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04x11 - Koto, Plain and Tall

Posted: 06/13/23 05:48
by bunniefuu
I'm okay!

♪ Party ♪

- ♪ Who's the king? ♪
- ♪ King Julien! ♪

- ♪ Who's the king? ♪
- ♪ King Julien! ♪

♪ Get down for the get down ♪

- ♪ Everybody party with King who?
♪ - ♪ King Julien! ♪

- ♪King who? ♪ - ♪King Julien! ♪

♪ Tonight will be forever ♪

♪ Let's do King Julien style ♪

♪ Woof! ♪

♪ Whoa, oh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ Y'all tell me who's the king ♪

♪ Whoa, oh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ All hail King Julien! ♪

Jump! Jump! Jump!

I have heard your
pleas, my peoples,

and today, your life-long
dream of having a king

who rides over a giant
waterfall in a barrel

is finally coming true.

Oh, my king! He's so brave!


Okay, move along. Nothing
to see here but a mad king.

What? What did I even do?

Come on, Your Majesty.

You'll never take me alive!

- Nope. Not happening, Your Majesty.
- Huh. Uh...

Not on my watch.

I wouldn't be doing my job

if I allowed you to take
such a stupid risk.

Then I'll schedule my barrel
stunt on your day off.

If something happened to you,
the kingdom would be lost.

They need your wise counsel.

Yeah. Your advice really helped me
get over my ex-imaginary friend.

You hear that, Nathan?
We're through!

- Please.
- Hmph.

Promise us you'll drop this
whole stupid barrel stunt.


Fine, fine. I promise.

Come on, guys, It's me
we're talking about.

K-Jeezy. You can trust me.

Not even crossing my fingers.


What's this weird
barrel doing here?

Uh, nothing, you nosey doof.

What a rude barrel.


Even if nobody's here, I'll at
least have photosynthetic evidence

of my brave deed.

Man, that is one
good-looking thumb.

And now, let's do this.

Uh... Starting to
have second thoughts,

but thinking's never
been my thing.

Okay, I now see why
this was a bad idea!

Oof! Whoa!

I survived. Yes!

I'm glad I didn't make any bargains
with the sky gods to save me.

I'd never hear the end of it.

Uh... eh... uh...

You have saved me. I owe
you my life, brother.

Yeah. No biggie.

I smash giant snakes in a barrel while
screaming pathetically all the time.

It's kind of my signature move.

Uh... You realize you don't
have to keep bowing, right?

Just saying, it's a little
weird to bow that much.

Ah, I am called Koto.

Respeck. I am King Julien,

but you can just
call me King Julien.


You are a king?

Oh, yeah, one of the great ones.

A little surprising you haven't heard
all the great legends about me

and my heroic deeds.

And all the acts I did to
the annals of history.

An inspiration to all, I...

A storm approaches. I know a cave
nearby where we may seek shelter.

Oh. This is all my fault.

I should have known he
would never listen to us.

And now, he's probably
all soggy and dead

at the bottom of a waterfall.

I want my King Julien
soggy and alive!

He was my responsibility,
and I will find him.

In that storm? It's
too dangerous!

I don't know, Maurice, it's
probably not even that...

King Julien is out in that storm.
There's no time to waste.

Thanks for hooking
up the warmth, Koto,

but it kind of seems like saving your
life would be worth a bigger fire.

Not huge, but a tad bigger.
A smidge. A skosh.

A large fire could
attract predators.

Or it could let your homies
know that you're safe.


I am the last of my kind.

I have been without a true home

ever since my kingdom was
wiped out by the foosa.

Whoa. That's awful, man.

If you need a place to crash, my
kingdom hasn't been wiped out yet.

I am, once again, in your debt.

I fear the serpent may have returned.
Stay here.

Uh, everything okay out there?

Let me know if I can help.

Not really, though,
just being polite.

Whoa! Clover?

Guys, stop it!

You're both my homies.

Squash this beef!



Enough! Dude, seriously.

You can't just punch all
your problems away.

Not cool, Koto. Not cool.

You know this savage?

I make friends everywhere I go. I
got bros in different area codes.

Sometimes I break into flows.
That's how it goes.

- Oh!
- Are you injured?

Oh, no. Foot's a bit sore,
but otherwise, tip-top.

You fight like the warrior
queens of my tribe.

They were brutal, ruthless
and k*lled without mercy.

I bet you say that
to all the ladies.

This should aid in your healing.


Sounds like the storm
is letting up.

Let's get you back to the
village, King Julien.


Uh. Couldn't hurt to
stay a bit longer,

- I... I suppose.
- Jiggy, jee...

As of this morning, King Julien
and Clover are still missing.

We need to divide
into search parties.

That's what I'm talking about!

Aw, yeah!


It's not that kind of party.

Oh. So, what is it? More
of a cocktail reception?

Ted, you're with Pancho.

Okay, when we find them, you
want 'em dead or alive?

Alive! What is wrong with you?

Well, excuse me for being
thorough, Maurice!

Everybody, pair off and fan out into
every direction. No time to waste.

All right, so, I'm with you.
Are you with me?

It's hot, so we should all
stay plenty hydrated.

Wouldn't it be easier if we just
chose two idiots to replace 'em?

Sorry, baby. I gotta go search.

I sure hope they
find them quickly.

Yeah, I'm worried sick.

What are you still
doing here, Willie?

Uh... I have... bone
spurs in my feet, so...

Darn it all to gosh,
I'm not fit to serve.

Found 'em! And once again, the
cowardly guy saves the day.

- You're alive!
- Uh-huh.

What got into him?

Somebody show him a video of a
lion cuddling a baby monkey?

What a big crybaby.



Maurice isn't dead inside!

Huh? Is it raining?

The little one is
indeed amusing.

Smothered in bird dung? Classic.


Oh, we were worried
sick, Your Majesty!

No need to worry about me. This
guy here is a great warrior.

And I saved him!

So, basically, I'm pretty
sure I'm unkillable.

Wait, where is everyone?

When you didn't come back,
we formed search parties.

What... Search parties? You thought
I couldn't protect the king myself?

No... I...

You thought, "Well, if Clover
can't handle it, Horst sure can!

Oh, yeah, let's send
Pancho out there.

You can always trust him
to get the job done!"

It's ridiculous!

No, no, no, no. That
wasn't what I...

Oh, sheesh. There's
the recall horn.

Search is over.
Let's all go home!

So, how'd you like the
tour of the village?

It pleased me.

Although I feel you put
far too much emphasis

on trampolines and waterslides.

Thank you very much.

What truly fascinates me is

how weak and bad at fighting
most of your citizens seem.

Oh, yeah. Well, we settle most
of our disputes with dance-offs.

And no walls or gates
enclose your city. Huh.

Yeah, we had a wall once.

But it kind of k*lled the chilled-out
festival vibe we were going for.


Hello, hello. Sorry
to barge in, but I...

Oh, you're right, it does appear
that there is... there's room for...

one more. Yeah, that's me.
Don't mind if I do.

- Oh, hello. If I could... That's it.
- Hey, watch it.

Uh. This is nice, huh?

I come with an urgent warning.

Oh, yes, you're right.

It does appear there
is room for one more.

Hot, hot, hot, hot,
hot, hot, hot...

Hello, Babak.

That name is dead to me, Koto.
I now go by...

What, eh... You guys
know each other?

Koto shouldn't be here. He is
a wolf, dressed like a sheep,

wrapped in an enigma, with
henna-tattoo lies all over him.

- With a sheep? With a hat? With a...
- A wolf... Come on, now.

- Didn't I tell you, he always does this.
- I don't even know what that E-word was.

You must banish him
from the kingdom.

Whoa! Hey!

We don't use the
B-word around here!

Koto is in a very vulnerable
place right now because

his whole kingdom got wiped out,
and he's the last of his kind.

All wiped out?

Yep, all.

Koto, is this true? How
could you let that happen?

Uh, Sage, why do you know
so much about my new bro?

Because Koto is not your bro.

He's my bro-ther.





Uh, again, I don't
really understand.

And I told her, "I didn't sign
up for this kick-boxing class

to make friends. I'm here to
channel my rage and hurt people."

Yo, hotchy-motchy!

- Did you see the size of that snake?
- Hmm?

Do you see things like
that a lot, Horst?

How can you be
certain that my...

I mean, Koto's kingdom
was really destroyed?

Why would he lie about
something like that?

Why does the oak tree
pretend to be an acorn?

Has anyone ever told you
you're, like, super weird?

Yes. Koto is the last planted
seedling in my familial garden.

Are you trying to say he's
your younger brother?

When I shed the shackles
of kings and crowns,

Koto took my place as the
ruler of our people.

Hold the front door!
Koto is a king?

I've been talking to him like he's
a common loser this whole time.

Yes. I forsook the throne
to find my truth, and...

to eat twigs and pine cones.

Koto chose the easy path.

I doubt he's ever even had
to survive on his own urine.


You sure you're not just jealous

that Koto is on a
date with Clover?

A... date?


There's something I've
been meaning to ask you.

You seem to be an
excellent fighter.

How exactly did your kingdom
get wiped out by the foosa?

You think my story is dishonest?

Well, it's my job
to be suspicious.

- Do you not find me trustworthy?
- Huh?

No, no, no, just, uh...

What were we just talking about?

I hope it's not too forward of me
to say you eat as much as a man.

You really know how to
make a girl feel special.

And, yes, yeah, I do work
up quite an appetite

being the kingdom's
only line of defense.

Eh. Mmm.

It truly is only you
watching over all of them?

Well, there is an assistant
captain of the ring tail guard.

But, yeah, it's mostly just me.
Shall we head back to the village?

I had something else in mind.


Oh! Looks like they're having
some sort of dinner party. Ha!

I seem to have misplaced
my invitation.

Oh, wait, here it is. And
what do we have here?

I've got a plus-one.

You know, it's rude to talk
with your mouth full...

of my foot!


Your choice of words amuses me.

Hai-yah! You try.

Ah! My hand just hit your face.

Yeah, we'll work on that.

♪ Our eyes met from
across the brawl ♪

♪ Right then, I knew
you had it all ♪

♪ You love like a woman
Eat like a man ♪

♪ You're powerful,
you're kind of cruel ♪

♪ And all your scars
are super cool ♪

♪ I'll stand by your side ♪

♪ We'll fight hand in hand ♪

♪ And when we're
punching sharks ♪

♪ It's like the sweetest kiss ♪

♪ It's no coincidence ♪

♪ That our heart's
the size of a fist ♪

♪ We're violently in like ♪

♪ With every single
kick and strike ♪

♪ We're violently in like ♪

♪ Hearts racing fast
like motor bikes ♪

♪ With every bone we break ♪

♪ The things I feel are more ♪

♪ Than I can take ♪

Something strange is
happening, Your Majesty.

Yeah, ever since I
got electrocuted,

appliances have been
crazy around me.

Somebody call an exorcist!


Maurice is right.
Maurice is right.

Something strange is happening.

You could hear me?

I'm Sage Moondancer.
I hear everything.

Look around the village.
What do you see?

Besides trees, rocks, puddles,

some bugs flying around,
air molecules...

Ge-ge-ge-get to the point, Sage!

The one thing you
don't see is lemurs.

The space is even emptier
than it normally is.

And I'll give you one
guess who's behind it.

- Is it Koto?
- Yeah, right, Maurice.

Koto is my bro-to.

Wait, is it Koto? Is Mo-Mo right?
Is it Koto?

Koto, Mo-Mo? Koto?
Mo-Mo? Momokoto?


You think I'm behind the
disappearing villagers, Babak?

You know that's my
non-self-actualized name.

I am Sage Moondancer or...

for short.

And, yeah, I think
you're behind this.

Wasn't Clover with you?

Oh! Oh...

What is this really
about, brother?

Surely, you're not
still jealous of me.



No, Clover's on a
"date" with Koto.

That's where I just was.

Okay, then where's Crimson?

- I don't know.
- Crimson's missing?

- Isn't anyone worried about her?
- No.

Oh, okay. What would I have to
be jealous of you for, Koto?

You're jealous that
I had the courage

to stay and fight instead
of running and hiding.

And now, our kingdom is gone.

Great work, Koto.

Really kept everyone safe.

That was sarcasm.

I know with the inflection of my voice,
the sarcasm doesn't always come through.

Stand down! There is no
reason for you two strong

gorgeous lemurs to
be fighting over me.

That is what's going on
here, isn't it? Right?

Oh, golly, is it me or is it a
tad warm and sticky in here?

Not that I'm complaining.

Hello! Whose hand is that?

Oh. It's mine.

That's where all the other citizens are!
They're inside the snake!

Guys, I got this!

Just let me get my barrel and climb
to the top of a giant waterfall.

No need, Your Majesty.
I'll handle this.




Uh... huh...

I'm just gonna go
grab that barrel.

I shall handle this.

Actually, I shall handle this.

Maybe you two could
work together.

Guys? Guys?


I'm flying, man.

Thank you, Koto. Ugh.

Join me in finishing the job.

How are you at tying knots?

We make a pretty good team.

Yes, we do.

Hm. Hmm...


Wait, just 'cause I should
probably wash all the snake spit

and stomach acid off first.
But just...

Don't go anywhere, 'cause
coming right back.

Now that the threat
has been neutralized,

it is time for me to move on.

I'd be honored if
you would join me.

Oh, um...

King Julien needs me here,
protecting the kingdom.

Why don't you stay? Well,
if your kingdom is gone,

you don't have anywhere
else to be, right?

I should get this serpent safely away
from the village before it wakes up.

I will return for you some day.
I promise.

- Mmm.
- Mmm-hmm.


The Moondancer is
watching you, brother.

Watching you like a bird that
is known for watching things.

Closely. But from a distance.

Hey, buddy,

if you ever need a place to
stay or a trampoline to jump on

or a tub to hot in, you
are always welcome here.

I am forever in your debt.


Think what would have happened if
I hadn't saved that guy's life.

I feel real good about that.
Real good.

I tracked your snake all the
way across the island, Benson.

Pet ownership is a
huge responsibility.

You must take it more seriously.

I have found our next conquest.

Their land is lush and
full of resources.

And their king is a
harmless buffoon.

We will crush them like
beetles underfoot!

♪ We're violently in like ♪

♪ With every single
kick and strike ♪

♪ We're violently in like ♪

♪ Hearts racing fast
like motor bikes ♪

♪ With every bone we break ♪

♪ The things I feel are more ♪

♪ Than I can take ♪