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06x13 - Horns

Posted: 06/12/23 10:13
by bunniefuu
MAN: Joel?


My God,
it's good to see you.

Pete Gilliam.

We had a pow-wow
in my office five years ago.

State of Alaska.
I set you up in Cicely.

Why I'm here, Joel.
Great news.

Remember that extra year
we tacked onto your contract?

Well, guess what?
We goofed.

There was a test case
last year in North Dakota.

Circumstances very similar
to yours.

And the judge ruled that
mid-contract extensions
like yours

are illegal.

Excuse me?

Well, we blew it.
Pure and simple.

lnnocent mistake.
But nevertheless,

let me be the first
to congratulate you.

You are a free man,
my friend.

In fact, technically,
you've been free
since September 1 7th.

Now, naturally, we recognize
that this means

you've been working
several months
without a contract.

But I managed to shake loose
a compensation check

in the amount of $1,200

if you'll simply sign
this release absolving
the State of Alaska

or any of its assigns
of any wrongdoing.

Give my regards to Broadway.



Okay, you can get
dressed now, Hayden.

That's quite an abrasion.

You're sure it's not
an allergic reaction?

New laundry detergent maybe?


And it's purely a result
of love-making?


Any recent change
in your sexual habits?

Not mine. Marsha's.
Lately, she's been
all over me.

All over as in what?
Two, three times a week?

Try two, three times a day.

New cologne?



I'm giving you
a prescription for
some corticosteroid

for the soreness,

but no intercourse
for at least a week.

Let's give that appendage
some time to heal, huh?

Marsha's not gonna like this.

Have her call
if she has any problems.


Well, Eugene,
what can I do for you?

Double hamstring pull.

I told you we're getting
too old for those weekend
football games.

It's not that.

Ginni and I have always had
a very satisfactory love life,
Dr. Capra.

It's just that
lately she's been
particularly aggressive.


I think we can put
the fourth wellhead
right about here.

Fourth wellhead?
Are you sure?

We don't want to expand
too quickly,
Monsieur Minnifield.

What's the matter with you,

We've gotta think big
around here.


Oh, Barbara.
This is a nice surprise.

Barbara Semanski,
this is Bertrand Montpelier.

He's the chief engineer
around here.


This is
a police matter, Maurice.

Oh, well, yeah. Of course.

Fourth wellhead.
Get on it.

Well, how you been, Barbara?

So, what do you think
of our new facility?

(CHUCKLES) I had a team
drilling for oil

and damned if we didn't
hit the sweetest source
of water you ever saw.

It's 1,100 feet deep,

70 million years old,
age of the dinosaurs.

I'm looking for
escaped violinist,
Cal lngraham.

Cal? What for?

We're getting reports.

Violin music in the night,
looted trash cans.

I believe he's in the area.
Have you seen him?

No, why should I?

He tried to k*ll you
over a violin.

Later, you engaged
in a criminal conspiracy

facilitating his escape
from Ellisberg State
Mental hospital.

A conspiracy?
He tricked me.

We have reason to believe
you harbored him for a time.


Cal lngraham is
a wanted felon

who must be considered
mentally unstable
and potentially dangerous.

If you see anything,
I expect you
to give me a call.

Yeah, of course.
I appreciate your interest.

Let's be clear
about something, Maurice.

This is police business.

Any relationship
we might have had
of a personal nature

is over.


At least take a bottle
of Cicely Water. On me.

Barbara, it's just water,
for heaven's sake.

Well, that was interesting.

I thought you were calling
me for lunch.

What's the occasion?

It's not like you,
in broad daylight
and everything.

Just in the mood.

Yeah. You and half
the women in this town
all of a sudden.


You're all horny.

You know, the guys are acting
kind of funny, too.

This morning,
I was treating Eugene

and he started talking
about how busy he is planning
his sister's wedding,

how stressful
it all is.

And all of a sudden
he just started weeping.



You haven't heard
a word I've been saying,
have you?

Yeah, I heard you.
getting married, right?

Okay, I'm sorry. Say it again.
What's the big deal, sweetie?

You know, normally,
I'm the one ignoring you

and you're the one
getting ticked off.

And what are you doing
tying flies, you don't fish.

Well, Maggie and I have
been talking about it.

Since when?

I don't know.
Last week.

Here it is, Fleischman.

This is all my stuff?


Shelly and I stored it
in here when
the Capras moved in.

I really appreciate it.

You should.

Kind of weird, huh?

Oh, look at this.
Mrs. Anku gave me this.

You know, Fleischman,
you look good.

Rugged, you know?
The hair, the beard.

It's kind of Jeremiah Johnson.
It suits you.

Well, thanks, O'Connell.

So you wanna
stay at my place?

No. Thanks.

I actually took a room
at The Sourdough.

Oh. You wanna
get together for dinner?

Yeah. Or no.
I can't. I'm sorry.

I'm having dinner with Chris.

How about I drop by

You know, talk things over,
see what your plans are.

Yeah, that sounds good.

You didn't see my tapes,
by any chance, did you?


I just... I made these mixes
for Founders' Day last year.

There was like
eight hours worth of tapes.

There was some
really rare stuff.

MAGGIE: Oh, yeah.
I think Shelly took them.

Well, you know, who knew
if you were coming back?

Hey, Shelly.

Hi, Dr. Fleischman.
Want to try some Cicely Water?


Freebie. We're running
a special promotion.


Hey, is it true
you're bagging Alaska
for the Big Apple?

Well, yeah,
it's definitely true.

You know those tapes of mine,
the Founders' Day mixes?

Totally awesome.

You do have them.

I'd be happy to make
some copies for you.


Congratulations, Joel.

Oh, thanks, Holling.

Back to New York, huh?

What do you mean, copies?

You know, dubs.
I'd like them back.
I'll make you some dubs.

No way.


What're we talking about?

I'll handle this.

We're talking about
my Founders' Day tapes.

They were your tapes.

No, Shelly,
they are my tapes.

Hey, you ditched them.

Look... I borrowed music
from all over the country
to make those.

My uncle Manny
sent me klezmer music.

Why don't we
just make copies
like Joel says?

You lose a whole generation
in quality.

All right.
When I get back to New York,

I will have
a professional sound lab

make you your own
personal copy, all right?

There will be
no degradation.

Fat chance.

You snooze, you lose.

Shelly hasn't been
herself lately, Joel.
Let me talk to her.

Holling, they're my tapes.










Hello, Ed.

Are you okay?

My shoulder's a bit dodgy.

I saved the violin, though.



The hell? Barbara?

Hello, Barbara.
Come in.

Got a call. Hot prowl.

Possible 459.
Like permission
to search the station.

Sure. Help yourself.

Nice haircut.

Well, there's nobody
in there.

You gonna check the back?

We're in no hurry,
are we?

I don't know.
I thought we were
on a search.

You know, Maurice,
when I saw you
standing by

all that heavy equipment
this morning,
I said to myself,

„That's one
good-looking flyboy.”


I like it in here,
don't you?

It's kind of a turn-on,
don't you think?


Come here.

In front of the windows?
I thought we were estranged.

Is that what you want?

No, I...

Neither do I.

Right here, right now.

In the radio station?



You sure this couldn't wait
until morning?

Oh, no lights.

One thing
I forgot to tell you,
Dr. Capra.

Cal's a wanted criminal.


But he's a nice guy.

Well, what do you mean
he's a wanted criminal?

You know,
a fugitive from justice.

He escaped from Ellisberg.

The state mental institution?

He didn't care for it much.

Ed, what is going on here?

Cal lngraham,
Dr. Philip Capra.

Oh, I'm sorry,
a gammy wing.

You were at Ellisberg?

Briefly, yes.

That's a depressing place.

You've heard stories,
I'm sure.


I'm really not
a dangerous man, Doctor.

It's true I did blow up
Mr. Minnifield's truck

with a homemade
expl*sive device,
a violin was at issue,

but that's all
water under the bridge now.

But you're still wanted.

Well, technically, yes.
Does that present a problem?

I will vouch for him,
Dr. Capra.

Good. I feel better now.

All right, what's wrong
with your shoulder?

He fell off my roof.

You were on Ed's roof?

Playing the violin.

All right, enough of this.

I want some straight answers.
I want them right now.

I wasn't up to anything
untoward, I can assure you.

You were playing the violin
on Ed's roof?

Has marvelous acoustics.
It's the surrounding hills.

I have my own home
some 20 miles outside town.

Well, I call it a home.

It's an abandoned
bear cave, actually.

It's quite snug, though.

I slip into town
for supplies

and scrounge a bit to eat.

Wait a minute.
You didn't by any chance

take a honey-baked ham
off our porch a couple
of weeks ago, did you?

Well, I do like to think
my violin playing
is some recompense.

All right. Listen.

Why don't you make things
a lot easier for everyone

and just turn yourself in?

Oh, no.
I'm afraid that's
out of the question.

Look, you can't
go on like this.

You can't go on
sleeping in bear caves and
playing on people's roofs.

Besides, you need
proper medical attention.

I'm just a little salve,
that's all.

Cal, you'd better be careful.

Officer Semanski's been
snooping around a lot.

Oh, yes, Officer Semanski.
My lnspector Javert.

Doctor, if you'll just
take a quick look,

I guarantee I'll be
on my way at once.

All right.

If I treat your shoulder,
you'll leave Cicely?
You promise?

As soon as we're through,
I'll pack my kit,

and it's hi-ho, cried Raleigh.

All right. Come on.

Doctor, I really am sorry
about the ham.

I fully intend
to pay people back.



Barbara? Don't fall asleep.

You want some more?

No, no.

I just don't want you
to go to sleep
right now, that's all.


Where're you going?



Don't you want a slice
of that cold pizza?

Well, don't you
want to talk first?

Talk about what?

Well, about us. I mean,
this is kind of sudden.

What is?

Well, this. You, me.

What made you
change your mind
from yesterday morning?

I don't know.
Does it matter?

Well, yeah.
It does to me.

Does this mean
we have a future together?

I guess so.

How about one
of those kosher dills?

No, thank you.

Don't go away.


Take a load off, Annie
Take a load for free

Take a load off, Annie


How's Cal?



Do we have
a patient named Cal,

Everybody knows.

They do? How?

They just know.

Well, if anybody comes asking,
I took an oath, Marilyn.

I'm obligated to heal the sick
regardless of
the circumstances.


Listen, Marilyn.

Have you noticed
anything peculiar

about the way men and women
have been acting
in this town lately?

I saw Lowell Grippo
at the Wash-N-Dry

and he never does
his own laundry.

In the last five days,
I have seen 1 4 cases
of genital abrasion,

three groin pulls,
two hamstrings
and a hernia

all directly attributable
to aggressive
female behavior.

There's definitely
a pattern here, Marilyn.

A very disturbing pattern.

Oh. I have cup of soup
in the microwave.

She pulls up
in the three-point land.

Air ball.
Yes! Yes!

She hits at the buzzer!

So you won.
Pistons win!

Good shot.

What do you say, huh?
Another one?
Game to five?

Yeah, maybe.


Nice buns.

I tell you, I'm dying.

I thought you had a date
with Joel last night?

I did. But Fleischman
is on another planet.

You know what he's into?
Serving tea.

Yes. Mmm-hmm.


All right.
One more, but I take it in.

You know what?
I just might get
a little run in instead.

A what?
A run.

See you.

Yo! Wait up!



1 1 :37 p.m ., correlation
of blood types, negative.

Have now ruled out
blood, race, age,

place of residence.

There has to be
some common link
for these gender disturbances,

some causative agent,

but I am running out of ideas
as to what it could be.

That's the goofiest thing
I ever heard.

Look, all I'm asking is
what do you know
about your water?

We have run every test
available, monsieur.

Look, Capra, this water
predates history. You can't
get any purer than that.

What about the equipment?

lsn't there
always the possibility
of contamination?


Whoa, whoa.
Take it easy, Bert.

Why don't you go check
the intake valve
of the number two t*nk?

I can handle this.

He took the fall
for that benzene fiasco

at Source Perrier
a couple of years ago.

Cicely Water is his ticket

back into the world
of big-time bubbly.

Well, I didn't come here
to insult you, Maurice,
or your engineer.

All I know is that we have
a healthcare problem
on our hands,

and I believe
Cicely Water is involved.

Look, son.
You're working too hard.

You need to take
a couple of days off.

I did a quick study
of seven patients
in my office.

It shows a direct link
between daily consumption
of Cicely Water

and incidence
of aberrant behavior.

Phil, my water exceeds
EPA standards 1,000 fold.

Look at this equipment.
This is stainless steel,
tanks, fittings, everything.

It's the best money can buy.

I'm not accusing you
of any malfeasance.

In fact, I was hoping
we could work up some sort
of double-blind test

together to get the bottom
of all this.

In the meantime, of course,
I'd recommend pulling
Cicely Water off the shelves.

Are you nuts?

If you think that I'm
gonna put my nationwide
rollout on hold

because your wife
would rather sh**t baskets
than cook dinner,

you got another
thing coming, my friend.

As primary healthcare
provider for this community,

I have an obligation
to tell the public
about my concerns.

You put one word
of this out there,

I'll have you on the wrong end
of a lawsuit

so quick you won't be able
to say „punitive damages.”

MAN: Yeah, just add it
to the previous bill.


Okay, Ed, I'm here.
Where's Cal?

He's downstairs.

You know, I'm really
not happy about this.

Where do you
keep the dental floss?

Aisle two, Dr. Capra.

Thank you.

Officer Semanski.

What's the matter, Chigliak?
You don't look very well.

Well, it's going around,
you know.

$1 .96, please.

Give me a piece
of that turkey jerky, too.

You wouldn't know anything
about Cal lngraham, would you?

Oh, Cal, no.

Your landlord says she heard
violin music the other night.

She did, huh?


You know, Ed,
aiding and abetting
is a felony.

You have a nice day now.

ED: She knows.

She doesn't know.

She knows I saw him.

She's just fishing.
If she knew,
she'd be here now.

This is where he stays?


Cal? It's me, Ed.
I brought Dr. Capra with me.

I appreciate
the house call, Doctor.

But it really isn't

The shoulder is much improved.

Cal, you promised
you'd leave.

Oh, and I fully intend to.
Haste, posthaste.

Ed tells me
you snuck into
his apartment again.

Oh, well, I'm not sure
„snuck” is the proper word.
The door was open.

Let's not split
hairs here, Cal.

There's a larger issue
to discuss.

Now, in my opinion,
you are suffering
from acute depression.

Depression? Me?

These unnecessary
visits to town,

playing on people's roofs.

Cal, this is the behavior
of a man that
wants to get caught,

or seriously hurt,
perhaps both.

Not a bit of it.

Come on, Cal.
You're sleeping underground
in the dark all day.

Ed tells me you're watching
depressing movies.

Unhappy violinists,
women that walk off
into the ocean.

Now, normally,
I'd prescribe a program

of short-term psychotherapy
and medication.
But in these circumstances...

Thank you for your concern,
Doctor, but I'm
in tiptop shape.


Hello, Joel.

Hi, Holling.
I'd like my tapes, please,
and then I'll be on my way.

Well, I'd better get Shelly.

Shelly, Joel's here.
What'd you say?

What do you want?

I'd like my tapes, please.

They're mine. I paid for them.
I recorded the music on them.
And I want them back.

I think you'd
better leave.

Shelly, let's listen
to what Joel has to say.

I know what
he has to say, Holling.

Shelly, you don't have
an ethical or a legal leg
to stand on here,

do you understand?

Oh, yeah?

What about a little thing
called finders keepers?

I'm sure we can all
work something out.

I can handle this, Holling.

No, Holling,
we can't work something out.

They are my tapes
and she stole them.

I didn't steal a thing.

Shelly, Joel...

Okay. Well, fine.
I'll just, I'll keep this.

Give me that.
No. Give me the tapes.

HOLLING: All right.
Let's just calm down.
Shall we?

Give it!
Give it to me!

Now, for heaven's sake,
stop acting like
a bunch of children.

What's so important
about those tapes?
You want tapes?

I'll give them to you.

SHELLY: Holling, hey.

Go get them.

Great. Thanks.

What'd you do that for?
I said I could handle it.

My legs, I can't feel my legs.

PHIL: All right.
Just try and relax, Hayden.

Most likely you're suffering
some peripheral nerve root

It's affecting
your sciatic nerve.
Hold on a second.


Now, can you feel this?

Okay. All right.
Let's go.

All right, you're
gonna be fine.

Hayden, the sciatic nerve
is the largest nerve
in your body

and it can sometimes
trigger a whole variety
of symptoms

from your back
all the way down
to your legs. Thanks, guys.

Oh, man.

Now, I don't think
it's too serious, but I don't
want to take any chances.

The back clinic in Anchorage
has the facility to do
a complete diagnosis.

So you just find yourself
a comfortable position
on the plane

and take those aspirin
every four hours, okay?

Okay, Doc.

All right.
I'll talk to you soon.

Marsha, can I talk to you?

Now, I gave
specific instructions.

No intercourse
for at least a week.

He was on the bottom.

I don't care
where he was.

You violated a doctor's orders
and this is the result.


That's all you can say,

Look, do me a favor.
Next time,
just listen, all right?

All right.

All right, go on.
Hayden needs you.

MARSHA: Hold on, big guy.
You'll be fine.

HAYDEN: I'm trying, baby.

All right,
can we close the bar?

Shut it down, Holling.


HOLLING: Bar's closed, folks.

Let's come to order.

I now would like to turn
the meeting over
to Dr. Philip Capra.

Thank you, Maggie.


As some of you already know,

I believe that Cicely
is experiencing

a highly unusual
health problem.

An epidemic, characterized by
a marked reversal

of gender-prevalent behavior.

In short,
men are acting like women,

and women are
acting like men.

Now this condition
which I call
Cicely Syndrome,

appears to be directly
linked to consumption
of Cicely Water.

How come when men get horny,
it's okay,

but when women get horny,
it's a disease?

WOMEN: Yeah.

Well, that's not exactly
what I'm saying, Shelly.

I mean, obviously,
there's nothing
inherently pathological

about a woman
displaying a strong
sexual drive.

Far from it.

Physicians are trained
to look for patterns,

and what we're seeing here
is a significant deviation
from the norm.

And this threatens you?

No, no. Maggie,
all I'm saying is that

mass aberrations
in behavior,

regardless of how benign
those changes may appear,

are cause for concern.

Now we're clearly dealing
with something
very powerful here,

something we don't understand.
We need to go slow.

CHRIS: I see it
as an opportunity, Phil.

Walk a mile
in their espadrilles,
you know what I mean?

Deborah Tannen says
that men view the world
as a battle to be won.

Women see it as a community
to be preserved.

I say, let the women
fight it out for a while.

I'm digging this
non-competitive groove,
you know what I'm saying?


PHIL: That's all well and good
in the abstract, Chris, but...

Quite frankly, Phil,
I don't think
this is our problem.

I think this is your problem.

What? No, no. Wait...
Motion to adjourn?

WOMAN: Here.

MARILYN: Second.

All in favor?


Maggie! Maggie!
Will you please...

Meeting adjourned.

Bar is open.



It's 9:30.
Why didn't you wake me?

You looked so peaceful.

I missed the meeting.

Wasn't it worth it?

What the...

I should never have let you
bring me out here.

I should've known better.

It was only a meeting,

That meeting was
important to me.


Barbara, this has got to stop.

Come here.
No, no.

We can't go on
like this, Barbara.
It's not right.

Can I help it
if I'm attracted to you?

I thought the feeling
was mutual?

I need conversation,
quiet time together.

I thought our relationship
would be built on something
more than just lust.

Will you listen to me?

I'm thirsty.

Oh, my Lord.

Capra was right.

It is the water.


It's the water.

Maurice? Maurice?


Sorry, Ed.

I'm keeping strict accounts,
you know.

I thought
you were leaving, Cal?

Oh, I am.
Yes, indeed.

Just getting fortified.

Are you okay?

Perfectly. In the pink.


I've been thinking.

Perhaps one or two
of Dr. Capra's
little pep pills

mightn't be
such a bad idea
after all.

I mean, just on the off chance
there may be something
to his little theory.

Are you depressed, Cal?

Well, to be frank,
I can't really explain
what's happening to me, Ed.

I can't seem to leave town.
It's quite puzzling, actually.

I wonder if you're lonely?

Yes, yes, you may be
onto something there, Ed.


I've never been
a social animal, Ed.

Even as a lad,
I was quite accustomed
to long periods of solitude,

but this is different.

Lonely, yes, yes,
that's getting close.

Well, I suppose
what it comes down to
is this.

If a violinist plays in
the woods and there's no one
there to hear him,

does he really make a sound?

What do you mean?

Playing for the amusement
of voles and marmots,

just isn't the same
as playing for people.

Even in the dark,
from the rooftop,

even though I can't see
who's listening,

there's something
about a live performance,

knowing someone's out there,

just one person, perhaps,
who's touched by your music.

I see.

Oh, but, I think
if a violinist really were

to play alone in the woods,

he would make a sound, Cal.

I mean, if a tape recorder
was left on, I think
it would pick it up.

A word?


All right, Dr. Capra,
make your case.

What's wrong
with my water?

Well, I can't tell you
exactly what, Maurice,

but there's something
in there,

something that
modifies behavior.

I will be glad
to show you my result.

You're only testing
for things we know about.

E. coli, Crytospiridium.

What if this is something
we've never seen before?

BERTRAND: lmpossible.

I've been doing
a lot of reading, Maurice.

It turns out
pure water like yours is
notoriously unstable.


Unstable water is
very aggressive.

It wants to balance itself
out somehow.

That's why distilled water is
such a good cleaning agent.

It'll eat through
anything eventually.
Copper, lead.

And maybe your water
is being aggressive
in a new way.

It's trying to balance itself
out somehow in
the human metabolism.

Maybe it wasn't comets
that wiped out the dinosaurs,

Maybe it was the water.

Hell, you get a couple of
sex-crazed lady Velociraptors

chasing after some
understandably terrified
males. Who knows?

Maybe tyrannosaurus rex went
to the well once too often

and got himself humped
to death.

We're drinking
the exact same water,


I told myself
it couldn't be.

The tests, they were perfect
and then...

I ran them over and over...
But I knew.

I could feel
there was something wrong.
Something terribly wrong.


I'll cap off the well.

Recall all the water

Take care of him, will you?


One mooseburger, curly fries.
What's this?

Oh, Dr. Fleischman
left those for you.

He did? Cool.

Hey, Fleischman.

It's not a burn day,
you know.

Yeah. I know.

Hey, you want this?

Your computer game?


No. All that beeping.

What are you doing?

Those your golf clubs?

Your Armani jacket?

See, I made a list.

My favorite things.
Like the song.

There they are.

Your med school diploma?



It felt like
the right thing to do.

What's happening?

I'm not going.

I still have
a lot more work to do.

Yeah. On me.

Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

For five years,
I've had to listen
to you whine

about how you can't
stand this place,

how you can't wait
to get back to New York,

and now that you can,
now that there's nothing
holding you back,

you're not going?

You'd rather
stretch skins in a primitive
fishing village?

It's the inner disciplines
that I'm after.


Well, I like that, actually.

I mean,
you're gonna be around.

Yeah. Me, too.

Hey, listen, maybe I'll put
the pontoons on the plane

and come see you next week.

No, next week's
no good for me.

We're going after walrus.
How about the week after?


Look, Fleischman, I know
you've told me this before,
but tell me again.

This isn't
my responsibility, right?

You're not just
acting out, are you?

I'm fine. Really.
I've never been better,
in fact.

See you, Fleischman.

See you.

I came to apologize, Maurice.

I should have
recognized the influence
of a chemical substance.

I was totally
out of regs.

Apology accepted.

Good. I'm sorry to hear
about your bottling plant.

Well, it's not
a total loss.

I managed to sell
some of the heavy equipment
to Sparkletts, but, thanks.

I've gotta go.
Choke hold seminar
in Sleetmute.



maybe next time,
we can have a cup of coffee,



ED: People, people.
Ladies and gentlemen, may I
have your attention, please?

Please make a note
there's been a change
in this evening's program.

The third piece,
the Khachaturian,

has been replaced
by Caprice No. 9
in C major,

La Caccia by Paganini.

And please, no flash pictures
during the performance.

Unit 4-16, the rec center.
Possible violin activity.

Unit 4 responding.
I'm on it.


Hello, officer.

Little late
to be working, isn't it?

Oh, I don't mind.

All by yourself
this evening?

Oh, yes, ma'am.

Missed this one.


It's still warm.


You're an okay kid, Chigliak.

I'd hate to hear
you've fallen in
with the wrong crowd.

Just think about
what I'm telling you.

Hey there,
friends and neighbors,

Chris in the Morning
with a bootleg tape
that can't wait.

Cicely Tonight, Volume One.