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02x05 - Break Point

Posted: 07/20/12 21:00
by bunniefuu
Previously on Suits:

We're suing you and your entire firm for fraud.

I'm looking at a document that implicates you in a cover-up.

I savaged his reputation all because you looked me in the eye and told me that your hood was rock solid.

You make it right on your own or I will.

When were you planning on telling me this?

Did you find what you're not looking for?

No, did u find what you're not looking for?


That document never came into this office.

Where the hell is Donna?

She's in the file room.

Hasn't found that document yet.

Anyone could have seen it and missed it.

I need to know that didn't happen, or I need to know who to fire.

Never thought I'd see the great Harvey Specter break a sweat.

You want to race, Jeffrey?

I'm more than happy to kick your ass.

Believe me, Harvey, I didn't get up at 5:00 a.m. for my health.

A guy like you in Central Park at this hour?

That's not where my mind went either.

Only guy I'm here to solicit is you, buddy.

I'll assume you've heard of Marco Mendoza.

Yeah, the 16-year-old tennis phenom.

What about him?

I'm on the cusp of signing that kid.

I want you to be part of the team.

Just because I know about tennis doesn't mean I give a shit about tennis.

Hey, the basketballs in your office didn't autograph themselves, Harvey.

You owe me. Oh, please.

I've brought you just as many clients as you brought me.

Five minutes with the kid. That's all I'm asking.

You're an agent, Jeffrey. It's never all you're asking.

There might be one slight wrinkle.

So you want me to emancipate him from his father?

Marco, tell him your story.

Look, I've been playing tennis since before I could walk.

When I was six, I was crushing kids in high school.

I don't play cards, I don't drink.

What I do is win.

I like this kid.

So what does that have to do with your father?

He won't let me go pro.

So it's all about the money.

No, I don't care about the money.

You can keep the money.

Nine out of ten tournaments are closed to amateurs.

If I don't go pro, I can't play against the best.

And if I can't play against the best, I can't be the best.

That's a great speech, but you're 16, and what I'm not hearing is why you can't wait two more years.

People hit their prime at different ages, Mr. Specter.

Look at me.

I have a chance to be great, and I have a chance now.

You know that paper doesn't...


put itself in the machine, right?

What the hell is wrong with you?

Me? You're the one that looks like you're burying a dead body.


It is 6:00 in the morning.

I come in here to shred in peace, and you walk in and you scare the crap out of me.

I'm sorry... "Shred in peace"?

Do you have any idea how dangerous this machine is?


Okay, I'm sorry.

If you want, I can help.

I'm actually here to do some shredding myself.

You know what? Never mind.

You've ruined the whole thing.

Well, the good news is, we don't have a copy of that memo.

I'm sorry to rain on your parade, but the accusation here isn't that you have it, it's that you buried it, so we should probably move forward.

To what?

We need to put them on the defensive.

No, we don't.


We need to get them to drop the case.

And how would we do that?

How would I do it?

I would go to the Randall family.

They got screwed and they want justice, but I'm not the guy who screwed them, so we need to convince them that I--

Are you crazy?

You trashed this woman's dead husband in open court.

Do you think she gives a shit about whether or not you buried that document?

If you go there, you're not just poking the bear, you're putting a cattle prod up its ass.

Is that the same crack advice you gave Brockton Cosmetics and Drake Consulting and Nappi LLC.? 'Cause none of those companies exist anymore.

Congratulations, Harvey.

You found the three cases that I've lost in 14 years.

And do you know what else those cases have in common?

Nothing. Because I learn from my mistakes.

Well, I'd prefer to be represented by someone who doesn't make any mistakes in the first place.

Like you?

Because you've been accused of burying evidence not once, but twice.

Those accusations are bullshit.

And that is what I'm here to prove.

Jessica, if I may?

I don't think Harvey's problem is with Allison.

I think his problem is with me.

Daniel, we don't need to air our laundry in here.

This is a privileged conversation.

Jessica, I'm asking you and Harvey to trust me.

So I'm going to do the same for you.

I brought Allison in here because I think she's the best.

Use her or don't.

But, if not, I suggest you find someone just as good.

Harvey... will you give Allison and me a minute?

Let her down easy.

Allison, I am impressed by you.

But if I'm going to give you this job, I need to know that I can trust you.

I'm a straight sh**t, Jessica.

Easy to say, harder to prove.

All right, how about this?

Um, you are an elegant woman, but there's no getting around it... that dress does not belong in this office.


I like you.

This may be something that you don't like.

You won't be the one dictating terms here. I will.

And regarding your laundry, you have my word that Danny won't be involved, but you need to keep that man on a leash.

She said that to your face?


You kick her ass out?

Hired her on the spot.

The woman insults you, all of a sudden you're in bed with her?

Maybe I should tell you how much I hate those shoes.

That's the joke you're gonna make?

What? It's both respectful and disrespectful at the same time.

Harvey, I don't want you to overlook the point of the story. It's Allison's case.

The firm is the client, and you're--

The dog on a leash?

Stay out of her way.

I got the address.

Then I guess it's time for this dog to go chase some cars.

♪ See the money, wanna stay for your meal ♪
♪ get another piece of pie for your wife ♪
♪ everybody wanna know how it feel ♪
♪ everybody wanna see what it's like ♪
♪ living in a beehive of your mind ♪
♪ me and missus so busy, busy making money ♪
♪ all right

♪ all that time imagine this ♪
♪ the greenback boogie

♪ Suits 2x05 ♪

Break Point

Original Air Date on July 19, 2012

Mrs. Randall: That's good.

I am not seeing what I'm seeing.

Mrs. Randall, please, I know you hate me for what I did to your husband. "Hate" is not the word.

There is no word to describe what I feel for you.

Now get your ass... Jennifer, look where we are.

I don't mean to disrespect you or dishonor your husband's memory.

You've already done that.

I'm trying to make up for it now.

Now that your back's against the wall.

No, I started years ago.

This says he's our anonymous donor.

It's true.

Of course. Guilty conscience.

No, I don't have a guilty conscience, 'cause I wasn't the one who hid that memo.

Look, I went after your husband because I thought that car was solid.

I didn't like doing it, but it was my job.

Why'd you give us the money then?

Because you were trying to make something good come from something bad, like I am now.

What do you want?

I know what he wants.

We're not dropping our suit.

And the fact that you would come here to tell me that shows me just what kind of self-serving trash you are.

You're right, I came here to get you to drop your suit.

But instead of self-serving, let's talk about me serving you.

You want payback for what was done to you... justice... and I can get it.

My husband died, and you made me sit there while you shit on him.

That's what was done to me.

Now you're gonna tell me that wasn't you?

Yeah, I want justice, but that little donation doesn't cover it.



This isn't really helping your street cred, Harold.

It's not mine, it's Louis'.

What's his name?

Bruno. He brought him in because he hasn't been eating.

Whoa, wh--have you mentioned to Louis that you're allergic?

I tried to, but he said that--

Allergies are a sign of weakness.

Right, and bringing your cat to work is a sign of strength.

Yeah, you want to trade places?

Uh, nope.

No, I got a meeting in the conference room.

That's right, that little tennis fling.

Makes me sick.

Harvey's got no appreciation for the game.

Man wouldn't know topspin if it hit him in the ball sack.

But enjoy yourself. Get out.

Can you not smell that? I'm stuffed up.

Uhhuh. How long has it been?

Two hours.

How often do I tell you to do it?

I'll get the bag.


What's wrong, Bruno?

You're my best friend.

You all set?

I'm ready to roll.

Good, 'cause I got a bidding w*r starting for Marco's endorsement.


Marco, why don't you take a seat?

What's he doing here?

He's here to meet with his son.

We're emancipating, and you said you were in.

I did, which means Marco's my client, not you, so why don't you go home, Jeffrey?

I'll call you when we're done.

Mr. Mendoza, I want to be clear, I'm not here to exploit your son.

I'm here to protect him.

You're off to a good start.

You can ask any one of my clients.

They'll tell you the same.

You represent Michael Jordan.

I do. In fact, I want to tell you a story about him.

You want to tell me a story about Michael Jordan to convince me my son should turn pro?

Let me tell you a story about George Washington.

Maybe junior here could become President.

I'm really more of an Abe Lincoln fan myself.

You know, freed the slaves, great beard.

You finished?


Everybody knows M.J. took two years off in his prime.

He regrets it to this day.

But he made that decision himself, and that's how he lives with it.

All your son is asking is for the chance to do the same.

I may not know Mr. Jordan, but I do know that he's divorced, and I've heard the rumors about his gambling problem.

He's a man apart.

Now, my son is not ready to handle that kind of life.

You've prepared me for this since I was three.

I taught you tennis because it's a beautiful game.

You may not have set out to raise a prodigy, but the fact is, you did.

Do you have any children, Mr. Specter?

No? Then I'm not interested in your parenting advice.

I'm not giving parenting advice.

I'm giving career advice.

You told me that you didn't want to exploit him, that you wanted to protect him... him, not his career.

Look, you don't get it.

They're the same to me.

All right, I'm committed to both of them, and I don't give a shit if you like it or not.


You say that word to me in front of these parasites?

Yeah, I'll say whatever I want to say.

Shut your mouth.

Now, you are not going to turn pro, and you are not going to continue down this path, and this conversation is over.

You just want to let him leave?

Look, I don't care what he does, okay?

I want to file for emancipation.

So you're telling me you don't have it?

I don't, but I'm sure it'll turn up.

You sure?

Your job was to keep track of that one thing.

Nice work.

It's a birthday card for Norma.

She won't even tell us how old she is.

Her birthday is today.

When do you think it's going to turn up?

You know what, forget it.

What's the matter with you?

What's the matter with me is that nobody ever has what they're supposed to in this g*dd*mn office.

You know what? I got bigger fish to fry.

Put the wheels in motion. "The wheels"?

This isn't a merger, Harvey.

You're talking about emancipation.

I'm talking about filing for emancipation.

It's a tactic. He cares about his son.

Nine times out of ten, he backs down.

And what if he doesn't?

Then we'll be doing exactly what the client wants us to do.

Oh, you mean break up his family.

I mean help his family.

Wow, wonder what kind of relationship you had with your father.

Look, my father's not up for discussion.

The only bone of contention between them is this decision.

The sooner they resolve it, the sooner they can move on.

The sooner you get paid.

I cut billion dollar deals for breakfast.

I don't need this. I told you, it's what the client wants.

It's what he thinks he wants.

Harvey, I was 11

when my dad died, and our last conversation was a fight.

If you gave me the choice to be a pro anything or to make up with him, what do you think I'd choose?

If we don't do it, he'll find someone else who will.

If you don't want him to do it, change his g*dd*mn mind.

Now go. Fine.

Here's your g*dd*mn birthday card.

I don't appreciate you coming into my office saying that no one at the firm has what they're supposed to have, and I don't know what crawled up your ass today, but I take care of my business.

I'm sorry, Rach. You're right.

This isn't about you. This is about me.

Okay then.


I unplugged it.

And this time, I'm not stopping you by accident.

I have no idea what you're talking about--

Don't bullshit me, Donna.

That's the same file you had in your hand this morning.

You ran out of here like you saw a ghost, you bit off Rachel's head, talking about how people never have the things they're supposed to have, and now you're right back here again.

It's not Dalton Enterprises you're holding.

That's the memo that Harvey's been accused of burying.

You know, the fact that you would even accuse me of that makes me sick.

But if you still don't believe me, fine.

See for yourself.

I don't know what to do.

Tell me what happened.

I found it in the file room that day.

It has my date stamp on it--mine.

We have to tell Harvey.

He'll know what to do. No, he won't.

Donna, Harvey's been operating under the assumption that we never had this memo, all right?

At some point, that assumption is gonna bite him in the ass, and the later it happens, the bigger the bite.

Nobody is going to believe that a file that important just got lost.

They'll think that I got rid of it, and that Harvey told me to do it.

This memo is part of a legal proceeding.

Shredding it is a crime.

Like practicing law without a license is a crime?

Unlike you, I didn't do this on purpose, and I am protecting Harvey the best way that I know how.

Allison Holt is gonna figure out what happened.

And when she does, her priority's not going to be protecting you or Harvey.

It's gonna be protecting the firm.

You might be comfortable putting Harvey in that position, but I'm not.

So either you tell him, or I will.

The answer is yes.


You can have Halloween off this year.

Every July, you sit there staring at me before coming in here with that sheepish look on your face to ask to... I have to tell you something.

What? What is it?

What the hell were you thinking?

You contacted the plaintiffs without their lawyer present or our lawyer present.

Exactly, I'm not our lawyer.

I had every legal right to.

You weren't supposed to interfere.

Neither were you. How did you even know?

She's not supposed to tell you anything.

She was forced to tell me when I got served with this g*dd*mn subpoena.

You didn't want to put them on the defensive, which is good, because what you've just done is put us on the defensive, so now I have to spend the next two weeks prepping everyone from Jessica to your secretary, because Travis Tanner is gonna depose them under oath.

Nobody here knows a thing about that g*dd*mn memo.

Let them waste their time with it.

This is why you hire outside counsel.

You can't see how reckless that was, even now, after it's blown up in your face.

Fine, if you insist on pre-deposing their depositions, let's get it over with. You can start with me.

I already have your version of events.

Okay, you can start with Donna.

What's not to understand?

Most fathers in the same situation would either want to live vicariously through their children's lives or sponge off their backs, but your father, he's just trying to protect you.

Yeah, look, I know what he thinks he's doing.

Marco, it's a year and eight months.

Maybe, but you don't know what it's like to be better at something than everyone.

A year and eight months is 505 days. 12,120 hours and 727,200 minutes.

Yeah, I know what it's like.

You can do math when you're an old man.

I can only dominate till I'm 30.

Maybe, but if you go through with this now, you're gonna drive a wedge between the two of you that'll last the rest of your life.

It's already there because of him.

I'm like the horse in the stall.

He won't open the gate, and if it stays shut much longer, I'm gonna go crazy. All right, you're the client.

I just have a couple of questions for you before we can file with the courts, okay?

Okay, great.

Has your father ever abused dr*gs or alcohol?


Is he a gambling addict?

No, nothing like that.

Is your home without electricity, running water, food?

We don't live in a slum.

Emancipation requires proof that your father is an unfit parent.

We have to think about how this plays in court.

And telling a judge that he just wants you to wait until you finish high school before you make millions of dollars is not going to cut it.

Look, Marco... what I saw in that conference room is not a father who was unfit.

I saw a father who loves his son.

You saw something else in there, too.

You saw how furious he gets when he's defied.

What are you getting at?

I'm getting at what happens when he feels that way and nobody else is around.

There's no reason to be concerned.

These are pro forma questions I'm asking everyone.

Oh, I'm not concerned, I'm bored, so can we just...

[Clicks tongue]

Of course.

Do you think you can move that other there?

It's my good side.

Well, my better side. They're both good.

I'm just going to start. Um...

So, when documents are received into the firm, they then come to you.

Is that correct? Yes.

And how do they get from the mail room to you?

Transporter beam.

Ms. Paulsen, I understand that your time is valuable, but I'm here to prepare you.

And to a jury, sarcasm plays as obstructive.

Obviously, any further mention of Star Trek

may just compound the problem, okay?

[In Scottish accent]

Aye, cap'n.

It's Donna, right?

All right, so where you from, Donna?


Like Utica?

No, Cortland, actually.

Cortland's kind of in the middle, isn't it?

I'm sorry, what does this have to do with...

I'm just trying to get to know you, break down the walls.

You may not know this about me, but the truth is, I'm actually single.


As a matter of fact, yes.

But anyway, I've been going on all these dates, and I found that sometimes the best way to get the conversation going is just start asking a bunch of questions.

For example, where do you see yourself in five years?

Well, actually, that's--

'Cause where I see you is in jail.

Do you think I was born yesterday?

You know what Harvey did with that memo, and you're going to tell me right now.

Harvey didn't do anything.

Oh, I see.

He didn't have to because you did it for him.

That's not true.

Then tell me what is true.

Well, that's easy.

You don't give a shit about me or Harvey.

This is a witch hunt, and I'm not gonna sit in this room for another minute.

I've worked with Harvey since he was a rookie in the mail room.

No way he buried that memo.

You didn't see Donna in that room.

I'm not saying she wouldn't do it if he asked.

I'm saying he wouldn't ask.

Wouldn't he?

Because she's not the only person I talked to.

Now, a lot of people, they don't like Harvey.

But even the ones that love him say he likes to work in the gray.

I'd like Harvey to sign this affidavit swearing that his office never received the memo.


To put with this motion to dismiss.

If you wanted to file a motion to dismiss, you would have done that already.

You want me to sign that thing to cover your ass.

Do I think it's likely that this case is gonna get dismissed?

No, but it's worth a shot, and to your point, I'm not just doing this to cover my ass.

I'm doing it to cover your ass.

File the motion.

Harvey will sign whatever I put in front of him.

I give you one simple task.

Bruno isn't eating, so you give him milk.

I did.

This is half-and-half.

I thought he'd like it. It's creamier.

Hey, you know what, maybe next time I'll just hand my cat over to Michael Vick.

Is that a cat carrier in your hand?


[Cat meows]

Is there a cat in that thing?

It's called a feline transportation unit.

Cat carrier.

Okay, they wouldn't call it a cat carrier when it costs $400.

Do they call it a rip-off?

Okay, you know what, I don't have time for this. Besides, I'm late as it is.

I have to ask. What appointment?


With a cat?

For the cat.

You take him to a cat dentist?

I can't take him to my dentist.

Dr. Schneller wouldn't know what to do with him.

Dr. Richard Schneller?

Good-bye, Harvey.
I don't want to hear it.

If it's bad news, I don't want to hear it.

You seem upset.

Of course I'm upset.

I just found out that Louis and I share the same dentist.

Have you spoken to Donna yet?

No, and I'm pissed about it.

I need her to get me a new dentist.

Well, we have a problem, whether you want to hear it or not.


Marco needs to be emancipated from his father.

But that's not a problem. That's what we're doing.

No, I don't mean to let him play.

I mean to keep him safe.

That is directly from the hospital.

His dad did that to him.

We need to get him away from his father.

I need to get him away.

I set the hearing, and I'm going to win.

I'm hearing a lot of "I"s in there.


This isn't housing court.

This is a kid's life.

I know that, and the only reason you know that is because I gave a shit about this kid's life in the first place.

You think I didn't think I was smarter than the guy I started working for?

I did, and I was, and I waited my g*dd*mn turn.

Harvey, I'm ready.

It's time to let me out of the gate.

Allison's filing a motion to dismiss.

She's swinging for the fences, I'll give her that.

You know what, I'm gonna swing for the fences too.

Mike's going to court.

I am?

What's the case?


From him?

I wish.

He doesn't need a court order for that.

Our little baby's growing up.


Listen, I need you to sign this affidavit that we never received that memo from Coastal Motors.

[Heart beating loudly]

[Heartbeat increases]

Oh, my God! Oh, I'm--

There are napkins over there.

I knew he wasn't a lawyer. I didn't think he was an idiot.

I knew he was an idiot.

I didn't know he was spastic.

I'm sorry, guys.

When you get this cleaned up, come see me.

I'll get you a fresh one.

What the hell was that?


You know what.

It was an accident.

It was intentional.

You ambushed me with a cup of coffee.

Think I haven't seen Ronin?

It was all I could think of.


Donna was supposed to tell you.

Tell me what?

You can't sign the affidavit.

You'll be committing perjury.

[Door thuds]

What the hell were you thinking?

I didn't know how to tell you. "Harvey, I found the memo." Is that so g*dd*mn hard?

You don't understand. It had my name on it.

I stamped it in. That implicates you.

Did you keep it from me four years ago?

I don't even remember seeing it four years ago.

Then I don't give a shit what it implicates.

You don't keep it from me now.

I had never made a mistake like that, and I thought that I needed to--

Look, keeping it from me isn't a mistake.

It's a decision. I wanted to protect you.

Lying to me doesn't protect me.

It betrays me. Betrays you?

If I had told you the truth--

You don't keep things from me!

You keep things from me all the time!

That's because I'm your boss.

Well, maybe you shouldn't be my boss anymore.

I did what I thought I had to do for you, and if you can't... just fire me.

Let me explain something to you.

That memo doesn't hurt me. It helps me.

If I had buried it, we wouldn't have it.

But you found it, so that's a good thing.


Wh-what'd you do?

Oh, what did you do?

Allison had that freaking camera, and I was... she implied that we were--

What did you do?

It's gone.

You destroyed it?

I'm not going to fire you, Donna.

I might k*ll you, but I'm not gonna fire you.

What are you going to do?

What you should've done from day one.

Let me get this straight.

Your own assistant destroys evidence, and you still want to go to trial?



You need to cut a deal right now.

You mean we need to cut a deal, right, because we're all on the same side?


You think I didn't know what you were up to with that affidavit?

I was advising my client, the firm.

You once told me I was the firm.

She came to me and thought that you were in on it.

I said no way.

She wanted you to sign that thing.

I'm the leader of this firm. I made a decision.

You were happy to do it. Don't blame me for Donna.

I'm not, but I need to know if you still believe me.

I do.

That's beside the point.

We have a decision to make. There is no decision.

We need to cut a deal--today.

You know what, that's the difference between us, Allison.

You want to lose small. I want to win big.

She's the one who has to try the case.

Regardless of what Donna did, I never saw the memo.

Are you gonna sell a jury on that?

Maybe the same way you sold it to the Randall family.

We have a window to settle this before we have to disclose, but it's closing, and when it does, we could offer them the moon.

They're not gonna take it. What's the downside of asking?

We went through this with the nurses.

It tells them we're weak. We are weak.

Set it up.

And whatever you're thinking, I don't want to hear it.

Mr. Mendoza, you've asserted that, as a parent, you have certain rights.

Do those include the right to discipline Marco as you see fit?

Every parent has that right.

The right to teach your child a lesson.


When he defies you.

If need be.

And if need be, do you get angry?

Do you fly off the handle? Do you become abusive?

No, I would never go that far.

Mr. Mendoza, would you agree that, along with those rights, you have certain responsibilities as a parent?

Of course.

The responsibility to keep your son healthy?

Marco gets up every day at 4:30 to train.

I think that one's covered.

The responsibility to keep your son safe?

That's the first job of every parent.


Let's talk about May 18th of last year.

You took your son to the hospital where he was treated for severe dehydration.

Rushed my son to keep him safe.

What I'm interested in is how he got dehydrated in the first place.

He was running laps.

Hadn't you had an argument about going pro the night before?


And you wanted to teach him a lesson, as was your right.


He questioned your authority, didn't he?

He's done it before, hasn't he?

And you don't like that, do you?

You are twisting this.

You got angry, you flew off the handle, and you became abusive.

Objection, badgering.

Easy, Mr. Ross.

Marco has never called 911.

He's never reported me to social services.

He's never complained to anyone.

They never do.

You think I put my own son in the hospital?

Oh, I've read this report. I know you did.

And I know you will again.

You are a lying little piece of shit.

And there it is.

Mr. Mendoza, that's enough.

No further questions.


Oh, what the hell? You don't sneak up like that.

I wasn't sneaking up. I was just getting coffee.

Yeah, well, the paralegal needs coffee.

I guess the junior partner needs to get out of her way.

You know what, Louis, if you treated people here just a tenth as nicely as you treat your cat, they might not feel about you the way that you know they do.

I'm sorry.

Is everything okay?

No, I just have, like, a condition with my tear ducts.

Oh, my God.

I just assumed that he wasn't eating because of his toothache... but it turns out his hygiene was perfect.

But of course it was, because we flossed every day, so...

And then they did these tests.

And I told the vet, "money is no object," but, uh... it was too late.

Bruno was suffering...

Excuse me. No-



Is everything okay?

Not exactly.

Okay, I'll come back when you're finished.

I wasn't talking about you.

Not everything's about you, you know.

Now, you see, that's where you're wrong.

What's going on with Donna?

I don't know.

What do you mean?

I saw you watching us the other day.

You know something.

Come on, Mike, how many secrets are you gonna keep from me?

It's not mine. It's Donna's.

I'm not saying you need to give me specifics.

I just need to know that she's okay.

She screwed up, and it's not small.

What's gonna happen?

Harvey's going to fix it.

How do you know?

You're gonna fix this situation with Donna, right?

Why should I tell you?


If I hadn't caught you, when were you gonna tell me that she had that memo?

I wasn't, 'cause she promised me she would.

Well, what would have happened if you hadn't been in my office when Jessica brought me that affidavit?

That would've been between you and Donna.

And I would have committed perjury.

You're right. I should have told you, or had Donna tell you then and there, but I was thinking the fact that she actually found this thing helps us.

Yeah, it would've helped us.

She destroyed it.




Harvey, she was backed into a corner.

She made a bad call.

Look, we can still... Tell the truth?

How do you think that's going to play in court?

Oh, my God. Um, I have to go.

You screwed up with Marco, didn't you?

I'm on it.

And this thing with Donna, just let it go.

I'm sure she said she was sorry. She is sorry.

But she never said it.

Didn't expect to see you today.

I wanted to get you the offer as soon as I could.

You could have called.

No, I couldn't.

Tanner's terms.

The firm pays $5 million in damages, as well as all legal fees.

What else?

Pearson Hardman immediately and irrevocably strips Harvey Specter of his senior partnership and reports him to the New York Bar Association.

I know this isn't what you want to hear, but I would take this deal and run.

[Exhales heavily]

[Doorbell rings]

What do you want now?

Sell me a vacuum cleaner? Set of steak knives?

I don't want to sell you anything.

I'm not here to do that.

I'm here to tell you that I'm sorry.

I should have known about that memo.

But I didn't do my job.

If I had, you and I wouldn't be here right now.

But we are here right now because of what you did to my husband.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

I never should have done it.

My mother marched, Mr. lawyer.

They set dogs on her. I saw the scars.

She said it wasn't the dogs, it was the men.

I say, put those dogs down.

So you think we should take this deal?

I think we have to.

Just say it.

You want me to cut Harvey loose.

You've never been afraid to spill blood before.

You means yours.

I was actually referring to when you and I crossed the other names off the letterhead.

That was for the good of the firm.

Was it?

Evidence was destroyed, Jessica.

Not by Harvey.

On his watch, therefore...

On mine.

If this were anyone else, you'd be seeing it the same way I do.

I'm not scapegoating him.

You care about Harvey. I know that.

But I also know that you care about your position in this firm.

A law was broken.

Are you really going to sit by and do nothing?

I've got to call you back.

Did you get it? Got it right here, fully ex*cuted emancipation.

You tell Marco yet?

No, I wanted you to see it first.

Nice job.

This way I can call him with the good news.

Yeah, just one problem.

What's that?

Marco lied.



We got backed into a corner, and he knew the truth wouldn't play in court, so he made up a story.

If it was a lie, Michael, then why didn't Oscar say so?

Marco perjured himself.

You really think his father was going to be the one to point that out?

That's a lot of conjecture.

Yeah, it would be.

But I went to see Oscar.

Turns out he wasn't even there when Marco ran those laps.

But you were. Nuhuh, it's bullshit.

I saw the look on your face in court.

You knew, and you did nothing.


You got me.

But it doesn't matter, 'cause we won.

No, we didn't. 'Cause I'm not filing papers based on a lie.

Harvey is gonna make you regret that.

Harvey's not gonna do shit.

This is my case, and you are done.

[Slow jazz playing]

We need to talk.

It's subtle, but Daniel's strong-arming me.

Not now.

My dad.

I was wrong.

Am I in the right office?

I went to the plaintiffs again.


To tell them I was sorry.

Harvey, there is a deal on the table.

Allison's right.

I shouldn't be the lawyer.

I don't even make a good client.

Neither do I.

But I've got some hard news I have to tell you.

Okay, let me guess, you're here to take me up on my offer to trade offices. No.

But I did happen to find these.

Who still eats Twinkies?

Who doesn't still eat Twinkies?

What's up?

I need a favor.

Okay, what?

Is this from your tennis client?

First one.

Not as big as Harvey's.

Really? You're gonna go there?

It's probably gonna be worth a lot of money someday.


I need it.

It's important.

[Clears throat]

What for?

Why don't we just call that my secret?

[Keys clacking]

Daniel, will you come to my office right now please?

Have a seat.

Couldn't we have done this in my office?

Yes, we could have, but I prefer to do it here... in your old office.

What's this?

I want you to let Allison Holt go.

Why would I do that?

Why you?

Because you brought her in initially.

I am extending you the courtesy of letting her go.

As for why at all, I do care about my position in this firm and my position is that we win.

We win, Harvey wins, and I win.

Allison Holt can't win, because she doesn't believe in Harvey.

I can, because I do.

It's your decision.

It is.

But don't try to pass it off as a courtesy.

You're trying to humiliate me, like you did by summoning me into your office.

I summoned you because I wanted you to understand who you were threatening earlier.

I wasn't threatening you.

I was pointing out facts. Yes.

The fact that, if I'm not careful, you'll try to take this office back.

That's not going to happen.

And as for your point about a law being broken, you're right.

I'm not going to sit by and do nothing.

Louis, can I come in?

I'm a little busy right now.

Where'd you get this?

I just know what a huge tennis fan you are.

Rachel... could you just close the door on your way out?

Sure thing, Louis.

Harvey's not here. He should be back soon.

I'm not here to see Harvey.


He wanted to be the one to have this conversation with you.

But it's my firm, and I wanted you to hear it from me.

Am I being fired?


I appreciate everything that you've done for Harvey and for me, but whatever my personal feelings, your actions have left me no choice but to terminate your employment at Pearson Hardman effective immediately.

[Moody pop song]

You said he was going to fix it.

I thought he would.

[Pressing elevator button]

[Elevator bell dings]