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01x03 - Partner's Retreat

Posted: 06/04/23 08:59
by bunniefuu
Baby, you made partner.

They say you don't feel like a partner

until you've been to the retreat.

Oh. I've never heard that before.

Well, I just made it up, but I can

do that now because I'm a partner.

[SIGHS] The power emanating from you

is really turning me on.

- Yeah, it's turning me on too.

- Yeah.

Hey, uh, why don't you get my lanyard?

- Ooh, your lanyard.

- Mmm.

Thank you.

- [CLICKS TONGUE] Ooh, there it is.

- Wow.

[SIGHS] Look at that. You got a QR code.

I gotta scan that QR code

for the full schedule.

- Oh, yeah. I'm gonna scan your ass.


Oh, wow. [SIGHS]

Is this everything you ever dreamed of?

Yes, but even blander,

if that's possible.

- Sylvia. Oh, my God.

- Oh, hi. Hey, Stewart, nice to see you.

[CHUCKLES] I'm so glad you're here.

It's gonna be so much less boring.

Aw, you're so sweet.

Well, we're very excited

for our staycation,

and me for my front-row seat

of the partners' orgy.

- The orgy is supposed to be a secret.

- My bad.

Oh. Cheese platter, hello.

May I recommend

the florescent green cubes?

- They taste like nothing.

- Mmm.

[SIGHS] Frank Schaeffer,

his speeches are endless.

I think he founded the firm so he can

hold us all hostage

with his golf stories.

Oh, my God. That guy.

I've met him a dozen times.

He never remembers my name. Not once.

Never remembers anybody's name.

It's one of the perks

of being successful.

I cannot wait to be successful enough

that I don't have to remember the names.

Hey, hey, hey.

Welcome to the show, newbie. [LAUGHS]

- Hey. [LAUGHS]

- Yeah. Hey, newbie. [LAUGHING]

[LAUGHING] Congratulations, partner.

That was a cowboy accent.

Oh, and a fine one at that.


- Sylvia, you're from Australia.

What do you know about cowboys?

Oh, hey, did you guys hear

that Milton got taken off Dupont?

- What?

- Wait, Milton was running point

- on everything to do with Suarez.

- Mmm, he was.

Not anymore. [CHUCKLES]

Sorry, we're gonna have to

take this from the top.

Who's in charge? I've done wh

A ton of work on Dupont.

Okay, it was a mandatory

withdrawal, first of all.

- But then trail Yes.

- Mandatory withdrawal?

- Hi, I'm Marjorie, Albert's wife.

- Oh, hi.

Greg, Dan's husband.

- Oh, nice to meet you. [CHUCKLES]

- Nice to meet you.

Sylvia. I'm Charlie's wife.



[SIGHS] Mm-hmm.


[ALBERT] It's a disaster.

- [ALBERT] It's the event trial right now.

- [RACHEL] Relax.

- Gentlemen, playing through. [LAUGHING]

- Oh, hey, Frank. How's the speech coming?

- [TASMIN] how's it coming?

- Oh, slow.

We're gonna have to skip

all the afternoon sessions

to finish the damn thing. But who cares?

It's a bunch of lawyers just waiting

to get to the bar. Am I right?

Oh. Oh, I'm sorry.

[CHUCKLES] Oh, it's okay.

It's probably for the best. [STAMMERS]

Frank Schaeffer.

Sylvia Grieves. Yeah.

We've actually met before a few times.

Oh, forgive me. I'm terrible with names.


No, I'm just giving you a hard time.

Just kidding. [LAUGHS] Nice to see you.

- Prosecco?

- Yes.

Wait a minute.

Did you use to work at Mezzaluna?

Three years ago.

Wait. Kenneth from Ohio.

- Yes. Oh, my God.


Am I right? Am I right?

It's a gift. All right, let's drink.






So I'm at my aunt's apartment

with my cousins,

and my aunt's cooking dinner.

My favorite kind of dinner.

Seven-layer dip.

And guess who walks in?

I don't think you're ever gonna guess,

'cause you don't know him.

Then he's like, "Just because we haven't

seen each other since high school,

doesn't mean we're not friends anymore."

I'm like, "Were we

friends in high school?"

Because he used to throw

chicken sandwiches at my head.

And it was public school,

so the chicken was hard as f*ck.


So, we're at his place,

and his little brother is all like,

"Don't touch my Xbox."

And I'm like, "I don't even

play Xbox anymore, little man."

You feel me?

Like, I-I put aside childish things.

I play I play adult games

like Settlers of Catan.

- You ever played that?

- No.

It's actually just called "Catan" now,

not "Settlers of Catan,"

because of the implications of

settler colonialism.

And the 7-Eleven was literally closed.

I didn't even know it could close.

Isn't that supposed

to be a 24-hour place?

You know, like seven

days a week. Seven till 11?

Ow! f*cking shit!

Ah, shit, man. That looked like it hurt.

- It did. [GRUNTING]

- Anyway, where was I?

Yeah, the seven is for seven

days a week, but the 11 is

It's 11 Ugh. Eleven, um

When it closes, man.

Oh, 11:00 p.m.

- Yes.

- Damn.

You know, I used to steal

from 7-Eleven all the time,

but I didn't have to, I had the money.

You know,

I'm like a normal blue-collar guy.

You know, I like spicy stuff

as much as the next guy.

But, uh But have you ever

had Doritos for the damned?


Oh, you know you have to

sterilize that now, right?

I know.

[SIGHS] Man, we work in a bar.

How dope is that?

It's pretty dope, Omar.

Yo, did you, uh, print out that W-4?

Um, no, actually the

printer here is broken.

Okay. You ain't got

a printer at your house?

I don't. My wife got

the printer in the divorce,

so thanks for bringing up

that very, very, very painful memory.

- I really appreciate that.

- What up, boys?

Hey, yo, I got something

to float by you guys.

- Uh, a possible collab for us.

- A collab?

What do you think of Johnny 66?

Johnny 66 Oh, that's

the restaurant chain, right?

- Yeah, it's like a fast-casual place.

- Yeah, it's super cheesy, terrible.

[SINGSONGY] I don't know,

but there's a lot of them.

Ooh, well, just 'cause there's a lot of

something, it does not mean it's good.

That's a good lesson for you.

There's a lot of serial K*llers.

Serial K*llers are not good.

- Are there that many serial K*llers?

- I think there is a lot of serial K*llers.

My grandma used to live next to

the Golden State k*ller.

- There you go.

- [ANDY] That's crazy.

They used to bring each other

banana bread and shit.

There's more television shows

about serial K*llers

than there's actually serial K*llers.

I really hope that's true,

'cause if it's not,

Ice-T alone has conservatively caught

25,000 serial K*llers just in New York.

- [ANDY] That's a lot of serial K*llers.

- Guys, let me talk, guys.

- Please talk.

- I f*cking met the CEO of Johnny 66,

and guess what?

He's interested in licensing our beer.

You're welcome.

And he's coming in tonight to try it.

Let's f*cking close this shit.


I don't think that is, like,

really what is representative

of who we are necessarily.

Which is what again?

Which is creating an incredibly

high-quality product using integrity,

and then selling that product

to people on Hinge dates

and, like, pretty well-to-do alcoholics.

Well, I think Johnny 66

is a dope-ass idea.

And if he likes our beer,

we make freaking bank, bro.

We should do it.

I'm sorry, I'm not interested.

Well, overruled.

It's not really up to you, man.

Uh, well, it is up to me,

'cause I'm the brewmaster.

Well, I'm the money master

and this is my bar. So [LAUGHS]

Money master, uh, is not a thing.

And me and Andy

each own a quarter of this place.

Yeah, no. Yeah, you're right.

You each own 24.5%

which together equals f


Thank you. Forty-nine percent.

A minority stake, you f*cking idiot.

I'm the one who works

their f*cking ass off

to make this place what it is.

Yeah, you did that with my money, bro.

And you did a great job, William.


Look at all the attention we're getting.

And now we can make even more money.

I mean, that's what

life's about, right, boys?

I mean, think about it,

it's about progression,

it's about moving up.

It's about generational wealth.

When you're playing Call of Duty,

do you sit on rookie level

the entire time?

Absolutely f*cking not.

You move up, you go to elite.

And then after elite, you go

where Johnny 66 with an association of

Lucky Penny Brewing is gonna go.

You go to legendary.

I don't know what the f*ck

any of that means

because I'm over 12 years old.

Will you tell this

mustachioed little f*cking twerp

that I'm not collabing

with a fascist burger chain?

You know what?

I gotta go to the back and clean up

because it's a little messy

making you guys money

while you stand here

in your f*cking vest.

I didn't get your name. I'm Will.

Those are f*cking cool.

Are those Balmain?

- Yo, she's with me.

- Yeah, no f*cking kidding.

I don't know anything about you at all.

I guarantee you can do better.

Will, wait.

I spent the last four months

in Des Moines working on a case.

I gotta say, Des Moines,

surprisingly robust gay scene.

- Mmm.

- Most of them work at Applebee's.

I love Applebee's.

She loves Applebee's.

Who doesn't love Applebee's?

I'm still in touch with Duane.

Hey, what are you doing here?

This retreat's for partners.


Mmm, Vanessa, hey.

- Plus, I get Sylvia.

- [SYLVIA] Oh.

Oh, hi, Vanessa. Oh, my goodness.

Look at the four of us.

It's like a 20-year reunion

at Kaplan-Meyer summer associates.

So, you made partner too.

That's amazing. Congratulations.

Thanks. Still not anywhere close

to the equity I deserve,

- but that is a lawsuit for another day.


Wow, you are a trooper

for coming to this with Charlie.

Oh, no, I'm not here

to hang out with Charlie.

I'm just here for the free hotel room

and a night away from the kids.

[CHUCKLES] Oh, I hear that. [LAUGHS]

Speaking of which,

how are Frances, Simon, and Maeve?

- Nailed it.

- Mommies always do.

I know, Mommy power.

That's it. Mommy power.

I forgot how funny you are.


- Ah, Mommy power.

But they're good. Thank you for asking.

Yeah. Yeah, three's a lot.

Yeah, well, color me terrified then,

'cause I just had my fourth. [CHUCKLES]

- What?

- Yep.

[STAMMERS] But, did you

Anyway, I'm gonna go.

I will see you and you later, partners.

And Mama, I want you to have a wonderful

- day and take care of yourself, okay?

- You're the best.

Vanessa, can we put our

heads together for a sec?

[VANESSA] Give me a second.

Mommy power. I've gotta [LAUGHING]


So, Vanessa made partner.

- Mmm, yeah.

- Did I know that?

Um, I don't know. Did you?

I don't think I did.

No, I definitely didn't.

Why didn't you tell me?

Uh, I don't know,

it didn't seem that important.

Lots of people make partner.

I guess it just slipped my mind.

[SCOFFS] It slipped your mind?

What do you want me to say?

She works hard,

she's been at the firm for a long time.

When you do those things,

at a certain point you make partner.

Yeah, but Vanessa is different.

We went to law school together,

we clerked together.

And you know how I feel about her.

It's like she represents

everything that I could have been.

Babe, I I hear you. I-I really do.

But she's not living some magical life.

You know, she probably envies you.

She's probably saying things

to her husband about you.

Like what?

I I d I don't know.

I'm not in their conversations.

Maybe about you buying

the house, fixing it up,

and being, you know, like, creative.

You don't believe that.

It sounds like a lot

more fun than arguing

about a legal contract for five hours

around a conference table

where you can't cross your legs

because there are so many AV wires.

Uh, you know what? I'm sorry, babe.

I It's not a big deal, right.

This weekend is about you,

and I'm I'm so proud of you.

I just want you to enjoy yourself

and en-enjoy the AV wires.

[CHUCKLES] Thank you.

And you enjoy your afternoon.

And I'll see you at

the reception tonight.

- Okay. Love you.

- Love you.

[TASMIN] Did you hear Milton

got taken off of Dupont?

[LAWYER] Wait, what?

- I thought the Suarez case was his thing.

- Used to be.

- Wow.

- Oh, Paul with the printer.

- [PAUL] Hey, hey.

- Yes! [LAUGHS]

They told me there were plugs up here

so I figured I'd I'd bring it up.

Yeah, might as well.

Whoo-hoo! Problem solved!

[TASMIN] Did you bring a laptop cord?

[PAUL] Uh, no. Where are my nachos?

I ordered nachos.

- [TASMIN] How'd you order 'em?

- [PAUL] Fully loaded.

[TASMIN] That's what I thought.

Oh, sorry.

Uh, sorry. [SIGHS]

All rise.


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.


court now sentences you

to two and a half years in the Clark

[ANNOUNCER 2] Next on Courtroom Live,

a mother of three sues her alma mater

when career opportunities th



just take me off Dupont,

I brought that case in.

I'm not just some associate,

I'm a partner. I'm a partner!


I don't see what the problem is.

My kids and I love Johnny 66.

That does not make

me feel better at all.

Well, it's not meant

to make you feel better.

- It's meant to make our kids feel better.

- Why did we meet here?

This is the lamest part of downtown.

You know, I was just really hungry.

And I also have this desire

to be surrounded by classic cars

and old American nostalgia

from when this country

was a better place.

I found a way to reconcile

those two desires. Look.

Oh no, not here.

No, no, no, no, I'm not going.

No, there's so many better places

to eat around here.

- Don't be a square. Come on. Come on.

- Oh, come on, don't do that.

I can't be seen

going into a place like this.

- [SYLVIA] Mmm?

- [WILL] Mmm.

- Hello.

- Hi.

[CHUCKLES] Uh, table for two, please.

Oh, well, your pit crew will have your

table ready in one minute and counting.


- All right, thank you.

The fact that you like this place

- is the most unknowable thing about you.

- Oh, I love this place.

Now, why do we have

Rosa Parks on the wall

next to three girls drinking milkshakes,

above a car Adolf Hitler designed?

It's your country. You explain it.

Least she's at the front

of the restaurant.

[CHUCKLES] Who's this f*cking guy?

Oh, you know who that is?

That's the founder and visionary

of Johnny 66.

- It's Johnny Rev.

- That's not a real name.

If it was, that would

be truly miraculous.

He is actually a very interesting guy.

He's very smart.

I heard him interviewed on NPR.

They consider him a disrupter.

Look he's, uh, disrupting people's

buttholes after they

eat his onion rings.

[SYLVIA] Listen,

you could learn from him.

[WILL] What? How to become a hybrid

of a human and a tanning bed?

How to run a beloved

and successful business.

Honestly, this place f*cking sucks,

and I want nothing

to do with it. [GASPS]

That was cool.

- Follow me.

- Thank you, I love your hair.

- [CHUCKLES] Oh, they make me do this.

- That's great.

[GASPS] Merch.

[WILL] Do people actually buy this shit?

Ah, just have a little look.

[SIGHS] How many

doo-wop songs are there?

You know, if you

listen to the words carefully,

every single one of them is about

having sex with an underage girl.

It's a disgusting genre.

I'm so bummed they didn't have

the mozzarella stick shifts.

They're so good.

You would've loved them.

The beer The beer is garbage.

You should try a fender blender.

They're very strong.

What's in there?

Everything that's in a piña colada.

- So it's a piña colada?

- No, it's a fender blender.

- That's good branding.

- You want to get one?

- I'm okay, I'm Thank you.

- Come on.


Happy birthday ♪

Happy, happy, birthday ♪

Happy birthday ♪

Happy, happy birthday ♪

Happy birthday ♪

Happy, happy, birthday ♪

Happy birthday ♪

Happy, happy, birthday to you ♪

- Vroom, vroom. Happy birthday, Daddy-o.

- Thank you.

- Love you, baby doll!

- Not my birthday.

- Not my birthday.

- Thanks, guys. He's lying.

- You proud of yourself?

- Happy birthday.

You know my wish? That a meteorite

kills us all, right now.


I'll give it to Johnny Rev,

which I assume is short

for "Johnathan Revolution."

These are delicious, and these booths

are very fun to sit in.

- See?

- And the food is pretty f*cking good.

- Mmm, somebody changing their mind?

- No, not at all.

I-I'm confused.

Isn't the point of starting a brewery

just to sell a lot of beer?

The point is to sell good beer,

which we are doing.

And I'm very happy

with our level of success,

and I have no interest

in selling out to,

like, a giant corporate conglomerate.

That's a little bit illogical. Come on.

Like, you're just gonna be

making beer and selling beer

and probably make a lot of money.

- And

- Why is everyone so obsessed with money?

Whoa. Take it easy.

Back up, Alexandria Cortazio-Cortez.

Not even almost her name.

I don't think you got

I think you got one out of three right.

Okay. Wha What's really going on?

- I'm gonna be honest with you.

- Mmm.

- I am cool.

- Mmm.

I'm I'm a cool.

- I'm in the cool category.

- "A cool"?

- I'm a cool guy.

- Singular?

This place?

Not f*cking cool. It's uncool.

And if you're like me,

that is terrifying. Okay?

- You gotta stay cool. Gotta stay cool.

- I gotta stay cool.

I can't not be cool.

Nobody is saying that you're not cool.

This place would be saying I'm not cool.

Nobody's saying you're not cool.

I'm just suggesting that maybe

at this point in our lives

when we're at this age, that maybe

we should focus less on being cool

and more on acting our age.

Well, that was spoken

like a true lamazoid.

I just can't be a corporate sellout.

Well, you gotta go tell Andy.

He went to business school.

I don't know what to say.

I'm a lawyer. I'll come with you.

We'll sort it out.

- I'll come with you.

- Oh, thank you.

[SNICKERS] You guys look f*cking insane.

Yeah, and I'll tell you why.

We were at Johnny 66.

We had a great time.

The cake was good,

and it came in a little car,

but other than that

it f*cking sucks there,

and we cannot have this guy

coming here tonight,

trying all of our delicious beers

and making us an offer we can't refuse.

I think we should serve

our beers at Johnny 66.

Yeah, I want to completely sell out

and make money.

Are you kidding me, man?

Have you been inside of a Johnny 66?

I have. It's not good.

There was a painting on the wall

of Martin Luther King

on a surfboard with Fred Flintstone,

and even in the painting

Martin Luther King was like, "Really?"

Whatever. Whatever. I googled them,

and there's a f*ck ton of them.

Meaning we can make a lot of money.

You know, what makes me sad at night is

how obsessed with "money" everyone is.

Well, we live in America.

- Right. It's a capitalist society.

- With money, you can buy a car.

Or it gets you a printer for your house,

so you can get me that f*cking W-4

I've been asking for.

- I know the things money does.

- You know what I think?

You don't want this deal

to work out because it came from Reggie,

and you f*cking hate Reggie

because he's Audrey's brother.

And you're clearly not over

your g*dd*mn divorce

so you're gonna t*nk every idea he has,

- even if it's a f*cking good one.

- That's actually very insightful.

- This is about the divorce, and

- Don't start f*cking therapizing me.

- Go Go open a practice together.

- f*ck, maybe we should. Maybe we should.

I bet you I'd make more money there

than I do in this f*cking place.

Look, I'm just

saying it wouldn't k*ll us

to get a little more liquid. That's all.

All I know is that this place is

always full, and we're both doing fine.

[SIGHS] f*ck fine. I want more

than fine. g*dd*mn it. You know this.

I wanna be married, bro.

I wanna start a family, do family shit.

You just think you want that. You don't

actually f*cking want that. You're fine.

- Where are you going?

- Nowhere.

- [SYLVIA] Will?

- Yeah.

You're spilling the beer.

I know I am. Can't serve beer

if there is no beer.

Hey, what are you doing?

Hey, Omar. Will you help me,

uh, empty this t*nk over here?

- Oh, yeah.

- Thank you.

The-These tanks look like

- they hold a-a lot of beer.

- They do.

And that's a very small hose,

and there's a lot of tanks in here.

But it is a largely symbolic gesture.

Well, and there's also some

cans of beer behind you.

Those are cider, not beer.

But I can empty those too.

Yeah. You'd like the cider.

Ladies love cider.

- [ANDY] Dude, Will.

- I do like cider.

- I'm Sylvia.

- Will, what the f*ck are you doing, bro?

- [WILL] Hey.

- g*dd*mn it! What the Stop it.

Gimme the f*cking Don't

- Ah! Stop it!


- [WILL] No! I won't stop. No!

- [ANDY] Hey. Gimme the hose.

- Get outta here.

- [WILL] No! f*ck you.

[GRUNTS] It's in my eyes, you d*ck!

What are you doing?

I will not go down without a fight!

[PANTS] What you said

about Audrey is not true, okay?

Yeah, I've moved on from that.

I've resolved that

situation emotionally.

I even got my stuff out

of her place, okay?

This has to do with

the fact that I hate Reggie,

and I do not hate him because

he is Audrey's stepbrother!

I hate him because he's

a f*cking piece of shit!

- Goodbye.



Am I gonna have to clean this up?

Because it seems like

it shouldn't be my job.


we both have to clean this up.

It's only four people that work in here.

Yo. Hey.

- Hey.

- Hey.

- You okay?

- Yeah, it's fine.

It's just work shit.

That's our normal, everyday dynamic.

And I think it's quite healthy actually.


I've never seen anything like that.

That's, like, the biggest argument

I've ever seen. Wow.

Oh. I'm proud of where

we've gotten, to be honest.

It used to be much worse.

Uh, what are you doing now?

Do you wanna hang out?

Uh, yeah. [STAMMERS]

I'm Uh, no, I can't.

I gotta go back to the Omni.

You're staying at the Omni?

You cashing in on Air Miles

for a sexy weekend? [CHUCKLES]

[CHUCKLES] Charlie's got

a work reception there.

I actually have to meet him

in 20 minutes. I'm late.

- Oh.

- Yeah.

I haven't seen Charlie in forever.

I love that guy.

I would love to see Charlie.

- Really?

- I mean, unless you don't want me to come.

No. You really want to come?

Yeah. Thanks. [STAMMERS]

I got nothing going on.

Okay. Well [STAMMERS]

I can't get a Lyft.

It's, like, 25 minutes away.

Oh, yeah. Lyfts are too scared

to come to this neighborhood.

- Oh.

- We'll take a scooter.

- Okay. Yeah.

- Yeah.

Oh. Never been on one of these before.

Oh, yeah? Use that one. My treat.

Ugh. It's got a lot of

bird poop on that one.

Sure does. Oh, this one's busted.




Why do people do anything?

It's a complicated question.


Do you think this is a good idea

if you've had a few drinks?

I think they invented these

for people who had a few drinks.

You like the beer?

No. Terrible.

- [CHUCKLES] You want another one?

- 'Course.


- Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's happening?

- Toss 'em.

It's part of their terms of service.

- They want you to do it.

- Oh.


- Get down!

- Okay. Yeah!

- Get it!

I'm just gonna go up to the room and get

changed, so just wait for me down here.

- Okay. Yeah. No problem.

- Okay.

Hey, there's Charlie.

Hey, Charlie. What's up, man?

N-N-No. I've gotta take off

these clothes. What are you doing?

It's too late. He's coming over.

- Oh. Surprised. Did not expect to see you.

- Hi. Look at you.

You look beautiful, sir.

And even firmer than last time,

and you were firm as f*ck, my friend.

Oh, thank you.

Uh, you-you look great too.

Oh, that's not true.

I look bad. I've had a rough year.

- Hi. I'm Stewart.

- Oh. Will. Nice to meet you.

[CHUCKLES] We all used to work together,

like, a hundred years ago.

- [WILL] Cool.

- Y-You You two look festive.

Actually, he looks a lot better than

what he did at the beginning of the day.

You should have seen his outfit.

Oh, my God.

He looked insane. No offense.

Oh, I'd be offended

if you did like how I dress.

You look like you

live in Ann Taylor Loft.


Hmm. I love Ann Taylor.

They have great styling.

They do. Very beige. [CHUCKLES]

Okay, Sylvia. We get it. You got

a hot bod. Cease and desist. [LAUGHS]


Hey. Vanessa. I'm a partner

at the same firm as Charlie.

- Oh. I'm Will. Congratulations.

- [VANESSA] Thank you.

Uh, I'm not a lawyer,

but, um, good for you. Yeah.

So, Sylvia,

what'd you get up to with your day while

we were stuck in an

M&A strategy session?

- [WILL] Oh.

- Little spa time for Mama?


Did Mama have some spa time?

- You saw I made the funny one laugh?

- Yeah.

- Yeah, I'm not a clown.

- Mm-hmm.

Charlie, you free for dinner

after my speech?

The Winer and Finling people and I

are going to The Palm for surf and turf.

- Oh, um

- I'm going.

You should definitely go.

Oh, darling, can I get

a-a Johnnie Walker on the rocks, please?

Oh, I'm sorry.

I'm I'm not a waitress here.

Oh. My mistake.

I'm I'm Frank Schaeffer.

I know. I've met you like 200 times.

Oh. [CHUCKLES] That's my speech.

[CHUCKLES] How about we play

a little game?

I give you your speech back

if you can remember my

name in three guesses.


- Uh, sweetie. I

- Nobody hints. No hints. No hints.

I remember. You're Charlie's wife.

No. Not a name.

"Charlie's wife" is not a name.

- Was that a guess?

- You have two more guesses left.

[CHUCKLES] It's like Rumpelstiltskin

but very awkward.

- [CHARLIE] Okay, sweetie. I

- It's very funny. Very, very funny.

But I know your name. It's Marni.

Nope. Cool name. I could

be a Marni. Not my name.

So you have one guess left.

All right, we've had our fun.

Let me take my speech back

'cause I'm gonna need it.

- Nope. You have one more guess.

- All right.

- Um

- [MOUTHING] Sylvia.

- Hey, no hints.


I remember your name.


- Nope. It's Sylvia.



- Oh, shit. She did it. She f*cking did it.

Now you're gonna remember who I am.

That's my speech.

[WILL] She said Sh She said,

"Now you'll remember who I am."

[MUFFLED] Next time

you'll remember my name.

She said next time

you'll remember her name.

- [FRANK] Thank you.

- Okay. All right.

- [GAGS]

- [WILL] Oh.

Get her some

Get her some barbecue sauce.

When I do shrooms, I use barbecue sauce.

[STEWART] Let's get

you a glass of water.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

[CHUCKLES] That was insane.

That's gonna f*ck up your tummy.

Where did that come from?

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

I don't know what happened.

I just lost it. I saw red and

I-I know that Frank is an assh*le,

but seriously, that was over the top.

- I know. [SIGHS] I

- I-I This door locked behind us.

- I'm trapped out here with you.

- I see that guy every day.

I have to kiss his ass.

I have to be on his good side.

I have to go

on one of his fishing trips now.

I have avoided them for years,

but now I have to do it.

I hate that weird little lodge.

There are bunk beds.

- I know. I'm sorry.

- And now I have to do it.

Truly, Sylvia, what was that about?

Why didn't you just tell me

that Vanessa was making partner?

Why? I know that didn't

slip your mind, babe.

Because I knew if I told you, you would

do something insane like you just did.

I'm your husband. I'm not blind.

You could have had a career

like Vanessa's but you chose not to.

I chose to watch our children grow up.

And those are precious years. I'm

grateful for that. I'm glad I did it,

but it doesn't mean that it's not hard

for me to come somewhere like this.

I just feel insecure,

and seeing all of these old colleagues

and they're just treating me

like I'm an invisible ghost.

Okay, fine. If you want to

get back into the law, you can.

You just have to find something

that excites you.

Oh, really? I've been out of

the workforce for 13 years.

That's a real asset to an employer.

- It's a key card situation, so

- [CHARLIE] Okay.

I am not saying that there won't be bars

to entry, but you have a law degree.

You are a very good lawyer.

If you want to do it, you can.

But I'm not just a lawyer, Charlie.

I'm also a mom.

I have to pick up my kids at 2:00.

No. Not necessarily true.

There are plenty of rewarding jobs

- that you can do from 9:00 until 2:00.

- Really? Oh.

Why don't you tell your boss

you're gonna do a five-hour workday?

Tell me how that goes.

Hey, guys. Sorry to interrupt,

but Frank's about to give his speech.

You probably don't want to miss that.


- Just Just go.

- [STAMMERS] I-I'm sorry.

- We will We'll discuss later.

- Yes, yes.


[STAMMERS] Come on. Go with him.

No. He doesn't want me in there.

He does. Your very, very, very

attractive husband

does want you in there.

Also, you ate that guy's f*cking speech.

You got to see what he says.

I kind of know what his speech

is gonna be like in my gut.

- g*dd*mn! That's solid.


Even in these dark times,

bringing the heat.

- Thanks, buddy.

- Get in there.


Wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait.

f*ck. [SIGHS]



- Sunday morning. Hmm.

- Hmm. I love fruit.



Do you have a business center?



What is that?

My W-4. You-You've been asking for it.


- You know you have to fill it out, right?

- I do. Can I borrow your pen?

- Yes, you can. Here you go.

- Thank you.

- What is my, uh, federal tax ID number?

- You should probably know that.

Yeah. I don't know that.

My mom has all that information. [SIGHS]

I love your mom.

What are we serving the Johnny 66 guy?

Um, probably everything.

- That cool with you, brewmaster?

- It is.

The jumpsuit.

- Nice, huh?

- Yeah. I'm super into it.

It's super cool.

We should totally sell these.

- f*ck, yeah.

- It's comfortable too.

Hell yeah. It looks comfortable.

It is hard to pee in, but overall, uh,

you know, very, very nice.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

[FRANK] Next year,

we're just, uh, gonna keep

We're gonna keep building

on that bigness, and, uh

Uh, we're gonna expand to a level

that'll be, uh, the next level.

You know, the the arc of the universe

bends to toward, uh

Well, thank you.


Uh, that was a great speech.

Thank you, Sylvia.

- It worked. He remembered my name.

- Yeah.

[CHUCKLES] He just said,

"Thank you, Sylvia."