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01x08 - Rainforest Race

Posted: 06/05/23 07:57
by bunniefuu
♪ Oh, oh

♪ Ooh, ha

♪ Oh, oh

♪ Go, Diego, go!

♪ Deep inside the jungle, where nature's running wild ♪

♪ Coming to the rescue is a very special child ♪

♪ Talking to the animals and swinging from a vine ♪

♪ This rough and tough adventurer ♪

♪ Is working all the time.

♪ Ya viene Diego... ♪

♪ Diego

♪ Diego

♪ Go, Diego, go!

♪ Alicia's on the mission

♪ We're all going for a ride

♪ Diego's on the road with Baby Jaguar by his side ♪

♪ Discovering together

♪ Yeah, we're always having fun ♪

♪ Helping out each other is good for everyone ♪

♪ And there goes Diego

♪ Diego

♪ Diego

♪ Go, Diego, go!

¡Hola! I'm Diego,

and this is my sister, Alicia.


We're animal adventurers.

Today is the rain forest race.

Animals come from all over to be in this race.

And the winner of today's race wins

a day at the brand-new animal playground.

Do you like playgrounds?

I love playgrounds!

Me, too.

And look at all the teams in the race.

That's the spectacled bear team.

That's the howler monkey team.

And there's the puma team.

Diego, Alicia...

What about me?

Hey, that's Armadillo.

She's really nice.

Can you say "armadillo"?

Say "Hi, armadillo."

BOTH: Hi, armadillo.


I want to be in the race, too,

but I don't have a team.

That's okay, armadillo.

I'll be on your team.

Really, Diego?


Will you be on our team?


Gracias, gracias.

I've got a team, I've got a team!

I want us to win

and play in the new animal playground, Diego.

but the other animals are so big.

Don't worry, armadillo.

They're bigger than you,

but they don't have a really strong shell

like you do.

( laughs )

And look, my shell has bands.

Count them, count them.

Count in Spanish with me.

Uno, dos, tres.

I'm a three-banded armadillo.

Oh, oh, oh! And check this out.

I can turn myself into a ball.

Wow! Those big animals can't do that.

( laughs )


I bet you can dig.

Oh, yeah, I love to dig, I love to dig.

Hey, maybe our team can win.

Sure we can.

ALICIA: Okay, teams.

In the rain forest race,

there are three places you need to get through:

the Shaky Nut Trees...

the Muddy Slide...

and the Giant Mountain.

Whoever makes it to the finish line first wins,

and gets to play in the rain forest playground.

( animals cheering )

Are you ready to start to race?


Ready, set, go!

Come on, amigos, let's go.

♪ ♪

♪ Who can roll up into a shape that's round? ♪

♪ Say "armadillo."

♪ Armadillo. ♪

♪ Who's got sharp claws that can dig in the ground? ♪

♪ Say "armadillo."

♪ Armadillo. ♪

♪ With your help we can keep up the pace ♪

♪ And maybe we can win the race. ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Who's got a shell that's really strong? ♪

♪ Say "armadillo."

♪ Armadillo. ♪

♪ Who can smell danger with a nose that's long? ♪

♪ Say "armadillo."

♪ Armadillo. ♪

♪ With your help we can keep up the pace ♪

♪ And maybe we can win the race. ♪

♪ ♪

( music ends )

Look! The Shaky Nut Trees.

( bears grunting )

All the animals are getting hit by nuts.

It's slowing them down.

That's because they don't have

a strong shell to protect them.

What animal has a really strong shell?

Armadillo, right!

Armadillo has a really strong shell.

Mira, Diego.

No me duele.

Wow! The nuts don't hurt Armadillo.

We need to make a shell

to protect us from the falling nuts.

Put your arms in the air

to cover your head and make a shell.

Make a shell.


Put your hands down now

and when you see nuts, make a shell with your hands.

Let's go.

Here come the nuts.

Make a shell, make a shell.


Put your hands down.

Uh-oh, more nuts.

Make a shell.

( both laughing )

You made a really strong shell.


You can put your hands down now.

We made it through the Shaky Nut Trees.

Now we only have two more places to go.

And then we'll win

and get to play in the new animal playground.


¡Vámonos, amigos!

♪ ♪

♪ Who can roll up into a shape that's round? ♪

♪ Say "armadillo."

♪ Armadillo. ♪

♪ Who's got sharp claws that can dig in the ground? ♪

♪ Say "armadillo."

♪ Armadillo. ♪

♪ With your help we can keep up the pace ♪

♪ And maybe we can win the race. ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Who's got a shell that's really strong? ♪

♪ Say "armadillo."

♪ Armadillo. ♪

♪ Who can smell danger with a nose that's long? ♪

♪ Say "armadillo."

♪ Armadillo. ♪

♪ With your help we can keep up the pace ♪

♪ And maybe we can win the race. ♪

♪ ♪

( music ends )

Uh-oh, that's a picture of a maned wolf.

There must be maned wolves in this forest.

Armadillos are afraid of maned wolves.

And Armadillo went inside the forest.

We've got to help Armadillo.

( sniffing )

I think I smell a maned wolf.

Diego, help!

We've got to help Armadillo hide from the maned wolves.

Armadillos can roll themselves into balls and look like rocks.

Will you help Armadillo hide from the maned wolves?


To tell Armadillo to roll into a ball,

we say the Spanish word "bolita."

Can you say "bolita"?

Say "bolita."


Look-- a maned wolf.

Say "bolita."


The maned wolf thinks Armadillo is a rock.

Another maned wolf.

Say "bolita."

Another maned wolf.

Say "bolita."

The maned wolf went away for good.


Armadillo, you did it!

Gracias, gracias.

De nada.

You helped Armadillo get past the maned wolves.

You're great at speaking Spanish.

Let's go, amigos.

We've made it to the muddy slide.

But look, Diego--

the other bigger animals are ahead of us.

DIEGO: There go the pumas,

the bears and the monkeys.


This is going to be fun.


Oh, no!

The mudslide stopped

and Armadillo's stuck.

Armadillo has to roll down the slide.

Will you help Armadillo roll down the muddy slide?


Put your hands out in front of you and circle them around.

And roll, roll,


¡Rueda, rueda!


¡Rueda, rueda!

Roll, roll, roll!

You helped Armadillo roll down the muddy slide.

Gracias por ayudarme.

Now we only have one more place to go--

the giant mountain.

And then maybe we'll win the race

and get to play

in the new animal playground.

¡Vámonos, amigos!

( in distance ): ¡Ayúdenme, ayúdenme!

( growling )

Hey, that sounds like

one of the pumas might be in trouble.

We can use my Spotting Scope to help us find the puma team.

Make a Spotting Scope with your hands to look for the puma team.

Do you see the puma team?

There they are.

But it looks like one of the pumas is missing.

Come on, let's go see what happened.

One of the pumas is stuck in the hole.

¡Ayúdenme! iAyúdenme!

( mewling )

Diego, ¿puedes ayudar a mi amigo?

¡Claro que sí!

We need something that can help the puma out of the hole.

My rescue pack can transform into anything we need.

To activate my rescue pack, say "actívate."



Yo, Rescue Pack!

( salsa music playing )

♪ A rescue pack

♪ Comin' to the rescue

♪ Al rescate ♪

♪ Rescue pack

♪ Comin' to the rescue.

♪ ♪

( rapping ): ♪ A rescue pack, I got your back ♪

♪ I can turn into a parasail or a kayak ♪

♪ A zip board, a snowboard, whatever you need ♪

♪ We can do it, nothing to it

♪ A rescue pack

♪ Comin' to the rescue

♪ Al rescate ♪

♪ Rescue pack

♪ Comin' to the rescue

♪ A rescue pack.

( music ends )


Rescue Pack here.

Diego needs something that can help him

get the puma out of the big hole.

Can he use a bike to get the puma out of the big hole?


Can he use a hammer to get the puma out of the big hole?

No way!

Can he use a rope to get the puma out of the big hole?

Yes, he can.

Tell Diego he needs a rope.

What do we need?

A rope, yeah.

Now we need to get the rope down to the puma in the hole.

What animal can crawl into a hole?

Armadillo, right.

Yeah, I can do it.

I can crawl into the dark hole.


We're ready, Diego.

Pull us up.

To get Armadillo and the puma out of the hole,

you have to help me pull.

Put your hands out in front of you and pull.



They're so heavy.

Keep pulling.

Pull, pull!


We pulled the puma out of the hole.

Great pulling!

Muchas gracias, Armadillo.

Muchas gracias, Diego.

And thank you for helping, too.

Now we have to keep going.

Come on, amigos, let's go win this race.

And get to play

in the new animal playground.

We made it to the giant mountain.

We're almost to the finish line.

But look, the pumas...

the monkeys...

and the bears are climbing up the mountain.

Diego, I can't climb--

my legs are too short.

( struggling )

Hey, look!

Maybe there's another way for us

to get to the other side of the mountain.

( struggling )

Armadillos are great diggers.

Oh, yeah.

If we all help Armadillo,

we can dig a tunnel

and make it to the other side of the mountain

before the bigger animals.

But I need your help.

The bigger animals are climbing really fast.

To help Armadillo dig,

put your hands out in front of you

and dig, dig, dig-dig-dig.

Dig, dig, dig-dig-dig!

In English we say "dig."

In Spanish, it's "excava."

Sing ♪ excava. ♪

♪ Excava. ♪

♪ Excava. ♪

♪ Excava. ♪

♪ If we want to win the race we've got to dig, dig, dig ♪

♪ So make the pace-- let's all help Armadillo win. ♪

Sing it with me.

♪ Excava. ♪

Say it loud!

♪ Excava. ♪

Keep singing.

♪ Excava. ♪

We're almost out.

♪ Excava. ♪

We made it to the other side of the mountain

before the bigger animals.

And there's the finish line.

Look, here come the other animals.

Come on, amigos, we've got to run fast.

ALICIA: Diego and Armadillo are in the lead,

but the pumas, bears and monkeys are not far behind.

The pumas are catching up to Armadillo.

DIEGO: Say "bolita."


Armadillo has turned herself into a ball.

Help Armadillo roll faster.

Circle your arms, circle your arms!

Faster, faster, faster.

ALICIA: Look, Armadillo's team is the winner.

We won! We won!

¡Ganamos! ¡Ganamos!

You did it!

Great racing.

( cheering and laughing )

Wow, they were fast.

And strong.

And smart.


You all finished the race.

Everyone gets ribbons.

And the Armadillo team won the rain forest race.



And you win a blue ribbon, too.

As the winners of the race

you get the new animal playground

all to yourselves.

( others exclaiming )

Alicia, playing by myself would be okay,

but I'd rather share the playground

with all my new friends.

We get to play in the playground, too?

Sí, vamos todos.

( cheering )

( animals exclaiming )

Gracias por ayudarme.

De nada.


thank you for being on my team.

And thank you, too.

We wouldn't have won if it wasn't for you.

Yeah, you were a great team player.

♪ Armadillo.

Come on, say it with me.

OTHERS: ♪ Armadillo.

Say it louder.

♪ Armadillo!

Everybody scream!

♪ Armadillo!

( cheering )

♪ Armadillos have a super-hard shell ♪

DIEGO: ♪ And they have sharp claws that can dig really well. ♪

Put your hands out and dig like an armadillo.

Put your hands out.

Now, dig, dig, dig-dig-dig.

Dig, dig, dig-dig-dig!

♪ Roll up into a ball, look and see ♪

♪ Let's roll with our arms

♪ Come on, do it with me.

Let's roll, roll.

BOTH: Roll, roll.

Roll, roll.

Roll, roll.

Come on, roll, roll.

ALL: Roll, roll.

DIEGO: Roll, roll.

ALL: Roll, roll.

¡Misión cumplida!

We helped Armadillo win the race.

You are a great animal adventurer.

What do armadillos do?

BOTH: Let's review.

Does a three-banded armadillo have a shell or wings?

A shell-- armadillos have a strong shell

to protect them.

Does a three-banded armadillo swing from trees or dig?

Dig, right.

Their claws help them dig.

Is a three-banded armadillo afraid of

a tree frog or a maned wolf?

A maned wolf, correcto.

Hey, we've almost finished the puzzle.

To hide from scary animals,

does a three-banded armadillo roll into a ball

or does he roll into a rolling pin?

Roll into a ball-- ¡excelente!

We solved the puzzle.

That's a three-banded armadillo.

Let's put this picture of the three-banded armadillo

in our animal science book.

We found out so much about three-banded armadillos today.

And there's so much more for us to discover...


Hasta luego, amigos.

See you soon.

( child giggling )