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07x10 - Movie: Part 2

Posted: 06/03/23 08:56
by bunniefuu
Aw, come on. You promised
me the final cut two weeks ago!

Yeah, the... What do
you mean, I got bumped

By an oral hygiene film?

Hey. Listen.

We are talking about

A significant cinematic

In the art of
pornographic sleaze!

Yeah, I mean, there's some
very important people

Who are waiting for this st...

Oh, never you mind who.

You just have it
finished for me today,

Or I'll find somebody
else who will.

Yeah, fine.

Captain, do you
want some coffee?

Yeah, I could use
a cup of coffee.

Here it is.

Is that mr. Roth over there?

Yeah, that's him.

What's he doing going
through mug books?

He got mugged.

The man is blind.

You tell him.

Hello, mr. Roth.

Oh, hello, captain miller.


Sergeant dietrich tells
me you got mugged, huh?

Nice, huh?

I'm out walking in the park...
Or at least I think I was.

I heard ducks.

Well, anyway, this
guy comes up to me,

And he said, "hey, is that pia
zadora sitting over there?"

And I said, "well, how
the hell should -i -know?

I'm blind."

"Wait," he says.

And before I know
it, he jumps me,

Grabs my wallet, and takes off.

Sounds like our friend.

Friend? Who?

Mr. Roth, I'm afraid

You're about the 10th
handicapped person

To be assaulted in
the last few weeks.

Real class, huh?

Going around
picking on blind guys.

Not to mention the lame,

People with crutches
and wheelchairs.

But, captain, people like
us don't have a lot of money.

I think he makes
it up in volume.

Uh, this the report?


No witnesses, huh?

I was there.

I had in mind someone
who might give us

A physical description.

He smelled short.

Thank you.


Oh, barn, you're supposed to
be back in your office by now.


Look, I just got off
the phone from editing,

And the movie should be
ready sometime this afternoon...

Or in the really near future.

Harris, if I'm not mistaken,

This modest little skin flick
which you were commissioned

To produce by the department

So that we may better
infiltrate the porno industry

Was budgeted at
slightly less than $3,000.


So that was eight weeks ago,

In which time you have already
spent in excess of $22,000.

Oh, but just wait
till you see it.

I mean, it looks
like I spent $50,000.


There's a disturbance
in that conway building

Over on bleecker.

Who you on with?

Uh, dietrich. Who else?

Fellini's been busy.

Oh, that's my line.

Starry night productions.

Uh, you... Come on, dietrich.

Hey, great.

Yeah, that's terrific.

Ha ha! You're beautiful.


I got it.


That was postproduction.

They said I can pick up my
movie anytime this afternoon.

We gonna get to see it?

Well, sure. We all are.

Hey! Great!

Who's breathing? Ah-ha. Me.

Hi, captain.

Mr. Ross, you didn't, uh,

You don't happen to know what
happened to sergeant harris?

Yeah. He went out.

Said something about
digging up a projector.

And some hors d'oeuvres.

I see. Captain.

Would you like some coffee?
I just made a fresh pot.

Oh. Pour yourself a cup.

Okay. Yeah, and then...

Then let me know
how you like it, huh?

Okay. Huh?

Well. Pretty good. Tastes fine.

I always sprinkle a
little salt on the coffee.

Just before the brewing cycle.

Think it neutralizes
the acid or something.

I see. I didn't know we
had any salt around here.

Felt like salt.

Well, mr. Roth, considering
we have your, uh...

Your statement, um...

I really don't see there's
any reason you can't go home.

Home? I can't get in.

That punk stole my keys.

Well, I'll be glad to
call your manager.

He died.


Well, anyway,
mr. Lukather, my roommate,

He's gonna pick me up.

Gets off work at 6:00.


Well, then, I guess just
make yourself comfortable.

Thank you. Captain,
any particular place?

Here, come on over here.

Oh, good.

Thank you.

You know, i-i been
up here a few times.

Gee, I've known you
a couple of years.

And I still don't know
what you look like.

I guess that's true.

Captain... Can I feel your face?

All right, go ahead. Sure.

Thank you.


Oh, yeah.




Thank you.

You busy tonight?

I was just kidding.

Just have a seat,
mr. Roth. Just have a seat.

Just get inside, mr. Fuller.

Don't you understand? I
had to take their money.

They weren't gonna give me any.

Sounds reasonable.

What's this all about?

Well, uh, this is howard fuller.

We picked him up at
an accounting firm.

He was... He was going
from desk to desk,

Threatening the
secretaries with this.

Got them to empty their
purses into a wastebasket.

It was for charity!

Sure it was.

It was.

Mr. Fuller's a
professional fund-raiser.

"The giving hand, a nonprofit
charitable organization."

First, he threatened
the treasurer

When his firm wouldn't give
him a corporate donation.

Then he started shaking
down the secretaries.

They don't understand.
I've got quotas to meet.

But everywhere I go, I
get the same excuses.

"Maybe next year."

"Business is down."
"Interest rates are up."

"We gave at the office."

Who do they think
they're kidding?

I'm in the office!

Sorry about that, mr. Fuller.

"Sorry" doesn't cut it if
you need a transplant, pal.

All right, pal.
Transplant it over there.

Extra, extra, read all about it.

Inspector frank d. Luger,

Ace media-liaison
officer of the nypd,

Has arrived at
the 12th precinct.

That was in this
morning's paper.

D.d. Ah, you're a caution.

How are you, inspector?

Fine, barn, just fine. Wojo.

Wojo: hey, inspector.

Mr. Shearing. Meh.

Haven't seen you
in a while, inspector.

Well, you know
how it is, barney,

Settling down into a new
job down at headquarters,

Trying to get the
lay of the land.

Responsibility... Juggling them

Big decisions
you have to make...

At the same time,
trying to keep tabs

On the pulsebeat of
the entire department.

Barney, there are just
not enough hours in the day.

Sounds challenging.

I hate it.


Still got that couch
in your office, barn?

So, the way I figure it, barney,

The department is
kind of... Rewarding me.

You know, showing
their gratitude

For all the loyalty
and dedication I put in

For lo these many years.

So they dish up this nice,
prestigious job for me,

A piece of cake down
at the headquarters.


It stinks.

What's the problem?

Well, it's just been...
Been hell for me, barney.

I don't even feel
like I'm a cop anymore.


I mean, chained
behind a lousy desk,

Cooped up in a crummy
little office like this

Day in and day out?

Taking all the guff from
them snotty reporters

And them tv newspersons, barney?

Getting no respect
from my underlings

Because I'm like the new kid
on the block, understand?

All right, maybe I always don't
do everything exactly right.

Maybe I don't know how
to run a xerox machine.

So go ahead... Put
a b*llet in my brain.

Sorry it didn't work
out the way you expected,

But, well, inspector,
maybe you, uh...

Maybe you should
just face the facts.

Maybe you're just not
cut out for this kind of job.

Then why did you
recommend me, barney?



The movie... It's here.



Is this that smutty,
disgusting stag film

That harris has been working on?

Uh, yeah.

Well, what do you say?
Let's take a peek, eh?

We can talk anytime.

What's going on?
Showing a movie.

Motivational film, huh?
Yeah. Something like that.

Crab puff?

Thank you.

Just one.

Everybody ready?

Yeah. Yeah.


Let's see a little
skin up there,

A little skin.


Boo! Boo! Boo!

Come on!

Luger: put them on hold.

12Th precinct. Wojciehowicz.

Okay, we'll get someone there.

Robbery in progress
over at madison

In front of the house of canes.

That's where I got mine.

All right, wojo and levitt, go.

Thanks a lot, barn.

I brought up the projector!

Come on.

Okay, try it again.

Yeah. Try it.

Man: so, have you been in
the city long? Woman: no.

As a matter of fact, I had
just stepped off the train

When you stepped into my life.

I simply smiled.

But the warmth of that smile

Juxtaposed against
the cold indifference

Of the driven crowd
drew me toward you.

An inexplicable cacophony
of primordial passion

Erupted in my head, saying,
"go. You must go to him."

I'm glad.

So, more wine?

I'm having some.


Some cheese?


Of course it's gouda.

I just-a bought it.

Anybody want something
from the snack bar?

Well, here we are.

The bedroom, of
course. Predictable.

Oh? Does that bother you?

I am neither hot nor bothered.

I'm frightened.

Aren't they doing anything yet?

Nah, they're just
standing around,

Chewing the fat.

Nah, that's later.

Can I help you?
I'm captain miller.

Oh, carl bernie,
president, giving hand.

Excuse me?

Giving hand.

Oh, oh, oh, right.

I don't mean to interrupt
your morale session, captain,

But I understand you're
holding our mr. Fuller.

Uh, can this wait a moment?

No problem, captain.

I'll watch the movie.

Down in front!

I am sorry.

The disco is quite
crowded tonight.

Thank god we were
attractive enough to get in.

You've changed.

You find me lovely?

You were born to
wear designer jeans.

And you were born to
make designs on them.

Who wrote this?

I did.


Harris, where's the sex?

There's been a little.
Hold your horses.

It's been an hour.
They're still dancing.

Where's the sex?

There's a relationship
forming here.

These people aren't cheap.


I want to see some
hard-core. I want to see it now.

Calm down, barney. It's coming.

Shh! Shh! Shh!

What is this?

Shut up, will you?

I hate coming in the
middle of a movie.

So do i.


Just, uh, just find
someplace to sit.

Aren't you gonna start
it again for me and levitt?

Sit down!

Park it over there.

That's where I was gonna sit.


Excuse me.

Stroke of genius,

Inviting the entire disco over.

They're yours to enjoy...

An amber field of
beautiful people,

A mountain range of flesh,

A river of good grooming.

Harris: cocktail, madame?

Thank you, black stallion.


Hitchcock does it.

You put a spell on me.

I want you to
touch my everything.

Shall we join the
others in the bedroom?


My god.


They are.

What's happening? I
don't hear any breathing.

You wouldn't want to.

Lance... I am here.

And the others?

No. There's only us.

I want you, lance,
all for myself.

As do I you.

Take me.


Our destiny.

Are we supposed to stand up?

I used to eat that cereal.

Uh... Well?

Pretty good, harris...

What I saw of it.

Same here.

Uh, thank you.


I give it three smiles.


You got stuff in there
that would gag a maggot.

Thank you, inspector.


Uh, we'll talk later.

Let's, uh, let's get the
place cleaned up, huh?

Mr. Bernie, would you
excuse me for a minute?

Of course.

Wojo, is this our man?

Yes, uh, arthur duncan.

He tried to jump a
guy with a clubfoot.

Only one.

Anyway, barn, uh, a bunch
of construction workers

Saw the whole thing,
so they grabbed him,

And they held him
till we got here.

Never had a chance.

How unfortunate.

Uh, captain?


That sounds like the
guy who robbed me.

Are you certain
of that, mr. Roth?

Just make him say "pia zadora."

I don't have to say nothing.

That's him.

Thank you, mr. Roth.

Okay, mr. Roth, come
back and have a seat.

Good work.

Over here, duncan.

We're gonna book you. Sit down.

Hey, uh, I know
what you're thinking.

A guy who picks on gimps...
A real lowlife, right?

Scum of the earth,

Something that crawled
out of the sewer.


Well, I'm not exactly in
love with myself, either,

But try to mug joe
average these days.

Everybody's into kung
fu or packing a g*n,

Broads struttin' around
with their little cans,

Spraying mace on
anything that moves.

It's a jungle out there.

You're safe in here.

Sit down.

I'm thinking of changing
my line of work.

To what... Grave-robbing?

That's funny.

Course, nobody gets hurt.

So you hated it?

No. No, uh...

It wasn't quite what I expected.

But I can see what
you tried to do.


Barney, I have personally

Lifted pornography
out of a pool of drool,

And made it into an art!

And we appreciate it.

However, it, uh,
was a bit verbose.

The choice of music
was questionable.

Wouldn't hurt to lose
about a half an hour in editing.

You could probably...
Everybody's a producer.

Barney? Yeah.

It's still early.

I think I'll be toddling along
back down to headquarters.

Okay, fine, inspector.


They probably want
to try and squeeze in

Another hour or two

Of verbal abuse and
degradation on the old inspector

Before kicking him
out for the night.

Inspector, I really think
you're approaching this

With the wrong attitude.

You're not giving yourself
or them a fair shake.

I knew you'd say
something like that, barn.

Nice try.

The point is,

We simply can't have our
people running about willy-nilly,

Threatening potential
donors with sharp instruments.

You can scarcely expect
someone to give from the heart

If there's a knife in it.

Captain miller.

Sorry, mr. Bernie, I was, uh...

I just want to emphasize

That mr. Fuller's
unfortunate methods

Were entirely of
his own choosing

And are in no way
representative of

Or sanctioned
by the giving hand.

Of course.

We simply explain the
function and goals

Of our noble organization

And then allow the individual

To be guided by his
own conscience...

Gently reminding
him first, however,

That our true acquisitions
lie only in our charities.

We gain only as we give.

Lovely sentiment.

Unfortunately, we still
have a problem... Mr. Fuller.

I don't. He's fired.

What? You're not
even gonna bail me out?


Goodbye, captain.

Hey... Hey, mister?

You're with a charity, right?


I'm blind.

So? Get a dog.

12Th precinct.
Sergeant dietrich.

Yeah, hold on a second.

Captain, deputy
commissioner's office.


Captain miller here.

Ah, yes, as a matter of
fact, we just previewed it.

I think you're gonna be, uh...

Quite pleased.


I-i understand it's
your prerogative,

But, uh, sergeant harris
has gone to considerable...

Yes, I'll tell him.



Tell me what?

Uh, there's been a
slight change in plans

With regard to the movie.

What, they want to show
it to the big brass first?

Not exactly, no.

Seems the commissioner's
office has had second thoughts.

Well, the possibility
of entrapment,

Bad publicity for
the department.

They decided to scrap
the whole project.

You're joking.

I'm afraid not.

Well, what...

What do they want
to do with the movie?

They want to... Destroy it.

They can't have it.

It's mine.


I mean, it's a part of me now.

I mean, this is the product
of my sweat, my inspiration.

Harris, it's a dirty movie.

It's my firstborn.

Look, harris, I can appreciate
how you might feel about this,

But the department
has made a decision.

It's up to us to abide by it.


Look, uh, I'll tell you what.

I'll have wojo run it over.

That way, if it's
out of your hands,

Maybe it won't be so painful.

Thanks. Make me k*ll his kid.

It's okay, barney.

I'll run it down myself.

Okay, fine.

I brought it along this far.

I can see it through to the end.

I'll be back.

Hey, ron?

Make me a print, too.