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03x05 - That's Our Dad

Posted: 06/05/23 18:40
by bunniefuu
Hurry up, I think we missed
almost the whole thing.

I need your help, Dad.
I'm really confused.

I told her you'd know what to do.

Well, honey, it seems to me that
the first thing that you've got to do

is tell Mr. Hudson the truth.

It's easy, you know,
to share the fun things.

The hard part is to be open
about the stuff that hurts.

You're right, Dad.
I'm glad you're my dad.

So am I, honey, so am I.

He always knows what to do,
doesn't he?

- Yeah.
- Any more problems today?

No, sir, that'll do it. Thanks, Dad.

Now that we've gotten
that problem taken care of,

what do you say we all go
down to Scoops for a sundae?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- What kind are you gonna have?
- I want chocolate.

- Chocolate?
- Yes, please.

A chocolate malt?

How was your visit with Sarah
this morning?

I think she's beginning to feel
a little more comfortable with us.

- At least I hope so.
- The only problem is,

the only thing she ever talks about
is her little friend Joey.

- What are you doing?
- Just pretending.

Pretending what?

Just trying to imagine what it would
be like to have a dad like Mr. Cassidy.

Don't forget to join us next week

for another story
with America's favourite father,

Bill Cassidy, Jr in
That's Our Dad.

I don't believe it.

You're not gonna start in on
that necktie again, are you?

You bet I am. I mean,
$ for a necktie?

Do you know what a person
can do with $ ?

You're the one that wanted to shop
on Rodeo Drive.

I think I'll get Uncle Luther
a crate of grapefruit.


Well, he's got a cholesterol
problem anyhow.

A crate of grapefruit. I'm sure
he'll be overwhelmed by that.

The house is gonna be
right up here on the right.

- May I help you?
- Yeah, we'd like to see Mr. Cassidy.

Right, you and everybody else
with a $ map of Beverly Hills.

Now, if you'll just
turn this thing around--

My name's Jonathan Smith.
This is Mark Gordon.

We have an appointment.

Oh, yes, here you are right here.
Sorry, sir.

- Just hang on, I'll get the gate.
- Thank you.

Oh, Bill. Okay, everybody, let's get
together. Let's see if we can make this.

Myron, if I find so much

as one nail hole in this house,
I'm gonna send the bill to you.

Relax, relax. The boys promised me
they'd take good care of everything.

Coat, coat, coat.

Gordy, I told you to fix
the sleeves on this thing.

You want me to look like
Charlie Chaplin? Fix the thing.

We'll get something else.
We got backups.

Get the brown tweed.
The brown tweed.

Now, that looks real great on you.
Come on, this is what I got in mind:

take the kids, put one of them in
your lap, we'll get some pictures.

Cassidy? You say Cassidy?
What's his first name?


- Bill Cassidy, he's our assignment?
- Yeah, he's our assignment.

- What's the job?
- Hook up a security system for him.

Security system, I don't know
anything about security systems.

Well, relax, I'm not asking you
to be a brain surgeon. Hi.

This is great, you look terrific, that's
great. Okay, okay, that's great, okay.

Got it? Wonderful.
Number two, number two.

Okay, Lindsey, you look
gorgeous, sweetheart.

Number two, number two. That's great,
that's great. Bill, that's terrific.

Number three, number three.

Bill, you look fine, just keep smiling,
that's great. You got that one?

Good, go to number four,
number four.

That looks--I love it, I love it, I love it!
Okay, I don't need you anymore.

For this one, I've got
a great idea for this shot.

Pick Martin up in your arms.
They'll love it.

- Myron, come on. Give me a break.
- Why? What's the matter?

What's the matter? He used to be cute
and cuddly, that's what's the matter.

Do it, do it, they'll love it.
Trust me, trust me.

You look great. Great.

You ought to stay away from
the jelly doughnuts on the set, kid.

You're no Slim Jim yourself, pal.

It's really nice to see a guy who does
a TV show the whole family can watch.

You know, without car chases,
g*ns going off, people taking dope.

I know what you mean.

Now, this guy, he talks about the way
people feel about things,

or the way they treat each other,
or should anyway.

You know, I really admire that.

Myron, who the hell are these two?

Excuse me, Mr. Cassidy,

I'm Jonathan Smith,
this is Mark Gordon.

We're supposed to check your place
for a new security system.

Oh, yeah. All right.

Look, I want you to look over
the setup at the studio too,

so it's gonna take you a couple days.
Use the guest house while you're here.

Yes, sir.


You better not turn out to be
from the National Enquirer.

He must be having a tough day.

Yeah, I suppose.

Come in.

It's okay, Sarah.
Come on in, come on.

Sit down.

Did you have a nice visit
with Mr. and Mrs. Potter today?

Yes, ma'am.

I have some very good news
for you.

They wanna come and take you
home with them, permanently.

What is it, dear?

What about Joey?

- What about him?
- He gets to come too, doesn't he?

I'm afraid not, Sarah.

You and Joey
aren't real brother and sister.

You're just friends.

But we're a team.
We don't do things without each other.

I know that.

A good family will come along
for Joey too.

I'm sure of it.

What's the matter?
What happened?

I've been adopted.

The Potters?

I asked Mrs. Santana if there was
a way we could stay together,

but I guess
they don't want two kids, and...

It's gonna be okay.
You shouldn't give up so easily.

We'll figure out something.

I don't wanna go without you, Joey.

Yeah, I know.

If only there was a way
we could stay together.

Someone must know the answer,
but who?

What you got there?

- Six-eighths.
- Six-eighths.

- And a half.
- And a half.

And three little marks.

Oh come on, it was
a great run through, Bill.

It was great. All we gotta do is trim
the restaurant bit with the girl.

Earle, knock it off.
This is me, remember?

The whole thing is garbage.

Now, Bill, wait a second.
It's not garbage.

This is gonna tighten up real good.
It's onlyTuesday.

Tighten up? This thing stinks.

Lox city, you know what I mean?
Oh, and Earle,

I want you to tell Lindsey that next time
she better know the words,

or she will find herself on
the next sampan back home.

Smith? How's it going?

All right. You got a lot
of ground to cover.

Yeah, just remember,
I want a system so tight

that a greased flea
could not get in here

- without an invitation, okay?
- You got it.


- Oh, swell.
- What's the matter?

I could have sworn...

The new pages with the notes
for the new scene.

I must have left them at the studio.

Myron, you're gonna have to
go back and pick them up.

No, wait a minute,
Bill, it's almost : .

I promised my wife
I'd take her out to dinner.

Myron, in this business
you shouldn't make promises.

Mr. Cassidy, we'd be happy
to get them for you.

- You wouldn't mind?
- Not at all.

I appreciate that.

They're on the breakfast table
in the kitchen set.

Blue pages with some notes
written on them.

I'll call security and tell them.

All right, we'll head out right now.


You know, you really could have let
that Myron what's-his-name do this.

Oh, no, I couldn't.
He wouldn't have found the pages.

How do you know?

Because I've already got them.

I don't understand this.
If you've already got them,

then why are we going
to the studio?

To meet somebody.

Oh, that makes sense.

Gee, it's littler than
it looks on TV, isn't it?


I wonder where everybody is.

I'll bet they all went out for dinner
and the movies.

He always takes his kids
to the movies.

I'm hungry.

Let's see what they've got.

We can't take any of his stuff
without asking.

He wouldn't mind if we just had
some peanut butter, would he?

Hey, look at this.

- I don't like cauliflower.
- It's made out of rubber.

You guys looking for
something to eat?

Yeah, but we figured
Mr. Cassidy wouldn't mind, and...

We didn't take anything, honest.

Hey, it's okay.
You don't have to be afraid.

- You kids have names?
- I'm Smith, she's Jones.

Smith and Jones.

Well, my friend's name is Smith.
Maybe you two are related.

I don't have any relatives.

How'd you get in here, son?

Well, we sort of walked in.

Where is everybody?

- Well, it's late. Everybody went home.
- But this is home.

We need to see Mr. Cassidy.

What do you need, an autograph?
Something like that?

No, we need to ask him
how we should handle something.

Don't you think your folks
are gonna worry where you are?

Oh, we don't have-

We're not talking till
we see Mr. Cassidy.

Oh, you're not, huh?

Well, if you're not gonna talk,
you may as well eat, huh?

- Nothing in the fridge. We looked.
- Sure there is.

- I'm telling you.
- Here's some peanut butter.

There, you can put some honey on it.
That's delicious.

Nothing better than a little
ice-cold milk.

How did you do that?

There was nothing in the fridge
except rubber cauliflower.

Well, to be honest with you,
I'm an angel.


When will Mr. Cassidy get back?

He's not coming back.
He only works here.

But we have to see him.

I'm afraid it's gonna have to be
some other time.

Why don't you make some

we'll take you back to Oakhill.

- How'd you know about Oakhill?
- I just told you.

I'm an angel.

Well, they're safe and sound in bed.

We were so worried about her.

Why do you suppose they ran away?

I think they're afraid of being

I knew it.

Ellen, she's just a little girl.
She'll get over it.

And if she doesn't?

We want to adopt Sarah very much,
Mrs. Santana.

But what have we gained
if she just ends up resenting us

because we've taken her away
from her friend?

I think it's just a shame you can't see
your way clear to taking them both.

Now, we've already discussed this
and it's out of the question.

We have very limited resources
as it is.

We wanna give the child
the very best of everything,

but there's just so much
to go around.

- I understand.
- I think we better be going.


Boy, that's what I call a Scrooge.

How can you put a price
on little kids?

It's not Mr. Potter's fault.

I know how he feels.

There's more to it than just money.

It's a big responsibility.

Let me ask you something.
Why are those kids so close?

They're not even related.

They are, Mr. Smith, they are,

by tragedy.

They were both orphaned as a result
of accidents to their parents.

They were both brought here
to this facility on the very same day.

All they had those first few weeks
was each other.

It's created a bond between them
that I'm afraid is unshakeable.

Well, good luck, Mrs. Santana.

Thank you again, very much.

In addition to what you're doing
at the house,

I want you to go over the whole setup
here, give me recommendations.

You know, my office,
my dressing room, the-


We're ready for you.
The TV interview's all set up, come on.

Excuse me.

I gotta go be Mr. Wonderful
for a couple of minutes.

I would like to rent an airplane,
drop leaflets all over the country,

telling everybody what this guy's
really like.

You think that's the real
Bill Cassidy?

I don't see anything to tell me
any different.

Maybe you just haven't looked
hard enough.

Bill, we're ready for you.
We've got the TV interview all set up.

Good, good, good, good.

- Don't we look nice?
- Shut up, Gordy.

Hey, Dan, how you doing?
Good to see you again, how are you?

Right over here, Bill.

Yeah, right over here.
Why don't you sit in the middle,

and put the kids on either side of you,

Right over here next to Dad.

That's great, okay, smile--
Where's Martin? Martin.

Come on, son, over here.

There we go. Right in next to Dad.
Let's smile now. Okay, that's fine.

- All right, Dan, everything all right?
- It's fine, let's do it, let's make it.

Okay, guys, you ready?
Let's roll tape.

Hi, this is Dan Beech
for Hooray L.A.,

standing with Bill Cassidy and family
on the set of That's Our Dad.

Let's go over and talk to him.

- Bill, how are you?
- Hi, Dan.

We understand some big changes
in store for the show next season.

Well, we have decided to expand
a little bit.

And I'm not talking about just one.

I'm going to adopt two more

A boy and a girl.

We're starting to see people today.

I'm sure they're gonna be
just as wonderful as these two are.

How do you kids feel about
the new cast members?

I don't know. I haven't met them yet.

A little jealous,
just like in a real family.

Bill, I guess the big question is,

who are the lucky two
that'll get to say, "That's our dad"?

- We don't know.
- That's us.

Did you hear what he said?
He wants a boy and a girl.

Now we've really got to go see him.
Come on.

Nobody knows who it is yet.

Excuse me, ma'am.

Could you tell us where we can find
Mr. Cassidy?

I'm sorry, kids, the show doesn't tape
until Friday night.

Oh, no, we're here to see
about the new kids he's going to adopt.

Oh, that's different.
You want Casting.

It's the first building there
on the right.

- Thanks.
- Thanks a lot.

Come on, it's gotta be around here

Come on, you two, you're late.
Mr. Cassidy's starting to see kids now.

This is it.

Over here.

- What's your name, honey?
- Sarah.

- Sarah what?
- Sarah Moore.

Okay. And who represents you?


Who handles you?

Who takes care of you?

Miss Santana.

And what about you, young man?

I'm Joey Angelo, and Mrs. Santana
takes care of me too.

Okay, take a seat there,

and Mr. Cassidy
will see you in a little while.

And I did a Spunky Rooster
that's going to be on the air tomorrow.


Thank you very much for coming in.

And I did a Humungous Burger
and a Captain Sweetie

that my mom has on cassette.

That won't be necessary.

We'll be having readings
in about a week.

We'll let you know.

What about my pictures?
What about my résumé?

No, we'll call you.

Sorry about that.

They're all so coached to death.

It's enough to drive you up the wall.

They're robots, all of them.

You push a button,
they read you their résumé.

Two more, and you're out of here.

Young man, you'll have to wait
your turn.

But we're a team.
We don't do things without each other.

I'm sorry,
but you'll just have to wait outside.

It's okay, Sally.
What's the difference?

Come on, kids. Come on, sit down.

Come in.

Maybe we should start with you.

Why do you wanna be
part of my family?

Well, it would mostly be so
me and Joey wouldn't be separated.

You see, a while ago my mom and dad
were in an accident,

in a car, and they died, so--

Sarah, I think Mr. Cassidy
wants to hear more about your--

No, it's okay.

Let her continue.

Well, anyway, they took me
to Oakhill Orphanage,

and that's where I met Joey.

I lost my mom and dad too.

There was a fire where they worked,

Well, anyway, I ended up at Oakhill
Orphanage the same day Sarah did.

And you see, she's my best friend
in the whole world.

Then, Mr. and Mrs. Potter
wanted to take me home with them,

but I didn't wanna leave Joey

And then we heard that you wanted
to have two more kids.

We just knew that it should be us.

We're both really good in school and
we hardly ever forget our chores and...

We think you're the best dad
in the whole world.

They're perfect. I want them both.


We'll be in touch with Mrs. Santana
to make the deal.

Joey, what's going on?
What are you doing?

Mr. Smith, he picked us. He picked us.
I knew he would, I just knew it.

What are you talking about?

He said we were perfect.
He wants us.

- Who?
- Mr. Cassidy! He's gonna adopt us!

I don't believe you.

Look, I know how you feel, Joey,
but I'm not lying to you.

It's all just a misunderstanding.

He said he wanted us. He wouldn't lie.
He hates lies.

The only time he ever gets mad
is when his kids lie.

You're talking about the TV show.
He's an actor, don't you understand?

No. He's our dad.
You can even ask him yourself.

All right. That's what we'll do.
We'll go ask him.

- And you brought them here?
- Yes.


Because they wanted to see
their new home.

They think you want to adopt them.

I do. I already told them,
they've got the parts.

No, I mean for real.


They think you want to adopt them
for real.

What? Mr. Smith, those two kids
came into my office

with the slickest audition material
I've ever heard.

They got one smart manager,
I can tell you that.

Those children wouldn't even know
what a manager is.They're orphans.

- What?
- They're orphans.

They ran away
from the Oakhill Orphanage.

Wait a minute, you mean
all that business about them

losing their folks...?

That wasn't an audition.

That was their lives
they were talking about.


Sorry about the mix-up.
What do you want me to do about it?

Just tell them the truth.

Wait a minute. Why--? Wait--

Now, look, I didn't--

I didn't make this mess.
I mean, I didn't create it.

Why should I have to be the one
to fix it?

Because they'll believe anything
you tell them.

They trust you.
They think you have all the answers.

Wait, what do you mean, "trust me"?
They don't know me.

Well, they think they do, along with
million other people in this country.

Forget it, okay. You handle it.

I don't do very well with kids.
I never have.

How I ever ended up with this show,
I'll never know.

Well, what would the character
on your show do?

Look, Mr. Smith,

I hired you and your associate
to design a security system for me,

not to nose around in my private life.

Joey, I asked you to wait in the hall.

I'm sorry. I made some cocoa.

I thought Mr. Cassidy would like
to have some.

I don't want any cocoa.

It's awful good. I made it just the way
you like it on TV.

I hate cocoa.
I told you I don't want it.

All right, look, I guess we just better
get this straightened out here, all right.


this whole thing has been
a misunderstanding.

What do you mean?

What I just said.


I thought that you two were just
a couple actors reading for a part.

Look, I mean, what would I wanna
adopt any kids for?

I live alone. I like it that way.

Hey, I don't even like kids.

- But on TV--
- Just forget about the TV, will you?

Can't you get it straight?
I am not the person I play on the TV.

I don't like cocoa. I don't like kids.

And I don't know all the answers.
Now will you get him out of here?

Come on, son.

You know what you are?
You're a big fake, that's what.

I used to love that person you were
on TV,

but not anymore.

I'm glad you're not gonna be
my dad.

- How are they doing?
- Well, they've stopped crying.

Poor little things.
They were so sure that--

I know.

I might as well call the Potters,
tell them to look elsewhere.

Sarah doesn't even wanna
see them again.

The bond between those two
seems stronger than ever.

Any chance the Potters will change
their mind, and take them both?

No. I have tried.

And the older those children get,
the harder it'll be to find them a home.

Mr. Smith, Joey said you told him
you were an angel.

Well, Mr. Angel,
why don't you do something?

I'm trying, Mrs. Santana.

Believe me, I'm trying.

Mrs. Potter?


I'm afraid I have
some bad news for you.



Jonathan, what is it?

I just got word from the boss.
Joey's run away again.

- Oh, no.
- Yeah.

I'll be a few minutes, why don't you get
dressed? We'll meet you by the car.


I hope "we."

It is really tough working
with a guy who never sleeps.

Mr. Cassidy.

Mr. Cassidy.


I must have fallen asleep.

Four o'clock.

What are you doing in my house
at in the morning?

It's about that little boy, Joey.

He's run away again.

So he's run away again.
It's not my problem.

He's a human being in trouble.
Doesn't that make it your problem?


Well, I think it does.

And whether you like it or not,

you're the reason those children
ran away in the first place.

Hey, you got a lot of nerve.

Talking to me like a social worker
that I gotta answer to.

You don't have to answer to me,
Mr. Cassidy.

Sorry I bothered you.

You think the boy's right.
That I don't care about anyone.

Do you?

I did once.

You know, this kid talks
about wanting a father.

Well, maybe you ought to know about
my father, and what happened to him.

He was the most important...
He was the only thing in my world.

My mother died when I was .

And after that, you know,
Dad and I, we did everything together.

We went everywhere together.

I loved him so very much.

I depended on him to be there.

You know what happened?

He died.

He went into this little place
he liked to have lunch.

He liked their soup.

And he sat down,
he ordered a bowl, he took a taste.

Next minute, he was dead.

Acute heart occ-


Now, what the hell is a kid supposed
to understand what that is?

See, I promised myself
that I was never gonna put

any child of mine through that pain.

And that's why I never was married.
That's why I never had any kids.

Seemed to me to be the best way
to make sure that I kept my word.

Somebody once said, "A man who has
no more problems to solve

is out of the game."

Well, I'm in that game.

I just play by a different set
of rules, that's all.

Come on, you can't shelter
little children

from all the pain there is
in this world.

If you did, how could they appreciate
all the good feelings there are?


And lonelier.

Yeah, well, I know
all about loneliness, Mr. Smith.

I was bounced around to all my aunts
and uncles when I was growing up.

None of them
gave a damn about me.

Then I think you,
above everybody else,

would understand what that little boy's
going through right now.

Where do you think the kid
might have gone?

I'd guess back to his dream.


His dream.

Your make-believe house.

It'll just take me a couple of seconds
to get dressed.


What are you doing here?

Just came here to talk to you.

I didn't take anything.

I know that.

What are you doing here?

I just figured I'd get some rest
before moving on, you know?


Where you headed?

I'm--I'm not sure yet.

What about the...

The little girl, Sarah?

You just leaving her behind?

Yeah. It was no good,
my being with her.

She had folks
that wanted to adopt her,

but she wouldn't go with them
because of me.


how do you know that she's gonna
go with them now?

Because I know.

I left her a note.

- What did it say?
- You wouldn't understand.

Why wouldn't I?

Because you need to love somebody
to understand.

You know,

you're not the only person
in the world

who ever lost somebody
that they loved.

I told her that if she loved me,
she'd go with the Potters.

That I was gonna be fine.

My running away
would all be for nothing

if she didn't let them adopt her.

Your friend's awfully lucky to have

someone who loves her like you do.

You're crying, just like you do on TV.


It's not the way I do it on TV.

Believe me,

it's not the way I do it on TV.


You know what you need?

You need somebody
to adopt the both of you.

Somebody like me.


What do you say you and Sarah
come and live with me for a while,

and we'll see
if we can get along together.

I'm gonna warn you,

I'm not the easiest guy in the world
to live with.

Maybe you can show me how to be
a little more like that guy on TV.

- What do you say?
- I say yes.


Okay, girls, come on.
Let's start breakfast.

And I'll be down in a minute, please.


We have to find him.

We will.

But whether we do or not
won't change what's in that letter.

Don't you see?

Joey knows the best place for you
is with the Potters.

He knows that's what's best for you.

But I'll never see him again.

Oh, Sarah. How do you know that?

I don't wanna leave without him.

I know,

but, honey, we can't always
have everything we want in this world.

Joey understands that now.

You must understand it too.

It's what Joey wants.

So why don't we go down
and have some breakfast

and call the Potters?

Joey. Joey.

Joey. Oh, Joey. You're all right.

Yeah, we're all right.

Mr. Cassidy wants us
to come live with him.

Both of us, just like we dreamed.

- We can stay together.
- You really mean it?

- Yeah, I really mean it.
- You wanna be our dad?

You bet I do.

Can we tell the others? Please?

Wait till they see.
They won't believe it.

When Joey told me
you were an angel,

I told him there was no such thing.

I guess I was wrong.

Where did you learn
how to make cocoa like that?

I don't understand. Can you tell me
where you learned how to do it?

By the way, we left the plans and some
recommendations for you in the library.

Thanks, for everything.

You two take care
of this fella, all right?

We will.

Yeah, my mom once told me you have
to get a hug a day to be happy.

Joey and I think that that's why
he's been such a grump.

Oh, give me a hug.

You take care.

What about the TV show?

Gonna give these kids
a chance to act?

Not a chance. These two are mine.