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02x01 - Promises and Temptations

Posted: 06/15/23 05:22
by bunniefuu
I can't give you a title,
I give you my sword.

But you must be
loyal to the king.

I'm appointing
you my new squire.

I am going to expose you.

You'll sink into the
sewer you came from.

No one will remember your name.

I would like to

say goodbye.

I won't say goodbye
because you'll return.

What did you do, you fool?

You touched skin
you shouldn't have.

He has sentenced you to death.

It is in your hands whether or not
León has a queen in its own right.

- Why does Father only see Sancho?
- Sancho is the crown prince.

Because he was born with
something hanging down there?

- It's the law.
- Men's law, Mother.

Do you like being submissive?

I could feel you
praying for me to fail.

But look, here I am.

And I'm still the man who
will one day be your king.

The throne demands v*olence.

You must be prepared to spill the
blood of those you love most. And I am.

Lamb brains. My favorite!

- What is it? Fernando!
- Father!


My son Sancho will be
named king of Castile.

To my son Alfonso, I
give the kingdom of León.

- You're splitting up the kingdom!
- This is God's will.

Who did this?

You! You're going to
die! Die, die, die, die!


When the lark sings,
the weather changes.

If the nightingale answers, you
will see the sun on the horizon.

The birds tell us everything.

You just have to
know how to listen.

The Legend of El Cid.

When the news of the
battle of Graus came,

I prayed for three days and three
nights that you hadn't been there.

And then I learned of the victory
and that you were a hero, my son.

I cried with joy.

You have become everything
your father dreamed of.

A good soldier, a knight.

I am not a knight, Mother.

It doesn't matter, Son.

I'm sure your father, from
heaven, is very proud of you.

When I manage to become one,

when I achieve a title,
land, and a castle,

Father will be proud of me.

I will be what he
wanted me to be.

What about you, Rodrigo?
Is that what you want?

Will you go with Sancho?

To the court of
Burgos, I suppose.

Mother, why don't
you come with me?


I know that your father
gave you his sword

and told you to always
be loyal to your king.

But do not be fooled, Rodrigo.

You may fight and
die for a king,

but to him you will only
be a bargaining chip

to gain more kingdoms
and more lands,

something as ephemeral as dust.

- Mother, are you all right?
- Yes, Son.

It's just this
cold here in Vivar.

I know that your grandson
k*lled my father.

How could you do it?

What, my lady?

k*ll the Count of León.

Does my lady think I k*lled him?

Did you?

I swear before God that
I did not k*ll Flaín.

Forgive me.

I shouldn't have doubted you.

Will you go to
Burgos with Sancho?

I am his squire.

He is my lord and my king.

We may never see
each other again.


My lady, you told me that
your engagement to Orduño...

It's broken off.

Jimena, I'm just
a simple squire.

The squire who became
a hero at Graus.

My lady...

I am nobody.

I have nothing to offer.

But if you wait for me,

I swear to obtain
all that you deserve

and thus be able to ask the
king for your hand in marriage.

It once brought you luck.

Take it and keep your oath.

Until that day, I
will wait for you.

I will always keep
it close to my heart.

You took a long time to return
from Vivar. Is your mother okay?


Thank you, Grandfather.

I will never forget
what you did with Flaín.

Never speak of it again, Ruy.

- And be careful with Orduño.
- I've been doing that since I was little.

Is that why you sent for me?


- Your Highness...
- Arise, Ruy.

Looking at the square, I was reminded
of the day you arrived in León.

That was a long
time ago, my lord.

My brother Sancho was fortunate
to have you by his side.

It's flattering
that you think so.

So now I would like to
share in that good fortune.

I want you to stay
here in León with me.

- But, my lord...
- It is right.

I know you had nothing
to do with Flaín's death.

I have made inquiries. Your
grandfather is from León.

And your father was a Laínez,
a lineage of Leonese blood.

Your place is here, Ruy.

Since I was a child I have
served your brother Sancho.

And you are still a squire.

I will make you a knight, Ruy.

I will give you a title. You
will have land and a castle.

What more do you want?

Ask me and it will be yours.

Swear that you will at
least think about it.

I swear, my lord.

Saying goodbye to
the throne, brother?

You're enjoying this,

aren't you, Urraca?

It is hard to have something
of yours taken away from you.

Do you understand better now?

I have always understood you.

- You never accepted your place.
- What place?

The one Father gave me?

Well, now you'll have to accept
the one he reserved for you.


How I wish you were a man.

No. You wouldn't like that, because
if it were so, I would be your king.

I was the one who gave Father
the idea to divide the kingdom.

You lie.

Do you think so?

Your father left you a legacy.

I hope you will live up to it.

Sancho, Alfonso, García,

I have arranged for Don
Bernardo to crown you

in the Basilica
of Saint Isidore.

With these coronations, I want to
send a message of unity to everyone.

- It is what your father would have wished.
- We will honor his will, Mother.

Urraca and Elvira,

your father generously
provided you with a legacy.

Mother, I don't...

You will accept your father's
will just like your sister Urraca.

You will leave as soon as
the coronations are over.

Do you decree
anything else, Mother?


- Alfonso, wait. I need to talk to you.
- Sure.

Mother, do you have a moment?

Go on.

We have not spoken
since Father died.

I have had to deal with
matters of vital importance.

I could have helped you, just
like I did with Father's will.


I know that without you none of
this would have been possible.

Your father knew this and that
is why he left you Zamora.

When your brothers are crowned,
go and take charge of your estate.

My lady mother will stay in León

with Alfonso.

This is my rightful place.

Hey! The Champion
has returned to León!

And he found us in the tavern!

- It doesn't take a genius.
- You won't believe it.

Nuño wants to go to
Galicia with García.

So please tell this rogue
that he's coming with us.

- Let him do as he wishes.
- García has always been my lord.

- And we have always been your friends.
- As if Lisardo has to tell you that!

Look, the only thing I know for
sure is that I go where Ruy goes.

So with Sancho, right?

Alfonso has offered
to make me a knight.

A title and a castle.

- Damn!
- So what are you going to do?

I know exactly what I would
do. What has Sancho given you?

You saved his life at Graus and
he hasn't even knighted you.

And Alfonso offers you everything
we have dreamed of, doesn't he?


- doesn't loyalty mean anything to you?
- Very much so.

We have to serve a king.
But no one said which one.

- So, who will you go with?
- With you.

With Nuño, with Ruy, with my friends.
That's where my loyalty lies.

That's why it's so hard
for me to leave Sancho.

Such poor aim, Orduño.

If I wanted to k*ll you, it
would be stuck in your neck.

Are you practicing backstabbing?

- I know what you did.
- You do?

I'm sure the Count of León would
not object to reminding me.

You k*lled my father.

Your father was a traitor.

A man of no honor.

- But I did not k*ll him.
- You lie.

You are a coward.

You know better than anyone
that I am not a coward.

I will find the
necessary evidence

and King Alfonso will
give me satisfaction.

I will see your head rolling
on the floor of this square.

And if he doesn't deliver
justice, I will k*ll you myself.

Your father tried to k*ll
me with this stiletto.

But I swear to God I
didn't s*ab him with it.


I wanted to talk
about our engagement.

Do you want us to speed
up the wedding process?

- Your father didn't tell you anything?
- About what?

He agreed to my request
to cancel our engagement.

- Jimena!
- What the hell are you talking about?

Ask the Count of León.

I tried to force myself
on your daughter.

And not a day goes by that
I don't curse myself for it.


in front of your parents,
I apologize for my affront.

My father did not talk to me
about breaking off the engagement.

On the contrary,

he was pleased
with our marriage.

That is not true.

Now I am the new Count of León.

And the county of Oviedo
renders me its vassalage.

But if Don Celso wants
to break the agreement,

I will accept his decision.

My Lord Count,

your repentance honors you.

I see no reason to break
off the engagement.

- How can you...
- Jimena.

- I will not marry Orduño.
- How dare you!

Forgive me.


Jimena, wait!

My daughter.

- You have to understand...
- Understand what, Mother?

- Understand what?
- Your father!

I can't understand him.

And I can't understand
how my mother does either.


In exchange for your betrothal to Orduño,
Flaín made your father Count of Oviedo.

If the betrothal is broken,

your father will lose his
title and all his privileges.

Hello, beautiful.



- It's good to see you. How are you?
- Ruy.

I can't hold a w*apon.

I am finished.

I can never thank you for
all you have done for me.

My master-at-arms and my
father have made me who I am.

You are a good man. The best.

Let's fight, ladies! Ruy,

you're with me, I want to
beat the Champion so bad.

Where are you going, master?
You are still my master-at-arms.

So lead my men.

Let's go.

Move aside.

- Velarde?
- I bring news from Zaragoza.

- Have you brought my gold?
- Al-Muqtadir refuses to pay the taxes.

What? How dare he?

He says he doesn't know whether
to pay them to León or to Castile.

My father earned that right
when he was King of Castile!

Your Highness,

Al-Muqtadir is trying to sow
division between my lord and Alfonso.

He is testing our strength
and our determination.

We have to fight
back, and quickly.

Lord, I can leave with an army.

No, Velarde. I need
you here with me.

Ruy, they respect you.

Take my army, go to Zaragoza
and collect that gold for me.

- Is there a problem?
- None, my lord.

We will leave at once.

We need that gold.

My forces were
decimated after Graus.

I need a bigger army,

and that can only be achieved
with the taxes from Zaragoza.

Don't come back without them.

Velarde, with me.

What is the lady of
Zamora doing here?

I am looking for herbs
for women's ailments.

What is the King of León
doing in the market?

I've hired an inspector

to control the weights and
ensure cleanliness and order.

We are making sure that the
new regulations are applied.

New regulations?

I have forbidden the slaughter
of cattle in the streets.

This is a market,
not a slaughterhouse.

Did Mother recommend
this to you?

She told me nothing.
It was my idea.

- Mother was a great queen. If...
- What are you getting at, Sister?

Nowhere, Brother.

You will be a great king.

I trust you completely.

I know you will make
your own decisions.

You think Mother is
going to manipulate me.

No. I know you wouldn't
consent to that.

Mother doesn't want
me to have an advisor.

- She doesn't?
- No.

She says she can counsel me. Who
better than the queen mother?

Great idea. You have
accepted, of course.

No. I said I'd have
to think about it.

What do you think I
should do, Urraca?

I would accept. Who
better than her?

I wouldn't pay attention
to those who think

you're ruling León from
under your mother's skirts.

Son. You are just in time.

- The Laws of León.
- That's right.

- I think we should try...
- "We"?

Mother, you must rest.

Why don't you leave
these matters to me?

After all, I am the king.

I'm sorry to interrupt
the Government of León,

but the Castilian army
is about to leave.

What? Where to?

To Zaragoza.

Sister, something must be done.

I tried to get Ruy
to stay in León.

I made him an offer which
was difficult to refuse.

- You offered him a woman?
- No.

Alfonso, how much you still
have to learn to be a good king.

I don't want you
to go to Zamora.

I want you to stay
here, by my side.

I have never thought
of doing otherwise.

I think they were
waiting for us, Ruy.


King Al-Muqtadir has no grievance
against King Sancho of Castile.

As we already told his advisor.

I am glad to hear that,

because it means that there will be no
problem for Zaragoza to pay its taxes.

No problem. We'll pay them.

But to whom?

King Ferdinand earned that
privilege for Castile.

Along with the kingdom, Sancho
inherited that privilege.

Privileges change from hand
to hand with the speed of w*r.

I am here for the gold of Castile.
I will not leave without it.

Are you going to attack Zaragoza
with that handful of men?

I intend to protect the interests
of my king in any way I can.

I'm Jewish

and I don't believe in
this whole baraka thing.

If you want to protect the
interests of your king,

come as a friend.

Tell your father that from today he
will be treated as a disloyal vassal.

Are you sure you want
that to be the message?

Word for word.

That is the difference
between León and Castile.

You can't k*ll the
one with the baraka.

His fate is sealed.

Allah has written
great plans for him,

and we will benefit from it.

I have seen it in the stars.

Then you will have seen that you
won't get to see another winter.

The Jew is right.

We are too few to besiege
such a large city.

It would take
months to subdue it.

- That's if we could manage it.
- We cannot return without the taxes.

When the cuckoo sings,
spring is moving on.

I don't like cuckoos.

They destroy other birds' eggs
and leave their own to be hatched.

That's it.

Lisardo, Nuño, you stay
here with the army.

Álvar, you choose men.
We leave for Tortosa.

What are you going to do?

Something for which God
may send us all to hell.

We will camp here.

I'll stay a little
ahead and stand guard.

By yourself? I'm
staying with you.


I need to think, my friend.

Do you still have
the coin I gave you?

We are staying here.

Jimena, you've been
avoiding me for days.

Give me a moment, please.

Why can't you forget
what happened?

I made a mistake, I was drunk.

When are you going
to forgive me?

If you really love me

set me free.

I can't.

You are the only person

who can stop me from
becoming like my father.

I need you.

You can force me to marry you,

but my heart will
never be yours.

Beautiful night.

Sit by the fire and share
bread and company with me.

You know I didn't come for that.

Your baraka will not
protect you from me.

That chain mail slows you down.

Without it, I'd be dead.


Drop your weapons or
you're a dead man.

What should we do with him?

- Leave your weapons here and go.
- Ruy, have you gone mad?

You are still
sentenced to death.

- But that's for another day.
- That day will come,

bird boy.

I don't know where you came
from, my friend, but thank you.

You owe me one. And a skinful
of wine won't be enough.

I never thought I would cross
this square as the king of León.

Nor Sancho as the king of
Castile, and look at him.

- I've been looking for you.
- How can I help you, Brother?


He was Father's advisor in León,
but wishes to serve me in Castile.

- Any objections?
- None.

- I'm happy for you, he's a good vassal.
- Good.

Wait, Sancho.

I too have something
to tell you.

All right, spill your poison.

I will miss you when
you go to Burgos.

It's about Vellido. He
wants to serve me in Zamora.

- Any objections?
- Vellido...

His love for you betrays him.

Take him.

You need a dog between those
skirts that will never know a man.

Even your dogs are
unfaithful to you.

You know about Ruy, don't you?

Haven't you heard?

Alfonso has made him an
offer he can't refuse.

If there is one thing
I am certain of,

it is Ruy's loyalty.

Are you sure?

Mother. I was waiting for you.

What do you want from me, Son?

Velarde is going to Castile and
León is left without an advisor.

Son, you have me to counsel you.

Letting my mother watch over my reign
would make look like a weak king.

What would my vassals
and enemies think?

"Look, it's the child king". No.

- I have named my sister Urraca as advisor.
- Urraca?

Your sister must go to Zamora.
This is what your father wanted.

He was lord of Zamora, how
many times did he go there?

Once, twice?

It was Arias Gonzalo
who administered it.

This is madness.

- Madness.
- Mother.

Why don't you go with Sancho to
Castile? He needs you more than I do.

Is that what you want?

That's what I want.

A peaceful heart is better
than a chest full of gold.

Poor is he who does
not love beauty.

He is unworthy of the
sun that illuminates him

and the kiss that soothes
our bitter sorrows.

Poetry is the path

that carries us all.

I sense that the sage Abu Bakr

needs something from me.

Your wisdom.

- My lady.
- What are you doing here?

I asked for discretion
in this matter.

Do I have to whip the
words out of you? Speak!

Zaragoza has not agreed
to Ruy's requests.

So they continue to
carry out your plan.

Tell me it's not true.

I'm sorry, Father.

Mundir was trying to defend
this family's honor...

Your son

tried to k*ll Ruy

without the king's consent.

You must have a good reason
that led you to act this way.

I do.

The dignity of this house.

What offense has Ruy
committed against us?

The sigh of a young girl
can be heard further away

than the roar of a lion.

We educated Amina to be
free of mind and body.

Not for just anyone to touch.

Did it happen?

This will be the last
time you make a decision.

Nobody touches Ruy
without my order!

And Amina's freedom

doesn't excuse her from the
responsibility for her decisions.

Mulberry trees.

It's where all the silk
of Zaragoza comes from.

Al-Muqtadir's white gold.

- I see what we're going to do.
- I don't want anyone to get hurt.



Remember what we came here for!

Ruy has done us more
harm in one night

than ten years of
Aragonese campaigns.


Let me go with the Syrian Vanguard
and I will teach them a lesson.

We already have enough enemies
to add another one such as Ruy.

Prepare the payment
and have him come.

For the moment I prefer
that you remain in Zaragoza.

So it shall be.

But the stars are not wrong.

They are wrong!

It is not baraka.

It is a curse.

Ruy will finish all of us.

I don't want any men
outside the perimeter.

Ruy, there is someone
here to see you.

What is your wish, my lady?

Your desire has
disgraced our name.

- I don't know what you mean.
- Amina.

Her father has locked her in her
quarters. He has buried her alive.

Amina is a free spirit.

- She will die if she is not freed.
- I don't see what I can do.

Your mouth condemned
my daughter.

And only your mouth
can set her free.

You played dirty.
But it was effective.

Hopefully I won't have
to cross that line again.

The money for the
taxes is ready.

You will take half now

- and the rest after the coronation.
- I want it all now.

After burning our fields,

we can't afford it.

Then we need a hostage for
security, as is customary.

Someone close to Your Highness.

Who are you thinking of?

Of the , ,

are in gold coins.

The rest are silver coins.

In the courtyard, mules

and two horses are waiting
for Al Sayed Ruy as a gift.

You are a free spirit.
Too ahead of your time.

I am my father's daughter.

Your father needs you to be his
eyes in the land of the Franks.

But be careful.

If I find out that
you let Ruy touch you,

I will know that I
have lost a daughter.

Come and listen.

Be careful with her. She is
more dangerous than Sádaba.

Someone in León tried to get the
taxes paid to them instead of Castile.

Here is what you
asked for, my lord.

You took a long time.

The Moors were reluctant.

Someone in León
schemed to make it so.

When did you decide
to betray me?

With these oils with
which I have anointed you

and these crowns
that you now wear,

you are clothed
with royal dignity.

May the Lord guide
you in your work.