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Lost Century, The: And How to Reclaim It (2023)

Posted: 06/13/23 06:17
by bunniefuu
We are

hurdling toward the day

when climate change

could be irreversible.

Rising sea

levels already altering

this nation's coast.


capital is choking

in its worst

pollution of the year.

5% of

species will become extinct.

Sea levels

rising, glaciers melting.

If we do nothing,

the picture of the world

is one of absolute devastation.

There's no convincing

scientific evidence

for man-made

climate change.

We're spewing 162

million tons of human-cause,

global warming pollution

into it every single day,

as if this is an open sewer.

Satellite data demonstrates

in the last 17 years,

there's been zero warming,

none whatsoever.

It's why, you

remember how it used

to be called global warming

and then magically the theory

changed to climate change.


The reason is

it wasn't warming,

but the computer

models still say it is,

except the satellites

show it's not.

We are in the beginning

of a mass extinction

and all you can

talk about is money

and fairy tales of eternal

economic growth, how dare you.

Drill baby, drill?

Drill baby drill.

You can have the

best capitalism

and global capitalism

in the world,

but if people are dead,

they're dead, it's over.

Enough is enough.

The world is at

a breaking point.

Catastrophic climate

change, biosphere collapse,

and a global energy crisis

have been met with apathy,

denial and despair.

It is going to take

everything we know and love.

Like clockwork,

our corporate overlords

present us with two

untenable options.

Submit to an itinerary

of energy rationing

and population control,

or ride the status

quo into the abyss.

Both sides are right and

both sides are wrong,

which means both sides are

missing a critical piece

of the puzzle.

Since the early

2000s, we have seen

an increasing number of

unauthorized and or unidentified

aircraft or objects in military

controlled training areas

and training ranges and

other designated airspace.

Some of them appeared

to remain stationary

in winds aloft,

move against the wind,

maneuver abruptly,

or move at considerable speed

without discernible

means of propulsion.

That's pretty intriguing.

I think I would, without

discernible means of propulsion,

I would say that we're

not aware of any adversary

that can move an object

without discernible

means of propulsion.

The phrase

unidentified flying object,

is a deliberately

obfuscating term.

What it really is is

an alternative energy

and propulsion device.

This is the real

reason for the secrecy.

These technologies, if

they were disclosed,

would end fossil fuels,

pollution and poverty overnight

and usher in a new era of

abundance, freedom and peace.

Instead, they have been kept

secret for over 100 years.

Dr. Steven Greer, the

world's leading expert

on UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence,

has been advising presidents

and heads of state

for 30 years on the

urgency of the situation.

We don't have much time left.

What is this lost century?

This lost century is

literally 100 years,

more than that now,

of technologies that have

existed that have vanished.

I mean, I was just recently

in a meeting in

Washington with the people

who managed the black

budget of the United States.

They have no access

to this material

because between the

late 1800s and now,

the ingenious

inventions in sciences

that could have moved us off

that extinction-level path

that we're on,

have all been ruthlessly

suppressed, confiscated.

And the only way

that's gonna change,

it is not gonna

change in Washington.

It is not gonna change

in a large corporation.


It's gonna change by

us, the people doing it.

So it's about us.

Let's look at this,

you know what this is?


a whole fleet of them,

look on the ASA.

My gosh.

They're all

going against the wind.

The wind's a 120 knots west.

Look at that thing, dude.

This is an alternative

energy and propulsion device.

These are things

that have existed

all the way back into the '60s,

but the one that

they call the Tic Tac

here off the coast of San Diego,

the white one, looked

very much like this.

These have been made by

the Lockheed Skunk Works

and my favorite

letter of all time,

the head of the Lockheed

Skunk Works, Ben Rich.

Look at the date on it, 1986.

This was an answer to a

letter someone wrote and says,

are these UFOs man-made

or extraterrestrial?

He says, many of

our man-made UFOs

are really unfunded opportunities,

meaning if it was

released for public use,

it'd be an enormous industry.

Every meeting I go in

Washington, I said,

see that thing you guys

are all talking about?

That's Lockheed Skunk Works.

They have left us behind

and everything we see

out in our world today is

absolutely a construct.

It's an absolute construct.

The internal combustion

engines are obsolete.

The nuclear power

plants are obsolete.

The coal fire

plants are obsolete.

We have the wind generators,

those are obsolete.

The solar power,

it's all obsolete.

If we could follow the gravity

research that the contractors

and research institutions

have been doing,

we could see that

bright future as well.

So a lot of people say,

well, how is this thing moving?

There's no fuel on board,

there's no nuclear power plant,

there's no jets and no rockets.

Well, way back in the '40s,

Dr. Casimir, he

predicted and later

it was proven in the '50s,

what's called the zero

point energy field.

Zero point

energy or what Nikola Tesla

called radiant energy

is the most profound

and transformative gift

that the quantum

world offers us.

The seemingly empty

vacuum of space

is actually a roiling

sea of virtual particles

fluctuating in and

out of existence

and all those fluctuations

require energy.

If we could tap into

this energy source,

we would unlock a virtually

unlimited reservoir

of clean, free energy.

Extraterrestrial spacecraft

are known to harness

zero point energy.

US scientists

understand what this was.

It was an energy device that

used a zero point energy.

It didn't mean that's

what they referred it to

as zero point energy.

And it was connected

in such a manner

that this device could power,

I mean from very small a

flashlight or a very small watch

up to a city and

power was determined

by what the demand on it was.


implications of free energy

go far beyond bringing

monthly electric bills

to zero or running a

car without gasoline.

Most of the cost

of making anything,

from growing food to

building a skyscraper,

is the energy of

pulling raw materials

out of the ground,

shipping, processing,

shipping again and so on.

If the cost of

energy goes to zero,

the cost of agriculture

and manufacturing

becomes negligible.

Other critical solutions

like water desalinization

to end drought or

air purification,

both of which are

prohibitively expensive

due to energy costs, would

suddenly become viable

in a free energy paradigm.

A new world where humans

live in perfect harmony

with nature is possible

within our lifetimes.

But this would mean

the end of oil, gas,

and coal, as well as the

centralized power grid

and the global

macroeconomic system

which will stop at

nothing to protect

the hundreds of trillions

of dollars at stake.

The consequences

of keeping all this secret,

we are in the process right now

of doing something that

I've termed Planetocide,

the deliberate k*lling

of an entire planet

with malice of forethought,

through greed and

stupidity and power.

All the damage we're gonna

see in a few minutes,

totally avoidable, every bit

of it since the 1920s at least.

And we can prove this.

I'm afraid that the term

Planetocide is all too real,

but Ecocide doesn't

really say it.

We are in the process of

destroying the biosphere,

destroying a habitable world

for certainly the majority

of the animals on the planet.

I'm an older guy,

I won't be around to

see the worst of this,

but I have not just

trepidation but terror

at what's gonna be faced

by my son's generation

and the generations

that come after him.

When someone asks me

how bad is the crisis,

I kind of don't

know where to begin

because what does

that even mean?

Does it mean, what is

the threat to humanity?

Have we reached some

kind of tipping point,

certain things

that get under my skin or

that especially alarm me,

and one of them is

the insect holocaust,

for lack of a better word.

The precipitous decline

in the number of insects,

the number of species,

total biomass of insects.

A lot of studies put

that decline at 80%.

When I was a child,

when we went on a long drive,

especially in the summer,

like we'd have to have

the windshield wipers on

from time to time to clear

off the bug splatter.

Like you just don't

have that anymore.

Insects are like the foundation

of the terrestrial food chain.

Like you can't have

a thriving ecosystem

without thriving insects.

This is the sixth

great extinction

that's happening on the planet

and it's 100%

man-made, all of it.

We have to all awaken

'cause what's happened,

I think we're like a

frog being boiled slowly

and suddenly we're gonna wake up

and find out, it's too late.

150 species every

day go extinct.

Now, these aren't all

animals, all kinds of species.

The planet has been dying at

human hands for a long time.

A naturalist, I like

J. B. MacKinnon,

he calls the world a 10%

world as kind of a poetic

expression of how much

life has declined.

So there's maybe

10% of the whales

that there were 500 years ago

and the seabirds

and the wetlands

and the mangrove swamps

and the fish biomass,

we don't even know

what we have lost,

although on some

level we feel it.

This is part of the despair,

part of the alienation

and the anguish that

sensitive people feel.

Ice caps are melting.

The oceans are

certainly gonna rise.

They could rise

as much as 20 feet

if we have the big ones melt.

This is all the

way back in 1958

and there was a full page

color ad in Life Magazine.

Everybody was reading

Life Magazine at the time,

and it's by an oil company,

which was the

predecessor of Exxon,

which was called Humble.

Each day, Humble

supplies enough energy

to melt seven million

tons of glacier.

Here they're bragging

about it in 1958.

So this company gets rebranded

as Exxon in the 1970s

and July, 1977,

they have a meeting

inside Exxon headquarters

where their chief scientist,

James Black, is showing

slides that are warning

that burning fossil fuels

are going to eventually

endanger all of humanity,

they know this in 1977.

"Present thinking holds

that man has a time window

of 15 years before the need

for hard decisions

regarding changes

in energy strategies

might become critical."

Well those 15 years were

up in the early 1990s.

Look at this.

How long ago was it recognized

that this was a disaster?

Senior scientist

Exxon, 45 years ago.

And actually it was

known before then.

This is insanity, this

is civilization gone mad.

These companies have really

not been held accountable.

We've lived in a

fossil fuel economy now

for more than 100 years and

it's just been accelerating.

The amount of wealth

has been increasing.

You have situations now

where the head of ExxonMobil

goes on to become the

Secretary of State,

Rex Tillerson under

President Trump.

And I'm an environmentalist,

a lot of people don't

understand that.

I think I know more about the

environment than most people.

And so there is really

very little accountability

that exists.

Many scientists such

as myself have discovered

that there are very

concerted, well-oiled machines

that provide false information,

even to scientific

and academic programs.

It's called Capture,

where they try to

rationalize away

this problem and

everything's fine.

One company, Exxon alone,

has funded more than

40 different groups

to keep alive its campaign

to deny the worst impacts

of climate change.

There was a guy

named Martin Hoffert

and he's a Professor of

Physics at New York University,

a consultant to Exxon for

their climate modeling

during the 1980s,

and he said this.

The advertisements that

Exxon ran in major newspapers

raising doubt about

climate change

were contradicted by

the scientific work

we had done and continued to do.

Exxon was publicly promoting

views that its own scientists

were wrong and we knew that

because we were the major

group working on this.

This was immoral and has

greatly set back efforts

to address climate change.

Here's a case where

the Canadian government

ordered the scientist not to

disclose the extent of it.

So what you get in the media

is a very sanitized

version of this problem,

which many people believe

we may have already gone over

the edge of the red line,

how far we can go

without a safe return

to a sustainable civilization.

China is the world's

biggest greenhouse gas emitter

by a huge margin, and if

there's anything clear

so far coming out of this

year's Communist party Congress,

it's that coal is having

a bit of a revival

in the world's second

largest economy.

A senior energy officials

said China will give full play

to coal as ballast in

the country's energy mix.

Why are we digging

stuff up out of the ground

when we haven't needed the

burn coal since about the 1920,

1930 time period?

Here's your solar panels.

I had to replace

my solar panels,

and they all end up in a

landfill, they're toxic.

You know, we're

working in a paradigm,

whether it be fossil fuels

or what is being proposed

as new energy, that

isn't gonna work.

I'm certainly not opposed

to renewable technologies,

but you know, they are

dependent on weather,

they're dependent on

how much wind there is

in an area or they're

able to harness of the sun

and they cost an awful

lot to bring up to speed.

No environmentalists

wants to see vast landscapes

converted to biofuels or

pit mines to mine silver

and cobalt and lithium, wind

turbines that k*ll birds

and mar the landscape.

This isn't what

we signed up for,

but this is what

happens when we abdicate

our relational care

for every place

and ecosystem and being

on Earth and transfer that

onto yet another quantitative

cost benefit paradigm.

And you have lithium fields,

the amount of pollution from

these lithium mining operations

for lithium ion

batteries in your Tesla.

Not to mention they

catch fire periodically.

Now, fair enough, I'm an

emergency and trauma doctor.

Gasoline cars catch

fire more.

I can tell you some

horror stories,

which I'm sure you

don't want to hear.

And then we have this whole

morass of how we're living,

on wires that we haven't needed.

And so the entire system

is set up to benefit

a relatively small number

of global oligarchs

and financial interests

that we absolutely

have to say enough,

they've had 150

years to do this.

If we want to live

among other life

in the future and not

in a concrete hellscape

where we retreat

into virtual worlds

to compensate for the

loss of what is alive,

then we have to change our ways

and we have to start acting

from our care for life.

Most of you know that

there are these nano

particulate plastics

that are in the entire food

chain that cause cancer,

they disrupt hormones,

they damage your brain.

And why?

Well, if we had quote,

unquote free energy systems

from what we're gonna describe,

this zero point energy field,

you would never have

to have anything wasted

'cause you have 100% recycling.

'Cause the cost of the

energy would be zero.

And then we have all

these famines happening

around the world

because of the absolute

social injustice of a system

that is driven by greed

and scarce resources.

When, as Tesla pointed out,

there's an infinite amount

of energy to be tapped

in what is now being quantified

as the zero point energy field.

How do you tap it now?

Mainstream science says

it can't be tapped.

It's there theoretically.

Not true.

And you're gonna find

out how untrue that is.

International Panel

on Climate Change,

which issues annual reports

about the dire state

of things that we're facing.

It says in their latest report

that over the next decade alone,

between 32 million and

130 some million people

are gonna be driven into poverty

because of the change in

climate in their countries.

Three billion people, almost

half the world's population,

has no way to cook their food.

They have no way to heat.

But what they're doing,

they have to just survive,

is cutting down the

rainforest and cutting down

the scrub and shrubs

in the desert,

you have what's called

the desertification,

where you have the growth of

deserts going on exponentially.

You can take maps

from 40 years ago

and now and just see the

growth of this dead zone.


You have three billion

people that don't even have,

even if they've had

access to fossil fuels,

they don't have access,

this is how they're living.

It's not only that

three billion people

don't have access

to energy sources,

it's also that their way of life

is under constant

as*ault by our own,

primarily through the financial

system that imposes debt

through development loans

and other mechanisms

on most of the world,

who then must in order

to meet the debt payments

must convert their

environment into commodities

and their time and energy

into labor for the

global marketplace.

So if you don't include

those kinds of issues

and you're only talking about,

let's bring more

energy to the world,

so that we can raise them

up to be like ourselves.

Come on, it's not working.

Being like ourselves

is not working.

Look at the depression.

Look at the su1c1de,

look at the addiction,

look at the obesity,

look at the despair.

This is not a fit

destination to evangelize

throughout the world.

We need some humility here.

The dire emergency in East

Africa, the drought there

exacerbating the hunger crisis.

As many as 20 million

people could be starving

by the middle of this year,

half of them children.

I firmly believe there can

be no peace on this planet

without justice and

there can be no justice

when half the

population of the world

is required to live

in abject poverty

that it's a direct result of

the world's energy system.

So I always liken this,

we're living in this sort

of "The Truman Show".

It's a perfect metaphor for

the world we're living in now

where the people who are

saying we need more oil,

gas and coal until we get

something to replace it,

they're right.

Look what's happening

all over the world.

On the other hand,

the people say,

we can't just keeping

drill baby drill

and burning oil and gas and coal

because we're destroying

the biosphere.

And they're right, now

when both sides are right

and both sides are wrong,

someone's been had,

we've been had, by people who

want to deceive us and think

that we're actually

having a legitimate debate

about energy and

the environment.

We are not, we're all Jim Carrey

living in this "Truman

Show" of a construct.

So everyone's saying, well,

we don't have enough

fossil fuels coming out

and the density of energy from

solar and wind isn't enough.

So let's build more of these.

Well then you're stuck with

one million years of toxic,

life-k*lling waste

from nuclear reactors.

Greenhouse gas emissions

would only decrease,

according to a

recent study, by 4%

if we double the amount of

energy that we're getting

from nuclear power by 2050.

Well, that's not a very good

statistic to think about.

Most people think

when nuclear power plant

is running, that you're

somehow getting energy

from the atom directly.


What you're doing is splitting

the atom, as it were,

creating a lot of heat that

boils water, heats water,

it turn a steam engine,

like a choo choo train

in 1849 coming out to the

Gold Rush in California.

That's all a nuclear

power plant is,

except they're stuck with

a million years of waste.

And this is the other problem,

the distribution of the power

from the point that you have

the primary source, by

the time you generate it,

transmit it through the

inefficient transmission lines,

and then the you're wiring

in your device or your home,

you've lost at least 66%.

So 66% of the energy

is completely wasted.

So here's your energy

grid, 12% is a renewable,

the rest is the old system.

So if you plug in

your electric car,

88% of the power is coming

from gas and oil and coal.

The entire world is running

on an energy

paradigm of scarcity,

meaning that there's never

more energy than we generate.

And we lose that energy

as we move it around

and deploy it in different ways.

And so energy is expensive

and energy is difficult

to get to remote areas.

And the energy is important

because of its inputs

in growing food and its

inputs in manufacturing

and its inputs in the economy

and its inputs in

all of these things

that make people's lives better

and that solve the

problems that desperately

need to be solved on

the planet right now.

Over-unity is a

very simple idea.

It's that you're getting

more energy out of something

than you're putting into it.

And according to mainstream

science, that's impossible.

What free energy

devices suggest

is that there is

a limitless supply

of usable energy that's

always coming into reality

and that we're not

living in a universe

of fundamental scarcity.

So over-unity is more

than just a breakthrough

that's going to live its

life in a technical vapor.

That's not that, it's

really the ability

of humans to

liberate themselves.

Yes, there is a history,

a long history of

over-unity systems.

For example, Nikola

Tesla had one,

basically his big magnifying

transformer that he had

in Long Island was such

an over-unity system.

He got the entire Earth

itself in resonance.

Everything going on is

feeding energy into the Earth

starts to feed energy into

that wave that he created.

So he gets a lot more

energy in his resonant wave

fed from outside,

from the environment

in the interior of the Earth.

His idea was you could

then put in a tap on it

anywhere else on the

world and extract it free.

And of course JP Morgan's take

on that was, that's foolish.

You can't put a meter on it.

So that actually doomed much

of Tesla's career at that point

when Morgan found

out that he, Tesla,

was going to produce

the energy freely.

But I love this quote,

"If you wanna find the

secrets of the universe,

think in terms of energy,

frequency and vibration."

Now the reason he said

that is that when you use

what's called a very

high voltage system,

you can tap in to

what Professor Casimir

called this zero

point energy field.

Some people called it

the quantum vacuum.

Other people like

Professor Dyrak

modestly called it the Dyrak-C.

And we just tested

a device last month

in the Arizona desert,

you'll see in a moment,

that is based on that.

Nobody is really trying to

get, for example, over-unity,

more energy out of

something than you put in

because it's assumed

that that is impossible.

Well, that might be impossible,

but only if you don't

really understand

the fabric of reality itself.

They just can't believe it.

Especially engineers,

because I know

how we were taught, right?

There is no vacuum energy.

You're just a coup when

you think so, right?

If they took a

little more physics,

they would go, well maybe.

It's not a small thing.

It's not a matter of finding

proof for some technology,

for some invention and

convincing everybody of it.

You can't convince

somebody of something

that so totally contradicts

their basic assumptions

about the universe.

But what if there's a pool

of energy available to us

that we didn't even

think was possible

because we're operating on these

100-plus year old assumptions.

We can't find this excess energy

simply because no

one's looking for it.

So-called empty space

isn't really empty at all.

It's actually full of energy.

So instead of being like

kind of a quiet, empty lake,

it's more like the froth

at the base of a

waterfall or something.

But when you go to

look at the numbers,

you find out that

there's enough energy

in the volume of a coffee cup

to evaporate all

the world's oceans

if you could get it all up.

And here we have a car from

1921 running without a plug.

Now look at this old car

and it was pulling energy

out of, they just said

out of the environment,

they couldn't quantify what,

but they had the

correct frequency.

And this had a battery and

some wiring and it was running,

running, running, running

around without being plugged in.

Memo to Tesla Motors,

go and research this and

get rid of your plug-ins.

And this is one of

my favorites, 1902,

a farmer and engineer named

Stubblefield with Tesla.

He had something they

called the Earth battery

or the Stubblefield battery

and it had rods going into

the Earth and some wiring

and it was picking up

this magnetic flux field

of the planet.

And he was running his farm

and Tesla was there

with him, 1902.

So when I say 100

years, lost century, no.

I do not wish to

talk about it myself.

And I've been the victim of

quite a bit of suppression.

So has any other legitimate

researcher in this area.

The government is

protecting the oil industry

because they're in bed together.

Tremendous amounts

of contributions

for politicians come from

these huge companies.

And these huge companies have

been covering up for years

what we're doing to the planet.

Today, we don't have

so much big kingdoms.

We have cartels, we have a

whole set of cartels in an area,

interlocking corporations.

And behind this we

have a few people

who are quite wealthy

and who own most things.

Any time we have a

very powerful cartel

or set of people that

control a lot of things,

that resists any means of

changing its inflow of control

and its inflow of funds

and money and its power.

Everybody's trying

to be the big monkey.

It's really as simple as that.

Here we have all the methods.

Some of these are common

sense where every one of these

are ones I have encountered

and investigated

personally with geniuses,

engineering geniuses

and physics geniuses,

but strategically

impaired inventors.

Black shelving.

So someone comes along,

they offer you 20

million for your device.

It's a corporation,

they put it on a shelf.


National security orders.

We're gonna show

you one from a man

we just met with.

Patent seizures,

financial entanglements

from investors

because they're doing

their whole business

and legal strategy wrong.

Legal entanglements where

they end up in court.

Threats to the individuals.

I had a guy under

contract building one.

All you had to do was have

some thugs come in and say,

you, your wife, you're dead,

you stop this and he stopped.

And then scientific fraud.

The more powerful the agency,

the more powerful the group,

the more powerful the cartel,

the more they will resort

not only to legal means,

but to extralegal means to

suppress their competition.

For example, the greatest

espionage in the world

is industrial espionage between

one corporation and another.

Right here in America.

They're the ones that

hire all the spies

and their spooky equipment

and everything like that,

by far more than

the intel agents do.

And it's not one

cartel, there are many,

many groups in energy

and each of those

has become very powerful

in its own area.

And each one does

not wish to see

simple little electrical taps

pulling out enormous

energy from the vacuum.

They would much rather see

you burning a lot

more oil and so forth.

So there's something

nefarious afoot.

It kind of makes sense,

threatening oil monopoly

and things like that, okay,

so it, I said pretty early on,

the problem is

suppression, wasn't really

how do I make a

free energy machine?

It's how do I not

get suppressed?

Because like what's the point,

if you make it and it's

just gonna get clobbered.

And then you have

a really big one,

media corruption or why

doesn't everyone in the world

know these things have existed?

Because as you'll

see in a little bit,

the media, at a certain

high level, have operatives

from the intelligence community

who k*ll stories on demand.

And then the worst

of course, Wetworks.

It's not totally

mafia type stuff.

It's not like, you

just flat get shot.

There's some of that.

The typical threat's

threat to the family, right?

Typical mafia, right?

Just watch "The Godfather",

see how they work, right?

There's an interesting

record of people

that have come up

with new alternatives

to the oil and gas industry

who have met untimely demises.

I don't know if

you'd say that's true

in terms of Nikola

Tesla specifically,

but he was hit by a taxi

cab back in the early 1930s

and didn't die immediately,

but then died alone in a

hospital room a few years later.

When they found out that Tesla

had passed away in the hotel

New Yorker, they came in,

they had the manager of

the hotel open the safe

and they took all

of Tesla's papers.

So here you have an

actual FBI document

and the Department of

Defense is demanding

they turn over what

they seized in 1943.

Now this used to

be an urban myth.

Oh well he had these secret

inventions and papers

and the government stole

it, no, it's right here.

That technology and

what was in those boxes,

what was written in those

papers, we do not know.

And we may not ever know.

So they go in,

the FBI takes it,

here the Department of

Defense years later is saying,

we want all those papers

that you confiscated in 1943

upon Nikola Tesla's death.

And then you have just flat

out patent confiscation

through national

security orders.

Look at this.

This is 12 years ago.

5,135 inventions seized under

national security orders.

A 1971 list includes

patents for solar voltaic

that were subject to restriction

because they were more

than 20% efficient.

The most efficient solar

panel you can get right now

in 2022 is 22.8%.

These were way past that,

how many years was that?

51 years ago.

Okay, we're not talking

about an extraterrestrial spacecraft

or anti-gravity or

gravity control.

We're talking about just a

super efficient solar panel.

Those are confiscated.

This is one of my favorite

statements of this report.

One may fairly ask if disclosure

of such technologies could

really have been detrimental

to the national security

or whether the opposite

would be closer to the truth.

Yeah, we hear the words

vital interests of

national security.

Well, what we're really

talking about there

in terms of Iraq,

for example, in the early 2000s,

which was all trumped up,

there were no weapons

of mass destruction.

That's what was being

touted by the media,

So Judith Miller at the

New York Times and others,

to justify what we were doing

to get rid of S*ddam Hussein.

But in fact,

the only national security

implication of that

was the oil industries,

what they get from it.

But again, what does

national security mean here?

Oil, gas, Petrodollar, Goldman

Sachs, JP Morgan Chase,

that's the national security

in the abused corrupt system.

It's a policy that the

military seems to feel

is necessary for

national security.

However, at this point,

we often wonder 50

years after World w*r II

and the Cold w*r, whether such

sequestering is necessary,

especially when fossil

fuels are a major cause

of global warming.

So here we have a

man, he was fired.

Dr. Tom Malone, he

was a PhD physicist.

He was a patent

examiner and he saw

these amazing technologies

being confiscated.

This is not a conspiracy

theory and he blew the whistle.

They fired him.

'Cause he saw things that

would save the planet.

Now this is way back

in the '80s or '90s.

Patent sequestering,

which is actually

called secretizing,

public needs to know at least

that every major military agency

has a representative

at the patent office.

Patent office in its

current approach is,

it's actually breaking the law,

is trying to make

happy the physicists

who are with American

Physical Society,

to keep them in power with

their ideas you might say,

and withhold from public

use good inventions

that could solve our problems

like the energy crisis.

Boeing had just

finished some work

on some propulsion system.

Boeing had done it for the

Air Force and they finished

the job and then they

applied to their customer

at the Air Force for permission

to use it on Boeing's

commercial airlines.

And they were denied.

An example of the

ongoing suppression

of things that seemed

to be innocuous

and a slight improvement

in technology.

So, T. Henry Moray had

a device, no input energy

once he got it set up,

output 50 kilowatts,

he had multiple

assassination attempts

and finally was

bankrupted in his lab.

This is the 1930s.

There is absolutely no

question that T. Henry Moray

had a system that produced

about 50 kilowatts

out of a 55 pound box.

There's all kinds

of skullduggery

that happened there.

The Russians even tried

to kidnap him at one time.

It reads like James Bond

movie, but it's real.

It really happened

and it really happened

here in the United States.

He was a friend of mine.

He was a Wright Patterson

Project Blue Book guy.

But when he retired,

he built a device that you

could put on the air intake

of a car, this is in the '80s.

Where you would get

anywhere from 20 to 40

some percent more range,

miles per gallon

on conventional.

I treat air and out of air,

I make it more than

just providing oxygen

for the combustion process.

There are combustion

stimulating molecules

and radicals generated

in this process.

Thunderstorm in a bottle.

He had his lab vandalized,

everything stolen, b*mb

threats, et cetera.

This is a colonel who put

his entire life savings

into something in the '80s

that would've been

a game changer,

but it wasn't a

free energy device,

it wasn't something just

running out of the zero point,

it would've just just

gotten more efficiency

and cleaned up the air.


Protection Agency

is a bit of a dictatorial

police agency.

They call themselves

a protecting agency,

but they are a police agency,

EPA cannot approve a

fuel saving device.

They put out reams

of documentation

stating that something

will not work.

This gentleman

actually took a device

from a Russian

immigrant and another

and kind of packaged it.

He didn't actually

understand it that much.

And you had 26, almost 27 watts

going in 7,460 watts

going out and tested

and verified by multiple labs.

Gray started developing

this idea eight years ago.

For the past year and a half,

he's been trying to get someone

in the US government interested.

So far, he's had little luck.

Gray says he's

been getting the same reaction

he got 30 years ago when he

first proposed his theory.

Get this guy outta

here, he is crazy.


says it's paranoia.

The scientific community isn't

willing to accept teachings

opposite all previous learning.

And the military

aerospace industry

is afraid to admit decades

and billions of dollars

worth of research

have been wasted.

Now, unfortunately,

this disappeared because

he actually took the ideas

from some geniuses and was

trying to make a lot of money.

And so his became, I'm calling

this crazy inventor syndrome.

It's not very nice, but I

mean it's kind of crazy.

And here's why it's crazy.

They think I have the best thing

since sliced bread

and the world's gonna

beat a path to my door.

And they don't realize they're

gonna have corrupt interests

from the national

security state,

corporations and all kinds

of other people stop them.

So they think they're gonna

do a normal investment

and normal venture

capital and patent it

or keep the secret sauce of how

it works away from everyone.

And in every single

case for 100 plus years,

they've taken that

knowledge to their grave.

You're seeing the

paranoid inventor.

Plenty of stories on those guys.

It's my precious.

My precious.

I can't share my secret.

Everybody will take

it from me, right?

This paranoid, I have it.

This has worth gazillions

dollars and everything else.

And they're so naive,

have no idea that first they

think they're the first, right.

Have no idea the history of this

and what happens to the others.

So having done that

for 31 years now,

I have been dealing with people

with these devices since 1991.

Almost all of them fall into

some part of this syndrome.

And it's a tragedy.

You'll see the device,

I'll have engineers

come in and test it.

They go, oh no, I'm

gonna keep it secret.

Nobody can know but me and I

need to make a bunch of money.

They wanna be the next

Rockefeller of energy.

And the next thing

you know, they're dead

or the device is confiscated

or it vanishes in a buyout.

So this guy had

the same problem.

He had a device, they have

it, they're still running,

but they think that no one

can know this with them.

They're buying

into the paranoia.

My answer is, open source

it, dump it on the internet,

blockchain or any way you can.

You have no patent, no

intellectual property.

The whole world knows about it.

In every scientific lab in

the world can reproduce it.

We're gonna get to this

strategy in a minute.

That's how we go, we gotta

do that.

Because the very

definition of insanity

is doing the same

thing over and over

and expecting a

different result,

that's attributed to Einstein.

But how true is that here?

So we have to

change our strategy.

Many of these

inventors are really good

at the technical stuff,

but they're not

great communicators.

This power, it's something

I have given my life for,

for you the people, now set up

this demonstration for y'all.

You don't have to be

a rocket scientist.

They're not good at business.

They're not, like God can

make technical geniuses

and he can make

business savvy people,

but rarely do the two come

together in one person.

This story is fascinating

because he had a tiny,

you know what, 17 watts,

a 20 watt light bulb, it

was putting out 200 watts,

10 to 15 times more

output than input.

And this is in the '80s,

this is 40 years ago.

I was not convinced probably

on the first three times

that I saw the device

and saw it tested

that it indeed it put out

more energy than it took in.

I am convinced now, I was

a little bit prejudiced

and like all people that come

up with devices like this,

you think they're wrong.

And so you go down

to prove him wrong

if you're that interested.

And I was not able

to prove him wrong,

nor were the people

that I was with

able to prove him wrong.

And here's what happened.

He kept the whole

thing so secret.

It was going through

a patenting process,

but even the patent application

left out a lot of

the secret sauce.

Most of these inventors

do this, fatal mistake.

And what happened is that

it was all covered up,

that he actually

was taken to court,

patent office said,

even though he had proof

that it worked for multiple

very esteemed scientists,

patent examiners that proved

that the thing actually did

as he said it did.

And he got nowhere, he

took this to his grave.

Look at this video that

you're gonna see in a moment.

Mr. Newman

has been fighting for

a patent for years.

Many therefore considered it

ironic when a federal judge

appointed the former head

of the patent office,

William Schuyler,

to decide if Newman's

devices did or did not work.

Mr. Schuyler, who

is also considered

to be an expert on

electrical engineering

didn't take long to

make his decision.

In report of the special

master, Mr. Schuyler states,

"Evidence before the

court is overwhelming

that Newman has built

and tested a prototype

of his invention in

which the output energy

exceeds the external

input energy.

Therefore, there is no

contradictory factual evidence."

For the layman that

means the machine works.

The expert then goes on

to say "The patent office

finding that such a

machine is impossible

is clearly erroneous."

Mr. Schuyler also found

that the patent office

intentionally did not

consider the formalities

of Mr. Newman's

application for a patent.

Why wouldn't you go

along again with a master

that's former head

of the patent office

who has credentials that the

judge called outstanding.

Why wouldn't you go

along with the man

that you recommended

in granting a patent?

You ask mean

questions, don't you?

I think you'd have to

address that question

to our present Commissioner.

Are you

acting on his orders?

You might say that, yes.

There you go.

Operability or

utility is a rejection

that virtually none of

the patent examiners

and there's almost 5,000 of us,

were allowed to use in

any of our applications.

The supervisor particularly

always said that, oh,

that's something only

if you're dealing

with energy inventions.

So what we find is that

throughout the patent office,

that rejection for something

that we personally would

feel would not be operable,

was not a judgment we

were allowed to make.

Except if we're in that

security department

that deals with energy and

propulsion types of inventions.

Here we have a

brilliant device, again,

almost 40 years ago, look

at the input and output,

tested over and over again.

...3 milliwatts,

output 223,000 watts.

That's 22.4 kilowatts, that's

plenty to run your car,

your Tesla motor.

Now continuously output,

if needed on demand.

So this little thing that

looks like a cigarette pack,

when he died, of a mysterious,

they said a heart attack.

It's all kinds of

evidence he was k*lled.

This is

real, usable power.

It's stable, it

is not transient,

it is not noise

and it is not any other

kind of spurious effect.

This is a real effect.

It's all coming from

that little, tiny box

sitting behind the 500 watts

of power behind the lamps.

That little box is putting

out all of that power

well over 500 watts

and yet it is

receiving less than 1/3

of a milliwatt of input power.

This is April the 30th, 1987,

at about 10:30 p.m. in the

home of Mr. Sparky Sweet,

the inventor of the

very first vacuum trial.

This is a most

historical occasion.

I was altered when I

saw it because my view

was that you could be

anywhere then in the universe.

You could be in a cave,

you could be anywhere,

and you had energy.

This was overwhelming to

think that I could have energy

and the whole world

could have energy,

that all of a sudden we were

on equality economically.

We didn't have to worry

about the energy sources.

The rest of

that power is coming out

of the surging

energy of the vacuum.

And this little box that you

see right here, solid state,

no moving parts is

the vacuum triode

that's doing this very

practical and historical work.

He was shot at once

with a silence r*fle

from about 300 yards.

The only thing saved his life

was he was an old

guy and very feeble.

He was stumbling as he coming

up the steps and he fell down.

He just flat fell

down on the steps,

caught his foot and

fell right forward.

And as his head went forward,

the b*llet went right

by where his head was.

And of course the

assassin was never found.

This guy called me up, he

says, we really need your help.

And I said, the only

way you're gonna do this

is that you disclose it,

all of it, open source it.

Get it out there.

I will see that we get it out

to the entire

scientific community.

He says, no, no, no, Gollum.

My precious, my

precious, my precious.

And I said, dude,

you're you're gonna

take this to your grave.

He took it to his grave, yep.

It's gone.

This very distraught

lady who's Sparky's wife,

she's saying Sparky's dead.

And that she said

two strange men,

she called them strange men,

showed up at about five o'clock

the night before and they

stayed for a little while

and then they left.

And Sparky, an hour or two

later having a cup of coffee

and just keeled over onto the

floor, called the ambulance,

and she was 75 years old.

They would not let

her in the ambulance.

And the ambulance

then called her back

about 20 minutes later and said,

we don't think he's

going to make it.

And that was the end of

that until the next morning

when she called my sister-in-law

and talked to her and said,

"There are men here

that said they're FBI,

and they got black vans

and they're taking all this

equipment, what should I do?"

Good afternoon and

welcome to this edition

of Eyewitness Newsmakers.

I'm your host, Doug Miller.

On March the 23rd,

chemist Stanley Ponds

and Martin Fleischman

rocked the world of science.

They announced that they

had achieved coal fusion

in their laboratory at

the University of Utah.

The promise of a cheap and

a plentiful energy supply

grabbed the world's attention.

It did put out a lot of power.

But what was scary

is that this is 1989,

it made the cover of

all the magazines.

The way they took that

avenue of discovery

out of the scientific world

is that there were

people who were paid,

who were corrupted through

scientific fraud at MIT.

Next slide.

Dr. Eugene Mallove,

dear friend of mine,

PhD, Harvard and MIT.

Brilliant man.

There was a man

named Eugene Mallove,

who it's quite possible

was eliminated by

the powers that be

in the fossil fuel industry.

He died in 2004.

He was m*rder*d that year.

But Mallove was an

extremely important figure

in the alternative energy world,

especially in terms of

what's called cold fusion.

And he was at MIT,

in the science

office for education.

When he saw how they

had changed the data

on the reproducing the

Pons Fleischmann experiment

and he blew the whistle.

I inadvertently was

looking through some piles

of paper that had

been given to me

in a casual manner by all

these hot fusion physicists

as they were trying to do

their colormetric repeat

of the Pons

Fleischmann experiment.

And to my utter astonishment,

I can remember sitting

at my desk in my study

and actually seeing these

two sheets of paper,

the one dated July 10th, 1989

and another dated July

13th, three days apart.

The difference between July

10th and 13th was dramatic.

And I was stunned, I couldn't

believe what I was seeing.

It looked like monkey

business to me at the time.

And it has turned out

to be exactly that.

It was a lower echelon person

in the plasma fusion

center at MIT,

one of the 16 authors

of a scientific paper

done under Department

of Energy contract

that had altered data.

And that data is scientific

fraud as far as I'm concerned.

And many other

people are concerned.

And it was hell on wheels.

Finally gets someone who

brings him a zero point device,

solid state, no moving parts.

And I said, Eugene,

we need to get this out to

the public very quickly.

Oh no, they wanna

keep it secret.

I begged him and I begged him

and I begged him

and I begged him.

He was beaten to death when he

was over at his parents' home

and was k*lled, m*rder*d,

made to look like some thugs.

Yeah, they were thugs but

it wasn't a random m*rder

and the device

vanished with him.

Good friend of

mine, dear friend.

What we really

had was a threat

to the scientific establishment,

the threat of it even

being implied as real

and having monies, shall we say

being diverted from

their favored programs.

And that was a

threat, no question.

It was an actual threat

of that happening.

US scientists making

a huge breakthrough.

A source tells CNN that

for the first time ever,

researchers have been

able to create energy

from a fusion reaction.

Now Laura, I could explain

all of this in great detail,

but basically it's a giant step

towards a clean energy future

without dependence

on fossil fuels.

This is the first

time, by all accounts,

they've gotten more heat

out than they put in.

Not so fast.

This supposed breakthrough

announced just as we

were finishing this film

is a total distraction.

The net gain, .1 kilowatt

is enough to boil

a kettle of water

and not much else.

But what is truly baffling

is that they are not counting

the actual input required

to power the lasers

to get the machine going.

When you count

the energy it took

to generate the fusion reaction,

it's actually a

1200 times net loss.

Furthermore, fusion

reactions can generate heat

in excess of three

million degrees,

which would ignite the oxygen

in the surrounding air if

a breach ever occurred.

Everything about this is at

best wrong, at worst fraudulent.

So why is this fake

solution being pushed

by every media

outlet on the planet

when we have had

real solutions hidden

in classified programs

for 100 years?

Different people

have different devices.

Of the ones that have promise,

there's certain themes

that keep reemerging.

The first theme is

torsion physics.

Torsion physics is a

fancy way of saying

something that spins like this

and something that

spins like this,

think of it as like

an hourglass shape.

I think that it has to

do with it representing

the way energy moves

in the universe.

At the biggest levels like

the galaxy, it's a spiral.

A tornado on Earth is

this vortex motion.

Our DNA is a stranded spiral.

A second theme is plasma, a

lightning bolt is plasma, right?

The spark gap in

a car is plasma.

So plasma is the

fourth state of matter.

Solid water is ice,

add more energy,

it melts and becomes

water, add more energy,

it becomes steam.

And then if you were to

add even more energy,

say through running an electric

current through that steam

or through any gas,

you end up with plasma.

You can think of it as

maybe this liminal state

or in between state,

between the physical world

and the nonphysical world.

Whatever that is.

There's some evidence emerging

that plasma can provide

a shielding of inertia.

So if you imagine

that you're a UFO

and you need to zip

around at crazy speeds,

you can't pump the

brakes too fast,

otherwise everyone's

going to slam

into the windshield, right?

But if you had some

sort of inertial shield

around the craft, i.e.,

like a plasma shield,

you might be able to

eliminate the inertia

surrounding that and

keep the occupants safe.

I think this is why the UFOs

seem to glow, plasma glows.

A third theme is

that of the ether,

the conventional or

mainstream understanding

of the base level of reality

is maybe the quantum,

tiniest particles

all bumping into each other.

The ether conceives

of this differently,

it says that there's a

kind of a fluid geometry

that is the base layer

of physical reality.

And that to understand

that fluid geometry

is to be able to really

understand electricity,

magnetism and gravity.

And this, according to

Tesla and others, is the key

to really understanding

what he was getting

at with all of his

wireless transmission

of energy stuff.

But I believe that we're

going to see something

like a return of the ether,

it won't be called that,

but it'll be something like

that that's going to enable us

to make much more

progress in these areas

in the coming century.

This gentleman, he had a car

that would run on water

but it had to be modified.

A local inventor has

discovered a way, hear this,

to use water to run your car.

It's a major breakthrough

that will no doubt

make motorists happy.

And as Ralph Robinson explains,

the Pentagon is also showing

lots of interest

in this project.

And he always

kept that secret.

He had a patent that he

falsified the voltage

and the frequency

cycles per second

because he didn't want

anyone to reproduce it

and leapfrog him

financially, again,

this crazy inventor syndrome.

And what happened, and

when he passed away,

there was a whole warehouse

full of floppy disks and papers

and everything and his

heirs wanted to sell it off.

What people didn't

realize is that this car

was the least important

thing Stan Meyer had.

He had a Toroid and the Toroid

it was a donut shaped

electromagnetic device

that had had a national

security order slapped on it.

'Cause I was gonna get it

and openly disclose it.

The other

scientific establishment

may have ignored

the likes of Meyer,

a powerful military industrial

complex certainly hasn't,

over the past 10 years,

Meyer says he's been

quietly approached

by many influential organizations

who would never admit publicly

to their involvement with him.

This was a disaster.

If we had a few hundred

thousand we were gonna offer,

but we made it clear we

were gonna open source it.

Well they had a group

an engineering group

from Michigan come in

who had a lot more money

'cause they had a big backer

and they were gonna

monetize it, keep it secret,

try to repatent it,

all the usual crazy ideas

and which would be great

if you're just developing

a new software program,

but not something that's gonna

change the world forever.

Can't do it.

They were working

on a couple years,

I get this hysterical call.

"Dr. Greer, we need your help.

We need your help."

He says they're on the

run for their lives.

They've been sabotaged,

they've had death threats.

And my advice was,

forget about Gollum and being

my ring and my precious ring.

In this case, it was

literally a precious ring.

Just put it out there.

I will help spread it.

We will build these

up independently.

Have labs tested and you

cannot put that toothpaste

back in the tube, you

squeeze it hard enough.

He says, yes, you're right.

It's probably the only way,

but they think they can find

a safe country to go to.

I said, you're gonna have to

go to another star system,

my friend, I

literally said that,

no way that's gonna happen.

So sure enough, I find

out a few months later,

I'm meeting with a high

tech guy in Orange County.

That entire team was

assassinated, the one survived.

Was just crying like a

baby in this man's office.

Technology shows that

we can release energy

up to beyond 2.5

million barrels of oil

per gallon of water

and do it safely.

So it gives us the ability to

not only sustain and maintain

the economies of the world,

but also give us the

abilities to handle

the environmental pollution

problems at the same time.

This sort of encapsulates,

five or 10 of the

suppression techniques,

all the way from m*rder to

crazy inventor syndrome,

falsifying your patent,

trying to make money first

instead of proving the

science first, et cetera.

And of course he took

this to his grave.

He was poisoned and k*lled

at a cr*cker Barrel,

an ignominious death,

if everybody heard one.


Meyer's water engine

points us to a deeper mystery

concerning energy

in our universe.

Microscopic ball lightning.

The late physicist Ken

Shoulders developed a technology

called charge clusters, which

are likened to ball lightning.

When they are discharged,

they actually tap into the

zero point energy field.

This is where most of the power

in Stan Meyer's device

was coming from.

Like Stan, Ken Shoulders

faced terrible suppression.

And so I met with this

CEO and he says, yes,

they approved a $5

million grant from DOE,

so we could develop

this further.

'Cause one of the effects it had

that they were really pursuing

was putting low level

initially radioactive waste

in these charge clusters.

And it would cause isotopes

that were non-radioactive

to be created.

What does this mean?

We clean up all the

radioactive waste.

However, the phenomenon,

the reason it was doing it

was that it was actually

activating, as it were,

this baseline energy field

that's set the fabric of space

and time and that's what

they didn't want out.

So in the rarest of events,

that grant was published

and these vicious people

who wanna keep all

this stuff secret

went into the Secretary of

Energies office and said,

pull that grant,

and they pulled it.


technology to harness the power

of ball lightning

is being developed by a team

of engineers in Florida.

They have successfully

tested several prototypes

that allow any internal

combustion engine

to run mostly on water.

It's a little quicker, huh?

This is a phenomenal

system patented,

but it runs internal

combustion engines on water

with a little bit

of gasoline in it

so you don't have to modify

the engine, it won't rust.

What this means is

with Stan Meyer,

you really had to have a

different kind of engine

and spark plug and all that,

this conventional spark

plug engine, all of it,

'cause it has enough of

the lubricant oil in it

that it won't just

freeze up the engine.

And this is literally

what he's doing.

Stan Meyer, this device

and many of the others, Ken

Shoulders charge clusters,

they're creating these small

microscopic ball lightnings

that when they

discharge, are tapping

into that zero

point energy field

and creating the mode of force.

Boom, that's

why the concussion

from the thunder

clap is so huge.

There's a huge amount of energy

and it's actually sourced

from the vacuum energy,

all the dots connected.

This is what's happening, right?

So we need to make the

thunder clap engine.

Many times breakthroughs

are made because the inventor

or the scientist was inspired

by looking at nature.

The same systems and

the same mechanisms

that exist in nature

that you can see

can also exist in the

devices that you build.

So by trying to mimic that,

you can can tap into

the intelligence

that nature has

already shown you

when it comes to being efficient

with the energy

transmission mechanisms.


current technology

was recently

investigated by Dr. Greer

and his engineering team

at an undisclosed location

in the Arizona Desert.

One, two, three, four,

five, six magnesium alloy,

specially configured plates.

This thing's the size

of a nice size shoebox.

The circuitry you see on

the right is a misdirect

'cause the guy has

crazy inventor syndrome

and thinks he can keep it secret

and make a trillion dollars.

You don't interfere

with the big powerful people.

You don't put them

outta business.

They're still in business.

They still have those 50

year leases on the lines

and all the power transformers.

You'd be able to get

one of my power plants

just replace a coal

fire plant, you know?

But it wouldn't be

big news or anything

'cause I'm just selling

electricity to them, okay?

And then they're gonna say, wow,

we're making more

money at this plant

than we are the others.

So they're gonna

put them around,

you see, they're

not gonna let me in.

They're gonna fight

me tooth and nail,

I'm gonna be very

sneaky about it.

This thing for three years

have been sitting in

this near chicken coop

in his backyard

out in the desert,

putting out three kilowatts

of power continuously.

And we cranked it up

to five kilowatts,

no input power and is

running off the magnetic flux

of the space around it

that he can tune any place

on the Earth so it's correct.

And boom, this

thing solid state,

no moving parts,

we just saw this,

but he's a textbook case of

making every wrong decision.

Tried to patent it.

Well you'll see in a

moment what happened.

He ended up getting put

in prison for a week.

He has had sabotage,

death threats,

m*rder of people around him.

I spent

eight days in that jail,

when I went before the

court judge come here,

he says, "Read

this, you sign it,

you go home, you don't

sign it, you go to jail."

And all it was is I would

not ever in my lifetime,

ever, through me or anyone else,

if anybody else is manufacturing

these, I'll go to jail.

And here's the secrecy

order he was slapped with.

But look at the date.

1984, it was almost

40 years ago.

So you know, doing

the same thing.

Patent office, people

think this is a myth.

Now here's a secrecy order.

See, so I don't

want to go through that again.

Scared my family and everybody.

So now what we're gonna

do, gonna be very quiet.

I'm gonna build my one megawatt.

It'll take two and

half years to build it.

It's very complicated, I gotta

acclimate it to the Earth.

Technologies like this

and countless others

will never see

the light of day without

a radically new strategy.

Dr. Greer is preparing to

launch a multi-centered

state-of-the-art research

and development lab

that will develop zero

point energy technology

live streaming 24/7 for

security and transparency.

All research results,

data and plans would be released

to the world open source,

freely available to the public

and the scientific community.

This will require

broad public support

to make this a reality.

With this strategy,

zero point energy is achievable,

but it is only half of

what has been suppressed.

Now we get into the

really cool stuff.

Look at the dates.

1919, Pat Kowsky

Frost experiment

where they actually had

high frequency systems

where things levitated,

defying gravity

and then T. Townsend Brown.

And he had very high

voltage systems,

electrogravidic they call it,

where high voltage would

cause this lift effect

and would actually create,

if you will, a bubble,

an electromagnetic field

that would allow an object

to move at enormous speeds

and free of the

forces of gravity.

What's called gravity control.

An Office

of Naval Research report

on T. Townsend Brown's

electro gravity device

includes a transcript

of a conversation

between Major General

VE Bartrandias

and Lieutenant General HA Craig.

Bartrandias remarks, "It

sounds terribly screwy.

But Friday I went

down to a place

called the Townsend

Brown Foundation,

and believe it or not,

I saw a model of

a flying saucer."

Townsend Brown was an

independent experimenter

and he actually worked

on, as you can see,

very large replications of

saucers that he believed

were vital for a different

type of propulsion.

The big question

is, can I prove this?

This I consider to be a

very serious Rosetta Stone.

This is Young Men magazine,

the article's titled the

G-Engines are Coming,

by far the most potent

source of energy is gravity.

Using it as power

future aircraft

will attain the speed of light.

Now in this article,

they give you the names,

they give you the timeframe,

they give you the dates,

they give you the

defense contractors,

universities and

research centers

that are actively pursuing

cracking the gravity barrier.

They talk about the

Lear Corporation,

the Sperry Rand corporation,

the Bell Aircraft Corporation,

all trying desperately to

crack the gravity barrier.

And it's clear from the

eyewitness testimony

they've done it.

And then we have Michael

Strat to thank for this,

great archivist and historian,

and he's found these journals

that date from the '50s,

one, 1956 where the big buzz

in the aerospace industry

was anti-gravity, quote unquote,

the G engines, gravity engines.

And this was actually

in the open literature

until they figured out

how it really works

and it all went black.

Now, where did they

get the technology?

This was an interesting

crash retrieval.

This is prior to Roswell,

this is November, 1946.

This was seen by a courier

who went to Wright

Patterson Air Force Base

and he had a guard, an MP

who he was friends with.

And this guard said,

"You know what,

I got something I

wanna show you."

So he brought him

into this facility

at Wright Patterson

Air Force Base

and there was this

craft sitting there

and this little red

dot that I have here

shows you the attempted

point of entry.

They were using a

diamond tip drill bit

to try to get into this craft.

So the question is, if

this is one of ours,

why would they be

trying to get into this?

So is this the

beginning origin point

of a reverse

engineering program?

Some of the UFO crash

retrieval material,

we've looked at

it and we've found

that the materials

used are very strange.


extraterrestrial material

is recovered through

military crash retrievals

and its metallic

structure is examined

under a microscope,

the metal is so pure

that we could not replicate

it even in the vacuum space.

This is because extraterrestrial

crafts are not manufactured

on a Ford assembly line

the way humans would

manufacture something.

Everything in the material

universe has a frequency

and a corresponding

sound vibration

that creates and

sustains its being.


manufacture objects

by first creating a

resonant frequency.

For instance, the frequency

of a flying saucer.

This is a sort of vibrational

blueprint that interacts

with the substrate of

the physical universe,

pulling into existence,

from other dimensions,

atoms and molecules that

then organize and condense

into the structure of

the object being created.

In this way

extraterrestrial material

is literally

manifested into being,

like trans-dimensional

3D printing

or "Star Trek"'s

replicator technology.

Moving on to 1963.

This is a marine, he was

called from Cherry Point,

North Carolina to an

undisclosed location

and his job was to

guard something there.

And when he got

to this facility,

they opened up these

doors and he saw,

propped up on scaffolding,

this 40-foot diameter

dish-shaped craft

that looked like

a fat hamburger.

It was about 15 feet tall.

He noticed that there

was a white circle

painted on the floor

and his job was to sh**t

to k*ll anyone who would

try to breach that circle.

They were trying three ways

to get into this craft.

Number one was a

diamond-tip drill bit.

So we've got two

cases of this now,

number two was in a

settling torch, that failed.

And then the final attempt

was bringing in two

18-wheeler tractor

trailer, low boy trucks

that had these very high

voltage generating devices

and they were using a laser

to get into this craft.

In a previously

unreleased interview

with aerospace

designer Brad Sorenson,

Sorenson describes

a secret air show

that took place at

Norton Air Force Base

on November 12th of 1988.

A classified military exhibit

in which so-called alien

reproduction vehicles

were unveiled.

The craft were

hovering off the floor

with no landing gear underneath

and nothing supporting

it from above.

When asked, where did they

get these concepts from?

Sorenson states, "They

said they copied it."

By the way, these went all

through the solar system,

the components, mercury era

1959 to 1960s, early '60s.

So these were operational.

When did we master

gravity control

where these were being

functionally built

by classified projects

here on Earth,

not extraterrestrial.

October, 1954.

So here we are riding on

the surface of the roads

in cars and belching out

garbage and pollution.

When I say a lost

century, it really is.

They were already

working on these programs

as early as 1948, during

the Clinton administration,

they were spending

100 million dollars

a day on black budget programs.

The big question is,

has this been integrated

into the aerospace industry?

And if we look at what the

witnesses are reporting,

they're reporting similar

things across time,

across dates, locations, now

this is March 23rd, 1966.

This is Temple Oklahoma.

Primary eyewitness

name is Eddie Lackson

And he was an

electrical engineer.

He was working at

Shepherd Air Force Base.

So he's commuting to work,

it's about five or six in the

morning and I wanna stress

that this is not my case.

This is an actual

United States Air Force

Project Blue Book case.

And it can be verified

through Project Blue Book.

So he's going to work in the

morning and all of a sudden

something is blocking

the road in front of him

and he notices something

that looks all the world

like a tipped over bowling pin.

It's about 75 feet across,

on the Starbird side of the

craft that you see here,

there was an air stair

cutout door and a man,

I wanna stress, this was a

man, this is not an alien.

He was wearing two piece

green military fatigues.

He had a baseball cap

with the bill turned up

and he was shining a flashlight

near the bottom of the steps.

Above this air stair door,

there was an interesting stinger

or spire that tapered back

and swept back to the

end of the vehicle.

And at the end of this spire

there was about an

eight inch dire sphere.

And that's interesting

because I keep getting reports

from the eyewitnesses

of spheres and balls

and protrusions and prongs

sticking out of these UFOs.

And if you look at what the

eyewitnesses are describing

to us and you look and examine

high voltage electrical

equipment, it's a match.

I believe I can make a

case that the components

that people are

seeing on these UFOs

are off the shelf, high

voltage electrical components.

When this gentleman who

was this military green

fatigue gentleman,

when he noticed

that he was being

watched by Eddie Lexton,

he scurried up this ladder,

he slammed this door shut

and then there was a high

pitched drilling noise.

This craft levitated off

the ground and then took off

like a spark on a grinding wheel

and made no sonic

boom whatsoever.

This is back in 1966,

rockets are obsolete,

solid rockets are obsolete,

jets are obsolete.

So how can all this be true?

And we're still flying jets.

Elon Musk tweeted this out.

That's all very comical.

It's not comical when

astronauts I know have friends

that died in this, the

Challenger tragedy.


controllers here,

looking very carefully

at the situation,

obviously a major malfunction.

We're awaiting,

there holding their breath

just I'm sure as

everyone else is,

in the center of the

fire and the smoke

you can't see any form of

what was once the shuttle.

Here they are going up

on a Roman candle 40 years,

50 years, 60 years

after we already

had gravity control.

This is the biggest

coverup scandal

in the known history of

the world, full stop.

We've already

got the technology

to do away with solid

rocket boosters.

We've already got the technology

to take away completely

liquid rockets.

Why wasn't the Challenger crew

briefed on this technology

if we already had the

breakthrough in 1954?

And so then people get

into, how can this be?

I put this out a lot

'cause it's a not

declassified document,

but you have an organization

called MAJIC, M-A-J-I,

Majority Intelligence

Committee and a few others

that run these covert projects.

They are beyond

black, what do I mean?

They're unacknowledged

special access projects.

I'm sure you also unacknowledged,

but these are the projects

that are off the radar

even of the people who

managed the black projects.

So I call this beyond black,

these are way off book and

this was a security alert

with the distribution

list back in the '90s.

So I gave this some

people in the Pentagon,

like Admiral Wilson,

who I briefed to as the

head of intelligence,

Joint Chiefs of Staff.

And they got inside the program.

I'm doing that now for

a whole new generation

of people since

the law was passed,

to get to the bottom

of what UFOs are

or what they call now UAPs,

nobody calls them that.

It's ridiculous.

Let me tell you

what our UFO, UFA,

they make up these fake

names that are obfuscating,

unexplained aerial phenomenon

like ball lightning

or something.

No it isn't.

First of all, it's

not unexplained.

Secondly, it's not aerial.

And it's not just

some phenomenon.

They're either man-made

UFOs or extraterrestrial.

That's it, keep it simple.

The hardest thing

for the senators

and the White House people

and the general public

and particularly the

media to understand,

or scientists, is

that if this is true,

how could it be that

it has been kept secret

from the people, they're very

good at counterintelligence.

So it's structured as

Eisenhower warned us,

we're the military

industrial complex.

In the councils of government,

we must guard against

the acquisition

of unwarranted influence,

whether sought or unsought

by the military

industrial complex.

A very strong warning

of what he saw coming

because he'd been living

with it for eight years.

The CIA was only created

in 1947 and the Pentagon

and its generals were

gaining much more power.

And as the nuclear

age progressed and

Eisenhower saw it.

The combination of military

power with industry.

If you think about what

the industrial part is

of the military

industrial complex.

The industrial is basically

the fossil fuel giants

and the chemical companies

and now increasingly

the pharmaceutical companies

that are running rampant

and increasing their wealth

by astronomical proportions.

This is just the value

of the raw materials.

Look at these numbers,

$150 trillion in oil,

that's actually an underestimate

now, 40 trillion in coal,

a trillion in uranium,

but that's just the raw,

when you multiplier effect,

when you take it

from there to retail

and creating the energy,

it's many more

hundreds of trillions

and that's what's

being protected,

along with the Brenton

Woods Petrodollar,

where they decide

to make the dollar

the reserve currency

of the world.

But it's based cost

the Petrodollar.

So the entire macroeconomic,

global economic system

is sitting on a

crumbling foundation

of the energy system we use.

And it's gonna have

to be transitioned.

It should have

happened 100 years ago.

Now we're out of time.

The malfactors

of great wealth,

as Teddy Roosevelt

once warned us about,

writing the laws,

paying politicians to write

the laws that they want.

Why is that happening?

And Robert Kennedy Jr.

wrote the introduction

to both additions

of my recent book,

which was "Horseman

of the Apocalypse",

became "Climate in Crisis"

in its most recent version.

And he said this,

which I think is quite apropos

to what I've been

talking about today.

"They work together in lockstep,

coordinated by Capitol

Hill trade associations,

lobbying firms,

c*ptive agencies,

and paid off politicians to

increase authoritarian control,

to transform all of us

into mindless consumers,

to shift middle class wealth,

to billionaire plutocrats

and to liquidate

our purple mountain majesties

and our entire planet.

They have declared w*r on

democracy and personal freedom."

A shadowy government with its

own air force, his own navy,

its own fundraising mechanism

and the ability to

pursue its own ideas

of the national interest,

free from all checks

and balances and free

from the law itself.

So get your mind about

this, there is the government,

constitutional government

of the United States

and then there's this other

secret government operation

which has more money, more

power, more technology.

It is a criminal enterprise.

It is not sanctioned

by the president,

that is not sanctioned

by Congress,

and yet they're

using our tax dollars

and are raping the planet

and destroying the Earth

and impoverishing

half the planet.

That's what we have to fix.

We've got at least 109

UFO crash retrieval cases.

All we need is

one to be correct.

And if they exploited

the technology

associated with these craft

and procured that and put it

into our aerospace industry,

they have made a

tremendous breakthrough

in aerospace

technology that I think

that our Challenger astronauts

should have been briefed on.

Our Apollo astronaut should

have been briefed on.

And we could have avoided all

of this obsolete technology

and we could all move forward

to that wonderful world

and are not basically bound

to these oil industries.

Some people wonder why we

don't know more about this.

Why isn't the media telling

us what's really going on?

We have about 15 billionaires

and six corporations

controlling 90% of the

media in the United States.

We've got AT, Comcast,

Walt Disney Company,

National Amusements,

that includes Viacom and CBS

News and Fox Corporation.

They rely on advertising revenue

and that's gonna mean they're

towing a certain line.

This is a CIA document,

it was released,

a surprise that was

released and it says

that "We have relationship

with every major wire

service newspaper,

Newsweek, and television

network in the nation.

In many instances we

have persuaded reporters

to postpone change,

hold or scrap stories that

could have adversely affected

national security interests

or jeopardized

sources and methods."

Here's another part

of your "Truman Show"

everyone's been

forced to live in,

the idea that we

have a free press

or that we have a

free market economy.

Pray tell any economist

in here, I challenge you,

how do we have a free

market if the most important

scientific breakthroughs

of the last 100 years

have been ruthlessly confiscated,

people m*rder*d and

kept off the market?

No, it's a controlled economy,

it's a controlled media,

it's an abomination and

it's k*lling the planet.

There were days when I wished

I had never seen free energy.

The amount of pain that you

wake up at three o'clock

in the morning because

you can't do anything.

And you know that

pollution can be cleaned up

and everyone is on the

same economic basis.

And because you're powering

everything with the free energy,

you can do really

what the philosopher

Joseph Campbell said,

he said, to seek

after your bliss.

And I think that

free energy does it.

And so what do we do?

Well the current paradigm

we just went through,

the new would be

unlimited abundance.

No poverty in 20 years.

There would be no

poverty on Earth

in 20 years with

these technologies.

Universal peace,

because you're not fighting

over everything now

and Earth and

harmony with humanity

and the biosphere restored.

It's important to

realize that the technology

that is required to heal Earth

already exists and has

existed for a long time.

That the problem is not

fundamentally technological.

If we came into

coherence around the goal

of healing Earth, we

could do it in five years

because the capacity of life

to heal is just incredible.

But we're just in the

way of it all the time.

I mean even look what happens

if you stop paving over

a parking lot in five

years, cracks appear.

Weeds are growing out

of it, in 15 years,

you see chunks of

pavement here and there

and trees are

growing, in 50 years,

you don't even know a

parking lot was ever there.

In order to maintain Earth

in a state of ugliness

and un-life requires

constant effort

because the power of life

to live is so strong.

That's what life wants to do.

It wants to live.

We're only make 100

million cars a year.

If we converted like that,

which is not gonna happen,

all manufacturing of automobiles

to these zero point

energy generators,

it would take, do

the math, 15 years.

We barely have 15 years left.

The date I've been given,

2035 to 2040 and we're done.

The scale

of the transition

is almost unthinkable.

There are an estimated

14 million kilometers

of paved roads across the Earth.

There are many millions more

of power lines comprising

the so-called smart grid.

A real smart grid would

be no grid at all.

We need a compassionate transition.

Instead of displacing

millions of workers

who support today's

energy infrastructure,

we must enlist them in

the radical transformation

of our world that

lies before us.

We've all heard of

the Hopi prophecy,

probably, there are two

lines on the Hopi prophecy.

Right now, our entire

planet is on the line,

the upper line that terminates.

We're an extinction-level

event trajectory.

That's the path we're on.

There's another line in the

Hopi prophecies and that's one

that we have to jump onto

that goes on and on forever.

That's our choice.

We, the people,

have to choose it.

It is not gonna be done

for you like a Ouija board

in Washington or at Wall Street.

We're gonna have to unite

and do this ourselves.

You can imagine

the civilization

that has figured out

the over-unity question

as being one in which

the centralization

of power and therefore

the centralization

of the inputs necessary

for the growth of civilization

becomes more decentralized.

So rather than these power

stations that are clustered

around big cities,

you can have energy generation

mechanisms in every home.

And this is why

it's a new world.

'Cause it's the

power to the people.

And what it means is literally

not just electric power

and energy, but actual

political power.

And in the industrial era,

from the 1800s to now,

it's gotten more and

more concentrated.

This is gonna return the power

to every village

and every person,

even the deserts shall bloom,

as it says in the Bible

and in Africa and

around the world,

they're gonna leap

frog pass where we are

with all this

electricity and wiring

and power lines and power plants

like they did telephones,

they went straight to sell.

But this is a bigger leap

where all over the world,

all these impoverished areas,

every little village

and community

will have its own

energy generator

for pulling water out of

the humidity of the air.

We have the technology to do

that now, why isn't it used?

'Cause it uses a

lot of electricity,

which is polluting

and expensive.

It'll be a global village

all interconnected, but

also all self-sufficient,

complete local self-sufficiency

with no pollution.

That's the world

we could have had

beginning in the '20s,

a 100 years later, may

I suggest we accept it.

It's time.

We are 100 years behind

where we should be right now.

Why are we still pounding

metal nails into boards

to build houses?

Why are we still loading up

shipping containers on tankers

and taking two

months to get here?

This is all a construct.

And why I call

this a time snap.

A time snap is when things

have gone so far off track.

The only way to fix it is

for the people to unite

and come up with a

totally different strategy

where in a decade

to two decades,

we make up for 100

years, it can happen.

And you know, if nothing

else, humans do wanna survive.

But this is now a survival

question for every man, woman,

and child on the Earth, so

that's why we have to do this.

We have to remember also

that the capacity for life

to heal is almost unlimited.

And we see this

already with people

who are restoring ecosystems

and regenerating farmland.

Even in a few years,

miracles happen.

Springs that have been

dead for generations

come back to life.

Species that hadn't

been seen in the area

seemingly magically reappear.

And so we can't forget that,

we can't succumb to a despair

that is founded in our distrust

of the power of life itself,

which again is part of the

origin of our current condition.

Visualize your

house off the grid.

Clean energy, no wiring.


'Cause every device,

whether it's this size

device or your refrigerator,

will have a small solid

state quantum vacuum,

zero point energy device

in it, running it.

So there's there's no

electromagnetic fields

running through your house

because you don't need wiring.

Think what that'll do

to construction costs

and the simplicity of it.

And here we are in

the Sahara Desert

and you wanna grow food, you

create a, a biosphere dome.

It's run on free clean

energy as we've demonstrated,

you're growing oranges.

You can grow crops,

you can have

different zones in it

for different temperature

and humidity control.

So anywhere on the planet

that you need to have foods,

it could be done under a

controlled circumstances,

digitally automated,

but with no cost for the

energy and the water.

Virtually none.

What that means is the food

scarcity and starvation

we're facing that

goes away very quickly

in a 20 year period.

Here's your typical street

in your neighborhood,

anywhere in the world.

And as we bring these

technologies out,

the grid comes down, we

don't need it anymore.

When there's a snow storm

or hurricane or whatever,

you don't lose power because

you're not depending on a grid

that's gonna be torn down

by ice and snow and wind.

You don't need wires,

all these wires,

they'll clutter of wires.

You don't need them

because every device

will have its own

source of energy.

This could have been

done decades ago.

As we bring these out, all

these freeways will be replaced.

All the lines, power

lines will go away.

We can float above the

surface and in every city

in the world, we're gonna

see this transformation.

Every village in the world.

And then we have these cities,

eventually where

you're just floating.

They're guided pathways.

The ground is pristine.

And then we're going

out into space.

So everyone remember

where our destiny is.

Our destiny is not just

Earth, it's the whole cosmos.

How is that gonna be possible?

The only way we're allowed to

go outside our solar system

is if we become a

peaceful civilization.

Otherwise it's locked down.

We are considered a planet

that is dangerous and armed.

Each one of us is very

invested in the world as it is.

We've built careers, relationships,

and goals based on a world

that doesn't include ETs

and anti-gravity and free energy

and healing devices and all

this cool, abundant stuff.

And so we need to

understand and really know

if we are ready for that

investment to be disrupted.

So one of the most powerful

things that any of us

can do is to look

in our own hearts.

Imagine the world that could be,

and ask ourselves,

are we ready for that?

If the answer is yes,

then hold that

readiness in your heart

in all the excitement

that it's due.

If the answer is no,

if there are some

lingering doubts

or fears or concerns,

then go into that.

Follow that.

That's an important thread

that you can follow back

to something inside of

you that needs attention.

It's that obstacle

that may be keeping us

from living in this new world.

In [indistinct] Forest, in

the air force base in 1980,

a roughly pyramid-shaped

craft landed.

You've all heard

this count probably,

but I'll recount it for you.

And the part that's

classified, you don't know.

There were these kind

of luminous beams

that literally teleported,

floated outside this black

pyramid and communicated

with these air force

officers and the ET said,

we are your descendants who

have become interstellar.

But we are from 500,000

years in the future

and we are now here.

They basically materialized

time travel to 1980.

Because this was a covert

nuclear weapons facility

that if that had been disclosed,

could have triggered

World w*r III and saying,

you've gotta stop doing this,

if you stay on this path, we,

your children's, children's,

children's children,

20,000 years into the

future, we won't exist.

That was 42 years ago.

So they have been warning,

these civilizations

from other star systems, some

of them are our descendants.

Not all, not all, but some are.

The key thing to

remember here is,

is that the fact that

that happened is a message

of great hope, it means

that there is a chance,

a good chance, if we reach

into our higher consciousness

and we go forward

with a strategy

that isn't based on

materialism and greed.

This is a massive undertaking,

my friends, but I'm

convinced we can do it.

But we have to completely

rethink how we live, how we act,

and the whole business

model of what we're doing.

And if we do that, here's

the world we're gonna have,

we will be remembered

as the generation

that pulled ourselves

off the extinction line

of the Hopi prophecy

and moved on

to the one that goes on forever.

Thank you all.

We can do it.


Mandela once said,

"Our human compassion binds

us the one to the other,

not in pity or patronizingly,

but as human beings who

have learned how to turn

our common suffering into

hope for the future."

We have every

reason to have hope.

The solutions already exist.

If we come together

as one human family,

we can reclaim our lost century.

I wanna be free, so free

Like a feather blowing

thorough the breeze

Like a bird in a tree

Like a dolphin in the sea

I wanna fly high

So high like a

needle in the sky

And when my time has come

Let it all go at the side

Mama coming home

To the place where I belong

Mama I'm coming home

To the place where I belong

I wanna be free

To be the only

thing that I see

Not too right, not too far

Be at one with love and all

There is no high, no low

There is no where else to go

Except inside

Open up your heart and

be just who you are

Mama, I'm coming home

To the place where I belong

Mama I'm coming home

To the place where I belong

Mama, I'm coming home

To the place where I belong

Mama I'm coming home

To the place where I belong