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02x08 - Full Engagement

Posted: 06/05/23 19:01
by bunniefuu





MAC: Oh, my gosh!

HARM: You like it?

I love it!

Your bird!


You take her.


Okay, Mac. Give me a roll!

MAC: Okay. Here goes!




Harm! Yeah!


I got her!





What's wrong?

HARM: I don't know!

Stop trying to scare me.

I'm not.

Can we make it to the field?

Negative. I've got
to put her down.


NARRATOR: Following in his
father's footsteps as a naval aviator,

Lieutenant Commander
Harmon Rabb, Junior,

suffered a crash while landing his
Tomcat on a storm-tossed carrier at sea.

Diagnosed with night blindness,

Harm transferred to the Navy's
Judge Advocate General Corps,

which investigates, defends
and prosecutes the law of the sea.

There, with fellow JAG
lawyer Major Sarah MacKenzie,

he now fights in and
out of the courtroom

with the same daring and tenacity
that made him a Top g*n in the air.




There! There's a clearing.

HARM: Not big enough.

It's better than the trees.

Come on, Sarah!





Thank God for tailwinds.

And grassy meadows.

How did you know it was here?

I didn't. We lucked out.

Lucked out?

Why didn't you set it
down at the other clearing?

Oh, I could have squeezed her
in, but we'd have never got out.

This clearing's big
enough for take-off.

You didn't even know
this clearing was here.

Sorry, Mac. I wasn't
thinking clearly.

Yeah. Obviously.

You wouldn't have
called me Sarah.

Not you.


Her name is Sarah.

It's a coincidence.

You carry binoculars?

Uh, they're in the emergency
kit behind the rear cockpit.

HARM: Oh, damn it! The
fuel line is split wide open.

I don't suppose
you carry a spare?


I should have seen
that in pre-flight.

You checked the
engine. I saw you.

Not close enough.

I saw a cabin to the left
of that ridge we nearly hit.

Maybe they have a phone.

HARM: First rule of survival.
Never leave the crash site.

We didn't crash. We
got lucky, remember?

We have at least five
hours of daylight left.

If we can't find it,
we'll double back.

What? You're afraid
someone's gonna steal Sarah?

Don't go feminist on me, Mac.

Men have been naming their
airplanes after their women

since the Wright Brothers.

Harm, it's not 1908.

Three. They flew in '03.

I'll go myself.


We should stick together.

MAN: No, sir, they
haven't arrived yet.



This way, Seaman. I'm thirsty.

Watch it, son.

You're still in the Navy.
What are you gonna do?

Court-martial me for
unauthorized water consumption?

No. But I'd be happy
to kick your butt.

If it was up to me, you'd already
be on that bus back to East LA.

Hey, man, I'm from Echo Park.

BROSDON: Whatever.


Excuse me, sir.

Where can I find Lieutenant
Commander Rabb?

Uh, well, he's on leave
today. Can... Can I help you?

He's supposed to
interview him at 1300.

Today? Yes, sir.

What's the name? Munoz.

Angel Munoz, sir.

Apparently Commander
Rabb agreed to try to block

his administrative separation.

What did he do?

Tell the Lieutenant.


When were you born?

August 17.

BROSDON: 1980.

What does that make him, sir?

A Leo.

Sixteen, sir.

He used his brother's Social
Security Number to get in.

Wow. You look at least 20!

Thank you, sir!

Ah. Here it is. Munoz.

Fraudulent enlistment,

0800 tomorrow.

No, my hearing's tomorrow, sir.

Commander Rabb wanted to
go over it with me the day before.

He had me make an
appointment with his clerk.


And I don't remember making one.

No, way, Lieutenant. I made it.

Well, let's page him.


How long have we been hiking?

An hour and 43 minutes.

We must have circled around it.


Who is it?



at least someone
will start missing us.

Did you tell him you
were taking me flying?


I didn't want to hurt
his feelings. You?

Same reason.

Just the same, maybe
we should head back.

I'll tell you what.

You head back to
your precious airplane.

I'll keep looking.

Hey, I said I was sorry. But, yeah,
the plane is important to me, all right?

It was my father's.

Still, you took a big risk.

Well, at the time
I didn't feel it was.

Forget it. I-It's too
hard to explain.

Try me.

No, let's just try
to find your cabin.

You know, it isn't
hunting season.

There probably
isn't anybody there.

(g*n FIRING)

Not hunting season?

Probably target sh**ting.

Game warden.

One of the world's
top 10 thankless jobs.

Before or after JAG officers?

It's a toss-up, really.


HARM: It's locked.

Police radio in here.

You think someone
actually lives here?


He's probably a member
of the Kaczynski family.

MAC: Very funny.



Shouldn't we say a few words?

I mean, he's dead.

Sure, Denny.

Bless him, oh, Lord, for
he's a gift from our bounty.

Amen. Happy now?


Okay. Drive his jeep
back to Beaver Creek.

We'll pick you up
behind the diner.

Lee, you clean out the cabin.
Make sure you don't miss anything.

What's the matter?

I think his keys are
still in his pocket.

Good move, jackass.

Well, don't just stand
there. Get 'em out.

HARM: Hey, there!


Is that your cabin back there?

No, I think it's abandoned.

We just thought it could
be a good place to camp out.

How did you find it?

Lost, I'm afraid.

Our plane had a mechanical.

The yellow bi-plane?

That's us. Yeah.

HARM: We, uh, had to set it down
in a clearing a couple miles back.

You a military pilot?


Uh, Lieutenant
Commander Harmon Rabb.

This is Major MacKenzie.

It's nice to meet you. Likewise.

You guys wouldn't be able to
give us a ride into town, would you?



You know, I would
hate to put you out.

I mean, we... we can probably
catch a ride from the game warden.

That's his jeep back
there anyway, isn't it?

No, it's mine.

I bought it in auction.

Never bothered
to get it repainted.

Really? You kept the
police radio, too, huh?

Kent, get down!

(g*n FIRING)

What the hell are you doing?

They were on to us.

I had it under
control, you idiot.

Now what?

Now we don't have a choice.

Now we have to k*ll 'em.

You see 'em? No.

I think they k*lled
the game warden.

It looked like they
were burying something.

Must be poachers.

This isn't working.

Come on! Grab the radio!

(g*ns FIRING)

I'm not getting this,
Mac. Let's get out of here.

What are you
doing? Returning fire.

With a flare g*n?

You got anything else?

(g*ns FIRING)

All right. Cover me.
What are you doing?





Back! Get back!

Which way did they go?

I don't know!

MUNOZ: Those things
keep repeating themselves.

It's the same stuff
over and over.

Don't you get cable, Lieutenant?

How many times are you
gonna page him, Lieutenant?

I'm not paging him.

I'm going straight to the top.

Uh, yes, Admiral.

Uh, sorry to bother you, sir.

But, uh, where would I keep

a juvenile in temporary
JAG custody?

Lieutenant J. G.
Bud Roberts, sir.

Well, I took
responsibility for him.

Well, he's a minor, sir.

Uh, fraudulent enlistment.

Commander Rabb is
representing him in a case that...

I... I did.

But he's not home.
I left four messages

and called his satellite
pager three times.

I can't find the Major, either.

Yes, sir.

Admiral, what should
I do about the kid?

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir. No, sir. Yes, sir.

(SIGHING) That was good, Bud.

Real good.

Sounds like you're
stuck with me, sir.

MAN: Thank you for holding, sir.

Great! That's great!

Shut up, Denny.

Well, how are we supposed
to ditch his jeep now?

You should have thought of
that before you shot at them.

You should have thought about
it before you k*lled that warden!

Me and my brother aren't
doing time, you got it?

Well, then we'd better get the hell
out of here before they get to someone.

Now, who are they gonna get
to, Einstein? They're on foot.

LEE: Hey, bro!

Take a look at this.

You know how to track a
wounded animal, Denny?


Well, then get tracking.


"Hey, Mac, why don't we
play hooky on Monday?

"I'll take you flying.
There's nothing quite like it.

"The open air, the
adrenaline rush."

I'm two for two, aren't I?

How bad?

Looks like a buckshot
wound. I can't tell how deep.

Deep enough to hurt like hell.


I'm gonna have to pour
this on to sterilize the wound.

It's bourbon.

Harm, I'm not swallowing it.
Just do it before it gets infected.


How far do you think
they're behind us?

I don't know.

But they still have the truck.

We should stay as far away
from the road as possible.

Keep them on foot until we can
circle back and get to the plane.

Now what good is
the plane gonna do?

Was there a machinegun
mounted on it that I didn't notice?

I grabbed the fuel
line from the jeep

and I may be able to
use it as a temporary fix.

Well, it's a good thing we landed
it where we could take off again.

Psychotic poachers weren't
my concern when I landed.

Harm, I don't think I'll
make it there before dark.

We'll have to head to high
ground, dig in for the night.


All done. Think you
can stand, Marine?

Unless you plan to carry me.

Well, maybe if you'd laid
off the Beltway Burgers.

Yeah, and you had
worked out more.


You okay? Yeah.

MAC: He doesn't
give up, does he?

DOOR) Commander Rabb!

You sure this guy's a
lawyer? This place is a dump.

Well, he's a Navy lawyer.

Commander Rabb!

He's not answering.

He's either not at home, in
the shower, having sex or dead.

Or a combination.

It's not like him not
to answer his beeper.

Could you do me a
favor and turn around?

I have to get the
commander's spare key.

What do you think, Lieutenant?

I'm going to come back
and steal his television?

I just want to respect
the commander's trust.

Yeah, that's why you're
breaking into his apartment, sir?

Oh, that's right. He changed it.

Try taped inside
the mailbox slot.

It's here.


BUD: Commander Rabb?

MUNOZ: What are we
looking for, Lieutenant? A body?

Uh, no. Something that would
give me a clue to where he is.

I thought lawyers were a**l.

This place is a mess.

Well, he's fixing it up.

Yeah, I hope so.

You have 12 new messages.

9:09 a.m.

Yeah. Ten of them are from you.


MAC: Harm, it's me, Mac.

I'm at the airfield. It must be
the right place. I see your plane.

I guess you're en route. Nine and
a half minutes late and counting.

Why wouldn't he tell me he
was going flying? 1:15 p.m.

BUD: Hello, sir. You
didn't answer your page...

He knows I love to fly.

Don't k*ll me,
but I think I made

a scheduling mistake.
I mean, it's so much.

I had three personal
days on the books.

I could have taken one of them.

No offense, sir,

but if you had a
chance to take a woman,

would you take you?

(BEEPING) Come on. Let's go.

Where we you going?


BUD: I'm gonna call the
Admiral and ask him what to do.

Where the hell are you?

Uh, uh, wait. Uh,

I didn't mean
to "hell" you, sir.

Ah! sh**t! Can I rewind?


Hold on. What?

Hold on.

You got it?

Yeah. What's wrong?

I need a break.


How long did we
hike along the road

before we came to
the top of the ridge?

Fifty-two minutes.

So that means the plane is,
what, about three miles from there?

You were more worried
about that damn plane than us.

That damn plane is
going to get us out of here.

We could double back
and try to take their truck.


You know, I've heard of pilots
being in love with their planes,

but you are getting ridiculous.


My grandfather earned his Navy
wings in a Stearman like Sarah.

My dad and I were
gonna restore her.

But, uh, he was
shot down at Nam.

So you and your
grandfather restored her?

No, my grandfather was
k*lled flying off the Horn in '42.

My grandmother kept
it tarped on the farm.

After my crash, I spent
a lot of time up there.

At first, I...

I didn't wanna take it off.

But when I did,

restoring her became everything.

It was like Dad
was with me again.

Well, the way that clearing
appeared out of nowhere,

I think he still is.


Something's moving down there.

Maybe it's an animal.

If it is, it's wearing
yellow flannel. Come on!

I can't outrun them, Harm!

You go.

Like that's really gonna
happen. I can hide.

Mac, they're poachers.

They've managed to track
us this far, they'll find you.

Well, believe me, if you have a
better option, I am open to suggestions.


We misdirect them. How?

here. I'll be right back.

What are you going
to do? Stay out of sight.



He's a smart bastard.


Come on, we better
get out of here.

I was careful not
to leave a trail,

but they're probably
doubling back by now.

You gonna be all right?

Gonna have to be.

Hey, it was you
or him, right, Mac?

I know.

Let's go.



BUD: Excuse me, sir?

I'm a friend of Lieutenant
Commander Rabb.

Uh, Harm?

Ah, yeah.

Nice kid.

That's a great-looking
Stearman he's got there.

Ah, yes. I... I noticed that his
car was still parked out front.

I take it he hasn't come back.


you Naval officers just
keep getting smarter. Whoo!

You don't know what
time he took off, do you?

10:00, 10:30.

Shouldn't he be back by now?

I ain't his babysitter.

Well, a Stearman can't carry
seven hours' worth of fuel, can it?

Of course not.

And you're not concerned?

I saw the woman he was with.

Ah, Commander Rabb
and Major MacKenzie

have a strictly
working relationship.


Says you.

This ain't the first time
he's flown out of here

with a pretty girl and, uh,

not come back till the next day.

Not when he's supposed to be in
court first thing in the morning, sir.

Oh, yeah?


Forget it, Lieutenant.
He's gone Elvis.

No. Not Commander Rabb.

He didn't happen
to file a flight plan?



Stay down. You'll
only make it worse.

I've got to at least get to
the top of whatever this is.

Give it a minute.

You want to talk about it?

Not particularly.

I'm sorry I left you there.

If you hadn't, we'd probably
both be dead by now.

How'd he lose his r*fle?

He set it down.

Opted for the knife.

He was going to use it to
intimidate me while he, um...

Bastard had it coming, right?


DENNY: Who the
hell are these people?

KENT: Dead.

They're dead.

Wait... Wait a minute.

Let's think about
this for a second.

There's nothing to think
about. They k*lled my brother.

I know.

But maybe we should
just cut our losses.

We can't track them
at night anyway.

Let's take his body
and go. Don't touch him!

We'll take him
back to the cabin,

we'll stay there tonight,

and we'll get them
in the morning.

But they're military, Kent.

His r*fle's missing!

One of them is hurt.

One of them is armed!

I'll take my chances.

What are you talking
about? Look at Lee!

They've gutted him with
his own knife, for God's sake.


I was just gonna k*ll 'em.

Now I'll make 'em hurt.

Well, this is our
home for the evening.

I'll insulate the inside.

But we're gonna have to use
our body heat to keep warm.


You might feel differently when the
temperatures drop below freezing.

His blood's not coming out.

Hey, I'll buy you a new one.

I can't get it out.

Get me some water!

Mac, it's okay.


I can't get it out!

It's okay. It's okay.

I'm fine. I'm fine.
I'm fine. I'm fine!


Did you see his eyes?

When he knew he was gonna die?

Yeah, I saw him.

All right. Thank you.

If they're still missing in the morning,
the FAA said they'll start a search.

But my hearing's at
0800 tomorrow, sir.


I'm screwed, huh, Lieutenant?

Honestly, it'd be a really
difficult thing to fight anyway.

I mean, you are 16.

But if we can
stall until I'm 17,

I can stay with a parent waiver.

Well, not after
lying to the Navy.

I... I had a good reason, sir.

Well, everybody does.

They're called
mitigating circumstances.

You don't understand, sir.

I had to join.

My mother told me to.

My brother was
k*lled in a drive-by.

My mother wanted to get
me out of the neighborhood

but we had no money.

She figured my brother didn't
need his Social Security Number.

So I used it to get in.

Commander Rabb said
that if I really wanted to serve,

he'd be able to keep me in.

Well, do you?

Yes, sir.

Well, if that's what he
said, then I believe him.

He's very good at
impassioned pleas.

If he shows up, sir.


I don't know what
happened out there.

It's not like me to
freak out like that.

It's natural.

Not for me.


Mac, you've been through a lot.

Stress has to relieve
itself, one way or another.

I saw the blood again. I
couldn't get that look off my mind.

The same look as Eddie.

Who's Eddie?

Closest thing I had
to a friend growing up.

We were drinking buddies.

There was a huge party the night
we graduated from high school.

We both got wasted.

I don't recall the accident.

Just the cool passenger
window against my face.

And then we were
on the pavement.

There was blood everywhere.

But the thing I remember is

that look in his eyes.

He knew he was gonna die and
there was nothing I could do to stop it.

I spent a week at the hospital

until Uncle Matt picked me up.

And took you up
to Red Rock Mesa?

They say every alcoholic has
to hit their own rock bottom.

That was mine.

Eddie had to die
before I finally faced it.

I guess in a way I k*lled him.

Eddie k*lled himself, Mac.

So did that man out there.

It depends on
how you look at it.

Well, it's my fault we're
here in the first place.

I should have checked
that fuel line more closely.

You probably still wouldn't
have seen anything.

Let's just concentrate
on getting out of here.

I won't beat myself
up, if you don't. Deal?


I can still bitch about
freezing my butt off, can't I?

Quit your whining. You got 10
percent more body fat than I do.

Are you calling
me fat, Stick Boy?

Stick Boy?

Women just naturally have
more insulation than men.

And don't think I'm gonna
forget that Beltway Burger remark.

Hey, I don't force
you to eat that crap.

Stick Boy! Stick Boy!


You reach Earl?

Yeah. He said he'll have
the dogs out here by first light.


MAC: I was hoping it
was all a bad dream.

How's the leg?

Good. I can't feel it.

You need to get up, walk
around, get the circulation going.

No. What I need is a cappuccino,

preferably in a nice warm bed.


Sorry, no room service here.


You really know how to
show a girl a good time.

Most guys at least make me breakfast
after I spend the night with them.

Really? And how
many would that be?


Earl! Where's Kent?

He went out at first light. Wants us
to drive 'em toward Buckley Meadow.

Shouldn't be a problem.



Uh-oh. What?

We were supposed to go up
in front of Captain Gallagher.

It looks like he changed
assignments with Morris.

Is that bad?

Morris has been a hard case
ever since that g*n incident.

What incident?

You don't want to know.

You got it covered,
don't you, sir?

I mean, you did
everything right.

Well, I... I...

I think so.

I mean,



Lieutenant Roberts.

Yes, they took off at
1000 yesterday morning

and we still haven't
heard from them.


Sit down.

I'm gonna check the leg.

Oh, man.

You're burning up.

This ain't no
stroll in the park.


That leg is infected.

You're gonna need antibiotics.

You're gonna be okay, Mac.

I'm going to get you
through this. I promise.

We should go.

Harm, there's
something I got to know.



Where is he?


Two maybe 300 yards.

Son of a...

Come on, let's go.

I can't. I'm sorry. I can't.

What do you mean, you can't?

You're a Marine! Come on, Mac!

What happened to
that gung-ho, Semper Fi,

kick-ass jarhead I used to know?

Don't let me down now, Mac.

We've made it this far.

Damn it.

This is precisely why we
shouldn't allow women in combat.

'Cause when it comes to the clinch,
you know they're gonna fall apart.

If you were a real Marine...
All right, already! Shut up!

You made your point!

MAN: All rise.

As you were.

What's this?

A motion to block an
administrative separation?

Yes, sir. But there are
some circumstances...

And who are you?

Lieutenant J.G.
Bud Roberts, sir.

Mr. Roberts, I don't get
this. What's the issue here?

The defendant is a
minor, sir. However...

You mean he lied on
his enlistment contract?


Then he should receive
a general discharge

and be sent home.

Next case.

I got mitigating
circumstances, sir.

Mr. Roberts, your client seems to
be well-versed in legal argument.

What mitigating circumstances?

He's not an attorney, sir.




Well, we got 'em now.
They're gettin' desperate.






Mac, there's a mag switch
on the left side of the panel!

You see it? Yeah!

Turn it to both and
push the red button!

Got it!


Crack the throttle!





Nice of you to join me.

I thought you said this
field was big enough.

I'm an optimist!

Come on. Come on.

Come on, Sarah!




Thanks, Dad.


So now what? How should I know?

I'm not an attorney, remember?

I'm sorry, Lieutenant. I saw
the opportunity. I had to take it.

We got the
continuance, didn't we?

Yeah, we got the continuance
and I got my butt chewed out.

If it means anything,

I think you'll end up
being a great attorney.

You think so?

I'd hire you, sir.


HARM: I'll be touching
down in about 15 minutes!

Have an ambulance standing by!

I'll need to give the State
Police some information!

How are you doing, Mac?

I think I'm gonna pass out.

You hang in there!

What did you
want me to tell you?

Lots of things.

You asked me something
before we were shot at!


What happened to Sarah?


She lives in Beallsville,

Do you still love her?

I'm wild about her!

She's my grandmother!