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01x21 - Ares

Posted: 06/04/23 08:27
by bunniefuu
5 Minutes. I just want
to see her for 5 minutes.

What did he say?

She doesn't want to see you.

Bull. Look, we're sailing tomorrow
morning. I just want to give her this.

Look, come on. Give me a
break. I may not see her again.

Good! Good!

Damn it! What does he think
I'm going to do in 5 minutes?

Come on, bill. You can't blame him
after what's happened here lately.

Hell, we're not all criminals,
he shouldn't punish me.

Hey, we gotta get back to the ship
before the captain has our heads.

He wants her
buttoned up by 2100.

Look. Please, sir. Can I just
talk... Please talk to... Hey! Hey!

Hey, come back!

Mason! Wait!

Hey, stop him! Stop that kid!

Mason, mason.

Try down that way.

Hold it!

Ladies and gentlemen,

Please place your baggage
in the overhead compartment

Or underneath the
seat in front of you.

Excuse me.

Fine, thank you.

Army or marines?

Excuse me.

Navy. What gave it away?

Most american men in okinawa
are military. Which base?

Oh, I'm not stationed here. I'm
on vacation. I'm just on a layover.

I didn't want to wait
for the direct flight.

You must be
anxious to get there.

Get out is more like it.

I didn't feel safe from any last-minute
assignments till I was on the plane.

A false sense of security.

Kate? What are you doing here?

I've been stuck on this
island for the last 6 months.

I know, I know
that. I mean here.

Promise not to
sh**t the messenger?

Depends on the message.

Admiral chegwiddin
called my captain,

Told him you had a layover
and to pull you off the plane.


Well, there's been
another incident.

It's pretty high-profile.

The admiral said
he wanted you on it.

He must like you
for some reason.

It's a burden. Believe me.

Oh, yes.

The affliction of
the chosen one.

Is he sending meg?

She just left washington. She
should be there in about 15 hours.

I'll meet you at the gate.


What about my luggage?

I doubt you'll be able to
wear the speedo anyway.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Please take your seat.

Have a nice trip.

Not as nice as it
would have been.

Please fasten your seatbelt

And observe the no smoking sign.

We took 12,000 casualties
and lost 34 ships

Taking this rock
in world w*r ii.

Pretty high-priced
piece of real estate, huh?

Yes, sir.

If you ask me, we should
never have given it back.

Now we've returned
20% of our military bases,

This is the thanks we get.

Is it possible the
m*rder was personal, sir?

Well, anything's
possible, commander.

But, no, my guess is this was
designed to provoke a reaction,

To aggravate an
already delicate situation.

There are several different
organized protest groups on the island.

Some of the rallies
have gotten out of hand,

But this is the first time that they
have targeted an american serviceman.

The last thing I need is a blood
feud between our boys and the locals.

It could get us kicked
out of here entirely.

Do the japanese
authorities have any leads?

If they do, they're not sharing.

Unfortunately, this case is more about
damage control than finding a suspect.

So, while I appreciate the admiral
sending me his best and brightest,

I'm not sure exactly what
he expects you to accomplish.

Who was the last person to
see lieutenant mason alive?

His shipmate, lieutenant valko,

A communications officer
on the u.s.s. Daniel boone.

Has anyone questioned him yet?

I had commander brockman flown
out to the destroyer this afternoon.

Flown, sir?

She went underway yesterday to
participate in w*r game exercises

Off north korean waters.

The u.s. Response to their
recent move into the d.m.z.

I'll want to start there.

I thought you might.

There's a seahawk picking
up mason's replacement

At sasebo tomorrow
morning at 0800.

You can hitch a ride.

Lieutenant pike
will accompany you.

Yes, sir.

My partner, lieutenant austin,

Won't be arriving
until midmorning.

Can we arrange
a hop for her, sir?


I'm sure captain evans
would love to accommodate

All the lawyers
we care to send him.



You might want to
pick up a uniform.

He sees you in that shirt,

He's liable to throw
you overboard.

Aye, sir.

What? You don't like it either?

I like you better in uniform.

See, that's a much bigger
incentive to change.

Is it? Yeah.

You're looking good, kate.
Must be the tropical weather.

Mmm, yes.

I have become an expert at
turning temporary assignments

Into semi-permanent exile.

Uh-huh, well, that's what
you get for doing a good job.

Hmm. Which is why you don't
seem to have stayed in one place.

Well, you gotta keep moving or
people will pull you off of airplanes

On your way to vacation.

I am making it up
to you, aren't i?

We're taking a cruise.

Yeah. You, me, and 300 sailors.

Ever do a blue water landing
on a destroyer before?

I make it a rule never to
land in the middle of the ocean

Without a tailhook.

Hold on, chief.

All right. Sit here.

Commander. Lieutenant.

You must be lieutenant
mason's replacement.

Yeah, lucky me. I got
yanked off r and r in hawaii

To join the fun out here.

I'm lieutenant commander rabb.
This is lieutenant pike. We're with jag.

Lieutenant commander
gino campisano.


My father was a grunt from brooklyn
working recon at the 38th parallel.

He met my mother in seoul.

Are you looking
into mason's death?

Did you know him? I
trained him myself.

For what, sir?

Ares, greek god of w*r.

A fully integrated
navigation and combat system

For arleigh burke
class destroyers.

And mason was supposed to
operate it during the w*r games?

The tactical point of the exercise
is to test the prototype at sea.

They have lieutenant donovan out there,
but it takes 2 men to monitor the system.

Sounds like it could run itself.

I tried that argument.
Cincpac sent me anyway.

It's always nice
when a ship appears

Just as you're
running out of fuel.

Yeah, we had 3, 4 minutes left.

You were starting to sweat.

Well, just like
the good old days.


Permission to come aboard, sir!

Very well. At ease.

Welcome aboard.

Mr. Campisano, the w*r games
begin in less than 2 hours.

Stow your gear and
report to the bridge.

Aye, aye, sir.

What about me?

I'll let you know when
the captain's available.

This must have hit some
hot buttons in washington

For the admiral to send
the jag poster boy himself.

Lieutenant commander rabb,
this is commander brockman.


Have you questioned
lieutenant valko?

Not yet. Why not, sir?

He's on duty. I haven't
been allowed on the bridge.

W-what about his assistant?
Lieutenant donovan?

On the bridge. The captain's
kept you waiting all this time, sir?

Like it or not,
it's his fiefdom.

If you expect to get any
cooperation, you play by his rules.

Maybe there's a way
around the rules.

Commander, I'm aware
of your reputation,

But it's not how I
run an investigation.

Well, sir, it's difficult to
proceed until we question them.

You want to walk onto the
bridge of a u.s. Destroyer

Without the captain's
approval, be my guest.

In fact, I'd like to see it.

Get that helicopter
refueled and off my deck.

Aye, sir.

Ensign, get that
seahawk refueled

And out of here asap.

Aye, aye, sir.

Lieutenant commander rabb
reporting as ordered, sir!

Is that so and who
ordered you, commander?

Commander brockman, sir.

Another jag officer?

Yes, sir. He said he'd like
to see me on the bridge, sir.

Well, I'd like to not see you on
my bridge, and since I'm the captain

My desire is the only
one that matters.

I'm about to conduct a w*r game
off the coast of a hostile enemy,

And more importantly,

I've got a 12-year-old bottle of
chivas on the line with admiral wiles.

That tell you my priorities?

Yes, sir.

Is admiral wiles commanding
the carrier group himself, sir?

Dismissed. Aye, aye, sir.

Sir, while I'm here, if I may.

If we are permitted to question
lieutenants donovan and valko

Before the w*r games,

We should be able to stay out
of your way during them, sir.

Is that a threat of
some kind, commander?

No, sir. Simple suggestion, sir.

Very well. I'll cycle them to
the officers' mess in 15 minutes.

Make it brief. Aye,
aye, sir. Thank you, sir.


So, was he happy to see you?

Don't start, dennis.

He's sending valko to the
officers' mess in 15 minutes.

We'll meet you there,
sir. Wait up, commander!

Where are you going?

I don't know. I thought I'd
take a tour, get my bearings.

I'll go with you.


It's a long story.

We got 15 minutes.

I'll pass.


I'll just have to ask him.

I'm sure he has a
different story.

Of what?

We were lovers.

w*r games will
commence in 40 minutes.

All authorized personnel
report to your stations.

Drop it, harm. I
told you. It's over.

How did it start?


Excuse me.

Why are you so curious?

It's my nature.


So, when did it happen?

When I arrived in okinawa I
became his junior partner.

We worked very closely together.

You know how that can be.

Here we are.

This cross-examination
is not over, lieutenant.

We both had to get prescriptions
filled at the pharmacy and bill...

You're late.

Sorry, sir.

Did they change navy regulations

When I wasn't paying attention?

Sir? Do you not stand at
attention when entering a room

With a superior officer?

Thank you. As you were.

You were saying, lieutenant?

Uh, we both had to get
prescriptions filled at the pharmacy.

Then lieutenant mason
convinced me to stop with him

On the way back to bring a
present to a girl he kind of liked.

Kind of liked?

Uh, liked a lot, actually.

I see, and did he
give it to her?

No, sir. A boy came by and stole
it. Ripped it right out of his hands.

Bill chased after him, uh,

By the time I found him, he
was lying in an alley. Dead.

You didn't chase
after the boy, too?

Yes, sir. We split
up looking for him.

If we hadn't, I might
have been k*lled, too.

How well did you
know lieutenant mason?

Pretty well.

I worked a lot
of hours with him.

On the ares system? Yes, sir.

When was the last
time you saw him?

Tuesday afternoon.

We were supposed to go over
protocols in his quarters that night,

But he never showed up.


Preprogrammed responses
to incoming threats.

Thank you, commander. I
was asking the lieutenant.

Uh, ares has a database

For virtually every
known w*apon system.

I mean, it can i.d. Up to
500 targets at a time.

The protocols help it plot
solutions in order of priority.

A-and, if necessary,
take evasive maneuvers.

What? It runs the helm, too?

Oh, yes, sir. It's
fully automated.

It can practically
run the whole ship.

Why even keep a crew onboard?

We have a good union.

So, if someone were
interested in this technology,

Lieutenant mason
would prove very useful.

Yeah, I guess so.

I mean, he knew it pretty well.

Could you wait outside
for a moment, lieutenant?

Aye, sir.

This isn't working.
What's the problem?

I don't need you constantly
chirping in, derailing my interview.

It was relevant, sir.

I have been dealing with the
okinawa problem since it first erupted.

I know exactly what
motivates these groups.

But with all due respect, sir,
you're assuming it was the protesters.

There are over 30,000
u.s. Troops in okinawa.

You don't find it disturbing that
lieutenant mason was one of 2 officers

Trained on ares?

Lieutenant mason was
trying to romance a local girl.

That's enough to
make him a target.

Well, I hope you're right,
given the alternative.

But we need to consider
ares as a possible motive.

And how do we do
that, commander?

Well, we can start by searching
lieutenant mason's quarters.

Good idea.

I'll finish my interview,
you search his stateroom.

Very well, sir.

You can stay, lieutenant.

I wouldn't want to
get in the way, sir.

I've got news for you.
It may be over for you,

But he's still
carrying the torch.

Can you blame him?

I miss you.

What are we looking for?

Anything that will connect
him to someone on the island.

Exercises commence
in 30 minutes.

Well, this ought to
keep him going back.

Must be the girl that lieutenant
valko was talking about.

So, why'd you dump him?

I didn't dump him.

It got too heavy.

Oh, what did he do?
Ask you to marry him?

He asked you to marry him.

I'm pleading the fifth.

I'm declaring you
a hostile witness.

Took you this long
to figure that out?


Well, he cleaned out his
computer files before he left.

Or someone did it after he died.

Just in time, mr. Donovan.

If I know admiral wiles, the ranger
already has its planes in the air.

Aye, sir.

We linked up to the w*r
games computer, x.o.?

Yes, sir. We're online.

Sir, ares picking up
jamming in sector 2.

Identified as prowlers
on j-bandwidth.

Searching for a clear frequency.

Excuse me, captain?

You're starting to try my patience,
commander. I thought we had a deal.

Yes, sir. Then what are you
doing on my bridge again?

Switching frequencies.
We're burning through.

Sir, it appears
several computer files

Have been removed from
lieutenant mason's quarters.

Ares scanning for targets.

What kind of computer files?

We don't know, sir. I'd guess they have
something to do with the ares system.

Sir, I've got incoming
bogeys. 10, Check, 12 targets.

Bearing 060, inbound, 500 knots.

All right. Let's see what that
thing can do, mr. Campisano.

Target acquisition and
tracking already underway, sir.

What do you want
me to do about it?

Sir, we need to search the ship.

We're being painted by attack
radar, x-band. Intruders confirmed.

- 60 And closing.
- 10,000 Feet.

Watch out for
hornets on the deck, sir.

Admiral wiles is a high-low man.

And what would you
know about it, commander?

I used to fly with
his air group, sir.

Target acquisition
sweep completed.

Well, it's nice to
have a ringer onboard.

Ares has locked 12 targets.

Weapons release!

Simulated sm-2s away!


Oh, just what I need during
an attack. Another lawyer.

I apologize, captain. I was
unaware of the intrusion.

Commander, come with me.

Hold on, mr. Rabb.


We have missiles inbound.

2, 3, 6 Harpoons.

You, go. You, stay.

Aircraft intercept.
3, Check, 4 kills.

Intruders turning away.

16 Harpoons inbound.

Sm-2s targeting missiles.
Launching chaff and jamming.

6 More bogeys inbound, sector 4.

15 Miles, 100 feet.

Here come your
hornets, mr. Rabb.

Second launch. Sm-2s away.

Now that's what I call a
target-rich environment.

Taking evasive action.

Threat neutralized,
engagement over.

11 Kills confirmed. 4 Probables,
all missiles intercepted.

Daniel boone
sustained no damage.

Well, that was easy.

Somehow, I don't think
the admiral's done.

Would you agree, commander?

Without a doubt, sir.

Target at 20 miles.

For 2 minutes.

That's strange.

What is, mr. Donovan?

Sir, we acquired 2 targets early in
the attack, but they're unaccounted for.

They're on the deck.

No, ares can track targets
30 feet off the water.

They're skimming
the swells then.

Got 'em! 2 Bogeys bearing
035 at 10 nautical miles.

I have a visual. 2
Tomcats coming in hot.

Ares has them. Launching sm-2s.

Clear the deck!

What the hell's going on?

The system switched
to live-fire mode.

Self-destruct missiles.

I can't!

We're locked out, sir.
Then pull the damn plug!

That won't work, sir. There
are redundant power supplies.

What the hell?

These are live missiles inbound!

Break out!

2 Sm-2s armed and
closing fast! Hold on!

It's right on our tail!

I can't shake it!

It's locked on.

Eject! Eject!

My god!

They ejected.

Call the ranger. Get search
and rescue aircraft here asap.

I wouldn't do that, captain.
Ares is controlling all weapons.

It'll sh**t anything that
comes near us out of the sky.

Override it, commander.

I can't, sir. It's running
some kind of program

That's jamming any
kind of outside entry.

Is it tracking surface targets?

Not at the moment.

Take out a zodiac,
commander miller.

Aye, aye, sir.

Full stop. Aye, sir! Full stop.

There's going to
be 2 angry jet jocks.

Captain, it's admiral wiles. He
wants to know what's going on.

So do i.

Get me a heading for
those pilots, lieutenant.

Admiral? Aye, sir.


It's dead.

I lost it. All
communication is down.

So is navigation.
We're dead in the water.

Mr. Campisano?

It's overriding every system.

All right. What do I got that's
not hooked up to this thing?

The ship's intercom system
and conventional radar.

Mr. Jacobs,

Tap into the ranger's hawkeye.
See what they've got up there.

Is that allowed, sir?

The w*r games are over, ensign.

Aye, sir.

Sir, there's a helicopter
approaching 20 miles due south.

What kind?

It's one of ours,
sir. A seahawk.


How much further?

We should be coming
up on it any second.

Captain, if they come
anywhere near us...

We gotta warn them.

I want communications
online now!

We're trying, sir.

Are there any radios in the
lifeboats? No, sir. Just hand-helds.

But there's a
long-range in the launch.

Abeam. Starboard.

What's going on?

No time to explain, sir.

How far, mr. Jacobs?

In range in one minute, sir.

Shut that damn thing
down, commander.

Take a fire ax to
it if you have to.

Sir, it's not that simple.

They built in a fail-safe in the
event of a direct hit to the bridge.

If the control
center is destroyed,

All systems remain in the
last known command modes.

We'll never be able to
get it out of live-fire.

I'm picking up a lieutenant
commander rabb on the daniel boone

Over the emergency frequency.

Switch it over.

Approaching seahawk,
do you read? Over.

Roger. What is your emergency?

I need you to turn back. Do
not approach the daniel boone.

Repeat. Do not approach.

We have a fire control malfunction.
You will be shot down. Over.

We don't have enough fuel to
reach a landmass or the ranger.

That's a negative, commander. We
are beyond bingo fuel. We need to land.

Roger. Stand by.

Make like a boat.

Say, again. Over.

The destroyer is not
tracking surface targets.

I need you to make like a boat.

Sit on the waves and
approach at 20 knots. Over.

Uh, stand by.

Make like a boat?

I'd listen to him, lieutenant.
That's my partner.

He knows I'm on here. He
wouldn't tell you to do that

Unless it's the only option.

You must really trust him.

Absolutely. Can you do it?

Never tried it.

Well, pretend like you did.

Get strapped in. I don't
need you moving around.

Roger, daniel boone.
We're coming by sea.

They're still heading in, sir.

Ares is on them. It has
a lock! Missiles arming.

Wait a minute, the target
changed. It's a ship, sir.

Yeah, come on. You can do it.

Wait a minute, hold on. Now it
looks like a helicopter again!

It's too close for missiles. Ares is
switching to point defense system.

Get down! Get down!

The system's confused.

It can't decide if it's
an aircraft or a ship.

And it's coming
right up our stern.

The target's gone. Point
defense system disengaging.

They're onboard, captain.

Welcome aboard!

Sounds like you have the
situation under control.

What's going on?

Mr. Valko? Sir?

Get to the launch. Brief the ranger.
Tell them to keep their aircraft

Out of this area till
we get this thing fixed.

Should we ask for a tow, sir?

They're 300 miles
off, mr. Valko.

I think we'd drift ashore
before they got here. Aye, sir.

O.t.a. Analyst, report
to the chief petty officer

On the 0-2 level.

O.t.a. Analyst, report to the
chief petty officer on the o-2 level.

I don't understand.
It just took over?

Apparently, one of the hazards

Of letting an artificial
intelligence run your ship.

Well, it wouldn't just
lock them out by itself.

Someone had to
program it to do that.

Meg! Are you all right?

I didn't think I'd be this happy

Just to be onboard.

Any word on the pilots, sir? Oh,
they're not happy, but they'll live.

Now do you believe ares had
something to do with mason's death, sir?

Do you think he
was on to someone?

They'd have to know the
system. It's a short list.

Donovan's on the bridge now
supposedly trying to help fix it.

Let's search his quarters.

I'll take lieutenant
austin to the bridge.

She might be able to help figure
out a way to stop that thing, sir.


I'm starting to feel
like a pro at this.

Almost as good
as breaking hearts.

Well, I've had more
practice with that.

I see. So now it's funny.

Dennis, how do you
want me to react to that?

You slept with
him, too, didn't you?


The fly boy.

I'm not going to have
this conversation.

Is he why you backed out?

Red light, commander!

Oh, you're going
to pull that now?

Kate, why did you
even start with me?

We're adults.

And I thought we would
be able to handle it.

What? A discreet affair
between jag partners.

Why? Had you
pulled it off before?

Look! Dennis, it's over!

I don't love you. I'm sorry.

What's that?

That's the engines starting.

Meg must have figured
out a way to fix it.

It's turning to
a heading of 290.

Plot it, x.o. Get those
engines powered down asap.

What's going on?

Ares powered up the
engines, changed the heading.

It's driving the boat.

Sir, this isn't a malfunction.
It's running on a timed program.

Someone told it to do this.

And we know who.

Oh, now what?

We found these disks in
lieutenant donovan's quarters.

They're marked as
lieutenant mason's.

I don't know what you're
talking about. I didn't do anything.

Skipper, the engine room is
sealed off. They can't get in.

Sealed? Who sealed it?

Ares did, sir.


Now the damn thing's
holding us c*ptive.

Sir, the hawkeye is reading activity
around the north korean coast.

What kind of activity?

A battle group moving
out of wonsan harbor.

That's where we're heading.

Is that right, commander miller?

Yes, sir.

If we maintain this course, we'll head
directly into the north korean port.

Sir, they've started
cutting into the engine room.

How long? I don't know,
sir. At least 10 minutes.

Captain, at this speed, we should
intercept the north korean fleet in 15.

Mr. Campisano. Most of these
disks are backup protocols.

But this looks like an access code
to get in the system's main kernel.

The basic programming
level. Access would allow him

To plant a timed override
program and lockout the operator.

Can you use it to get back in?

No. He changed it.

Sir, we're taking an
aggressive posture here.

From the north korean
side, it'll look like an attack.

We should brief
them on our situation.

You think they'd believe us?

Are the north koreans
scrambling any aircraft, sir?

Ensign? Negative, sir.

That's because they
already know our situation.

The ares isn't tracking
any surface vessels,

So the north
koreans can get at us

While the ranger's prevented
from supplying us with air support.

Are you saying this is all a north
korean plan to steal my boat?

And all the equipment on it,
including the ares system, sir.

Assign general quarters. Set
condition 1, commander miller.

Aye, sir.

Break out all small arms.

Pistols, r*fles, grenades,
rocket launchers, pots, pans...

I don't care, anything.

I want everyone from
galley cook to lawyers armed.

They are not taking
us without a fight.

All personnel to
general quarters.

Condition 1.

Did the north koreans
k*ll lieutenant mason?

Or did you order
the hit yourself?

No, I told you, sir,

I didn't k*ll anybody. I'm not
working with the north koreans.

Donovan, if you know
how to fix the system,

You'd better tell us right now.

God, I wish I could.

Then just give us
the access code.

I don't have it.

But it wouldn't work
anyway. Why not?

If the back door didn't work
you're not going through the front.

There's a back door?

I-it's a program we're supposed
to use in this kind of emergency,

But campisano tried
it, it didn't work!

Cut the crap, mister!

You have put the entire
hemisphere in danger.

I'm ready to skip the court martial
and feed you to the sharks right now.

Let him go, sir. Let him go.

General quarters, condition 1.

General quarters, condition 1.

All right, lieutenant austin.
Let's have it. I'm listening.

There's almost always a back
door to these kinds of systems, sir.

So? So, that's the first
thing I asked campisano about.

He said he didn't know of any.

That gives us a reason
for mason's death:

To get campisano
onboard as his replacement.

He would have had
to plant the disks

In lieutenant
donovan's quarters.

The man's been on the
bridge since he got here.

Nobody escorted him there.
He could have done it on his way.

Why would he bother?

To keep us wasting time
when it got to this point.

Sir, they got to the
fuel cut-off valve.

Good. Tell them to shut
down the turbines, x.o.

How long before the north
koreans intercept, mr. Jacobs?

6 Minutes, sir.

Get a munitions specialist
up here to wire c-4 expl*sives.

Prepare to open seacocks.

If we're about to be taken, we'll
blow the bridge and scuttle the ship.

Aye, aye, skipper.

Sir, if the command
center is destroyed,

Surface-to-air weapons
will be stuck in live-fire mode.

Well, that's going to be
their problem, commander.

They're closing in, sir.

How far? 3 Nautical miles, sir.

Well, if you want to
be a hero, mr. Campisano,

This is the time to do it.

Where'd he go?

Is that the c-4, petty officer?

Yes, sir. I'll have
to take it from here.

Sir, I have orders to take it
directly to the bridge personally.

I can't let you do that.

Hold up, commander!
We need to talk to you!

Go get help. I'll get donovan.

Dennis, don't do
anything heroic.

Get out of here!

Just hold it!

Wait here.

If you see him, sh**t him.

Are you giving me an
order, commander?

No, a strategy.

They're signaling, sir.

We're to stand
down and be boarded.

Like hell. Captain!

What is it? Campisano.
He fired on us.

Come on, lieutenant.
It's up to us.

Come on!

What are you going to do? Wait down
here for your buddies to come for you?

Unless you're stupid and
don't drop your w*apon.

You blew it, campisano.

If that is, in fact, your name.

What'd it take? 10, 15
Years to plant you?

Something like that.

How'd you pick half-italian?

There really was a
half-breed campisano.

Parents were k*lled.

American citizen.
Made it real simple.

It's not simple now.

Sure it is.

I walk out of here or he dies.

Try it. I don't like him anyway.

What's it gonna be?

I told you to wait, sir.
You could have k*lled me.

Would you rather he k*lled you?

What are you looking for?

If ares was to be of any
use to the north koreans,

He would have to have a way
to get it back online. Bingo.

They're circling, sir.
Positioning to board.

Stand by to repel boarders.

Where the hell is that c-4?

It's right here, sir. But I
don't think you'll need it.

What happened to campisano?

I found him, sir, but he
didn't survive the encounter.

But I think he left us a way back into
the system. Through the back door.

Lieutenant, I need that now!

Aye, sir.

Coming alongside, sir.
Port and starboard.

Lieutenant austin?

Almost there.

Set the charges!

Tell our men to fire at will

The minute one of those bastards

Tries to board
my ship. Aye, sir!

Set the charges, ensign.

Fire at will on any
attempt to board.

I'm in! It's all yours.

Just shut the damn thing off!

Aye, sir!

Sir, communications
is back online!

5-1 Radar's up and active, sir.

All weapons systems
under normal control.

All right. Let's put one
across the lead ship's bow, x.o.

Aye, sir.

Fire across the bow!

5-Inch g*n on the foredeck.

They've stopped, sir.

Fire again!

Aye, sir.

Fire again.

They're pulling away, sir.

All right.

Smart boys.

Start those engines. Let's
get the hell out of here.

Turn port to course
090. All ahead flank.

Aye, sir. 090. Flank speed!

Mr. Valko, call the ranger,

Tell admiral wiles he can
put his birds up in the air again.

Ranger, do you copy?

Daniel boone is
back in the u.s. Navy.

Aye, aye, sir.

Right, commander?

Yes, sir!

All right, x.o.,

How long till we're out
of these korean waters?

Approximately 15
minutes at flank speed, sir.



Do you think it's necessary
to tell lieutenant pike

Exactly what
happened down there?

No, sir. I don't see
the need. Do you?

Thank you, commander.

Commander, if I
may be so bold...

You need to let her go.

It wasn't there. I must have
left them in the restaurant.

Please fasten your seatbelts...


Don't start.

It's a non-smoking flight.

Hey, I only have 5
days of leave left.

You're lucky I asked
you to come along.

You're lucky I was free.

Does brockman know
where you're going?

We had a long talk. He's better.
I think he's finally accepted it.

Though, I don't think he's
too happy I'm going with you.

Oh, maybe you should have told
him we had separate hotel rooms.

Paging passenger rabb.

Lieutenant commander rabb.
Please press your call button.

I think I hear duty calling.


Lieutenant commander rabb.
Please press your call button

So the flight attendant
can locate you.

You have an emergency message.
