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01x28 - Getting to Know You

Posted: 06/11/23 11:33
by bunniefuu
♪ Sonic ♪

♪ Triplets born,
the throne awaits ♪

♪ A seer warns
of a deadly fate ♪

♪ Give up your children ♪

♪ Separate ♪

♪ Bide your time,
lie in wait ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ The children grow ♪

♪ And learn what's right ♪

♪ Leaders of
the freedom fight ♪

♪ They seek their mother ♪

♪ She knows they do ♪

♪ Is it time? ♪

♪ If she only knew ♪

♪ Will the prophecy
come true? ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

I long for my children,
but I have to wait.

To act too soon
could seal their fate.

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

Queen aleena:
now that robotnik had
identified my children,

He would not rest
until he found them.

find those hedgehogs!

Or you'll get to inspect
my prison personally.

three little hedgehogs?

I still don't
understand, sir.

What harm could they

queen aleena's brats
could destroy everything!

Find them!

Sleet: yes, your grace.
Leave it to us, sir.

What are you doing,
you oaf?

Dingo: she's pretty.

Sleet: and you're ugly.
Now, let's get to work.

Sonia: aaah!

Sonic/manic: huh?

Sonia: ow.
Get it away from me!

Sonic: what?
What is it?

Sonia: under the bed!
Get it out! Get it out!

Manic: get what?

[Mouse squeaks]

Sonic: a mouse?!

Every force in robotropolis
is on our butts

And you're wigging out
over a mouse?

we're in trouble.

Sonia: wait!

Uh, where's the maid?

I'd like my breakfast now.

definitely trouble.

[Beep beep beep]

ooh, we've got them now.

Dingo: so, now do
we call robotnik?

Sleet: to catch
three little hedgehogs?

Sonia: north through
the marsh of malodor

And into the badlands.
Oh, gross.

so, where do we wind up?

right here in wasslaw.

well, wherever it is,

We gotta get outta here!
And fast!

Manic: ugh!

Sonia: now?
But I can't leave!

Not without
my matched luggage

And some
new clothes and--

Sonic: sorry.
This is what you get.

does it come in purple?

hey, man, why the speed?


priority one, hedgehogs.

Sonia: [screams]

get in the basement.

Middle of hall.
I'll hold him off!

Whoa! Ugh!

Phew! This is not
a good start.

Manic: you go ahead!
I'll get the bot's

Hey, bolt-head!


oh, nice diversion, bro.

Sleet: this is
taking too long.

Go in and help
the metal-head.


Dingo: you mean
through the door there?

Sleet: no, through
the wall, genius.

Dingo: okey-dokey.

Sonia: [screams]

heart beating loudly]

Sonic: not so fast,
not so fast, metal-mouth!

Whoa! Manic!

Control panel in arm.
Shut it off!

Manic: c'mon, c'mon.


Sonic: aah!

Manic: whew.
Thanks, dude.

Sonic: no problemo.

Let's grab sonia
and blast outta here!

Sonia: oh, I'd love
to go with you

And visit dr. Robotnik.

Would you be a sweetheart
and get my coat for me?

oh, yeah, sure, sure!

it's right in there.

Dingo: whoa! Ugh!

Sonic: sonia, you ok?

Sonia: not just ok.
Thanks to me,

A bad guy's outta
commission, down there.

Isn't that great?

Sonic: well, that was
our escape route.

Sonia: oh.

Sonic: but luckily,

The bad guys gave us
another one.

Sleet: which, unfortunately,
you won't be able to use.

Move back.
Move back, please.

I'm afraid you will have
to come along with me.

Dingo: I couldn't find
your coat, sonia.


Sonic: time for plan b.

Manic: what's that?

Sonic: same as plan a.
The basement!

Dingo: bye, sonia.
[Heart beating loudly]

I am never stepping foot
in a sewer again.

It's dirty, it's smelly
and it's disgusting!

hey, that's my home

You're talking about,

Sonic: oh, sorry,
your ladyship.

Next time
we'll get you a carriage.

Now where's the scroll?

Sonia: you...actually a sewer?

Sonic: I'm waiting!

Manic: yeah. So?

Sonia: it's just that
it's so yucky.

Sonic: ahem!
The scroll?

Manic: problem.
It got torched.

What's left is back
at the safe house.

Sonic: well, then
we've gotta go back.

Sonia: no, we don't--
hey! Hey! Let me go!

Sonic: sorry, we
gotta have the scroll!

Manic: whassa matter,
is the duchess afraid

To get her feet dirty?

Sonia: if you would
let me finish,

We've got the scroll!

Right here!

I have
a photographic memory.

photographic memory?

Manic: ooh.

oh, give me a break.

Sonic/manic: cheese!

Manic: ha ha ha ha.

Sleet: the--the hedgehogs
got away, sir.

you call yourselves
bounty hunters?

You couldn't catch fish
in a bowl!

oh, I think we could,
if the bowl was--

Sleet: uh, sir,
we found this.

Robotnik: what is it?

Sleet: a map, sir.

I think I know
where they're going!

[Bird's wings flapping]

Manic: yo, what was that?

Sonic: it's a bird,

Just like the bird yesterday
and the bird the day before.


Manic: hey,
I'm a city boy, ok?

Sonia: more bread?
How gourmet.

So what did you do
in the city, manic?

Manic: I was, uh,
in the family business.

We, uh...

Moved things.

Sonia: like

Sonic: no.
Like a thief.

Sonia: [gasps]
a thief? Oh.

Manic: how'd ya know?

Sonic: resistance.

We gotta know
about everybody.

Manic: [laughs] hey,
don't worry, princess.

I don't steal
from family.

Sonia: oh, ah, ah, ah,
I didn't mean--

Sonic: we were all born
with silver spoons
in our mouths, sonia.

You just got
to keep yours.

Manic: yeah.
I had to steal mine.

Sonic/manic: [laughs]

Sonic: come on, guys.

We've got a long way
to go.

Manic: huh?

Gondar: not all that far.

Sonic: huh?

Who-- who are you?

Gondar: I am gondar,

Sent by the oracle
of delphius.

I am here to train you.

whoa-ho, that's perfect!

'Cause we are here
to be trained.

Gondar: [laugh]


Sonia: couldn't training
start at a more
reasonable hour?

you got that right.

I'm used to coming home
around now.

here, you will develop
your natural abilities

And find talents
hidden within you.

Sonic: could we get
this show on the road

While I'm still young?

Sonia: wow.
Wouldn't it be ironic

If your hidden talent
was patience?

what makes ya say that?

Sonic/sonia: huh?

Gondar: I think now is
a good time to start.

Once more, sonic.

Focus. Concentrate.

Now, a little faster.

Good. Good.

Now, faster.

Balance, sonic.

Sonic: I'm trying!
I'm trying!


Gondar: you see
how important it is

To keep your balance,

Sonia: absolutely.

you get really dirty.


Gondar: ah, yes.

Well, let's get started.

First, speed.

Sonic, see the tallest tree
on the mountain over there?

Sonic: yeah. And?

go to that tree.

When I drop this rock,

Catch it before
it hits the ground.

Sonic: no problemo.


Next time.

I'll get it next time.

whoa! Aaah!

Sonic: umph! Huh?

Sonia: whoa! Umph!

Manic: ugh!


Gondar: oh, boy.

Sonia: hyah! Hyah!


Manic: happening!

Sonia: yes!

Sonic: [chuckles]

Go, sis!

Manic: well done!

Robotnik: if this location
is anywhere on the planet,

It will show up here.



Let's see what kind
of bounty hunters
you really are.

Take my command ship
and a full detachment.

Get me those hedgehogs!

Gondar: now you, sonia.

Sonia: back in a few.

Gondar: manic?

Manic: I've been thinking
maybe they could do
better without me.

I mean, my talents just
don't exactly measure up.

Gondar: leaving would be
a mistake, young friend.

Soon, you will
find a talent
that has been hidden.

Use it
to help your cause.

Manic: really?
What is it?

when the time comes,
you will know.

so, what now, gondar?

Sonia: more superspins?

no, your time here
is over.

Now I send you
to your next teacher

In sri lassa,
the land of the clouds!

Sonic: who?
Sonia: where?
Manic: when?

Gondar: shhh!

I don't hear anything.

Gondar: ships!
Approaching fast!

Robot voice:
approaching destination.

Eta one minute.

Sleet: say goodbye,
hedgehog brats.

You're about to take
a one-way ride
on the sleet express.

Sonic: robuttnik's ships!

surrender, hedgehogs!

You have ten seconds.

Manic: [gasps]

five seconds, hedgehogs!

Sonic: I'll show him
five seconds!

Robuttnik's ships
are gonna destroy
your forest!

Gondar: obviously,
you haven't heard
about our trees.

well, they can run,
but they can't hide.

Dingo: yeah!

Sleet: all ships!
Destroy this place!

I'll snatch
the hedgehogs.

he's going to get us!

Gondar: watch.

Sleet: I can't see!

Pull up! Pull up!

Sonia: amazing.

time for you to go.

Use the scroll.

Sonia: is it a map?

in a manner of speaking.

Sonia: oh, my gosh!

Hedgehogs: whoa!

Hedgehogs: whoaah!

Sonic: hi, guy.

should we follow him?

Sonic: huh?

Way past cool!

Sonia: impressive.

Sonia: how uncluttered.

Sonic: easy to clean.

So, do you talk or what?

Sonia: sonic!
Sonic: huh?

Sonia: he's a monk!

I do indeed speak.

Manic: whoa!

Thought we were gonna have
to become mimes.

your medallions.

They are a source
of great power.

Hedgehogs: huh?

just like the night
we met at the club.

but to use the power,

You must find harmony
among yourselves.

Sonic: hmm, you wanna
get to the point, bud?

What kind of power?

Manic: chill, sonic.
Listen to him.

the first power
is simple.

The power of music.

Sonia: hey!
Sonic: whoa!

Manic: ooh!
What was that?

touch your medallions.

You first.

Sonic: no problemo.


Sonia: it's beautiful!

Manic: crashing!

Thelonius: they have
other uses as well.

But only if you work
together in harmony.

Your first test
begins now.

Hedgehogs: huh?

Monster: [roars]

Hedgehogs: [scream]

Sonic: former boyfriend?

Sonia: cute.

Ok, what should we do?

Sonic: I'll knock him out
with a superspin!

Spin-and-win time!

Monster: [roars]

Manic: hey!
I know this lock!

Sonia: wait, soni--

Sonic: aah! Aaah! Aah!

Monster: [growl]
sonia: no!

Sonic: aah!

Sonia: aah!

Monster: [roars]
sonic: aah!

you have failed
your first test.

There will be
no more training.

Your heart was good,

But you used
poor judgment.

Your actions
were correct.

Had you all
worked together,

Your escape would have
been a simple one.

Sonic: oh, it was me.
I got us k*lled.

Thelonius: yes!

Your impulsiveness,
your rash actions,

Your inability
to work as a team....

These will be
your undoing

And may perhaps cause
the end of your siblings.

just a minute, buster.

Sonic may be
impatient and impulsive,

But he's braver than
anyone I've ever met.

it is not about bravery.

Manic: hey!
You're talking about

One of the best freedom
fighters there is!

He saved my butt
a coupla times!

If you ask me,
we don't need
your stupid training.

Thelonius: ah,
you defend your brother.

Now, that is harmony.

Strive to find this
in your training,

Which will continue
tomorrow morning

Or perhaps before.

Sonic: wow, you guys
really stood up for me.

Sonia: well, you've
saved me more than once.

And besides,
you are my brother.

Sonic: you're not
gonna kiss me, are ya?

Manic: no way.
But you are kinda cute.

Sonia: hey!

We gonna let these cool
instruments go to waste?

[rhythmic chanting]

Sonic: ♪ when there's
a job to do ♪

♪ You've got to pull
together ♪

♪ As a team ♪

All: ♪ whoa oh oh oh ♪

♪ Oh oh oh ♪

Sonic: ♪ when to fight,
when to wait ♪

♪ Every one
must communicate ♪

All: [chanting]

♪ working together ♪

♪ together ♪

All: ♪ that's how
it should be ♪

♪ working together ♪

♪ together ♪

All: ♪ just you and me ♪

♪ Working together ♪

♪ Whoa oh oh oh ♪

♪ In har... ♪

♪ Mony ♪

Sonic: ♪ whoa oh oh ♪

Manic: ♪ ba ba ♪

♪ ba ba ba ba ♪

♪ Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ♪

♪ Ba ba ba ba ba
ba ba ba ba ba ♪

♪ working together ♪

♪ whoa oh oh oh ♪

Manic: ♪ in harmony ♪

♪ Whoa oh ♪

♪ if we'd all work
together every one ♪

All: ♪ in harmony ♪

♪ Whoa oh ♪

♪ Sweet harmony ♪

♪ Harmony! ♪

Sonia: group hug.

Sonic: I think
this is the start

Of something
way past cool.