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03x11 - Miraculer

Posted: 06/08/23 16:31
by bunniefuu
In the daytime, I'm Marinette.

Just a normal girl with a normal life.

But there's something about me that no one knows yet.

Because I have a secret.

♪ Miraculous! Simply the best! ♪

♪ Up to the test when things go wrong! ♪

♪ Miraculous! The luckiest! ♪

♪ The power of love, always so strong! ♪

♪ Miraculous! ♪

To help them defeat the fearsome Destroyer, Ladybug and Cat Noir

-called on Rena Rouge and Carapace! -Today's the day!

Let's hope they'll defeat this new villain soon. Stay tuned for updates!

The battle is in full swing!

Oh, no! And now Paris' most poignant monument

is being ravaged by the supervillain!

How embarrassing! Without me, they look ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!

Come on, Ladybug, you need help! Come and fetch Chloé!

Oh, yeah, sorry! Come and fetch Queen Bee!

Mayura, Ladybug and Cat Noir are in trouble!

Chloé is already waiting for her, like she always does.

Perfect. Be ready in case Ladybug goes and hands her the Bee Miraculous.

But Ladybug calls her lucky charm and gets... a rubber duck?

What'll she do with that, while Cat Noir, Rena Rouge and... ?

Come on! What are you waiting for? You need me!

OK! Of course! That's brilliant! And Ladybug pulls it off yet again!

She's defeated Destroyer, with the help of all her friends.

All? All? What about Queen Bee?

-That's really not cool. -Oh, you so don't get it!

Ladybug only calls on me when she has serious villains to contend with!

Uh, yeah, of course!

Wayzz, shell off!!

Trixx, let's rest!

And don't forget, nobody can ever know our secret identities.

-Except us, of course. -Thank you! See you again next time!

-Still haven't spoken to her, huh? -It's dangerous to use Chloé!

Everybody knows that she was Queen Bee! Everyone including Hawk Moth!

He could use it to trap us! That's why our identities must remain a secret.

And the best-kept secrets are the ones you don't share. Yeah, yeah, I know.

I don't think Chloé knows her time as Queen Bee is over.

I know. I just haven't had time to tell her! And... and I won't today either!

-I'm about to transform back! -Milady, promise me you'll talk to her.

It's the right thing to do.

Yeah, sure!

Chloé Bourgeois must become Queen Bee again!

Are you still considering making her an ally?

Ladybug has grown reluctant to give Chloé the Miraculous.

-She's being very careful. -Then I'll get Chloé to force to Ladybug

to give it to her. All I need is for her to lose all hope in Ladybug

to become angry enough so I can akumatize her.

Maybe it's time we bring Lila Rossi's psychological talents into the plan.

Excellent idea, Nathalie.

I want to thank you for trusting me, Mr Agreste.

I'm very honoured to be able to protect Adrien.

But I'm saddened by all the people around him.

Your son deserves better than that friend of his, Nino.

Not to mention all the girls clamouring to catch his eye,

especially Marinette and that stuck-up Chloé!

Chloé! Pff! She won't stop bragging about being Queen Bee!

But Adrien couldn't care less about these girls. He's just so perfect!

I don't think Adrien's completely indifferent to Chloé!

They've had a strong friendship since they were young that no one can ruin.

-Thank you, Lila. I'll see you tomorrow. -Yes. See you tomorrow.

I'm sure that this young lady will help us implement our grand plan.

Rena Rouge and Carapace are so tacky!

I just don't understand why Ladybug keeps calling them in when I, Queen Bee...

-Good morning, everyone! -Hey, Lila!

Yeah. Let's go study for that test.

-What test? -The Science test this afternoon.

-Argh! -Come on, I'll get you up to speed!

-Were you talking about Ladybug? -Uh... Who are you, again?

-That's Lila. She's in our class. -Really?

Well, she clearly didn't make a big impression on me.

Ha, ha, ha! Oh, I love your sense of humour!

I remember now that Ladybug's mentioned it a few times.

-You talk to Ladybug? -Course!

She and I are very close friends. A bit like you used to be, back in the day.

Whenever I feel like seeing her,

I've a magic command that calls her to me right away!

-Magic? -Yeah.

Just like your signal to summon her, except mine works every time!

Well, to each her own.

Don't you want to know what it is?

If you insist.

If Ladybug doesn't come to you with that,

then you'll know she's not a true friend!

[school bell rings]

Go ahead! I'll meet you!


-Chloé? -What do you want, Dupain-Cheng?

I don't know what Lila just told you, but you should watch out for her.

Besides, I'm sure Ladybug will come and see you anyway, with or without magic.

-Are you making fun of me? -No! No, I'm not!

I can see Ladybug whenever I feel like it, OK?

So mind your own business, Dupain-Cheng!

-You really ought to talk to Chloé! -But I just did!

-It's pointless, obviously! -No! Marinette talked to Chloé.

The only person Chloé listens to is Ladybug.

[sighs] You're right.

Our ally is living up to our expectations. I can already feel Chloé's anger rising.

-Get ready, Mayura. -Yes, Hawk Moth.

It's time.

Tikki, spots on! Yeah!

Lollipop! Lollipop!

No, Auguste! I've told you already. You're too little to have lollipops!


Fly away, beautiful amok.

Enhance and hone that frustration.



A sentimonster! Sorry, Chloé, you're gonna have to wait a bit longer!

Today's the day!

-Welcome back... ! -Move, Jean-Gaspard!

Thank you. I'll be safe now.

You're right. It's nice and safe in here.

How about we just hang and wait for a camembert monster instead?

If we run into one, I'll save you a big chunk!

Come on. Plagg, claws out!

Look out, Milady! Lollipops are bad for your teeth!

I don't see an akumatised person anywhere!

Seems like this sentimonster is all on its own!

-Come on, hurry! -Don't be bemused, it's just the news!

The battle between Ladybug and the monster has begun!

If Ladybug doesn't show up, I could go fetch our costumes

-and we could play dress-up. -That's right, go fetch the costumes.

Come on!

I've got a magic command that calls her to me right away!

Don't you want to know what it is?

No, that would be ridiculous, utterly ri...

Ladybug, Ladybug, Ladybug!

Mademoiselle seemed a little upset earlier.

Get lost, Jean-Pascal!

Mademoiselle needs a few minutes to herself.

Gotcha! Bye-bye, little feather.

Miraculous Ladybug!

But I did the magic dance! Ladybug wouldn't have forgotten all about me!


That smart-alec idiot at school took me for a ride!

Yes, I feel the anger rising. My plan is rolling out beautifully!

Fly away, my little akuma, and evilise her!

That's OK. We can still play Ladybug and Cat Noir!

Play? With you? Who are you anyway?

You don't have any powers. You're a nobody!

I'm a superheroine, OK? I am Queen Bee! You and I have nothing in common! Go away!

My dear Chloé Bourgeois, this is Hawk Moth.

Ladybug wants to strip you of your superpowers?

Well, I can empower you. Come with me,

and we will recover the Bee Miraculous together.

We will be a team, and your powers will know no limits!

No, Hawk Moth! I'm a superheroine! I am Queen Bee!

Ladybug will come and get me when she needs me. I will never join you!

Chloé Bourgeois really is quite... unique.

But I can feel a negative emotion not far from her. A friend

who could help us achieve our goal.

Follow it, my evil akuma.

[laughter] Stop tickling me!


Your friend has rejected you because she's only interested in other people's powers.

Well, I'm giving you the power to steal those powers from them

and win back your friendship.

And, in return, you will bring me Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous!

Thank you, Hawk Moth. Chloé and I will be a real team, at last!

Pound it!

Hey, you're on the late side. The fight was five minutes ago!

"The fight was five minutes ago." Actually, it's right now!

You've neglected Chloé one time too many, Ladybug!

I guess you didn't work things out with her.

-I was about to, but... -"I was about to, but..."

Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!

Cat Noir, I'm gonna transform back at any second!

-"Ooh! Help me, Cat Noir!" -I don't even talk like that!

Stop mimicking me!

[evil laugh]


Lucky charm!

-What have you done? -She's swiped your power!

That copycat! Get backup! I'll handle her!


What's the phrase again? Oh! Cataclysm!

Oh, Chloé's gonna love our powers!

I'm sure you're right, Miraculer! Run and find her, now!

Plagg, claws in!

So, that's what it feels like to get cataclysmed!

I promise I'll never call the dinosaurs a bunch of wusses ever again!

Plagg, grab some camembert in my jacket. We'll rest till Ladybug comes back.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng, you must pick an ally you can trust

to fight alongside you on this mission.

Once the mission is over, you will get the Miraculous back and return them to me.

Miraculer has stolen both of our powers. We're going to need everyone.

-Even... Chloé? -This person is her best friend!

If anyone can help us, it's Chloé!

-You sure? -It might be the last time,

but we definitely need her this time!

-Cat Noir? Are you OK? -It's nothing.

I just got cataclysmed in the ribs. I'll be fine.

I promise you we'll get our powers back, Cat Noir, and I'll heal you!

I can't wait!


-We don't know how Ladybug and Cat Noir-- -Chloé!

I have powers now. We can play together again!

-Sabrina? -I'm Miraculer now!

I've stolen Cat Noir and Ladybug's superpowers. Do you want Ladybug's?

Then you can be Ladybug and I'll be Cat Noir!

-Just like we've always dreamed of! -Not like this!

You are so far off the mark! I don't want to be Ladybug!

There's only one Ladybug and she isn't me! I am...

Queen Bee?

Ah! About time too!

Right on time.


-Who are you? -I am Mayura!

If you team up with us, your dream will finally come true!

-She's with Hawk Moth and me! -Watch out.

It sounds like a nightmare to me!

You'll be the one living the nightmare, Kitty!

-We're getting good at this! -Focus, Turtle Boy!


Lucky charm! Cataclysm!


[evil laugh]

We wouldn't be in this situation if you and Ladybug had gotten me sooner!

-Thanks, Chloé, that's super helpful! -If I'd had my Bee Miraculous,

I could have helped you! I'd have floored those two by now!

-Finally! -Shh! I've got a plan. Just listen.

Stay still, you mangy cat! Here, kitty, kitty, kitty! Come on!

Sabrina! I've changed my mind!

I do want Ladybug's power! They should have gotten me sooner!

But since they chose not to, I've decided I'd rather play with you instead!

Perfect! Just as I planned it!

Mayura, grab Cat Noir's Miraculous.

Oh, I'm so happy! We're going to have so much fun!

Here's Ladybug's power!

Thank you, Miraculer! I really needed that back!

You confused me for a pathetic illusion and you claim to be my best friend?

-Huh? -Not on my watch!


-Cat Noir! -I'm sorry, Milady.

-I held out for as long as I could. -Lucky Charm! Cataclysm!

[battle cry]


Come back, Mayura. You've got the Bee Miraculous already.

Miraculer will take care of Cat Noir and Ladybug's Miraculous.

I got this!

Lost something?

Chloé! Follow Mayura! She's probably going back to Hawk Moth.

You won't regret this, Ladybug!

Pollen, buzz on!


Where did she go? Ladybug's going to think I'm incompetent!

Don't mess with Bee! Stand still!

Let me ask you just one question. Do you enjoy being Ladybug's servant?

Having to wait for the loan of a Miraculous?

Wouldn't you rather have boundless powers of your own?

-That's three questions. -Come with us, Chloé.

You can be Queen Bee whenever you want.

Ladybug gave me a new chance, so I'll give her one too.

You'll regret this!

You'll regret underestimating me, you despicable bird!

What would happen if I took this from you?

Oh, no, no, no, no, no! Where did she go?




Good luck getting hold of my akuma now!

Lucky charm!

A pillow?

The more there are of you, the dumber you get!

What am I supposed to do with this?

-Tickles! -Of course!

-I thought we were friends! -Well, you were wrong!

Sabrina is my friend, not Miraculer!

-Ha, ha, ha! That tickles! -Want some more?

No! No! Shelter!

No more evil-doing for you, little akuma.

Time to de-evilise!


Bye-bye, little butterfly!

Miraculous Ladybug!

Ladybug, Mayura got away from me. I'm sorry, utterly sorry.

That's OK, Queen Bee. We'll get her next time.

If you'd given it to me earlier, we probably would've defeated Hawk Moth.

I'm sorry, Chloé. I should have told you this a long time ago.

I might never be able to let you be Queen Bee again.

What? But I did everything you asked me to!

I know. But this is for your own safety.

It's too dangerous for you, because Hawk Moth knows that you're Queen Bee.

Buzz off!

I understand. But I'm sure that you'll need me again, Ladybug.

I know that I'll be Queen Bee again, some day. I will always be Queen Bee.

-[alarm] -Thank you, Chloé.

Let's go!


I guess you'll never want to play with me again, now.

Of course I will. I just don't want to be Ladybug any more.

-You can keep the costume if you want. -Oh, goody!

I'm sorry, Hawk Moth. I failed.

No, Mayura. We've set the stage for the future.

Queen Bee will change her mind.

[school bell ringing]

-Hey! You! -Chloé!

That magic code you told me, to call Ladybug.

-It was just a big joke, wasn't it? -Of course it wasn't!

-Why? Weren't you with Ladybug yesterday? -Uh... Yes.

-So it worked, then. -Uh... Yes.

Ugh! OK, fine. You're not completely useless!

I hope I didn't hurt Chloé's feelings too much. She's worked so hard.

It's for her own good.

And you're also protecting Ladybug and Cat Noir by doing that!

That's what being a superheroine is all about!

[lively music]