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01x33 - Healer

Posted: 06/11/23 11:38
by bunniefuu
♪ Sonic ♪

♪ Triplets born,
the throne awaits ♪

♪ A seer warns
of a deadly fate ♪

♪ Give up your children ♪

♪ Separate ♪

♪ Bide your time,
lie in wait ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ The children grow ♪

♪ And learn what's right ♪

♪ Leaders of
the freedom fight ♪

♪ They seek their mother ♪

♪ She knows they do ♪

♪ Is it time? ♪

♪ If she only knew ♪

♪ Will the prophecy
come true? ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

I long for my children,
but I have to wait.

To act too soon
could seal their fate.

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

Queen aleena: as the fight
against robotnik's
tyranny continued,

My children used their
many skills and powers

To further our cause.

Sonic: move over!
I can't see!

Sonia: ouch!
Your elbow's in my side!

Sonic: shhh!
Swat-bot coming!

Sonic/sonia: [gasp]

Swat-bot: worker.

Manic: yo, trouble.
Get ready.

Yes, guardian?

Swat-bot: you
overlooked that can.

Manic: yes, guardian.

Sonia: yuck!

Sonic: thank you, manic.

Manic: hey, man,
a bot's gotta do
what a bot's gotta do.

I'll get you for that.

gimme a second here.

Now we'll see how well
cyrus' deactivation
codes work.

We're in.

Sonic: can we get
outta here now?

Manic: not yet.


Sonia: who came up
with this stupid
janitor cart idea?

uh, that would

Sonia: next time
I come up with
an idea like this,

Lock me up
until it passes.

Manic: uh, you guys
wanna hurry it up?

robotnik's gonna freak
if he finds out

We're diverting
his supply ships.

Sonia: if these things
work the way cyrus
says they will,

We're going to feed
a lotta freedom fighters.

Next ship, manic.

what have we here?

Oh, goody,
a holographic cube.

Maybe it's an invitation.

Titus: greetings.

I am here to invite you
to witness a miracle.

My incredible invention
which I simply call

The deroboticizer.

Bartleby: good heavens!


Titus: you may witness
a live demonstration

At countess katrina's

Bartleby: astounding!

Titus: you may witness
a live demonstration

At countess katrina's

a de-robot-omatizer?

Is that good?

Robotnik: impossible!

no, you melon-head,
it is bad. Very bad.

Robotnik: hmm.
A de-roboticizer.

Sleet: I knew you would
want to know about it.

Robotnik: go to that

And find out
what's going on.

yes, sir, I will, sir.

Robotnik: freeze frame!

What's a janitor-bot doing
in the cargo ship hangar?

must be a malfunction.

Check it out, sleet!

Manic: last one.

Sonic: good!

I'm about to pass out
from these fumes.

Manic: uh-oh, trouble.

Sleet and dingo
at nine o clock.

Sleet: hey, you!

Manic: I'll handle this.

Meet you back in
the main air vent.

Yes, sir.

Shall we dance?

Sleet: hey!

Release me, you stupid
hunk of metal.

Dingo: [laughs]

Sonia: [gasp]

Oh, my gosh!
Lady windimere!

Oh, I miss her so much.

Sonic: she's one
of them now, sonia.

You can't help her.

Sleet: put me down,
you bag of bolts!

I'll convert you
to a can opener!

Manic: care to cut in?

Dingo: uh...ok.

Sleet: no, no, no!
Put me down!

Manic: I'm bushed.

Sonic: yuck.

It's for you, sonia.

Bartleby: sonia, too
bad you're not there.

I have great news
for you!

The days of the
roboticizer are over!

Sonia: ahhh.

Just think,
if this works,

We could help
lady windimere!

Sonic: yeah, well,
I'll believe it
when I see it.

Sonia: what a good idea!

Bartleby: allow me
to introduce titus.

Sonic: oh, yeah, that's
what I call a scientist.

Sonia: sonic hedgehog,
you behave yourself!

Uh, sorry. Very nice
to meet you.

Titus: oh, your
life force is strong.

oh, this oughta be good.

Titus: princess sonia,

Bartleby has told me
all about you,

But he never told me
you were so beautiful.

yeah, yeah, whatever.

Look, guy, we wanna see
the de-roboticizer.

Titus: oh, I'm afraid
that's not possible.

Sonic: why not?

Titus: I will demonstrate
my de-roboticizer

At tonight's gathering.

I'm afraid you'll have
to wait until then.

well, why not sooner?

Sonia: sonic,
would you lighten up?

Titus: quite all right.

I think our
skeptical friend

Will have his questions
answered tonight.

Bartleby: oh, sonic,

You will be there
this evening?

Sonic: wouldn't miss it.

Put'em back.

Manic: what?


Sonic: I'm waiting!

Bartleby: good heavens!
Is there a problem?

Sonic: not anymore.

Outta here!

Cyrus, my main man.
What's this?

open it when you play.

I think you'll like it.

Everyone's been waiting.

Sonia: it's what
we live for, cyrus.

♪ come in, my friend ♪

♪ Welcome to the party ♪

♪ But only if you're
one of our kind ♪

♪ The adventure of our life
is now starting ♪

♪ Robotnik's empire
running out of time ♪

All: ♪ we're
the sonic underground ♪

Sonic: ♪ listen to
our freedom sound ♪

♪ Hiding in the heart
of the city ♪

♪ We plot and plan
robotnik's overthrow ♪

All: ♪ it's a dirty job
and no, it's not pretty ♪

♪ always on the run,
always laying low ♪

All: ♪ we're
the sonic underground ♪

Sonic: ♪ listen to
our freedom sound ♪

All: ♪ never know
where we'll be found ♪

Sonic: ♪ we're
the sonic underground ♪

this abandoned skyscraper

Is directly in the path
of robotnik's cargo ships.

Sonic: ah, ya gotta
love this stuff.

Cyrus: every week,

We'll redirect the ships
into this building

And unload a portion of
the food and supplies.

And if we're careful,

Robotnik will never know
we're plugged into
his supply line.

Manic: so, from now on,
dinner's on robotnik.

Cyrus: one thing, though.

When the supply ships
come through,

We're gonna
need a diversion.

Sonic: no problemo, cy.

my middle name.

[Crowd murmurs]

Sleet: the hedgehogs!

Well, this just gets
better and better.

Dingo: ooh! Sonia!

Sleet: don't start.

Dingo: uh, what's this?

Sleet: ever hear of
the fly on the wall?

Well, that's you.

[fly voice] hey!

Sleet: get in there

So I can hear
what's going on!

Dingo: uh, ok.

Titus: good evening,
ladies and gentlemen.

Tonight you will
witness a revolution
in technology.

Sonic: yeah, sure.

Sonia: shhh!

[Dingo-fly buzzing]

Dingo: sonia!

Titus: my invention
can de-roboticize
those who have fallen

Under the evil influence
of the dreaded dr. Robotnik.

Titus: in moments,
he will return
to his original state.

Watch and believe.

Sonic: oh, yeah!
Nice light show.

Sonia: behave!
Bartleby: really.

Sonic: ok,
really nice light show.

Titus: and now, behold!

[Crowd murmurs]

Andor: oh! I--
I can't believe it!
It's a miracle!

Oh. How can I
ever thank you?

go home to your family
and spread the word!

Andor: thank you,
my friend! Thank you!

Bartleby: I'd say that
went well. Wouldn't you?

Sonia: sonic?

Sonic: I gotta see
this thing for myself.

this guy is too much.


Dingo: uh, yeah?

Sleet: get closer
to the inventor!

Dingo: ok.
We're on our way!

Titus: I'm sorry,
but that's private.

Sonic: what?

Hey, I got a friend
in the resistance

Who'd love to see
how this thing works.

Titus: impossible!

I've worked too hard
on this technology

To give it away.

Sonic: so, just
helping people doesn't
do it for ya, huh?

Sonia: sonic,
if this works,

He deserves
to make money!

you must understand,

I use the money
for research.

Why, just recently
I invented an enhancement
to this machine.

Manic: oh, yeah?
What's that?

Titus: I can now prevent

Robotnik: what is it?

Sleet: you should
hear this, sir!

Sonic: I don't get it.

Titus: with a few
small changes,

This machine will
protect you from ever
being roboticized.

Sonia: like an immunizer!

Robotnik: immunizer?
It can't be!

Sleet! Order the attack!

Sleet: oh, yes, sir.
My pleasure, sir!

Swat-bot: orders?

Sleet: attack the mansion.
Let no one escape.

Swat-bot: affirmative.

Commencing attack.

[Crowd screaming]

[Everyone yells
and screams]

bartleby and titus!


Sonic: got ya covered!

Dingo: sleet!
They're getting away!

Sonic: how does that
strike ya, bot-butts?

Clear! Let's haul
some serious haunch!

Robotnik: oh!

You let them all
get away?!

You incompetent!

Sleet: but, sir!
Wait! Listen!

I can find them!
Dingo is with them!

bring me that inventor
and the hedgehogs!

Sonic: this whole thing
feels mondo ugly.

Manic: looked pretty good
to me, sonic.

Sonic: yeah, well,
I wanna talk to that
de-roboticized dude.

How'd titus hook up
with him anyway?

Oh, man. I hate
having to think.

do what ya gotta do,

But sonia's bought
into this, big time.

Sonic: I know.
So don't tell her.

you'll be safe here.

that was terrifying!

hey, bartle-butt, c'mon.

I'll give ya a lift home.

Sonia: oh, good.
Thanks, sonic.

Meet ya back
at the safe house.

Bartleby: by the way,
please, don't go
so fast this time.

Sonic: no problemo.

We'll take it


Manic: yo,
what's up, sonia?

Sonia: just a moment.


I have some money
stashed aside.

Would you immunize me?

Manic: sonia,
are you sure about--?

Sonia: absolutely.

I'm going to rescue
lady windimere

Whether sonic
likes it or not.

Manic: well,
maybe we should talk
about this first.

Sonia: this way,
even if I'm captured,
I can't be roboticized.

Will ya do it?
Will ya?

I just need a few hours
to re-fit my machine.

Sonia: I'll get
the money and be back.

a fool and their money...

Well, better make
the adjustments.

Maybe blue light
instead of the rainbow.

Little pest! Agh!

Dingo: uh,
that's not very nice.

Sleet: hello,
there's someone who
wants to meet you.

Robotnik: a hoax!
Just lights and smoke.

No electronics at all!

just as I told you!

I'm sorry! I'll never--

Robotnik: nothing to
apologize for, my friend.

Sleet: here it is, sir.

Titus: friend?

Robotnik: oh, yes.

And you'll remain
my friend if you cooperate.

Titus: I'll do anything!

Robotnik: good.
Because I think
your immunizer"

Would make a marvelous
roboticizer, don't you?

[Evil laugh]


Andor: what's that?

Sonic: yo, bud.
Pull over.

Andor: and we were
making a little money
off the aristocracy.

It's not like
we're hurting anybody.

Sonic: yeah, sure.


Get that. But
don't try anything.

Andor: titus.
What's up?

Titus: ran into
a little problem.

Robotnik grabbed me.

Andor: what?!

it's ok, I made a deal.

He's gonna let me off
if I roboticize
one of the hedgehogs.

Soon as it's done,
I'm gone.

hey, wait a minute!

Fleecing the aristocrats
for cash is one thing,

Titus: just meet me
in tyran, like we planned.

Sonic: if anything
happens to my family,
I'll find you.

Manic: you sure
you wanna do this?

Sonia: no doubts.
Let's go.

come in, hedgehogs.

It's cyrus.

Robotnik: as soon as
she is roboticized,

All units sweep in!

I want
the other hedgehogs!

can we get started?

Titus: uh, yeah. Sure.

Um, just stand
right there.

[Sonia groans]

Titus: I can't do it!

No! Ugh!

Sonic: sonia!

Sonia: over here!

Sonic: you ok?

Sonia: I m fine, but--

priority one, hedgehogs!

Hedgehog alert!

Hedgehog alert!

Hedgehogs: huh?

Sonic: a robotnik trap!

You up for a spin, sonia?

Manic: you guys spin
on the north side,
I got the south.

Sonic: deal.

[Loud drumming]

Titus: hedgehog.
Manic: hey!

Sonic: manic!

priority one, hedgehog!

Sonia: hyah!

Manic: thanks, sonia!

let's get out of here!

Robotnik: no!
I hate those hedgehogs!

Hate them!

Sonic: [yawns] what
a work-out last night.

Sonia: you're telling me.

Uh, guys, I'm sorry
about going overboard
like that.

Manic: hey,
we all go off sometimes.

Heck, sonic lives there.

Sonic: hey!
Cyrus: hi, hedgehogs.

Just wanted to say,
great job last night.

Hedgehogs: huh?

Sonic: how'd ya know?

Cyrus: [laughs]
are you kidding?

It was a great diversion!

We emptied
the cargo ships
without a hitch.

Sonia: oh, yeah.

The diversion
for the cargo ships.

[Hedgehogs laughing]