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02x08 - Daddy Julien

Posted: 06/12/23 16:15
by bunniefuu
Let the royal naming ceremony begin!

I, King Julien Xlll,

hereby name you,

Dribble Peesworthy.

I name you,

Fontainebleau McGuinness.

I name you,
Jazz-man Saint Ives.

Tiny Toes. Breadcheese Crackers.

Juniper Atticus.

Tlnkle Ear Ringer.

Scout Ryder.

Haverford Johnson Sparklenose Junior.

Arlo Glowstick.

Look at all these happy fathers and sons,

with their perfectly matching tails.

Oh, it's... it's...
it's so beautiful.

Maurice, I want a baby.

You want a what?

I want a miniature version of me

with matching tail rings to love and hold and name.

Move it Maurice,
the baby isn't gonna make itself.

Go get me one!

King Julien,
you do know where babies come from, right?

Of course I do, Maurice.

Every full moon,

the male lemur goes to the baby patch

to find where me sky gods have hidden the new babies.


Once the daddy Lemur finds a baby

with a tail that exactly matches his own tail,

the birthing process is complete.

It's King Julien, your new daddy.

Baby? Come on! Chop-chop!
It's cold out here!

You think that's where babies come from?

Of course it is.

Maybe this is a conversation

you should have had with your parents

before they were eaten, Maurice.

Sadly, no matter how many trips I've made

to the baby patch, I never find my baby!

This tail is one of a kind.

If only I had a son
with a tail as identical

and amazing as this tail,
I would be complete.

What could it hurt?

Baby? You there?

If you can't walk or my out,

just hurl yourself repeatedly against a tree

so I can hear you.


Daddy's coming!



Can't a lemur enjoy a beverage in the bushes without being bothered?

And, I spilled it.

If this is how you want to roll,
sky gods, fine!

I don't need some little me to cuddle,
and love --

Horst, just drink your beverage in the open.

No one cares! Nobo--


A tail!

And look at the rings!

Can this really be happening?
Is this my...



How could I have never noticed your tail before?

I've been keeping it nice,
hoping that you would.

Mort, you're my baby?

Abba! Abba!


I'm so happy!

Are you having a laugh?


I wouldn't joke about something so important,

Mort is my son. I found him in the jungle

under the full moon, so it's legal.

You do know that Mort is actually older than you are, right?

It's called "unconditional love", Maurice.

Besides, the tails do not lie.

Oh, and his name isn't Mort anymore,

it's Prince Falcon.

Prince Falcon?

oh, yay, I'm a bird of prey!

Ooh, good out, buddy.

I want to do something, Papa,
now, Papa, now.

One second, Prince Falcon,

Daddy's reading a book on parenting.


Burst of unexplainable energy!

Mort, no! Don't hit Maurice!


We do not say "no" to young Falcon.

"No" is a bad word.

I don't...

Or "don't".

Young Falcon should never be made a prisoner

of your harch neg tives, Maurice.

Papa, I'm hungry!

feeding time.

Okay. Yep, I got this.

Open wide, Prince Falcon,
here comes the food train.

Woo-woo! Woo-woo!

That's your appetizer.

-(He's done...)
- For dessert!

Maurice! Clover!
Come quick! Hurry!

What's wrong, Your Majesty?

Are the foosa attacking?

No, something very exciting about to happen!

Prince Falcon,
he's going to make his first poopy!

Mort! No!

- Bad, Mort! Bad!
- Take it outside!

Stop that!

Prince Falcon must be free to go wherever he likes,

especially his first time.

Papa! Look! What did I do?

New things scare me.

I'm so proud!

That little guy is King Julien's son?

Abner, let's keep tabs on that little fella.

I just bet there's a way to destroy King Julien in all this.

Blah! Blah! Blah!

Please, Falcon,
it's time for calm place.

Daddy is so tired.

But, can I sleep with the light on?

Of course, little Falcon.

Aww, it's okay, Falcon.
Daddy's here.

I want Mommy!

Mm-hm... Oh.


Okay, somebody, be the mommy.

I don't care which,
I just need him to go to sleep!

What's wrong, little guy?
Got gas?

You're all hard and bony.

It's called being physically fit!

Now lights out, soldier!
Go to sleep! That's an order!

Clover, what are you doing?

Maurice, tap in!

Is the mean mommy gone?

She's gone. Now go to sleep.

I can't. I'm shaking.

It's okay, little buddy, I got you.

ô Ave Maria ô

ô Mater de la la boom ô

ô Ora brazala salad and pasta ô

ô Ora da do do bananas and bees ô

ô Oh... Ah... ô

ô Coconut, pineapple And pineapple soup ô

Wow, Maurice, that was...
really touching.

You... You're an excellent mommy!

Nice to be appreciated.

Oh, yay!

That your little one?

Yes.Yes it is.

Oh, well,
she must be awfully cute on the inside.

Eh, it's a "he",

and I assure you his insides are fabulous.

Oh, I didn't mean no offense.

It's hard to be the whole package like my Todd,

handsome, smart, talented.

Why, my Todd has won

the Junior Gents Talent and Beauty
Pageant Competition

eight years in a row.

He won the first two when he was still inside my tum-tum.

Okay, frstly, that's just gross.

Why was he in your tum-tum?

The baby patch.

And Secondly, he doesn't seem so special.

Todd! Juggle, baby!

Bigger smile.

Always flash 'em those pearly jacksons.

Perfect teeth.

Dentist said it was a miracle
on account he was born with no lower jaw.

Prince Falcon!


Show the nice lady here

some of your talented-ness.

Well, if the world didn't have losers,

we wouldn't know who the winners are.

Bless his heart.

Come to Mama, baby.


That Todd's mom is so annoying.

We gotta show her how great you are.



Prince Falcon.

Go get yourself cleaned up.

We've got a Junior Gents Talent and

Beauty Pageant Competition for you to win!


ô I'm gonna be a Junior Gent ô

ô I'm gonna be a Junior Gent ô

That little mousy lemur

ain't King Julien's son.

He been paintin' his tail!

That boy's a regular brain-scientist!

Get up close to King Julien

like a tick on the back of his neck,

and then, bang!

Take 'im out!

ô I am King Julien's son ô

ô And I'm gonna be the best
Junior Gent ever ô

ô To make my papa so proud of... ô

Mort, you sure is a smart one.

Yeah, buddy!

Whatever scheme you been a-schemin',
we want in!

Scheme? You mean, to win

the Junior Gents Talent
and Beauty Pageant Competition?

Right. We can work with that.

Good work, super brain.

Leave the rest to us!


Welcome everybody to
"How to Be A Happy Mommy"!

Dorothy and I
will help you be the most loving mommy --

Sorry. Tail in the face.

My bad. Sorry.

Can we help you, Clover?

Well, I, um... you see,

the thing is, uh, see,

maybe I should just go.

Sweety, you are in the circle of trust here.

You're safe as long as you don't break the circle.

Breakin' the circle gets me aggressive, man.

I got an idea.

why don't you come on up here and help us?

Goo goo, gaa gaa.

I don't want it! I don't want it!

Well, too bad!

Oh! golly!

Ever seen a starving lemur left out in the sun?

Ribs showing!

Tongue all bloated from lack of salt!

Have you seen that?
Have you seen that, baby Ted?

What? It's called tough love for a reason,

let's start with picking up and holding the baby.


Uh, clover?

maybe that's enough mothering for today.

We're done? Really? How'd I do?


I have no maternal instincts whatsoever, do I?

Well, no.

Oh. But you will!

I believe everyone should get a second chance.

I gotta dash off to host
the Junior Gents Pageant.

Your mission is to take care of this egg,
no matter what.

Can you do it?

I guess you are kinda cute.

For an egg and all.

Momma's got you!

ô Those dimples And those apple cheeks ô

ô That smile that makes your knees go weak ô

ô The most beautiful boy in the world! ô

Welcome to the sixth avnnual Junior Gents Talent

and Beauty Pageant Competition!

We are so gonna win this!

Falcon, I don't want you

to think of this as a competition.

Think of it as a direct reflection

on my own self-esteem.

Now, go out there and have fun, buddy!

I'm just so tickled little Falcon's competing this year.

Bless his heart.

'Course my Todd's already won the Little Kumquat Competition,

the Prickly Pineapple Fashion Walk Off

and the Young Scholars of Madagascar
Beauty Contest.

All just this week.

He might be tired enough
for your boy to almost win.

Actually, Tammy,
there's been a slight change of plans.

Todd's going down! Boo-yah!

Oh, you don't want to rile Todd up.

You're liable to awaken the beast.


Show em your w*r face, Honey.

Gives me the shivers every time.

May the best child win!@
Which is my Falcon, of course!


Everything in place, Becca?

Yep. Soon as Mort wins,

we'll drop that big ol' rock
on King Julien

during the crowning ceremony.

It'll be a blow for freedom from the tyranny of --

Aww, wook at you,
my little eggy-weggy-weggy!

You're patrolling
with Mommy-wommy today.

Please welcome our first Junior Gent

for the opening 'STRUT DOWN'!

Yeah! So hot!

You like that?

I know you do.

Here's a pose.

-Look away! Get off the stage!

Put some clothes on!

Hate it.


Spirit ‚†ingers. Naughty Sailor.

Jazz hands. October Surprise.

All right!

Now that's what I'm talking about!

-He stuck that one!
-We're doing this!

Genius. Genius!

Snap! Todd's got the goods!

Gotta catch up in the talent competition.

ô I'm a dandy boy ô

ô In a big top hat
And when you give me hugs ô

ô My heart goes pitter-pat ô

ô 'Cause I desperately want love! ô

You look tense. Are you tense?
You look thirsty.

Maurice, go milk a gecko or something.

The Prince is dehydrated.

No pressure, but...

Todd is stomping
your booty out there, Falcon.

You better step up your game, man.

You're making me look bad.

How can I compete?

Todd is the total package.

You're my son.

which makes you the total-er package!

Now get out there and
rock this pageant for Papa Bear!

You're losing the crowd. Here!

Own that stage, little superstar!

Wait, wait, I'm not finished.

That's it?

I had to milk eleven geckos just to get that much.

You do know how small they are, right?

And that technically geckos don't produce milk!

Papa, I don't want to compete anymore.

Couldn't we just go home?

Maybe Mort --

Prince Falcon is right.

Who cares if Todd wins?

Who cares? I care's!

Can't you see the determination in Falcon's face?

My son is not a quitter.

Well actually, I kinda just said --

If you want to quit,
Falcon, that's your decision.

I'm still going to love you
because you're my son

and because I think
it's a parent law or something.

Regardless, it's your decision.

I want to make you proud, Papa.

Yes! See that, Maurice?

Fruit of my loine right there
and this fruit ain't no loser!

Hey. Oh, don't you worry now.

No matter what, give the world a smile

and it'll smile right back at you.

Really? That's all you got'?

I feel worse!

Prince Falcon is sad.

And for some reason,
I feel sad, too.

Is this what being a parent truly is?

Or maybe I just ate something weird.

Welcome back,
everybody to our final round,

where contestants will be asked to answer --

that won't be necessary, Your Honor.

Them other three judges asked me and Abner

to finish up for 'em.
They was, uh; indisnosed.

Can't sip drink.

So frustrating!

Ooh, Becca and Abner are delivering the envelope.

That's a good sign. They love me.

No, they don't.

They've tried to k*ll you,
like, a bunch of times.

What? They have?

Leave the rest to us.

Oh, no!

And the winner is...

Pint Flaken?

Written in brown crayon.

That's dirt, mostly.

Supposed to read Prince Falcon.

Prince Falcon's the winner!




Falcon! We did it! We won!

Oh, no. King Julien could be in danger!
What have I done?

Abner and Becca are involved in this?
How did I miss that?

It's obviously some kind of trap.

That's wight.
(That's right.(Childish words?))

Something is weally wong(really wrong) here.

Well, in that case, I guess,

put your paws together for your
Junior Gent Grand Supreme

Prince Falcon!

Papa, maybe you shouldn't be up here.


This is the first time
I've ever felt proud about someone who's not me.

But, Papa, I have something go tell you.

It's very important!

Save it for after you get that big trophy, buddy.

Here's our chance, Abner.

Oh, no!

You let loose with that rock!

I'll get us a little back-up with Clover!

Fweeze! I mean freeze!

You're busted.

Oh, heck, yeah, I figured as much.

But, I guess once again,
it is deciding time.

-How so?
-Lookie over yonder!

Say bye-bye to you egg, Clover!

Tick-tock. Decidin' time.

ô He's the most Feautiful boy ô

ô In the world! ô

I don't have to decide.
I can do both!



Mama's coming, eggy-weggy!

Here ya go, Falcon. Your trophy!

Come give Papa Bear a hug!

I... I can't.

Falcon, what's wrong?

Is it puberty?

Is my baby boy becoming a man?

No! I'm living a lie!

I painted my tail to match yours.

I'm not really your son!

Oh, that.

You knew?

Please, Maurice, I'm not a fool.

It's Mort! I mean, come on,
he could be my father.

I'm really not that much older.

The point is, I wanted to believe it.

I wanted a son. You know, Mort,

most of the time you're super annoying.

But I gotta say,

you were the best fake son I never had.

I'm so confused,

I don't even know what to feel right now.

Look! My egg survived!

See? I'm good with children!

Living proof!

Like, actually living!

It's hatching!

Oh! He's actually kind of cute.

Yes, he is, the widdle cwocodile
(little crocodile) --


Ow! Ow! Ow!

Our kids are playing together, Clover!

Biting! biting!

Some day when you're
somebody's mom, Mo-Mo,

you'll know the truth.

Parenting is the toughest job you'll ever love.

I'm okay.

I was only partially, ow, digested.