
a pleasure, father.


Barn, we got the cat burglar.

- Good work.
- It was newbound.

How could that be? I
thought he was dead.

The lord moves in
mysterious ways.

I beg your pardon?

A little ecclesiastical humor.

If you like.

Uh, excuse me, father.


Yeah, coming, barney.

Excuse me. Are
you captain miller?


I'm denton, timmons'
parole officer,

And I'd like to get
him out of there.

He's committed a
crime, mr. Denton.

Yeah, but on purpose.

Most of them are.

- That's telling him.
- Captain...

I'll be with you in a minute,
mr. Denton. Just relax.

- Nick?
- Yeah.

If I get any more calls
from you-know-who...

You no here.

Barney, mrs. Emily newbound,
widow of henry the late.

Did you know my henry?

Uh, no, no.

I, uh... We did arrest
him once or twice.

Of course. I posted
bail here before.

What is going on?

It's simple, barney.

After her husband died,
she inherited the business.

He was a cat burglar.

One of the best.

Of course, I may be prejudiced.

How long have you been, uh...



Oh, about six weeks.

I got so bored, sitting
around the house,

Cleaning, watching tv,
answering sympathy cards.

When it came to friends,
henry was a wealthy man.


I'll have to get a little
information from you,

Mrs. Newbound.

Oh, yes, I know.

Henry told me all
about the procedure.


You know, it's not unusual

For a wife to follow
in a husband's footsteps

- After he dies.
- Mm-hmm.

A businessmen's wife
takes over the company.

- A politician's wife...
- Takes over his office.

A butcher's wife
becomes a butcher,

A baker's wife becomes a baker,

The candlestick
maker's wife, yeah.

There's probably some others
we haven't even thought of.

Uh, denton, here's a
copy of the arrest report.

You can read it over
there at my desk.


Don't worry, ralph,
we'll work something out.

He still doesn't understand.

What's to understand?

You want to go
back to the slammer.

You're crazy.

Have you ever been
in jail, sergeant?


- The army?
- The marines.

Well, then, you remember
how it was when you got out,

How strange it was, how,
uh, out of place you felt?

So? That goes away.

No, because the
longer you stay in,

The longer it takes to
adapt when you get out.

When I was sent away,
harry truman was president.

Gasoline was 18 cents a gallon.

For a $20 bill,

You could buy the company
of a lady of the evening,

Have a three-course meal,

And pick up a nice
tie with the change.

So? Prices have gone up.

You don't lock yourself
away like an animal

Just 'cause it costs a few
more bucks to get your jollies.

Can't any of you people
get it through your head

That prison changes you?

They condition
you. They mold you.

They tell you when to sleep,
when to eat, who you can see,

What you can do, even
how you're supposed to feel.

I can't function unless
they tell me how.

The last decision I made
was, um, 30 years ago...

And that was wrong.

Captain, I think that
with a little cooperation,

Perhaps we might just overlook
the whole nasty incident.

Well, normally we have
a great deal of latitude,

As you know, but not
in the case of a w*apon.

You should know that.

He's putting a black
mark on my record.

Who are you worried about,
mr. Denton... You or him?

Don't pull that on me.

I've devoted my
life to these people.

It's your job to take the
garbage out of society.

It's mine to put it back in.

Hey, let's watch out who
you call garbage, huh?

Just 'cause a guy makes a
mistake and we put him away

And then he gets
screwed up because of it

Doesn't make him any
less of a human being.

I'm sorry.

I couldn't help thinking

How many times my
henry said the same thing.

He was considered a
moderate on prison reform.

I'm afraid you'll have
to wait in the cell

Until I'm finished
with your processing.

Oh, I don't mind.

It's almost like being a
little closer to henry,

If that doesn't sound too silly.

No, I'm a bit of a
romantic myself.

Enjoy yourself.



I-i like your outfit,

I mean, from a
professional point of view.

Well, thank you.

Uh, parole suit.



I thought so.


Oh, inspector, there
was another call for you,

But I took care of it myself.

Thanks, nick, I appreciate that.

Have a good day, inspector.

See you around, woj, a.d.

Oh, inspector, I believe
congratulations are in order.

For what?

Who told you that?

A lady called downstairs,
looking for you.

She said she was your fiancée.

I want to wish you
the very best, sir.

Yeah, well, I'm afraid it's
too late for that, levine.

Got a transfer order
for a timmons, ralph.

Well, that's it. It's over.

Goodbye, ralph. Good luck.

Enjoy yourself.

Fred, I really appreciate
everything you did.

I mean that.

Yeah. Sure, sure.

Are you fred denton?


You were my husband's
parole officer...

- Henry, henry newbound.
- Oh.

Oh, henry told me how
much you helped him.

Oh, really? That's nice.

How is henry?

He's dead.

Yeah, well, I mean...

If they're gonna come
out and die on you...

I think we've covered
everything, captain.

I'm sure we're
covered everything.

I want to apologize again

For the intrusion
into your private life,

But the department
takes a special interest

When a commander
is involved, you know?

They have a certain image
they want to protect.

I understand.

I wish there was something
I could suggest to you,

But from what you've told me,

You're just gonna have to
make this decision yourself.

Well, I appreciate your concern.

It's his concern, too.

Lord have mercy on such as we.

Chronicles 16.

"The whiffenpoof song."


I thought it...

I find it very interesting
you want to go back to prison.

Well, not really.

See, there's nothing on the
outside for me, so why not?

- No mother or father?
- No.

A wife?

- I'm divorced.
- Oh.

She left me in
the '50s, I think.

Get it together,
timmons. You're leaving.


Well, it was nice sharing a
cell with you for a little while.

I enjoyed it, too.

You know what I think?

That if they let men
and women share a cell,

There would be less
problems in prisons today.

It's tough on the outside, too.

I was wondering...
Oh, no, forget it.

No, what?

Well, this is your
first offense,

And they'll probably
put you on probation.

So, sometime, you know,

If you happen to be
up near sing sing...

I'll stop by.

Visiting hours are... -00.


I'll look forward to it.

Okay, timmons, looks like
you're getting what you want,

So let's go.

I'll look forward to it, too.

Goodbye, sergeant.
Thanks for everything.

Officer levitt is
gonna take you down.

Take care of yourself.

While in the patrol car,

There will be no
smoking, gum chewing...

Talking, spitting, glass
receptacles of any kind.

Valuables will be hand-delivered
by the attending officer.

I knew that.

Okay, it's time for prints
and pictures, mrs. Newbound.

Oh, of course.

This way, please.

Sergeant, did you
know my husband?

Uh, professionally.

We met a couple of times.

He was a good man, sergeant.

He really was.

Well, what I remember most
about him is, uh, how polite he was.


And he talked about you.


Oh, yeah, well, I mean, in fact,

Just the other day we
were talking about henry.

We were talking about
what a nice guy he was

And how we never get
to meet people like henry.

Oh, hey, barn, how did
it go with the priest?

Okay, I guess.

Just the department's way

Of making sure you got
someone to talk to, huh?

I guess so.

You know, when I was
a kid, I knew this priest.

He had a 19-inch neck.

He was the only one that I
could talk to if I had a problem.

Hey, with me, it was
a cop on the block.

I guess that's the
reason why I'm here today.

I was an only child.

Both my parents worked,
and I didn't have any friends.

The only thing I had to
talk to was my teddy bear.

And he stuttered.