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03x01 - Blue Sky Thinking

Posted: 06/08/23 07:46
by bunniefuu
We're building a strong,
prosperous Australia.

It is a massive project!

A new era of forward thinking.

- Truly big-picture stuff.
- We have a national to-do list.

A major infrastructure project.

It's an incredible,
transformative opportunity.

We're spending more than any
government has ever spent.

An extraordinary figure of...

- $ billion.
- $ billion.

- $ billion.
- $ billion.

This is a nation building...

- Nation building.
- Nation building.

- Nation building.
- Nation building.

Nation building.

All right, let's have the Minister
for Regional Development tucking in.

Minister for Rural Services Delivery

right in next to the
Premier, if we could.

Grab a handle. There we go.
Let's get everyone in.

Under you go. Where's my
Treasurer? There he is. Okay, good.

Everyone in. Bunching in, please.

Okay, now, remember...

- How good's this?
- TONY: Yeah. No, pretty amazing.

- A road to the north.
- Yeah.

It's just great to be
back here in the Top End.

- You know, every time I...
- Sorry, your label's showing.

- Oh. Yeah. Thanks.
- I'll just pop that in there.

- There you go, mate.
- Hey, do you want to jump in?

No, no. I think they've
got enough. Yeah, yeah.

- Your loss.
- Yeah.

- What a day.
- Beautiful.

- Big win for the government.
- Yep.

- I might...
- Yeah, why don't you hop in?

- Dive in.
- Oh, here we go.

RHONDA: Here we go. Opening
up, ready to cut, and...

Big smiles, everyone.

(GROANS) I don't understand
why we have to do anything.

Staff morale, Tony. Team building.

And now that you've
shut down book club...

I didn't shut it down, I resigned.

Yeah, but once you
dropped out, it was...

Yeah, but all those novels
were taking forever to read.

It's because we started with Shantaram.

- Whatever.
- What about a group activity?

- Like?
- Should we give paintballing another go.

I'm still dealing with
WorkCover claims, Brian.

- Laser tag.
- Something without a w*apon.

- Go-karting.
- It's sort of a...

- We could try volunteering.
- Yeah, I'm not so sure.

Tony, just a reminder, you've got
your o'clock with Jim and Rhonda.

Sorry, am I meeting them
or are they meeting me?

It doesn't say.

Yeah, but it's your diary, so it
would say if you'd written it down.

- It's okay.
- But it's at .

- Yep.
- With Jim and Rhonda.

- Got it.
- So, we can do something?

(SIGHS) Whatever it
is, keep a lid on it.

- Sure, no weapons.
- No weapons.

- Fridays, lunchtimes, minutes.
- Mm-hm.

- I loved book club.
- Yeah.

- It's not the same without Tony.
- No.

VOICE-OVER: This vast, untapped region
is not only rich in resources,

but close to our Asian trading partners.

It's a place where
true blue sky thinking

can turn red dirt into pay dirt.

With up to $ billion in
concessional finance on offer

and no shortage of
investment opportunities,

the Top End truly is a land
of endless possibility.

And, thanks to the
Australian Government,

you can share in its exciting future.

The Northern Australian
Development Fund.

- And you said it wouldn't happen.
- TONY: It hasn't happened.

Ooh, he doesn't like it when
the Government has a win.

What about it?

Well, this whole thing's
kinda crept up on us.

Turns out we're due to announce
the first round of loans

in a couple of weeks.

- Very exciting.
- And?

No formal reports yet, but early
indications are very promising.

There's been a lot of
interest, numerous inquiries.

- It's not an 'open for inspection'.
- He does not like this.

He hates it. Anyway, we'd
better get our skates on.

- We?
- Well, you were there on the day.

Half of Canberra was there on the day.

Well, here's the thing.

There's so many ministers and
only a few billion bucks.

They're like seagulls
fighting over a chip.

- I need a sounding board.
- Okay.

Just to help me wade
through the applications,

put 'em in some sort of order.

See how a successful scheme works.

- All right.
- Doesn't like it.

- One session.
- Great.

I'll call around over the weekend.
We'll catch up first thing Monday.

Yeah, okay.


VOICE-OVER: Boasting transport
links, schools, shops

and even its own medical centre,
not to mention ample open spaces,

this exciting residential precinct

will be a truly world-class
community development.

Here, liveability and sustainable
design will go hand in hand

to create a suburb of the future.

- Well?
- It's great.

- Worth the wait.
- Yeah.

Check the detail. You can just
about read that guy's lanyard.

- Now we've just gotta build it.
- What, build what?

The suburb, the infrastructure required.

Oh, yeah.

- Shall I get a copy across to Colin?
- Colin?

At the council, so they
can sign off, too.


- You wanna do a special handover?
- No, let's get going.

RADIO: Morning. Dan here with
you, and a happy Monday morning.

Five past nine on this Monday.

- The beginning of a brand-new week.
- Happy Monday.

- This Monday...
- Welcome to the week.

KATIE: That was Helen.
She just sent it through.

Ah! I don't know why it took so long.

Still waiting for one or
two people to get back.

Would you like me to
print out a hard copy?

Yeah, print them all out. And... and
not to be disturbed for an hour.

We've really got to knuckle
down on this, Katie, thank you.

All right, let's see
what we're sitting on.

Why don't we start with
the big-ticket stuff?

How many are chasing $ billion or more?

- Let me just bring that up here.
- Applications, billion plus.

- Yeah, I think it's this sheet here.
- Ah!

- Yeah.
- There we go. And...

- Oh, that's odd.
- Nothing coming up?

Quite a lot of money.
Let's try half a billion.

Let me just get another spreadsheet.

(LAUGHS) These finance guys,
they never make it easy, do they?

- No, they don't.
- They do not.

- What did you say?
- Half a billion.

Half a...

- It's how many zeros?
- Eight. million.

- Ah, that's more like it.
- All right, how many applications?

None. In that specific category.

Mind you, this is close
of business Friday.

Of course.

There could have been a flood of
applications over the weekend.

Limitless opportunities,
blue sky thinking.

You know what? Let's come
at it from the other end.

How many grant applications
have there been, any amount?

Maybe we should just wait
for the final figures.

No, no, no, it's fine.

Just search all the spreadsheets

for loan applications total,
just give me a raw figure.

Uh, there's nothing there either.

If I go shift P and move that...

Jim, are there any applications at all?

It doesn't make sense.
Where's the blue sky thinking?

We've got this vast, untapped
region, endless possibilities.

Rhonda, those are just marketing terms.

Who doesn't want to turn
red dirt into pay dirt?

A lot of people see northern Australia

as a kind of economic never-never zone.

- Where have I heard that before?
- From me.

I said it last year when they
first proposed the scheme.

Oh, I thought you were
playing devil's advocate.

No, I meant it.

Before you launch these, you've
gotta find out if it's needed.

- Oh, well, lesson learned.
- Yeah.

- Okay, are we gonna pull the pin?
- What? No, that's not the lesson.

God, does he not listen to a thing?

We can't pull the pin now!

We've declared northern Australia
a special development zone.

- So?
- It's got its own minister.

It's got a minister
assisting the minister.

And do either of them
have a better idea?

I'm still waiting to hear back.

Jim, there were
ministers there on the day.

It's a busy time.

They weren't too busy
to fly up for the launch.

Look, we're all agreed
this is a great scheme.

- No, we don't.
- Of course we do.

Taming our last frontier,
rich in resources.

And we've got so much of it right.

- The structure.
- The ad.

The enthusiasm from everyone involved.

Yeah, but since the launch, everyone
involved has become uninvolved.

I wonder if they're all
getting in each other's way.

- That's the lesson.
- So much enthusiasm.

Too much enthusiasm.

I wonder if we need someone to step
in and coordinate this whole thing.

- Another lesson.
- You want us to have a look?

Could you?

- KATIE: Karaoke?
- Yeah.

- Scavenger hunt?
- What are we, ?

Corporate boot camp.

No, nothing with the
words 'boot' or 'camp'.

Sorry, Nat. I've got Colin
from Yaldarra Council.

Oh, great. Uh, I'll take it now.

Can we... Thank you.

- Indoor soccer?
- No.

- Trivia quiz?
- Colin, it's Nat.

It is, isn't it? Yeah, the level
of detail's pretty amazing.

You can see the wind in the trees.

Yep, it's certainly been worth it.

What's that?

What sort of problem?

SCOTT: Okay.

Managed to find a lot of
articles on the scheme.

- Great.
- (READS) "Top End to take off."

"$ billion reasons for success."

Sorry, were all these from the launch?

- Yep.
- Go forward.

- "Northwards and upwards."
- When was that?

- The th.
- That's the day after the launch.

- Here's one from the th.
- No, no, go forward.

Anything from the last month.

Here we go. "Pipeline
to proceed up north."

- North? North what?
- North... Alaska, sorry.

Try "Northern Development Fund",

refine it to Australia
and the last days.

- Ah.
- What?

"Your search returned no results."

Look up the Minister for Rural
Development on his website,


and then under latest, latest news.

- Yep.
- And?

- He's just done a fun run.
- And?

- Opened the Toowoomba Show.
- No, about the scheme.

Is there... is there anything
about... There must be a link there.

- Ah!
- What?

- "Page not found."
- Katie!

- How'd you go?
- Good news.

We've managed to narrow it down
to either Zumba or NBA Hot Seat.

- It's a quiz.
- Yeah, I know it is.

What about the Northern
Development Fund?

Oh, not such good news.

I've left three messages with the
Minister for Regional Development.

What about the minister assisting him?

- He's no longer assisting.
- The Treasurer?

Oh, his chief of staff promised
to get straight back to me.

- Oh, when was that?
- About five hours ago.

Well, that's not straight back.

I just got a reply from the minister
assisting the Minister to the North.

Oh, great. And?

"The minister will be out of the
office and will not be able to..."

No, that's not a reply,
that's an auto-reply.

- It's still a reply.
- He's doing a fun run.


We've got a $ billion scheme

and we can't get anyone
to pick up the phone.

What do you want to do?

Organise a meeting
with all the key people.

I mean ministers, ministers assisting,

parliamentary secretaries...

- State and Territory?
- You know what? Let's keep it simple.

Anyone who was holding
a giant set of scissors

at the launch six months ago.

- Got it.
- And CC Jim.

- NAT: Hi.
- Hello again.

- Hi, Colin. Good to see you again.
- Hello.

I mean, it's all pretty wonderful.

Ah, it's...


- There?
- You don't see it?

- No.
- What about you?

The wind in the trees?

Interesting, 'cause I showed it
round the office, really stood out.

- What is it, Colin?
- The library.

What about it?

Well, there's no ramp.

- I don't get it.
- It's not wheelchair accessible.

You do realise, Colin, that
this is just a simulation.

Oh, sure, absolutely.

It actually says
"Conceptual design only."

It's a sort of artist's impression.

It's just I, you know, I showed
a couple of colleagues at council

and, bang, no ramp.

- They all said that?
- Absolutely.

I mean, it's interesting. Now
that you point it out, it's...

Yeah. You know, I guess we take
inclusivity very seriously.

Again, it's just a -D simulation
to speed up the construction,

it doesn't affect the actual design.

Yeah, but if it's gonna
have our logo on it.

- You want us to get a ramp at it?
- I'd love you to try.

- Okay.
- Oh, thank you.

And, look, this is so exciting.
And well done to you all.

Well, we want to get
the project started.

Would you like me to send through
the technical specifications?

- For?
- The ramp?

Good thinking.

It won't be real. Conceptual ramp.

But worth getting right.

- TONY: NBA's Got Talent. Seriously?
- Everyone thinks it's a great idea.

A talent quest?

- It was your suggestion.
- What?

Once a week at lunchtime,
here, no weapons.

Okay. I don't have to perform, do I?

Course not. Judges don't perform.

Tony, I just wanted to remind you...

- Wow, it's this Friday.
- Mm-hm.

- Not much time.
- That's just heat one.

- Heats?
- You said only minutes.

Great. Do you have to audition?

No, we've decided to make
it open to everyone.

- Cool. Better grab my sheet music.
- Courtney.

- You just wanted to... what?
- Find my sheet music.

No, you came in here
to tell me something.

Did I?

Is it on the Post-it
note on your finger?

Oh, to remind you of your o'clock.

- What is it again?
- Ah, Northern Australia Development Fund.

- Okay, great.
- You're meeting with them.

- Yep.
- I've set up extra chairs, water.

Ryan's set up the AV in case
anyone wants to show anything,

and we've got a secure line
to Canberra ready to go.

Excellent. All right, let's get
organised, peoples. Big day.

- Still on hold.
- TONY: What's going on?

- We've had a few no-shows.
- I can see that!

- Shall I take coffee orders?
- There's no one here.

- I'll have one.
- Oh, we've got two glasses missing.

Yeah, it's fine. What's the latest?

Oh, the Minister for Regional Affairs

doesn't want to tread on the toes of
the Minister of Rural Development.

And where is the Minister
for Rural Development?

He was worried about
treading on toes, too.

- Whose toes?
- His own?

Keep going.

The WA Infrastructure Minister feels
it's more of a federal matter.

Half the scheme is based in his state.

But he is very supportive.

The Federal Infrastructure Minister

doesn't want to be seen
interfering with state rights.

Jesus. And the Prime Minister?

He just said no, but is supportive also.

Tony, those AV links to
Canberra are ready to go.

- Oh, great. Is there anyone there?
- No.

- Ooh, muffins.
- They're for the ministers.

- And where's Jim?
- (OVER SPEAKER) I'm in the car.

- How's it going?
- Are you on your way in?

Only if you need me.

You're being too tough.
They're busy people.

They managed to fly up to Kununurra
in the middle of a sitting week.

Let's start at the beginning.
We loved the idea.

- No.
- We loved the sound of the idea.

- Not really.
- Well, we love the ad.

Which means we're short just one thing.

- Someone to take responsibility.
- A game changer.

One big-ticket investment
to get the ball rolling.

- Yeah.
- Now, this is short notice.

But I've got some very
interesting possibilities here.

If you mention the Ord River
Scheme, I'm resigning.

- All right, number two, a desal plant.
- Up north?

- They've got too much water.
- A re-sal plant.

- How about we build a pipeline?
- For what?

I don't know, you're the expert.
Oil, gas, water, whatever.

- Which way?
- Both.

We can't do all the heavy
lifting here, Tony.

Jim and his mates have come
up with a raft of ideas.

Here's another one. The
Canning Stock Route.

What about it?

It's a vital trade route
linking north and south.

years ago... on horseback.

- Might be time for an upgrade.
- Can we pave it?

Widen it?

The Canning Rejuvenation
Corridor Centennial Project.

- This is taking shape.
- Guys...

It just doesn't make sense.

Why won't people invest up north?

They will, but they just
don't need the Government.

- Well, this is ringing a bell.
- I said this to you last year.

It's all cattle country.
Farmers don't need us.

Mining looks after itself.
Tourism the same.

Look, easy to be wise in hindsight.

- In hindsight? I said it at the time.
- Yeah, but still in the past.

- What? Huh?
- What?

All right, let's think
outside the square.

What is northern Australia?

For our purposes, everything
above the Tropic of Capricorn.

What if we bring that line

down to about here?

Oh, this is looking good.

So, northern Australia
includes South Australia

and South-East Queensland?

- Yeah, your point?
- SCOTT: I'm lost too, Tony.

Oh, there must be something.

If we don't start giving out serious
money soon, we'll look like idiots.

But if we back the wrong
project and it falls over,

we'll look like bigger idiots.

Yes, but not for at least
another five years.

(SIGHS) It's all right, I've put
some calls through to Canberra.

I'm waiting for an update. Katie?!

Have we heard back from the
Infrastructure Minister?

(SQUEAKILY) Not yet, Tony.

- Is that you, Katie?
- Yes, it's me.

- Are you all right?
- Fine, thanks.

- Katie?

Tomorrow's Friday.



Okay, uh... well done, Jason.
I'm gonna give you a five.

Ooh, the hanging judge!

No, I'm not the hanging judge.

Well, plus two 'cause the
fiddle's a dining instrument.

That makes it a seven!


All right! Thanks, Jason.

Next up, let's keep it moving,

we've got Courtney and special guest.

Oh, that's intriguing. Oh,
we're going electric.

- Oh!




♪ Love is no fun anymore ♪

♪ There's too many things
I can't afford... ♪

Sorry about that. So,
what's the problem?

- You don't see it?
- See what?

- The people.
- I see people. But what about them?

Well, white, white. Male, male. White.

I'm sure they were just
trying to create an impression

of how popular the precinct will be.

But no diversity in our shire.

Gosh, I see it now.

White, white, white.

Don't get me wrong, everyone
is very impressed by this.

But we have to put it to bed, Colin.

Yes. What to do?

Stop showing people.

- Colin, I've noticed something else.
- No, you haven't.

- No old people.
- Oh, you're right.

Our positive ageing
officer will have a fit.

Don't show them.

Oh, it's just, you know, council,
they pride themselves on diversity.

It's just, Colin, every
change takes time and money

and stops us from starting construction.

But when you see what you've
achieved with the wheelchair ramps.

It does look great.

Don't you have a talent show to go to?

- Sorry, Colin.
- No, no. Good luck.

It's the message, Nat.

If this is going to have our logo on it,

I'd hate for it to cause
trouble down the track.

- All right. Okay, we'll get onto it.
- Great.

- Should we keep going?
- There's more?

- Oh, just the odd query.
- All right.



- So, Tony...
- Mm-hm.

Is this the card you are holding?

I was holding or are holding?

Are holding right now.

- King of hearts.
- No.

- Yes, it is.
- No, it's not.

- Eight of hearts.
- No.

- Seven of hearts.
- No.

Is it hearts?

Anyway, that was Ashan the Ashtounding.

- All right, thank you. Well done.

No, well deserved, that.
Let's keep moving.

- SCOTT: Score, Tony.
- What's that?

- Score.
- Well, I guess, zero.


Oh, no, no. A great
outfit, so... so a two.

- Two for the outfit.
- MAN: Two?

What? What? Well, he can't... I mean,
the card's gotta be the right card.

- It's just another church.
- But what sort of church?

Off an animation menu.
"Gothic modern number eight."

- Oh, it's Christian.
- Really?

Oh, look, I don't want to speak on
behalf of our interfaith officer,

but I reckon she might be antsy.

It's not real, Colin. Conceptual.

Conceptual Christian.

Look, we all want to
move forward with this,

but if this is going to
have our logo on it...

Okay, Colin, do you know what?

Why don't you take this back and
show your people, all your people?

Interfaith officer, diversity
advocates, special needs, heritage...

- LGBTI working group.
- Everyone.

And then we'll have one
meeting, clear the air,

sign off on all of
this once and for all.

It sounds like an excellent plan.

Great. I'll have Ash set up a meeting.


Never mind.



All right, assembly area five,
everyone. Just like we trained.

- Okay.
- All right, in an orderly fashion.

All right, folks. Sorry.

(MUTTERS) Jesus.

They just need minutes to
reset the fire indicator panels.

Okay, that's great. Thanks, Brian.

Do you want the girls to
do the whole dance again?

No, no, I think I saw enough. Yeah.

- Oh, I'll let them know.
- Yeah.

- Tony?
- Mm-hm.

I got onto the office
of the Chief Minister.

Oh, what did they say?

"Your call is important to us,
so please leave a message."

- Did you speak to anyone?
- I left a message.

- Thanks, Courtney.
- Shall I keep ringing around?

Yeah, sure. Yeah.

Tony, I just got a call from

the minister assisting the
Minister for Rural Affairs.

- About the Northern Development Fund?
- Yes. He's coming in.

(SIGHS) He's just so
low on the totem pole.

Ah, well, at least someone's
putting their hand up.

Oh, and have you got a
moment today for Ash?

- Is this about the talent quest?
- Yes.

- You said judge, not mentor.
- You gave him a two.

- It was the wrong card.
- It was the right suit.

On his third guess.

He's asked if he can have
a lifeline to the finals.

A life...

Nat, it's me. I'm with Colin.

He's found another problem.

Tell her I want to knock this on
the head before we get to council.

She wants to know what's the problem.

Well, if you scan over here.

- You see those trees?
- Yes.

Our arborist feels they might
lack diversity of canopy.

- I think he wants different trees.
- More fit for purpose.

I know it's another change, but...

She said, "Is that it? Are we done?"

- I'm done.
- I'm not.

- TONY: Is that him?
- KATIE: Mm-hm.

The minister assisting the
Minister for Rural Affairs.

- He seems in a good mood.
- Very.

What's the...

- Welcome.
- Oh!

Ah! Thanks for coming in.

Now, I'm sure you're up to speed

on the whole Northern
Development Fund situation.

- I had a call from the PM last night.
- The Prime Minister called?

It's quite an honour for
someone at my level

to be handed the reins of
such an important project.

And he's handed you the reins?

Apparently the PM felt that I was
the perfect man for the job.

Oh, did he?

He has personally requested

that I become the minister solely
responsible for the whole project.

Oh, what an honour. Did... Ah... Have
you... have you been briefed on the scheme?

Not formally, but I have
heard a lot of good things.

- Good things. Right, right.
- Mostly from the launch and the ad.

That's why I wanted to
come in and meet with you.

I'm told the NBA is now
running the thing?

Yeah, not exactly. Can I ask, have
you officially accepted the role?

(LAUGHS) I only got the call last night.

Oh, so, you haven't. No, well,
Katie, can you bring in the...


No, no, the spreadsheets
and the whiteboard printout.

- Yep.
- Straight down to work.

Well, absolutely, Minister.

Oh, that's a name I'm going
to have to get used to.

- Possibly. I'll just...
- My first briefing!


It was solved and you had to stick
your nose in. We had a solution.

You were going to throw him under a bus.

One minister. They're hardly
an endangered species.

All right, all right.

We've come up with another
possible solution,

might just get us off the hook.

- Great. Let's hear it.
- I had a quiet word to the PM.

Tell me how you think this
sounds as a statement.

(READS) "Occasionally,
well-intentioned schemes

"strike difficulties that no
one could have foreseen."

- I foresaw them!
- Let her finish.

"The Northern Development
Fund was a mistake."


"There was lack of
planning and foresight.

"The NBA have accepted
full responsibility."

And you've tendered your resignation.

- Sorry?
- Oh, relax.

The PM's not going to accept it.

One hiccup in an
otherwise stellar career.

I thought you said you had a solution.

It's probation, Tony.

We're not taking the
fall for this cock-up.

Well, the buck's gotta stop somewhere.

How about the idiots that
dreamt up this mess?

Oh, grow up!


All right, I... I might have something.

Okay, let's hear it.

COLIN: No. Natalie. Yeah.

- Colin.
- Welcome.

- Hi.
- Hello.

Thanks for coming. Thank you.

...and pay respect to their
elders past and present.

Okay. Thank you everyone for taking...

Thanks for coming.

Hopefully we've managed to
address most of your concerns

regarding the -D presentation.

But we really do need to lock it in,

so does anyone here still have an issue?


- This is just workshopping.
- Yep. Fire away.

Okay, you've got a heap of federal
land up here, federal agencies.

Let's just pick one
department. Aviation.

- That is it. Brilliant.
- I haven't started yet.


You've got a whole bunch of
federal and local aviation assets

right across the Top End.

- Is someone texting?
- Just a draft. Go on.

I could conceive of a series
of aviation upgrades,

places like Kununurra,
Karratha, Learmonth.

- How many R's in Kununurra?
- Put it away.

I'm just making notes.

Anyway, that's just one example.

- So, a regional airport network.
- Sounds like blue sky thinking.

Well, it could link in
with defence assets

and we could feed into the
whole FIFO worker thing.

This ticks every box. Indigenous
affairs, border security, the bush.

Yeah, I'm not actually
convinced we need it.

- Well, nearly every box.
- Yeah, well, something to think about.

Put away that resignation.

I mean, we've got to drill down

because there's local leaseholds
and councils and things like that.

But packaged together, I think
we might have something.

Anyway, that's aviation.
Defence, much easier.

We control the land, we
control the spending.


- Katie?
- Mm?

- Where's Jim and Rhonda?
- They've gone.

- Gone where?
- Canberra.

Okay, just to make sure that
we've covered everything.

Building height has been reduced

and street setback distance now
matches statutory regulations.

Planning department happy?

Great. There is now an approved
safety fence around the fountain.

Along with a sign
stating recycled water.

Henry? Madeleine?

The car changing lanes
is now clearly indicating

in accordance with
applicable traffic by-laws.


I'm still uncomfortable with that
adult holding the child's hand.

- Because?
- He doesn't look like a parent.

I don't think we can
police-check a CGI figure.

- I think I agree with Nat.
- Well, it's got our logo on it.

Laura, I'll minute your objection.

And finally, every European
tree has been replaced with...

Acacia floribunda, native and
indigenous to the region.

As requested by Parks
and Wildlife. Marnie?

Well, if it is going to
have our logo on it.

Okay. Are we all done? All happy?

Um... is that dog off lead?

(MUTTERS) Oh, f*ck you all.

- .
- .

Okay, so, if you were to sign off on
that initial loan of $. billion,

we could announce that the Northern
Development Fund's first project

is a regional gateway airport network.

- How does that sound?

- Oh right. And, Prime Minister?

- (OVER SPEAKER) Sounds good to me.
- Thanks for your time.

- KATIE: Muffins!
- Excellent.

- Coffee, anyone?
- Let's take a break.

There you go.

Okay, so, The Wind Beneath
My Wings is a lovely song,

but we did say two
minutes, so let's just...

We'll keep moving.

And next up, from accounts
we've got Patrick.


(RAPS) ♪ I met my homies on the train ♪

♪ Take a b*llet to the brain ♪

♪ Yo, ho ♪

♪ Suck my... ♪

That's it! Thank you,
Patrick. Excellent.


Rufus, don't be so rude to Tony.

Yep. Yeah. That actually was
just a tad rude, but well done.

I mean, ventriloquism's not easy.
I'm going to give you a five.


Oh, no. Whoa, whoa. No,
no, no. You know what?

With the dummy, I'll
make it an eight, folks.


- What a schmuck.
- Watch it, Rufus, I'll make it a one.

Your card is... the queen of diamonds.

- Correct!

Ashan the Astounding, everyone.

Can I get the card back?

I might keep that as a memento.