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02x10 - The Game of Go

Posted: 06/05/23 19:02
by bunniefuu


Look out!



DIAZ: Everyone draw back!
Move it! Behind the bush!

How'd that guy get by you?

My w*apon jammed!

Move out! We
can't just leave him!

He's dead! Go back,
and you are, too!

Move out!


(g*ns FIRING)


NARRATOR: Following in his
father's footsteps as a naval aviator,

Lieutenant Commander
Harmon Rabb, Junior,

suffered a crash while landing his
Tomcat on a storm-tossed carrier at sea.

Diagnosed with night blindness,

Harm transferred to the Navy's
Judge Advocate General Corps,

which investigates, defends
and prosecutes the law of the sea.

There, with fellow JAG
lawyer, Major Sarah MacKenzie,

he now fights in and
out of the courtroom

with the same daring and tenacity
that made him a Top g*n in the air.

BUD: We may have a bigger problem
than recovering Sergeant Silva's body.

Unilateral operations by
US forces on foreign soil

is a major no-no, sir.

And although we're calling
the Marines "advisors,"

the only Colombians
anywhere near them

were Estruga's guards.

So they were operating under
the authority of the Colombian DAS,

were they not?

Yes, sir.

You telling me there's an
operational law that forbids that, Bud?

Not exactly, sir.

But it must be forbidden.

Why is that?

Well, because there's no
regulation permitting it, sir.

You're gonna make a
fine lawyer one day, Bud.

Thank you, sir.
Petty Officer Tiner.

Good morning, sir. The
admiral said to go right in.

At ease.

Where's Major MacKenzie?

Uh, she'll be right along, sir.

She got tied up with Chief
Brokaw's court-martial.

Sir, you have a call. It's...

Have them call me back.

Are you up to speed, Commander?

Lieutenant Roberts
is getting me there, sir.

Marines claim their
recon walked into a trap.

Colombians say the
Marines screwed it up.

Now somebody's lying,

and I don't think...

Sorry, sir. I got
stuck in traffic.

No excuse, sir.

As I was saying,
somebody's lying.

I thought it was the
Brokaw court-martial, Major.

Uh, finished it
last Tuesday, sir.

The disposition
should be on your desk.

It is!

TINER: Sir, I'm sorry,
but this call is very...

Petty Officer Tiner, I
said to hold my calls!

Aye, sir.

Can't even get my
yeoman to follow orders.

You are to leave
immediately for Colombia.

Officially, you'll be
under operational control

of a special
assistant from State.

Not Clayton Webb, sir.

We don't get to choose who
we serve under, Commander.

No, sir. But knowing the
special assistant as I do,

if this was his op
that went south,

he will not give a damn about
leaving that dead Marine behind, sir.

Especially an Hispanic Marine

in unmarked utilities
with no ID, sir.

Let me make this clear. Your
assignment is to investigate

what happened and nothing more.

But the dead Marine, sir?

Retrieving bodies is not
a JAG mission, Major.

Sir, with all due respect...

But if all you return with

is a report,

I'll consider your
mission a failure.

Thank you, sir.


Aye, aye, sir.

Major MacKenzie?


I have been told that the
radio carries traffic reports.

Yes, sir. It won't
happen again, sir.



You can return the call now.

Yes, sir.

Who was it?

Former Secretary of State
calling from Colombia, sir.

Good evening, Major. Sir.


I really don't want to travel.

Mr. Webb, the JAG
team has arrived, sir.


Oh, I might have known the admiral
would send his Three Musketeers.

Nice to see you
again, too, Clayton.

Well, there were actually
four Musketeers, sir.

Athos, Porthos,
Aramis and D'Artagnan.

Let's make this a
brief investigation.

Southern Command loaned us one of their
new ARL planes to monitor the operation.

That's Air Recon
Low to you lawyers.

The photos corroborate
the recon team's report.

Sergeant Silva was k*lled.

Did they return his
body? To whom?

We certainly aren't going
to claim he belongs to us.

We will if we have
to. Don't start, Major!

This is a State Department issue

which you are only here to
investigate and prosecute.


Who are we to prosecute?

Corporal Cordoba
of the recon team.

With any luck, you'll be
out of here by morning

which I am sure
will please us all.

Especially Admiral Chegwidden
who, by the way, sends his regards.

Cut the crap, Commander.

Admiral Chegwidden thinks
I'm a pain-in-the-ass bureaucrat

who never should've involved
the Marines in the first place.

And he was right.

Taking the blame,
Webb? How unlike you.

If I hadn't involved
the Marines,

my ass would not be hanging
over a very deep chasm right now.

No offense, Major.

None taken.

I hang asses frequently
in my profession.

father was shot down

a couple of months before
I joined the Lexington.

So I never had the pleasure.

But I flew with the CAG.

And I understand you earned that
Distinguished Flying Cross saving his six.

Well, I was saving
my own six, sir.

The CAG just happened
to be in the same aircraft.

Modesty, Mr. Webb.

Sits well on a man,
don't you think?

Oh, yes, sir.

Could we get on
with the briefing, sir?

Of course, Mr. Webb.

Alfredo, tell our JAG
officers what you found out.

Thank you,
Marisol. Anytime, sir.

Mr. Webb? Nah.

Commander, you'll like these.

Thank you, sir.

Go on, Alfredo. You
won't hurt their feelings.

Alfredo is the damndest
drug agent I ever met.

I swear he asks permission
before he arrests them.

RINCON: Only if I am
interrupting something.

May I? Oh, thank you, Alfredo.

Estruga uses

Embera Indians as his guards.

They are loyal and quite fierce.

My people have
managed to persuade

one of the Emberas from the
village where Estruga's guards live

to provide us with
information from time to time.

What does your
Embera say happened?

He said the guards were unaware
of the recon team's presence until

one of the Marines
gave away his position.

How? Apparently he yelled.

I find that hard to believe
of a recon Marine, sir.

So do I, Major.

I don't.

And neither will you
after you hear their story.

WEBB: They were speaking
quite openly at the debriefing

until they realized
there might be charges.

HARM: What charges? Cowardice.

There's no such charge, Webb.

Dereliction of duty then.
Whatever. I don't care.

But he's gonna be charged.

Uh, sir, I don't think you
have the right to charge anyone

in the military, even if you are

a special assistant to an
undersecretary of state.

Oh, I won't charge
him, Lieutenant Roberts.

Who will? You will, Major.

After you hear what happened.

You don't mind
if I sit in, do you?

And lose the cigar, Commander.

MAC: You had a suppressed
w*apon, didn't you, Corporal?

Yes, ma'am. Why
didn't you use it?

I tried. My w*apon
jammed, ma'am.

What happened then?

(SIGHING) I yelled,
and the place lit up, sir.

It was an ambush,
sir. It had to be.

They knew we were coming.

It's my fault, sir. I should
have reacted faster.

It's not your fault, Corporal,
if your w*apon jammed.

I don't think Sergeant
Silva would agree, ma'am.

WEBB: Charge him.

With what, a jammed w*apon?

Cordoba's never been in combat.

He couldn't pull the trigger.

The man's a sorry
excuse for a Marine.

With all due respect, Mr. Webb,

have you ever been in combat?

I was in the Gulf w*r,
Major. Does that qualify?

Doing what, sir?

That's classified, Lieutenant.

Now because of Cordoba's
cowardice, a good man is dead.

And Carlos Estruga is
still free to flood our country

with cocaine. Charge him.

We'll charge him if and
when we have evidence.

MAC: There's something
else to be done here.

Enlighten me, Major MacKenzie.

A Marine died in the
service of his country.

His body should be
transported home to his family.

Major, I understand
the virtues of Semper Fi.

Unfortunately, there are
larger issues at play here.

Such as deniability. Yes.

I will not risk sending
men back into that jungle.

And that wouldn't be good
for your career, would it, sir?

No, Major, it would not.

Now, if there is nothing else,

Ambassador Witherspoon
will be glad to hear

that the last chapter to this
sorry incident has been written.

Except for Corporal
Cordoba's court-martial.

Oh, good.

I was about to ask
Marisol to get you.

Alfredo has some
disturbing news.

Go ahead, Alfredo. Tell them.

My agency received a
call a few minutes ago

from Carlos Estruga.

He claims to have
Sergeant Silva.

Excuse me.

The doctor said this would
happen when I turned 42.

She was right.

Estruga said, "It is
my sincerest wish

"that this not develop into
an international incident

"which will bring harm to the
president of your great country."

You tell him to go to hell.

Estruga can't use a dead
body with no identification.

I'm afraid that Estruga
says Sergeant Silva

is very much alive

and quite capable of talking about
the Marine's attempt to kidnap him.

MAC: He's alive. HARM: Maybe.

You don't carry a dead body
like that. You drag it. He's alive.

Give me a grid.


Isolate him.


It could be anyone.

Yeah, anyone wearing
unmarked utilities

hanging around Estruga's
villa with a shotgun wound.

Grid the shoulder.

MAN: One shoulder coming up.

Bud, get Lieutenant Diaz.

Aye, sir.


WEBB: What are those?

His infrared op ident.

They had those in the
Gulf w*r, Mr. Webb.

Lieutenant Diaz
reporting as ordered, sir.

At ease, Lieutenant.

You recognize that ident code?

DIAZ: Yes, sir. It's
Sergeant Silva's.

They could've stripped his clothes
and put them on someone else.

What's going on, sir?

There's a chance Sergeant
Silva might be alive, Lieutenant.

Or Senor Estruga just wants
us to think he is, Lieutenant.

My man, the Embera
I spoke of earlier,

might be able to
help resolve this issue.

But you must decide quickly.

Estruga wants a reply by 6:00
a.m. Well, that's in 20 minutes.

Wouldn't matter
if it was 20 days.

The United States government
does not negotiate with drug lords.

The Marine Corps does
not leave their own behind.

There's a first time
for everything, Major.

MARISOL: Senor Estruga is
on the line, Mr. Ambassador.

WITHERSPOON: Thank you, Marisol.

Can you bring another
pot of coffee, please?

Not enough coffee in
the world this morning.

Uh, let's not keep
Senor Estruga waiting.

What was the name
of that Marine again?

Sergeant Silva,
sir. Jesus Silva.

Jesus Silva. Thank you.

Go ahead.




Hmm, then I shall
speak in English.

My apologies for
calling at this hour,

but in my business,

the early bird stays ahead of
men like you, Senor Rincon.

And it would seem

the, uh, United States
government as well.

Senor Estruga, this is
Lieutenant Commander Rabb

with the Judge
Advocate General Corps.

Ah, Navy lawyer, yes?

Yes. I have contemplated

becoming a lawyer myself.

Perhaps you should have.


They have to
associate with criminals.

This is Clayton Webb, Special
Assistant to the Undersecretary of State.

Ah, you sound like an
important man, Mr. Webb.

What do you want, senor?

Do you play Go, Mr. Webb? What?

I'm familiar with
the game, senor.


Then I will negotiate with you.

Now, wait a minute. The
commander is not here...

Mr. Webb.

I assume the
ambassador had settled

the jurisdictional dispute

and that I will be, uh,

negotiating with Commander Rabb.

That is correct, senor.



I have an American Marine.

He is badly hurt,
but he will live.

Are you interested?

Of course, I'm interested.

Then meet me, Saravia
Plantation at noon.

There is a shed there that
they use for drying bamboo.

Yes, but I will need some
verification that the Marine...

Sergeant Silva.

Is alive.

I will bring all the
verification that you need.

Noon is a bad time for us.

Would 5:00 be okay?

Quite acceptable.

I shall fix dinner, huh?

I make a most
delicious grilled goat.

You will come
unarmed, of course,

but you can bring
a friend or two.

As long as they are not Rincon
whose DAS gives me indigestion,

or Mr. Webb, who has no
interest in the game of Go.

Understood. One last point.

If you try to capture me,

a video of Sergeant Silva

confessing to the
operation will be delivered

to CNN tonight.


These are AK-47s.

And the amm*nit*on
is from China.

AK-47s are sold
all over the world,

and Chinese amm*nit*on
can't be traced back to the US.

Where'd you learn
how to do that, ma'am?

I'm a Marine, Bud.

Have you ever
had to fire, ma'am?

I mean, in anger?


What are you looking for?

A burr on the sear pin, a broken
spring on the trigger mechanism.

Something that would
make this w*apon jam.

Nothing, ma'am?

Nah, nothing I can see.

But it could have been
a clip of bad a*mo.

Have you examined
the clip, ma'am?

No. Corporal Cordoba
said he accidentally ejected it

when they were running.


It happens.

Ma'am, you're not
going to sh**t...

I was hoping I missed something.

Would you mind cleaning
this for me, Bud? No, ma'am.


RINCON: I must apologize
for the quality of the photos,

but Emberas are not
used to using cameras.

They do well enough with g*ns.

He took these at
great risk to himself.

He also told the agent
who picked up the film

that he heard the man
in these photos speaking



How would you like a
dinner of grilled goat?

Depends how it's cooked.

WEBB: Under no circumstances
are you authorized to negotiate.

You are to ascertain

if Estruga has proof that
Sergeant Silva is alive

and what he wants
for his safe return.

And then you are to get
your six, as you call it,

the hell back here.

What is he doing here?
Apparently driving the vehicle.

This kid has ruined one mission.

He will not endanger another.

Corporal, step away
from the vehicle.

Sir? Corporal, it would appear

the special assistant doesn't
think you're old enough to drive.

Unfortunately it's his vehicle.


Aye, aye, sir.


You don't want him driving,


You kick him in the
guts like that again

and next time I'm kicking back.

You're late.

No, I'm not.

I still have 18 seconds.

What's wrong with Webb?

He didn't want
Cordoba driving the car.

Told him in his
usual tactful manner.

I trust you replied in kind?

Something like that.

What are you doing
here, Mr. Roberts?

Observing, sir. Well, do it
from the back of the room.

Yes, sir.


Yes, sir.


I test-fired Corporal
Cordoba's w*apon.

It worked.

So what do you think?

That he had a bad clip.

The one he lost?

He's recon, Harm.
He can pull the trigger.

Hey, Webb said he
couldn't, not me, Mac.

I know.


RINCON: Have they left?

Just now.

Panther, this is Pressbox.

this is Pressbox, over.

DIAZ ON RADIO: Pressbox,
this is Panther, over.

Panther, what is your position?

Pressbox, Panther.

We are approximately half a
click from Checkpoint Victor.

Roger. Give me a heads
up when you've reached it.

For a Desert Storm vet, he
doesn't have much radio discipline.

We couldn't get him off
the horn during our mission.

Pressbox, this is Panther.

We are passing
the checkpoint now.

WEBB: Roger that. Pressbox out.

Very nice, senor.


It's Silva.


Pressbox. This is Panther.

Pressbox. This is Panther.

What the hell?

Pressbox. This is
Panther. Panther?

This is Pressbox.

Panther. This is
Pressbox. Do you read me?

(g*ns FIRING)


Damn it!

All right, get your men at
Checkpoint Victor out to the plantation.

I want a car out front now!


WEBB: Watch it! Look out!



MAN: Get up! Move! Move!

sh**t him! sh**t him!

sh**t him!

I couldn't sh**t, sir.

Too many people in the way.

You saw it.


Didn't you, sir?

As you can see,
Sergeant Silva was dead

and was of no use to me.

However, I now have a live

special assistant to the
undersecretary of state.

And you have a dead Marine.


have some goat.

I grilled it myself.

Unless, of course,
you would prefer crow?

Looks like Webb's gonna find out
what Estruga wants all by himself.

BUD: I knew he never
took that jacket off.

Can't we just leave him
there, sir? Just for a little while?

No, Mr. Roberts. We cannot.

He may be a pain in the neck,

but he came here to
capture a drug lord.

Estruga is the bad
guy here, not Webb.

You're quite right, Commander.

Alfredo, I'm afraid that I'm going to
have to negotiate for Webb's release.

Sir, you must... I know.

No. No, no. Sir,
you do not know.

It has taken me five years
to keep my own government

from negotiating with this scum.

If you negotiate with Estruga,
it will destroy all my work.

Mr. Ambassador, forgive me.

I... I did not mean... No, no,
no. It's all right, Alfredo. I, uh,

I like your passion.
Unfortunately, I'm, uh...

Well, I'm caught between the
proverbial rock and a hard spot.

Unless we go in
and get him, sir.

Go in where, Commander?

I seriously doubt
if Senor Estruga

is holding Mr. Webb
as a guest in his villa.

He could be hiding him
anywhere in Colombia.

Senor Rincon, can you
contact your Embera at the villa,

see what he knows?

If it will keep us from
negotiating, of course, I will try.

Thank you, Alfredo.

Ambassador, you had a hand in
getting Southern Command to let Webb

use their Air Recon
Low, didn't you, sir?

You want another
pass over the villa?

If I were Estruga, I'd
keep Webb close by.

You got it.

Marisol, would you
get me General Fuller

at Howard Air Force
Base in Panama?

And is that coffee ready, yet?

MARISOL: Just about, sir. As soon
as I get the general, I'll bring it in.

Thank you, Marisol.

What else, Commander?

Any idea what Estruga
wants in exchange for Webb?

I assume he wants the
indictment dropped against him.

But State will
never approve that,

not even to return
one of its own.

Webb must know that.

I should think he'd look
a little more panicked.

MARISOL: Here you are,
sir. Ah, thank you, Marisol.

General Fuller's
secretary is on the line, sir.

Ambassador Witherspoon.

Sorry to get you at
such a late hour, General,

but I'd like to
borrow Crazy Hawk.

We have to overfly
that estate again.

Anything the ARL photographs is
being downlinked to us in real time.

ARL stands for Air...
Air Reconnaissance Low.

Right down on the old tree tops.

I am afraid we are having
no luck locating my Embera.

I am sorry.

Crazy Hawk. Commencing my run.



That looks like something a movie
star would build in Southern California.

RINCON: The man has no taste.

PILOT: Pressbox. Crazy
Hawk. Run complete.

American Embassy.

This is Senor Estruga for
Ambassador Witherspoon.

One moment, please.

Ambassador Witherspoon here.

ESTRUGA: I was going
to wait until morning,

but your ARL overflights
are keeping me awake.

Ah, no matter.

I am used to such attention.

Which is why you will not
be able to locate Senor Webb.


Speaking in Spanish is not
polite to the others, senor, huh?

I'm afraid we're all a
little tired, Senor Estruga.

What is it you want in
exchange for Mr. Webb?

My brother.



Ah, do not act so
surprised, Rincon, eh?

Or didn't your American
friends tell you, hmm?

We can't share
information we don't have.

Oh, really? Senor Webb knew it.

We didn't.

Ah, Commander Rabb.

(LAUGHING) My opponent in Go.

I was hoping you were present.

Where is your brother, senor?

Being held

by Federal authorities in Miami

on drug trafficking charges.

Drug trafficking
charges! It's ridiculous!

He was a... An altar boy!

Uh, Senor Estruga,
please believe me.

This is new information to us.

New or old, you have
until 6:00 tomorrow

to deliver him to the
bamboo plantation

if you want to see
Senor Webb alive!

I believe you know the
way, Commander Rabb, huh?


Trust is an issue that works
both ways, Mr. Ambassador.

Alfredo... Please, sir!

I find it hard to believe that
a special assistant to State

would not inform
you of such a thing.

I don't.

Webb knew we would want to trade
Estruga's brother for Sergeant Silva.

It would be another black mark
against his already failed operation.

None of us knew, Senor Rincon.

I am tired.

But that is no excuse.

Ambassador, please
accept my apology.

It's Mr. Webb who owes
the apology. Not you, Alfredo.

Commander, I have a
notion to leave him out there.

But you won't, sir.

No, I won't.

But I am gonna call State.

Marisol. Yes, sir.

Get me Washington,
please. Yes, sir.

And, um... More
coffee. I know, sir.

Look, there's no sense in
all of us losing sleep tonight.

So why don't you
people grab some sleep

and, uh, we'll reconvene
here at 6:00 a.m.

Thank you, sir.

Alfredo, may I speak
to you for a minute?

MAC: We are not going to sleep.

BUD: We're not?

Of course, not.

But you told the
ambassador that...

Someone from the embassy is
leaking information to Estruga.

I want them to think we've
given up locating Webb.

Did you know this, too,
ma'am? Mmm-hmm.


When Estruga called us, he
knew Sergeant Silva's name.

How could he? Sergeant Silva
was dead and he had no ID.

Someone in the
embassy had to tell him.

Very good, Mac.

Thank you, Harm.

But the only people you
told we were going to bed

was Rincon, the
ambassador and his secretary.

That's right. So how
are you going to find out

which one it is? You're
gonna do that for us, Bud.

Me, sir? You, sir.



MAC: Harm?

Very nice, Major.

You, too. I was always
a sucker for dress whites.

Well, you know what they say
about dress whites and gold wings?

I wanna take Corporal
Cordoba with me.


maybe his w*apon jammed and
maybe he couldn't get a clear shot off

when they grabbed Webb.

And maybe he
can't pull the trigger.

Ah, you don't believe that or you
wouldn't have defended him to Webb.

Webb is an ass and I
don't want to believe it,

but I'm not going to
risk this op betting on it.

No, but you will risk it
betting on your crazy plan.

Well, it's my six on the line.

And mine. And the recon team's.

And Webb's. And even if he
doesn't go, Corporal Cordoba's.

You know, you shouldn't
have mentioned Webb.

You almost blew
your point doing that.

He goes?


He goes.


Attention on deck! As you were.

You go, Corporal.

Yes, ma'am! Thank you, ma'am!

Don't thank me. It's Commander
Rabb's op. Let's go, Marines!

All right, ma'am. You
heard the major, move out!

I won't let you down, sir.

I know you won't, Corporal.

Doesn't that make you feel good?

I'll let you know
when it's over.

What they say about dress
whites and gold wings...


Very overrated.

We'll see.

Good morning, sir. This
is Lieutenant J.G. Roberts,

Commander Rabb's aide.

Good morning, sir.

This is Lieutenant J.G.
Roberts, Commander Rabb's


I'm sorry, sir. I'm not authorized
to reveal that information.

Commander Rabb...

You have a call, sir.


No, it's from inside
the embassy, sir.

Witherspoon. BUD: Sir.

This is Lieutenant J.G.
Roberts, Commander Rabb's...

We know who you are, Lieutenant.

Oh. Uh,

you're there, too,
Senor Rincon. Good.

I... I wasn't quite sure
where I'd find you, sir.

What is it you want, Lieutenant?

Well, sir, Commander Rabb

wanted you both to know that
he's commencing an operation

to rescue Mr. Webb
starting at 1300 Zulu.

That's, uh, 8:00 a.m. here, sir.

He located him?

Yes, sir.

Well, where?

I'm sorry, sir. I'm not authorized to
give out that information to anyone.

I can only tell you that an operation
approved by Admiral Chegwidden

is underway using the Marine
Recon Team and Crazy Hawk.

The commander also
requests that Senor Rincon

and his task forces stand
by in case he needs them.

I'm sorry, sir. That's all the
information I can give out.

Sparrow. Pressbox. Over.

MAC: Pressbox.
Sparrow. Go ahead.

BUD: The
invitation's in the mail.

Now we wait and see
who shows up for the party.

DIAZ: One of them should
have left by now, ma'am.

Maybe they didn't buy
the commander's story

about Crazy Hawk monitoring all
communication to Estruga's villa.

HARM: Sparrow. Poppy. Over.

Poppy. Sparrow. No joy.

We may have to
rethink this. Over.

We still have 59 minutes.

Not me. I got visitors.

Looks like I'll have to guess
who the mole is. Unless...


Poppy. Sparrow.
Do you read? Over.

They've got him, ma'am.


MAC: Rincon?

I had my money on the secretary.

Let's hope the commander didn't.


He's taking the turn
to the plantation.


You didn't have to
wait in the bushes.

Cigars are welcome in my home.

Please, sit down. Join my game.

I assume I'm the white stones.

They are the ones
almost surrounded.


I take it that this
is a diplomatic call?

In a way.

I have an offer for you
from my government.

The only thing I wish to
hear from your government

is that my brother is on
his way here from Miami.

He's not.

But if you'll agree to be
extradited to the United States

to stand trial,

I am authorized to guarantee
you'll spend no longer than 15 years

in a federal penitentiary
of your choosing.

Are you really that big a fool

or just that desperate,
Commander, huh?

Or perhaps, senor, I've
simply outplayed you.

I swapped a dead Marine

for a live State
Department official,

and you have outplayed me?


In a few more minutes,
you'll no longer have Webb.

Double agents have a way of
becoming triple agents, senor.

Rincon is now
working for us, again.


He won't answer. Not anymore.



I think you're lying, Commander.

But either way,
someone is going to die.


Damn it!

Try it, ma'am.


Let's go, Marines. Now!

Didn't they teach you to check
the fuel gauge at OCS, Lieutenant?

Double time! It's only
half a mile to the plantation.


State approved the swap. I
knew it! I knew they'd do it.

Commander Rabb was most
upset when he learned of Norberto.

I couldn't tell him. He'd have
wanted to swap him for a dead Marine.

Better to swap him
for you, eh, Mr. Webb?

I don't think you can
compare a dead Marine

to a live special assistant to the
undersecretary of State, do you?

No, no. No, not at all.

Follow me, please.


Pray that we get there
on time, Lieutenant.

I am, ma'am.

Mr. Webb.


RINCON: It's Commander
Rabb and the Marines!

They're early!


Take it easy. So they're
a few minutes early.

No, wait. It's
Estruga's helicopter.


Hey, listen!

You and I are gonna
have some words

when we get back to
the embassy, senor!

Don't muss the suit!

Why are you here?

Because you are.

Did you think Senor
Webb needed a walk?

I am getting him out of here
before Commander Rabb does.

He has an... an
operation underway.

He knows everything,
Senor Rincon.


Whatever he told you is a lie!

If you needed more money,
why didn't you ask me?

Webb was to trade for Norberto!

They can't even arrange
a swap without me.


It's a trick! He got you
here! He got me here!

Ah, and he...

And he had his
Marines follow me!


Let him go!

A little late, aren't you?

Thirty, 35 seconds.
Sorry about that.

Where's Estruga?

What's going on?

We just rescued you, Webb.

But I was to be
swapped for Norberto.

State said you weren't
worth swapping.

You guard the prisoner.
We need Cordoba with us.

What unit were you with
in the Gulf w*r, Webb?

Adjutant Generals Corps.

It works better
with the safety off.

Let me have your
sidearm, Lieutenant.

DIAZ: Yes, ma'am.




You play an excellent
game of Go, Commander.

Thank you, senor.

There's always another game, eh?

And I'll look forward
to it in 20 years or so.

The secretary of state called
me personally this morning

to tell me how pleased
he was with the outcome.

Another gold star
on your record?

Well, maybe a silver one.


Listen, I'd, uh...

I'd... I'd like to


for some of the
things that I said.

Even though at the time they
appeared to be quite justified.

You don't owe us an apology.

Well, actually, I, uh...

I probably do.

You owe him one.



I have to see this, sir.

He can't do it.

Give him time.

We've only got 46 minutes.

How do you do that?

It's a Marine thing.