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07x06 - Call Girl

Posted: 06/03/23 08:40
by bunniefuu
Hi, guys.

- How are you doin', dorse?
- Hi, dorsey.

You want some coffee, dorsey?

Yeah. Thanks.

Little late this morning, huh?

Yeah, I would have
been here on time,

But I kept getting extra cities.


You play, too?


"m*ssile command."

Video game. It's
in all the arcades.

Oh, no. I try not to hang
around those places.

You should try it.

I mean, you got this big
tv screen, your controls.

You got all these
atomic bombs coming down

That you got to intercept
before they blow up your cities.

It's a lot of fun.

What cities?

I don't know.
They don't specify.

Well, then who's bombing them?

I don't know. What
difference does it make?

It's just a stupid game.

Well, it just seems to
me that the whole idea

Of getting your kicks playing
around with nuclear holocaust

Is kind of warped.

I don't have to talk to you.


So you're a rangers fan?


Kiss 'em good-bye.

Good morning, all.

Morning, captain.

Wojo: hey, barn.

Oh, dietrich,

Don't forget to get started
on those crime statistics.

I finished them.


I broke down 1980 into crime
and category, just like you asked.

I also worked up a
statistical analysis

Of the last five years...

Indicates the percentage
increase or decrease

In each category.

Plus projected
crime rates for 1981...

High-crime areas,
weather-related crimes.

I think this will be a big
help for you in your budget

And manpower requirements
for the next 12 months or so.

You did all this already?

Did it on the weekend.

Ah! Ah.

Well, I hope we didn't put
a crimp in your social life.

No, I don't have a social life.

You giving up girls? Yeah.

I just decided to put
unnecessary things

Like women and sex on hold
for the next year or two.

Ooh, would that
be the new celibacy?

You're familiar with it?

No, not firsthand,
but I have read about it.

A lot of people,
including myself,

Just feel that abstinence

Has a purifying effect
on your mind and spirit.

It allows you to
redirect your energy

To more productive
and meaningful activities.

Well, if this is the
result, I'm all for it.

Thank you.

Did your windows.

12Th precinct. Sergeant harris.

Yeah, right.

We're on our way.

Uh, barn, that was
the butler hotel.

They got a disturbance
over there in the bar.

It's hooker-related.

You and dorsey. Okay.

Let's go, dorsey.
It's you and me.


Hey, as long as we're going out,

Does anybody want us
to bring something back?

No. Nothing for me, thanks.

So far, so good.

Step inside. Make
yourselves comfortable.

Just keep coming
in. Come on in here.

I was just looking
to have a good time.

What... There's a
law against that?

Yes. Oh.

Right. Get in here.

All right. What do we got?

This is our disturbance,
barney. Mr. Ray athens.

Mr. Athens.


And this is the object
of his affection and ire,

Miss christine scott.

I'm captain miller.

It's a pleasure.

And meet lenore dubois.

She just came
along for the ride.

Look, sugar, I was just
minding my own business.

That's why you're here.

What's the story?

Well, according to
the bartender, barn,

Mr. Athens here approached
miss scott in the lounge

And made some subtle inquiry

In regard to having
his brakes relined.

I'm in auto supply. We
say things like that.

Anyway, miss scott
here rebuffed his offer,

At which point he flew
into a gin-induced rage.

She told me she was booked up,

That I had to call,
make an appointment.

I get that from dentists.

She had this on her when
we picked her up, barn...

You know, standard
call-girl issue.

It's just a phone book.

Oh, yeah. Right.

Phone numbers, addresses, names,

Prices, idiosyncrasies.

Everybody has them.

Harris, check this one out.

"Prefers black lace
and garter belts,

"Musk oil and crème de menthe.

Austrian peasant
garb. Must yodel."

Who am I to judge?

All right, miss scott.

Sergeant harris will need
some more information from you.

You want to take a
seat right over here?

Captain, my book.

I'm afraid we're gonna have
to hold this now for evidence.

That's okay.

I've got it on microfilm.

Have a seat right here. Sure.

I couldn't get a
lousy five minutes,

But for somebody else
she does sound of music!

Dietrich. What now?

You can take care
of miss dubois?

Yeah, I think I can handle that.

Over here, mama.

Okay, four-eyes.

That's it. Let's
keep it hostile.

Hey, come on. I was just
going in there for cigarettes.

You shouldn't be
smoking, either.

What do you got here?

Rhonda haleck...
Picked her up in the bar.

What charge? Same as the others.

How old is she?

15 1/2.

This bubble-gum bimbo's
trying to grease the bartender

So he'd let her hang
out and do some business.

He called us over just
to get her out of his hair.

That jerk. He can't even
make a decent daiquiri.

Well, that's what I heard.

Aren't you a little young
for this line of work?

You got something
against junior achievement?

Do the preliminary.

Call juvenile.

Yes, sir.

Over here, lolita.

What do you got
in mind, cowboy...

A little rough stuff?

Sit down.


Thank you.

May i? Sure.

Gold, yes? Yes.

You know, I've been thinking
about indulging myself

In one of these,
but I'm always afraid

I'm gonna lose it.

I can't tell you how
many of these I've lost,

But I just keep getting more.

Okay. Um,

Soon as we get a
little information here,

You can make your, uh...

Just dial 9 first.

Every time you
cops drag me in here,

I gotta work the
streets twice as hard

Just to make up for it.

Yeah, I got my own problems.

Last time, when I
couldn't make bail,

I missed the whole damn
democratic convention!

Yeah, they asked about you.

What are you, funny?

I used to be.

Yes. Well, I realize it
dilutes the portfolio.

That doesn't matter.

I don't care what
you have to sell.

I want that stock.

Believe me.

This information comes
straight from the top.

Right. 2,000 Shares first
thing in the morning.


So you got a hot stock?

I think so.

The way you were talking,

It sounded like you'd gotten
the scoop on another genentech.

Of course, nothing's
that hot, huh?

I'm dumping my
genentech to get this.


I-i mean, um... What?

I'm sorry. I'm not
at liberty to say.

Of course you are.

No, I'm afraid I'm not.


So why don't you
just point to it?

You got a girlfriend?


You gay?

I don't get another choice?


It's just that there's this guy
at the place that I'm staying

That's kind of cute, too.

But he's gay.

I'm not. Good.

So, you ever make
it with a 16-year-old?

Once. When I was 16.

Wait right there.

Yeah? Captain?

Mm-hmm. I finished
writing up haleck.

She lives at a place
called rainbow house,

Sort of a combination
group home-crash pad.

I got the guy who runs it,
a mr. Gower, coming down.

But in the meantime,

I'm gonna do a little
checking on the place.

I know we see that sort
of thing all the time,

But it still gets to you.

Right. I mean, you...

Strip away that
outfit and loud mouth,

Probably find a lovely,

Fragile, frightened little girl.


That's what guys your
age are paying for.

I appreciate that.

Hold on a second, will you?

Harris? Yeah?

The deputy commissioner's office

Would like to verify that
we're holding miss scott.

Oh, is that morrie?


Uh, morrie?

Yes, your honor, I've
got it right in front of me.

Uh, matter of fact, I'm
going through it right now.

Yes, quite legible.

Uh, no, I haven't
reached the k's yet.

Yes, judge kemp,

I'm sure it would be a tragedy
if it fell into the wrong hands.

Matter of fact, I've
never been to nassau.

I'm sure it is lovely
this time of year.

Well, I'll have to
check my schedule.

I'll do that.

Yes, your honor. Bye-bye.

Barn, a few more calls came
in while you were on the phone.

There's a couple from city
hall, a senator's aide, and the u.n.

I think you may be addressing
the general assembly.

They're all interested in this?

Every one expressed
his genuine concern.

No doubt about that.

This thing reads like the who's
who in business and politics.

Oh. Anyone I know?


Well, I guess that's one way
to negotiate a lasting peace.

Is this your ball?


Did you forge all
these names yourself?


My old man took me to a
ballgame once when I was a kid.

I think we saw the
mets and the cubs.

Oh, yeah. That's
always a good game.


He got me a little pennant,
hot dog, and a beer.

Really great seats.

It sounds like your
dad was a nice guy.

He was a mugger.

Some guy he rolled
had season tickets.

Halfway through the game,

The cops showed up and dragged
us both out of the stadium.


Want to hear what happened
to the puppy I got for christmas?

It's a new fragrance
for me... Jasmine.


Do you like it?

Come on. Be honest.

Want to get your stinkin'
hand out of my face?

Hey, kid, you got
anything to chew on...

Gum, mints, tetracycline?

Sorry. I'm all out.

Ah, it's okay.

Tell you, it ain't
getting any easier.

Oh, yeah?

Between the sweet young
things like you running around

And princess grace over there,

The demand for
your basic black chick

Just ain't what it used to be.

Yeah. I see what you mean.

Hey, honey, you may
be hot stuff now,

But you get a few pounds and
a few wrinkles on them bones,

And they ain't exactly
gonna be lining up

For your hips, either.

Hey, don't worry about me,
okay? Worry about yourself.

Sugar, it's the same thing.

Rhonda! Hi, mr. Gower.

What on earth
are you doing here?

They picked me
up for soliciting.

Malcolm gower?


I'm sergeant dorsey.

Yes, sergeant.

I-i hear there's been a
small misunderstanding

Between rhonda here and yourself

In regard to her charity work.

What charity work?
She was hooking.

Now, is that any way to
get change for jerry's kids?


Sir, I appreciate the fact that
congressmen have the same urges

As normal people.

No, sir.

Believe me, I have no intention
of releasing it to the press.

You're perfectly welcome.

Yeah. Yeah.

God bless you, too.

Mr. Gower, the guy from
rainbow house, is here.

Ah, mr. Gower.
I'm captain miller.


Have you hugged your kid today?

I beg your pardon?

Just a little motto we have
over at the rainbow house...

Completely apolitical.

Very nice.

Now, captain, I realize that
you gentlemen are very busy,

So if you'll just allow
me to take rhonda home,

I'm sure one good self-help
session with the other children

Will set her back on the
straight and narrow in no time.

I'm certain it will.

But if you don't
mind, mr. Gower,

I'd appreciate just a
little more information

About rainbow house.


Well, we're strictly a
nonprofit organization.

Who's "we"?


I am.

Yes, uh, we get
most of our funding

From the private sector...

Various civic groups,
concerned individuals like me,

Lovers of children all.

And, uh, what do you
do with this money?

Oh, every penny of it goes to
the maintenance of the house

And the welfare
of the children...

Feeding them, providing
them a place to sleep,

Clothes to wear.

He bought me this.

Uh, it was on sale.

Mr. Gower, how long has
miss haleck been with you?

Why, rhonda came
to us just last month.

Yes, the first time I saw her,
she was a wretched sight...

Dirty, shivering,

Her cheeks flushed
with the cold.

Her delicate body braced
against the elements,

The wind whistling across
the edges of her torn,

Tattered... Tight jeans.

Oh, i...

I do go on about
the weather, don't i?

Sir, I came across
some interesting tidbits

You might want
to take a glance at.

I pulled 14 names
out of vice files...

Minors with solicitation busts.

All were residents
of rainbow house.

Would you care to offer an
explanation for this, mr. Gower?


Mr. Gower, are you a pimp?


I certainly am not.

I make no demands
of my children.

I ask no favors of them,
and I pass no judgments.

I provide them with a
clean, safe place to live

With no booze or dr*gs.

I've seen some of
them through school,

And I've even sent some of
them back to their parents.

Your little list wouldn't
show that, now, would it?

Miss haleck, has mr. Gower
here ever suggested

That you or anyone else
commit an act of prostitution?



I take it, then,
that I am free to go.

Yes, mr. Gower,
you're free to go.

Will rhonda be
joining me? Afraid not.

She's gonna be sent
to children's center,

Along with a report for
the juvenile authorities,

In which you will be
prominently mentioned.


Goodbye, captain.


Goodbye, rhonda.

Listen, thanks for the
place to live and everything.

Well, we enjoyed
having you with us.

Oh, uh, one more thing.

Uh, maybe you think
you're walking out of here

With your little playpen intact.

But off the record, I'm
gonna be watching you.

I might even drop in every
now and then unannounced.

You know what I mean?

Make one mistake, give me
as much as an impure thought,

And I'll be on you
like ugly on an ape.

I get a lot of that.

Here you go, christine...
Two sweet 'n lows.

Oh, you found some.

Yeah. Luckily, we have
a diabetic downstairs.

He'll never miss it.


So, you comfortable?

Yes, very.


You can tell me about the stock.


Hey, I let you use the phone.

Look, sergeant, it's not that
I have anything against you.

It's just that any inside
information I might gather

Due to my relationship
with a client

Is privileged communication,

And I simply won't
discuss it any further.

You're under arrest.
You know that.

I got bail tickets
for athens, raymond;

Scott, christine.

That's me.

No kidding.

You lose this one, there's
about 15 more pending.

Hey, hey, hey, can I
have one of those?

They're not transferrable.

Looks like we're
gonna be here all night.

I'm gonna suck on my tie now.

Why aren't you in school?

Why aren't you taller?

Okay, let's go.

It's about time.

A little antsy to get
back into business?

Yeah. You gonna try and stop me?



Let's go.

Uh, look, I know you
came down hard on gower

Mostly because of me.

And I just want to say that
even though you're a cop,

On top of being a pretty
weird person in general,

I still think what you
did was pretty nice.


So, uh, maybe sometime I'll
let you take me out for a pizza

Or a little pinball
or something.

Do you play "m*ssile command"?

You mean that game where
all the cities get blown to hell?

Oh, I love that stuff.

You're gonna be all right.

12Th precinct. Wojciehowicz.

Uh, yeah, he is.


Captain miller here.

Yes, your honor,
she's still here.

As is the book.

Uh, yes.

Judge finnegan, I already
spoke with judge kemp.

I'm fully aware of the
possible repercussions.

No, I have not spoken with
anyone from the press,

But I'm beginning to feel
that it's not such a bad idea.

What I mean is if... If you and
your highly placed friends

Would spend half the energy
trying to serve the public

As you do trying to cover up
your extracurricular activities,

This city... The whole damn
country, for that matter...

Would be in a hell
of a lot better shape!

No, I don't ski.

I ski.

Captain miller, I'm sorry
for all the inconvenience.

Yeah. Well, do me a favor.

Next time you decide
to get arrested,

Do it in another precinct.
No need to worry.

I'm moving to washington
the latter part of january.

That figures.

Goodbye, sergeant harris.

Ah. Christine.

You know, it occurs
to me that you and I

Might want to get together
again sometime, you know,

In friendlier surroundings.

Maybe have a cup
of coffee. Whatever.


Here's my number.
Give me a call.


But you realize

The only thing you're
going to get out of me is sex.

Forget it.
