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06x06 - Zarya

Posted: 06/12/23 10:07
by bunniefuu
ED: Well, as a healer,
I'm hoping to use this film
in a medicinal way.

See, you think
there's a connection

between the pain
you feel in your leg,
and the story

your grandfather used
to tell you, right?


The only trouble is,
is you don't remember
how the story ends.

I didn't always listen
when Grandpa told me stories,

but I've been dreaming
about them since
the pain started.

Have you ever seen any
of John Cassavetes' movies?

k*lling of a Chinese Bookie?

Right. Well, Marilyn,
you and John have
a lot in common.

See, he didn't know
how his story
was going to end either.

He just kind of found it
as he made the movie.

So, that's movies.

My leg is k*lling me.

Oh, I know,
but maybe it'll work
the same.

We'll just start
with your grandfather's story

and we'll see
if it'll create itself.

As a cure? Sounds fishy.

Okay, I mean, look, Marilyn,
maybe Dr. Fleischman's

and you should just
quit your night job
at the theater.

I mean, well,
you are on your feet
far too much,

working the concession stand.

But I need the money.

I want to buy
a laserdisc player.

I don't think the problem
with my leg is physical.

Okay, then just
work with me on this.

Film is probably
the thing I know best
in the whole world, Marilyn.

So maybe it'll speak to me.

Okay, you ready?

All right. Now I just
want you to tell
your grandfather's story.

Marilyn Whirlwind, interview,
camera roll one.

This happened a long time ago,

when my grandpa
was a young man.

There was this
Russian princess.

Her father, the Czar,
and the rest of her family

had been k*lled
a few years before
during the Revolution.

You're not talking
about Anastasia?

Anastasia Romanov.
How'd you know?

A famous movie,
Yul Brynner, lngrid Bergman.

Anastasia was here,
in Cicely?

That's what Grandpa said.

It was a big secret.

Oh, wow!

Sorry, go on.

Anastasia ran away
across Siberia.

She crossed the Bering Strait,
and was hiding in Alaska

with a few loyal soldiers
at the Russian colony
of Golovin.

Most people thought
she was dead.

The only people
that knew Anastasia
was here were the Inuits.

It's because of them,
the whole story happened.

What's that line
down the middle?

Negative scratch.

It's on every reel, too.

I cleaned the gate
and everything.

Oh, that's too bad.

What about On Deadly Ground?

Oh, auteur section,
„S” for Seagal.

Boy, film.

So much richer than tape.

So much more vulnerable.

Yeah, it speaks to the nature
of the human condition,

Well, hey,
thanks for this.

Sure, buddy.

CHRIS: See you later, Ed.

My grandfather's name
was Emery Whirlwind.

Among his people,
he was known as tuhnuk,

which means „back”.

That's because
he was real strong

and could carry a lot
on his shoulders.

My grandpa worked
as a guide and a trapper.

People used to say

that no one knew
central Alaska
like Emery Whirlwind.

That's why he was chosen
to escort Anastasia Romanov
to Cicely.

Oh, wow.


MARILYN: Grandpa said
Anastasia came
with a few soldiers,

her priest, some servants,
a pastry chef,

a man who was called her
privy councilor,

and the last of her

the Countess Marina
something or other.

The year was 1921.

Warren G. Harding
was President.

And Prohibition was
the law of the land.

Our town had been founded
10 years before
by Cicely and Roslyn.

Cicely died defending
the town and that's why
it was named after her.

Like today, the only eating
establishment was The Brick.

Only then it was
called The Bearded Nail

and was managed
by Sally and Abe.

The richest man in town
was Mace Mowbray.

He used to be an outlaw.

Now he was
an influential civic leader.

Mace was president
of the chamber of commerce

and Grand Exalted Moose
of the local chapter

of the Sons of the Tundra.

Kit was the town preacher.

He had ridden with Mace
in his train-robbing days,

but when Cicely died,
he traded in his g*n
for a Bible.

Hello, Parson.

It's been three Sundays
since we've had a sermon.

You know, you're
handsomely paid
to tend your flock.

Here I am, Mace,
week after week,
„Cast Satan out of here,

get the devil out of there.”

How can we?

How can we,
or even should we,
rid ourselves of the demonic?


Human consciousness
couldn't exist
without the demonic.

The destructive.

For every thought
that's created,
one's destroyed.

I can't think about X
if I'm thinking about Y.

Uh-huh. Well,

you might want to
think about that $2,000
I shelled out

for your new parsonage.

I can't face
that congregation
every Sunday

and preach against evil
when it's an absolute
necessity of our existence.

And even more than that,
if we were created
needing evil,

what does that say
about our Creator?

Would you look at that!

Emery has brought
some pretty fancy people
into town.

what the heck is going on?

Well, I'm not
supposed to say,

but see that woman
over there?

That is Anastasia Romanov.

Better known as
Empress of all Russia.

Princess of Livonia
and Courland,

sovereign of Novgorod
and Duchess of Ditsmarsen
and Odenberg.


But, of course, that was
before the Revolution.

Now everything
she owns could fit into
40 steamer trunks.

Excuse me.

Your Highness,
you must be thirsty
after your long trip.

Maybe you'd like
to have a root beer

in there at The Bearded Nail.

I'd be honored
if you'd be my guest.


You're probably wondering why
Anastasia had come to Cicely.

Grandpa said it was to try
to get back into Russia.

Secret talks were
going to take place in town

between Anastasia
and the leader

of the Russian Revolution,
V.I. Lenin.

Grandpa didn't care
about any of that.

All he knew,
he had met a woman
who was like the beautiful,

mysterious maidens
in the stories passed down
by his ancestors.

And like in those stories,
the maiden had captured
the young warrior's heart.

Two years before,
Lenin would never
have sat down

with any member
of the royal family.

But socialism
was a flop in Russia.

Since a lot of people there
really liked the late Czar,

Lenin thought if he could get
Anastasia's support,
it would be a big help.

Lenin came to Cicely
with the head of
his secret police.

And his doctor,
who was treating him

for depression
and high blood pressure.

please reconsider this.


lndustrial output
is down 80% .

You want to keep sh**ting
factory managers,

that doesn't increase

And what about Stalin?

My head is throbbing.
The man's a paranoid.

He says,
„What's this trip to Siberia?

If you're just going to
review troops, then why
can't I come along?”

Three days.

If we haven't got
what we want,
we'll go back.

Comrade Doctor,
give me something
for this headache.

Comrade Chairman,
you've had
four powders today.

If you were to lie down,
I could make you a compress.

No. Let's get this over with.

Your Highness,
allow me to present
the Chairman

of the Council
of the People's Commissars

of the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics,
Vladimir llyich Lenin.

I didn't come here
to kiss your hand, miss.

Well, I guess we
should not expect manners
from a m*rder*r.

I'll tell you about m*rder.

My grandfather
died of cholera
because a landowner

like you wouldn't provide
potable water on his estate.

I am no landowner.
You thieves stole
everything my family had.

Those who work the land
should at least...

Enough, enough!
Let's get down to business.

Her Highness has certain
demands regarding
her official position.

But, first, she insists,
and this is not negotiable,

on the restoration
of the provisional

That's absurd.

she demands the return
of private property.

They just want to provoke us.

All property
will remain in the hands
of the state.

As for this girl's
official position,

we're adopting
the Swedish model.

She'll host charity teas,

christen ships and entertain
diplomats' wives.

And she should be
grateful for that.

MARILYN: Meanwhile,
life went on pretty much
the same in town.

Excuse me, ladies.

Hey, Mace,
you want a real kick
in the head?

Stella there was just
telling me that Goethe said

the demonic is the power
of nature. Huh?

What do you
think about that?

What the hell is this?

This is my fortune.

These are the plans
for the first off-road
horseless buggy.


Yeah. I'm going to make
more money than
that skinflint Henry Ford.

Do you know how?
What's the one thing
Alaska doesn't have?


It doesn't have roads.
This baby will make
all of the territory

of Alaska
one giant highway.

Not to mention,
the western part
of the United States

and most of Canada.

I can envision the time, Kit,
when every hunter,

every prospector,

every Yupik harpoon jockey,
will be tearing up the tundra

with one of these things.

The air between
Anchorage and Prudhoe Bay

will be filled
with the sweet smell of the
internal combustion engine.

This has form.
This has weight.

Cold, hard steel
is something,

something I can get
my arms around.

Damn right.
Of course!

Plato's Republic,
the parable of the dark cave.
What's the sun?

The truth of science.
Science, the light that blows
away illusions and shadows.

Let me in on this, Mace.
Let me help you out.


I've traveled
the spiritual route.

There's no answers there.

Only questions and paradox.

But this, technology.

It's something I can
get behind. Deus novus,
you know what I mean?


The new god.

What do you say?

Well, I do need
some help putting this
prototype together.

But no philosophizing.

No talk about
the imminence of God

or the existence
of a free will or
the nature of the Trinity.


It's a promise, Mace.


You request the honor
of my presence at tea?

If we're going to co-exist,
why shouldn't we start
by breaking bread together?


I can take my own coat off,
brother, thank you.

I'm sorry there's so little,
but my present circumstances
don't permit more.

Then again,
I hear circumstances
in Moscow are much worse.


we've plenty to eat.
I'm not even hungry.

Perhaps Yuri
would like to join us.


Well, he's welcome,
of course.

But I'm not sure
he'd be comfortable.

You're not going
to eat anything?


maybe just

a piece of sturgeon.

Maybe I'll have
a piece of black bread
as well.

Maybe just a meat pie.

Maybe I'll just have
a bit of red caviar.

The talks aren't
going very well.

I don't know this for sure,
but I think Anastasia

would publicly endorse
the Soviet government

if she could consult
on the appointment
of cabinet ministers.

Perhaps you could
suggest this to Lenin.

I see.

You think I'm some
kind of lapdog?

What, you just toss
some scraps at me
and I'll do tricks for you?

The treaty is in
both our interests.

I should have
remembered Marx.

The ruling class will do
anything to hold
onto its privileges.

On Nevsky Prospekt,
you can't buy a pair of socks
to keep your feet warm.

You can't even buy
a needle and thread
to darn the ones you have.

Good afternoon, Countess.

Doctor, I miss my home.

I want to go back.


Good afternoon, Rhoda.


I've got a little chest cold.
What have you got for it?

Well, let's see.

Tincture of opium's good.


Oh, and heroin syrup.

Why don't you try them all
and see what works best?

Much obliged.

Put them on my tab.


I'll take these
bunion shields.

All right.

for all the triumphs
of our Revolution,

the quality of shoes
has declined.

I've been reading
about your Soviet Union.

And that's always
going to be a problem,

You take away
the profit incentive and
you get shoddy merchandise.

Under your system,
profit doesn't accrue
to the worker,

whose labor produces
the merchandise,

but rather to the middle man
who peddles it.

like the owner of this shop,

are economic parasites.

I happen to be
the owner of this shop.

You mean your husband.

I mean me.

Why would you
presume otherwise?

Well, given the subservient
position of women

in capitalist society.

Subservient position,

You're very self-possessed,
aren't you?


and your posture is excellent.

These are the very qualities
I wish to instill
in the new Soviet woman.

You utopian
social engineers
are all alike.

Being determines
that old saw.

You think you can create
the person by creating
the environment.

Environment is
the determining factor
in character.

Let me tell you
what Marx said...

Let me tell you
what Marx's mother said.

If Karl, instead of writing
about capital,

had made some capital,

thing's would have
been much better.

Your bunion shields.

MARILYN: Although,
Lenin didn't admit it
at the time,

he told my grandfather later,

that the shopkeeper
made a big impression on him.

He never expected to meet
such a well-adjusted person
in bourgeois society.

So, if I understand,
it will be able to

both rocky terrain
and marshland?

Don't get any ideas, lvan.

I've got patents pending
on this baby.

Tell me, do you think
it would be possible
to build a vehicle like this,

the size of a trolley car?

What I'm thinking
is public transportation
in the virgin territories

of Central Asia.

If you Reds
got the greenbacks,

I can build it the size
of the battleship Potemkin.

Just two cylinders?

Not much horsepower
to pull all this weight.

What's your point?

Well, if you resurface
the cylinder head,

you'll get more compression,
increasing your power.

Kit? Come here,
I've got an idea.

That's quite impressive.


That there's more
in this spoiled, empty head

than the latest
Paris fashions?

My icon? The broken frame?

Saint Georgi of Perm.


It soldered easy.
No charge.

Thank you.

Please, just...

I apologize, but where
did you learn mechanics?

Well, I've always
been interested.

When I was a little girl,
my friends would play dolls,

but I always wanted
to tear apart
the threshing machine.

I don't understand.

How could someone
like you,

obviously you have such
a feel for science.

Can't you see
that socialism, Marxism,

is as scientific
as Mendeleev's
periodic table?

Even this off-road buggy
these men are building.

Believe me,
it is an inevitable
as tomorrow's sunrise.

Well, that might be
if we were cells
or biochemical reactions.

But we're not.

Look, I admit
that the old system
wasn't always fair.

It was an obscenity.

But Marxism
is not the answer.

No system that denies
the soul can be.

MARILYN: Like Lenin,
Mikhail found himself

beginning to question
some of his political beliefs.

Maybe it wasn't necessary
to wipe out the ruling class

in order
to transform society.

Back in the church,
the talks continued.

Even though Lenin
was becoming
more open-minded,

he was still
a stubborn negotiator.

If you want a bicameral
legislature, possibly,

but the Council
of People's Commissars
must have veto power

over any assembly
not elected by local soviets.

That's final.

Your Highness,
I brought you something.

It's not much.

A comb for your hair.

I carved it out
of whale bone.

Notice the engraving.

The forget-me-nots.

We call that scrimshaw.


Well, what about
the shortness of breath?

I'd like
to listen to your lungs,
it's just...


Why don't you let
your dress down in back?


I'll give you a hand.
You see,

actually you must
forgive me.

My stethoscope was broken
on the trip here.

I'll just listen with my ear,
if you'll excuse me.

Yes. Breathe evenly.

Tell me,

have you ever suffered
from asthma, by any chance?

Yes, a few times as a child.

I believe you're having
a recurrence.

That's it?

I had a cousin of mine
die of consumption
a few months ago.

Well, as I said,
the temperature's normal,

there's no
infectious process.

I can give you
an adrenaline solution.

Don't use it
more than four times
during the day.

And you're sure
it's only asthma?


You don't have

Thank you.

MARILYN: In keeping with
Cicely and Roslyn's

Abe liked to bring
avant-garde music

into The Bearded Nail.


Those fellows
are from the best bordello
in New Orleans.

They just finished
a three-month concert tour

of the Yukon
and the Northwest Territories.

Hit it, Sam.

What the hell is that?

I think it's called jazz.


Let's wag our tails.

Yes, ma'am.

Anastasia's downstairs,
Comrade Chairman.

Thank you.

It's all right for the men
to eat down there,

but you and I can't be seen
in the cabaret with her.


Strange music.

When a culture declines,

it invariably
produces decadent art.

I don't know,
I rather like it.

MARILYN: Anastasia couldn't
take her eyes off
Abe and Sally.

They were so happy
and so free.

Free to love,
free to do what they wanted.

Free in a way
she could never be.

Abe and Sally
and their music affected
everybody that night.

People relaxed.

They put aside their cares.

And they put aside
their differences.


My grandfather wanted
to ask Anastasia to dance.

But how could he?

She was a princess,
he was just a guide.

You were right
about the asthma.

I feel much better.

Yes, good.

You never mentioned a fee.

I would like to pay you.
I have American dollars,
English pounds.

Well, I'm paid
by the People's polyclinic,
number six.

I'm well provided for.

But thank you.

What is all this?

This would be my lab.

I take it with me
wherever I go.

You have experienced
the tragedy of tuberculosis

and I am trying
to find a cure.

Not just me, obviously,

but the Soviet state
supports a massive
research effort.


We know that the disease
is caused by a bacillus,

which if you'd like
to look, you can.

You're welcome.

Just turn this until
it becomes clear.

I don't think
the slide is quite centered.


You see,

the difficultly
with tuberculosis is that...


Lenin was different now.

The town's
friendly atmosphere

had made him more open
to compromise.

He wanted to
put an end to the gridlock.

If you'll accede to
our nationalization of banks
and heavy industry,

we'll allow the repatriation
of certain emigres

and the release
of political prisoners.

Release political prisoners?

Comrade Minister,
you must divorce
your personal feelings

from political reality.

But Miss Romanov
gets only limited
cabinet approval.

Minister of Health,
Minister of Culture.

The Council of
People's Commissars

will dictate all foreign
and domestic policies. No.

This napoleon is delicious.

Her Highness
must have approval
of the Foreign Minister.

Oh, come now!
You know we can't
possibly allow that.

What do you really want?

Minister of
Mining and Forestry.

Agreed. No, no, no...
Mining and Forestry?

Well, then, I believe
we've reached an agreement.

If you gentlemen
will look over the terms,

we'll draw up a document.

Tomorrow we can
review the draft.

All right.

What shall we call it, then?

The Alaskan Accord?

No, no, no, no, no.

May I suggest

The Treaty of Cicely?


Excuse me,
just one moment, please.

I have to go.

Her Highness
likes to play whist
in the afternoon.

Just about last night,

I must apologize.

My behavior was inexcusable.

I was just as much
to blame as you.

I wasn't myself.

Well, neither was I. Myself.

It must have been
the talks, the tension, yes.

Yes, of course.

So much at stake.

No way to know the future.

It won't happen again.

No, it won't.


Just leave the salmon heads
on the porch.


Your Highness.

Good evening. Emery?
It is Emery?

I wanted to
thank you for the comb.

How does it look?

Good, really good.

What are you reading?

Das Kapital.

Mr. Lenin gave it to me.

It's rather hard to follow.

So I'm told.


Seal gut.

I just finished sewing it.

It's still a little damp.

You and I have
a lot in common, Emery.

We do?

You come from an old tribe.

I come from an old tribe.

You're of the earth,
you love the land.

I'm the same.
I hate these corsets.

I hate these silly shoes.

I like to ride,
I like to sh**t.

Are you hungry,
Your Highness?

I have some squirrel stew
on over here.

I'd better get back
before I'm missed.

Would you meet me tomorrow?

Meet you?

In the morning.
I want to go kiting.

This is my last chance, Emery,
to enjoy a bit of freedom.

Once this treaty is signed
I shall have to go back
to St. Petersburg

and sit in endless rooms
listening to men talk.

Will you assist me?

MARILYN: And that's it.

That's all I remember.

Maybe they went kite-flying.

Maybe they didn't.
I don't know.

Is the camera still on?


Are you ready, Emery?

They did go kite-flying.

Let it go.

Come on!


lsn't this wonderful?

My uncle brought this back
from China.

It was a gift
from the dowager.

Your Highness, maybe...

Oh, please call me Anastasia.


Maybe we ought to
be getting back.

I'm going to let
all the string out.

You know you're supposed
to approve the treaty,

and the meeting
is in half an hour.

Oh, just five more minutes.





I said, „Beautiful!”

Let's give her a go!

We will have to hurry.

All right.

I'll race you back!

I'm going to win!

Stay away from the bog.

That carburetor's
not water-tight.

And no side-hilling,
I don't want you rolling over.

Got you, Mace.

Good luck!


Come on, Emery!


Whoa! Hey!


Emery, I can't stop!


I can't stop!

Emery! Oh, help!



Are you all right?

Oh, you're hurt.

Your leg.

(GROANING) Leave the bikes,
we've got to get back.

Now you know
who you're dealing with.

A privileged, spoiled girl
who's so self-absorbed

she can't keep
an appointment.

Something must have
happened to her.
I'm very worried.

It's going to be hard enough
to sell the treaty
to the Central Committee.

And what about Stalin?
He's going to have
a field day with this.

Vladimir llyich Lenin,

waiting like a beggar
for the Czar's little girl.

If the Party turns on us,

we're gonna have
another civil w*r
on our hands.

Once we perfect
that braking system,

we've got ourselves
a gold mine.

I think the problem's
more conceptual, Mace.

What do you mean?

Didn't you notice the birds?

They quit singing
when we cranked her up.

Squirrels lit out.

It's like Nature herself
cringes at this thing.

The noise, the smoke.

It's out of harmony
with the universe, Mace.

Oh, come on, you told me
you wouldn't talk
like that anymore.

Okay, look at it
in practical terms.

You get enough of
these fossil fuel engines
kicking up CO2,

which when you think
about it,

could bond with water up
in the atmosphere,

trapping solar radiation...
Stay with me, here.

It's not inconceivable
you could actually raise
the temperature of the planet.

Are you saying
you live in a greenhouse?

You are out of your mind!

Maybe so.

I'm heading back
to the spiritual world

where I ain't going to
mess up the scrub pine.

Give me a birch beer.

Too late. They're gone.

always in a hurry.

We'll go to Paris.

Cousin Cyril is there,
other members of the family.

There's quite
a sizeable Russian community,
Orthodox Church.

Yes, I think
that's the best place
to reestablish the court.

The court?

Well, it's just a matter
of time before this Bolshevik
government falls.

The Russian people
will want me to return.

Excuse me, I don't think
we should leave just yet.

What if Anastasia
is there right now?

What do you expect me to do?
Crawl back to that brat?

Forgive me,
but is it not worse to go back

The moment's passed, Mikhail.

llyich, we're ready.

You know, Tolstoy believed
it's historical events

that propel men
to greatness.

It seems they also
doom us to failure.


I'm not going back.

Mikhail Borisovich!

Please understand it is not
that I have lost faith
in the Revolution,

it is as a scientist,
I'm not sure anymore

that life can be reduced
to class struggle,

to dialectical materialism,
or any set of formulas.

Let's go!

Life is spontaneous
and it is unpredictable.

It is magical.

I think that we have struggled
so hard with the tangible,

that we have
forgotten the intangible.


Have you suddenly
become religious?

I can only say,
I have become

more aware of my ignorance.

I'm afraid I can't afford
to be aware of mine.

Don't forget
your valerian drops.


I just wanted to
say goodbye, Your Highness.


Your leg, I'm so sorry.

It's not bad.

You've been
most kind to me, sir.

It's been a pleasure
to have known you, tuhnuk.



ED: And that's the last
your grandfather ever saw
of Anastasia.

Hit by a bicycle, huh?


Do you think my leg
will stop hurting
now that I know the story?

Well, I don't know.

Usually in cases like this
there's a lesson
to be learned.

In the story,
social systems fail,

machines fail.

There's something people
keep forgetting.


Well, what will it be,

Table or booth?


Boy, you know,
it really hasn't changed
all that much.

Hi, Ed.
Hi, Marilyn.

Hey, how's the leg?

I quit my night job.


Spiritual needs.

I'm sorry, come again?

I need time to think
about the old stories.

And I don't really need
a laserdisc player.

We've struggled
so hard with the tangible,

we've forgotten
about the intangible,
hey, Dr. Fleischman?

Okay, Ed,
whatever you say, there.

See you, guys.

In the story, you never said
what happened to the doctor.

Right, well, by the time
he got back to town,

Anastasia and her soldiers
were all gone.

Mikhail was all alone.

He didn't know
what he was going to do

or where he was
going to go.

ED: The Countess
and the doctor
hadn't planned things

to work out this way.

I guess
we're all a little like
John Cassavetes after all.

We just don't know the end
until we get there.