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01x19 - The Jewel in the Crown

Posted: 06/11/23 11:20
by bunniefuu
♪ Sonic ♪

♪ Triplets born,
the throne awaits ♪

♪ A seer warns
of a deadly fate ♪

♪ Give up your children ♪

♪ Separate ♪

♪ Bide your time,
lie in wait ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ The children grow ♪

♪ And learn what's right ♪

♪ Leaders of
the freedom fight ♪

♪ They seek their mother ♪

♪ She knows they do ♪

♪ Is it time? ♪

♪ If she only knew! ♪

♪ Will the prophecy
come true? ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

I long for my children,
but I have to wait.

To act too soon
could seal their fate.

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

Captioning made possible by
dic entertainment


Queen aleena:
we all make mistakes.

But determination--

The will to keep going
in spite of those setbacks--

Is one of
the greatest lessons

We must all
learn in life.

Manic: hey!
Check this out, sis!

Sonia: eww!
Get that thing
away from me!

You know how
I feel about bugs.
Creepy! Creepy!

Manic: relax, sis.
It's not real.

It's a remote-control

Made it myself.

And I'm gonna send it
up the sewers

Into buttnik's headquarters.


Sonic: ahh, nothin' like
a little snack

Before bedtime.

Sonia: how can you
eat in a sewer?

It's disgusting!

Sonic: how can I
eat in a sewer?


One bite at a time.

Sonia: oh, I think
I'm going to be sick.

Manic: yo!
Scope this, guys.

I'm almost
to buttnik's back door.

Sonia: huh?

Robotnik: I received
this photograph

From a jewel merchant
in the city of emporium.

Dingo: pretty.

Robotnik: now compare it
to this photo

Of the lost crown
of mobius.

Dingo: I like
this one better.

Robotnik: you pathetic excuse
for a thinking species!

They're the same jewel!

The crown was lost when
the queen went into hiding.

Now the merchant
has the jewel,

Possibly pawned
by queen aleena

To finance the resistance.

Manic: uhh! Uhh!

Let me see
if I can get closer.

according to legend,

The jewel glows brighter
the closer it gets

To queen aleena.

Sleet: like a homing device.

It will lead us
straight to the queen.

Robotnik: hmm,
my thought exactly.

Ha ha ha!

the merchant has offered
to sell me the jewel.

Sleet: but why buy it
when you can steal it,


Robotnik: bring me the jewel,
and I'll pay you half

What the merchant wanted.

Manic: come on, come on!

Gimme the news!

the merchant's name is--

Dingo: ugh!

I think I sat on a bug.

Sonic: bummer majores!

Sonia: we could've found
mother with that jewel!

Manic: well,
it's in emporium.

Why don't we
just go get it?

Sonia: we can't afford it.
We're broke.

Manic: we could, uh...

Liberate it?

Sonia: absolutely not!

No stealing!

Manic: well,
I mean, temporarily.

You know, to keep it
away from buttnik.

Sort of like, uh,
protective custody?

Sonic: hey, if it is
the crown jewel,

No way mom
woulda sold it.

That merchant
musta stole it!

Manic: yeah!

We'd be recovering
stolen property!

Sonia: I wonder
what it would feel like

To wear a jewel that big?

Sonic: oh, brother.

Manic: whoa!

Not exactly your basic
sleepy little village.

Sonia: we'll never find
the crown jewel.

Sonic: sure, we will.

I mean we're only looking
for a jewel merchant

Whose name we don't know
in the biggest, noisiest,

Most jam-packed city
in all of mobius.

I mean, how many
jewel merchants
could there be?

hey, where is everybody?

Sonia: it's just like
everything else

Now that robotnik's
in charge...


Manic: nobody'll shop
if they're afraid

To be out on the street.

[Flute playing]
sonia: huh?

Sonic: flute music.
How bad can this place be?

Let's check it out.


Sonic: say, you wouldn't
know where the street

Of jewel merchants is,
would ya?

Sonic: thanks.

Jewel merchant:
the crown jewel of mobius.

The genuine article.

Sleet: it's the crown jewel,
all right.

Price is too much.

Jewel merchant:
does robotnik
think he can bribe me

With this cheap
imitation persian rug?

It is the price
robotnik agreed to pay!

Sleet: yes, but he's
no longer in a buying mood.

He just wants it!

Sonic: hello?
Anybody here?

Manic: shh!
Will you be quiet?

We're thieves, remember?

Sonic: hey, chill, manic.

I'm just bein' polite.

Sonia: the crown jewel!

Sonic: this may be
our best chance to find mom.

Manic: take it, will ya?

Sonic: i...can't.

I don't think mom
would want us to steal,

No matter how good
our motives are.

It just isn't right.

Manic: hey, we agreed
it's not really stealin'.

Sonic: but it is stealin'!

Sure, we may find mom,

But that doesn't
make it right.

Sonia: well, maybe if
we told the merchant

How important it is
to keep the jewel
away from buttnik--

All: hey! Whoa! Ohh!

Sleet: ooh, I've got you,

You beautiful
faceted fortune.

Dingo: ooh! Ow! Eee! Aah!

Sonic: that jewel
belongs to mom!

Sleet: haven't you heard?

Finders keepers!

Manic: hey! Ow!

Sonic: the jewel!
It'll lead 'em right to mom!

Sonia: we've got to get
that jewel back from dingo!

Sonic: no prob, sis.

I'll be back
in a sonic-second.

Sonic: 'scuse me.
Comin' through.

Sleet: queen aleena,
here we come.


Dingo: sonic just passed us!

don't worry about him.

He can't stop us now.

Sleet: this time, sonic,
you are street pizza!

Sleet: aah!

do you have the jewel?

Sleet: yes, but the--

The situation's gotten
a little tangled.

Robotnik: you just hold on
to that jewel!

Swat-bot reinforcements
are on the way.

Sleet: we'll just
sit tight and wait.

There's no way that sonic
can get to us in here.

Sonic: whoa!
We're talkin' a plan here.

Sonic: olive oil.

Cool! This'll do it!

Dingo: what's he doing?

Sleet: he's--

Hey, I can't see!

Sleet: ohh!


[Both gurgle]

Dingo: I gotta
get outta here!

Both: whoa!

Both: whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Dingo: oof!

Sonic: I think this
belongs to queen aleena.

Sonia: sonic!
Did you get it?

Sonic: be cool.
I got the jewel.

But we should be cruisin'
instead of snoozin'!

Sonia: whew!
That was close!

Manic: yo, sibs,
hit me with a spotlight.

Thanks, bro.

I thought the stage
had gone dark.

Sonia: ok,
we've got the jewel,

But how do we get sleet
and dingo off our trail?

Sonic: no problemo, sis.

Manic just gave me an idea.

[The cosmic dance begins]

Sonic: ♪ we'll take
some nails and make a bed ♪

♪ Place your hands
above you head ♪

♪ Cross your legs
in a yoga stance ♪

♪ Now you're doin'
that cosmic dance ♪

All: ♪ let's get cosmic ♪

♪ Let's get cosmic ♪

♪ Everybody do
the cosmic dance! ♪

Sonic: ♪ take a sheet
and make a robe ♪

♪ Dance right over
red-hot coals ♪

♪ Dig out those
m.c. Hammer pants ♪

♪ Gonna need 'em
for the cosmic dance ♪

All: ♪ let's get cosmic ♪

♪ Let's get cosmic ♪

♪ Everybody do
the cosmic dance! ♪

♪ Let's get cosmic ♪

♪ Let's get cosmic ♪

♪ Everybody do
the cosmic dance! ♪

Sonic: come on!

All: ♪ let's get cosmic ♪

♪ Let's get cosmic ♪

♪ Everybody do
the cosmic dance! ♪

♪ Let's get cosmic ♪

♪ Let's get cosmic ♪

♪ Everybody do
the cosmic dance! ♪


Sleet: empty.
It's a decoy!

Dingo: I thought
it was a van.

Sleet: it is a van,
but it's a decoy, too.

You see, when you
use the van to--


I've attached
the tracking device.

Now find those hedgehogs!

Dingo: uh, what about them?

Sleet: how dumb do you
think those hedgehogs are?

It's too obvious.
Forget about them.

They're only snake charmers.

Sonic: ha ha ha!

Snake charmers?
Get serious.

All: huh?


All: ohh!

Sonia: snakes!
How charming.

Sonic: no time
to get hiss-sterical.

Manic: no, man.
It's time to run!

Sonic: aah!

All: oh, man! Aah!

Sonia: wow!

We must be getting
close to mother.

Manic: we may not
get any closer.


Sonic: bummer majores!

Stand back!

Looks like
it's time for me

To stretch my legs!


Sonic: how much farther?

Manic: whoa, any closer,
and I'll need sunglasses!


Sleet: I love
the brilliance of me!


The tracking device
on the hedgehogs' van

Was pure genius!

Jewel. Bah!

We've got the hedgehogs
to lead us to queen aleena.

Ha ha ha!

Sonia: mother's in there?

Sonic: well, there's
no turnin' back now.

Manic: hey, bro!
Wait up!

Sleet: at last,
queen aleena.

[Both gasp]

Sonic: what took you
so long, slo-moes?!

Sonia: I've dreamed about
meeting mother for so long.

[Mechanical whirring]

Dingo: I don't know, sleet.

This place
gives me the creeps.

Maybe we oughta
call robotnik?

Sleet: maybe we should.

Robotnik, we have
followed the hedgehogs

To queen aleena.

Will you be joining us
for our moment of triumph?

your moment of triumph?!

You pathetic mongrel!

I'll capture
queen aleena myself!

I'm on my way
with every swat-bot

I can muster.

Don't make a move
until I arrive.


Sleet: of course.

I wouldn't dream
of disobeying you.

Come on, dingo.

Let's go meet the queen.

Dingo: but, sleet,
didn't robotnik just say--

Sleet: robotnik
will give anything

To get queen aleena.

If we capture her first,
we can name our price.

And robotnik
will have to pay.

Ha ha ha!

Dingo: ooh, I like that!

Ha ha ha!

Sonia: this must be it.

Manic: yeah, this jewel's
glowin' like a spotlight.

Sonia: mother!
She's not moving!

You don't think
after all this time

That she's...

Sonic: there's only
one way to find out.

Mom! It's us!

We've been searchin'
for you for so long!


Sonic: wait a mobius minute!

Manic: that isn't mom!

[Beeping stops]

[Beeping starts]

Manic: it's all
just a setup!

Sonia: but why?
Why lure us here?

Sonic: not us. Buttnik!

We stumbled onto
the jewel by mistake!

Manic: but why
bring robotnik here,
unless it's...


Sonic: a trap!

Uhh! Come on!



Sonia: whoa!


aah! Uhh!

Manic: oh, man!
That was close!

All: aah!

Sonia: aah!


Now this is
a bad hair experience.


Sonic: ack!


Sonic: no time for jive!
This place is alive!

Sleet: what are
they running from?


Dingo: aah!


Both: aah!

Sonia: get out of the way!
Run! Run! Run!

Manic: we won't
need this anymore!

Dingo: the jewel!
I got it!

Sleet: at least we got
something out of this.

Dingo: eww! Aah!

Sleet: uhh! Uhh!

Just what I always wanted,

To be stuck
with a sap forever!


Dingo: whoa!

I told ya we shoulda
waited for robotnik.

Sleet: oh, will you shut up!


Sonia: hyah!

Manic: uhh!
It's a no-go, man!

We're stuck!

Sonic: no biggie, bro.
Back in a sonic-second.

Sonic: let's haul haunch!

Wherever sleet
and dingo are,

Buttnik can't be
too far behind!

Robotnik: you failures!

I told you to wait!

Capturing the queen
was supposed to be

My crowing glory!

Dingo: at least we got
the jewel, boss--whoa!


Does this mean
we don't get that reward?

Robotnik: oh, you'll get
your reward all right.

Sonic: I just don't get it.

What was all that stuff
about the jewel

Leadin' us
to queen aleena?

Manic: at least we know
how sleet and dingo found us.

They stuck this homing device
on the van.

Sonic: if we hadn't
got out when we did,

We'd have been trapped
like sleet and dingo.

Sonia: but why would
the jewel merchant

Want to trap anybody
in the temple?

Sonic: ya know,
there's something fishy

About that jewel merchant.

Sonia: he's gone!

What's going on here?

Manic: the jewel's a fake,

And now the jewel
merchant's scrammed.

Sonic: well, somebody
wanted robotnik

To stumble into that trap

Bad enough
to set all this up.

All: ohh!

Sonic: queen aleena.

Mom laid a brilliant trap
for buttnik,

And we blew it.

Sonia: we didn't know.

We were trying
to find our mother.

Manic: so what do
we do now, man?

Sonic: we keep lookin'.

Queen aleena:
freedom is a long road

Full of unexpected
twists and turns,

But we must keep going.

Don't lose hope.

Someday we'll be reunited.