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02x09 - That's Sooo Rob

Posted: 06/12/23 16:16
by bunniefuu
It's mine, you meanie.

Hey, what are... Paws off!

And watch the beverage, mister!

Enough. I know exactly what to do.

I hereby declare that the baby

be cut in half.

Um, actually, it's a pineapple,
Your Majesty.

I know, but a baby is more dramatic.

Do that fun serious voice thing you do, Mo-Mo.

I love that.

Do it.

Master at Arms. carry out the sentence!


Oh, boy!

Wow, Your Majesty!

you're really getting the hang of this whole being king things!

I know, right?
The peoples love me.

"Oh, he's so regal and stuff."

"He's completely braintastic."

Yes! I love the royal brains!

No, Mort. Bad Mort.

Wait, do you hear that?

It's just Mort being annoying trying to love on my brains.

Not that.


Run for your lives!

Oh, my eye.

The foosa are attacking?

Stay calm, everybody!

Hurry, Clover! Bring the--

On it! Hah!

Or I would be on it, Your Majesty,
if I could see them!

Where are the foosa?

I don't know. I just heard someone screaming about a foosa att*ck

so naturally, I overreacted.

You know what you did the right thing, Pancho.

We're all gonna die!


Everybody! Get behind me!

The foosa got me!
My leg! Where's my leg?

Look behind your back.

Ah! You got me!

Maurice, you old mopey-mope,
You're right!

There's no foosa att*ck!

But you guys were all,
"Ah! Foosa! Look at the foosa!"

Is that Rob McTodd?

Oh, man!

He so got you guys! Burn!

That is just so Rob!h

Everybody! This is my oldest and bestest friend,

Rob "The Party Animal" McTodd.

I haven't seen him since...

He was banished for nearly giving your uncle a heart att*ck

when Rob pranked him on his birthday.

Oh! You should have seen your faces!

Speaking of faces, uh,
what happened to yours?

I had a little work done. Nothing much.

Just a brow lift, eye tightening,
chin tuck,

nose re-nostriling,
whale blubber lip enhancement,

packing peanuts in the cheeks.
Pretty st-st-st-standard.

Gotta keep the age gremlins away.

You mean that you did ...
that intentionally?

Clover, how dare you insult my friend!

Rob's freaky new face looks fantastic!

The McTodd has always been on the cutting edge of beauty.

It's so me!


Back in the day, me and this guy were like those crazy babies

who are attached at the belly buttons--


Twins aren't attached belly buttons.

Uh, pretty sure they are.

I'm a twin.

My sister Crimson has never been attached to my stomach.

Pff! You don't know that.

Anyway, Rob and me,
we used to get crazy!

Oh, man. Oh, man,
remember our hip-hop band, L-L-T-Double-L?

Lemurs Love the Lemur Ladies!

Rob's been on a worldwide party tour for,
like, ever!

Been too long, buddy.

You said it, Julie!

Slip me some fur, bro-man!

That put me right off my beverage.

Give me a b-b-b-b-bump from the rump
for old times' sake, Maurice!

You're not supposed to be here, Rob.

King Julien's uncle expressly forbid--

"Me to return."

But Uncle King Julien is no longer king,
chunky thighs.

You cool with me being here?

Uh... let me think, yes!

Of course! This is amazing!

I hereby decree the banishment of Rob McTodd is lifted.

That's right. Lifted!
Yeah, I just did that!

Why do I get the feeling this is a bad idea?

Because it is.

Last night, oh, boy, did we do some righteous damage.

Horst here shotgunned five coconuts in a row.

I've never seen someone so hydrated.

Well, I like to let loose a little bit now and then.

Huh? Eh... Huh?!

You call that hydration?

What is this? Amateur hour?

And, Ted, you maniac.

Show Rob how you work that palm tree.

Anything to strengthen the core!

Golly, I think I tore something important.

Psh. I break that many bones just rolling out of bed.

Rob! Ooh, you're in for a treat, buddy.

Betcha never seen something like this!

Boombox, drop me some mad beats!

Huh? Huh?

Feel that ultra bass?

It's like a volcano exploding in your tushy parts.

Come on, my peoples.

Move these rumps!

Don't let me lose my face here.

Kinda need my face.

Pretty impressive, right?

Yeah, pretty impressive

for a polka party at an old folks home!

Let me hit you with some real jock jams.

Can you dig it? Can you dig it!

You toss in a couple of glow sticks.

Add a little witch-doctor-prescribed bone dust extract.

Now, you've got a big old serving of party on a sizzlin' hot plate of nasty!

ô You got it nasty ô

ô Do you see it sizzle?
Do you see it sizzle? ô

ô A dizzle dizzle sizzle ô

ô Nasty ô

Wow! Rob, this is kind of amazing!

Just a few tweaks and you went from all booma-boomala

to all boomalashakalakadikalo...

-How'd you do it?
-I just hear things better.

Had my old ears replaced with dolphin ear drums.

They work extra great!

Dolphin ears! Ha! Wow!

That is just so Rob!

It's good to be back, old friend.

Now, let's get this party really started.

-One more!
-I can't.

I've already eaten over a thousand.

Those pok-pok are laughing at you, Mort.

They think you're weak.
Right, Julie?


Yeah, man. They're weak.

And they were talking some real smack to me earlier.

I mean, it was mean stuff, man.

What! No one talks smack to my King Julien!


Ah, my Eye!

That was epic, little dude!

Check out these party tramps!

What do you say, Rob?

Pretty impressive trampoline action, right?

Maybe last year.

If you want to see some serious next-level tramp action, watch this.

See? Light as a bird.

Had all my old bones replaced with bird bones.

Completely hollow.

Broseph, the lemur ladies are totally digging on you.

It's the hair.

I had it all transplanted from my butt.

I don't even know it's gone.


Guess the "McTodd soup" was a little too spicy.

Remember that club we always fantasized about opening?

Club Moist.

Why didn't we ever do it?

We even picked out the space in that old whale carcass. (Remember?)

We didn't do it
because while I was banished

and living our dream of a world parting

you stayed here and played king.

"I'm a king." come on!


Sometimes I wonder if I made the right choice not going with you.

Great thing about choices, Julie,

you can always make new ones.

King Julien? King J-- Maurice?
What are! you doing?

Someone has to keep the kingdom going.

So you're aware of what's happening out there?

Let me guess, a party!

Of course I am aware.

Rob McTodd shows up and King Julien reverts to his old self.

That's so Rob!

You really don't like this bloke, do ya?

Something happen between you two?

oh, yeah.

Something definitely happened.

My job was to watch over Prince Julien

but Rob wanted the Prince all to himself,

so he found a way to get rid of me.

He called them practical jokes.

Oh! Look at the pretty box.

MY eye!

Whew. I sure am thirsty.

My other eye!

Look at you!

Mmm. Time for a good nap.

Both my eyes!

Oh, my! on, my, look at that!

By the time the swelling went down and pus stopped oozing from my eyes,

Prince Julien and Rob were inseparable.

Maurice, I am so sorry, but come on,
you fell for that three times?

Not the point, Clover!

Rob wanted Prince Julien all to himself

because without Julien,

he was just plain old Rob McTodd.

A nobody.

Now he's back, it feels like it's happening all over again.

Clover, Maurice!
Oh, thank the gods, I found you.

We have a big problem!

Got to keep the party going.

It's party exhaustion!

Get him started on a mango drip, stat!

I count 15 lemurs down.

We have to do something!

Keep it together, Maurice!

Get me some shock paddles!

Stat! And find King Julien!

Why have you dragged me
out of bed at this hour, Maurice?

It's 3:00 in the afternoon!

Is this brunch?
It does not look like brunch.

These are your people, King Julien.
Nearly dead from partying too hard.


Gotta keep dancing.

-We're all gonna die!

Little Todd?

But you're a child.

Everyone was doing it.

I just want to be like one of the big kids,

like you.

I was just dropping my booty to the floor with Todd last night.

It's Rob McTodd.

He's evil, Your Majesty.

You have to banish him again.
For the sake of the kingdom.

But I just un-banished him.

He was going to teach me something called twerking.

How many more, King Julien?

Where does it end?

Okay! All right! I'll do it!

I will re-banish Rob McTodd!

Hey, Julie, come on in.

Uh... look, Rob,

there's no easy way to say this but...

You're leaving?

Oh! What a relief!

I mean, no... you... no!

It's okay. I know you're here to banish me again. Word gets around.

Let me guess, Maurice?

He's not a fan.

I'm sorry, Rob.

Me, too.

Totally gonna blow the surprise.


What surprise?

I'm opening our dream club.


Club Moist!

That's why I came back.
To surprise you.

Well, it worked!

When can I see it? When?
When can I see it? When?

Nowf? Can I see it now?
I'd like to see it now.

Never now.

Maurice would never let you go.

"He's in charge of me.
Oh, I can't.

Oh, I wanna go but Maurice won't let me!"

Maurice is not the king of me.

I am the king of me!

Lead the way, bro-meister.

You got it, bro-man.

Your Majesty?
Your Majesty?

King Julien?

Hey, where is my beverage?

King Julien's not here, Maurice.

Coming in hot!
Coming in hot!

Oh! Was there a party?

Why didn't anyone invite me?

Sprang Break!
Sprang Break!

It wasn't sprang Break. Xixi!

It was just King Julien's old friend,
Rob McTodd visiting.

Rob "The Party Animal" McTodd was here?

-But he hates King Julien.

-What are you talking about?

Well, you probably can't tell,
but I was a bit Of a club kid back in the day.

When Rob was banished,
he no longer had Julien to get into clubs.

Rob was out of control,

pushing the partying as far as he could to get back on top of the scene.

Animals got hurt.

Lot of my friends didn't make it.

It was a real wake-up call for me to stop partying.

But you still party all the time so --

I said it was a "wake-up call"!
(Clover right)I didn't say I answered it!

Anyway, last I heard,
Rob escaped police custody

and is missing, presumed still dancing.

And he blamed his downfall on King Julien?

Said he'd get even someday if it was the last thing he did.

Come on, Julie. Keep up.

Rob, I just want to say thanks

for giving me this second chance to live our dream.

Don't thank me yet, handsome.

Where do we start?
Rob and the King could be anywhere!

-We have to track him.
-I got this.

Oh, Mort? Mort, where are you?

King Julien needs you!

I am here, my king! Wait!

Where is King Julien?

He's missing. With Rob.

And he might be in danger.

Can you track him?

I've been keeping his toenail clippings in case of an event

just like this.

Oh, yes.

Mm! So powerful.

Aged to perfection!

That is happening right in front of us.

I have the scent. Let's go.

Rob, I hate to be critical,
but, uh... Club Moist is a dump.

And creepy. It's a creepy dump.

Oh, this isn't the club.

I needed to make a stop first.

Doc? It's Rob McTodd.
I'm here for my appointment.

Your doctor is a snake?

That is so Rob!

Technically, you require a medical license to call yourself a doctor,

but the medical society overlooked one thing.

You don't need a license when you operate out of a cave!

Doc, this is the good friend we discussed.
King Julien.

Hm. Lustrous fur, good eyelids.

Yes, you were right.

He'll make an excellent donor.

It's true.
I do have pretty luxurious eyelids.

Wait, did scary snake doctor just say "donor"?

Sorry, I forgot to tell you.

My face is kind of wanted
throughout Madagascar, so --

We're going to be taking yours.

I'm not a medical professional,

but I'm sure you need my consent

before removing my face!

You don't need consent when you operate out of a cave!

Okay, Mr. King Julien,

please try to stay still.

This first incision
might sting just a little.

Rob McTodd, please!
This is so not Rob.

Why are you doing this?

Why? When your Uncle banished me,
it was finally our chance to go!

The world partying tour!
Club Moist! Our dream!

And you bailed!

Without Prince Julien,
every club shut its doors on me.

I was a nobody.

I never knew, Rob.

But looking back...

Uh, wow!

Did I make the right decision not to go!

I've hated you for a long time.

Still, this wasn't an easy decision
for me, Julie.

Yeah you don't look so sad about it, Rob.

Don't pay attention to that.

I've had so much
hyena gland put in my face

that crying or frowning is impossible.

Start the operation, Doc.
I'm ready!

Now, this won't hurt a bit,
Mr. King Julien,

It'll hurt a lot

because we're doing surgery
out of a cave!

-In here!
-King Julien!

Rob McTodd!

What have you done to my King Julien?

No! Not the hair, it cost me a fortune!

And the brow lift! You're stretching the --

Stop right there, you!

This would be a lot easier if I had hands!

Don't worry,
I'll get you out of this.

Rabbit goes under the tree,

and into the teepee.

Oh, Maurice,
I thought
I could still be the old me.

The totally handsome,
double jointed sexy pants
party god of my youth.

But I'm not that me anymore.
That me is dead.

Believe it or not, Your Majesty,
that's a good thing.

Look out!

And this is why I hate doctors.

Nobody messes
with my King Julien!


Stop, Mort!

It's okay! I'm safe!

Hi, King Julien!

Oh, blimey rhymey, that's not pretty.

Rob. Uh...

Whoa, buddy.


Years of plastic surgery ruined!

Everything has fallen back
to where it belongs.

I... I look my age!

Actually, probably a little older.

Like a lot. When I say little,
I mean a lot.

Like, whoa!


I was, I was so pretty.
I was everything to me...


I stubbed my toe!

I'm still running now!

It's a dead end!

No, Clover, leave him alone.

Whoever that is, that's not my friend.

Sadly, I lost my friend, Rob,
a long time ago.

So, who's up for a funeral? Huh?


I hereby commit
to the briny deep,

the party me,
represented by this here dummy.

Mo-Mo, serious voice.

Master at Arms, fire the boat!

On it!

Goodbye, old me.


Who wants to party?

But, King Julien,

I thought we just incinerated
the party you.

Silly Maurice,

sending party me
to the briny deep

doesn't mean I can't have fun!

It just mean nobody has to die!

Am I right, my people?

Sprang Break!

Didn't feel a thing!