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01x18 - Paddington and the Fundraising Day/Paddington's Alien Adventure

Posted: 06/14/23 17:47
by bunniefuu
♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington Bear ♪

♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington Bear ♪

♪ He came from Peru ♪

♪ To be with me and you ♪

♪ He's a very rare sort of bear ♪

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N
Paddington Bear ♪

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N ♪

♪ Paddington Bear ♪
The Adventures of PADDINGTON BEAR

Season 01 Episode 18 IMDB

Dear Aunt Lucy,
Episode Title: "Paddington and the fundraising Day" 1 of 2

this week I learned about
working together for a good cause.

So, let's decide,
as a community,

what we should put our efforts
towards this year.

I have had an idea.

A prestigious arts and opera festival.

Unless anyone thinks
there are any more pressing issue.

Perhaps fixing the town hall roof
might be a little more urgent.

Okay. New roof it is.

It won't be cheap, though.

I've no idea how we'll pay for it.

Ooh! What about
a big community fundraiser?

- Oh, yeah!
- That's a great idea!


What is fund raising?

Fundraising, Paddington,

is where you raise money for a good cause.

So you can sell things
or get people to sponsor you.

- Sponsor?
- Yes.

It's where someone promises

to give money to the good cause
if you do a challenge.

So, for the town hall roof,
I'm going to do a sponsored dance.

I'll have to dance all day, like this.

And I'll be doing
crazy stunts on my scooter!

Yes, if I raise enough money,
I'm going to cut my hair off.

And I'm gonna sing instead of speak,
like this!


But you don't have to do a challenge.
I'm holding a plant sale.

- I've got loads of plants to sell.
- Ooh!

- And where did they come from?
- Uh… Somewhere local.

As long as they're not the ones
I planted in our garden.

- They aren't, are they?
- Sorry. I didn't think you'd mind.

It is for a good cause, darling.


This fund raising sounds like a lot of fun.

Can I join in, please?

People could sponsor me to… to…

Eat a marmalade sandwich!

♪ That's not a challenge ♪

Marmalade on toast.

♪ Maybe a challenge
That doesn't involve marmalade ♪

Look! Even Mr. Curry's joining in.

He must be getting people to sponsor him
for wearing that silly hat.

My fashionable new hat is certainly
getting a lot of attention.

And to think the man in the shop
thought it made me look silly.


Oh! I still don't have a fund raising idea.

♪ What about a sponsored silence
For the day-ay-ay-ay-ay? ♪

That's a great idea. I'll do it.

Starting now.

- Will you sponsor me?
- Paddington, you talked.


♪ It's a sponsored silence ♪

♪ You can't make any noise ♪

This is going to be harder than I thought.

Roll up and sponsor Lady Daredevil Bird,

as I jump over four double-Decker buses.


What? No sponsors?

Aha! Paddington!

Paddington? Paddington, it's me.

Mr. Gruber.

I hope I haven't upset you.

He's doing a sponsored silence.

♪ To raise money
For the new town hall roof ♪

Ah, yes. I hope I will be seeing you
later for my charity auction.

And, of course, I would love
to sponsor you, Paddington.


Oh, dear.

Not a penny in my pot.

I mean, can you believe it?

My crazy, daring stunts…
"Not very exciting"?

Well, I'll show them.

I've had so many people sponsor me.

- I can't believe it.
- I'm not surprised.

You've had the same hairstyle for so long,

people can't wait
to see you cut it all off.

Yeah. What?

All my hair? I was thinking
more short back and sides.

You have to cut it all off.
That's what people are expecting.

- It'll be fun!
- Uh… yes. Of course. It will be.

All of it?

Oh, I don't know if I can do it, hair.

We've been through so much together.
What am I going to do?


Nice hat, Mr. Curry!

Thank you.

Oh! People don't just like
my stylish new hat,

they love it!


Um, I seem to have got myself stuck.

Could you be a dear
and go and get help, please?

Don't worry. I'll just dance
with my arms while you're gone.

Sold to the man at the front.

Now, the next item in this auction
is this cuckoo clock.

Any bids?

One bid to my left.

Any advance?

A higher bid from Paddington. Going once…

Going twice…

Sold to the silent bear.


- Hi, Paddington.
- ♪ Where have you been? ♪

♪ Thank you ♪

What's the matter, Paddington?

You've got an itchy back?

You've got new socks?

I managed to get help, Aunt Lucy.

And the best thing is,
I did it without talking.

Thank you, Mr. Brown.

Hoo, hoo! Why are you wearing that hat?

No reason. Just cold,
what with cutting all my hair off.

Well, we gave it a really good go.

But I'm afraid to say we just missed out
on reaching our target.


I can top it up!

Ever since I bought
my fashionable new hat,

people keep giving me money.

Oh! We thought you were wearing it
for the fund raising.

But it's a perfectly nice, smart hat.

Well, thank you, Mr. Curry.

Thanks to you and your hat,
we've raised enough for the roof!

- Woohoo!
- Hurray!

Ha! Heh-hey-hey!

- Your hair!
- I couldn't do it! I'm weak!

Oh, no! Well, as you haven't
cut all your hair off,

we'll have to give back
all the money you raised.

Mr. Brown, I'm very disappointed in you.

- Oh, no!
- You spoke.

Oh, no! Jonathan, you stopped singing!

You stopped dancing, Mum.

Oh, dear. I'm afraid it looks like
there'll be no new roof.

Right, you lot. You think my stunts
aren't very exciting?

Then I suppose there's nothing exciting
about riding my scooter

through a ring of fire!

Well, cardboard fire, obviously.
I'm exciting, but safety first.

No way she'll make that.

Wait! I think we'd all like to see
Mrs. Bird make the jump, wouldn't we?

- Yeah.
- Yes!

Enough to sponsor her
the full amount to fix the roof?


Right, then.

Here goes!


Hit the brakes!

Uh… I'm okay!

Right. New item on the agenda.

We need money to fix the town hall door.

Would now be a good time
to cut all my hair off?

So we got there in the end, Aunt Lucy.

It felt very special
coming together for a good cause,

and even raised enough,
thanks to Mr. Brown,

to fix the town hall door, too.

It just goes to show,
no matter how big a problem,

anything can be fixed
if people work together.

Love from Paddington.

Oh! Ha, ha, ha!

Next ---> 2 of 2

Dear Aunt Lucy,
Episode Title: "Paddington's Alien Adventure" 2 of 2

it's been a very exciting week.

You might even say
it's been out of this world.

It all started with a visit to Mr. Gruber.

Ooh! Mmm. Ooh!
What wonderful scones, Paddington!

I do like this radio, Mr. Gruber.


Goodness me! What was that?

Ah! My little radio
has picked up a signal from France.

Oh! Do you think it could
pick up a signal from Peru?

Oh! I think
this little radio could pick up a signal

from outer space, if it wanted to.

Oh! From outer space!

I'll tell you what.
Why don't you borrow it for a few days?

Oh! That sounds wonderful!

Thank you, Mr. Gruber!

Now I command the universe!

You will never defeat us,
Princess Stargazer!

Hello, Jonathan.

Paddington, what's that?

It's a very special radio.


Oh, wow!

What do you think it is?

I'm going to need that back.

It's part of a fumigator
I'm building in my greenhouse.

I've got a terrible problem with leaf rot.

All my roses are going brown and mouldy.

Um… I think it might be safer
if we go to the tree house.

Are you sure that radio
can pick up signals from so far away?

Let's switch it on and find out.

Astronavi viste da Roma.

That sounds like it's coming from Italy.

There you are.
It can pick up faraway signals.

- Let me see.
- Do be careful, Jonathan.

Yeah, Jonathan. Give it here.

No! Judy!

What on Earth was that?

I don't think that came from Earth.

Dinner's ready!
I've made sprout surprise!

- Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
- That we should order pizza?

No. The sounds on the radio.

They sounded like they came from…
outer space.


Not a word to the parents
until we know for sure.

- Agreed?
- Agreed.

- What was that?
- Oh, nothing.

Just my tummy gurgling.

Uh, Mrs. Bird,

do you think aliens exist?

When I was in the Merchant Navy,

I had some alien experiences.

Really, Mrs. Bird? Like what?

- I am not at liberty to say.
- So you do believe in aliens!

No comment.

Code red! Code red!

Oh, I know quite a lot about aliens.

Right. Henry,
is this about your space comic?

It's not.

All right, it is. But… but…

A lot of the stories in Galactic Mission

are based on real science.

For example, the Intergalactic
Space Agency is sending radio signals

into space to reach alien life.

Yes! Maybe we just got lucky
and heard the reply.

Beg your pardon?

He means, um…

Maybe one day we'll get lucky and,
um… uh… and speak to aliens.

Paddington? We couldn't sleep either.

Perhaps we should all not be able
to sleep, together.

I was just listening out for the aliens.

What if we never hear from them again?

We'll hear them again.
Now they've found us,

they'll want to make more contact.

I think that aliens who explore the galaxy
are really friendly,

just like us.

Or they might be giant crabs,

who want to eat our brains for breakfast.

- Ooh!
- Don't listen to him.

If aliens exist, I'm sure
they'll want to know all about Earth.

So we should tell them
all about bears and humans

and all the other
important things on Earth,

like marmalade.


I hope the aliens
do want to visit.

Yeah. Me too.

Why isn't it working?

Do be careful, Judy.

I'll be very gentle.

Oh, no!



- Sorry to bother you, Mr. Curry.
- What is it, bear? I'm very busy.

A piece of our alien-contacting radio

just twanged into your garden.

- I wondered if...
- Yes, yes. Help yourself.

Thank you.

Mr. Curry,
I hope you don't mind me asking,

but what are you up to?

Shush, shush, shush, shush.

The leaf-rot formula
is extremely unpredictable.

Get the slightest thing wrong and it can…


Stand back.

Oh! Good luck with it.

We're going to try and speak to aliens.

Well, if you do, ask them
if they know any cures for leaf rot.

Got it! Did you manage to fix the radio?

I didn't just fix it, I improved it.

This is a microphone.

So, if we do manage to hear those aliens,

this time, we can speak back.

All we need is the aerial.

A local man claims
to have seen lights in the sky.

- That's just normal radio.
- Let's think.

Did we do anything special
last time we heard the aliens?


Look at that! Marmalade
is the secret interstellar contact.

They are definitely
trying to communicate with us.

This is Judy from planet Earth.

I'm a human.

This is Paddington Bear.

- I'm a bear.
- Aaah!

- This is Jonathan.
- Hello.

We would be delighted
if you would come and visit us tonight.

Windsor Gardens,
with the green front door.

Oh! And, PS, do you know any
good cures for leaf rot in roses?

- Well?
- I think we'll have a visit, tonight.

If we're going to welcome aliens,
then we must get ready.

We need to show them everything,
like plant and animal life.

- And marmalade sandwiches.
- And football.

I think we should prepare them a picnic.

They'd have had a very long journey
through space.

Bound to be peckish.

When they arrive,
who's going to do the talking?

And what do we do
if they try to eat our brains?

Oh, they won't. I vote Paddington talks.

He came from a long way away,
just like them.

So they'll have something in common.

I agree.

I wonder if they will come.

- What time is it?
- It's past your bedtime.

Wow! That's the latest
I've ever stayed up.

And they're still not here.

Maybe… maybe they're not coming.

Maybe we'd better pack up and go inside.

- Can you hear that?
- Do you think it's them?

Yes! I think this is it.

I think they're here.

Greetings, alien!
Welcome to Windsor Gardens.

Ah… We made you some sandwiches.

But some of them got accidentally eaten
while we were waiting.

What did it say?

I said, "That leaf-rot gas is
much more powerful than I thought."

Ooh! Sandwiches! Thank you.

- I'm sorry about your fence.
- What on Earth is going on out here?

Sorry, Mr. Brown.

We were expecting a visit
from aliens. But…

- They haven't come?
- No.

Oh, that's a shame.

False alarm.

I'll tell you what's a shame.
My fence, that's what's a shame.

I already apologised for that fence.

It'll be a lot easier to fix
than my roses.

Why does no one care about them?

That's what I'd like to know.

Seeing as we're all out here
and it's such a beautiful night,

why don't we have a moonlight picnic?

Oh! Smashing idea!

Out of this world!

Luckily, Aunt Lucy,
the radio was safe and sound.

But we haven't heard
from the aliens since.

Perhaps we never did.

I suppose we'll never know.

Love from Paddington.

I may as well give up.

Soft rock music...

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N
Paddington Bear ♪