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03x05 - How Do Cell Phones Work?

Posted: 06/08/23 17:11
by bunniefuu
[both giggling]

-Aaah! -[crash]

-[giggles] -[giggles]

[both giggling]

-Come on, guys, let's go! -Yeah, whoo-hoo!

Yeah, dude!



♪ StoryBots ♪

♪ Livin' inside computer parts ♪

-♪ The StoryBots ♪ -[all] Aaah!

♪ Helping kids get super smart ♪

♪ They love to learn Love to learn ♪

♪ And adore adventure ♪

♪ And answering questions Is their business and pleasure ♪

♪ There's a whole department Whose only task ♪

♪ Is to answer anything we ask ♪

♪ So let's see if Team -B Can solve another mystery ♪

-♪ The StoryBots ♪ -[all exclaim]

♪ Meet Beep and Bing, Bang, Boop, and Bo ♪

♪ Just ask 'em what you want to know ♪

♪ Just ask the StoryBots ♪

♪ And when they get a stumper That demands investigation ♪

♪ It's to the outer world On a hunt for information ♪

♪ StoryBots ♪

♪ Got a question? Got lots? ♪

♪ If something's got ya baffled Worry not ♪

♪Just ask the StoryBots ♪

♪ Just ask the StoryBots ♪



-[angry muttering] -[phone ringing]

New Jersey! Chicken wing! Fuselage!



[all cheer]

Congrats on answering your one millionth question, sir!

I don't have time for trophies! We've got questions to answer!

-[balloon pops] -Get back to work!

True! False! Fact! Fiction!

Aah! Somebody get me my tools!

Here you go, sir.

[alarm beeping]

Holy Toledo! Get me an answer team, now!

I'm just the tool guy, sir.


♪ Ahhhhhhhhhh! ♪

[muffled and ringing] What are you StoryBots doing with those instruments?!

We got questions to answer!

We were just in the middle of our band practice, man!

[muffled and ringing] In the middle of what?!

[all] Band practice!

[muffled and ringing] What?! Speak up! I can't hear you!

[all] Band practice!!

[muffled and ringing] Oh. Well, you don't have to shout about it.

Now, quit your dilly dallying! We've got questions to answer!

[all exclaim]

Answer Team -B reporting for duty, sir!

[muffled and ringing] What?! Grrr... just answer the question!

Hi, StoryBots, how are you doing?

-Hey! Hi! Hi, there! -Oh! Hey! Awesome!

-Hi! Hello there! -Hi! Good!

What's your name?


-Hello, Sorayah! -Hi, Sorayah!

-Hi, Sorayah! -That's a great name!

I have a question for you, StoryBots. How do cell phones work?

Ooh. That's a good question. How do cell phones work?

Oh, I love talking on the cell phone!

Who do you like to talk to on the phone, Sorayah?

I make new friends, I talk to them on the cell phone,

and sometimes I might say, "Come over, let's have a play date!"

Oh, yeah, play dates are, like, so cool.

Yeah! But how did people have play dates before cell phones?

Oh! Oh! Maybe they wrote each other letters.

Yeah! Or maybe they used mental telepathy!

Ooh! Or Morse Code!

-[pigeon cooing] -Boop.

Ooh, right! Carrier pigeon. Or maybe they just yelled really loud!

[muffled and ringing] What?!

Those are all great ways to communicate, guys,

but I think Sorayah wanted to know about cell phones.


Oh! I got it! I got it! I know where we can find the answer!


[horn honks]

StoryBots! Prepare for transport! Let's find out how cell phones work!

[all] Outer world, Here we come!

[electric guitar plays]


[bells ringing]

Why won't my ears stop ringing?


[both giggling]


[both giggling]

[StoryBots screaming]







[announcer] Sound waves now arriving in Terminal One.

[all groan]

Where are we, Bo?

Well, I figured that if we wanted to know how cell phones work,

what better place to start than inside of one?

-[Bang] Of course! Yeah! Right! -[Beep] That's a good idea!

[phone rings and buzzes]

[gasps] What's... it... doing?

I don't know, but I like it.


[StoryBots] Whoa!

[woman] Hello?

[announcer] Sound waves now arriving...

[sound wave] Hello!

[Beep] Oh, hi there!

Who are you?


Uh, Hello? Heh... What's your name?


Hi, yeah, but, really. What's your name?


What's your name?!

OK, let's try this again, my name is "Hello."

Get it?

[all] Oh!

Yeah, that's very confusing.

Not really. I'm a sound wave.

All sound waves move the air in ways that produce different sounds.

I move the air in a way that sounds like, "Hello."

Oh! Maybe you can help us out.

Yeah, we're trying to find out how cell phones work for a kid named Sorayah.

[female voice] I can help you answer that!

[StoryBots] Huh?

Hello, Hello! Hello, StoryBots!

-Hello! -Hello!

-Hello! -Hello!


So, uh, who are you?

I'm the microphone and I'm the first stop on the long journey

to a cell phone far, far away!

Oh! So, what exactly do you do around here, Ms. Microphone?

My job is to turn sound waves, like Hello here, into electrical signals.

Whoa! How do you do that?

Do ya see my magnet and wire?

[all] Yeah.

Well, that wire has electricity running through it.

Every time a sound wave bumps into me,

it makes my magnet bounce back and forth.

That changes the electrical current in the wire.

Oh. And then what happens?

How should I know? I'm bolted to the floor.

Uhhh... I see how that could be a problem.

Well, guys, you can follow me! You're ready to bounce?


Hey! Check it out!

[StoryBots] Whoa!

-Wait, Hello? Where are you going? -Come back!

-Hello! -Hello!

Wait up! Hello!

I'm not actually Hello, StoryBots. I'm just an electrical copy of Hello.

And I can't slow down, because I need to get to the microprocessor.

The microprocessor?

What's a microprocessor?

The microprocessor reads changes in electrical signals

and turns them into ones and zeroes.

Like this!

[StoryBots] Whoa!

It's just 's and 's, man!

Come on, guys! Let's follow the ones and zeroes!

-Let's go! I love ones and zeroes! -Oh, yeah!


[Hub and Bub giggling]


[phone rings]


[Hub and Bub giggling]


[phones rings]

-Hello. -Hello.

[Hub and Bub giggling]


[phones ring]

-Hello. -Hello.


[all] ♪ Hello ♪

[music playing]

[both giggling]


[both giggling]

♪ When you visit different countries You'll discover as you go ♪

♪ That people have about a zillion ways To say hello ♪


♪ The Spanish word is "hola" The Italian is "ciao" ♪

♪ In Hebrew it's "shalom" And in Chinese it's "ni-hao" ♪

♪ In the Netherlands they say "hallo" The Russians say "privet" ♪

♪ In Korea they say "annyeong" And we've hardly started yet ♪

♪ In Arabic it's "marhaban" They say "salam" in old Iran ♪

♪ The Hindi word is "namaste" In Sweden people just say "hej" ♪

♪ In Germany it's "guten tag" But in the south they say "grüß gott" ♪

♪ In Czech, the greeting is "ahoj" In Portuguese, "olá" or "oi" ♪

♪ Everywhere you go People say hello ♪

♪ Hello It all means hello ♪

♪ In French a friendly greeting Is "bonjour" or "salut" ♪

♪ In Swahili it's "hujambo" And in Greek it's "yasou" ♪

♪ Hawaiians say "aloha" Taiwanese say "lihó" ♪

♪ In Japan they say "konichiwa" In Hungary they say "szia" ♪

♪ In Burmese it's "mingalaba" ♪

♪ One thing you should know ♪

♪ Is that everywhere you go People say hello ♪

♪ Hello, it all means hello ♪

♪ Hello, hello, hello, hello It all means hello ♪

♪ Hello, hello, hello, hello It all means hello ♪

♪ Hello! ♪



Come on, guys! The ones and zeroes are going this way!

Whoa! The numbers just, like, end here, dude.

How are we gonna find out how cell phones work now?

You heard the electrical signal, Bo!

All we need to do is follow the ones and zeroes! Hi-ya!

[all] Bing!

Quick! After him!

[all] Aah!

What's happening, man?!

Where are we going?!


Oh, hey, StoryBots.

Who are you?

The name's Dave. Dave the Radio Wave, coming at you through the air. Oh, yeah.

Uh, hi, Mr. The Radio Wave.

Would you mind telling us what's going on here?

Those ones and zeroes you were chasing

are being beamed through the air on a radio wave--

AKA, me.

Awesome! So, where are we going, Dave?

First to the nearest cell tower.

Cell towers receive radio waves then send us along to switching stations.

Like, what's a switching station, man?

[Dave] Hold tight, Bang. You're about to find out.

-Huh? -[woman] - from Florida.

Clear for landing in Amsterdam.

Uh, excuse us, Miss Busy Lady?

Oh, hey, StoryBots! I'm sorry. I didn't see you down there!

Who are you?

We're the Switching Station Operators.

And we run this operation. Isn't that right, everybody?

-Right! -Right!

-Right! -Oh, yeah!

Uh, and what exactly do you do here, Miss Switching Station Operators?

We get ones and zeroes coming in here from phones all over the world.

Our job is to connect them where they need to go.

Excuse me. Grandville, Ohio, coming up!

But how do you know where to send all those ones and zeroes?

Well, every message that comes in here has a phone number attached to it.

Like this.

The phone number is like an address

that tells us where to send the ones and zeroes.

But how do you know where to find the phone

when people are always moving around?

Yeah, it's like a vast universe out there.

[SSO] Don't worry, Bang!

That cell phone, like all cell phones,

is constantly sending out tiny signals called "pings" to nearby cell towers.

The pings tell the cell towers where to find that phone,

and the cell towers tell us, so we can pass along the ones and zeroes.

Whoa! You have to do that for every call?

We sure do, Bing.

This process is done over and over and over and over again,

faster than you can blink an eye,

instantaneously connecting people all around the world.

-Whoa! Awesome! -Instantaneous!

I like that!

So, what happens to the ones and zeroes when they reach the other phone?

Hmm, well, to be honest we're so busy sending and receiving signals,

I don't really know.

But this ought to help you find out.

Awww, sweet!

You StoryBots are cleared for takeoff.

In T-minus five, four...

-Goodbye, Miss Switching Station Operator! -Bye-bye now!

-See ya!

-Bye! -Appreciate it!

[StoryBots] Whee!

[Dave] All right... Dave is back in the air!

Will the StoryBots ever find out how cell phones work for Sorayah?

We'll find out, after this message, from the Color Purple.




-Hmm? -Huh?

-Mmm! -Mmm!






[both giggling]


[both giggling]

[music playing]

-♪ They say look for purple ♪ - ♪ Look for purple ♪

-♪ When you want to groove ♪ -♪ When you want to groove ♪

♪ It brings you flavor And you know what you got to choose ♪

♪ You need P-U-R-P-L-E, purple P-U-R-P-L-E, purple ♪

♪ P-U-R-P-L-E, purple P-U-R-P-L-E, purple ♪

♪ We got moves We got taste ♪

♪ Plates full of raisins And purple grapes ♪

♪ Jelly and jam I want some ♪

♪ Beets and prunes And turnips and plums ♪

♪ Purple means royal For kings and queens ♪

♪ Fit for a prince Or jelly beans ♪

♪ You mix pink, red and blue Put 'em in a circle ♪

♪ Mix 'em all together And you get purple ♪

-♪ Look for purple ♪ -♪ Look for purple ♪

-♪ When you want to groove ♪ -♪ When you want to groove ♪

♪ It brings you flavor and you know what you got to choose ♪

♪ You need P-U-R-P-L-E, purple P-U-R-P-L-E, purple ♪

♪ P-U-R-P-L-E, purple P-U-R-P-L-E, purple ♪


[StoryBots] Aah!

All right, hang on, Storybots! We're diving in!

[StoryBots] Aah!

[StoryBots] Huh?

Whoa! I feel like I've been here before, man.

Hey, guys! Guys! Check it out!

It's the ones and zeroes from the other phone!

-All right! -Come on, let's go!

Oh! it's another microprocessor!

Like the one in the other phone!

Whoa! The ones and zeroes just, like, totally changed the electrical current.

[Beep] Hello! Wait up!

Hello, electrical copy of Hello!

Hey, StoryBots! Did you find out how cell phones work yet?

Not yet, but it feels like we're getting closer!

[male voice] Closer than you think, StoryBots!

[StoryBots] Huh?

Who said that?

[male voice] I'm over here, on the other side!

Who are you?

I'm the Speaker.

And I make the sound waves around here!

Wow! Really? How do you do that?

Do you remember how the microphone

turned sound waves into electrical signals?

-Uh-huh. -Yeah.

Well, I do the opposite.

Thanks to my magnificent magnet,

I can turn electrical signals back into sound waves!

Whoa. It's like... magic.

It's not magic, Bang. It's science!

Look here, StoryBots!

This wire has an electrical current running through it.

Different changes in the current... move my magnet in different ways!

[drum b*ating]

When the magnet moves,

it makes my speaker cone bounce.

But what does that have to do with how cell phones work?

Well, when my speaker cone bounces,

it moves the air to create sound waves

that are exactly the same as the ones spoken into the other phone!

-[Beep] What?! -[Bo] Wow!

What do you say, electrical copy of Hello?

Should we show 'em how it works?

Here I come!

-Hello! -[StoryBots] Wow!

Look! Hello's a sound wave again!

Whew! Next time I'm takin' a landline!

-Hello! -Hi, Hello!

Oh, hello, StoryBots.

So, where are you off to now?

The last step of making a phone call, Beep.


[voice on phone] Hello?

Well, it looks like we got our answer, guys.

-Yeah, we did! -Thank you so much!

Whoo-hoo! Yeah!


[robotic voice] StoryBots Fun Fact number ,,.

[bell dings]

Did you know that a rhino will set out on its own

when it's only three years old?

Well, you're three years old now.

It's about time you make your way in the world.

I'm a big boy!

You sure are, buddy.

Don't forget to budge your finances.


[young rhino] What's "finances"?

♪ Who that stompin' all around? ♪

♪ He's gotta weigh , pounds ♪

♪ Can you feel his footsteps on the ground? ♪

-♪ He's a rhino ♪ -♪ Whoo-ooh ooh ♪

♪ His skin is rough and gray ♪

♪ I hear he likes it that way ♪

♪ You better be careful when you play with a rhino ♪

♪ Whoo-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ There is no need to discuss ♪

♪ There's no need to talk ♪

♪ Why he can't fit on the bus ♪

♪ He's just too big ♪

♪ But he never makes a fuss ♪

♪ I think he'd rather walk ♪

♪ 'Cause he's the great rhinoceros ♪

♪ What a guy ♪

♪ Whoo-whoo-whoo-whoo, whoo-whoo-whoo ♪

♪ Whoo-whoo- whoo-whoo, whoo-whoo-whoo ♪

♪ Whoo-whoo-whoo-whoo, whoo-whoo-whoo ♪

-♪ He's a rhino ♪ -♪ Whoo-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ His ears flitter to and fro ♪

♪ Take a look at those giant toes ♪

♪ He's got a big old horn right on his nose ♪

-♪ He's a rhino ♪ -♪ Whoo-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ He's a great big rhino ♪

♪ Ooh ♪


-[angry muttering] -[phones ringing]

Thermodynamics! Biochemistry! Popsicle!

-[phone ringing] -Huh?

-Uh, hello? -[Beep] Hi, Hap! It's answer team -B.

What?! I thought I told you to get an answer, not dilly-dally!

We got the answer, boss! We know how cell phones work!

Then where in the world are you?! Get back here right now!

-[StoryBots] Aaah! -Oooh!

As I was saying...

we got the answer, boss!

We know how cell phones work!

Yeah! When you talk, your voice, like, totally moves the air

and creates these things called sound waves.

Those sound waves enter your phone and move a tiny magnet back and forth!

When the magnet moves, it changes the electrical current

-running through a wire! -And a microprocessor

records those changes as one and zeroes.

Next, the ones and zeroes are beamed out of your phone

to nearby cell towers using radio waves!

Cell towers pass it along to switching stations.

And switching stations make sure the ones and zeroes

get sent to the phone you're calling.

When the radio waves enter that phone,

the whole process gets reversed, man!

A microprocessor uses the ones and zeroes to create electrical signals!

Those signals move a magnet that make a speaker cone bounce.

And that bouncing cone creates sound waves

that are exactly the same as the ones spoken in the other phone!

And when those sound waves are heard by the person you're calling...

[all] ...that's how cell phones work!

Just-- Just gimme that tape!


-♪ When you talk into a phone ♪ -Hello.

♪ Each time you make a call ♪

-♪ The sound changes through many forms ♪ -Like radio waves.

♪ And that's not all ♪

♪ Then at the other phone Those changes get reversed ♪

♪ So it comes out through the other phone As the sound it was at first ♪

-[beep] -Hey, buddy, how's it goin'?

♪ When you talk Your voice makes waves of air ♪

♪ That move a magnet In the phone somewhere ♪

♪ Causing changes To an electrical current ♪

♪ And when that current makes it down The wire through which it runs ♪

♪ A microprocessor tracks those changes As zeroes and ones ♪

♪ Which promptly leave your phone behind Takin' off as radio waves ♪

♪ That find their way To the nearby cell towers around ♪

♪ From there it's off To a switching station ♪

♪ Which This is wild ♪

♪ Sends those waves to the one exact Individual phone you dialed ♪

-[ringing] -♪ And once they reach the other phone ♪

♪ The process goes the other way around ♪

♪ From radio waves to zeroes and ones To electrical signals ♪

-♪ Not yet sound ♪ - ♪ Those signals move a magnet ♪

♪ Which moves a speaker cone ♪

♪ Creating sound that's just the same

♪ As what was spoken In the other person's phone ♪

-Hey, buddy, how's it goin'? -Pretty good.

♪ When you talk into a phone Each time you make a call ♪

♪ The sound changes Through many forms ♪

-♪ Like radio waves ♪ -♪ And that's not all ♪

♪ Then at the other phone ♪

- ♪ Those changes get reversed ♪ -So good catchin' up!

♪ So it comes out Through the other phone ♪

♪As the sound it was at first ♪

OK, pal, talk to you later then. Bye!

Whoa! I'd call that pretty good.

-Yeah! We did it! -Whoo-hoo!

Hey, look, everyone, it's Sorayah!

-Hello, Sorayah! How are you? -Good to see you!

Whoa, StoryBots!

Cell phones can turn my voice into electrical signals?

Yeah! And also ones and zeroes!

Whoa. That's so cool.

-Sure is! -Super cool!

Bye, StoryBots! Thanks!

-[all] Bye, Sorayah! -[cell phone ringing]

Guys, quiet! I'm getting a call.

-[beep] -Hello, Beep speaking.

[Hap] What are you doing chatting on the phone?!

There's work to do! We don't have time for personal calls!

Get to work! Now! Move!

-Move! Now! Go! Move! -Bye, boss.

♪ StoryBots ♪

♪ Livin' inside computer parts ♪

♪The StoryBots ♪

♪ Helping kids get super smart ♪

-♪ They love to learn ♪ -♪ They love to learn ♪

♪And adore adventure ♪

♪ And answering questions is their business and pleasure ♪

♪ There's a whole department whose only task ♪

♪ Is to answer anything we ask ♪

♪ So let's see if team -B can solve another mystery ♪

♪ The StoryBots ♪

♪ Meet Beep and Bing, Bang, Boop, and Bo ♪

♪ Just ask 'em what you want to know ♪

♪ Just ask the StoryBots ♪
