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04x05 - Diego and Dora Help Baby Monarch Get to the Festival

Posted: 06/08/23 06:46
by bunniefuu
♪Whoop-ha, ho-ho ♪

♪Whoop-ha, ho-ho ♪

Go, Diego, go!

♪ Deep inside the jungle where nature's running wild ♪

♪ Coming to the rescue is a very special child ♪

♪ Talking to the animals and swinging from a vine ♪

♪ This rough and tough adventurer ♪

♪ Is working all the time

♪Ya viene Diego ♪

♪Diego! ♪

♪ Diego

Go, Diego, go!

♪ Alicia's on the mission

♪ We're all going for a ride

♪ Diego's on the road with Baby Jaguar by his side ♪

♪ Discovering together, yeah, we're always having fun ♪

♪ Helping out each other is good for everyone ♪

♪ And there goes Diego

♪Diego! ♪

♪ Diego

♪ Go, Diego, go!

Hola, I'm Diego.

I'm at the Monarch Butterfly Festival.

Every winter, monarch butterflies leave

the Snowy Mountain and fly down here

to the Warm Forest for the festival.

Mi familia is here to welcome them.

If you see my sister Alicia, say"Hola."


There are so many monarch butterflies coming

to the festival that I need

my butterfly calculator to count them.

And where's Baby Jaguar?

(laughing): Right there.

Say "Mreow, mreow."

Mreow, mreow.

I can't wait for all the monarch butterflies to get here.

Are all the butterflies here, Alicia?

No, Diego.

We're missing a baby monarch butterfly.

BABY JAGUAR: A baby monarch?

We can't start the festival

untilall the butterflies are here.


That's my video watch.

Do you see who it is?

Right,es mi prima Dora.


Diego, I was on my way to the festival

when I found a baby monarch butterfly who stayed behind.

She doesn't want to come out of her cocoon.

If she doesn't come out,

the Snowy Snow will freeze her cocoon.

I'll help you get Baby Monarch out of her cocoon.

I'm on my way.

You have to hurry, Diego.

Don't worry, monarch butterflies.

I can get there fast.

We need to get to Dora and Baby Monarch quick.

My Rescue Pack can transform into anything we need.

To activate my Rescue Pack, say"¡Actívate!"



Yo, Rescue Pack!

(lively intro plays)

♪ Ah, Rescue Pack

♪ Coming to the rescue

♪Al rescate ♪

♪ Rescue Pack

♪ Coming to the rescue

♪ I'm Rescue Pack, I got your back ♪

♪ I can turn into a parasail or a kayak ♪

♪ A zip cord, a snowboard, whatever you need ♪

♪ We can do it, nothing to it ♪

♪ I'm Rescue Pack

♪ Coming to the rescue

♪Al rescate ♪

♪ Rescue Pack

♪ Coming to the rescue

♪ Ah, Rescue Pack!

Yo... Rescue Pack here!

Diego needs something that will help him fly

to Dora and Baby Monarch fast.

Can he use ice-skates to fly fast?


Can he use a boat to fly fast?


Can he use a hang glider to fly fast?

Yes, that's it!

Now you tell Diego he needs a hang glider.

What do I need?

A hang glider, right.

My supersonic hang glider can fly really, really far--

all the way to the Snowy Mountain.

Count down from five with me.

Start with five.

Five, four, three, two, one.

Blast off!

Al rescate, amigos.

Clap your hands with me.

Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap.

Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap.

Let's call out to the monarch butterfly.

Say "Monarch."

Say "Butterfly."

♪ Go, Diego, go!

♪¡Vamos, Diego, vamos! ♪

♪Al rescate, amigos ♪

♪ To the rescue, my friends

♪Al rescate, amigos ♪

♪ To the rescue, my friends

♪ Go, Diego, go, Diego

♪Vamos, Diego, vamos, Diego ♪

♪ Go, Diego, go, Diego

♪Vamos, Diego, vamos, Diego ♪

♪¡Vamos! ♪

Look, there's my cousin Dora.

Hola, prima.

That was a long trip.

Primo, I'm so glad you're here.

We've got to get Baby Monarch out of her cocoon

before the Snowy Snow gets here.

Then we better hurry.

Let's go!

Baby Monarch, mi primo Diego is here.

Hola, Diego.

Hola, Baby Monarch.

Why don't you want to come out of your cocoon?

I'm scared because I've never been out there.

Don't feel bad.

Sometimes I get scared, too, but you have to come out.

All your cousins are waiting for you

at the Monarch Butterfly Festival.

Let's help Baby Monarch come out of her cocoon.

To tell Baby Monarch to come out,

let's say the Spanish word"sal."

(singsongy): Say"Sal."


(singsongy): Sal.

Look, she's trying to come out.

Again, say...

(singsongy): "Sal."


You helped Baby Monarch come out of her cocoon.

You're great at speaking Spanish.

Hey, it's nice out here.

¡Diego, Dora, ayúdenme!

It's okay, Baby Monarch.

Your wings just need to get dry so you can fly.

We can help you dry them off.

Let's help Baby Monarch's wings dry by blowing on them.

Put your hands around your mouth and blow.



One last time.


Good job.

You're ready to fly, Baby Monarch.

But I'm afraid.

I don't want to fall again.

Don't worry.

We'll show you how to fly.

Let's show Baby Monarch how to flap her wings

so she can fly.

Put your arms to the side and flap like a butterfly.

Flap, flap, flap!

Again! Flap, flap, flap!

One more time!

Flap, flap, flap!

DORA: Yay!

You're flying, Baby Monarch!


That was cool, but a little scary.

(wind howling)

Oh! Uh-oh!

The Snowy Snow is getting close.

We've got to get to the Monarch Butterfly Festival.

But I don't know how to get there.

I can help.

Who do we ask for help

when we don't know which way to go?

Map. Right.

You have to say, "Map!"


BOTH: Map!

(fingers snapping, jazzy tune playing)

♪ If there's a place you got to go ♪

♪ I'm the one you need to know ♪

♪ I'm the Map

♪ I'm the Map, I'm the Map ♪

♪ If there's a place you got to get ♪

♪ I can get you there, I bet

♪ I'm the Map

♪ I'm the Map, I'm the Map

♪ I'm the Map, I'm the Map ♪

♪ I'm the Map, I'm the Map

♪ I'm the Map, I'm the Map ♪

♪ I'm the Map, I'm the Map

♪ I'm the Map!

Dora and Diego need to take Baby Monarch back

to the Butterfly Festival.

Well, I know how to get to the festival.

First, you need to go past the Cactus Desert.

Then through the swamp.

And that's how you'll get to the Butterfly Festival.

So remember--

desert, swamp,

Butterfly Festival.

Say it with me.

Desert, swamp, Butterfly Festival.

Desert, swamp,

Butterfly Festival.

Desert, swamp,

Butterfly Festival.



Butterfly Festival!

Where do we go first?


The desert. Right.

The Cactus Desert.

I feel better, 'cause now I know where I'm going.

¡Vámonos, amigos!

Let's get Baby Monarch to the Butterfly Festival,

'cause the festival can't start without her.

Are you ready, Baby Monarch?

I don't know if I can fly all the way to the festival.

You can do it, Baby Monarch.

We'll help you.

We've got to help Baby Monarch fly.

Let's all be butterflies.

Put your arms in the air, flap your wings and...

♪ Take a little jump

♪ Come on, don't be shy ♪

♪ You're never gonna know

BOTH: ♪ If you don't try

♪ Come on, come on

♪ Come on, come on

♪ Come on, come on, come on, come on ♪

♪ Fly, fly, fly

♪ Put your heart into it

♪ Flap your wings

♪ Touch the sky

♪ Fly, fly, fly

♪ Hey, look, I can do it!

♪ Away you go

♪ Fly, fly, fly

♪ Come on, come on, come on, come on ♪

♪ Come on, come on, come on, come on ♪

♪ Fly, fly, fly

♪ See, the wind can catch me

DORA & DIEGO: ♪ Loop, de loop, up so high ♪

BABY MONARCH: ♪ Up so high

♪Puedes volar ♪

Hey, everybody, watch me!

♪ Away you go

♪ Fly, fly, fly

♪ Away

DIEGO & DORA: ♪ Away you go

♪ Fly, fly, fly


DIEGO & DORA: ♪ Away you go

♪ Fly, fly, fly.

Hey, where's Baby Monarch?

I don't see her, Dora.

Do you see Baby Monarch?


There she is.

On Diego's head!

(both giggling)

Come on.

Let's get to the Butterfly Festival.

I can't wait to seemis primos.

Hey! Monarch butterflies!

I bet they're going to the festival, too.

I'll follow them!


Those can't be monarch butterflies.

They're going the wrong way!

My Butterfly Book can help us find out

what kind of butterflies those are.

Let's look closely.

This is a monarch butterfly,

and this is a queen butterfly.

Baby Monarch is a monarch butterfly,

like this one.

Not a queen butterfly.

So we have to find a butterfly that looks just like this one.

We need your help to find Baby Monarch.

DIEGO: Where is the monarch butterfly?

¡Sí, correcto!

That's Baby Monarch.

Thanks for helping us find her.

¡Baby Monarch,para!

Those aren't your cousins.

You're going the wrong way!


Those butterflies sure look like me.

¡Hasta luego, amigos!

Come on.

Let's get Baby Monarch to the Butterfly Festival.

'Cause the festival can't start without her.

Look! It's the Cactus Desert!

It sure is getting hot.

Yum, yum, yum!


Boy, this is a long trip!

I'm getting a little tired and hungry.



Uh-oh. Baby Monarch is so weak

that she's going to fall on the prickly cactus.

We need something to help us catch her.

I might have something in my backpack to catch her.

You have to say, "Backpack."

♪ Backpack, Backpack

♪ Backpack, Backpack

♪ I'm the Backpack loaded up

♪ With things and knick-knacks, too ♪

♪ Anything that you might need, I got inside for you ♪

♪ Backpack, Backpack

♪ Backpack, Backpack.


Diego and Dora need something they can use

to catch Baby Monarch.

Do you see anything they can use to catch Baby Monarch?


Sí, a net.

Smart thinking.

Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.


Help us catch Baby Monarch.

Put your arms out in front of you and...

catch her, catch her,

catch her!


You helped us catch Baby Monarch!


DORA: Baby Monarch is so weak and hungry, she can't fly.

We have to find her some food.

Monarch butterflies drink nectar from flowers.

Do you see any flowers?


There are some flowers right there.


(Diego and Dora laughing)

Let's help Baby Monarch sip the nectar from the flower.

Put your fingers around your mouth

and say "Sip, sip, sip."


DIEGO & DORA: Sip, sip, sip.


I feel better.

Now I can fly again.


That's my Video Watch.

It's my sister Alicia.

Diego, all the other monarch butterflies are waiting

for Baby Monarch.

We can't start the festival without her.

Is she still afraid?

She's doing much better, Alicia.

We're on our way.

Come on, amigos.

Let's get Baby Monarch to the Butterfly Festival.

'Cause it can't start without her.

We made it to the swamp.

CROW: Caw, caw!

A crow is after me.

A crow is after me.

Caw, caw!

DORA: That blue butterfly needs to get away from the crow.

You can help her, Baby Monarch.

But how?

Monarch butterfly wings are poisonous to the crow.

If the crow sees your wings, he'll get scared and fly away.

But I don't want to hurt the crow.

Don't worry, Baby Monarch.

The crow knows that your wings are poisonous to him.

Yeah, he doesn't want to get poisoned, so he'll fly away.

Okay, I'll do it.

Let's help Baby Monarch.

If you see a crow, yell "Crow!"

Caw, caw!


It worked.

If you see another crow, yell "Crow!"

Caw, caw!



When you see a crow, yell "Crow!"

Caw, caw!


Now the crows are all gone.


You helped Baby Monarch save the blue butterfly

from the crows.

Baby Monarch, you were so brave.

Congratulations on your first animal rescue.

Thanks, Diego.

I wasn't afraid at all.

Gracias por salvarme, Baby Monarch.

You're my hero.

De nada.

Let's go, amigos!

Look, Baby Monarch, the Monarch Festival.

That's where your cousins are.

Mis primos, mis primos.

We've got to get there fast.

I don't want them to start without me.

Let's help Baby Monarch fly fast.

Put your hands out to the side

and flap them, flap them, flap them.


Look, they're here.

Baby Monarch, that was such a long trip.

You were very brave.


MONARCH BUTTERFLY: Yay, you made it,prima.

We missed you.

BABY MONARCH: Hola, primos.

I'm so glad I left my cocoon and made it to the festival.

Now that Baby Monarch is here, the festival can begin.

Que empieze la fiesta.

ALL: Yay!


This is the best Monarch Butterfly Festival ever.

♪ Monarch Butterfly

♪ Say it with us

ALL: ♪ Monarch Butterfly

♪ Say it louder

♪ Monarch Butterfly!

Everybody scream!

♪ Monarch Butterfly!

DIEGO: ♪ Their long proboscis helps them drink nectar ♪

♪ It looks like a straw

♪ Come on, let's sip with her

Put your fingers around your mouths and say...

DIEGO, DORA & ALICIA: Sip, sip, sip, sip.

Sip, sip, sip!

DIEGO: ♪ When they come out of the cocoon, their wings are wet ♪

♪ If we blow on their wings, they'll fly, I bet ♪

Blow on the monarch's wings.

Blow, blow, blow, blow, blow.

Now flap your arms and say...

Flap, flap!

Flap, flap!

Flap, flap!

DORA, DIEGO & ALICIA: Flap, flap!

ALL: Flap, flap!

Flap, flap!

Flap, flap!

ALL: Flap, flap!

Diego, Dora, thanks for helping me be brave.

I'm really glad you helped me come out of my cocoon.

De nada. De nada.

Misión cumplida.

Rescue complete.

You're a great animal rescuer.

What does a monarch butterfly do?

ALL: Let's review.

ALICIA: Is a monarch butterfly orange and black or green and black?

Orange and black, correcto.

DORA: Does a monarch butterfly come out of a sleeping bag

or a cocoon?

Cocoon, right.

(giggling): Does a monarch butterfly eat hamburgers or flower nectar?

Flower nectar.


ALICIA: Hey, we've almost finished the puzzle.

Are crows afraid of a monarch butterfly's wings

or proboscis?


Their wings are poisonous to the crow.

Hey, we finished the puzzle.

That's a picture of a monarch butterfly.

Let's put this picture of the monarch butterfly

in our Animal Science Book with all the other butterflies.

We learned so much about monarch butterflies today.

And there's so much more for us to discover.

ALL: Together!

Hasta luego, amigos.

DORA & ALICIA: See you soon.