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04x22 - A Dolphin Song for Lee: Part 2

Posted: 06/07/23 06:41
by bunniefuu
You know, Jonathan, it is not fair.

We go on these
assignments together, right?

I do half the work
and you get all the stuff.

- I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do.
- Well, the boss could if he wanted to.

Come on, boss, what do you say?

Just one time.
Just give me an assignment, all right?

I don't care what it is.

Just give me the stuff
and I'll handle it.

See, nothing.
He doesn't listen to me. He never-

Boy, I would like
to get my hands on that guy.

Will you knock it off?


I got the stuff.

Mary Creswell was originally
supposed to take this case.

- But she just--
- Just had a baby boy.

Well, yes, how did you know?

Mark is very intuitive in that way.

- Yeah.
- Right.

Oh, well, good,

because I think it's going
to take about all of your intuition

and sensitivity to handle this case.

Hey, no matter what it is,
we can handle it, you know.

No sweat.

No sweat, Mr. Gordon.

Yeah. I mean, what's her problem?

Her parents splitting up
or is she on dr*gs that--?

Oh, no.

Mark, what's wrong?

She's dying.

Jonathan, she's gonna die.

She wants to be a marine biologist.

Since she was a kid,
you couldn't keep her out of the water.

- You always said she was part fish.
- Yeah.

She scuba dives.

She knows every book
Cousteau ever wrote.

Other kids wanted dolls
for Christmas.

She wanted us to contribute money
to Save the Whales.

That was her dream.

Everything's money.

I mean, there's no money to be made
in saving dolphins, is there?

No, I guess not.

It's the money, that's what it is.

I just told you that.

No, no, no, I'm not talking
about the dolphins,

I'm talking about your operation.

That's why you won't have
the bone-marrow transplant.

It's the money.

It's not true.

Yes, it is. You're afraid that your folks
don't have the money.

That's exactly what you're thinking.

Hi. My name is Lee Bradley.

And like all of you who are watching,
I'm going to die.

In my case, though,
it might come a littler sooner.

Like, real soon
if I don't get an operation.

Hey, keep it down a minute.

There are a lot of kids like me,

who face operations
that could save our lives.

The only problem is,
these things cost money.

A lot of money.

You're really doing good,
aren't you, kiddo?

Well, we'll know how good or bad
in a little while.

The doctor's bringing down
the test results.

Nail-biting time, you know?

The tests are in.

You are definitely in remission.

Oh, thank God.Thank God.

I'm gonna live. I'm gonna live.

Oh, Mark.


- Bye, Lee.
- Bye.

Take care of yourself, Lee.

- Bye.
- Bye.


I wonder where Mark
and Jonathan are.

I mean,
I thought sure they'd be here.

Well, you know, honey, they're busy.
They got other things to do.

You're not their only case, you know.


See you.


Welcome home, sis.

Mark, Jonathan. I knew you guys
were up to something.

Yeah, but you didn't know what.
It was all Mark's idea.

What's Mark's idea?

Hey, don't look so surprised.

I do come up with one
once in a while, you know.

Remember when you told me

you wanted to be part
of the Save the Dolphin campaign?


What exactly was it
you wanted to do?

Well, to help raise money and stuff
for the boats they're sending out.

You know,
to stop the deployment of nets.

- That's nice, but it's not good enough.
- What do you mean not good enough?

Well, I mean, anybody can pass
around a tin cup, you know.

They need people on the boats.

Look, this is Tracy Martin
from Save the Dolphins.

I'll let her tell you what's going on.

Hi, Lee.

Mark here contacted us
the other day.

We've already spoken to your doctor
and he's given us a tentative okay.

Okay for what?

If you're feeling up to it,

we're gonna fly you
and your family to Seattle,

and from there, you'll board
one of the Save the Dolphin boats.

And we'll make you an official member
of the rescue team.

You're gonna do
more than pass the hat, kiddo.

You're gonna find
the dolphins in the sea.

I can't believe it. I just can't believe it.

I mean, everything I ever dreamed of,
it's all coming true.

What a day. What a life.

Trawler dead ahead,
trawler dead ahead!

Hit the boats!

Come on!

Honey, are you sure
you're up to this now?

Mom, it's been four months.

And I've never felt better
in my life, never.

- The boats are so little. Are they safe?
- Mom, they're fine.

Listen to me.

I'm doing something that I wanna do

more than anything else
in the whole world.

I mean, what's the good of being alive
if you're too afraid to really live?

Where's my scared little girl?

I am so proud of you.

- Let's go!
- I gotta go.

Come on, come on, let's go!

Come on, Jen, let's go.

And don't embarrass me
by barfing on the boat.

Save the dolphins! Save the dolphins!
Save the dolphins!

Save the dolphins! Save the dolphins!
Save the dolphins!

Save the dolphins! Save the dolphins!
Save the dolphins!

Save the dolphins! Save the dolphins!
Save the dolphins!

- Save the dolphins!
- Save the dolphins!

- Save the dolphins!
- Save the dolphins!

Save the dolphins! Save the dolphins!

Save the dolphins! Save the dolphins!

Save the dolphins! Save the dolphins!
Save the dolphins!

What do we do?

We can't deploy them.
They're all under the rigging.

We don't wanna hurt anybody.
Let's get out of here.

Save the dolphins! Save the dolphins!
Save the dolphins!

They're leaving! We did it, we did it!

And we're not through.

I was talking with the guys

and they want me to go
to the state legislature

to talk to the whole state Senate
and give a speech

for when the law
to protect the dolphins

and whales comes up for renewal.

You wanna go with me?


Why are you crying?

I don't know. I just feel so good.

Dolphins. Look at them.

Oh, my God.

They're over there too.

It's like they knew we saved them
and they're thanking us.

They do know.

And they are thanking us.

Come in.

Hi, doc.

Oh, hi, Mark, Jonathan.

I had to come down and tell you this.

I talked to Lee
on the phone last night.

You have never heard a kid
so excited in your life.

She made me promise
I'd come down and tell you about it.

She saved a dolphin.

The guys let her name it.

You know what she named it? Max.

They're gonna move it
to some marine park--

What's wrong, doc?

I don't know what you mean, Mark.

Yes, you do.

Yes, you do.

It's Lee.

Mark, you know, I can only discuss
Lee's case with her family.

She's not in remission anymore.

The tests came back

and she's not in remission anymore.
That's it, isn't it?

Her parents already know,
I spoke to them this morning.

Oh, God.

We never should've set this thing up.

It's gonna take too much out of her.

She's gonna need all of her strength
for more treatments, right?

There's not gonna be
any more treatments.

Look, I know how close
the two of you have grown to her,

especially you, Mark.

We've done everything.

There's nothing more
we can do for her

except try to make her comfortable.

I'm sorry.

- Hey, hey, hey.
- Don't touch me, I'm fine.

I just--I wanna be alone.

What are the police doing here?
What's going on?

It's Bobby now. Damn it.

He heard us talking about Lee

before we even had
a chance to tell him.

How do you tell a -year-old?

He ran away.

I've called all over the place.
I can't find him.

You know,
I can't find him anywhere.

I don't blame him.

I feel like running away myself.

I know, Jim, he's just a little guy.

He couldn't have gotten far.
The police will find him.

You don't know Bobby.

I don't know
what I'm supposed to do.

Stay here with Lisa,
she's falling apart in there.

Jennifer's there with her now.

Why don't you stay here?
I'll go look for Bobby.

I got neighbours out
looking for him everywhere too.

Look, why don't you stay here
with Lisa? She needs you.

What about Lee?

I can't even talk to her.

Mark, please, would you?

Yeah. Yeah, sure.

Boss, I know you gave Mark the stuff
for this assignment,

but I could sure use some help.


Hey, Bobby.

Oh, no. How'd you know
I'd get on this bus?

Me? I didn't know.

They didn't send you out
looking for me?

- Who's "they"?
- My parents.


Well, you found me anyway.
Just my cruddy luck.

Hey, how could I find you
if I wasn't looking for you?

You do whatever you wanna do.

You mean, you don't care
that I'm running away?

Last time I heard,
it was a free country.

Why did God do it?

Still think God did this?

Yeah. If there is a God.

Let me ask you a question.
You ever plant a garden?

Yeah, once.

Didn't some of the plants
live and get tall?

Others didn't do so well
and some of them even died.


Well, if plants could think,
you'd be sort of like a god to them.

You give them life, give them water,
you put them in the sunshine,

but you don't make any of them die,
do you?


Yeah, well, I think
that's the way it is with God.

He gives us life
and the Earth and the sun.

And he loves us
and he hopes the best for us.

But he doesn't live our lives for us.

And he doesn't send us disease
and disasters just to prove a point.

Bobby, those things happen.

It's part of life.

Life isn't always easy, son.

I left because I didn't wanna
see her die, Mr. Smith.

I know, pal.

I know.

Could you please take me home?

I'll take you home.

Where'd you find him?

On a bus, going nowhere.

How's Lee?


At least she's not in any pain,
you know?

She has maybe a month.

I held her for a while, you know.

We both cried.

I don't know what else to do.

What's it like, Jon?



First you're scared.

Then you deny it,
"It's not gonna happen to me."

Then you're angry,
"It can't happen to me."

And then you accept it.

And finally, you're at peace.

Mark, a peace like you've
never felt before.

I think I'll take a walk.

How's your mom?

She fell asleep.

You talked to Lee?


I think she just wants to be alone.

Jennifer, you're gonna have
to help her now.

But she's dying.

How can I help her?

Well, you remember
what she told us?

About how the most important thing
in her life was to make a difference.

A real difference.

It's too late now.

She's not even gonna get a chance.

Its not too late. She has a month.

Jennifer, it could be
the most important month of her life,

but she's gonna need you.

To do what?

To convince her
not to give up on her dream.

To make her go ahead
with her talk to the Senate.

I can't do that.

Yes, you can.

You have to.

You're gonna have to be
the big sister now.


Can we talk?

Who are you, Joan Rivers?

I have a favour to ask.

You want my room when I'm dead,
don't you?

That too.

I told you before, the bras don't fit.

I don't want you to quit.

I don't think
I have much say in it anymore.

We have that meeting
at the state capital.

You have to talk to the whole Senate,

I don't think
I'm gonna be around, Jen.

We could get them
to hold a special session, then.

Mark could set it up
just like he did with the TV station.

And you could talk to them.

You talk to them for me.

I can't do it like you can.

You're the smart one, not me.

- Oh, you're not so bad for a brat.
- I mean it, Lee, please.

This bill is important.

You're the one who said so.

What are you getting
so mad at me for?

I'm not mad at you.

Oh, I'm not mad at you, sis.


I'm mad at death.

I wish I could punch it
right in the nose.

I wish to God I could.

And I don't want it to win.
I want you to win.

I want you to get that bill passed.

So the things
you really care about won't--

Won't die with me?


Come here.

I want you to have your wish.

I want you to make a difference.

I want you to be remembered.

Because you're the best.

You tell Mark, try and set it up.

The Bradley girls
are gonna go get them.


I'm sorry,
but Senator Simpson's not even here.

Ma'am, please be honest
with us on this one.

Are you just saying that
because you know he won't see us?

Is he somewhere in the city
where we can find him?

Look, folks, I'm on your side.

So is Senator Simpson.
He's all in favour of this bill.

But unfortunately,
he's on vacation in Montana.

He's not due back
for another ten days.

- If you'll just listen to me.
- I'm listening.

Now, Fred, I want you to make sure
that we nail that appropriations bill.

Will you support
a special session of the committee?

- No. I want you to make sure--
- The girl and her family

have come a long way
just to be heard.

Well, they can be heard during
the regular sessions in two months.

- The dolphins will be safe until then.
- The girl won't be alive by then.

Mr. Gordon,

I still don't know how you conned
my secretary into letting you in here,

but I can tell you right now,
it won't do you any good.

- Senator, it is so--
- I think that we need

to get government
off the back of business.

And it's time we realise
that the conservationists in this country

are trying to make capitalism
an endangered species.

Listen, all the girl wants is a chance
to talk to your committee.

She is dying.

And my heart goes out to her
and her family.

And I would be delighted
to have her and her family

as my guests on a special tour
of the capitol if they'd like,

but calling the committee into special
session, it's out of the question.

They didn't come here
to have a tour of their government.

They came here to be part of it.

- How'd you make out?
- Two noes, one yes.

That gives us three altogether.

We couldn't even get in the door
to see anybody.

Well, there's still the chairman,
Senator Arnold.

Nobody's seen him yet.

That's because nobody can get in
to see him.

You know, I think he knows we're
here, he's dodging us or something.

Senator Arnold,
Dave Kirkwood of the Chronicle.

Do you think the governor
is gonna veto your budget proposal?

Well, if he tries, I think he'll find
I got me enough votes

in both houses to override.


I don't think he wants
that kind of embarrassment.

Hal David, KFTZ.

Senator, the Speaker of the House
has called you a petty tyrant

who views the Senate
as his own private kingdom.

Well, I don't know about that, I--

I see myself
as just a simple public servant.

Bobby Bradley, Meadows Elementary
School Student Newsletter.

- I have a question, sir.
- Now, that's what I like to see.

Our young people taking
an interest in state government.

Probably from one
of the school tours.

What was that question again,
young fella?

Do you believe in God, sir?

Out of the mouths of babes.

Well, I tell you, young fella,

that's the best question
I ever heard up here.

And I think our constituents
have a desire to know--

A right to know
how their elected officials stand

on the great moral issues of the day.

Do you, sir? Do you believe in God?

I certainly do, my fine young fellow.
I certainly do.

And, sir, isn't it true that there's, like,
a little voice inside of us all?

And it's up to us
whether we listen to that voice

and do the right thing or not?

Young man,
I don't believe I've ever heard it

more beautifully put in my entire life.

And I tell you what,
you tell your teacher

to watch the : news tonight

because if I know anything about
these boys, you're gonna be there

and me too, of course.

Then, sir, would you please call
your committee into special session

so they can hear
what my sister has to say?

Because she...

She's dying, sir.

And if you don't let her talk
to you guys now,

she's not gonna be around
when you're ready to listen.

- Well, son, I--
- Please, don't answer yet, sir.

Please, just take a second
and listen to God

because he'll tell you
what the right thing to do is.

I know he will.

Where's your sister now, son?

She's right down there.

That's my sister, sir.
Her name's Lee.

Young lady.

How would : be?

It would be fine, senator.
It would be just fine.

I'm not gonna talk
about any bill or politics,

because this is more important
than that.

I told my sister the other day
that this isn't my world anymore.

Because I'm leaving soon.

Too soon.

And I'm scared, you know?

I know maybe I shouldn't be
and I wasn't for a while--

I was mad.

And that was a lot easier than this.

Because I'm scared.

So I try and--

You know, like the song says,
think of my favourite things.

And I think of sunsets.

And the wind in my hair.

Of the way the air smells
in the morning

when there isn't any pollution

and you can smell the trees
and the earth.

You can smell life itself.

And the sea.

The mother of all life,
the life of our planet.

That's what the sea is.

I know what it's like
to feel like you're drowning,

to know you're dying.

And I know what it's like

to have to say goodbye
to all the beauty of the Earth.

I know because I'm dying.

But you're not.

It's your world.

And my little sister's,
and my brother's.

And I'm asking you, all of you,

to hold life very close, very dearly.

Because you don't know
how awful it is

to lose it
until you have to say goodbye.

Every day, we senselessly k*ll
another piece of this Earth.

We all live our
own separate little worlds,

concerned only
with what's best for ourselves.

"I'll make my money now
and to heck with what happens later.

Another endangered
species disappears, so what?

I'm doing great.

I'm providing for my family."

But what would that legacy be
to your family

when all the dolphins are gone,

and all the condors,
and the oceans have died,

and the ozone layers are destroyed?

Is that the legacy you wanna leave?

I haven't made a will,

because I really don't have anything
to leave anyone.

Except my room, and my sister's
already got dibs on that.

So I leave to you the planet Earth.

I bequeath you the land,

and the skies,

and the seas,

and the heavens,

and the Earth
and all the creatures God created.

I give you life.

And I hope to God, who made it all,

that you don't waste it.

It's the dearest thing you've got.

It's everything.

- Hi, kiddo.
- Hi.

I just talked to Senator Arnold
on the telephone.

He is sure there is enough votes
to pass the bill.

- You did it.
- Oh, thank God.

Hey, what's this?

A Save the Dolphins poster,
I just finished it.

Oh, it's great.

- I was just wishing.
- What?

That I could see Max,
the dolphin we saved.

And I could swim with him just once.

Wouldn't it be something
to swim on a dolphin?

Then let's do it.

- Oh, sure.
- No, I mean it.

Are you serious?

You bet I am.

I don't think it's gonna work with Max.
He isn't trained enough yet.

How about we try
one of the other dolphins?

Max is the one she wants
to swim with, Keith.

I'll give it another try.

Lee, it's no use.

You sure you don't wanna
go over to the other t*nk?

No, Max was the one
whose life I helped--

It was a dumb idea.
Let's just go home.

- We can go over to the other t*nk.
- Please. I just wanna go home.

Look, I'm sorry it didn't work out.


You owe her this one.

I know you can hear me.

It's the little girl who saved your life.

It's about time you did something
to pay her back.

Lee. Lee, come here.


Looks like he remembered you.

She's resting.

I don't think she's in any pain.

She--She wants to see you, Mark.

She wants to say goodbye.

Hi, kiddo.


Please don't cry.


I'm not afraid anymore.

I know it sounds crazy,

but when I swam with Max,

he talked to me.

Not with words.

It was so strange and so beautiful.

I could feel his thoughts.

He made me understand.

Life doesn't end.

It never ends.


What's this?

A poem.

I want you to read it when it's time.


No tears, remember?

I can't help it.

I'm gonna--

I'm gonna miss you, kiddo.

I'll be here.

You know,
I had this crazy dream that I died

and I came back as a dolphin.

Who knows?

Maybe my dream will come true.
Wouldn't that be something, Mark?

Yeah, kiddo.

It could happen, couldn't it?

All things are possible, right?

All things are possible.

I think I'll sleep now.

Do not weep for me

For I have lived

I have flown with magic dolphins

Weightless beneath the sea

Do not weep for me for I have given

I have joined my hand
With my fellow's hand

To leave the planet
Better than I found it

Do not weep for me

Do not weep for me
For I have loved

And been loved

By parents

Brothers, sisters

By those I loved who loved me back

For I never knew a stranger
Only friends

Do not weep for me

Do not

Weep for me

When you feel the ocean
Spray upon your face

I am there

When your heart beats faster
Than a dolphin's leaping grace

I am there

When you reach out
To touch another's heart

As I now touch God's face

I am there

Do not weep for me

I am not gone


I wish I could believe.


That her dream would come true.

That all things are possible.

They are, Mark.

Believe me, they are.

Way to go, kiddo.

Way to go.

When your heart beats faster
At the dolphin's leaping grace

I am there

When you reach out
To touch another's heart

As now I touch God's face

I am there

Do not weep for me

I am not gone