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07x08 - Field Associate

Posted: 06/03/23 08:42
by bunniefuu
Sir, january manpower reports,

Sorted into departmental

And this is my dress.

I, uh, tried to select an outfit
I thought would be appealing

To both muggers and perverts.

By george, you've done it.

Well, thank you, sir.

And once again, I want to
say how much I appreciate

Your confidence in assigning
me this undercover duty.

It was your turn in the barrel.

That's what I meant.

Look, I know not everybody
is thrilled about, uh...

Oh, sir, sir, that's all right.

I know, in the past, that
some of the other men

Have had problems
with this assignment,

The psychosexual nature.

I just want to say, to
me, just another detail.

Well, I'm glad to hear that.

Of course, no lashes.


We agreed on that.


Here, post this stuff.

I hope we're coming to a chair.

Barney: this is our
second-story man?

Stanley golden.

And you are?

I'm captain miller.

Uh, barn, he was ransacking
an apartment on the third floor.

When we broke in on him, he,
uh, slipped down the fire escape.

Oh, I really slipped.

Anyway, when he did get up,

He, um, made a run
for it down the alley.

We caught up with
him a few blocks away.

You cops are running
much faster these days.

Pardon me for
saying this, mr. Golden.

Aren't you a little old
for this line of work?

I can see why he's captain.

Yeah, I'm much too old.

All right, we're gonna
have to book you now.

You don't have to give me
the whole police procedure.

I got outstanding
warrants older than you.

And we'll check on those, too.

Oh, by the way,

Did I tell you that next july

Will mark my 50th year as
a professional criminal?

My congratulations.

At least... Would have.

That's true.

You'll probably be out
of circulation at that time.

I'll be dead.

Excuse me?

I'm dying. I got liver cancer.

I got six, maybe seven
months at the most.


Sorry enough to let me go?

I'm afraid not.

I didn't think he would.

Mr. Golden, you want to take
a seat right over here, please?


Could i, uh, get
you a cup of coffee?

Oh, no, thanks.

My doctor told me
caffeine makes me nervous.

That was the good news.

Are sure you want
to post this one?

What is it?

It's from internal affairs.

Internal affairs?

What the hell do
they want with us?

"Interdepartmental memo.

Detective squad, 12th precinct.


"The following instances
of proscribed behavior

"And departmental infractions

"Were observed during
the two-week period

"Ending december 15th.

"Sergeant s. Wojciehowicz...

"Violation of regulation 104-1.

Arrived late for duty on 12/3,

12/4, 12/5, 12/12, And 12/14."

Not 12/14.

"Captain b. Miller...

"Violation of regulation 103-2.

"Failure to report
subordinate's late arrival

On 12/3, 12/4, 12/5,
12/12, and 12/14."

Not 12/14.

"Sergeant r. Harris...

"Violation of regulation 105-5,

"Conducting personal
business during on-duty hours.

"Made personal telephone calls

"On 12/8 and 12/10 to
wainwright publishers,

"Spinner-landau brokerage firm,

And suits-4-less
discount clothiers"?

I was just inquiring.

I didn't buy nothing from them.

"Sergeant a. Dietrich...

"Violation of regulation 118-2,

"Unnecessary conversation.

"Aforementioned officer
observed on numerous occasions

"Engaged in lengthy,

discussions and monologues.

"Moreover, officer's
lack of enthusiasm

"And noncommittal attitude
toward official duties

Reflects poorly on his
squad and the department."

That's a crock.

What the hell's going on?

I think we've got a field
associate up our... Way.

An informer.

They got them in
all the precincts,

But this guy sounds like
he was in the room with us.

Yeah, 12th precinct. Harris.

Who are you?

Uh... Yeah.


Yeah, we'll get somebody over.

Barn, there's a
disturbance over on 6th.

Uh... Dietrich, you and wojo.

Oh, boy. Yippee-ay-o-ki-yay.

Too much?

So, you got a stoolie, huh?


I knew a guy like
that once up in attica,

Squealed on some guys.

They ripped his tongue out
and sent it to the warden.

Oh, what'd he do with it?

Just put it with the others.

I could give you a
million stories about the...

No, let's just try and
get through this, huh?

Uh, what's your,
uh, date of birth?

October the 12, 1909.

I could give you a
guesstimate on the other end.

That's okay.

Yeah, I knew that.

People don't like to
talk about such things.

Your next of kin?


Well, I got to have
the name of someone

To notify in case of an
accident or, uh... Whatever.

I don't know.

Come on. I mean,
there must be someone.

Uh... Well, look.

Just give me the name of your
closest friend or acquaintance, huh?

That would be you.

Look, they're the ones you
should be arresting, not me.

Why didn't you say that before?

What do we got here?

Captain, this is william klein.
He was wrecking an office.

But i-i just wanted to
meet them face-to-face.

I wanted them to admit
what they were doing.

Who is "they"?

He was in the office of
the trilateral commission.

Trilateral commission?

Yeah, the trilateral commission.

All right, what is the
trilateral commission?

It's an organization founded
in 1973 by david rockefeller

To bring together business
and political leaders

From the united
states, europe, japan,

So they could work together

For, uh, better economic
and political cooperation

Between their nations.

Yeah, but that's what
they'd like us to believe.

You see, what they're
really up to is a scheme

To plant their own loyal members

In positions of
power in this country,

To work to erase
national boundaries,

Create an
international community,

And, in time, bring about
a one-world government

With david rockefeller
calling the sh*ts!

I take it they're
pressing charges?

Yeah, well, uh, he broke a globe

And, uh, and some
unicef artwork.

Well, they're in on it, too.

Okay, mr. Klein,
if you'll just...

I'm telling you, our whole
way of life as we know it

Is in jeopardy.

I appreciate that information.

I have the documented evidence.

It's all in there. Show him.

He's got these magazines here.

Conspiracy review?

Suppressed truth roundup?

Their whole master
plan is exposed.

Yeah, well...

You're still not convinced, huh?

Would you like to hear the names

Of just a few of the people

Who have been on the
trilateral commission?

Not particularly.

James earl carter.

Heard of him?

Look, mr. Klein...

Henry kissinger.
You heard of him?

Walter mondale.


Mr. Klein, this is all...

John anderson, george bush...

Remember at the convention,

Everybody thought it
was gonna be ford for veep.

You know what happened?

David rockefeller
just picked up a phone,

Put in a call...

"Hey, ronnie. Forget
gerry. It's george. Bye."

So, no matter who
won in november,

They had their man
in the white house.

Are you through?

Yeah. Yeah, I guess so.

Okay, just have a...

Listen, I'm sorry for yelling.

It's just, I get so agitated

When I think about
what they're doing.

Try and relax now, mr. Klein.

You have a seat over there.

You can give all
this information

To sergeant deitrich, okay?

Thank you.

Sit down please.

Maybe mr. Klein would
like a cup of coffee.

It's not one of those
international brands, is it?

You know the ones that
broad on tv is always pushing

Swiss avocado. Who does
she think she's fooling?

Not you.

Elliot richardson,
senator alan cranston,

Arthur burns,
zbignew brzezinki...

Hey, you wanna take a break?

Oh, I'm sorry.

All right, let's get
through this, okay?


I need your full name.

William john klein.

Klein, e-i?



- Barn?
- Hmm?

I, uh, just checked
golden for priors.


Barney... 115 Arrests,

14 Grand-jury indictments,

23 Felony convictions
dating back to 1933.


Uh, I also, uh, got a
missing-persons report

His wife filed on him in 1948.

It's still open, so, uh,

I'm gonna, you know,
try to locate her,

Get her to come down here

For kind of, you know,
a surprise reunion.

You seem to be taking an
unusual interest in mr. Golden.

Barney, he worked
for lucky luciano...

Bugsy siegel.

That's worth a
chapter in itself.

Pardon me?

You are looking to get a
book out of it, aren't you?



Well, that never occurred to me.

Well, I just assumed.

You were being
so nice to the guy.

Well, maybe it's
'cause I just like him.

You know, relating to him,
one human being to another.

Yeah, well, I just never
saw you do that before.

Thank you, barney.

What I mean, is, you, uh...

Well, you do have a tendency
sometimes to maneuver people

Into a position where, uh,
they're on the defensive

And you're in
control... Like now.


Yeah, you guys,
it's got to be levitt.

What? The field associate.


I've been thinking it through,
and it's got to be levitt.

- Do you have any evidence?
- No.

Then why don't you just drop it?

Levitt, huh?

- I finished writing up klein.
- Good.

So, what's with
this field associate?

Well, I think it's levitt.


He's the only one that's up here
all the time, sneaking around,

Watching everything we do
with those weaselly little eyes.


Until you've got evidence, I
suggest you just drop it, huh?

Don't mention it again.

Not even to levitt?

No! Don't even hint at it.

I don't even want
you thinking about it.

Oh, well, whatever you say.

And I'm sure you've got enough
work to keep your mind off it.


Hope I'm not
interrupting anything, sir.

Hi, little levitt. What is it?

I just wanted to check to see

If there was anything else you
needed before I change gender.



Having a little detectives'
powwow, are we?

No, no, no.

We were just having a little...
Unnecessary conversation.

That's fine.

Well... Excuse me.

The, uh, the bathroom
is, uh, right in there.

I still don't see why I
got to get neatened up.

Ah, come on, one should
always look the best they can.

I think it's a little
too late for that.

Come on, get in there.

Oh, you got any
vitalis I could borrow?

I'm, uh, fresh out.

Yeah, I guess you go
through a bottle pretty fast.

Get in there.

Hey, you know, it's
not only the right wing

That's recognized the
danger of the trilateralists.

It was gore vidal, a
liberal, who first exposed it.

Oh, yeah?

Did you happen to see
his version of "caligula"?


He exposed some nice
stuff in there, too.

About the trilateralists?

Lighten up, will you? Go inside.

Where's goldie?

He's in the bathroom.

Find his wife yet?

Oh, yeah.

I didn't tell her
about him, though.

You know, I just asked
her to come down here.

Do you know...

They have not seen
each other in 33 years?

Do you know...

This is a beautiful
thing you're doing.

Come on.

Talk movie rights yet?


It's me.

I finished the demarco report,

And the jenkins report,

And I compiled the
january arrest statistics,

And then I projected them
for february, march, and april.

Is that it?

I cleaned my revolver.


Is there anything else
that I should be doing?

Uh... No, not at the moment.

I'm not thinking about it.


But you are.

Oh, uh, mrs. Golden?


Hi, I'm, uh, I'm
sergeant harris.

We, uh, spoke on
the phone earlier.

Yeah, it was nice to
hear from you again.

Well, of course I'm
not the same officer

You spoke to in, uh, 1948.

Oh, of course not.

He was white and much younger.


Um, would you, uh,
please, just for me,

Just sign these forms
right here? Forms? What for?

Well, it's just a
little paperwork

To close out your case.

Yeah, but why? What happened?

Just sign right
here. Yes, right here.

Mr. Golden I
got a little surprise for you.

Oh, yeah?



Mr. Golden... This is your wife.




So, they finally found you.



So, how are you?

Pretty good.


I'm dying.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

- Is there anything
else you need?
- No.

- Can I leave?
- Sure, why not?

Well, it was nice
seeing you again.


Oh, I'm drained.

All right, come on, mr. Golden.

Let's get back in the cage.

Was that the surprise?

Oh, come on, just get
back in the cage, will you?

Mail call.


Nothing for you, fella.


Mail just came in.

Thought I'd give you
guys a few laughs.

Levitt. Yes, sir, it's me.

I hope you approve.

Oh, yeah, really, uh...
Yeah, you look very, uh...


Thank you, sir.

Well, I'll be heading on out now
unless there's something else.

No, no, no, no, no.

Hey, levitt?

Wojo, don't.

This one is not for me.


All right.

Don't what, sir?

Oh, no, no, just something
between wojo and myself.

Something that never should
have come up in the first place.

But apparently has. Are
you the field associate?


What's the question?


Yes, it's me.


If I said no, they would
have found somebody else.

So it seemed better for it to
be someone who likes you guys

Who would overlook
major transgressions

And concentrate on
the really picayune stuff.

What are we supposed
to do, thank you?

You're welcome.

Stop fooling around,
levitt. This isn't funny.

Wait, wait. That's okay, sir.

Let him say what he wants.

He can take a swing at me
if it'll make him feel better.


I mean, it's always open
season on carl levitt, right?

Anybody else want
to get in a shot?

You're an ugly broad.

How are we supposed
to keep working with you?

I didn't know you had been.


Has it occurred to you that
maybe I wouldn't be doing this

If I had gotten one ounce
of respect from you guys?

- Levitt.
- Get to you
in a minute, sir.

But all I got was, "hi,
there, little levitt."

"File this, little levitt."
"See you later, little levitt."

Well, I only meant that in
the, um, diminutive sense.

Never treated me as
anything but a joke.

Yeah, well... "Yeah, well" what?

You're right.

Levitt, I'm partially
responsible for that.

No kidding.

Maybe I would have a
little credibility with them

If you'd stop yanking me
up and down like a yo-yo.

One day I'm in uniform, then
plain clothes, and now this.

For god's sake, sir,
make up your mind.

I've told you many times, levitt, it has
to do with manpower requirements...

I'd love to hear it again,
but I'm late for the park.


I know there's
supposed to be a bond,

A trust between cops.

And I broke that trust.

I owe everyone here an
apology for doing that.

I just hope you
understand why I did it

And give me another
chance to prove myself.

All right?

All right.

Maybe he forgot something.

Mr. Golden, come on.

I'm gonna run you
over to the tombs.

Hey, it's just the
name of the place.

Yeah, I know.

Come on, let's go.

Listen, in case I
didn't mention it,

I appreciate what you
done for me before,

Bringing in my wife.

- Um, sure.
- Yeah.

I mean, it reminded me

Of why I left her
in the first place.

Hey, you're welcome.

You know something?


You're probably gonna be the
last person I meet in this world

That I can call a friend.

Hey, look, i-i-i really
appreciate that, mr. Golden.

Hey, but, look, I
mean, six months.

What do they know? It
could be six years, huh?

It's okay.

I know people make such
a big thing about dying.

It's all part of the deal.

I'm all ready.

I got me a nice little plot

Overlooking the long
island expressway

Just waiting for me.

I even paid for the
funeral and everything.

That's nice.

You want to come?

Well, um...

It's not gonna be
anything fancy...

One rabbi, a few flowers,
a little buffet afterwards.

I can have you
notified if you want.


I'd, uh, I'd like
that, mr. Golden.


Let's go.

The eulogy is still open.

Uh, I'll think about it.

Not gonna be anything special.

I mean, you already got my
arrest record and everything.

Come on, let's go.

Sign for your valuables
and get on out of here.

Thank you.

Here you go.

Okay, that's it.

Thank you.

Guess you think I'm just
another crackpot, huh?

No, I think you voiced
some legitimate concerns.

- Really?
- Sure.

Any large organization
of powerful people,

Even if it's not conspiratorial,

Is open to excess and abuse.

You know, you're...
You're the first person

Who's really understood
what I'm talking about.

Well, I think you got
some very valid criticisms

- Of the commission.
- Right.

And I'm certainly gonna bring
them up at the next meeting.


I'm a member.

Oh, god, no!

Hey, no hard feelings.