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Unveiled (2022)

Posted: 06/13/23 06:36
by bunniefuu
[soft piano music playing]

[music stops]

["Waltz of the Flowers" playing]


[religious chanting in Arabic]

-[religious chanting stops]

-[birds chirping]





Why not?

We can't.

It's not right.

It feels right.

[birds chirping]

[moans softly]

[water trickles]

You know, what's my favorite

thing about this place

is that we have

our very private bathroom.

Mom's bathroom

felt more spacious.

[woman] Ours feels

more intimate.

And it's praying time,

not playing time.

[man and woman moaning]


I don't know why the water

suddenly got so cold.

God knows.


-You missed the prayer.

Are the floors here even

clean enough to pray on?

Yes, Mom, the tenant

didn't have any dogs or kids.

The apartment might be clean,

but what about the neighborhood?

At least back home,

you knew who everybody was.

Do you know I've yet

to see another Muslim

in this whole city?

Mom, I'm sure there's

a lot of Muslims here.

It's a big city, Mama.

-[man] No, you get f*ck out!

-[woman] You get

the f*ck outta here!

-[man] You get

the f*ck out. No, f*ck you!

-[woman] Get outta here!

-Everything okay?

-Yes. Can you close the blinds?

-Where is Maryam?

-She's asleep.

We can't do this without her.

She needs to pray with us.

Mom, she doesn't know

how to pray yet.

Then it's my duty

to teach her before I leave.

But isn't Maryam

too young to be praying?

She's only seven years old.

Do you know how old Susu was

when he first started to pray?

Look at him now.

[door latches]

[woman] Maryam, wake up, love.

Grandma wants

to teach you something.

I'm not feeling well.

Wake up, dear.

You'll feel better after,

I promise.

You can sleep all you

want after grandma leaves.

-Don't you want

to learn how to pray?

-I know how to pray.


You just have to cover

yourself and talk to God, see?

Nice try. Wake up, please.

-Leave me alone.


-Leave me alone.

-Maryam, wake up.



I learned this new game...

where you get

to look like a ballerina,

dance like a ballerina.

[music box cranks]

[soft music]

[mom] Good job, Mama.

-[Maryam chuckles]

-Okay, Maryam.

That's enough practice,

now come here.


What is this?

What? Why did you make

yourself look beautiful?

Mom said God is beautiful

and loves beautiful girls.

[mom chuckles] No!

I told you what the Quran says.

"God is beautiful

and loves beauty."

That's true.

Now, I brought you

a little surprise.


And this will help

you keep your beauty

and save it only for God.

Wow, thank you, Teta.

This is how we pray to God.

Get up, let's try it.

Thank you, Mother, but for now,

she's only playing to God.

I'll give it to her when

she's old enough to pray.

Okay, so we're

all gonna pray together

and Teta here,

she's gonna bless our new home.

[family praying in Arabic]

[knocking on door]

[door rattles]

[neighbors moaning, panting]

[woman] Oh, God, oh, God!

[woman] Oh God!

[neighbors moaning]

[continues praying]

-Dad, are they praying too?

-Okay, you've heard

enough for today.

Good job and I think you

should go back to sleep now.

[Maryam] Dad, let me go.

What's with the rush, Mom?

Your flight's for next week.

-You can still

look around the city.

-I've seen enough already.

Any more and I'm gonna

lose my mind.

Or worse, my faith.

I guess we're going

to the airport.

-I can't, I have a student.


How do you know

anybody in the city?

I posted an ad online.

-Did you check

if they have any--

-Of course. No single father,

no teenage boys,

no atheists and no dogs.

Good, where is it?

Just right after the first hill.

That's really far away.

How do you expect to get there?

Public transit.

Take a private cab,

I'll pay for it.

Save your money

for a more private place.

I am, Mom, very soon, all right?

For your information,

I have a...

very, very promising

job interview tomorrow.

[up tempo drumbeat]

[train rattling]

[up tempo drumbeat]

[train rattling continues]

[water splashes]

-[boy] Can I touch your hair?

-I've already said no.

Do you even have hair?

So, you put X on this side,

and everything else

on this side.

Why don't you try again?

So, are you learning anything?

Yeah, Dad, she's awesome.

Hi, I'm Donald.

[knocking on window]

Can you please

put on some clothes?

You know I don't like

to wear clothes around my house.

Sorry, sometimes I feel

like I have two kids.

So, how's our Allen doing?

Is he gonna pass his exam?

I can't promise anything,

it was just the first session.

Could you stay

a bit longer then?

Sorry, I can't,

I need to get home.

Just a little bit longer?

I could pay you

extra for your trouble.

-It's not that, it's just...

-[reporter on TV] Breaking news.

I can't miss my prayers.

-[reporter] The result

of a naked woman...

-Could you pray here?

[reporter] If you're

in a rush, you might want

to avoid the highway.

["La donna mobile" playing]



[music continues]

[starts prayer]

[man] Censorship is a holy job.

We cut sins out of scenes.

If one sin

escapes our attention,

thousands may get infected

and their sins becomes our sins.

-Do you understand?

-Yes, sir.

-Welcome aboard.

-[exhales] Thank you, sir.

So, which one

of those is my office?


You work from home for now.


Once you gain some experience,

you may get your own office.


I... I can't...

I don't know if I can edit

in front of my wife and my kid.

-You do understand?

-I understand.

Maybe this is not the most

suitable work for you.

No, no, no, no,

not at all. Um...

They'll have to understand

once I explain the holiness

of it and all.


[festive guitar music]

[singing in Spanish]

[teacher] And one, two, three,

five, six, seven.

One, two, three

and turn, five, six, seven.

One, two, three,

now turn and dip.

[participants applauding]

All right, very good.

Now you guys,

I want you to do

the exact same thing,

just a little bit closer.

I want you guys

to stay connected.

And here we go.

Two, three, five six, seven

and one, two, three and turn,

five, six, seven.

One, two, three, turn and dip.

Your body right beside me

You've got

The smile of a prince

From a long, long time ago

Hands slide up to find me

And your gaze

Comes down to see

The face of someone

Who's always loved you so


You're late.

I've been praying

-for your safe arrival.

-Anyone else home?

Just Maryam, she's asleep.

Where'd you get this?

Spin me.


I said, spin me.

Give me all your love

When I look into your eyes

Kiss me under scarlet skies



[both moaning]

[woman] Did you come? Saeed?

[door slams]


-[festive guitar music blaring]

-[neighbors chattering]

Windows back home

were thicker than these walls.

Can you give me some space?

I'm falling off.

[festive guitar music continues]

What happened to our view?

Do you mean all the buildings

and people watching us?

Who's watching?

I like looking out.

You can still look out.

But nobody can look in.

Brilliant, right?

What about the plants?

There you go.

[Saeed exhales]

It feels

just like Mom's basement.

No, no, it doesn't.

-I can't teach her like this.

-Then go to their homes.

Really? How about

you put on a hijab

and see how many people

welcome you

to teach at their homes?

I bet I look better

than you in a hijab.


[phone rings]

Hello? Who is this?

-Who is it, Mama?


-He wants to talk to mom.

-Who is Allen?

My nine-year-old

boyfriend, relax.

-It's the kid I had

class with yesterday.

-Very funny, why is he calling?

Hi, Allen. How are you?

Hello, Elise.

Today, at your work?


-Is there a private space?

-[silverware clanks]

I guess it's fine.

Can I come too, Mama?

I want to play with Allen.

Is it okay

if my daughter comes too?

She gets really bored at home.

Just get Dad's permission.

Dad, can I go please?


-Please, Dad, I want a friend.

-No, stop.


Okay, stop.

But what were the rules

about playing with boys?

-Don't let them

get too close to me.

-Yes. Why?

Do you remember what

happened to the princess

who kissed the wrong prince

who was not her husband?

Yes, she turned

into an ugly frog.

The frog story again?

I'm teaching her how

to be a good Muslim.

Good Muslims

don't teach with fear.

She's going to public school

next year.

You think they're gonna teach

her about her duties?

-About the responsibilities

of puberty?

-Mom, what's "puperdy"?

Puberty. Nothing you have

to worry about yet, honey.

Puperdy, puperdy, puperdy.

I'm leaving. [shushes]

Do you want her

to stay here instead?

With all this?

No, just keep an eye on her


and text me the address.

Puperdy, puperdy, puperdy,


puperdy, puperdy.

[people cheering, clapping]

[door creaks]

[indistinct chatter]

[door creaks]

-Oh, Farash, hi.


-You're early.


That's okay, come on in.

-Hi, is this your daughter?

-Yes. Maryam.

Hi Maryam! Welcome to my studio.

[Farash] Thank you.

We're just taking a break.

Let me introduce you

to the class.

-[man] Just a second.

-[woman] Um... Come in.

[Elise] Class, this is Farash.

Hey, Farash, I'm Edward.

Sorry, it's nothing personal

I just...

-can't, 'cause I...

-Because she has puperdy.


-[actors giggling]


Okay, thanks, everybody.

Give us five.

Sorry, she never thinks

of what she says.

That's good.

Think less and feel more.

Took me years to teach

that to my students.

-Please have a seat.

-Thank you.

What do you teach here?

Introduction to acting.

Well, please make yourself

at home. I'll be back shortly.

[actors chattering softly]

Breathe into any areas

of tension in your body.

Notice any stored emotions,

or feelings

that are coming up in your body.

Just become aware of them,

no judgment.

Good warm up, everybody.

-What's this?

-I was not sure.

There's only one right answer.

[Elise] If you're here

to always get it right,

then you're in the wrong class.

Acting is about being open.

Open to infinite choices.

[soft piano music]


-Ah, I don't know.

Follow the same rule

and the answer

is always the same.

Allen, six times four...

is 24.

[Elise] Our true feelings

are often

the opposite of what we express.

I want you to try the line,

"I think I'm in love again,"

using different emotions.

Xantia, seduction.

I think I'm in love again.

Martin, fear.

I think I'm in love again.

[Elise] Julie, sadness.

-[Julie] I think

I'm in love again.

-[soft flute, piano music]

[Elise] We're afraid

of making eye contact

and letting people see

us for who we truly are.

So we build walls to protect

ourselves from getting hurt.

Here, we have no walls.

Only open windows

to get to know each other.

I want you to keep eye contact

with the person across from you

until you feel connected.

Until you see yourself in them.

-I don't have a partner.

-Then take turns.


will eventually sign up.

-Hey sweetie, how was class?


Sorry, I hope my class

wasn't too distracting.

-We're getting ready for a play.

-A play?


-Play? Can I play with Allen?

Of course.

-Let's go, let's go.

-[Allen giggles]

I was never allowed

to be in a play, but I was

a very playful child.

Well, I guess

we'll never stop playing.

I'm sorry, I don't understand

anything about acting.

This is not how I imagined

an acting class to be.

To be a good actor, you first

need to learn not to act.

To be yourself,

to know yourself.

To know myself? But how?

Some things are better

expressed than explained.

Why don't you give it a try?



[Farash laughs]

Why not?

Sorry, we must get home.

Okay. Thank you.

-Maryam, let's go.

-Mom, I'm playing.

-I said let's go.

-Mom, let me play. Mom.

[ruler tapping]

[relaxing guitar music]

-[Maryam] Mom,

this is so much fun.

-I know.

[Maryam giggles] Good job, Mom.

Mom, get back up.

-It's fire, you'll burn.

-Oh. Sorry.

[Maryam] Oh, my God,

I wish Dad was here.

[elevator dings]

Rock, paper, scissors, sh**t.

Rock, paper, scissors, sh**t.


-[both] Rock, paper,

scissors, sh**t.


Didn't I tell you knock

before walking in? I'm working.

You never know

what could be on screen.

-[Saeed exhales]

-I'm sorry.

Why... Why are you late again?

I took Maryam to the park.

She loved the city.

-You missed Mahdi prayers.

-I prayed in the park.

In the park, in public?

In front of people?

God knows how many people

stared at your ass

every time you bent.

Here. Start with

the forgiveness prayers.

We'll redo your prayer

when I'm finished with work.

[Saeed sighs]

[Farash breathing deeply]

[Farash breathing deeply]

What the hell are you doing?

[microwave beeps]


Could you please put

something on? Maryam's home.

Don't worry, she can't get

out of bed, the door is locked.

So when is that

yoga class of yours?

Tomorrow. Why? You want

to make fun of me again?

No, I'm just trying to make sure

it's a safe environment

for you to teach.

-[Farash hisses]

-Are you okay?


-Good, when can I see it?

-You can't.

-Why not?

I told you,

it's a private class,

and don't worry, it's safe.

So what else do you do

there besides breathing?

Nothing, just a bunch

of women talking.

About what?

I don't know. How to get

to know themselves...

So you're telling me

this is all women talking,

trying to get

to know themselves?

Swear to God.

[microwaves beeps]



Now it makes sense.

No one understands women,

even women.


So you think you know yourself

just because you're a man?

No, because I'm a Muslim man.

It's my duty to know myself.

Even our Prophet says, "To know

God is to know yourself."

But the actual hadith says,

"To know yourself

is to know God."

Same thing. The point is, you

have to know yourself, period.

Do you?

-I don't know.

-You should know.

-What if there's--

-There's no "what if"

when it comes to an order.

Even if it costs your family.

Remember the story of Noah?

He sacrificed his own child

for God's command,

to pass his test.

It says so on page...

On page...

45 and it was his duty

to do it and he did it,

and you keep questioning

everything I tell you.

Why can't you just

do what I'm telling you to do?

I know what's best for you.

[knocking on door]

[door creaks]

Hi, I don't think

we have any more classes.

No, we don't.

I think I forgot something here.


Acting is imagining what

or who we could become

instead of who we actually are.

Now, for the rest of this term,

each of you will be

assigned a role to play

based on your performance.

You want a script?

-I'm not interested.

-Just an extra copy.

Today, we're working

on a substitution technique.

I'm gonna tell you

an imaginary story

and you're gonna substitute it

with real life experience

to make it feel real.

Now close your eyes.

Now imagine

you're a little puppy.

You go from door to door

hopelessly looking for shelter.

It's getting dark.

But suddenly, you feel

a tightness around your neck.

It's a leash.

You try to get out of it,

but you can't.

The harder you struggle,

the tighter it gets.

You're scared

that if you run off,

you'll be lost again

and you'll never find a home.

[Farash weeps]


Farash, are you okay?


Farash, wait.


Farash, stop.

Hey, are you crying?

No, I just wanted

to feel the rain.

Is there something

you want to share?

-I shouldn't have stayed.

-Was it something I said?

-[sighs] No.

-Farash, are you okay?

-I'm scared.

-It's okay to be scared.

If you face this, you'll

overcome it, I promise.

Don't use

your acting tricks on me!

I'm not, I'm just trying

to know what's scaring you.

You think you know

everything, don't you?

You don't know me, you have

no idea who I really am.

How can I know you

if you're not even willing

to know yourself?

I know myself and I don't

need you to tell me who I am.

I'm a married Muslim woman

with a kid and a husband

and I'm the least

likely person in this world

to become an actor.

This is who I am.

Is that all you could be?


-[fireworks whistling]

-[people chattering]

[fish t*nk bubbling]

Can you leave me alone

at least with God?

What's gotten into you?

A Muslim never breaks

her prayer, never.

You can't break

your prayer like this.

Now start over

and do it the right way.

No, I'm not praying your way.

My God's home is every way.

[Saeed] Your God?

Farash, your God?

-Open the door, Farash.

-[knocking on door]

Your God? [chuckles]

I taught you about God, Farash,

and now you're teaching me, huh?

Open the door.

If you don't respect me,

at least respect God

and finish your prayers.

I chose my God

and I choose how to pray.

-Stop saying "my God."

-[knocking on door]

You don't get to choose your

God, Farash. He chooses you.

Now open the door!

-[screaming] Leave me alone!

-Leave you alone?

Like your parents did?

Stop. Maryam could hear you.

Finish your prayers,

or I swear--

Or what?

Saeed, it's not back home here!

[Maryam] Dad, what's happening?

[Saeed] Nothing, sweetie.

How did you get out of bed?

-Is Mommy okay?

-She's fine, yes.

-Now go back to sleep.


-do you love Mom anymore?

-Of course I do.

[Maryam] Then why

do you always fight?

Because I love her too much.

[Maryam] Mom,

do you still love Daddy?



-[Maryam] Mom.

-Yes, darling.

-I think I'm in love again.

-[fireworks whistling]

I think I'm in love again.

-[fireworks booming]

-[relaxing piano, flute music]

[actors laughing]

[music continues]

I heard you're looking

for a new student.

[Elise] Embrace

your inner animal.

-[actors growling]

-[steady tempo drumbeat]

-Follow your impulses.

-[actors snarling]

-Imagine you're in the wild.

-[shakers rattling]

-That's it.

-[actors howling]

[actors snarling]

Get in the circle.

-You chose a bird.

-Yes, it's a peacock.

Peacocks can't fly.

-But they're very colorful.

-Fair enough.


I want you to forget

Farash, you're a peacock.

I'm gonna play the drum,

and you're gonna move

around like a peacock, okay?

-I'm not sure if I can.

-Yes you can, follow me.

Okay, you can do this.

Right here in the center.

Take a deep breath in, relax.

Close your eyes.

Nobody's gonna be watching,

it's just you.

Okay, beautiful peacock,

show me your colors.

[lights clacking]

[door closes]

[up tempo drumbeat]

[fast paced music]

[shakers rattling]

[knife chops]

[faint religious chanting

in Arabic]

-Dad, can you play?

-I'm busy, ask your mom.

Mom said she's busy praying.

She's still praying?

[faint religious chanting

in Arabic]

-Can you play

with Maryam? She's--

-[Farash gasps]

Are you okay?

I'll be out in a minute.

I've never

seen you so beautiful.

You're glowing.

It's true.

They say when someone prays

deep down from their heart,

angels come down

to kiss their tears.

[steady tempo music]

[Saeed] Oh.

[Saeed clapping]

You look nice.

Good job, Maryam.

Wow, Mama's been teaching you.

Maryam, I didn't know

you could dance like that.

Yeah, just do like your mom.

-Come dance with us.

-No, no, no, no.

-Come on.

-Please don't.

-Come on.

-No, please don't.

[upbeat ensemble music]


Maryam, do you know

what happens to people

who eat before praying?

Nothing happens.

Would you like

to do the prayer, Mama?


God, thank you for making

my dad cook

and for making my mommy laugh,

and for making me so beautiful.

[Saeed chuckles]

Is that it?

You don't want

to ask for anything?

[silverware clanking]

-So, how is class?

-So much fun.


Yeah, I mean Allen

is a fun kid to teach.

Oh, good.

-How's the food?

-Not bad for the first time.

[Saeed] Don't get used to it.

It might be the last time too.

Maryam, what are you doing?

God, please don't make

my dad cook again.

-Mama, please finish that.

-It's a sin to waste food.

It just needs a little

more spice, right?

Your dad sometimes forgets

the importance

of adding spice to things.

Yes, but not too spicy.

Maybe a little bit more spice.

[silverware clanking softly]

Dad, are you praying again?

Each of these costumes

represents a character

you'll be playing.

It's so easy for people

to judge others just by

the way they dress or look.

But actors never judge

a character they play.

To play each character

truthfully, you need

to understand their essence.

Today, we're gonna try

something new.

I want you to get a closer look

at the person across from you

and analyze them as if they're

another character in a story.

You still might

not know much about them...

but try to imagine what

kind of life they have,

how they spend their days,

how they interact with others...

even how they make love.

I want you to literally

put yourself in their shoes.

I want you to exchange

clothes with them.

-Are you kidding me?

-You serious?

Are you serious

about being an actor?

Farash, you gave me

your full commitment.

I don't feel

comfortable with this.

Me neither.

If you don't feel comfortable

with feeling uncomfortable,

you can't be an actor.

Okay, if you put it this way.

-Where are you going?

-Change room.

[Elise scoffs]

-You're safe in this class.

-I know.

Then what's blocking you?

I can't show my hair.

Then don't.

[soft flute, piano music]


-No way.


What the f*ck?


-[Elise] How do you feel?

Um... Hot.

-[Elise] And you?

-Very hot.

[actors laughing, clapping]

[woman] Nice.

You've just put yourselves

into your character's shoes.

Now it's time to walk in them.

We're here. [giggles]



Are you serious?

Well, Elise said, "Live the

character and do what

they do, go where they go,"

so this is how I live.

-But you're pushing it too far.

-I'm pushing it too far?

I just went

to the mosque for you.

[hard rock music]

[Xantia giggles]

Do you like that?

Okay, can we go now?

That's good enough.

Hey, we just got here.

Come on!

You can try one of these.


-[whip thwacks]


-Try it, try it.


-[whispering] Xantia, let's go.

The owner keeps staring at us.


I should be the one

feeling uncomfortable

wearing this, not you.

Oh, God, okay, let's get you

something lighter for starters.

Hmm. Here.

This should make you

feel more comfortable.


-Hey, it's nice.

So how's my sex life looking?


I mean your sex life,

-my character's sex life?

-It's very private.

I know, but how am I

gonna spice up my relationship?

I should know what

my husband's like.

What's he like?

-Very controlling.


Things are gonna

get kinky, spill.

-Please don't go there.

-Come on.

Fine, I know what to get

for my controlling husband

to loosen up.

[Xantia giggles]

Good choice, sexy.

Have you tried 'em before?

-They're for me.

-For you?

Don't you guys have enough

locks and chains at home?

Excuse me?

They're not for sale.

-What do you mean?

-That's okay, I don't want it.

-[whispering] He keeps

staring at us.

-We don't have Muslim toys here.

Excuse me?

I said I don't want it,

Xantia, let's go.

Wait, I want to know

what's his f*cking problem.

What do you mean "Muslim toys"?

What's your f*cking problem?

You are the f*cking problem.

Now get the f*ck

out of my store.

We're sorry, I don't want it.

Listen, Farash, it's not for


it's for my character.

She's gonna learn

how to stand up

for her rights,

for her freedom.

What the f*ck are you

weirdos talking about?

I'm talking about

these f*cking handcuffs.

Now you're gonna sell them to me

or I'm gonna test

all these f*cking dildos

up your ass one by one

starting with the biggest one.

[hard rock music]

[Farash and Xantia laughing]

[car horn blares]

[soft music]

Are you feeling okay?

Relax and let me

do all the work.

No, no, take it off.


I can't see what you're doing.

You've seen enough,

it's time to feel.

What are you doing?

Just trust me.

[Saeed sighs]

-Farash, take it off.


and let it go.

[Farash purrs]

Whoa, whoa, whoa, Farash, stop.


-Ooh, Farash, no.

I told you not to do that.

-No, don't.

-[Farash moans]

Don't go there, Farash.

[Saeed moaning]

[Saeed] All right,

so it's "La ikraha fil deen."

Try again.

[Maryam] La...

la ik...

I can't.

Can I finish my drawing?

-Not until you learn properly.

-It's a different language.

I don't know what it even means.

It's okay, honey.

Your dad doesn't know

what it means either.

Go finish your drawing.

Can you iron that dressy shirt?

-We have guests tonight.

-What guests?

I invited my boss and his family

over for dinner.

Saeed, why couldn't you tell me


-You know I have a class today.

-Then cancel it.

Do I have to take your

permission every time

I need to invite guests

to my own home?

It's my home too,

I pay half the rent.

If I don't make friends

with them,

I'll never get promoted.

Speaking of rent,

did you deposit your half?

It's the first of the month.

Yes. When did I have

time to go to the bank?

-I've been in class all week.

-Good, don't forget.

-[washer door slams]

-[electronic beeps]

[Saeed sighs]

Any colored shirts?

No, just wash this one.

What for?

-So she can wear it.

-Can I wash it myself?

-I know how to do laundry.

-No, you don't.

I do!

I wash my own dolls' clothes.

No, it's not her duty yet.

It is our duty to protect her.

The building

is filled with strangers.


We're not in a Muslim

community anymore.

The place is filled

with wandering eyes.

Then cover people's eyes,

not our head.

You don't know

what's in people's heads.

Or in yours, Saeed.

We're talking about

our daughter here,

not some person

on the screen to be censored.

You know what?

Let's get her to decide

what's right for her.

-You're kidding, right?

-I can explain it to her.

-She's a smart girl.

-Yes, Mom, I'm very smart.

[birds chirping]

[relaxing guitar music]

[music continues]

[music fades out]

[Saeed laughs]

It looks good on you.

You like it?

Can I have all different colors?

-As many as you like.

-When do I get my prize?

If you ask me one more time,

you're not gonna get it.

I didn't know there's

a prize involved in this.

Does Mom get a prize

for wearing her scarf too?

Your mom already bought

herself bags of prizes

without dad's approval.

Mom, where's your prize?

Did you eat it already?

You're my prize.

You're my prize.

[Maryam giggles]

Can you adjust her hijab?

It's falling off.

No one's watching.

Mom, dad says

God is always watching.

-God doesn't--

-That's my girl.

God doesn't have

a bad eye, Maryam.

I said, adjust her g*dd*mn

hijab, for God's sake.

[birds cawing]

Mom, Mom, it's too tight,

I can't breathe.


-[woman] Come on, Karim.

-Others have tried.

-Ah. I gotcha.


Is Farash feeling well?

I feel like we've hardly

seen her tonight.

She's been working

so much that I decided

to give her the day off

and let her relax...

And now she hates me

for it. Can you believe it?

Poor girl.

She did seem exhausted.

Yeah, the poor girl doesn't

have time to even look

good for her husband.

Not a single drop

of makeup on that tired face.

-[silverware clatters]


Maybe if you spent less

time putting on makeup...

you'd have more time

to find your own husband too.

Karim, they say women's

power is in her beauty...

and men's beauty

in his power.

And who says a woman

can't have them both?

[Karim's wife] There she is.

Sit next to your husband, dear.

Let him spoil you.

It's okay, she prefers to sit

on yoga mats these days.


-Yoga mat?

Yeah, the class she's teaching

at is apparently a yoga class.

So how did you

end up teaching yoga?

Oh, the woman is a yoga teacher

with a little kid.

She's barely home,

so I have to go there--

Typical North American woman

thinking she's a man.

I was talking.

Since I can't teach here

and she's never home,

I have to go there.

At this point,

I can't refuse work,

especially when I have

a moral and ethical obligation.

Okay, okay, stop making me

look like I'm the bad guy

in front of my boss.

Go teach the poor kid.



-[lips smooch]



Wait, who's gonna do the dishes?

Can I do it after?

I'm running late.

I can do it.

[water trickling]

-Thank you.

-No problem.


You know, my brother never

does favors for anyone...

except his favorite

little sister.

[water trickling]

[hands slapping]

[actors laughing]

There must be a place for us.

Somewhere where every

color of the keyboard

plays the same song.

Somewhere where being ourselves

is not being wrong.

You say "f*ck it, let's go."

I know my line.

Can we change it?

No, the line won't change.

You have to change.

-I can't say it.

-Yes, you can.

F-U-C-K, "f*ck."

Sometimes you just

have to say "f*ck it."

Come on.

"f*ck it," say it. "f*ck it."

-I can't say it.

-Yes, you f*cking can.

Please stop swearing.

Just f*cking say it,

it's just a f*cking word.

-Oh, my God, f*ck it.

-Yeah, f*ck it.

Come on.

Farash, let it out, let it out.

-f*ck it.

-f*ck it.


-f*ck it.

-f*ck it.

-f*ck it.

-f*ck it.

-f*ck it.

-f*ck it.

[everyone] f*ck it,

f*ck it, f*ck it, f*ck it!

[Saeed] When are you

going to your class?

Soon. When are you

going to the mosque?


-What about dinner?

-I'm not that hungry.

-What about Maryam?

[blow dryer whirring]

I said what about Maryam?

I'll drop her off at

the praying lesson for kids.

They usually feed them.


-You look handsome.

You just noticed?

You're going

to the mosque like that?

-Yeah, why not?

-I thought you didn't like red.

Of course I do,

it's a great color. I love it.

God is beautiful

and loves beauty, right?


[Elise] Just keep exploring.

-[Farash giggles]

-And as you're exiting

from the curtain,

keep connecting

with your partner.

[film reel whirring]

-[fists thudding]

-[Saeed weeps]

[phone ringing]

I told you

to never to call me at home.

[woman] I told you

he would listen to me.

It's a done deal, honey.


[soft piano music]

What's going on?

You're looking at the new

control supervisor.

-You got promoted?

-I just found out.

[Farash squeals elatedly]

[Farash giggles]

-How did it happen so fast?

-I told you, everything

happens quicker in the city.

Twice the pay for half the work.

And the best part, I have three

people working under me. Three.



Just what you were dreaming of.

This is why

we moved to the city.

I'm so proud of you.

Now you can finally

stay at home.

What do you mean?

You know you don't have to work


I can provide.

I never had to work,

I always wanted to.

If you want a full-time job,

you can be a full-time mom.

I can afford it and Maryam

certainly needs you.

I can't afford to be home

all day, my job fulfills me.

Don't worry.

If everything goes right,

you'll have a very fulfilling

job for the next nine months.

-What do you mean?

-Tease my heart

Don't waste away,

Let me love, I want you

[Saeed] I want a son.


-I want a son.

A brother for Maryam.

A bigger family for us.

I see myself in you

Set me free

I need release

Saeed, I don't think

we're ready.

If you break my heart

We weren't ready for Maryam

either but it all worked out.

It was different then.

Things have changed

since we moved here.

What's changed? Nothing.

Except I have a better job

to sustain a family now.

Isn't this what

you've always dreamed of?

Now you're asking

about my dreams?

Knows just how to

Drive you insane

I thought you'd be happy.

I mean, what else

could you dream of, huh?

Tell me, anything you want.

I put my heart

Inside a prison

I still want to teach.

If you insist, I'll let you

teach from home.

Break me apart

Kiss by kiss

Take my body, take my heart

Love me gentle

Love me rough, I want you

I want you to kiss me apart

Break me apart

Kiss by kiss, take my body

Saeed, I'm not in the mood.

Saeed, we really need

to think this through.

This is a very big decision.

We made this decision

a very long time ago.

Tonight is a very whole

night to conceive.


I said no, Saeed.

Pray with me, please.

-I said no! Get the f*ck off me!

-What did you just say?

-I said get the f*ck off.

-[hand slaps]

[Farash gasps]

This one's from God

for disrespecting your husband.

The next one's from me

and I won't be as nice.

[Farash pants]

Saeed, get the f*ck off me!


-[Saeed grunts]

[muffled] I don't want to!

[Saeed] Shut up!

[Farash] No! No!

[Farash weeps]


-[Saeed grunting]


[Saeed grunting]

Get off me! No!

[Farash screams]

[scream echoes]

[birds cawing]

[Saeed] Hey, not too far.

I can already see them

running around playing.

Can you imagine?

You'll thank me one day.

This will bring us

closer together.

-Dad, get back up.


-You're burning in lava.

What's the rush?

I have class.

Good, make sure you tell them

it's your last class.

I know it's overwhelming,

but I want you to be

the lead in the play.

You've earned it.

You've worked

really hard, Farash.

-I can't.

-Of course you can.

Hey, believe in yourself,

you totally can do this.

-Trust me.

-Elise, I really can't.

-My husband's gonna find out.

-Your husband?

Don't even worry

about your husband.

I've got it all figured out.

With all these

costumes and makeup,

even your husband's

not gonna recognize you.

And you're gonna have

a stage name.

Any other excuse?

[Farash sighs]

Welcome everyone

to the last class of the term.

But for now, I want to celebrate

this new chapter with a poem.

"Life is like a short play.

We're born on the stage.

We act, direct and write it.

Every day, a single page.

Don't hide behind the curtains.

Be good enough without a mask.

You'll never know who you are...

if you never dare to ask.

Life's stage is full of rules.

What is wrong and what is right.

But the sun you seek is in you.

Just follow your inner light."

[relaxing piano, flute music]

Now let's go back to our chairs

and put your mask on.

Get ready for the next exercise.

This represents

what the character

is saying in the text.

I'm happy.

Underneath is what

the character actually feels.

I'm sad.

The subtext.

[relaxing piano, flute music]

Today, we're going to unmask.

I think you're a nice guy...

but sometimes

you can be an assh*le.

I feel like

you're a scared little bird.

Surprise me.

Be brave.

I feel like you want

to connect with me.

But every time I try,

you get scared and shut me out.

Farash, look him

straight in the eyes.

He's your partner.

Say how you

actually feel underneath.


what's happening with you today?

Drop all your fears.

What's underneath?

[voice echoing] Unmask.

[low, anxious music]

I feel like

you never let me feel.

I feel like you're hiding

me from the entire world,

even from my own self,

just 'cause

of your own insecurities.

I feel like every time

I start to feel like myself,

you punish me,

'cause you're scared

to know who I really am.

Maybe if you knew,

you wouldn't love me anymore.

I feel trapped.

Trapped in a good Muslim

and a good wife,

and anything

that makes you feel good.

I feel I have too many

impulses for my beliefs

and my beliefs make it

impossible for my impulses.

Someone must have f*cked up.

And yes, I can say

the word "f*ck."

It doesn't mean

I want to f*ck anyone.

That's just how I feel

in this moment right now.

I want to feel whatever

the f*ck I want to feel,

because here,

my feelings are mine.

My body is mine, my God is mine.

I'm not just a tool

to bring your babies to life.

I'm also a storyteller

that brings characters to life.

And neither you or anyone else

can take that away from me.

I may not be able to raise

my voice at you at home,

but here, I'm giving

a voice to characters

that don't have a voice.

So I can still feel alive.

[low, anxious music continues]

[Elise] Farash,

follow you impulse.

["Waltz of the Flowers" playing]

-[slow clapping]

-[Farash gasps]

Is Mom gonna turn

into an ugly frog?

[book thuds]

Dad, who's that guy?

[Edward] Farash, you okay?


-[Farash thuds]

[Elise] Farash, Farash,

can you breathe?


[Xantia] Oh, my god.

Somebody call 911.

Get some water.

[fire crackling]

[Elise] Farash, he's still

her father, I'm sure she's fine.

But you just stay here

until he calms down.

I know his plan.

He just wants to get me home.

[Farash sighs]


Listen, if he's that crazy,

let's call the cops.

And say what?

"I cheated on my husband and

I'm too scared to go home now?"

Stop saying you cheated on him.

-Fine. I'm gonna call the cops.

-No. What if they take him?

What am I supposed to do

with a kid in a new city?

And what am I supposed

to tell Maryam?

I'm sorry, I don't know.

-[Farash coughs]

-Farash, Farash, are you...

-[phone rings]

-Shit. It's him.

Farash, it's him.

[phone ringing]


-Where is Farash?

She can't come

to the phone right now.

Who the hell are you?

It's Elise, the acting coach.

Where the f*ck do you live?

It's none of your business

where I live.

Get my wife on the phone

or I swear to you.

Okay, calm down.

I swear to God...

He's just barking.

Don't be scared.

I can't, not over the phone.

Tell him I want

to meet him in person.

-Okay, Saeed.

-I swear on my life...

Listen to us, yes,

she's gonna meet you,

just calm down.

-Give me my wife...

-She wants to meet

somewhere in public.

Don't make him angry.

...and I'll come right over


Listen, Saeed,

just listen to us.

-Please calm down.

-My ass.

I don't need you to

tell me what to do.

-I'm the boss...

-I need to make

sure if Maryam's safe first.

Get her on the phone now.

She says she--

I said, get her

on the phone now,

or I swear to God,

if she does not come home,

she will never see Maryam


Do you understand?


He says if you don't come home,

you'll never see Maryam again.

Tell him if anything

happens to Maryam...

You have my daughter

and I have your son.

-Come home right--

-[call end tone]

His son?

[patrons chattering]

[knocking on window]

[door creaks]

Mom, Mom, where were you?

-Mom, I missed you so much.

-Hey, Mama, I'm here.

I'm here now.

Are you okay, are you all right?

Yes, yes.

I just couldn't sleep,

even with the music box.

I'm sorry, honey. I'm here now.

-You're not leaving us?

-Of course not.

-Of course not, Maryam.


Then why did

daddy cry all night?

Why don't you

go get some face paint

while Mom and I talk?

-[patrons chattering]

-[dishes clanking]

More spice...


-[glass thuds]


[patrons chattering]

Saeed, you have

every right to be upset

but I swear to God,

it's not what you think it--

[hand slaps]

Don't swear to God again.

-You're lucky you're pregnant.

-People are watching.

Now you're afraid

of people watching?

People, huh?

What about God?

You don't think God was watching

when you were cheating on me?

Quiet, I was not cheating.

How are you loving

couple doing today, huh?

There's the menu,

we have Devil's Kiss

as special for today.

We don't drink. Thank you.

No problem, sir.

We can make it

a virgin if you want.

I'll leave you guys

alone for a few minutes.

[Saeed blows]

How can you come back home,

and sleep next to me

after all of that?

It was just an acting class.

-I needed to get to know myself.

-Get to know yourself?

At least now I got to know you.

Saeed, you don't know me.

You never even tried.

Don't give me

that acting bullshit.

Did you have to f*ck the guy,

huh, in the name of acting?

Okay. I'm not gonna let

you talk to me like this.

I'm leaving

and I'm taking Maryam with me.

Next time you leave, there won't

be anything to live for.

-Let go, Saeed.

-Oh, I can let go.

You can go, I just want

to hold onto my son.

-Let go or I'll scream, Saeed.

-Please, the stage is all yours.


What do you think of it, Mom?

Do you like it?

Yes, honey. I just think

it needs more paint on it.

Do you want some...

you wanna paint too?

[Saeed sighs]

My mom was right

about this city.

She said it would divide us.

Saeed, you're the one building

walls since we moved in.

If you could only open up.


You've opened up enough

for all of us.

I told my mom you're pregnant.

-Does she know about--

-No, she doesn't know

about your cheating.

We've decided

that it's best for the baby

if you and Maryam move

back in with her while

I work in the city.

-It's safer.

-What do you mean "We decided?"

You go back to living

in the community,

like you did before,

and everything will go back

to normal like nothing happened.

Nothing happened

and I'm not going anywhere.

-Farash, I'm forgiving you.

-I don't need

your forgiveness, Saeed.

And if there is punishment,

I'll let God do it, not me.

I said I'm forgiving you.

On one condition.

What's this?

This is to fix the trust

you broke, to protect you.

To protect me or to hide me?

It's the only way, Farash.

No, I'm not gonna

let you censor my face.

I swear to God, Farash,

do not play with fire

-or I swear to God--

-Or what?

I'll make your life miserable,

you'll never see Maryam

ever again,

do you understand me?

You're gonna live alone

on the streets.

You think you're gonna

go back to anybody, huh?

You don't even have

the family you left, huh?

You're gonna

go back to living alone.

I saved you. I saved you.

You'll never see Maryam again,

do you understand me?

Go and wear it.


[water dripping]

[anxious violin music]

[Farash weeps]

[fist thuds]

-Thanks, Dad, for the ice cream.

-You're so welcome, sweetie.

[patrons laughing]

Who's this?

Don't worry, it's mommy.

Mm, don't touch it.

Eat your ice cream.

We're celebrating mommy, daddy

and all of us together again.

Stop it. Finish your ice cream.

[Maryam laughs]

[Saeed] Hey, stop laughing,

it's not funny.

[Maryam laughs]

Hey, shh, it's not funny.

-Where are you going?

-Lady's room.

Don't take long.

-And where are you running to?

-If I can wear a hijab,

then I can pee

in the ladies room too.

[water dripping]

[stall door creaks]

Farash? Farash?

[woman] Hey, what

the f*ck are you doing?

[soft music]

[music intensifies]

[music intensifies]


-Yes, that's me.

-That's your daughter?

-Yes, Maryam.


I'm sorry but you don't qualify

to stay at the women's shelter.

Clearly you're not under

any threat, and we only

accommodate women

who are in immediate danger

or mentally unstable.


Mama, just stay here. Excuse me.

[siren blaring]

All right, hold on, stay there.

Hey, do you think if you

or your mom went home,

that something might happen?

Yes. She'll turn

into an ugly frog.

You can stay for a month max.

Lights go off at 10:00,

meals are announced over the PA.

General bathroom is downstairs

and there's a limit

to one shower per day.

And most importantly,

no visitors without permission,

especially men.


Okay, you're writing

on a chalkboard.

-You're... You're a teacher!


-Your mother.


-It's God, I win.

-[woman] That's not fair.

That's not fair,

you can't play God.

[woman 2] Yeah, you're supposed

to do something we can see.

-I can see God. Right, Mom?

-Yes, honey.

-Wanna play too?

-No, you keep playing.

I have to go pray. Could you

please keep an eye on her?

Don't worry, she's safe here.

[whispering prayer softly]

[door creaks]

[ominous music]

[Saeed] Farash.

You're not good

at playing hide and seek.

Why are you shaking?


You're scared of me?

You should not be scared of me.

Only God.

You should only fear God.

Are you talking to him now?

-Asking for forgiveness?

-[Farash pants, quivers]

Do you think

he has forgiven you?


Do you really believe

he's forgiven you?


Well, your God

is certainly very forgiving.

Mine is not.

-[liquid splashes]

-[Farash screams]


You want to be an actress?

Fine, I'll do my job,

you do yours.

[liquid splashes]

[Farash screams]

Leave my mom alone!


-[liquid splashes]

Ow, Mom! Mom, my face!

Mom, Mom, my face! What is it?

Oh, my God, Farash.

[distorted voices]

[Maryam] Mom.

[somber music]

[music continues]

[cloth rustling]

[music fades out]

[Farash] Maryam,

your dress is ready.


[woman on speaker]

Hi, Farash, it's Dr. Johnson.

I hope you both

are recovering well.

I noticed you missed

your appointment last week

to remove your bandages.

Can you please give me a call

at the clinic right away?


-Farash, it's Dr. Johnson


I've been trying to reach you.

It's very urgent

that you remove those bandages.

-Can you please call me--


Hey, it's Elise.

Everyone misses you.

-If you need any help--


[Elise] Farash, I have

some good news for you.

-Please come to the studio.


[door creaks]

-What are you doing?

-I want to see how I look.

No, what did I say?

But, Mom, I can't wait

anymore, it still burns.

Don't you want to turn

into a beautiful princess?

Then you have to wait

for the magic potion to work.

To break the spell,

like in the stories.

Promise me you won't look again.

I promise.

[lips smooch]

[iron crackles]

[children yelling]

Mom, is dad coming home

for my birthday?

I don't know.

What are you drawing?

It's you, me and dad.

That doesn't look like me.

Is dad coming home

for my birthday?

Mom, is dad coming

home for my birthday?

I said I don't know.

-Are we still hiding?


The last time we ran off,

you said we weren't

hiding anymore.

I lied, okay?

Dad said, "If you lie,

you go to hell."

Your dad can burn in hell!

[Maryam weeping]

[Maryam continues weeping]

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, honey.


I miss dad.

Why can't you give him

a clue so he can find us?

Do you want to look like

a princess for your birthday?

[Maryam] Shouldn't we get

Dad's permission first?

[Farash] We don't need anyone's

permission anymore.

-Pick any color you want.


[relaxing guitar music]

Towards me please, princess.

Where are your eyebrows?

Let's draw you some eyebrows.

So, what kind of princess

do you want to look like?

There's no red,

but there's this color.

This color, gimme this color.

[relaxing tar, violin music]

[lips smack]

-Oh, I can't.

-You'll like it.

I think you need

some hearts too.

A big heart from Mama.

A big heart from me.

-My heart's bigger.



-You're a blue princess.

-You look like

a really creepy clown.

[both laughing]

Pink because I love "love."


-And I love you.

[knocking on door]

-It's dad, it's dad.

-Who is it?

[door creaks]

Mom, look.

[silverware clanking]

It's a script... script.

Mom, I think this is for you.

[crickets chirping]

-What is it?

-Go open your gifts, Mama.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday, dear Maryam

Happy birthday to you

Make a wish.

[Maryam blows]

-One more, one more, yay!

-[Farash and Maryam clapping]

[somber guitar music]

-[Farash] More.

-That's good. [laughs]

No, I'm great.

You don't like it?

[Farash gasps, laughs]

[laughing] Oh, my God.

You're a naughty birthday girl.

-I'm gonna catch you.

-No, please, no.

-Birthday girl.


[Farash and Maryam laughing]

Here you are. I got her.

I got her. I got her.

[somber guitar music]

[Maryam laughs, stops]



You have some cake on your face.

Let's go change your bandages.

But I don't have

any cake on my face.

Now you do. Let's go.

[Maryam] Am I a princess now?

You're already a princess.

-[Maryam] Can I see?

-Not yet, honey. Soon.

Why are you crying?

I've just... I've just never

seen you so beautiful.

Mom, is dad in heaven?

Why would you ask that?

'Cause when people are gone

for too long, and others cry,

they say they're in heaven,

like grandpa.

I don't know.

Daddy always wanted to go there.

I'm not sure about him.

But honey,

you'll definitely go to heaven.

Will he come with me?

[somber guitar music]


Dad said, I have a new playmate.

Is it true?


-Where is he?

-He's here.

-Can I see him?

No, but maybe you can hear him.

[door creaks]

[gas hissing]

[gas hissing continues]

[Farash pants softly]

-[Farash panting]

-[somber violin music]

-Hey, Mom, look what I found.

-Why are you awake?

I had a bad dream.

I tried to wake up,

but I couldn't.

What dream?

We were going through a tunnel.

A very dark, one-way tunnel.

I kept shouting "Mom, Mom,

come back, it's a dead end!"

But you couldn't see

or hear anything.

You kept dragging me along.

I couldn't see

or hear anything anymore.

Suddenly, this butterfly sat

on my face and woke me up.

Isn't it beautiful?

It is beautiful.

Everything still is.

[Farash and Maryam panting]

-[somber violin music]

-[crickets chirping]

-[birds chirping]

-[waves crashing]

[Farash] Are you trying

to t*rture me?

Farash, is that you?

Oh, my god, we've been--

-Are you trying to t*rture me?

-t*rture you?

-[Farash] What's this?

-It's the script for the play.

I know what it is.

Do I look like I can act?

-Listen, I just want--

-I want you to look at me,

and tell me if I look

like I can act.

[waves crashing]

[birds chirping]

You're still my lead.

It's not a reason to hide

from the world again, Farash.

The world

that was already scared of me?

Now they have one more

reason to be scared.

If they're scared of the mask,

then show them who's behind it.

Show them the real Farash.

The real Farash did this to me.

Maybe I deserve this.

Maybe women like me

are born to pray, not to play.

Can you hear yourself?

Now you sound

just like your husband.

-Excuse me?

-Can't you see, Farash?

He was using his faith

to justify punishing you,

and now you're using it to

justify punishing yourself.

You know nothing

about my faith, nothing.

I know your God

is beautiful and loves beauty.

And you certainly look

more beautiful like this.

-Are you out of your f--

-Say it, come on.

-Are you out

of your f*cking mind?

-Now, that's beautiful.

-[Farash gasps]

-[relaxing piano music]

You crazy bitch.

That's the f*cking Farash

I'm talking about.

-She's back.

-[Farash] You're gonna regret

to see who's back.

-Wait 'til I catch you. [laughs]

-[Elise] Oh, my God.

[waves crashing]

[Farash] I still don't

understand why you're

wasting your time.

What's the point of you

teaching me how to act

if I can't even show my face?

I'm not teaching

you acting to act.

-Then what?

-[waves crashing]

I'm teaching you to teach.

To teach? [laughs]

[Elise] Yes, to teach acting.

[Farash] You're crazier

than I thought.

What's blocking you?

[Farash] Who's gonna take

acting classes from a Muslim?


It took a lot of courage

for all of you

to be in this class,

to choose to be an actress

as a Muslim woman.

I want to end the term

with a poem.

"I believe in a beautiful God.

A God who loves beauty.

Play to Him as a prayer.

He's needless of my duty.

My God is a homeless one,

yet His home is everywhere.

He does not need a ending.

Everywhere I look, He's there.

My God does not live too far.

He lives among every tree.

His footprint is on the leaves.

His breath is the dance of


My God does not fit in books.

He lives in every man's eyes.

He's reborn with every birth.

He does not k*ll, nor He dies.

My God's not a warrior.

He's the artist and the art.

My God doesn't need jihad.

He conquers a willing heart.

My God is not to k*ll for.

He is the reason to live.

Life is a gift He won't take.

He only knows how to give.

My God doesn't have a name.

Not Jesus, Allah or Dao.

He can't be named, only felt.

I call Him, "Power of Now."

My God never wears a mask.

He is everything you see.

His beauty is in you.

His beauty is in me."

[inspirational violin,

piano music]

[music continues]

[music fades out]