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03x18 - Tiger, Tiger

Posted: 06/06/23 16:57
by bunniefuu
ROBERTS: I was 11

when my dad took me
on my first Tiger cruise.

He was a cook on
the Arleigh Burke.

Oh, man, I remember

I spent the entire cruise

in sickbay puking my guts out.

Bad cooking?

No, sir. Just rough seas.

JOSH: Iceberg off the port bow.

In the Gulf of Mexico?

Annie and I took Josh to
see the Titanic last night

before we sailed.

What makes you think
it's an iceberg, Mr. Pendry?

Well, I guess it could
be a sailboat, sir.

We don't guess in the Navy.

If you don't know
what you've sighted,

it's an unidentified ship,

aircraft or object.

Understood, sir.

He sounds like a sailor already.

It's in his blood, Bud.

His old man was a
hell of a naval aviator.

You know, it's really a
shame Annie won't let Josh

have anything to
do with the Navy.

I was amazed you
got her permission

to let him go on
this Tiger cruise.


I didn't exactly.

I told Annie we
were going sailing

for the weekend.

JOSH: Lifeboat off the port bow!

What makes you think
it's a lifeboat, Mr. Pendry?

Well, it's flashing an SOS, sir.

Josh, Tiger cruise is not
the place to play games.

False alarms are not funny.

I'm not playing
games, Harm. Look.

RABB: There is a lifeboat...

that's going under.

Following in his
father's footsteps

as a naval aviator,

Lieutenant Commander
Harmon Rabb Jr.

Suffered a crash while
landing his Tomcat

on a storm-tossed
carrier at sea.

Diagnosed with night blindness,

Harm transferred to the Navy's
Judge Advocate General Corps

which investigates, defends
and prosecutes the law of the sea.

There, with fellow JAG
lawyer Major Sarah MacKenzie,

he now fights in and
out of the courtroom

with the same
daring and tenacity

that made him a
top g*n in the air.

(man speaking gently in
Spanish, sailors shouting orders)

(woman groans loudly)

SKIPPER: Those refugees
owe you their lives, Mr. Pendry.

JOSH: Well, I didn't
do anything, sir.

Well, you were alert and you
reported in a timely fashion.

You can be proud
of Josh, Commander.

I am, Skipper.

Bet you can't wait
to tell your mom,

eh, Josh?

The refugees are
quarantined in hangar one, sir.

They appear to be in good
shape with one exception...

A potential addition
to our Tigers.

Don't tell me that pregnant
woman is about to deliver.

She's in labor, Skipper.


Can we helo her to Gitmo?

Having delivered myself, sir,

I wouldn't have
a baby in a helo.

Permission to
move her to sickbay.


Thank you, sir.

Commander Rabb,

if that baby is born on
an American warship,

what does that do to our
policy of returning all refugess

to Cuba?

Well, sir, offhand, I'd
say it complicates it.

The baby would be
an American citizen,

so we would have to provide

temporary refuge to the mother
until state can make a decision.

And I thought this would be
an uneventful weekend cruise.

Sir, with your permission,

I'd like to inform
JAG of the situation.

Maybe they can get
the ball rolling at State.

Permission granted.

SKIPPER: Tell Engineering
to stand by to answer all bells.

Keep your eye on him, okay?

He has a bad habit
of slipping away.

Aye, aye, sir.

SKIPPER: Plot a course
for Gitmo, Mr. Williams.

Aye, sir.

Mi esposo!

Quiero mi esposo.

Do you understand
Spanish, ma'am?

Yes. I think that she's
asking for her husband.

Si, si, mi esposo. Mi esposo.

We better get him.

She's so agitated,

it could complicate
the delivery.

Mi esposo!

Donde esta mi esposo?!

Okay, I'll be right back.

Mi esposo! Get that door!

(conversing in Spanish)

Is-Is Rosalita all right?

Are you her husband?

I'm her brother.
She has no husband.

She was r*ped by
Castro's soldiers in prison.

Come with me.

You, too, Corporal.

Aye, ma'am.

OFFICER (over P.A.): All
Tigers report to the wardroom

for escort to
the lifeboat drill.

All Tigers report to...

Okay, Josh, let's go.

I'm learning a lot more
up here, Mr. Roberts,

and I, uh, know how
to get into a lifeboat.

Oh, yeah?

Hmm. Well, orders
are orders, Mr. Pendry.

Aye, sir.


Thank you.

Don't let him leave unescorted.

Aye, aye, ma'am.

CHIEF: Watch yourself
in the ladder well,

Tigers. Aye, aye, sir!

Gotcha! Yes, sir!

Isn't this cool?

Flying in an F-14 is cool.

You've flown in an F-14?

Yeah, on the ground.

Is he your father?

Him? No way.

My dad was a naval aviator.

My mom's the executive
officer of the Stockdale.

You look just like her.

Thank you, sir.

Is he your baby-sitter?

N-no. No.

See, I don't even know
him, do I, Lieutenant?

Uh, that's right.

I'm just heading off to,
uh, Communications.

I have to examine her.

Sir, I have to examine her.

Sir, I-I-I need to
try to calm her.

She was r*ped by soldiers

and she's afraid of
anyone with a uniform on.

Please, sir.

Look, I'm going to go
check on your friends, okay?

I'll be back in five minutes.

Thank you, Doctor.

I'm a corpsman, not a doctor.

Okay, Rosa, todo va bien.

Mireme, mireme, mireme.

Pregnant women.

They're worse than Marines.

Easy, Doc. I'm armed.

Encrypt and send this ASAP.

Yes, sir.


What are you doing here?

Following orders, sir.

You wanted me to
keep an eye on Josh

and I was doing that

until he met this little girl.

It's always a woman, huh?

See, I was, like, the
only parent in the group

and I felt I was
embarrassing Josh,

so I ducked out.

Well, as long as
he's with the Tigers,

I'm sure he's fine.

Well, that's just it, sir.

I think he went port when
they all went starboard.


That kid could elude
a Marine recon team.

(imitating engine)

(Rosa screaming)

MAN: Help! Please help her!


Ay, Dios mio! Ay, Dios mio!

CHIEF: Okay, Tigers, listen up.

RABB: You see him?


One step at a time, all right?

First step...

But there's the little girl

he was with.


Hi, Lieutenant.

He's flying.


Cute name.

That's who you're
looking for, isn't it?

It is.

I told him

there was a Seahawk
in the other hangar

and he went UA.


RABB (on radio): Mr. Pendry,
your flying days are over.

You are grounded, mister.

How did you know where I was?

Good officer knows

the deployment of
his men at all times,

especially those
likely to disobey orders.

Stay where you
are until I get there.

Roger. Wilco.


"Roger. Wilco."?

This isn't funny, Bud.

No, sir.

Wait here,

in case he decides to eject.

Aye, sir.

Is that his dad?

Josh's dad died
in a plane crash.

The Commander's
a friend of his mother.

I'm glad he's not a
friend of my mother.

Where's Corporal Cordova?

You can die

or you can try and
save that Marine's life.

Everyone inside.

Captain's orders.

CHIEF: Okay, let's go.

We're going to
store our vests inside,

then we'll move upstairs.

He's out of uniform.


The corporal.

He's not wearing his cover

and he's under arms.

ROBERTS: You're right.

I see the look in your eyes

of a rabbit about to run.

I'm no rabbit.

Good... 'cause I wouldn't
want to have to k*ll a rabbit

in front of all these children.


t*rror1st SOLDIER:
Come on, let's go!

RABB: Last time you did this,
you almost got yourself k*lled.

I'm sorry, Harm, sir.

Sorry doesn't cut it, Josh.

You're a loose cannon.

Loose, loose cannons
have no place in the Navy.

Yes, sir.

It's going to be tough enough
explaining to your mother

that our weekend
sail was on a frigate.

Imagine how
difficult it would be

if something happened to you.

Yes, sir. No excuse, sir.

You're on report, mister.

Aye, sir.

That Marine over
there is going to die

unless we get him to sick bay.

Erin Terry.

ROBERTS: Did you hear me? I said

the Marine is going to die.

He heard what you said.

Which one of you is Erin?

Step forward, Erin.

Your mother is the
executive officer, isn't she?

Does she love you very much?

Show him.

( Velcro tearing)

You know what this is?


Enough to blow up this
hangar and everyone in it.

Including you.

Of course.

t*rror1st LEADER: You will
accompany Erin and I to the bridge,



Mr. Roberts, this bridge
is off limits to refugees.

Sir, he's not a refugee.

He's a t*rror1st.

(expl*si*n in distance)


Easy, buddy.

That was your small
arms locker, Captain...

(distant expl*si*n)

That is your com center.

Whatever it is, the
captain will pass the word.

There are 206 crewmen
aboard this ship.

t*rror1st LEADER:
Not one of which is armed.

And if you should try to
physically overwhelm us

with sheer man... or womanpower,

the Lieutenant will explain
why that wouldn't be wise.


That refugee wasn't pregnant.

She had a fake
belly full of Semtex.

She's down on the helodeck

with all the children.

No. You wouldn't dare.

I was afraid that
would be your attitude,

so, to demonstrate my resolve...

(cocks g*n)



This is the captain speaking.

The refugees we
rescued have destroyed

our com center and
small arms locker.

They've taken our
children hostage

and are threatening to k*ll
them if we offer any resistance.

Therefore, I hereby order you

not to actively resist

until we can
resolve the situation.

God bless. That is all.

Not quite.

Mom, what's going
on? Are you okay?

ERIN: Mom?

You're gonna be
fine. Mom, please.

Honey, listen, it's going
to be just fine. Mom...

t*rror1st LEADER: This
is Miguel Cortez speaking.

For the next few hours,

I will be in command
of the Stockdale.

My first order is to
set condition four.

All crew members not on watch

will report to the
aft mess deck.

That is all.

(hangs up receiver)

My chair, Captain.


over here, please.

It's okay.

Go ahead.

CORTEZ: Which way should we go?

Shall we go that way

or this way?

I think we should go this way.

Steer 0-9-0!

Turning 0-9-0.



They've posted a guard
in the passageway.

We can't go out the hatch.

But we can fly out.

You can fly a helicopter,
can't you, Harm?

Well, in a pinch.

We'd have to open
the hangar door,

tow this out, unfold the rotors

and start the engines.

Think we could do all
that without them knowing?


Besides, we can't leave

your fellow Tigers
behind, can we, buddy?

No, sir.

So what are we
going to do, Harm?

Well, the first
thing we have to do

is notify someone outside
this ship what's going on,

but if they've blown
up the com center,

we can't do that.

Under Siege!


Steven Seagal in Under Siege.

He-He-He got the
Pentagon on a satellite radio

from a lifeboat.

Unfortunately, this
isn't a movie, Josh.

These lifeboats
have satellive radios

with an emergency beacon and
a short-range voice transmitter.

We could activate one.

Coast Guard would come,

but before we could
inform them of our situation,

who knows what these
t*rrorists are likely to do?

It was so cool in the movie.

Well, I'm sure it was.

There are radios in this helo.

I don't think their signal would
penetrate these steel bulkheads,


What is it?

It's a high-frequency antenna.

An HF radio's the
only one on this helo

capable of transmitting over
the horizon from sea level.

They trail this
behind them in the air.

It should be long enough

to reach through
the overhead outside.

Unfortunately, there's
nothing up there

big enough for me
to crawl through.

Bet I could climb through
one of those air vents.

I bet you won't get

a chance to try.

Well, see,

I could climb up that pipe

and then monkey
swing across to the vent.

Yeah, and you could fall 30 feet

and ruin your day.

That's not going to happen.

My cell phone.

It would work out here?

Yeah, there are drilling
platforms all over the Gulf.

They all have cell
phone repeaters.

If we're close enough to
one, I could make a call.

It's a long shot, but,
uh, it's all we have.

What are you waiting for, Harm?

Make the call.

My cell phone's in my stateroom.

Where's the deck?

There isn't one.

This is a dockside
loading hatch.

There's a rim...

if I hug the bulkhead,
I could make it.

You wait here.

I can...

That's an order.

Aye, aye, sir.

That's not good for you.

Your daughter is concerned

for my health.

What do you say to that,
Lieutenant Commander Terry?


(over radio): Miguel, it's Juan.


I've got the missle code books.

I'll need the
m*ssile launch key.

It will be delivered shortly.

You're not gonna fire
a m*ssile from my ship.

This is no longer
your ship, Captain.

Let's see, I believe the XO

carries a launch
key at all times.

I won't let you do this.

I will sh**t.

I can't.


He's dead.

The key.

That is why women do
not belong on combat ships.

They are too sensible.

Come, my dear.

We have a key to deliver.

(sobbing): Mom!

Maintain your current
course and heading.

I will check when I return.

(closes phone)

Don't look down, Josh.

Don't look down.


Who are you going to blow up?

Fidel Castro.

You have a problem
with that, little girl?

But you're Cubans.

Not just Cubans...
Cuban liberators.

Have you set the coordinates?

Just about to do that.

How accurate is a harpoon?

Do you want to hit
Fidel's nose or his feet?



Fire two missiles.

Why not?

Fidel is scheduled to arrive
at the National Stadium

in 90 minutes.

As soon as I hear him speaking,

I'll give you the
signal to launch.

15 minutes later,

esta libre

nuestra Cuba.

Asi mismo.

Josh. Josh?

(grunting, clanking)


(yells out)

RABB (quietly): Hang on, Josh!

Hang on!

Don't look down.

I won't.

Okay, buddy.

Here. Arm around.

Come on. Come on.

Okay. Okay?

Are you mad at me?

No. Only if you keep choking me.


Okay. Now, hang on,

'cause I'm going to swing back.

Wait, Harm...

The vent's right above us.

I can do it.

All right, go. Go.

Get up there.

Secure the antenna and
come right back down.

All right.

Be careful.

Wow. This is cool.

Hurry up!

MACKENZIE: I got here as
quickly as I could, Admiral.

11 minutes for a
woman in a shower.

Must be some sort of record.

Not for a Marine, sir.

25 minutes ago,

Patrol Wing Five picked up an
HF signal from Commander Rabb.

He's on a Tiger cruise
with Josh Pendry.

Why would...?

The USS Stockdale

has been seized by t*rrorists.

Rabb thinks they're Cuban,

but he's not certain.

Castro captured a frigate?

I doubt if they're
Castro's boys.

They're probably
Cubans out of Miami

who want to get rid of him.

She carries four
Harpoon missiles.

The captain would
never let them be fired.

He'd die first.

They are holding
the Tigers hostage

and are threatening
to k*ll them.


What about Josh?

Uh, Mrs. Pendry.

Please, please come in.

You respond to a call
almost as fast as a Marine.

What about Josh, Admiral?

Uh, may I be direct?

This is what we know.

The USS Stockdale has
been taken over by t*rrorists.

I'm sorry. What?

As of 25 minutes ago, Josh
and Harm had not been captured.

What would t*rrorists
want with a sailboat?

Annie, the USS Stockdale

is a guided m*ssile frigate.

I don't understand.
Did they get picked up?

They were aboard.

Harm took Josh on a sailing
weekend in Biscayne Bay.

At least that's what he told me.

Roger. Mr. Pendry will
monitor the radio. Rabb out.

Josh, I have to get
more information.

You think you can handle this?

Yes, sir.

Don't talk to them
unless they call you.

Don't talk to them

unless they call you.

Yes, sir.

Understood, sir.

Good man.

This could get tiring.

You have nothing to fear, niños.

If I flip this switch,
all you will see

is a bright light.

No pain,

just a bright light

and then...

you'll sleep.

Who are you?

I'm an engineering officer.

I was going aft to
check on the turbines.

One of them's running hot.

First of all...


the turbines are

three decks down, and that way.

And second, you're
a naval aviator who...

According to his
collar insignia...

Is now serving as a JAG lawyer.

You know the Navy.

We all do... intimately...

From m*ssile control to cockpit.

Ah. So that's how you're
planning to escape...

In the Seahawk.

What's a lawyer
doing on a cruise?

Shark fishing.

Bueno. Finally... somebody
with a sense of humor on this ship.

I doubt the officers and crew

find your commandeering
their ship very funny.

Are you all right, sweetheart?

Fine, sir.

Sort of.

One of my little
hostages belongs to you.

I have no children.

Is that true, Erin?

I hope so.


'Cause then he won't

be afraid of you.

Cute, but not too cute.

It's a long swim.

Let's go, Commander.

PILOT: Blue Crown,
this is Scarsdale 73.

I'm 18 nautical
miles north of...

SECNAV: The P-3 is taking this

from 18 miles north
of the Stockdale.

She's got the bone in her teeth.

She must be making 20 knots.

SECNAV: As you can see,

her forward m*ssile launcher

is in the raised position.

Where is she now?

80 nautical miles off
Havana and closing.

Harpoon missiles
are almost in range.

We're operating under
the assumption that

the t*rrorists are anti-Castro
extremists bent on k*lling him.

They have to have precise
coordinates on his location.

In 50 minutes, Castro will be
addressing the National Assembly

in the soccer stadium

in Havana.

Not much time for a counter-op.

A SEAL team will execute a
Halo insertion at 0100 Zulu.

Under a full moon with
a frigate at 20 knots?

That's a su1c1de mission,

Mr. Secretary.

No less than you've
undertaken in the past, A.J.

What else is in the works?

A Tomcat section will
be in position shortly

to intercept any
harpoons fired at Havana.

Now, I've been assured that
the missiles will be destroyed

before they even reach
Cuban territorial waters.

With all due respect,

you are signing those
children's death warrants.

We don't see it that way.

There's an aircraft bearing
2-8-0, range 18 miles.

Angels 20. It seems to
be flying a holding pattern.

Any other suspicious contacts?

No, just the usual
commercial air and shipping.

It's probably a
Coast Guard AC-130

looking for drug runners.

Keep your eye on them.

How long before
we're within range?

About 12 minutes.

I contacted that
P-3 from the helo.

From inside the hangar?

Josh ran an HF antenna

up through a vent
in the overhead.

That's like 30 feet in the air.

Wait till Annie
hears about that.

She's not going to hear about it

unless you tell her.

So the Navy knows
about our situation?

The aircraft they're
talking about is the P-3.

If you waved right now,

their long-range cameras
would probably see it.

OBSERVER (over radio): Getting
several clusters and cloud spots

on the aft helicopter deck.

Repeat: no way to
distinguish between

the ship's crew
and the t*rrorists.

Would you like something
with it? I think we have...

Has Harm ever lied to you?

He's misled me.

That's the bad news. Uh...

the good news is, I can't
think of anyone other than Harm

that I'd rather have
with Josh at the moment.

Without Harm, Josh wouldn't be

where he is at the moment.

I know why he did it.

He thinks that Josh's
future in the Navy

is... predetermined

and there's nothing I or
anyone else can do about it.

So in his mind, he's helping him

to realize his dreams

over the unwarranted
fears of his mother.

That makes him the good guy

in Josh's eyes.

Annie, the last
thing on Harm's mind

is to alienate you
from your son.

Harm hasn't taken responsibility

for what's on his mind,

because no matter
which way you look at it,

Josh is with him, not me.

And unless God's smiling on us,

it could end that way.

I know, because
of my past behavior,

that I'm considered to be
somewhat of an hysteric.

That's not true.

Hey, I can see the way
you guys look at me.

I'm not very military
in my bearing.

I'm someone who
needs to be calmed.

Or I might cry and get sloppy.


Isn't that why you
brought the tea?


If this were your son,
how would you react?

I would hold it in.

But then, that's...

why I'm an alcoholic.

¿A que eso, Juan, okay?


Where have you been
hiding since I seized the ship?

In my quarters.

Don't lie, or it could
have dire consequences.

You thr*aten my daughter
again and I'll rip your...

Mommy, don't. Please.

I was in the helo bay.

Trying to radio for
help from the Seahawk.

But the radio doesn't

transmit through
a steel bulkhead.

Somehow I feel

that wouldn't stop
a man like you.

Do you have a cell phone?

I tried that.

Unfortunately, cell phones
don't work this far out in the Gulf.

(phone ringing)

(phone ringing)

Had I known, I'd have called

the t*rror1st hot line.

The t*rrorists have him.

You're in Key West, calling...

calling your boyfriend
who's fishing.

It's a wrong number.

Tony, you there?

Who is this?

It's Sherrie.

Put Tony on.

Where are you calling

from, Sherrie?

Key West. Where do you think?

Are you guys coming in or
you going to fish all night?

Have the P-3 cut
their relay now.

You have the wrong number.

Yeah, right.

Tony's too drunk

to come to the phone, huh?

Well, you tell him when
he docks, I am not...

(static crackling)

Contact's broken, sir.

Tony and Sherrie?

Don't ask, Admiral.

I don't... don't know
anyone named Sherrie.

ROBERTS: It had to be

an atmospheric anomaly.

Cell phones, their
range is only good

for 25, 30 miles max.


Can a cell phone work out here?

No. We're too far
from shore, Miguel.

What's that plane doing?

JUAN: Moving north.

Miguel, I'm ready to launch.

Paciencia, compadre.


It won't be long.


♪ En los brazos del amor ♪

CORTEZ: Rosalita?

♪ Mientras que
duerme y descansa ♪

♪ La pena de mi dolor. ♪

CORTEZ: Rosalita?


Is everything all right?


I'm singing a lullaby
to the children.

I hope for the children's
sake, Commander,

that you're telling the truth.

Hey, if I had gotten
through on my cell phone,

someone would be here already

to stop whatever it
is you're planning.

He's going to blow up
Castro with a harpoon.

A harpoon's not

a very efficient w*apon
of assassination.


can't be choosy.

Oh, is that what you
are... A Cuban liberator?

No. I am the Cuban liberator...

The only one willing
to go to the edge

to free my people

from 39 years of oppression.

(female journalist
reporting in Spanish)

Castro's speaking to
the National Assembly.

You're going to take
out the whole building.

You speak Spanish.

I'm impressed.

You're going

to k*ll hundreds to
take out one man?

Anyone in that
stadium is a politician.

What makes you so willing
to k*ll indiscriminately?

You couldn't have
been more than a baby

when Castro took power.

Actually, I was four years old.

My father was Batista's banker.

In prison, Castro's
guards questioned him

about offshore accounts.

He told them everything he knew,

but that didn't satisfy them.

So for his punishment,

they made him choose
between his son...

or his hands.

What they didn't count on

were the hands of his son.

This isn't about liberation.

This is about revenge.

It's about justice.

(speaking Spanish,
crowd cheering)

MIGUEL: Juan, stand by.


the launch key doesn't work.

No! No... Here.

Sorry, Commander,
I can't, not for Castro.

Not for anyone.

I gave you an old launch key

my daughter had as a souvenir.

This one is current.

It better be.

ROSALITA: Miguel, what's wrong?



Nothing is wrong, Rosalita.

ROSALITA: Miguel, talk to me.

Everything is going
according to plan.


We'll be leaving soon.

RABB: You have
no control over her

and her finger
is on the trigger.

Just hope this key works.

Josh, are you there?

Harm, where have you been?

Everybody's been
trying to reach you.

SEALs are coming,
and Tomcats are waiting

to sh**t down any
missiles they fire.

Listen up, Josh.

You have to do what I say

and then you've got
to get out of there.

Aye, aye, sir.

Stand there.

Try this one.

(bell rings, alarm sounds)

Bueno, bueno.

JUAN: Fire two missiles.

Now, Juan.

Cuba libre.

Romeo, we have a launch.

Two bogies bearing

Roger, I have radio contact.

PILOT: Toledo, I'll take
port and you take starboard.

PILOT 2: Roger that.

I've got a lock.

Firing, Fox One.

No go. Switching to g*ns.

PILOT: Romeo Titan...
splat... two bogies.

JUAN: They're gone.

I-I don't believe it.

They shot them down.

Load two more.

RABB: They'll sh**t
those down, too.

You got through

on the cell phone.

Nah. I used the
radio in the helo.

I ran the antenna
through the overhead,

so cut that before you take off.

k*ll him, Miguel.

I'd think about that.

They're gonna sh**t
down anything you launch

and a SEAL team
will be here shortly.


I'm your only chance you
have to get out of here alive.

I can't believe your government

would let the children
die to save Castro.

You hate Castro for
what he did to your father,

and yet you're
doing the same thing

to the parents on this ship.

Disarm Rosalita and you can go.

She'd never allow it.

Tell her Castro's dead.

And we take off, and you
sh**t us down with the S.A.M.

No one will fire on you.
You have my word on that.

I don't trust your word any
more than you trust mine.

Then somebody has to die.

ROSALITA: We got him?

We really got him?

Havana is reporting

tremendous explosions
in the stadium.

He could not have
survived, Rosalita.

We have done it.

I hear the helicopter.

Is the helicopter ready?

Yes. They are
just waiting for us.

I'm coming for you.

You know better.



Unless I hold the children,
they will sh**t you down.

This was always to
be my last mission.

Go, mi amigo.

Vaya con Dios.

Rosalita... let the children go.


I'll take them with me.

♪ Ala-roo ♪

♪ Ala-mey ♪

♪ Ala-roo ♪

♪ Ala-mey ♪

♪ Ala-roo... ♪


Miguel, it's no use.

I'm not...

It's the only thing you could
have done, Commander.

She would have k*lled them all.

ROBERTS: They just
went off the radar screen.



Harm told me to put
water in the fuel tanks.


ROBERTS: Well, Josh,

it looks like you
got your first bogey.

Even if it was
technically one of ours.

He looks fine,
just like last time.

So do you.


How do you do it?

Court danger and stay healthy?

And why didn't you
teach it to Luke?

I'm sorry, Annie.

For Luke?

For deceiving you
about the weekend.

Well, I can
forgive you for that,

but not for teaching
my son to do the same.

You, uh, turned him against me

and that is unacceptable.

Annie, we were going to
tell you when we got back.

So deception's okay
as long as you admit it?

It's not okay...
but at the time,

I thought maybe
it was kind of like

staying out past curfew.


I didn't want Josh
to be afraid of life.

Just his mother.

You have a lot of fear, Annie,

and sometimes you
transmit it to Josh.

That may be true, but that
has nothing to do with you.

That is my problem,
my challenge...

along with how to deal
with never seeing you again.

Good-bye, Harm.


Please don't call.

She accepted.



She's in Florida
with her parents.

I called her, I proposed
and she accepted.

Well, th-that... hey,
congratulations, Bud.

Thank you, sir.

You know, I guess just being

so close to death made me do it.


Will you be my best man?

Well... I'd... I'd
be honored, Bud.

Thank you.

Thank you, sir.

I got to go tell the Major.
