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01x08 - Ice

Posted: 06/06/23 09:35
by bunniefuu
[all] Ta-da!

[hydraulics whirring]


[rock music plays]

-♪ Answer Time ♪
-♪ Answer Time! ♪

-♪ It's StoryBots: Answer Time ♪
-♪ Answer Time! ♪

♪ They live in your computer
And they got a job to do ♪

♪ They're all about learning
They make it fun too ♪

♪ When you have a question
They answer it for you ♪

♪ It's StoryBots: Answer Time ♪

♪ Answer Time!♪

[clock ticking]

[beeps and rings]

-[all speaking]
-[Bang] Hey! What's shakin'?

Hey, little dude. How can I help you?

What is a group of rhinos called?

-Rhinos, huh?
-[keyboard clacks]


It says here
that a group of rhinoceroses is called--

-[rhino trumpets]
-[girl laughs]

It's called "a crash" of rhinos.
Hmm, makes sense.

Hi, Bo. Do you play a musical instrument?

Oh, I play lots of instruments.
Today, I brought my-- [grunts]

…bagpipes with me. [inhales]

[plays bagpipes discordantly]

Actually, I think these may be broken.

Hey, Beep. Do StoryBots
ever have dance parties?

-No! Don't say "dance party!"
-Hey! Did somebody say "dance party?"

Don't you think we should do this
outside of work hours?

Do I what?

I mean, will you move
the dance party somewhere else?

Will I what?

If I give you this cookie,
will you go away?

Oh, Beep, you know what I like!


[alarm blaring]

Boop. Boop boop, boop boop, boop!

[static crackles]

Oh, StoryBots! Oh!
I'm so glad I got through to you.

You have no idea.

Hey, look!
It's a Super Snowy Icy Cone guy!

I love Super Snowy Icy Cones!

Hey, man. Got any blueberry?

Oh, I'll take lemon!

What about grape? Do you have any grape?

Boop! Boop boop.

Sorry, Boop, we're--
we're all out of cherry.

Uh, g*ng, I think
Mr. Super Snowy Icy Cone Guy

may have a question for us.

-Oh, right!

-A question. Duh.
-That was silly.

-Sorry about that.

So, how can we help you?

Well, I was kinda hoping
that you all had a…

You know, just a… time machine?

A time machine?

Uh, I'm afraid we don't have one of those.

-But it'd be totally awesome if we did.
-What do you need a time machine for?

Well, so I could go back
to day one of my training

at the Super Snowy Icy Cone Corporation

and, uh, to-- relearn
the lesson that I missed.

What lesson was that?

Oh, do-- Just, you know-- [chuckles]

H-H-How to make ice.

Oh. I could see how
that might be a problem.

Wait. Your job is to sell icy cones,

and you don't know how to make ice?

I fell asleep
during the lesson, but I know

it's one of these buttons
or-- or knobs, or levers,

or… I just don't know which one.

Okay, g*ng. Where can we go
to find out about ice?

Boop boop, boop, boop.

Yeah, that's a great idea, Boop.

If we can figure out how ice is made--

Then we can help
Mr. Super Snowy Icy Cone Guy make ice!

Oh, that would be great!

It's my first day on the job,
and if I don't figure out how to make ice,

it's gonna be my last.

Well, don't you worry,
Mr. Super Snowy Icy Cone Guy.


Boop, boop boop, boop boop.

[whirring and suctioning]

♪ Answer Time! ♪

[gears whir and clank]

Why-- Hey, why do donuts have holes?


[peaceful flute music plays]

Answer Oracle, I have a question for you.

What wisdom do you seek?

Why do donuts have holes?

The hole is part of the donut.

But if one removes--


Mm! [swallows]

…all but the hole, mm,

what remains?

Nothing. Nothing remains!

It is this nothingness
existing within the middle of the donut

that increases its surface area,
allowing the dough to cook evenly.


Huh. That actually makes sense.

Now you are enlightened.

Pfft! I'd rather have my donut back.

Hmm, climb a mountain
just to have some guy eat my donut…

Uh, next time,
I'll take a chocolate glazed.

Oh, with sprinkles! Yeah.

I like--
I like the rainbow sprinkles, please!


Hi, StoryBots. Can you tell me some news?


[announcer] You're watching StoryBots News
on Channel and Two-Thirds WBOT,

with your hosts
Story Storyberg and Bot Botson.

[dramatic news jingle plays]

Breaking news.

Modern-day chickens are one
of the closest living descendants

of the Tyrannosaurus rex.

[stately classical music plays]

[clucking gently]


[clucking mildly]

We get it, Henrietta.

Your great-great-great-great-great-
great-great-great grandpa was a T. rex!

Get over yourself!


[clucks meekly]


[automated voice] Next stop,
the Archives Department,

Chemical Division.

[mysterious music plays]

Hey, Gob. Hey, Goob.

I finally got these rascals refrozen.

Now it's ice cream time.

Well, hurry up, Pete.
I'm so excited I can hardly work.

Uh, Goob? We never work.

-[approaching screaming]

-Oh, hey, Boop.

Did you come for ice cream day too?

Boop. Boop boop, boop.

Oh, you wanna know how water turns to ice?

Well, looks like ice cream
is gonna have to wait.

[both] Aw!


These guys could answer your question,

if they weren't frozen. [laughs]

Boop, boop?

They're real,
honest-to-goodness water molecules,

two atoms of hydrogen
for every one atom of oxygen,

and there are millions of 'em
in a single drop of water.

-[PA speaker crackles]
-Attention, StoryBots.

The ice cream stand
will be closing in five minutes.

I repeat, the ice cream stand
will be closing in five minutes.

[horn honks]


-Come on, Pete!
-Come on, hurry up!

Okay, okay. [laughs] I'm comin'.
Listen, Boop, you wait right here,

and I'll be back
with some ice cream in a jiffy.

And then we'll get you your answer.

-[voice] Psst. Over here.

[shivering] We could tell you
how water becomes ice,

but f-f-first,
could you t-t-turn up the heat?

We're s-s-so ch-chilly.


[molecule] Th-Th-That's it.

Just s-s-slide
the switch to the r-r-right.

[laughs and teeth chatter]


[molecule] That's it, that's it.

[dramatic music plays]

[slide whistle plays rising note]

[all] Ah!

[all humming happily]



[molecules laugh]

-[steam whistling]
-[laughs maniacally]

-[all laughing]

[suspenseful music plays]

[molecules laughing]

Oh yeah!

[laughing continues]

Hey, Boop! We brought you
some ice cream ba-- ba-- ba…

[steam hissing]

[dramatic music plays]

Oh no.

[siren blares]

[slide whistle plays note]

[adventurous music plays]

[all laughing]

We've excited the molecules!
Don't let 'em escape! [groans]

[molecules laughing]


We have a Code !

The water has boiled over
and escaped! We need…

the Wrangler.

[heroic rock music plays]

-[engine revs]
-[wheels squeal]

-[cinematic Western music plays]
-[laughs nervously] Hi, Clara.


Which one of you jokers
turned up the heat?

-[whip cracks]
-[eyebrows squeak]

Didn't nobody teach you
that high temperatures

give these water molecules
enough energy to turn from ice

into water

into steam?!

What do you have to say for yourself?

[eyebrows squeak]


[sighs] I guess you can't argue with that.

Well, Boop, since you let 'em out,

you're gonna help me get 'em back in.

Safety first.

-[helmet clanks]

[engine revs]

-[rock music plays]
-Let's ride!



Hey, StoryBots. Can you tell me
how concrete is made?


[heroic music plays]

Look! Up in the sky!

It's a really tiny StoryBot
wearing underpants and a cape!


[narrator] It's Super Mega
Awesome Ultra Bing!

[voice] Help!

Hark! A distress call!


What seems to be the problem,
good citizen?

Thank goodness you came,
Super Mega Awesome Ultra Bing!

None of my workers came in today

because of the giant evil
mutant robot monkey attacking the city,

and I've gotta get this concrete poured.

Ah, yes. Concrete. H--

Wait, a giant evil mutant robot
monkey is attacking the city?


-[sirens wail]

[laughs] Yeah!

-This looks like a job for--

You gotta help me with this concrete.
I don't know what to do without you.

But, uh, giant evil robot monkey?

-[tragic music plays]
-[eyes squeak]

[groans] Okay.

[imitates sound effect]

You know, concrete
is an important material

for making all kinds of structures,
from houses to basketball courts.

It's used more than any other
building material in the world!

Yeah, great. But can we hurry things up?

Giant evil robot monkey and all?


Well, we need three things
to make concrete.


Water, check.


Aggre-what now?


It's the sand, gravel, crushed rock,
and other stuff we pour the water into.

It's what gives concrete its strength.

Sand. Gravel. Crushed rock. Check.

Super duper.
Now, the last thing we need is cement,

which kind of works like glue
to hold the aggregate in place.

Cement, check. Now can I go save the city?

Huh! Many people confuse
the words "concrete" and "cement."

[chuckles] It always makes me chuckle,

because cement is
an ingredient of concrete.

[chuckles] Yeah,
let me tell you, back in --

Excuse me, Ms. Foreman Lady?

Oh, yeah. Now we need to mix

all the ingredients together
real good-like,

and pour the concrete into the frame

so it forms the shape we want.


[heroic music playing]



Can I go now? Please, please?

Abso-tutely. As soon as we make sure
it hardens correctly.

-What? Well, how long does that take?

Only hours to start.
But to fully harden, about four weeks.

Four weeks? I don't have time for that.


-[heroic music plays]
-[cracking and hardening]

-Ah, perfect.

Nothing like a hard day's work.

Gotta go. See ya. Bye!

Never fear, Super Mega Awesome Ultra Bing
is here--

-Clark defeated the giant monkey!
-[crowd chanting] Clark!


[heroic music plays]

♪ Concrete, it's everywhere ♪

♪ From big skyscrapers in the air ♪

♪ To sidewalks underneath our feet ♪

♪ But tell me, how do you make concrete? ♪

♪ Now concrete's not cement ♪

♪ But cement's an ingredient ♪

♪ It's crushed-up limestone
Sand, and clay ♪

♪ And even some shells ♪

-♪ It's made that way ♪
-♪ Hey! ♪

♪ And another ingredient
Is a thing that we call aggregate ♪

♪ It just means a bunch
Of loose rocks and stuff ♪

♪ Stones that are small but tough ♪

♪ You need some coarse aggregate
Like gravel or rocks ♪

♪ To make concrete strong
In walls and blocks ♪

♪ And you need a fine one, too
To fill the little gaps for you ♪

♪ Water turns the cement to goo
That holds aggregate together like glue ♪

♪ Then put it where it's supposed to be
And let it harden naturally ♪

♪ Concrete, it's everywhere ♪

♪ From big skyscrapers in the air ♪

♪ To driveways, columns, bridges, dams ♪

-♪ That's the end of our concrete jam ♪

[automated voice] Next stop,
the Archives Department.

[motorcycle rumbles]

Boop, boop boop, boop?

That's a good question, Boop.

Those water molecules are
headin' towards a heat source.

-When they find it--

Boop! Boop boop boop boop!

[brakes squeal]

We got company. Scram!

[surf rock music playing]

-[laughs maniacally]

[engine revs]




[cat hisses]

[exclaiming sadly]

Hmm. Boop boop, boop boop!

Trying catchin' us now, Clara! [laughs]


[groans] Looks like we lost 'em.

For now.

[molecules laugh distantly]

[Clara grunts]

[suspenseful music plays]

Boop boop, boop?

They're lookin' for heat
to increase their energy.

These rascals like speed,

so they're searchin' high and low
for their next fix of heat.

Heck, they'd take a rocket
all the way to the sun if they could.


Boop boop?

Boop, boop boop!
Boop, boop boop, boop, boop.

Hmm. That plan is so shockingly bad
and excessive…

it just might work.

And I think we should go
to the tea kettles!

It's gonna be way hotter
in the tea kettles.

Tea kettles? We should be heading
to the fireplace section.

No way! It's gonna be way warmer
in the lava section.

[all arguing]

[yells] Would you all be quiet?!

If we wanna feel the heat,
we need to think… bigger.

Way bigger.

[PA system feeds back]

[stewardess] Now boarding,
the rocket to the sun.

I repeat, now boarding,
the rocket to the sun.

The hottest destination
in the solar system.


[in normal voice] Follow my lead.

[teeth chattering]

Is this the rocket to the sun?

Boop boop, boop… boop?

And it's-- it's gonna be hot, right?
Like, extremely hot?

Does million degrees Celsius
sound hot enough for ya?

[eyebrows squeak]

Yeah, I guess so.

Come on, g*ng!

[all laugh]

See ya later, StoryBots!
Next stop, the sun!

-What the--

Wait a second…

[Clara] Now, Boop!

[adventurous music plays]

[molecules] No!

We've been tricked!

Get ready, Boop.

'Cause you're about to get
an answer to that question of yours.


Remember how hot temperatures

give water molecules
the energy to move around?


Well, cold temperatures
reduce energy from the molecules,

causing them to slow down.

-[fans whirring]
-[all] No!

-No, no! No!

[slide whistle plays]

First they turn from steam to water.

Then, when it gets below
zero degrees Celsius,

they slow almost to a stop.

We call it… freezin'!


You got it, Boop.
That's how ice is formed.

Boop! Boop boop.

Keep it cool, Boop. Keep it cool.



♪ Welcome to the North Pole, oh ♪

♪ Where everything is so cold
Brr! ♪

♪ 'Cause when it's degrees and below
That's when water starts to freeze

♪Let 'em know, let them know ♪

♪ Okay, here's a little lesson
For misters and for madams ♪

♪ Everything inside the universe
Is made of atoms ♪

♪ Atoms join together, uh-huh
They form molecules ♪

♪ Hydrogen and oxygen make water
That's cool ♪

♪ Okay, now take this glass of water
Molecules are movin' ♪

♪ When you make 'em hotter
They really get to groovin' ♪

♪ Now the water's boilin'
Bubblin', steamin', nice ♪

♪ Throw it in the freezer
'Cause we're gonna make some ice ♪

♪ When it gets colder
We move slower ♪

♪ Water molecules are chillin' out ♪

♪ We in slow motion
Now we frozen ♪

♪ Water molecules are chillin' out ♪

♪ When it gets hotter
Back to water ♪

♪ All the molecules are movin' fast ♪

♪ Make us colder
We move slower ♪

♪ Now we're ice cubes in your glass ♪

♪ In your glass ♪


-[keyboard clacks]
-Boop boop? Boop boop, boop.

[static crackles]

Boop! Boop, I'm so glad to see you.
Did you figure out how to make ice?

If I don't sell some of these
Super Snowy Icy Cones…

[chuckles] …I got a lot
of explaining to do.

Boop boop. Boop, boop boop, boop.

Okay, so water is made up of molecules.


Boop boop, boop.

Okay, so when they're hot,
they get excited and move around?

Boop, boop.

And when they're colder they move less?

Boop boop! Boop, boop boop, boop.
Boop, boop, boop.

Boop, I don't have time
for a science lesson.

I just need to know how to make ice!

Boop boop, boop boop!

Oh! At-- At degrees Fahrenheit,

the molecules almost
stop moving completely?


Of course, it's all coming back to me!

When they almost stop moving completely,
that's how ice is formed.


Thank you, Boop. You saved the day!

Not-- Not to mention my career
at the Super Snowy Icy Cone Corporation.

Boop boop. Boop boop boop boop.

Who knows? One day, I could be
the assistant to the assistant

of the regional sales manager.

I can dream, can't I?

-[static crackles]
-[theme song playing]