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04x13 - Ghost Plane

Posted: 06/03/23 19:18
by bunniefuu
[ANGELINA] Previously on Manifest...

My ma died when I was a kid.
My old man split.

Did you lie about being an orphan too?


I love you. I didn't cheat
death to live a half-life.

Neither did you.

My guardian angel.

So Angelina used the sapphire
to send you a fake Calling?

With the one image she
knew I'd do anything for.

So if she's got the sapphire, what
chance does the Lifeboat have?

[MICHAELA] We have absolutely
no idea where she is.

[SAANVI] Fiona Clarke started
her career in neuropsychology.

Ended up being blackballed in her field

for believing all of our brains
can sync up to one another.

I've been waiting for you.


I'm not ready to die!

Who said anything about dying?




- [CAL] Olive!

Cal, where have you been?

Oh my God.

Is that...

Fiona Clarke.

I found her hiding in a barn
by an apple orchard.

A Calling led me right to her.

[OLIVE] Is she alive?

Yeah. She has a cut on her forehead,

but I don't see any other injuries.

Oh my God, Cal. She returned
twice, just like you.

I mean, there has to be
an important reason.

Yeah, but what is it?

I tried to ask her, but
she is zoned out.

It's like she's trapped in a Calling.

Like Marco and the others.


All right, get the first aid kit.
Keep an eye on her.

I gotta tell Dad. Maybe
he'll know what to do.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

How did you slip past me?


[CHUCKLES] Any day that begins with us

getting to see our daughters

is a win for me.

Couldn't agree more, Russ.

- [JESSICA] Hi, Dad.
- How you doin', sweetheart?

Russell! You lied to me.

You said your daughter was beautiful.

This woman's a world-class supermodel.

Jessica, this is Eagan.

He's teaching me how to lose at chess.

True, but he only loses
because I'm spectacularly good.


Lovely to meet you, Jessica. Remember,
we have a match this afternoon.

- Winner takes all the lunch milk.
- Right.

Just met my new friend's
daughter, Jessica.

She's doing quite well
in the export business.

She looks like she really
loves her daddy.

She'd do just about anything
for him, I'm sure.

Have you been eating gluten
again? You look a bit bloated.

Plexiglass adds ten pounds.

At least they know how
to make a guy feel good.

So sensitive lately. Maybe I
shouldn't visit you as much.

We both know you love these
visits just as much as I do.

Without them, you'd be
broke... nhearted.



Excuse me. I have to use
the ladies' room.


We weren't expecting her until the rd.

We had three plans.

We went with plan B.

Just leave her on the couch

until we figure out where
to put her next.

How is she? That was a long trip.

She must have some interesting
things to say about it.

Not really in a talking mood.

She's just zoned out on the couch.

[BEN] Interesting.

Her travel buddy just landed in DC.

I'd love to talk to him, but he's
not feeling that well himself.

Are you trying him "daily?"

Well, just keep your guest comfortable.

If she starts to feel better,

ask her about her trip,
why she came back.

Meanwhile, I wouldn't
bring her for a visit.

She might never leave.

Place is infested with
grasshoppers anyway.

That's not a grasshopper.

That reminds me of what
grandma used to say

when she got really mad.

"May a plague of locusts fall upon you".


Grandma always...


Hey! Wait!

Hey, be careful!


Be careful with him!

The entomologist identified them
as Rocky Mountain locusts.

Extinct since .

Passengers seem to be buying
the infestation story.

For now, but my guess is
things are going to escalate.

We need to get a move to Gupta's
facility quickly and quietly.

We'll use Agent Cordell.

- Can he be trusted?
- He'll keep it need-to-know.

A passenger have a Calling?

Bring him in.

Let me go. I can walk.

This is Ben's Calling?

He has just as much experience
solving them as I do.

He could be a vital asset if you
put him out there in the field.

I'm sure every passenger
considers themselves a vital asset,

yet this remains a detention center.
We operate by the numbers.

Go ahead.


I was at Mansion Marina.
End of the dock.

I saw a boat. Slip .

And then something under the water
started to pull the boat over.

I mean, could it be about the Lifeboat?


Director Zimmer, I had
this Calling for a reason.

- I should be the one...
- [ZIMMER] By the numbers, Mr. Stone.

That's how I operate. Get
him to the lab for monitoring.

All right. All right.

You two know the drill.


This is your Calling. I...

If I can't go, I'm glad it's you.

Is she going to be okay?

[SIGHS] Yeah, with our
help, she will be.

Why don't you go play a bit?

You said we'd play makeup together.

I promise we will.

I have to hang out with our friend
for just a bit longer.

And then I'll come find you, okay?


So I did some digging on Fiona.

Turns out that she was
in a really bad car accident as a kid.

Brain surgery... Almost died...

Yet somehow, she still managed
to become a neuropsychologist.

Maybe the head trauma
is why she never got Callings.

Well, she's in a never-ending Calling
now. We gotta do something.

If she hadn't given me that clue
when I was in the glow,

I never would've figured out
divine consciousness.

She can't tell us about
her Calling here,

but maybe I can see
her Calling on the plane.

Like, if I sit in her seat
like I did with Joe,

maybe I can solve her Calling.



I've never sailed a day of my life,

but I got this sudden urge
to just hop on one of these boats,

sail out to sea, and just...
just keep on going.

You can, uh... You can
keep the seven seas.

I would k*ll for a five-minute run.

It's funny what you miss.

Excuse me, sir. Can we have
a moment of your time?


Every time a cop has asked
for a moment of my time,

it's been about my son.

Whatever he's done now,

it is of no concern of mine.

Do you mind me asking who your son is?

Eagan Tehrani.


[GUARD] Oh my God. What is that?



Quinn? What's happening in there?



- Get him to med bay!



How did this happen?



They disappeared together. Makes
sense that they came back together.

Yeah. Fiona could be the other half

of the mystery of Daly's return.

Zimmer has Daly locked up,
but we have Fiona.

If we just talk to her, maybe
we can figure all this out.

Dr. Bahl, we need you.

This man collapsed. Can you help him?

[SAANVI] His face.

He's dead. How did this happen?

The how and the where
are not your concern.

Your job is to find out
what the hell this is.

Step... Stay back, please.

I just need to talk to Ben.

Go ahead.

I just got a text from Jared.

You're not gonna believe
who owns the boat.

Eagan's father.

Nazir Tehrani.




Tell me what you need.


[NAZIR] I've known trouble,
and I've known danger.

I've made sure they're
no longer factors in my life.

My wife and I have worked
hard to put that behind us.

Now we have this boat.

We've cashed in our pensions,

and we have been dreaming
about this trip.

Our first stop is the Caribbean islands.

Look, if my son told you
that I'm in danger, it's a lie.

It only benefits him.

This I can tell you from
many years of experience.

I thought you would've had
a better poker face.

That means something to you.

It means something to my mom.

It's called the Faravahar.

Supposed to be a reminder
of good conduct for the soul.

She got me one just like it.

She wasn't big on subtlety.

All it meant to me was the easy
I got at the pawn shop.

- She still wearing hers?
- [EAGAN] I have no idea.

I haven't seen or heard from my parents

since before we left for Jamaica.

Wait. That's a lie.

I got one voice mail from my father
after we miraculously returned.

It said, "You may be back,
but you are not welcome here".

I saw that necklace around the neck
of a woman who was in trouble.

Now, do you think that
could've been your mother?

Sorry, I've got nothing.

You mean you don't care
if your own mother's in danger?

I'm telling you, I wouldn't have
the slightest idea how to help.

They don't care what happens to me.

I don't care what happens to them.

Works for us.





- Oh, that was Vance.

Ben just had a reprise.

Mr. Tehrani, we now have information.
This was not about you.

It was about your wife.

Where is she now?

Uh, she's at home. Um...

Usually, she never misses a sailing day,

but this morning she said she was sick.

Let me call her.


She's not answering.

Okay, trust me. I think
your wife is in danger.

- We should go.
- [JARED] Let's go.





Nina, you're a good surprise
on a bad morning.

Guess what?

Mommy just told me we're finally gonna

live in a real home like a real family.

What do you mean? Are you leaving me?

My uncle said we could
live with him in San Diego.

They have a really big
zoo there with tigers.

Mommy said I could visit.

You can't go.

I have no one else.

But I have to go with my mommy.


I should've known you'd leave me.

Everyone I love is taken from me,
even my daughter.

You have a daughter?

Yes, but they won't let me see her.

They've turned her against me.

But you're special. There has
to be some way you can see her.

Maybe God will give you a way.

I think God already did.

All right, this is the same exact color
as I'm wearing right now, okay?

Remember how I showed you?
And we can match.

So just sit here and
give it a try, all right?


Remember, Fiona's seat number is B.

All right?






I couldn't sit in Fiona's seat.

There was a huge olive
tree growing out of it.

Olive tree?

Not apple, like where you found her?

No. There was one growing
from inside the cockpit too.


I can see these.

I can feel them.

That's new.

Hold these. Hey, uh, get back.



Farnaz, are you here?


She should be here. She would never

leave the house with the door open.

Unless she was forced to.

[EDEN] One, two, three.

Your turn.

Would you mind spinning
for me again, precious?

You used to play this game
with Angelina.


I know some people say
pretty mean things about her,

but they're not true.

She loves you so much.

She'll love you forever.



I'll be back.




Okay. Do you notice anything missing?

Was there anything valuable
that... Do you have a safe?

Yes, we have a safe.

It's all gone.

All of it. The money for the trip.

Our life savings.

My poor Farnaz.

- What has happened to her?

- Do you hear that?

Stay there.

They could've returned, okay? Stay here.

And let you have all the fun?
I don't think so.

[GASPS] Oh my God!

Mrs. Tehrani?

It's okay, ma'am. We're
with your husband.


- Oh, I was so worried.
- I'm fine.

What happened? Where have you been?

It's okay. I'm fine. I'm fine.

But, uh, they took everything.

I was at the police station...

... to report... to report it.

I hope you spoke with
Detective Baker there.

If, for some reason, they gave you Lao,

I'll call right now and get
your case transferred.

Oh, no, that won't be necessary.

I did. I... I did speak
to Detective Baker.

It looks like you may
need medical attention.

How did that happen?

It sort of looks like an injury you
might get from breaking a window.

Uh, I... I don't know what you mean.

There's no Detective
Baker at the station.

It's clear what's actually
happened here.

Uh, the safe was not cracked,
because you took the money,

and then you broke a window

to stage a robbery and injured
your hand in the process.

My only question is, why?

[CRYING] I'm sorry.

[CAL] Any idea what they mean?

[SIGHS] Nothing really exciting.

Just olive trees, since ancient times,

have represented peace and friendship.

Well, Daly and Fiona
weren't exactly best friends.

What are we missing here?

I wish I knew.


- [OLIVE] She can't breathe!
- Uh, what do we do?

Sit her up. Sit her up.

- What... It's not helping!
- Call - - !

Wait. If she ends up in the hospital,

she'll end up at the detention center.

Dad said not to send her there.

- Call Saanvi.
- How? She doesn't have a phone.

Use your sapphire. You have
the same power as Angelina.

She made Dad think he was seeing Mom.

You can do the same.
Make Saanvi see Fiona.

I don't wanna be Angelina.

Well, Angelina was projecting lies.

You're gonna be projecting
the truth, Cal.

Put exactly what you're seeing
of Fiona in Saanvi's mind.

Then she can tell us what to do.

Okay. I'll try.

Just take deep breaths.

Try to connect with the
divine consciousness.

Find Saanvi.


Oh my God.

Saanvi. Can you hear me?

Cal? Cal, where are you?

At home. I'm projecting a Calling
like Angelina did.

What do you see?

Fiona Clarke.

Alive on a cot.

Holy shit. It worked.

Fiona's actually in our dining room,
but she can't breathe.

I need you to tell me what to do.



Okay, I'm gonna need you
to move in closer, Cal.

I need you to lay her flat
on her back. Gently.

Lose the pillows.

[SAANVI] That's good.

Now I need you to listen
to both sides of Fiona's chest.

I can only hear her
breathe on the right side.

It's really shallow. Her lips are...

They're turning blue. I see it.
Okay, Cal, listen to me.

I think Fiona has punctured
her left lung. It is collapsing.

So I'm gonna need you to operate.



- Your parents' life savings are gone.
- What?

It appears your mother faked a robbery

and used it to cover up
whatever she did with the money.

And she's not talking.
Like mother, like son.

My mother would never steal. Too devout.

Unlike me.

When I was a kid, my dad kept
this mason jar full of change.

The thing was always overflowing,
so I figured he wouldn't notice

if I borrowed a few coins
for an ice cream sandwich.

"My son, the thief". That's
what he called me for years.

But my mom?

She spent those years
praying for my soul.

You got it mixed up.

You know the Callings don't mix it up.

Your parents' future is at stake here.

I'll tell you one thing. This time,
it's got nothing to do with me.




First, I'm gonna need you to feel
for Fiona's clavicle on the left side.

Her collarbone. Can you feel it?

Got it.

Okay. Now move your fingers down.
Next, you're gonna feel her rib.

I'm gonna need you to take that knife
and make a small incision.



What's wrong?

She wants me to cut Fiona.

If you don't do what Saanvi
tells you, Fiona's gonna die.

You can do this.


Wait. Wait. You're back.

[CAL] Sorry. It... It's hard to focus.

I'm... I'm too nervous.

[SAANVI] I'm right here with you.

You can do this, Cal.
Just make the incision.



- [SAANVI] All right, good.

Now I want you to take your index
finger and push it into the cut.

Can you feel on the top and bottom
side of her lungs? On either side.

That's where the straw is gonna go.

I feel it. Uh, straw.


[SAANVI] Now push the straw hard,

cutting through the muscle
without hitting the lung.

How am I supposed to know?

Just an inch, and you're
gonna hear a release of air.

Come on.

[SAANVI] Her breathing
is getting shallow.

We are running out of time, Cal.
You have to do this now!



We did it. She's breathing.

Told ya!


All right, Eagan. Your mother faked
a robbery to steal her own money.

It sounds like a family trait.

You've gotta have some idea
of why she would do that.

I don't know what she did or didn't do.

All I know is I mean nothing
to them, so why should I care?




What do you know about strings
or a net around an iron heart?

Heart... strings.

- That can't be right.
- What can't be right?

Oh, Cheryl! You double-crossing...

Who's Cheryl? What does she
have to do with your mother?

Cheryl is...

was my protégé.

And she should have nothing
to do with my mother.

But apparently, the saying is true.
There's no honor among thieves.

The woman who comes visits you.

I'll tell you what you need to know,
but you gotta take her down.

Well, if it helps solve the Calling,
she'll go down all right.



So for obvious reasons,

I was the inside man
feeding marks to Cheryl.

Relatives of passengers
with a little cash

and the right temperament

to give it up for a chance
to see their loved ones.

Well, how? That's impossible.

They don't know that.

By the time they realize it's a con,
Cheryl's a ghost.

The mark can't go to the cops because

they're complicit in an illegal act.

It was the perfect crime.

I never thought she'd
use it on my mother

because the only way it works...

If they love the passenger.

The reason the con worked on your mother

is because she loves you, Eagan.

Doesn't make any sense.

After everything I put them through,

the things we said to each other...

[BEN] It's not always what we say

but what we do that shows someone
how we really feel about them.

I'll tell you how to get the money
back, but you have to hurry.

After burning me, Cheryl'll
be on the first bus to Toledo.

How do we stop her?

The best way to catch a hustler
is with his own hustle.

There's my favorite spymaster.

You need to see this.

[SAANVI] What happened?

Another one?

Okay, uh, this is spreading
through physical contact.

We need to isolate them and
anybody that they have touched today.

Take them to the isolation room.
No one goes in or out.


Agent Cordell's boils.

They have traces of Captain
Daly's DNA on them.

Excuse me? Captain Daly?

I've been testing the locusts
we've been seeing,

and it's coated in the same DNA.

Both of these plagues
originated with Daly.

- Plagues?
- Yes! Locusts, boils.

Why are we invoking
Captain Daly, of all people?

Are you kidding me?

The sooner we stop playing these games,

the sooner we can start
searching for a cure

to what may just be
a humanity-ending virus

or plague,

the source of which,
Captain Daly, I believe,

you have detained in this very building.

I didn't ask you to determine
where it came from.

You were tasked to figure
out a cure to stop it.

But if we have patient zero here
in the detention center,

and he has survived,

the only way for me to do
that is to examine him.

You have two bodies
at your disposal, Dr. Bahl.

I suggest you use them
to find the answers you need.


You're lucky I waited.

Where's the money? Look,
if you're wasting my time...

Sorry. I needed my husband
to co-sign the withdrawal.

It's everything we have.

I didn't know you had a husband.

Still getting used to it myself.

- Let's move this along.
- Ah.

Like she said... Okay,
this is all we have.

I need to know how this works
before I just hand you the money.

That's smart. Thing is I have to protect

my contact at the detention center,

so all I can tell you is this.

My guy has unlimited access
and very limited funds.

So it's up to you.

Do you wanna be the guy
who asks questions

or the guy who made his
father-in-law a free man?

Not a hard choice.




NYPD, huh?

- Old habits.

Eden, these are very important trees.
These are called olive trees.

And I need you to move them

by the photo of the man and the woman.

Can you do that for me?

Good. Now, you see that Bible?

Can you pick it up for me?


Now, can you turn the page for me?

Keep going.


Revelations .

"And I will give power unto my
two witnesses, and they shall..."


- Go away.

[NINA] It's me.

I came to say goodbye.

I hope you see your daughter soon.

I already have.

And you were right. I know
what I have to do now.


God sent two witnesses
represented by two olive trees

to bring on the end of times.

Judgment for all.

But you see here.

Judgment only comes
after the two witnesses die.

Because God has chosen me
to carry out his word,

it is my duty to bring
on the end of times

by k*lling the two witnesses.

Don't be scared. This is God's will.

And I am the chosen one.

The angel who will shepherd all
the righteous on to the new world.


What are you doing? We only have
a couple of minutes to get back.

I think we got a flat.


Right there.

You said you wanted to go for a run.
It's funny what you miss.

What, scared you can't keep up?


♪ I can feel it in the future ♪

♪ I can see it in the culture ♪

♪ Listen, lover, won't you call me? ♪

♪ I'm a sucker for some harmony ♪

- ♪ Oh my ♪

♪ Oh my ♪

♪ Surefire ♪

♪ The setting sun won't set on me ♪

Uh, I can't.

Because you're in love with someone
who can't love you back?

Um, I'm not ready.

♪ Oh my ♪

♪ Surefire ♪

♪ The setting sun wants company ♪

[OLIVE] Testing.

Cal, can you hear me? Over.

Yeah, a little too loud and clear.

I can't believe this thing still works.

[OLIVE] You're supposed to say "over".

Are you there? Over.

I just still have so many questions.

How did she... and
why did she come back?

[OLIVE] Saanvi said to let her rest

until she can get a chest drain fitted.

Just take today as a win, okay?


Yeah. Yeah, you're right.

Who wants first watch?

[OLIVE] I got it. Over.





[GASPS] My boy. Eagan.



I'm sorry.

Can you forgive me?

You're our son.

You put things right today.

That's all that matters.

Because of me, you almost
lost everything again.

I don't blame you if you hate me.
I hate me most of the time.

For all of your smarts,
you still know nothing.


You are our heart, son.

No matter what you do,

we are bound to you.

Your mother reminded me of this today.

Not yet.

I'm still pissed at you.

You hear that?

He said, "Yet". [LAUGHS]


- Hey, did you move stuff around?
- You kidding?

I know not to do that without permission

from one Olive Stone

on pain of death. Why?

I could've sworn I did not
put those olive trees there.

Cal, this passage.

It talks about two olive trees.

That's weird. What does it say?

Uh... "And I will give power
unto my two witnesses,

and they shall prophesy..."

The two olive trees.

The two witnesses.
Your Calling on the plane.

This must be about Fiona and Daly.

It says that God will
grant them the power

to strike the earth with plagues

as often as they want.

Why would God send back Fiona and Daly
from the glow with plagues?

Maybe we shouldn't have taken Fiona in.
Don't plagues make them bad?

Well, did it make Moses bad?


I think they came with plagues

so we'll listen to
what they have to say.

We gotta get Fiona talking.

Cal, look at this.

A beast will rise up to attack
and k*ll the two witnesses.

That can't happen.

We have to keep them safe.


You might as well take this.

I'm a firm believer that cheese
does not belong in cake.

Eagan, isn't this a thank-you gift?

[EAGAN] Thank you?

For taking a joyride through
my sordid family history?

You should be paying me.

How about an apology to Russ

and the others for
trying to swindle them?

Tempting, but I'm thinking no.

[BEN] Today you helped your family
on the outside, but in here,

the passengers are your family.

We need to watch out for one another.

The only thing I watch is my back.

- Always a pleasure, Professor.
- Mm-hmm.








Oh, you're awake.


I don't understand. No more boils. How?

- [SAANVI] Bill. Bill.

It's me, Dr. Bahl.

Remember me? From the plane?

I know.

Hey. No.

I know you must be really scared

and confused with everything
that's going on.

We can still figure this out. We
can fix this, me and you, Captain.

Now, if you'll let me...

I need to take a blood sample to test.

Is it okay if I do that?

Yeah? Okay.

All right. Thank you, Captain.

All right. Ready?

[EDEN] I'm tired.


We just need to check on our friend.

Make sure she's okay.


Oh no.

What is that?

A splinter?


It is a splinter.

Have you ever had one of those before?

Yeah, they hurt. Don't they?

We need to help her.

You should take it out.

Go on.


She's gonna be so happy

when you help her
with that terrible splinter.


Good girl.

Fiona's gonna rest much better now.

Let's get you back to bed, my angel.