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01x34 - The Ten Koopmandments/The Artist

Posted: 06/12/23 08:35
by bunniefuu
Hey Paisanos!

it's the Super Mario
Brother's Super Show!

♪ We're the Mario Brothers,
and plumbing's our game, ♪

♪ we're not like the
others who get all the fame. ♪

♪ If your sink is in trouble
you can call us on the double, ♪

♪ we're faster than the
others you'll be hooked on the ♪

♪ brothers Unh! ♪

♪ H-hooked on the brothers. ♪

♪ Gimme gimme, gimme gimme. ♪

♪ Yo, you're in for a treat,
so hang on to your seat, ♪

♪ get ready for adventure
and remarkable feats. ♪

♪ You'll meet Koopas, the
Troopas the Princess and the ♪

♪ others, hanging with the
plumbers you'll be hooked on ♪

♪ the brothers. ♪

♪ To the brink! ♪

♪ Unh! ♪

♪ Unh! ♪

♪ I say h-h-h-h-hooked
on the brothers! ♪

♪ The brothers! ♪

♪ ♪ The brothers! ♪ ♪

[Luigi:] Beautiful.


Mario Brothers


Yea, you clog
'em we clear 'em.





Are you kidding?

Alright I'll tell him.


I'll tell him, I'll tell him!



What is it?

I can't believe it, he
said you won the art contest.

The man said you drew the
best tippy turtle ever!

In other words, he's
coming over right here now the

instructor, he wants
to meet you in person!

Are you kidding me?

He said I drew the
best tippy turtle ever?

The best ever he said!

And he's coming over here?

Right over here to our place.

Well forget about
it I'm not ready,

I mean a real life artist is
gonna to be right here in our



We got a visitor coming over
here I gotta clean my hands I

gotta wash up!

Go wash up.

Oh I better tidy up
with a visitor coming.

♪ Yo, yo! ♪

♪ It's the Mario Brothers
and plumbing's their game, ♪

♪ found the secret warp zone
while working on the drain, ♪

♪ lend the princess a
hand in the Mushroom Land. ♪

♪ Comin' atcha
with the plumbers, ♪

♪ you'll be hooked
on the brothers! ♪

♪ Noooooow, Evil Koopa and his
Troopas are up to misbehaving, ♪

♪ they kidnapped the princess;
Mushroom Land needs saving. ♪

♪ Abusing and confusing
everybody he discovers, ♪

♪ they can't help but be
hooked on the brothers! ♪

♪ ♪ Unh! ♪ ♪

log, number BC.

We've arrived in Pyramid Land,
where we've heard the Mushroom

people were in real trouble.

King Koopa had
appointed himself pharaoh,

and was forcing everyone to
live by a set of evil laws.


it's Koopa's Ten

[Toad:] Koopmandment number one:
Thou shall give Koop Tut all

your gold coins!

Koopmandment number two:
Thou shall hire no plumbers.

Mamma mia, look at
Koopmandment number six: Thou

shall eat no pasta.

This time, the crummy
Koopa's gone too far.

Come on, we've gotta free the
Mushroom people from Koopa's

terrible Koopmandments!

[Mario:] But when we
reached the Mushroom village,

it was even worse
than we expected.

[Luigi:] This place is emptier
than a flushed drainpipe.

Looks like all the
Mushroom people vanished.

Not all of them.


We're The Three Mushrooms.



And Momar!

Where are
the other villagers?

Oh, Pharaoh Koop Tut
Mushroomnapped them.

And turned them into bricks.

I'll do the
talking fungus brains.

Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!

I wonder what that
no-goodnik Koopa is up to now?

Whatever it is, you can bet
it's something diabolical,

sinister, and not very nice.

At last, my colossal Koopinx is
nearly complete!

What a Koopa clever idea;
turning those miserable

Mushrooms into bricks, then
using the stones to build a

monument to myself!


Your Royal Koop Tutness, I'm
afraid I have some bad news.


I hate bad news, and I
hate the guy who brings it.


Did I say bad news?

He he, I meant good news!

You'll give me a
medal for bringing it.


We can take that
vacation cruise of the Nile.

But what about my Koopinx?

That's the great part!

We can't finish the Koopinx!

We're fresh out of bricks!

Lousy lizards!

That sounds like
bad news to me!


I guess this means no
cruise and no medal.

I gotta get more bricks!

Round up the Koopa Pack!

We're going back to that
village to nab the last of the

Mushroom people!

As you Koopmand oh rancid one.

Geez, there's nothing
worse than a cranky Koopa.

Uh oh dudes!

Looks like the Koopa
Pack's heading this way!

What are we gonna do?

There's only one
thing we can do.

R-r-run for our lives?


Stand and fight!


I was afraid he
was gonna say that.

Pillage the village 'til you
find that trio of Toadstools!


Nuck nuck nuck
nuck nuck nuck nuck.

They're over there boss.

I can see that, ya lame brain!

En Garde Koop Tut!

Suffering serpents!

It's that pain in
the drain plumber!

And his Mushroom militia.

Koopa Pack, attack!



Let's give these Koopa droopas
a taste of pasta power!

Here's pie in your eye.




Why you, you hit the
wrong guys fungus brains.

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh.

Magic staff, do your trick,
turn those Mushrooms into


Mario, look!

Koop Tut turned The
Three Mushrooms into bricks!


Gotcha now, plumb scum!

Your faucet
fixin' days are over!



I'm warning you Koop Tut!

Let my Mushrooms go!


Good bricks are hard to find.


Bye bye, bilge bums.

And I don't
mean, see ya later.

And I don't
mean, see ya later.

We're trapped dudes!

Like mushrooms in a salad!

It sure is spooky in here!

I want my mommy.

Will you settle for a mummy?



[Luigi:] Creeping calzone!

Let's make like
a bug and flee!



I thought that
Goomba mummy was scary,

but look!


Jump for it!

Uh oh, look!

A Phanto!


Ultra bad scene dudes!

We're caught between a
mummy and a weird face!


We haven't gone
down a drain yet,


Emergency exit.






Lucky linguini!

I thought we were up the
pipe without a plunger!

Come on, let's fix that phony
pharaoh and free the Mushroom


At last, my colossal
Koopinx is finished!



Gosh, this tyrant
business is hard work!

I'm too pooped to Koop.

Think I'll take
a Koopa catnap.



[Mario:] Magic staff
bring joy among us,

turn these
bricks, into fungus.

turn these
bricks, into fungus.

[Luigi:] Magic mozzarella!

The Koopinx bricks, have
been turned back into Mushroom


Nuck nuck nuck
nuck nuck nuck nuck.

Nice going plumber dude!

Now we gotta lead
these Mushrooms to safety.

Come on!

[Koopa:] Calamitous crocodiles!

What do you mean the
Koopinx has vanished?

Those pepperoni plumbers,
freed the Mushroom people and

escaped into the desert!


Sound the Koopa Pack attack,
we're going after them!

Yes oh vile and nasty one!

This is the last time those
drain brains give me a pain in

the Koop.

[Toad:] Look dudes,
The Red Sauce Sea!

Somehow we gotta get the
Mushroom people across to


Magic staff, do your art, make
this Red Sauce Sea to part.

Magic staff, do your art, make
this Red Sauce Sea to part.

[Luigi:] Spectacular spaghetti!

The Red Sauce Sea is parting!

The Red Sauce Sea is parting!

Mushrooms ho!

Mushrooms ho!







Lousy lizards.

This is enough to
make a grown Koopa cry.

[Princess:] Well, we've
freed the Mushroom people and

defeated Koop Tut.

What should we
do for an encore?

Mamma mia, I've got it!

Let's have the biggest
spaghetti feast in history!

We've already
got the red sauce,

now if we can just lay our
hands on a hundred billion

tons, of pasta.

The best tippy turtle, I
mean I knew it was good,

but the best?

Wowee, geez.

[ding dong]

That's him, that's him!


Hello hello, I'm
here to see Luigi.

My name, it is
Vincent Van Gogh.


Very nice to meet
you Mr. Van Gogh,

I'm Luigi please
come into my house,

it's an honour to meet you.

The pleasure it is all yours.

This apartment, it
smells of intense creativity,

or else old, sweat socks.

Close, that's
Mario's meat sauce.

Mr. Van Gogh can
I get you a seat?

Are you crazy?

Vincent Van Gogh, he
never sits when he works!

But in this case I am
tired get me a chair,

I will set up the easel.

Yes sir a chair.

Oh boy, oh I can't wait.

Quickly, quickly now.

Yes sir.

We get to the first
lesson, to the lesson.


Now, the first lesson:
always, carry a sharp pencil.

Yes sir.

Lesson number
two: never, ever,

poke me in the ear
with this thing.

Lesson number three: never go
swimming right after lunch,

always wait three hours.

Three hours, yes sir.

[Van Gogh:] Genius!

Pure genius!

No, no, no, pure clutz.

No, no, it is perfect!

It was really nothing.

No my son, this
is a masterpiece.

You my son, you are
truly, an artiste!

I am?

He is?

I would bet my ear on it.

Let's watch some scenes
from the next Legend of Zelda.

I said let's watch some scenes
from the next Legend of Zelda!

Take it easy, I am
not Vincent Van Deaf!

This is the
Triforce of Wisdom Link,

the evil Wizard Ganon
has the Triforce of Power.


Whoever gets both
Triforces will rule this land

forever, you
must help me Link!

Hey, for you Zelda?



Ow ooh ah ah ow!




What happened?

Get away you gross things.

I've been robbed,
stung, this sword is a fake!

Sleazenose is the name
and pecking's my game.

Wanna buy a sword?


Let me see it!

Throw him to Gohma!

The others too!

I now have all I need
to get the Triforce,

and conquer the kingdom!





Vinny baby, to me art, is like
a big hairball caught in a


Disgusting Mario but well put.

Hey yo Vinny, look I don't
want to start trouble or

nothin', but I was the one who
drew the best tippy turtle you

ever saw right?

Yes of course
Luigi, and from now on,

your art lessons
will be taught,

by the Great Mario here.

Lesson number one: not
only should art look good,

but it should taste good.

Hey Mario who are you kidding?

You were never artistic.

True Luigi, but the V-Man
has woken up my hidden talent.


Well too bad he didn't
wake up your hidden brain.

Yo Vinny, I drew this tell me
the truth what do you think


Very interesting
Luigi, yes indeed,

but it lacks that certain meat
sauce quality that the Great

Mario brings to the picture.

I agree.


Well who asked you?

Now, Mario, you realize of
course that it's going to cost

you a few shekels, to
learn your art form.


Sure, no problem.

How much?

This weekend,
only dollar.


Are you crazy!?

Yo Mario, wait a minute!

This guy ain't Van Gogh, his
picture's in the paper here!

This is a guy
posing as Van Gogh,

and he's been
stealing people's money!

Hey, hey, hey
fellas look ha ha ha,

lesson's over for today.

Anyway I gotta get over to
Mrs. Poncherelli and finish

her back porch, I gotta give
it a second coat before it

gets dark ha ha.

See ya later!


what about my painting?

You said I was a genius!

Oh this art
business is so fickle.

Yea, well don't
worry about it Mario,

I didn't like this
Van Gogh anyway.

I mean whatever you told him,
went in one ear and stayed


Yea yea yea, I'm sorry about
acting like I knew what I was


Yea, well that's
alright brother,

see I learned something.

Yeah really?


Lesson number four: art
should not only look good but,

it should look good on you.


Yea and it
should taste good too.

♪ Do the Mario! ♪

♪ Swing your arms
from side to side, ♪

♪ come on, it's time to go! ♪

♪ Do the Mario! ♪

♪ Take one step,
and then again. ♪

♪ Let's do the Mario,
all together now! ♪

♪ You've got it! ♪

♪ It's the Mario! ♪

♪ Do the Mario! ♪

♪ Swing your arms
from side to side, ♪

♪ come on, it's time to go! ♪

♪ Do the Mario! ♪

♪ Take one step,
and then again. ♪

♪ Let's do the Mario,
all together now! ♪

♪ ♪ Come on now, it's
just like that! ♪ ♪