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03x01 - Our New Neighbor!

Posted: 06/08/23 10:14
by bunniefuu
- JOSH: ♪ Have you seen my dog, Blue? ♪

- ♪ Ooh ♪

- ♪ She's looking for you too ♪

- ♪ Ooh ♪

- ♪ Let's begin with a paw print ♪

♪ Everybody's lookin' for Blues Clues ♪

- ♪ And you ♪

- ♪ Come on in, come on in ♪

♪ It's Blue's Clues ♪

- ♪ And you ♪

- ♪ Step by step, yes, clue by clue ♪

♪ Let's think it through, it's-- ♪

♪ It's Blue's Clues and You ♪♪

- Oh, good! You're here! Do we have some big news!

A new neighbor is moving to our neighborhood.

Can you believe it? - [barks]

- Mm. I hear he's a little kitten.

And I hear he's from a big city. And I hear--

- [truck beeping]

- [barks] - [gasps]

I hear the sound of a moving truck.

He's here! - [barks]

- Oh! Do you wanna meet him?

Me too. Let's go! - [barks]


- Hm. - [barks]

- [gasps] I think that's him.

- [barks]

- Let's go introduce ourselves.

- [barks]

- Hi there. Um, are you our new neighbor?

- Yeah. My name's Periwinkle.

Nice to meet you. - [barks "Hi, Periwinkle!"]

- It's great to meet you too, Periwinkle.

I'm Josh and this is Blue.

We're so excited to have you here.

- [barks]

- I'm excited to be here...I think.

It's...not like where I used to live.

- [barks]

- Wow! Is this your old neighborhood?

- Yeah. It's a really big city.

It has taxi cabs to ride in and tall buildings to live in.

- [barks] - It looks really cool.

- Everything is really different here.

And I don't know what it's gonna be like living in a new place.

And...I miss my friends.

Especially Rainbow Puppy. That's her right there.

- [barks]

- Well, nice to meet you all. I better start unpacking now.

- [sad barking]

- Periwinkle does seem pretty nervous about moving here.

I wish I could make him feel better.

How can we make Periwinkle feel at home?

- [barks "We are going to play Blue's Clues!"]

- Oh! We'll play Blue's Clues to figure out how to help

Periwinkle feel at home!

♪ We're gonna play Blue's Clues ♪

♪ 'Cuz it's a really great game ♪

Yes! Mm, now remember,

Blue's paw print will be on the clues--

Blue's Clues.

Oh, right. [clears throat]

Okay, Paw Print, back it up!

Keep it going, plenty of room!

Plenty of room, and...


Hey, you know what we need for Blue's Clues?

Our handy, dandy?

- KIDS: Notebook! - Notebook. Right!

- ♪

- A new neighbor! I'm so excited.

Here's your notebook, Josh!

- Thanks, Side Table. - You're welcome.

- We need to figure out how to help Periwinkle feel at home.

Will you help me?

You will? [gasps] Great!

To play Blue's Clues, we gotta find a?

- KIDS: Paw print!

- Right, a paw print. 'Cuz that's our first?

- KIDS: Clue!

- Yeah, a clue! And we put it in our?

- KIDS: Notebook!

- ♪ Put it in our notebook, 'cuz they're whose clues? ♪

- JOSH & KIDS: ♪ Blue's Clues! ♪

- ♪ We gotta find another paw print ♪

♪ 'Cuz that's the second clue ♪

♪ Put it in our notebook, 'cuz they're whose clues? ♪

- KIDS: Blue's Clues!

- ♪ We gotta find the last paw print ♪

♪ That's the third clue ♪

♪ Put it in our notebook, 'cuz they're whose clues? ♪

- JOSH & KIDS: ♪ Blue's Clues! ♪

- You know what to do.

♪ Sit down in our thinking chair and think, think, think ♪

♪ 'Cuz when you use your mind ♪

♪ Take a step at a time ♪

♪ You can do anything ♪

- [barks]

- ♪ That you wanna do ♪


- [cheerful music playing]

- Ooh! Do you hear that? Let's go.

- ♪

- ♪ Do, do, do, do, do, do-do ♪

- KID: A clue! - KID: A clue!

- Oh, yeah. [clears throat]

♪ Do do ♪

- ♪

- KID: [giggles] No, a clue.

- A clue? A clue! Ah.

- [cheerful music playing]

- Where? - KID: Right there!

- [gasps] Right there! Oh!

There's a clue bouncing around on

[gasps] Music must be our first clue.

Hey, we need to put this clue in our handy, dandy?

- KIDS: Notebook!

- Notebook! Right.

[hums] Okay.

So, our first clue is music.

We'll draw a circle with a line and a flag.

A circle and a line.

And another circle, and connect them.

There. Music. Hm.

So, I wonder how can we help Periwinkle

feel at home with music. Hm.

[gasps] Good thinking.

But I think we need to find two more clues just to be sure.

- PERIWINKLE: Oh, where is it?

- That sounded like Periwinkle. Let's go.

- Oh, hey, Periwinkle. What's going on?

- [barks] - All of my favorite things

are packed away in these moving boxes,

and I can't find what I'm looking for.

- [barks]

- Oh. Ah!

Will you help me find Periwinkle's things?

- [barks]

- Great!

- [cheerful bark]

- Hm, well, what things are you looking for?

- I really wanted to have my favorite snack: raspberries!

But how am I supposed to find my snack bowl in all these boxes?

- Okay. Uh, well, let's see. - [barks]

- These boxes have things from different rooms inside of them--

the living room, the kitchen, and the bathroom.

Huh. Which box do you think we would find snack bowls in?

- [barks]

- KID: The kitchen! - [barks "The kitchen!"]

- Oh yeah! [gasps]

Snack bowls are in the kitchen!

- [barks "Tada!"]

- My snack bowl! You found it! Thank you!

- [barks "You're welcome!"]

- After my snack, I always make a blanket fort

using my red blankie. Red is my favorite color.

I think my blankie is in one of those boxes over there.

- Okay. Let's go. - [barks]

- Okay, we're looking for a red blankie.

Is it in the bedroom...

the garage...

or the dining room box?

- KID: The bedroom! - [barks "The bedroom!"]

- The bedroom.

[gasps] Because we use blankets when we sleep!

- [barks]

- [gasps] My red blankie! Thanks.

Now I only need one thing. - [barks]

- I'm looking for my magician's cape.

- [barks] - What?

- I practice magic tricks inside my blankie fort.

Magic is my favorite thing to do.

- [barks] - [laughs] All right!

Let's see what we can find.

- [barks] - Okay.

These boxes have different types of things inside.

Art supplies...


and costumes.

Hm. Which box would a magician's cape be in?

- KID: That one! - KID: Costumes!

- Costumes? [gasps] Of course!

Because a magician's cape can be a costume!

- [barks]

- You found my cape!

Thank you all for helping me. You're really great neighbors.

- JOSH & BLUE: Aww! - You're welcome.

- [barks "You're welcome!"] - Bye!

- MAILBOX: ♪ Mail time, mail time ♪

♪ Mail time, mail time ♪

- The mail's here!

- MAILBOX: ♪ Mail time ♪

- ♪ Here's the mail, it never fails ♪

♪ It makes me wanna wag my tail ♪

♪ When it comes, I wanna wail ♪

♪ Mail ♪♪

- [barks]

- [creaking]

- ♪

- Hiya, Josh!

I hear there's a new stop on my mail route!

- Oh, yeah! Our new neighbor, Periwinkle!

- I can't wait to meet him! Well, here's your letter!

- Thanks, Mailbox. - You're welcome. Bye bye!

- [barks "Bye bye!"] - Bye!

We just got a letter!

♪ We just got a letter ♪

♪ We just got a letter ♪

♪ We just got a letter ♪

♪ I wonder who it's from ♪♪

Oh, look. It's a letter from our friend.

- Hi, Josh and Blue.

I'm so excited to meet Periwinkle.

And I even made this card for him.

Here you go. Bye, Josh and Blue!

- [barks "Bye!"] - Bye!

What a nice a picture!

We've got to bring it to Periwinkle. Come on!

- ♪

- Periwinkle's gonna love this.

- KID: [gasps] A clue! - KID # : A clue!

- Oh, yeah. I love this, too.

- KID: No, a clue!

- Oh. [gasps] A clue?

Um, hm.

[gasps] On our friends.

Friends must be our second clue!

You know what we need?

Our handy, dandy?

- KIDS: Notebook!

- Notebook! Right.

[hums] Okay, all right.

So, friends.

We'll draw three circles for the heads.

Little dots for eyes on everyone.

And happy little smiles.

There! Friends. So--oh.

What was our first clue?

- KID: Music!

- Music! Right!

- ♪

- And now our second clue is...friends.

Hm. So, how can we help Periwinkle

feel at home with music and friends?


[gasps] Interesting!

But let's find our last clue just to be sure.

Oh, and let's bring this picture to Periwinkle!

Come on.

- PERIWINKLE: Josh and Blue!

- [barks] - Come on in!

- [barks] - Come on!

- [gasps] Periwinkle? - [barks "Periwinkle?"]

- Peri-pocus-hocus-crocus!

- Whoa! - [amazed bark]

- You appeared out of nowhere!

- [barks] - Like magic!

I'm setting everything up in my new room.

I've got my magic cape, my blankie fort,

and my city picture with my good friend Rainbow Puppy in it.

- We brought you a picture, too.

- [barks] - That's awesome! Thanks.

There's only one more thing I need.

Presto! My bunny stuffy.

He's soft and cuddly and...

[gasps] He's not here!

I thought he was packed away, but I must have accidentally

left him somewhere back in my old neighborhood.

I won't be able to sleep without Presto.

I don't know what I'm gonna do.

- [comforting barking]

- Periwinkle's really upset about losing his bunny, Presto.

Is there anything that we can do to help?

- [barks "Blue Skidoo"]

- Whoa! Blue just skidooed

into that picture of Periwinkle's city.

[gasps] Maybe we can find Periwinkle's stuffy

in his old neighborhood! Let's go!

♪ Blue skidoo, we can too ♪

- [jazzy music playing]

- [barks] - Whoa!

- [barks] - This is a really big city!

- [car horn honks]

- Oh. How will we find Presto here?

- [barks] - Hey!

One of those puppies could be Periwinkle's friend!

Maybe they could help.

- [barks]

- But, uh...who is Periwinkle's friend again?

- [clueless bark]

- KID: Rainbow Puppy!

- [gasps] Of course!

Rainbow Puppy!

- ♪ La, la, la ♪

- [barks "Rainbow Puppy!"]

- Excuse me. - Hi.

- Are you...Rainbow Puppy?

- ♪ Rainbow Puppy is my name ♪

♪ And singing is my game ♪

♪ La, la, la, la ♪

Would you like an autograph?

- Me? Oh. [laughs]

Well, actually, we need your help.

We're Periwinkle's new neighbors.

- Periwinkle? I miss him so much.

How is he? - Not so good.

He left his stuffed bunny Presto behind

and we're trying to find him.

Do you know what Presto looks like?

- Oh yeah. Presto is Periwinkle's favorite color.

I wonder if he left him at his favorite store.

- His favorite store.

Thanks, Rainbow Puppy! - Happy to help.

♪ Ta ta! ♪ - [barks]

- Oh. Um... which one do you think

would be Periwinkle's favorite store?

- [clueless bark]

- The paint shop?

The magic shop?

Or the shoe store?

- KID: The magic shop! - [barks "The magic shop!"]

- The magic shop, because magic

is Periwinkle's favorite thing to do!

- [barks]

- Looking for a lost stuffy.

If only there were a lost and found box here.

- [barks] - [gasps]

A lost and found box! Like magic.

- [barks "Like magic."]

- JOSH: Hm. Which one is Presto?

- KID: The red bunny! - Oh yeah!

It's a bunny that's Periwinkle's favorite color, red!

- [barks]

- This must be Presto!

- [barks "Presto!"]

- We found him! Yes! - [barks]

- Great job!

Periwinkle is gonna be so excited. Right, Blue?

Oh. Blue?

- ♪

- Blue? Hm.

- KID: [gasps] A clue! A clue!

- [gasps] A clue?

Oh, um...[gasps] There it is!

On those...decorations.

So, decorations must be our last clue!

You know what we need?

Our handy, dandy?

- KIDS: Notebook! - Notebook! Right.

[hums] Okay.


So, decorations.

We'll draw a circle with a line coming out for a balloon.

Some squiggly lines for streamers.

And some small lines for confetti.

There! Decorations. We have all three clues.

We're ready for our?

- KID: Thinking chair!

- Thinking chair! Come on!

- ♪

- [barks "Blue Skidoo"]

- ♪

- Ha! Okay.

Now that we're in our thinking chair, let's...think!

So, we need to figure out how to help Periwinkle feel at home.

And our clues are, hm, music.

- ♪

- Okay. Friends.


Oh. Huh.

So how can we help Periwinkle feel at home with music,

friends, and decorations?

Oh. Oh, maybe--

maybe we can decorate some friends

while they sing some music!

♪ Ah ♪

- KIDS: No! - [barks]

- Ooh. No.

Yeah, okay. Well...oh.

Where do you usually have music, friends,

and decorations all together in one place?


- KID: A party! - [party horn blows]

- A party. [gasps] That's it!

We can throw a welcome party for Periwinkle!

- [barks]

- We just figured out Blue's Clues!

♪ We just figured out Blue's Clues ♪

♪ We just figured out Blue's Clues ♪

♪ We just figured out Blue's Clues ♪

♪ Because we're really smart ♪♪

- [barks] - [giggling]

- Oh! Let's go!

- [giggling]

- Oh, Periwinkle?

- PERIWINKLE: Yes? Coming!

- Shh, shh! He's coming, he's coming!

Everybody hide!

- [giggling]

- [barks]

- Hello? Did somebody call me?

- ALL: Surprise!

- Whoa! What is all this?

- ALL: Your welcome party.


- ♪ Welcome to our neighborhood ♪

♪ Welcome to our neighborhood ♪

- [barks]

- ALL: ♪ Welcome to our neighborhood ♪

♪ Welcome to our neighborhood ♪

- ♪ We used your favorite color ♪

♪ For every party favor ♪

- ♪ We made you cupcakes ♪

- ♪ With raspberry flavor ♪

- ♪ We noticed you love magic ♪

♪ And you really miss your stuffy, so ♪

♪ Abracadabra, say hello to Presto ♪

- ALL: ♪ Welcome to our neighborhood ♪

♪ Welcome to our neighborhood ♪

♪ Glad you're here, it feels so good ♪

♪ Welcome to our neighborhood ♪♪

- [barks] - Wow!

You've all helped me feel so much more at home!

Thanks, everybody. - Aww!

- Yay! - Aww. [barks]

- Thank you so much for all of your help today.

You really helped Periwinkle feel at home.

- [barks]

- ♪

- ♪ Now it's time for so long ♪

- [barks]

- ♪ But we're gonna sing one more song ♪

- [barks]

- ♪ Thanks for doing your part ♪

♪ You sure are smart, you sure worked hard ♪

♪ When you use your mind, take a step at a time ♪

♪ You can do anything ♪

- ♪ That you wanna do ♪

- [barks]

- ♪ Ooh ♪

- [barks]

- [laughs] You're gonna fit in just fine, Periwinkle.

- Thanks! - Bye.

I'll see you soon, okay? - [barks "Bye bye!"]

- Bye! [giggles]

- ♪


- [Nickelodeon theme plays]