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01x11 - Paddington Meets Lucky/Paddington and the Love Day Cards

Posted: 06/14/23 17:42
by bunniefuu
♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington Bear ♪

♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington Bear ♪

♪ He came from Peru ♪

♪ To be with me and you ♪

♪ He's a very rare sort of bear ♪

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N
Paddington Bear ♪

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N ♪

♪ Paddington Bear ♪
The Adventures of PADDINGTON BEAR

Season 01 Episode 11 IMDB

Dear Aunt Lucy,
Episode Title: "Paddington Meets Lucky" 1 of 2

today, I made a new friend.

He is furry, has four legs,
and loves playing with a stick.


- What's his name?
- Lucky.

Lucky. What a wonderful name!

Pleased to meet you, Lucky.

Um, maybe you should give him a pat.

I've never patted a dog before.
How hard should one, um… pat?

Just gently.


Pat. Pat.

- Oh!
- It means he likes you, Paddington!

Oh, I see. I like you too, Lucky.

Watch this!


Lucky, fetch.


Good boy.





Roll over!

Now dance!

Whoa! That's amazing!

Lucky, weave!

Guys, you have to come quick!
Something amazing has happened!

What is it?

Just… give me one second.

I ran… a really long way.

OK, apparently somebody did
a triple back flip on the half-pipe.

Wow! No one's done a triple back flip
on the half-pipe before.

In the history of the skate park!

I'm off to check it out.
Are you coming?

Yes. It's just… I was rather
enjoying spending time with Lucky.

Then how about you look after him?

Really? I would love to!

Do you think he'll be OK with me?

Course he'll be OK with you.

He's the coolest dog in the world.
See you later!

Well, Lucky, what shall we do first?


Right. Since you enjoyed
the ball game so much,

how about we start with that?

Um. Off you go and get it!

Oh, how rude of me.
Please collect the ball. Thank you.

Lucky? Lucky! The ball is that way!

Lucky, you've gone the wrong way!

Would you like to order anything?

Today's special
is freshly squeezed lemonade.

It'll sweeten anyone up.

I'm quite all right
with my free tap water.

OK, then, Mr. Curry.

Ah! Mmm.
Lukewarm. Just how I like it!

Oh, you must be thirsty!

Let me get you a proper drink.

Good morning, Sofia.

And what a beautiful morning it is.

- What can I get you, Paddington?
- Actually, it's for Lucky.

He's really thirsty.


Ugh! Hairball?

That dog drank my water!

Mr. Curry, um… my apologies.

He really was thirsty.

Lucky! Please slow down!


More free tap water, Mr. Curry?

Um, some lemonade, please.

Give that back!

Ah! Miss Potts!

Hey! That's my rake!

Lucky, please stop it!

Tell him to let go!

OK. Lucky, Miss Potts
needs that to weed the flowerbeds,

which will, uh,
encourage the flowers to grow.

I hope you understand.

Oh! Very good.

Oh, no! Lucky!

OK, that's probably enough of that.

We've had our fun!

Oh, dear! This is terribly impolite.

Whatever it is the two of you
are disagreeing about,

I say let bygones be bygones!

I know you're up there,
and I know you can hear me, Lucky.

I'm not going anywhere
until you come down and say…

Well, I wasn't expecting that.

Lucky, I'm sorry,
but I'm going to have to be firm.

It's time for a hard stare.

Oh, dear.
Perhaps I was a little too stern.






Oh, Pigeonton, have you seen Lucky?

I promised I'd look after him for Mateo,
but I've gone and lost him!

Could you help find Lucky?

That's not lucky.
That's an ice cream.

Wait! I didn't say
I didn't want the ice cream!

Mrs. Brown, have you seen Lucky?

Oh, I'm afraid not.

One minute 46. I think that's a PB.

- A Paddington Brown?
- No. A personal best!



Have you seen Lucky, Mr. Brown?

Um, no. Not today, Paddington.

Never mind.
Sorry to bother you on your…

Aren't you supposed
to be jogging too?

Oh, I was, I was, but…
I was going too fast for Mrs. Brown,

so I slowed down to… um… to…

To a complete stop on a bench?

Yes. No! No, no! Not that!


- Winning!
- We'll see about that!



- Hey!
- Mateo!

Turns out the whole triple back flip
at the skate park

was just a rumour.

No one actually did it.

I don't think
anyone can do one in real life.

Where's Lucky?

I'm terribly sorry,
but I think I've lost him.


I wanted to be friends with him,
like you are.

Problem is he wouldn't listen to me
like he listens to you.

He was like that
when I first got him.

Wouldn't listen to me at all.

But once we got to know each other,
we became friends.

And that's when he listened to me.

Oh! That may be true,

but I worry I was too strict
with him, which made him run away.

Paddington, don't worry.
He hasn't run away.

In fact,
I think I know where he'll be.


- Oh!
- See?

He always sleeps here.

Oh… I don't think Lucky
liked spending time with me,

but I did have
a lovely time with him.

Look! He's not afraid of you.

Thank goodness for that!

Try telling him to do something.

OK, Lucky,
would you mind awfully sitting?

You see? He won't listen to me.


He's a dog! You need to give him
simple commands.

- One-word instructions.
- Oh!


You know what to do, my friend.



Oh, good boy, Lucky!


Lucky… Fetch!



The triple back flip!

That was amazing!

And Mateo was right.

Lucky and I
just needed to get to know each other

a little better.

And now I can count Lucky
as a friend forever.

Love from Paddington.

Dear Aunt Lucy,
Episode Title: "Paddington and the Love Day Card" 2 of 2

today has been a day full of love!

Did you know there's an entire day

to celebrate it? A day called…

Love Day!

Oh, this looks delicious!

Love Day?
That sounds like a jolly nice day.

It is!

It's all about letting the people
you love know that you love them.

Happy Love Day!

Happy Love Day, Mrs. Bird.

Mr. Brown's taking us all

to the Colombian Café
tonight to celebrate.

He booked it weeks ago.

You haven't forgotten
to book the café, have you?

No… Of course not.

Happy Love Day!

Judy, Jonathan,
do you want to go to the park?

- But we haven't had breakfast!
- Come along!

What do you have there, Mrs. Bird?


- These are my Love Day cards.
- A Love Day card?

Yes, people send cards to each other
on Love Day

to show their love for one another.

And over the years,
I've met a lot of people!


Love Day cards… How wonderful!

Hurry up!

Dad, did you forget to book a table?

You could say that!

Make way!

- Sorry!
- Happy Love Day!

- Oh…
- Happy Love Day, Mrs. Bird.

Oh, thank you! That's very kind.

Mrs. Bird, could you help me
deliver my Love Day cards?

Oh, goodness, Paddington,

you've made a lot of friends
since you arrived in London!

Yes, I have!
I've made a card for everyone.

There's one for Mr. Brown,
Mrs. Brown, Judy, Jonathan, Mr. Curry,

Mr. Gruber, Miss Potts,
Sofia, Mateo,

Lucky, Pigeonton, and cards for all
the other wonderful people I've met.

Then we'd better get a move on!

Slow down, Dad!



Oh, no, no, Lucky, stay, stay!

No. Stay! Sit! No. Stop. Stop.
Roll over. No, stop, doggy, stop!

Stop! Stop! Sit!

- Sorry, Mr. Brown.
- Not a problem, Mateo!

No… Good job we all stayed calm.
Yeah. He's a good boy, really.

Oh, now, now, Lucky, don't…


Lucky, come back!


Help! Lucky…

First step, Mr. Gruber!

Happy Love Day, Pigeonton!

I've made you a card. Oh, bother!

Don't worry. I'll go after the rest!



Oh, there you are.



Sorry about that, sir.





Oh, no!


[Hungarian accent
Goodness me, Paddington!

What's happened here?

My apologies.

Happy Love Day, Mr. Gruber.


No, Lucky!



The café's the other way!


I need to book a table!

Oh! That's it, Lucky! To the café!

Oh, no, Lucky!

Oh, not the pond!


Well done, Pigeonton!


Oh, dear! I appear to be stuck.

Pigeonton, get help!

That's not help, it's an ice cream!

Wait! I didn't say
I didn't want the ice cream!

Lucky! Stop!



Whoa! What an entrance, Mr. Brown!

Thank you. That was entirely planned.
I'm actually very cool.

Dad… Dinner?

Oh, yes! Sofia, Sofia,
I forgot to book a table

for tonight's Love Day celebration,
please say there's a space left.

Oh, Mr. Brown,
I'm afraid we're fully booked.


- No!
- Oh, no!


Mr. Brown, are you OK?

Oh, yes, yes, thank you, Sofia.

Oh! I made such a mess!
I have ruined Love Day for everybody!

Oh, don't worry.

I'm sure we can fix this.

Mmm… I know!

If we push the tables together,
we can squeeze everyone in.

You'd do that for us?

If I can't help a friend on Love Day,
when can I?


How on Earth did you get up there?

Well, it's a bit of a long story.

I climbed up here to collect a card.

And slipped and got rather tied up.

Oh! Not such a long story after all.

Oh, Mrs. Bird.

You're very good at climbing.

Och! I've climbed Everest
blindfolded. This is nothing.

Now, let's get you free.

Almost there.

- I found the last card!
- Clever cub.

Jump on
and we'll go straight to the park.

It's wonderful!

A beautiful rose
for a beautiful lady.


- No Paddington tonight?
- We don't know where he's got to!

Or Mrs. Bird.


Whoa! What an entrance!

Well, I still think
mine was quite cool.

Hello, everyone!
I've got cards for you all.

Ooh! Oh, no!

My cards!

- Are you OK?
- Oh! Oh, Mrs. Brown.

Now no one will know I love them.

Oh, Paddington!

Cards aren't the only way
to show people you love them.

But it's Love Day!

And you show us you love us every day
by being such a lovely bear.

I still wish
I could give everyone their cards.

I worked so hard on them.



My goodness.

"I love you."

"You make me so happy."

"You are my very best friend."

I don't think that one's for me.

Yes, it is, Mr. Curry.

Oh! Oh, well!

I'm honoured.

I wrote it in everyone's card.



This might be our best Love Day ever!

I've learned a lot
about love today, Aunt Lucy.

I've learned that you can show people
you love them just by being yourself.

And that you don't have
to send people cards on Love Day.

But it's always nice
to send them anyway.

Love from Paddington.

Soft rock music...

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N
Paddington Bear ♪