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01x19 - Recovery

Posted: 06/04/23 08:25
by bunniefuu
Recovery one. This is control.

Initiate a.p.u. Pre-start
procedure. Over.

Roger. Recovery one.

Power a.p.u.s now.

A.p.u. Fuel t*nk valves open.

Roger. Fuel tanks open.

Run a.p.u. Control 1.

Roger. A.p.u. 1, Start.

T-minus 2 minutes.
All systems go.

H2 is pressurizing.

Go for launch.

Recovery one. This is control.

You are looking good and
are go for launch. Over.

Roger. Go for launch.

Do you ever
wonder what it's like

Sitting on top of 6
million pounds of thrust?

Reading seal failure in e.t.

Liquid hydrogen leak imminent.

Abort launch.

Recovery one. You have
external t*nk failure.

Abort immediately. I repeat
abort immediately. Over.

Roger. Aborting. Out. All
right, everyone. Let's move.

Basket 2, away.

30 Seconds till t*nk rupture.

Basket 2 recovered.

Basket 1, away.

Basket 1 recovered.

Mission specialist on ground.

What's he waiting for?

His shuttle commander.

Go! Go! Go!


Oh, my god!

Double check the
control panel, all right?


Do you fly like that
every time you go up, sir,

Or were you just showing off?

Your first time
supersonic, lieutenant?

No, sir.

Just my first
time with a lawyer.

How do I rate?

I could have done
without the snap rolls.

I had to leave an impression.

And you could have
used a little more runway.

You want long roll-outs,
fly the air force.

Oh! Careful, harm.
We're in their territory.

There are a lot of
friendlies around here, meg.

The space program
likes navy pilots.

We make their best astronauts.

Right. I think I read
that somewhere

In kepler's laws of
planetary motion.

Hey, all I need to say is the
first american in outer space

Was not an air force jock.

They put up a man who
knew how to make a trap.

Then why was the first
man in orbit a marine?

I didn't know the navy
had such a budget surplus.

They transport their jag
officers in jet fighters.

Our admiral told us
to get here asap, sir.

You take a joy ride back and tell
him we've got it under control.

Can't do that. Lieutenant
commander atkins was navy, sir.

Assigned to the
military space agency.

I understand that, colonel,

But investigating his death
still lies within our jurisdiction.

We try to avoid
politics, commander.

That's why we use vandenberg
to launch military missions.

Sir. Understood, sir.
But I have my orders.

All I can tell you, commander,
is that atkins fell to his death

During an emergency evacuation
drill when the cable failed.

We adjusted the, uh, capture
bar. It was an alignment problem.

Good. Have you concluded
why the cable failed, sir?

Not yet. Mr. Gallant
is analyzing that.

Which reminds me, I need to
check on the stress test results.

And I am on an
accelerated schedule,

So if you'll excuse me, I
have a launch in 48 hours.

You're going ahead
with the launch, sir?

It must be an awfully
important mission.

Need to know, commander.

The backup pilot
passed his physical, sir.

Good. Let him know. He's on.

Any further questions,

You can direct to my
assistant, captain tang.

Sir. Lieutenant.

Looks like I get to deliver
some good news for a change.

Where are they?

Simulator on final approach.

Initiate pre-flare

Roger. Adjusting glide slope.

Looking good.

That's a steep approach.

Well, it starts at 19 degrees.

About 6 times steeper
than commercial aircraft.

And there are no pull-ups.

It's a 200,000 pound glider.

We call it "the flying..."
"The flying brick."

Yes, sir.

I'd like to go up to
the launch structure,

Take a look at
the egress system.

Yes, sir. I'll try to arrange
something for this afternoon.

Recovery one. Gear down. Over.

Gear down and locked. Over.

I know that voice.

He's good.

On course and speed.

He must feel like a backup
quarterback called into the super bowl.

You train all season, but
you never expect to play.

Recovery one,
main gear at 10 feet.

Then suddenly, it's,
"ok, lowrey, you're up.

Pull it out for us."

Lieutenant commander
mark lowrey.

Yes, sir. You know him?

2 Feet,




I guess you're right.

Navy does make
the best astronauts.

Excuse me, sir. You've
passed your physical.


Thank you.


Lieutenant rabb. What
are you doing here?

Actually, it's
lieutenant commander.

So it is. Congratulations.

Thanks, you, too.

Sorry, it couldn't be
under better circumstances.

So you're still flapping your
wings? Or did she fly you in?

No, I manage all
right on my own.

So, how's jag?

It keeps me busy.

I bet. All those
legal briefs to file.

You have to excuse me. Uh,
I've got a mission to prep for.


What was that about?


Come on, harm, I know a
cockfight when I see one.

He was in my first
tomcat squadron.

What did he do?

Out-fly you?



He was a hotshot.

Cocky, aggressive,

Kinda like you?


Why would m.s.a. Let
him fly the shuttle?

Maybe 'cause he's good at it.

Gee, thanks.

Looks a lot bigger
in person, doesn't it?

Who would have ever
thought we'd be this close to it?

Speak for yourself, lieutenant.

July 20th, 1969.

The apollo moon landing?

I watched it with my mom.

I remember seeing armstrong
roaming around up there,

Wondering if he stopped right
then and looked up at the earth.

He'd see me and my dad in
vietnam at the same time.

I'll bet there were a lot of future
astronauts recruited that night.

Yeah, I'll bet there were.

What do you remember about it?

Nothing. I was a baby.

Lieutenant commander
rabb, lieutenant austin,

This is our mission shuttle
commander, major russell.


He was the closest man to
atkins when the cable broke.

Thanks for your time, major. I
hope we're not taking too much of it.

Not at all.

It's a pretty
straightforward system.

Steel baskets connected
to the slide wire.

The astronauts jump
in, release the brake,

Slide to the entrance of underground
bunkers at the landing zone.

When did you know commander
atkins was in trouble?

I didn't.

I was late coming
out of the hatch.

Atkins waited until he saw
me before he started down.

I was at my basket
when I heard this snap.

When I looked up, he
was already falling.

Did the cable show
signs of strain before?

It was brand-new.

They put it up right after the blue
team's run-through that morning.

Just this one?

Apparently, it was
frayed at one end.

Who noticed it?

I believe it was lieutenant
commander lowrey.

Mission specialist 1 away.

Mission specialist 2
reaches the basket.

Number 2 away.

Commander atkins
waits for the major.

He sees him.

Major orders him to go.

Atkins hops in the basket.

30 Feet down he falls.

It's not as high-profile as
the challenger accident,

But the end result is the same.

An astronaut dies.

Doesn't look real somehow.

You've been watching
too many action movies.

They sh**t those things from 8
different angles, repeat the action,

Play it back in slow-mo.

Cut to people's reactions.

And an accident like
this in real life happens...

You think he realized
what was happening?

Play it back at quarter speed.

Yes, sir.

It's ironic, actually.

Billions of dollars we spend on
systems needed for manned space flight

And we lose an astronaut
because of a faulty piece of cable.

Here you go, sir.

Stop. Go back.

Wait there.

Can you click between this
frame and the one before it?

I assumed that it
broke at one end.

What would cause it to
snap in the middle like that?

I must admit I was
somewhat baffled at first.

I couldn't imagine what
would cause it to break

So cleanly right in the middle.

Until I noticed this
small circular pattern

Along the break in the, uh,
sheath that surrounds the cable.

Where? It's right there.

There may have been a tiny
hole there before the break.

What does that mean?

Well, not a lot by itself.

But it made me go back and check
the cable at each end of the break

For vaporized steel
deposits. Just like that.

You're saying the
cable was cut by a laser?

Not just cut.

They hollowed it out
by carefully rotating it.

The outside

Looked normal except
for the very tiny hole.

It was sabotaged.

Clever sabotage.

There was just enough mass left
around the perimeter of the hole

To support the basket
during the test runs.

Add the weight of an astronaut

And snap!

Yeah, it was frayed near
the top. Nothing major,

But I thought I should
tell somebody. I mean...

I didn't know the replacement
cable would be defective.

More like sabotaged. The
cable was rigged to break.

Atkins was m*rder*d.

By who?

I don't know. Who would
have the most to gain?

Oh, wait a minute. I don't think I
like where you're going with this.

Look, this is awkward,

Because you and
I don't get along.

But right now, it doesn't
look too good for you.

Hey, look.

I want my chance just
as much as the next guy,

But I wouldn't k*ll for it.

I hope not.

But I'm afraid I'm gonna have to
have you pulled from this mission

Until we know for sure.

You do that

And you'll just about guarantee
that I never get another chance.

Sorry. It's not personal.

The hell it isn't.

Hey, you think this is a game?

We're not nuggets on our first
mission. I know what's at stake.

Yeah, my career!

Don't come after mine just 'cause
you flushed yours down the toilet.

I'd stop it right
there, commander.

Why? Let's be honest.

You got your ticket pulled

And you can't handle seeing me
with a chance to walk in space.

Hey, that's your
dream, not mine.

Yeah, right!

What do you think, meg? You
think I'm making this personal?

What are you gonna do?

Justify your feelings
by protecting him?

Yeah, but do I have
to take him down?

Harm, you don't have a choice.

Out of the question.
We need lowrey.

He's the only other pilot we
have trained for this mission.

I beg your pardon, colonel,

But wouldn't prudence suggest
delaying the mission entirely, sir?

We're going to launch
on schedule, commander.

It's not open for debate.

Sir, it's my duty to
summon a board of inquiry,

In which case the
navy will simply

Not allow commander
lowrey on that spaceship.

Shut the door, captain.

I can't let you do
that, commander.

And the boys
upstairs won't let you.

The mission is
that critical, sir?


Until recently, the u.s. Was monitoring
eastern china and the asian pacific

With a recon satellite in
a geosynchronous orbit,

Giving us real-time
images of the region.

26 Days ago, we lost
all contact with it.

They think the
power cells failed.

Aren't there other satellites
that can pick up the coverage?

Only intermittently. We're
blind over 90% of the time.

That's not a very good percentage
given china's recent show of force.

You don't have a
replacement satellite, sir?

Launched 2 weeks
ago on a titan rocket.

Unfortunately, the 3rd stage booster
failed, never made it to proper orbit.

We've got to go up and fix it.

We had to change recovery
one's mission profile

And push up the launch.

That's why all the
last-minute training.

Lowrey will perform
the capture procedure.

The second satellite could
fall out of orbit and burn up,

If we don't retrieve it
within the next 3 to 4 days.

Which means I have a
day and a half to launch.

Then that gives us 36 hours to
determine exactly what happened, sir.

Very well, commander. Dismissed.

Aye, sir.

Excuse me, sir, what was recovery
one's original mission profile?

High-energy light experiments.

You mean testing lasers, sir?

Were all astronauts
trained on lasers?

Of course. Both crews.

Did they include the type you
used in your demonstration?

Yeah. Why? You
suspect an astronaut?

No, we're just covering
all possibilities.

Where are the lasers kept
when they're not in use?

In the training facility.

So astronauts have
unrestricted access?

Of course.


I checked the security
system to the storage facility

Where the cable was housed.

Apparently lieutenant
commander lowrey's access card

Was used to gain
entrance at 2307 hours

The night before the accident.

He reported his card
missing the next morning.

He said he lost it?

No. He thought it was stolen.

I think it's time we had
a talk with him again.

It will have to wait, sir.

He's scheduled for a
last-minute practice landing

In the s.t.a. At 0730.


Shuttle training aircraft. It's a
g2 rigged to fly like the shuttle.

Which runway?


I think we're good.

Morning, rabb. Lieutenant.

What are you doing here so early? I
thought lawyers kept bankers' hours.

You'll have to postpone your flight.
You and I need to have a little chat.

Oh, well, as much
as I'd like to do that,

I'm on a strict schedule.

As far as I know, I'm
still on this mission.

I'm supposed to finish
this run and then head back

To the pre-launch holding area.

You still may not
be going anywhere.

Are you relaying an order?

Not yet.


If you want to talk to me,

You either head back
to the holding area

Or you take a ride.
It's your choice.

But I have to warn you,
it gets a little rough.

We drop at 250 feet per second.

No problem.


Sir, we're balanced for 2.

That's all right,
captain. You take a break.

My pal here will help me out.

Are you serious, sir?

Yeah. You heard what he
said. We have to have a talk.

Yes, sir. But he's not
trained on this aircraft.

Don't you worry about it.

He's the best damn pilot in jag.

All right. It's your call, sir.

You'll have to do the
honors on the way up, rabb.

It's not my show
till we head down.

Looks like you get a
break, too, lieutenant.

Harm, I thought you were trying
to keep this from being personal.

I'll see you back
in the launch room.

45,000 Feet.

Bring her round to 250.

Roger. 250.

You must be clocking
a lot of flight time.

I get my share.

So what's on your mind?

You neglected to tell me you trained
on lasers for your original mission.

Me and 7 other astronauts.

Yeah, but you're
the only astronaut

Whose stolen access card was
used to enter the storage facility

That housed the sabotaged cable.

Excuse me?

The night before
atkins was k*lled.

Somebody must be
trying to set me up.

And who would that be?

I don't know.

Maybe someone who doesn't
want to see the mission go.

I'm finding this
very hard to believe.

We both know why.

Look, mark,

Regardless of
what you might think,

I really do want to give
you the benefit of the doubt,

But things just keep
pointing in your direction.


You know better than anybody

How tough it is to give up
a career as a naval aviator.

You did because you
had to. But when I did,

I took a big risk.

But I thought it was worth it
to get a shot at outer space,

And after 5 years,

It was looking like
I might actually go.

Now, you think that I'm
gonna throw that away

By k*lling my fellow astronaut
just to jump to the head of the line?

I don't think so.

The truth is

It's out of my hands.

You'll probably
fly that mission.

And I'm gonna believe you.

If that turns out
to be a mistake,

There'll be a squad of m.p.s waiting
at edwards when you land that thing.

Fair enough.

You ready to rock and roll?

It feels perverted to rig
an aerodynamic bird like this

To fly like an anvil.

One of the wonders
of modern aerospace.

After the flare,
I'll return control

And you take her around.

Sounds like a plan.

Vandenberg tower,
this is niner 46.

Ready to descend, over.

Roger. Niner 46.

Clear for approach.

Niner 46. Roger.

See you in 3 minutes.

Get ready to release
her. Simulator engaged.

She's all mine.

You've got her.

Main landing gear down.

Auto-throttle, engaged.

And reverse thrust, on.

Auto-flight and
a.d.a.s., Engaged.

Away we go.

You can't make this
thing dive any steeper?

Don't tempt me.

What the hell?

I just lost control!

Your bird, commander. What?

Your bird!

My side's down!

She's heavy!

She won't be as soon as I
get her out of shuttle mode.

Setting down reverse thrusters.

She's still heavy.

The reverse thrusters
are stuck open!

The whole system's frozen.

I can't pull her out!

We got to jump.

No time for that. Hit
the fuel shut-off valve.

You're gonna dead stick it?

You can jump if you want.

Fuel valve off.

That's better.

Better call in an emergency.

Vandenberg tower. Niner
46. Declaring an emergency.

We have no power. I repeat,

We have no power.

Roger niner 46.

Emergency vehicles are rolling.

Runway dead ahead.

I love your choice of words.

We're on a
tricycle-geared bird, harm.

Nose gear down, please!

Nose gear, still in the red.

Everything's on shuttle mode.

Manual release?

It's on your starboard side.

Grab the yoke, mark.

You got it? I got it.

You know, on a
scale from 1 to 10,

I gave you a 3.

That high?


Colonel, everything froze. It
had to be a software problem.

I want every computer system
on that aircraft picked apart asap.

They're already on it, sir.

Whatever it was, it was meant
to look like another accident.

We'll see, commander.

Sir, it's pretty clear, whoever
k*lled lieutenant commander atkins

Wanted to scrub this
mission by k*lling the pilot

And framing the only man
who could take his place.

When that didn't work, they
tried to take him out, too.

6 Hours ago, you thought
commander lowrey k*lled atkins.

Yes, sir. I considered that a
possibility, but I was wrong.

So who is it this time?

Well, who would want to scrub
this launch? China would benefit

From the satellite going
unreplaced for as long as possible.

They'd have to
have someone inside.

This is getting a little
far-fetched. Why?

Space technology is a
primary defense element, sir.

It's not unreasonable to assume that a
foreign power could have an agent in place.

So what are we gonna do?

What do you mean,
"what are we gonna do?"

You're going to get
some rest, commander.

You're less than 12 hours away
from the start of a 6-day mission.

Colonel, someone has k*lled
one of your astronauts.

They tried a 2nd time with us.

With respect, sir,
you can't launch

Until we find out
who's behind this.

Commander, I appreciate your
concern, but this is not your concern.

That shuttle will be checked
and rechecked before lift off.

It's under strict security, the
president himself will be apprised.

The launch is his call.

Then, sir, I'm going to formally
recommend, he stand down this mission.

Well, you do what
you have to do,

But I don't think it
will affect his decision.

The president gave the go.

Not without some
assurances, I imagine.

Anything from jag?

F.b.i. Did extensive
background checks

On everyone with any kind
of clearance. No red flags.

Anything on the s.t.a.?

Not yet.

You nervous?

I don't get nervous.

Mark, I owe you an apology.

You had a lot to worry about,

Prepping for a mission at the last minute
without me lobbing accusations at you.

You were just
doing your job, harm.

I shouldn't have said anything
about your ticket being pulled.

I know it wasn't your fault.

Go for it, brother,
you deserve it.

I know.

You're right. He is cocky.

In his line of work,
you have to be.

Are you sure you don't
want to watch from outside?

If you're going to view it from the
video feed, you might as well watch c.n.n.

I'd rather be in launch control.

Harm, it's out of our hands.

They wouldn't be
launching if it wasn't safe.

Ground crew to staging area "a."

Colonel fisher might be right.

We are assuming atkins' m*rder
was an attempt to scrub the mission.

There's no other explanation for
someone trying to frame lowrey.

Well, how would someone
know we'd even suspect m*rder?

If gallant hadn't determined
the cable was cut by a laser,

We never would have
suspected lowrey.

Where's gallant now?

Must be in launch control.

That means his lab is free.

If he sabotaged the s.t.a., He'd have
had to have written a program, right?

Are you asking me to
break into his computer?

I knew you'd volunteer.

Internal systems
check completed. Over.

Control to recovery one.

All systems look good.

You are t-minus
10 minutes. Over.

Roger control. T-minus 10.

Less than 10 minutes.
How's it coming?

We're almost there.

I'm in.

Crew access log retrieving.

Control. This is recovery one.

Event timer started. Over.

Roger recovery one.

This is interesting.


Nothing on the s.t.a, but gallant
continued to work for the air force

As a civilian contractor
since s.d.i. Was scrapped.

They were supposed to fund a superconducting
magnetic ion engine he conceived.

Thinks it's the key to
interplanetary travel.

Let me guess. It fell
prey to defense cutbacks.

Every year for the past 8 years.

That would definitely
make him disgruntled.

It's the exact profile the
chinese would look for.

They'd scout someone on the inside
who might be unhappy with the situation,

But with the ability and the
access to scrub the mission.

The question is,
how far would he go?

You think he'd sabotage
the shuttle itself?

Recovery one. Initiating
main engine gimbal.

Recovery one. Main engine
gimbal complete. Over.


H2 looks good.

T-minus 2 minutes.

Go for launch.

Sorry, sir. Ma'am. No
unauthorized personnel allowed...

Stand aside, sergeant. I
need to talk to colonel fisher.

You will have to wait
until after the launch, sir.

That may be too late.

A.p.u. Is a go.

Switch to on-board computer.

Roger, switching to
on-board computer.

I have to get in there. The shuttle may
be in danger. Stand aside, sergeant, now!

18, 17, 16, 15, 14,

13, 12, 11, 10, 9,

8, 7, 6, 5...

Not now, commander. Sir,
there might be a problem.

Not now!

1, 0.

S.r.b. Ignition.

The tower has been cleared.


Instituting roll maneuver..

120 Degree roll

Into heads-down position, start.

Roll maneuver complete.
You look good, recovery one.

Roger, control.

Main engines at
65 percent. Over.

Roger that.

This is recovery
one. Over and out.

Step away from your
station, mr. Gallant.

What's wrong?

Step away from your station.

In my office. Now.

Recovery one,
you've hit max q, over.

Roger control. And out.

What the hell?

Control, we have
s.r.b. Sep, over.

Roger, we see that.

What are you running
from, mr. Gallant?

What's the problem, sir?

Arrest this man,
sergeant. Yes, sir.

Recovery one. Go for
main engine cut off. Over.

Meco confirmed.

We're in orbit.

Congratulations, recovery one.

Harm, I found traces
of what might have been

A crash program in the
erased sectors of his computer.

It had s.t.a. Strings.

Is there any sign he did the same
thing to the actual shuttle systems?

I didn't see any.

What did he say, sir?

What do you think? He's
innocent. Yeah. That's why he ran.

Claims you frightened him. He's a
civilian, so I've got to call the f.b.i.

See what they want
me to do with him.

Colonel, if he had access to the
shuttle systems, it's still in danger.

I understand that, commander.
But we're already up there.

This is a military
mission and right now,

Everything is going
strictly by the numbers.

May I have a crack at him, sir?

Be my guest. I have
a satellite to fix.

All systems go for
satellite recovery.

Sorry about that. Does it hurt?

It looks like it hurts.

You're a smart man, mr. Gallant.

Really smart.

Don't you think so, lieutenant?

Yes, sir.

I mean, only a smart man like
mr. Gallant could invent a...

What is it called?

magnetic ion engine.


Now what I don't
understand is how a smart,

Respected man like yourself
could sell out his country.

Is that how you'd
put it, lieutenant?

Something like that, sir.

How much did they pay you?

Nobody paid me anything.

Then why did you do it?

I want a lawyer.

Well, you're in luck.
We're both lawyers.

I have rights. I
know I have rights.

Not with the national
security of the united states,

A billion dollar spacecraft,
and 4 more lives in danger,

You don't.

Is it over?


Your string of sabotage.

Is something going to
happen to the space shuttle?

Almost there. Ok,
mark. Get suited up.

Looking good, commander.

How are you feeling?

Just groovy.

If something happens,

The country will
never forgive you.

I'm a visionary. I have to look
beyond the immediate future.

What do you mean?

You may brand me a traitor,
but history will credit me

With exploration
beyond our solar system.

You don't think the military's going
to build your engine now, do you?

They were never gonna build it.

There's no funding for anything that
doesn't fit their short-term agenda.

Maybe they just knew
it would never work.

Oh, it'll work. You'll see.

See? How will we see?

They promised to build your
engine for you, didn't they?

You really think the chinese are
going to honor that agreement?

The united states
isn't the only country

Interested in exploring the
secrets of space, commander.

I need another 5 or 6
degrees to the right.

You got it.

It was a lot easier
in the simulator.

You know what I
don't understand?

You're an aerospace engineer.

How can you destroy
the space shuttle?

I never said I'd destroy it.

I gave my life to this program!

Then what are
you planning to do?

China just doesn't
want the satellite fixed.

Maybe mr. Gallant found
a way to prevent that

Without destroying the shuttle.

Just give me another
degree to the right.

Lining up.

They can't fix it if they can't
grab it, can they, mr. Gallant?

Colonel, he's got to stop. Why?

If he attempts to
grab that satellite,

There'll be a major malfunction.

What kind of malfunction?

I'll explain. Just tell
him to stop! Now, sir!


Almost have it.

Tell him to wait.

Recovery one. This is control.

Have lieutenant
commander lowrey stand by.

Repeat. Hold on
satellite capture.

Uh, roger that, control. Mark,
you need to hold on a second.


Control needs you to hold on
satellite capture and stand by.

Standing by, control.

Gallant made a deal with
the chinese government

To prevent the recovery
of the satellite, sir.

I think he may have sabotaged part of the
capture mechanism days before the launch

As a backup plan.

Is there a problem
anywhere, mr. Tang?

No, sir.

Sir, do you remember when
lieutenant austin and I first arrived?

Gallant approached you and
informed you he'd made repairs

To the capture mechanism.

Yes. He went out on to the launch
pad to fix a calibration problem.

Or sabotage it, sir.

It's starting to drift.

I'm going to lose it.

Recovery one to control.
What's the problem? Over.

Uh, stand by, recovery one.

How would he sabotage it?

I don't know, sir.

It might be the locking
device. It's the logical choice.

He might have used it to
set some kind of charge

That would destroy
the satellite.

Sir, he's in position now.

Tell him to move lowrey
away from the satellite

And test the grappling trigger.


You heard me, captain.

Yes, sir!

Recovery one. This is control.

Turn lieutenant commander
lowrey away from the satellite

For a test firing of
the grappling trigger.

Roger that, control. Over.

Mark, we need to move you.

Control wants us to test
fire the grappling trigger

Facing away from the satellite.

Did they say why?


Commander lowrey is inquiring
on the reason for that. Over.

Stand by. Recovery one. What do I
tell him, sir? It's an open channel.

Commander rabb?

Tell him the same person who modified
the s.t.a. Prepped the capture bar.

Recovery one. This is control. Tell
him lieutenant commander rabb said

The person who modified the s.t.a.
Also prepped the capture bar. Over.

Roger that, control. Over.

Mark, you know the guy who's
responsible for your s.t.a. Problems?

I hope, not personally.

Lieutenant commander rabb thinks he
may have done something to the capture bar.


Retracting grappling
arm 15 degrees. Over.

Ok. I'm turning away
from the satellite now.

Testing grappling trigger now.

Recovery one. This is control.

What's your status?

What's your status,
recovery one?

I think it may have been
an expl*sive bolt. Over.

What about lieutenant
commander lowrey?

He's a little shaken,
but he's all right.

He wants to know if lieutenant
commander rabb is there.

That's affirmative.

He says thanks for
the tip, commander.

Ok, people, we
have no capture bar.

How the hell do we
get that satellite back?

Colonel, can't you just get
a few more people out there

And grab it, sir?

Entering cargo bay.

I'm clear.

Tethers are locked
on to work station.

It's not going to
work from this angle.

You may be leaning too far.

Can you reach the low end?


We've got to find a way
to stop that wobble.

Back up. You have to back up.

Ok. Ok. We're in position.

All right. On my count.

1, 2, 3.

We have it.

Good job. Good job.

Ok, people. Let's get down
to the business of fixing it.

Commander, thank you. Yes, sir.


We'll take it from here.

Recovery one. This is control.

Roger, control.


It's kind of pretty, isn't it?

As pretty as the view catapulting
off an aircraft carrier, sir?

Yeah, in its own way, I guess.

You still have time, sir.

The first lawyer in space maybe?
