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Bite the Dust (2023)

Posted: 06/13/23 06:37
by bunniefuu
[dramatic tense music]

[g*nf*re ricocheting]

[outlaw speaking in Spanish]

Hey! Wait!

Wait for me!

-Who are these guys?

-[g*nf*re echoing]

[g*nf*re ricocheting]

[outlaw speaking in Spanish]

[g*nf*re ricocheting]

[g*nf*re ricocheting]

Come on, come on, come on!

[g*n clicking empty]

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Don't overdo it.

Handbill says alive.

[g*n clicks]

[g*n thuds]

[Zeke falls]

[Zeke exclaims]

Morning, Zeke.

That's Mr. Tyler to any

bastard who p*stol whips me.

[Bounty Hunter] Somebody

woke up feeling prickly.

Oh, I was just dreaming

about a beautiful girl

I know down at Saltillo.

Imagine my disappointment

to wake up and see you.

Anyone ever tell you you got

a face like a burned boot?

Now that other horse is gone,

there's no sign of

the third rider.

[Zeke] Well, I don't

suppose you unfortunate boys

have any clue who it is

you're robbing, do you?

We ain't bandits.

Clear as day, but I

don't see no badges.

'Cause we ain't lawmen.

[Waco groans]

Bounty hunters then.

And from the looks of it,

some of the worst

I've ever seen.

That's mighty bold

coming from a man

on the ground

looking up, friend.

He prefers Mr. Tyler.

Oh, I'll be sure to

have them carve that

in the tree they're probably

gonna hang you from.

Neither one of you know, huh?

I am astonished.

Some bounty hunters,

you two can't tell

the difference between

a skunk and a house cat.

Dutch, I got the feeling

he thinks we're

missing something.

Yeah, I'm picking up on that.

Hey, why don't you quit beating

the devil around the stump

and just fill us in

on your little secret?

Information isn't free.

Neither are you.

So we understand each other.

We do.

And you're a man of your word?

I am.

You won't go back on it, now?

Never do.

Alright, here it is.

I see the both of you

just standing there

grinning at me when not

30 paces to your backside,

there's the real prize.


Well what?

You shot a hole clean

through his face.

I can't make him out at all.

You couldn't have aimed lower?

Oh, well excuse me.

It didn't seem

important at the time

when he was trying to k*ll me.

Who is that?

Gentlemen, allow

me to introduce you

to the dearly departed

Benicio Morales.

That's Moonshine Morales?

Lizard's Tooth himself.

What'd he say?

He says that's Benicio Morales.

This is Benny the Stallion?

How do we know you're not lying?

You know the stories?

Anyone wearing a six

g*n knows about Morales.

Then you probably heard the one

about the Quechan natives

who inked a little scorpion

just above his heart?

Providing you didn't

blow a hole in it.

Hey, take a look at his chest.

He got a scorpion alright.

If this here's Morales,

who's that other guy?


Well, I be damned.

I outgunned the Rio

Rattlesnake himself.

Did you hear that, Waco?

We were all riding

pretty quick there.

You coulda hit him by accident.

Oh, you horse's ass.

That was marksmanship

and you know it.

And they'll sings of your glory

all throughout the heartland.

Now, if you two

would just untie me,

I'll take one of them

horses and skedaddle.

Now, why on God's green

earth would we do that?

Because you said you would.

Waco, did you ever hear

me make a deal like that?


But you said you was

a man of your word.

I am, but it's not my fault

if you infer

something incorrectly.

[scoffs] You've got

to be kidding me.

That body over there

has gotta be worth

five times what I

am alive or dead

in any county west

of the Mississippi.

That's true.

It is.

And you are in hostile

border country.

We are.

-Yes we are.


Any bounty hunter with a lick

of sense north of his ears

knows that the move here

is to take that body

and hightail it to the

nearest town sheriff.

I'm only gonna slow you down.

Your chances of being

robbed and k*lled out here

and me escaping is

not worth the price

on my meager little handbill.


You know, that, that

does sound smart.

[sighs] So you'll let me go?


Not a chance.

[dramatic music]

Ha. I figured it out.

[Dutch] Oh, we're in for it now.

Well, I recognize the name

but my head's a bit

scrambled from earlier.

You's the Waco Kid, ain't you?

Bare knuckle boxing champion?

Yeah, I am. [clicks his tongue]

[chuckles] You are famous!


My daddy took me to one

of your title fights

when I was just a boy.

Oh yeah? Which one?

The one you lost. [laughs]

[g*n clicks]

[dramatic music]

He don't have to talk when

we turn him in, does he?

Well isn't this just

a day for celebrities?

We got a dead one and another

whose career's just as dead.

Say, what exploits

was you known for

when you were younger, Dutch?

Kind that daddies don't

bring their boys to see.

[Waco Kid chuckling]

You know, he's right though.

We can't camp out

here in the wide open.

Not with a body this valuable.

What was that town we

passed a while back?

Oro, Oro Lindo, Beautiful Gold.

We keep riding, we can

be there by nightfall.

What do you think?

Boom town with a name like that?

Sounds like a blast.

[crickets chirping]

[owl hooting]

[horses walking]

Somebody forgot to put

the boom in boom town.

More like doom town.

[horses walking]

Looks like the sheriff's

office up ahead.

[dramatic music]

Evening gentlemen.

What can I do for you?

You the sheriff?

Afraid not. Deputy Elijah Stone.

Well, Deputy Stone,

would you be so kind

as to round up the sheriff?

We've got some turkeys to trade.

[Deputy sighs]

Zeke Tyler. You back so soon?

Well, what can I say?

It's hard to keep an

angel outta paradise.

How's your sister, Eli?

She can still drink your

sorry carcass under the table.

Well you tell her I'm sorry.

The doctor promised it would

clear up in a few weeks.

Well, I can see you

two are acquainted.

Yeah, old Zeke here,

he's been staying in town

the last season or so.

Well it looks like

he ventured out

and got himself into

some trouble again.

He's been a wanted man

a whole lot longer

than a season.

Mister, we don't have

bounty hunters around here.

Some folks just like

to be left alone.

Yeah, well you do tonight.

[dramatic music]

Charges are listed.

Whoa, hold on, one of

these is handwritten.

We couldn't find a law office

between hell and this town,

but I think you'll

recognize the name.

[Deputy sighs]

Trying to tell me

that that stiff there

is really Benicio Morales?

Pale Rider himself.

Tattoo and all.

Old Bullwhip Ben. I'm impressed.

Still in all, you're all gonna

have to wait 'til tomorrow.

Sheriff don't pay out except

from sun up to sun down.

Don't suppose he'd

make an exception here?

This one's been baking

in the sun all day

and this one's been running

our patience down so far,

he's in debt for it.

Well, you're just gonna have to

endure their company

until tomorrow.

But you don't have to worry

about losing your catch.

This here's a nice,

safe, sleepy little town.

[g*nf*re echoing distantly]

If it's so safe, what was that?



Now I don't suppose

you could recommend

a place for us to

sleep for the evening

that ain't got no bullfrogs?

Everything this

side of the border's

closed up for the night.

But, on the south side of

town, cantina's still open.

You boys should

head on down there,

soak up some of the local

flavor until morning.

[tense music]

Let me tell you story about

the deed that I have done

m*rder*d my true lover

with the barrel of my g*n

Go, got it, got it, yeah!

-[men laughing]

-[lively music]

[Dutch] Two whiskeys, please.

[bartender speaking in Spanish]

[chains rattling]

[Dutch sighs]


Hey, you wouldn't have a place

we could stay for the

evening, would you?

I have a room upstairs.

That'll do great. Gracias.

[gentle romantic music]

[Zeke stomping]

[clothes shuffling]

[Zeke hawking and spitting]

Hello, darling.

What's a tiger lily like you

doing in a cow trough like this?

Oh, don't mind the ropes.

I was just practicing

my career as a escapist.

Wouldn't mind tying you up.

They say I'm a real artist.

[Waco yanks Zeke]

Sorry ma'am.

If his brains were dynamite,

he wouldn't have enough

to blow his nose.

Certainly seems

expl*sive either way.

Oh, now who's

feeling prickly, huh?

Can a condemned man have

a few simple pleasures?

Which whiskey's mine?

The one you pay for.

You're making a

bounty off of me.

And until we do,

I'm afraid we can't

afford any more drinks.

Dos whiskeys, senorita!

"Dos whiskeys, senorita!"

[Zeke stomps]

Boom, one, two, three.

He says, meet me

outside the mine,

I said, you keep

running your mouth.

He didn't think

I would go there.

[Zeke stomps]

[Patron] He had it

coming, he had it coming.

[Zeke stomping]

[Zeke stomping]

Hola, amigos.

[Zeke laughs]

Say, I don't suppose any

of you boys is boxers, huh?

Boxeo? El luchador?

Si, we can box.

Are you asking us to fight you?

I don't think you

would win, my friend.

No, I was just having a

little private conversation

with my famous friends

over there, Waco,

that's the Waco Kid by the way,

for those who are wondering,

and he was just telling me

how fond he was

of Mexican women,

so if any of you

have mothers or wives

or sisters or daughters there,

you better watch out, this...

[Zeke stomping]

Dios mio, hey, it is him.

Please, Mr. Waco, I love to box,

could you show us

some of your moves?

I'm sorry, kid, my

brawling days are over.

Please, just, just

one quick round?

Like a warmup? For me,

it would be my honor.

It's not gonna

happen, kid, sorry.

We're exhausted, we're

heading up to our room.

Let's go, Waco.

His honor.

[Rosemary walks]

[dramatic music]

Nothing serious.

[Caleb laughing]

Just a little warmup.

Exactly, yes, just a warmup.

A warmup with a champ!

[Caleb laughing]

A little slap box.

[Boxer] Yeah, okay, sure, sure.

[Dutch patting]

Don't overdo it.

[Waco Kid] Alright, let's

see what you got, kid.

[Zeke groaning]

[Dutch groaning]

Oh, what in the hell is this?


Now. Don't you go nowhere.

I wouldn't dream of it.

[Zeke scooting chair]

Evening, ma'am, pardon

the interruption.

I think it might be best

if we move you to another table.

Oh. Is there going

to be an exhibition?

I guess you could call it that,

but sometimes these

things get a little rowdy.


So, what is that you're reading?

"Dracula". Bram Stoker.


Yeah, I just finished

that one myself

about a month and a half ago.

Really? How'd you like it?

I quite enjoyed it.

I guess my favorite part was-

Oh no, please! I

only just started.

I understand.

My name's Dutch Langford.

Rosemary O'Rourke.

Pleasure to meet you, ma'am.


What brings you to Oro

Lindo, Mr. Langford?

My partner and I are

traveling through,

we're doing a little

bounty hunting.

Ah, exciting.

Are you on the hunt?

Not at the moment, no.

In fact, we got us a nice little

high dollar bounty

earlier today.

I see.

And that high dollar bounty

wouldn't be the man making it

for the door right

now, would it?

Oh no, he's dead. He's

tied up on the horses.

No, that other idiot is Zeke...

Hey. Waco, get him!


[loud punch]

[Waco spits]


Excuse me, ma'am.

Get back here!

[lively dramatic music]

Whoa, hey!

Come on!

[loud slap]

[bar patron falls]

You got this, you got this!

Are you done now?

-Get your hands!

-Calm down.

No, I'm not gonna calm down,

now get me out of this chair!

Get me out of this chair.

-You got this, you got this!

-Come on!

[crowd gasping]

[loud slap]

[table breaks]

[crowd cheering]

-Get me out of this chair,

-Calm down!

Get me out of this chair!

Dutch, outside.

-Oh, sh-

-[Zeke laughing]

Shut up! Waco!

Hold on!

[loud thud]

[Zeke falls]

Get back here! Where

are you going with that?

My dead body.

Let go of it.

Waco, can you help me over here?

[glass shattering]

[chair crashes]

[loud kick]

[glass shattering]

[loud punch]

[loud punch]

[loud punch]

[glass shattering]

[Rosemary gasping]

[bottle thuds]

Get out!

Get outta here!

[tense music]

[chair thudding]

[g*nf*re echoing]

[g*nf*re echoing]

[Bar patron falling]

[Bar patron groaning]

[p*stol swooshing]

[Bar patron falling]

[rooster crowing]

[dramatic music]

Sheriff's ready to

see you boys now.

[Dutch sighing]

Body inside yours too?


He's useless.

[Elijah scoffing]

I don't think he likes you.

[Dutch groaning]

Think they'll refund our room?

Not a chance.

Now, you ready?



[body crashing]

Be careful!

Really? Waco?

[Waco groaning]


So, who's the body

stinking up my porch?

Benicio Morales.

The Slim Reaper?

The Sideways Scorpion.

He preferred The Tabasco Knife.

And I'm the man that k*lled him.

Sure did.

Well unfortunately boys,

I can't pay out a bounty

that size in one day.

You boys are gonna have

to wait around a while

until I can scrounge

up enough cash.

I thought this was a gold town.

So, how long do you

expect that to be?

We weren't planning

on staying long.

[hand thudding]

That will be when

Thaddeus Vincent

decides to make

his next deposit.

[door knocking]

Hello, gentlemen.

Sheriff Pearlwood, I

do hate to intrude,

but I'm afraid I must insist.

I have had quite a time

trying to get an

audience with you

and the matter that I

need to discuss is urgent.

Well, be that as it may,

you're gonna have

to wait your turn.

See, I'm having a conversation

with these fine gentlemen.

-Sheriff, I understand-

-Now, please,

no need to send her

away on our account.

Our business here is done.

Anyway, hey Deputy,

why don't you,

why don't you show us

over to the undertaker?

[chuckles] I'd love to

show you to the undertaker.


Good luck.

Thank you.

[Deputy grunting]

It appears you have an

opening in your schedule.

So there is.

[Rosemary clearing throat]

As I mentioned in my letters,

my name is Rosemary O'Rourke.


I work in close connection

with an orphanage in Boston

that has sent hundreds

of children out West

on the Orphan Trains, and

my job is to follow up

on the children's wellbeing,

make sure they're in

loving, good homes

with thoughtful families-

Yeah, I've read your letters.


Then you know that there are

several Orphan Train children

that I have not

been able to locate

despite my considerable effort.

It's a large county.

I've traversed much of it.

With a lot of farms.

I've been to all of them.

Those children did

not leave Oro Lindo.

This is a border town,

people go missing all the time.

Yes, but these are

children, Sheriff.

Children have gone

missing. And that matters.

Dismissal of the subject is

most out of the question.

Now, it would be very helpful

if you could provide

me some sort of list

of local citizens or shop owners

that may have taken someone in.

I assume your benefactor,

Mr. Thaddeus Vincent

will be on that list as well.

Sure, Miss.

We can get you a list.

But it'll take us a day or so.

In a day or so.

Much obliged.

Thank you, gentlemen.

[heels clacking]

[tense sinister music]

[Zeke falling]

You've done it this time.

Well, you know, I'm

impressed as hell

that Thaddeus can shave an

ape and teach it to talk.

What other tricks do

you know, monkey boy?

Can't wait to squash you.

You better buy me flowers first.

Besides, you know

you can't touch me

unless the master lets

you off the leash.


[Zeke yelping like a monkey]

[Zeke stomping]

[woman speaking in Spanish]

All the families in this town,

we understand the

way things work.

We are not blind whose name

is written on the wood beams

every time a new

building goes up.

I wouldn't have a home

if not for the loans

that you provided.

And I am more than happy

to pay for them back.

My brother Caleb as well.

He works in your

mines every day.

He doesn't complain, he

doesn't make trouble.

But I do see his

pain every morning

and I watch him drag

himself home every night.

[speaks in Spanish]

I have no illusions for

charity in this world.

My brother doesn't

know I'm here.

But I come to say that

we are good people

who want to see a

real step forward

for all our hard work.

Not a step back.

A small leniency on

the interest, even.

As a self-made man, I'm

sure you understand that.

[chuckles] My, my, my.

Miss Salazar, that is a

display of passion and rhetoric

I've not seen from a

politician in years.

And believe me, they

come by the wagon load

to this humble little

country house of mine.

That was quite the performance.

Mr. Vincent, I did not

came here to perform.

Only speak the truth.

Yes, of course.

Everyone endeavors

to speak the truth.

But the truth is

like anything else

between heaven and hell.

It is entirely

subject to the whims

of those who are in

possession of it.

Truth, Miss Salazar,

is like a tool

to get what one wants.

To fire at someone.

Mr. Vincent, there's

nothing I'm asking for here

that will deprive you.

[laughs] Ah, wait,

wait, wait, wait, wait.

There it is.

You've now gone from

the realm of your truth

into the realm of my truth.

Your truth, Miss Salazar,

is based upon what you see,

what your people see.

And that is not what I see.

You see a cow and

know it to be a meal.

I see a cow and know

it to precede a herd.

You see a hut and

know it to be a home,

I see a hut and know it to

precede a thousand just like it.

Your people saw a

hole in the ground

and said, nay, thou

shalt not go there

because there be demons.

But not I.

Because I knew what God

left in there for me.


We are not alike and

I do not understand.

So, the subject of

your half-brother.

Your half-brother is a

drinker and a rabble rouser,

you know, maybe perhaps

if he were to spend

a little less of

his leisure time

working on his right hook,

he would be less desperate.


I can see that he is a

special prize to you.

I could treat him as one

of my special prizes.

Say my prize horse.

Do you know what I do

to them, Miss Salazar,

when they no longer

perform for me?

I put a b*llet in their head.

I put them out of their misery.

And I replace them with

something that benefits me.

Am I clear?

There'll be no change

to your payment

schedule, Miss Salazar.

I do not care one continental

for your disposition.

You and your people

will pay accordingly.

Be blessed on the way out.

Hoo! That is one

feisty chili pepper.

Ah, ah, ah, do not sit

in the furniture, Zeke.

How did everything go?

Oh, it, you know, it

went great. [chuckles]

Well, that's great.

Send in Benicio.

Yeah, about that.

Benicio is, he's, he's, he's-

Is he indisposed?

He's presupposed, that's

the word I was looking for.

And well, see,

complications arose

and things being

what they are, he's-

Dead as a door nail,

collecting flies

in a wooden shed

behind the undertaker's

shop, you desert canary.

You nailed it.

Is that what you call real

great, you incompetent fool?

I paid a small fortune

for that k*ller.

I'm forced to endure

37 asinine nicknames

anytime somebody

whispers about him and-

Well, there's more than that.

And lo and behold,

lo and behold,

not even a legend

can survive riding

with the likes of you, Zeke!


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Not the face!

How many teeth, boss?

No, no, no, wait a

minute. Wait a minute.

Well, now, wait, wait!

We was bush whacked

by bounty hunters.

They popped off a

lucky shot on Morales.

But I wasn't lying before.

Well, that was afterwards.

See, we did the job

we were sent to do.

We got the deed.

The farmer's not gonna

be a problem anymore,

I promise you that.

The farmer's dead?

That's right.

I did it myself.

Popped him right there.

[pops lips and laughs]

I dropped his ass

down a well! Oh.

The land is yours to dig, boss,

but I would not drink the water.

That was my favorite

uncle growing up.

My condolences.

But you didn't tell

us that part before.

[Mr.Vincent sighs]

He should've sold me

that land years ago.

Family is only a title of import

as long as you give

it leave to be.

Zeke, you remember that.

I always said that.

I've always said that.

Where's the deed?

[chuckles] Well...

It's a cute story.

You're gonna laugh.

It's in my saddlebags

and the bounty

hunters have those.

But if you send the

bearded lady and me,

we'll take care of

it, lickety split.

No, not right now.

But I want you to

keep an eye on 'em.

We'll do it when

the time is right.

Send in the other boys when

you're on your way out.

And Zeke? Do better.

I'm trying my damnedest, sir.

Can I have my g*n

back, please? [sighs]

Well, that's just being

rude and spiteful.

I'm gonna have to pick those up.

amm*nit*on is

expensive these days

and you're just being careless,

what if the boss steps on 'em?

That's, alright.

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

What you reading there, boss?

Love letters from a

concerned citizen.

[Zeke] Oh, there's

this girl in Abilene,

she used to write to me twice-

[somber music]

Nope. Never heard of them.

Oh. I see.

The cobbler and the blacksmith

both told me you adopted.

I truly hoped that I'd

find these children here.

Well sure, I adopted.

Had great success

with the Orphan Train.

Two little boys

and a little girl,

raised right here in this shop.

Poor things, barely knew

their folks back East

before the cough took 'em.

I wasn't ready to

be no daddy, though,

I'll tell you that.

They called me

Gabe, same as any.

I raised them right, though.

They're good kids, all of them.

That's wonderful to hear.

Are they around?

They haven't been

around for years.

Around here, we tend to

bring them up pretty quick

and they let out the second

they feel like

they're old enough to.

Like I said, I'm no daddy.

I couldn't have kept the shop

afloat without 'em, though.

'Cause Lord knows Mr. Vincent's

got us all up to our

damn ears in debt.

The girl.

Her name wasn't Violet was it?

No, no, her name was Sarah.

I see.

[Rosemary clears throat]

Well, I'd still love to record

all their names and

ages if you don't mind.

You mentioned Mr.

Thaddeus Vincent.

I've heard his name mentioned

multiple times, today alone.

And I have found it quite common

for a person of means to

adopt quite frequently.

Have you ever seen Mr. Vincent

or one of his representatives

at the train station

when the orphans arrive?

Oh yeah, they're out

there every time.

[door creaking]

You know what, ma'am?

I must be mistaken.

I am old, my memory

does slip often.

I just don't think I

can help you today.

[tense music]

[man chuckling]

-Come on, let's go.


let's get outta here.

[group clamoring]

She's over there!

Hey, I'm trying!

Get my hat, put it on my head.

It's heavy, it's heavy!

I know it's heavy,

you're heavy too.

I will cut you in half!

Get off me, get off me!

Get outta here.

He does that to me too.

Oh! Oh!

Oh my Lord, I am so sorry.

Are you okay?

Be as sorry as you like, Miss.

You'll never be as

sorry as a mining man.

-Here, let me help you.

-I don't believe I ever saw

a nugget like you

in this town before.

What's a town like you

doing in a woman like this?

[Rosemary laughs nervously]

Really, sir, the

day is far too young

to be in such a state, do

not lean upon this man.

What state?

This is the state

of Thaddeus Vincent.

Where men are things

to be leaned upon,

he knows it as well as I do.

[loud clanking]

And you, you can lean on me

anytime you like. [chuckles]

I'm real hands, handy.

How about you hold onto these?

[loud clanking]

Oh! Ah!

[knife unsheathing]

[dramatic music]

[loud grunting]

Why don't you put that

toothpick away, son,

before somebody gets hurt?

You wanna remove your hand?

Don't overdo it.


[loud punches]

[assailant cackling]


[chuckles] Lookie what I found.

Get her, Concho.

[shovel clattering]

[loud grunting]

Not to me! Whoa!

Oh, oh God!

-[assailant yelping]

-[flames crackling]

[steam hissing]

[Waco Kid whistling]

Come on.

Night night.

[glass shattering]



Hold it right there, son.

You don't want this.

Yeah, that was a

fine scrap and all.

But you skin leather,

becomes something

totally different.

It's not a fight

you wake up from.

You ain't that fast, old man!


That was quite the fandango.

Well, good afternoon,

Miss O'Rourke.

Dutch, Waco.


-Lovely to see you both.

How are you enjoying your stay?

Fair enough, I reckon.

Although I am beginning

to notice a pattern.

Yeah, every time she's

around, I get hit in the face.

That wasn't what I

was referring to.

Well, seems you gave quite

a bit more than you got.

First rule of a fight.


I have worked up an appetite.

What do you boys say to

joining me for a bite?

Southways a bit.

I don't care too much

for the hospitality

on this side of town.

Oh, here, let me.

I feel the manners improving

around us already. Ma'am?

You should start a charm school.

So, how do you do

that? You just?

-You just, yeah.

-It's cool.

[gentle somber music]


These men,

these boys got themselves

something to report.

It's a street fight, Eli.

That ain't what they say.

So you want me to take testimony

of a man who loses a fight

yet claims otherwise?

I do that, I'm gonna

have to take testimony

of every pair of

hands in this town.

We have ourselves a duty to act.

Don't you?

Pearl. I am so glad you're here.

I would like to report a crime.



More importantly, there's

been a vicious attack

on men in my employ.

Initiated with their

backs turned, no less.

The cowardice of some men,

it never ceases to sadden me.

I trust, Pearl, Sheriff, that

you will treat this crime

with the severity and

sentencing that it deserves.

I would like to introduce you

to my daughter,

adopted daughter.

Lizzie, come child.

It's okay, take my hand. Good.

We need to uphold the

laws in this town,

if for no other reason,

do it for the children.

I'm glad to see that you're

taking justice so seriously.

I've taken the liberty

of forming you a posse.

Starting with myself.

You're welcome.

[Elijah chuckling]

I'll order us something.

You boys grab us a table.

Well boys, deal me in.

Better yet, pass me

the California Bible

and let me have a shuffle.

Have you ever heard

of Three-card Monte?

Another time, Waco.

We got grub coming.

Well, they had stew,

stew, and stew.

I didn't know what you prefer

so I went with the stew.

Hope that's alright.

I guess it'll just have

to stew. [chuckles]

So, Miss O'Rourke-

Oh. Rosemary is just fine.

Rosemary, you know what

Waco and I are doing here

but we never had the

chance to ask you.

Care to share?

Not to pile on, but I'm

quite curious myself.

Well, have you ever heard

of the Orphan Trains?


-Sure have.

I've heard 'em

called Mercy Trains.

Always wondered if

that was strictly true.

Well, it mostly is.

However, I have recently

found the records lacking

as to the wellbeing

of those children

once they're adopted

off the trains.

So I have taken it upon

myself to follow up,

make sure they're

properly cared for.

My sister and I,

we were sent out West

in an Orphan Train.

So I know firsthand just how

rough of a life that can be.

And therefore I am doing my best

to prevent other children

from having rough lives as well.

Yeah, well, as

heavy as that seems

that's a mighty

fine cross to bear.

So, what about your sister?

Does she work with you?

I am sure she would.

So, are there children

from the Orphan Train

here in Oro Lindo?

And have you found

them? Are they okay?

As it turns out,

there is suspiciously

little information

I can find regarding

their whereabouts.

The sheriff and the deputy

are about as useful as

a couple of songbirds

in an orchestra.

Yeah, we've got a

similar opinion.


My only lead is the

troubling encounter

I had with the shopkeeper.

He was very forthcoming,

right up until

Thaddeus Vincent's men

made their appearance.

So this Vincent character,

you think he has something to do

with these children missing?

His name keeps popping up

in all the worst places.

I am not sure,

but I have decided

I am not leaving

until I find them.

I apologize for intruding.

But I know where

the children are.

What? You do?

Who are you?

Oh, I'm sorry, that

was a little rude.

What I mean is,

what is your name?

My name is Lita Salazar.

I live in town with

my brother Caleb.

He works in Mr.

Vincent's gold mines.

So there is gold in this town.


The town itself never sees it.

The gold is mined by its people,

but it stays hoarded

with Senor Vincent.

That and half of the towns debt.

And the children?

The mines.

That's where the children are.

What? That can't be.

It's true.

Most people in town don't know.

Mr. Vincent tries

to keep it a secret.

But my brother

Caleb has seen it.


[they converse in Spanish]

[group laughing]

Oh, Senor Waco! So

good to see you.

My spine is crooked.

Yeah, I think I

left a tooth or two

on the floorboards over here.

Very fun, ah, we should

go another round.

Easy. Only the

first round's free.


[Lita] Caleb, it's

time to be serious.

We're talking about Mr. Vincent.

What do they wanna know?

Is it true that he has

children working in the mines?

[Caleb sighing]

It is.

I've seen them with my own eyes.

Only certain workers, those

of us who go in the deepest,

have seen them.

Mr. Vincent uses the children

to get into the crevices

and other places that myself

and the other adults

can't fit into.

[ominous music]

We try to make it as easy

as we can for them in there.

Sometimes we even

squeeze ourselves down

to keep them from

doing anything.

But it's dangerous and

we're watched closely.

Sometimes his men come

down with us and, well,

when that happens,

sometimes the children

don't always come back out.

And you've never done

anything to stop him?

[Lita] It's not that easy.

It must be!

I'm sure you've

heard the expression

don't bite the hand

that feeds you.

Well, I doubt that

applies to evil hands.

Something must be done.

No offense, senorita,

but that's easy to say

as someone who

does not live here.

My brother is right, his

name is in everything.

He owns the land. He

owns our livelihoods.

He owns the law.

Anyone who stands up to

Vincent ends up dead.

But you are right too.

I am tired of just surviving.

If I am going to live, it

has to be for something.

We have to stop Vincent.

Win or lose, we have to try.

I've known bad men all my life.

I've rode with them and

I've chased them down.

But one thing I

know for certain,

a bad man that's got away

with something for so long

ain't gonna stop.

It's gonna come down to a fight

and when it does,

you got Waco and me.

Damn right.

Ain't nothing worth

getting up for

like putting bruises on a bully.

I'm in.

A lot of people are scared.

But if anyone can

lift this town up,

it's Lita and I'm with her.


Then we have our team.

And we start by

rescuing those children.

[dramatic tense music]

That's him. Mr. Vincent.

Looks like a snake on stilts.

That's Lizzie.

She's one of the

missing children.

Ooh, that vulture!

[cane tapping]


Miss O'Rourke, I presume.

Thaddeus Vincent.

Charmed to meet you.

Mr. Vincent.

Normally I'd say pleased to

make your acquaintance but-

Yes, of course you are.

My acquaintance

pleases everyone.

Dutch, are you pleased?


I can assure you, gentlemen,

that you will not be a jesting

mood when we are through.

I shall address you last.

But first, I came

all the way down here

to allay the lady's fears.

I would like to present

to you my daughter,

whom I love as if she

were my own blood.

Lizzie, come say hi

to Miss O'Rourke.

Shake her hand like a lady.


Hi, Lizzie.

It is very nice to meet you.

Are you quite happy in

your home with Mr. Vincent?

Her father.

And yes she is.

She has everything that

she could want or need.

I was speaking to her.

Lizzie, when you arrived

at that train station,

you were with other

children, right?

-Yes, but-

-Oh, my dear Miss O'Rourke,

I'm sure you do

not mean to offend,

but you are dealing with

things you do not understand.

It is quite callous of you

to bring up the children

in front of my sweet daughter.

I try to shield her from having

to think about such things.

However, since the

subject has been broached,

I can see that you will not be

satisfied until it is aired.

The children, they were naughty.

Thieves. Runaways.

Isn't that right, Lizzie?

Go ahead and tell them.

Tell them about how

they woke you up

in the middle of the night.

About how they were going

to steal from your father,

catch a train to Wichita.

About how they wanted

you to go with them,

but you would never dream

of doing such a thing.

It's a shame to see them fall

into infantile selfishness.

But, kids these days.

What are you gonna do?

It's so hard to find a good one.

Now that you know the

truth, Miss O'Rourke,

I trust that we will never

have to speak of this again.

You can see how it

hurts my daughter so,

and that breaks my heart.

She's been through

so much already.

Wouldn't you agree?

Good. [sighs]

I am so disappointed in you two.

I thought you were more

than these criminals.

But I can see that I was wrong

and that is something

I do not say often.

So, I'm going to

purchase this rat hole.

It'll cost me what

I have in my pocket.

Maybe a little less, look at me.

Look at me.

I will have you dismantle this

place with your bare hands

until there's nothing

left but rock and rubble.

And when your friends

and family see it,

they will know that

you destroyed

a part of their community

because of your selfishness.

[Lita speaking in Spanish]

Old chums.

Last and most certainly least,

you ride into my town

like barbarians of old

to harry a civilized world.

Barbarians. I like that.

It is befitting.

What was that?

Live by the sword, die by the

sword? I believe that's it.

It's time to put your

metal where your mouth is.

Step outside. Settle this.

Like men.

[tense music]

Shall we?

Don't come out, they'll sh**t!

Come on.

Sheriff, ready to do your job.

We have to go after them.

We will.

We need to take that

kid's warning serious.

Waco, you wanna go take a look

and see how many partygoers

we need to plan for?

He is an absolute monster.

And he means every word.

If we get out of this,

we need to get you

out of this town.

I am not leaving.

Don't look good.

He's out there with the

sheriff, that snake deputy,

and a whole mess of men.

They're armed to the teeth

and they're ready to sh**t.

Maybe they would listen to me,

maybe I could reason with them.

You got a way with words

but he wouldn't listen

even if your tongue

was made of pure silver.

He's right.

Vincent only speaks

one language.


We could go out fighting.

We have the advantage

being in here.

We can start sh**ting

and see what happens.

Slow down, Poncho.

Absolutely not.

That would risk Lizzie being

caught in the crossfire.

[Pearlwood] Come on out, boys!

If gold is all he understands,

I say we go speak his language.


I think I like where

you're going with this.

-You with me?

-'Til the end.

[Rosemary] What are you doing?

If we walk out

there wearing irons,

we'd be dead on the doorstep.

This is the only way

we're gonna get close.

[Lita] To the what?


You ready?

Let's do it.

Wait, if I'm dying, I'm

going out an honest man.

[Dutch] Oh, shit,

Waco. [chuckles]

Alright, let's not go

out there too pretty.

Rub some dirt on your face

and let me do the talking.

Alright, we're coming out.

We ain't wearing g*ns.


We just wanna talk.

Well, come talk.

Now, Sheriff, you used

to be a gunfighter.

Used to be.

You still fast?

One way to find out.

[g*n cocking]

Alright, listen, we're

gonna come closer.

What I got to say

is for your ears

and for Mr. Vincent.

Come slow.

But we're in your care.

On your honor, as a lawman,

and a fellow gunfighter.

sh**t 'em.

They're unarmed.


They're unarmed, Mr. Vincent.

Alright, that's

far enough, boys.

Keep them hands up.

Speak your piece.

I don't think we have

to argue our innocence.

Any doubts on that front,

our boots would be

kissing the sky already.

So for now, we'd just

like to make a deal

with Mr. Vincent.

And why would I

wanna waste my breath

with you gone goslings?

You know who my partner is?

I do not.

I do.

I'll bet you do.

It's the Waco Kid.

Bare knuckle boxer.

Old champion.

I'm not that old.

Too old. One foot in the grave.

I only need one foot

to dance around you in

the ring, big fella.

Looked up to you 'til you lost.

Got no respect for losers.

You gonna write a

man off for one loss

after a career of wins?

You're dumber than you look.

And you look like you

got a knife so dull

you couldn't slice

through hot butter.

Ah, ah.

Alright, somebody

want to please explain

the value of an old,

broken down boxer

to Thaddeus Vincent, hmm?

You may not have heard of him

from behind your ivory walls,

but I'd bet high

that all these men

and all the men in your

surrounding counties

know who he is.

[Vincent] Sheriff?

Yeah, I knew him on sight.

I saw him fight a while back.

Yeah, he's got

something special.

Well, shit. I might blush.

So you announce a prize fight,

come back of the Waco kid.

I promise you,

you'll see more money

and more people flowing

through this town in one day

than you've seen in years.


And the opponent?

The big guy seems up for it.

He is big.

Long way to the ground.

[laughs] He'll k*ll you.

I've heard that a lot.

So if I agree, what's

your end of the bargain?

Now, first off, we walk away

and you leave all these

folks in this cantina alone.

Me and Waco started this fight.

We'll finish it.


And if Waco wins, you pay

us the Morales bounty.

No matter what happens, you

keep all the fight money,

you never see us again.

What's to keep you

from rigging it?

Ah, Waco's too bullheaded

to throw a fight.

By the look in his eyes,

he knows he'll never

get this chance again.

I don't know how to take that.

It's okay.

What of Miss O'Rourke and

her concerns for my...

My family?

It's not our problem.

We just came here

to make a buck.

You want this town?

It's all yours.

We just want what we're owed.

Alright. What's your

answer, Mr. Vincent?

Well, I do love money.

[Henchman] Yes you do.

Let's have ourselves a prize

fight, what do you guys say?



It would be a very bad idea

to double cross me, boys.

We'll keep that in mind.


k*ll him in the ring.

My pleasure.

That's my boy.

[tense music]

[gentle wistful music]

Well hello there, mastermind,

how's the plan going?

Good. I suppose.

That is to say we have one.


I don't know.

I'm sure you and Dutch

have had many an adventure

where death was on the

line, but this is my first,

and I have to admit,

I'm quite nervous.

Nervous is a good thing.

It means you're smart enough

to worry about staying alive.

Are you nervous?

Every time. You

just get used to it.

If I'm being honest, I'm

most worried about you.

Me? Why me?

Well, to hear Dutch

and Lita talk in there,

there's no gate you

wouldn't storm, but,

you'll be all alone

to fight that monster.

I got Caleb in my corner.

You know what I mean.

To be honest, I'm

never alone in there.

Maybe my first fight as a kid,

but after I lost to that

guy, he was with me up here.

And then the next fighter

joined, then the next.

Win or lose, they all tell

me how to beat the next guy.

I imagine it gets

pretty crowded in there.

You can't never have

enough good ideas

going around in your head

when those fists

start to flying.

[Dutch] Ma'am, is this

fella bothering you?

Oh, no more than usual.

Did I miss anything?

Ah, not really, they're

just discussing the details.

Ah, I'd better go play referee.



Is it a good plan?

I would say it's south of good,

but it's north of dying.

Better than most, I guess.

But I like our chances.

Ever the gambler.

I just trusted my gut.

That's what led me to you.

No, actually a

bulletin for a hot meal

is what led you to me.

I was hungry, but

I trusted my gut.

You know, if it goes to hell

for either of us tomorrow,

I'd be proud to say I bit the

ground doing the right thing.

Well, here's to trusting our gut

and staying above snakes.

Amen. Alright, pick a card.

[dramatic music]

Come on down! Come on down.

The prize fight of the

year is happening today!

The one champion of this

territory, the Waco Kid

is gonna make his triumphant

return to the ring!

And his opponent, woo!

That's the unbeatable,


and yet undefeated

king of the ring,

our very own k*ller

Connor Murphy!

Get back here, you scram!

Gah! Third time today!

Well, he definitely got

the crowds out for you.

Man's good at two things,

making money and being

oilier than snake shit.

Well, you got any last

nuggets of wisdom for me?

Wait, I know, I know.

Don't overdo it.

Are you kidding me?

You seen that Clydesdale

you're fighting?


You overdo the hell out of it.

[crowd cheering]

[boxer growling]

Yes, you're right,

good afternoon

and it's going to

be a good afternoon.

It's good to see

you on this fine day

filled with first-rate


provided, I should acknowledge,

through the generosity

of Mr. Thaddeus Vincent.

[crowd cheering]

Now, I know that we've got

a big prize fight coming up

and so do you, but

that's coming up

in just a little while

because the first bout

on today's match

will be this one,

featuring a young man whose

fists are as smooth as honey.

I'm talking about Sweetie Pete.

-Yeah! [laughs]

-[crowd cheering]


And in this corner,

his opponent.

[crowd cheering]

Your man's in the prelims too?

Well maybe ol' Sweetie

Pete will knock him out,

I'll win, won't even

have to throw a punch.

At least you can see

what you're up against.

Alright, fellas. Shake hands.

And give me a head start.

Alright, fellas.

And, fight!

[crowd cheering]

[crowd gasping]

[crowd cheering]

And the winner!

Looks like you have to

fight your own battles.

I wouldn't have

it any other way.

[chuckles] Me either.

Sorry I'm late, what did I miss?

Just a little glimpse

into my future.



Listen, I need you to make sure

you take care of this man, okay?


Wait, wait, wait.

Hold this.


-And remember-

I know.

[Both] I got it from

a girl in Texas.

-Yeah. Let's go.

-I got you.

[crowd cheering]

-Here we go!

-Let's fight, alright!


Hope you got right

with God, old man,

you ain't leaving this ring.

All I've heard is bark from you.

Let's see if you can bite.

Why don't you save

it for the fight?

Ladies and gentlemen,

this is the moment

you've been waiting for

for hardly any time at all.

You've got yourself a couple

of real contenders here.

Allow me to introduce

our challenger,

the Bare Knuckle Beast himself.

The man with fists like

a pair of six g*ns,

here to make a

wallop of a comeback.

We have the legend of

the frontier himself.

The Waco Kid.

[crowd cheering]

I think your town likes me.

Okay, come on in, shake hands.

Now, show God you've

got some talent

before you go to meet him.

Alright, that's it,

and gimme a head start.


-[bell ringing]

[tense dramatic music]

Yeah! I'm faster than I look!

[Lita] Psst, Dutch, over here.

[Dutch] There you are.

How's Waco?

He's fine. Fight just

started when I left.

Don't you worry about him.

He can take care of himself.

How far is the mine from here?

Not far. Look.

Boy, it sure would be

nice if those two fellas

were the only ones

I had to deal with.

Safe to assume they're not.

Dutch, you think

you can handle them?

Did Caleb say whether

or not these boys

know anything

about the children?

They know. There will likely

be more of them than usual.

Yeah, well, that ain't

gonna be a problem.


We'll make our way

to the holding cell

and meet you back here

with the children.

Alright. Now listen.

You two wait for my signal.

When you hear it,

you move, got it?

Be careful.

The mine's closed, old man.

You boys might wanna get heeled.

[g*nf*re echoing]

[crowd cheering]

Hey, hey!

Watch the corner!

[bell ringing]

[crowd gasping]

Hey, hey, hey!

The holdings should be over...

[both gasping]

[guard snoring]

[g*nf*re echoing distantly]

How is he still asleep?

You see the keys?

Ooh, how to get them?

Let's find a stick.

Good idea!

[Guard] Keep your eyes out!

[g*nf*re echoing]

[Guard] He's over here!

Where'd he go?

[g*nf*re echoing]

[guard snoring]


I must say, I have gotten

quite handy with these.

That's not quite what

I meant by stick.


[crowd cheering]

You seen that Dutch fella

around here anywhere?

I'm just watching the

fight, same as you.

Let me guess, you have

absolutely no idea

where he coulda gotten off to.


You have no spine.

[tense music]

[g*nf*re echoing]

[Lizzie humming mournfully]

Miss Rosemary, you came!

Of course I did.

[g*nf*re echoing]

[crowd cheering]

[bell ringing]

Get to your corner.

Get off of him!

Come on, get off of him!

[crowd gasping]

Now, let us hurry.

We haven't much time to spare.

Everyone, my name is

Rosemary and this is Lita.

You'll need to do everything

exactly as we say, alright?

Keep your heads down.

We'll be moving very quickly

and we're not stopping

until we reach

the train station.

Let's go, be quick

and quiet as you can.

[g*nf*re echoing]

[crowd gasping]

[crowd booing]

[bell ringing]

[Referee] Alright,

get outta here. Get!

-Get up, Waco!

-Is he okay?

-Is he alright?

-He's fine!

[crowd cheering]

I think you almost had him.

I feel like I'm hitting

the broad side of a steer.

His ribs?

No, his jaw.

He's not slowing down either.

But I, I don't think I can

last too many more rounds.

Have you seen anything fishy?

I saw the the deputy head off.

You think he's

headed to the mines?

I dunno, but Dutch can

take care of himself.

[crowd cheering]

Hey! Whoa! [chuckles]

Depu, oh!

-Back off me!

-Sorry, you were crowding me.

Deputy said you'd

be here. [laughs]

[g*nf*re echoing]


Kids okay?

Good. Good job, ladies.

Was that the last of them?

Yeah, I reckon so.

Should be smooth sailing

from here on out.

Follow me.


Hello, boys and girls.

You ready to meet your parents?

Your uncle Zeke's been dying

to sh**t this thing. [laughs]

[g*nf*re echoing]

You're supposed to duck.


Here she comes, Dutch!

-[Gatling g*n rattling]

-[Zeke cackling]

What in the hell was that?

Somebody trusted that

idiot with a Gatling g*n.

How are we supposed

to get out of this?

You can hide behind that rock

all you want, you coward!

I got enough a*mo and grit to

blast a hole clean through ya.

There are two ways back to town.

I want you to take

the kids the long way.

I'll keep his head down.

Pardon me.

They call me Hanging

Johnny, away boys away

But hanging's always funny

And it's hang boys hang

We can't just leave you here!

You have to.

You said it yourself,

these kids are the

most important thing.

Now, I want you to wait

for my signal and just run.

Alright, children. Get ready.

[Zeke giggling]



Go, go!

-[g*n clicking empty]


I got the boy, I see ya.

You died out there in

that desert, Dutch!

You died the minute you crossed

the infamous Zeke Tyler!

Where are you? I got ya.

[tense dramatic music]

[Slow motion]

Get up, Waco! No!

[tense dramatic music]

[Dutch chuckling]

Son of a bitch.


[crowd cheering]

The winner!

sh**t him.

[Caleb laughing]

Yeah! Waco.

-[g*nf*re echoing]

-[crowd gasping]

[g*nf*re echoing]

No, no! Get to the kids!


I'm afraid I'm all you get.

Your friend's as good

as worm food already.

I'd be more than happy to

arrange a reunion if you'd like.

Damn shame.

Old Cowsbane Morales,

taken out by a no-good bounty

hunter the likes of you.

That boy rode with

me for a long time

before I picked up this badge.

Taught the boy

everything he knew.

Always figured I'd have to test

myself against him one day.

But I reckon you'll have to do.

You ready?

You gonna let me

check this p*stol?

Make sure I got b*ll*ts?

Well, now that's another

real g*dd*mn shame, ain't it?

We go when this hits the ground.

[tense music]

Don't overdo it.


[g*nf*re echoing]

[Rosemary laughing]

[dramatic music]

Now I see why Waco

likes to do that.

What'd I miss?

Your cue.

I'm sorry. People kept

trying to k*ll me.

What about the

children? Are they safe?

They are.

Well hell, we about

actually saved the day.

[g*nf*re echoing]


I'm empty.

How hard?

How hard is it for

you nimpent, jasper,

vagrant sons of

b*tches to understand?

What's that mean?

I have no idea.

Well, it's, I'll explain later.

I am civilization!

I have put too many of

you into the ground!

What's three more?

[g*nf*re echoing]

Nice shot, kid.

Think this is enough to

cover Morales' bounty?

That's more than enough.

I'd say that'll do.

But are you sure the

folks around here

ain't gonna need this to help

y'all get back on your feet?

No, senores, you freed

this town from debt.

We get to keep all that we

have and all that we earn

and we'll never

forget you for that.

It was an honor working

with both of you.

You too, Caleb.


-Oh, you.

Hasta luego.

How're we supposed

to carry this?

Maybe they'll let us

keep the wheelbarrow.

How're we gonna pull a

wheelbarrow with our horses?

Seems as you boys can

afford a wagon now.

Dutch, Waco.

I just came to say goodbye

and to thank you both.

We did a good

thing in this town.

Because of you both, we've

saved children's lives.

Oh, stop it.

People are gonna think

we're going soft.

Or tenderized.

Look, we just did

what was right.

You know, if enough

of that goes around,

might be a good

country after all.

So, what's next for you?

Well, I must say I have

been a bit inspired.

Not that I didn't

expect adventure,

but this little journey

has excited me to my cause.

There are still plenty

of children to find

in plenty of towns,

so I am catching a train

to Oklahoma tomorrow.

And who knows, maybe our

paths will cross again.

Well, I hope so.

Me too, Miss Rosemary.

[dramatic music]

Dutch, I feel like we

did a whole lot of good.

Almost like, almost like

we're lawmen ourselves.

Yeah, maybe.

And who knows, maybe

this place will become

the safe, sleepy little town

the deputy said it was gonna be.

Yep. I imagine the next

sheriff won't have any trouble.

Alright, enough chit-chat.

Let's find some bags

to put in this...

-What happened to our gold?


Son of a!

[dramatic music]

[Crew] Langford take three.


[Crew] Don't come

out, they'll sh**t!

[chair clattering]

[Crew] Reset, Caleb

had a problem there.

Alright, so Caleb's

mess up was way worse.

[Crew] Yeah, it was.

I blew it, man, I'm so sorry.

[Crew] Cut.

I was just dreaming

about this girl

I know down in Saltillo.

She can do things

with her one good arm

that'd make you forget

about that harelip. [laughs]

[Crew] This is the wordiest bit.

Still rolling.

[Crew] Five, acting

chops, take one.

-Actors' chops!


10, Hubert, take one.

Hubert. Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah.

[Caleb coughing]

-[Crew] Let's wait for that.

-[all coughing]

Yes. Incomposed,

that's right, and.

I told you once,

you son of a bitch,

I'm the best there's ever been.

We need to uphold the

laws in this town.

[device beeping distantly]

If for no other reason,

do it for the beeping that

you hear in the background.

I would agree.

Can I have my g*n back, please?

That's just reckless.

What if he wakes up at midnight,

he wants a glass of warm milk,

he comes in here,

steps on a b*llet,

he's gonna blame me,

but it's your fault.

Just remember that.

[Heather] Symbolized

by bloods and so on

is to destroy the Christ idea.

[Crew] Heather, stop reading,

you're gonna summon

a demon or something.

Alright, here we go.

Love letters from a

concerned citizen.

Oh, there's this

girl in Abilene,

she used to write

me twice a week!

[Crew] Cut.

[Lita] But I know

where the children are.

What? [laughs]

-Let's reset.

-You do,

I always forget the.

[Crew] Let's hold for a second,

we'll wait for the

worst of that plane.

You mother.


[Crew] That was good, we

got both of those lines.

They're provided for...

[laughs] Sorry.

You went a lot

longer the last time.

[Crew] Let's reset from the top.

Actually, no.

[Russell] Bulletin.

No, actually a

bulletin for a hot meal

is what led you to me.

[Crew] And hold for a second.

[Russell] My gut, I'm telling

you, David, I'm on point.

We go when this hits the ground.

[George] You dropped the coin.

Scene 28, evil, take three.

Calling me evil?

-Camera set.

-That's just rude.


[Heather] Hello, Katie.

Katie. [laughs]

[Crew] Resetting, resetting.

The cowardice of some

men, it saddens me.

I completely did that backwards.

The gold. [laughs]


-It's okay.

You wanna take it from the top?

I said it backwards!

And that entertainment

is provided

by a very special host,

and I'm talking about our

friend Francois Parsouneman.


-Let's hold rotate.

It's Thaddeus Vincent.

[Announcer] I couldn't

remember his name.

Now listen here, you mother-

Hello, boys and girls!

You ready to meet your parents?

Your Uncle Zeke's been

dying, nope, nope, nope.

Your Uncle Zeke's...

[Crew] Let's reset.


-That's okay.



35, direction after slate

was called, take three.



No live fire?

No live fire, I'm just

shouting bang like an assh*le.