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01x07 - See Jimmy Run/Trading Faces

Posted: 06/15/23 06:01
by bunniefuu
Gotta blast!

♪ here to the stars
fueled by candy bars ♪

♪ Rides a kid with a knack
for invention ♪

( gasps )

♪ With super-powered mind,
a mechanical canine ♪

( barks )

♪ He rescues the day
from sure destruction ♪


♪ This is the theme song ♪

( screams )

♪ For Jimmy Neutron. ♪

( mechanical whirring )

( barking )

( yells )

Listen up!

What we have before
us today is a race.

This race, once started,
shall not stop for any reason.

If you trip,
you will be trampled.

If you stumble,
you will be trampled.

If you refuse to trample,
you will be trampled!

On your mark...

( blows whistle )

( kids cheering )

( breathing hard ):
Lungs... straining....

underwear... chafing...

( heavy breathing )

Go, Sheen!

Ooh... I-I'm floating...

the light.

Yes, move toward the light.

Just passing through, Libby.

Hey, Sheen,
have you seen my back?


Well, check it out.


( kids cheering )

You're going down, Neutron.

Oh, please, if you
run half as well

as your report on the
time-space continuum

I already b*at you
2,000 years ago.

Take it to him, girlfriend!

You got it, Jimmy!

No pressure, but for
the love of humanity...

don't lose!

Isn't that big head getting
a little heavy, Neutron?

Ha-ha! That's really
funny, Cindy.

After I cross
the finish line

remind me to
fake a laugh.

( kids cheering )

Hey, Jimmy, you know
the only thing worse

than you losing
this relay race?

What's that, Vortex?

Losing to a girl!

( grunts )

( cheering )

Quick, trample him!
Trample him before he gets up!

You call that running?

My grandma's faster.

Race you to the
lockers, Jimmy.

( all laughing )

Ah, don't let it
get you down, Jim-jam.

I lost all sorts of races
when I was your age.

But I turned
out okay, huh?

Well, sure, the
tramplings left
a scar or two

but I'm basically
all right.

I think what your father's
trying to say, Jimmy

is that losing's
not important

as long as you
try your best.

Look, this one's shaped

like President Grover Cleveland,
in his second term.

Well, I've had enough losing
for one week.

That's why, at this very moment,
Shoebot is coating my sneakers

with a mixture
of thermal-silicone

and my all-purpose, endlessly
adaptable compound neutro-gunk.

The resulting combination
should create a propulsive

yet frictionless environment
around my sneakers

that will power me to victory.

But won't the combustion cycle
become increasingly irregular

due to the inhibiting effect

of the silicon's
thermal resistance?


Don't worry, Mom.

It's just going to be
one quick experiment--

but, oh, so satisfying.

( kids cheering )

( humming )

Going to kick your butt twice
in the same week, Nerd-tron.

They say pride goes
before the fall, Vortex.

Yeah? All I know is
I go before you.


Jimmy, now run like the wind!

You're a cheetah!
You're an eagle!

Take it--
seriously... run.

Um, Jimmy,
you're supposed to run now.

Go, Neutron, come on!

( yawns )

Well, got to blast.

Little short of
breath there, Vortex?

That's too bad.

Well, got to go. Bye.

( yawns )

Looks like there's still time
for a purple flurp break.


Come on, Vortex!

You still have
a chance...

to be a loser!

Oh, look, a 1957 Van de Graaff
electrostatic generator!

What? Who? Where?!

I win!

( cheering )

( blows raspberry )

That was amazing, Jimmy.

But I lost humiliatingly.

Yeah, but before that!

Uh-huh, you were
going so fast

you were completely

Which you might want
to stay all the time

because you're
the laughingstock
of the whole school.

( girls cheering )

♪ For she's
a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ For she's a jolly good
fellow...! ♪

Invisible, huh?

That just might come in handy.

( boinging )

Oh, hello, Mr. Squirrel.

Would you like
to keep me company

while I eat my lunch?

Now to test how
invisible I really am.

Well, I-- who took my sandwich?!

Oh, so that's your game, is it?

Well, Mr. I'm-Too-

how'd you like a nice detention?

I am moving
too fast to see.

Imagine the possibilities.

I could benefit all mankind!

Or I could totally
get back at Cindy.

Yeah, I'm going to go with that.

( scoffs )

Come on, Nissa, your turn.


♪ And my name is Nissa ♪

♪ I'm a good kissa ♪

♪ My favorite
Tomei's first name ♪

♪ is Marisa! ♪

Ah, sweet revenge.

♪ See, my name is Cindy ♪

♪ Chicago is windy ♪

♪ Mario Andretti
won the 500 Indy. ♪



Um, I didn't do it!

Oh, I suppose the rope
tripped me by itself?

Hey, what's going on?

( yelling )

Dude, you're not a dude!

Wait, I-I can
explain, Nick.

See, I was jumping rope

and the jump rope
came alive, and I just...



( shouts )

( laughs maniacally )

Invisible Boy strikes!

This may be my greatest
invention ever!

Think what I can do!

Think what I shouldn't do,
but will do.

Think... wait a minute.

Something's wrong.

I can't stop! Oh, no!

Mom was right!

The combustion cycle is
accelerating out of control!

Can't... get my shoes... off!


( grunts )

( yells )

but, what if Ultra Lord
found a baby llama

and he named it Carlito
and he raised it

and taught it karate
and how to fly?

Ultra Lord doesn't need
a sidekick, Carl.

And if he did

there's no way
it would be a llama sidekick

named Carlito!


Wow, what the heck
was that?

Carl... help! Stuck! I...!

Did you hear something?

Yea-- uh... not-not
if you didn't.

D-d-definitely not
if you didn't.

Great, they can't see me
or hear me.

I've got to communicate somehow.

Don't be alarmed
or anything, Carl

but I think we may be
in the presence

of a creature
from the other side.

Of the playground?

No, I mean a spirit,
a phantom, an apparition!

Oh... you mean
like a person

that used to be a person

and then they d*ed and
now they're a ghost?!

"Help Jimmy"?

Oh, no! He's got Jimmy!

What are we going
to do, Sheen?

Uh, since we're just kids
and this is a ghost

I suggest we run away
as quickly as possible

screaming at the top
of our lungs.

( screaming )

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa...!

I can't just keep running around
and around forever.

Wait a minute, "running around"!
That's it!

If I could spin around
fast enough

my mass will become less dense

and, in theory, I could slip
right out of my shoes.

Or I could end up
a gelatinous mess

splattered all over the ground.

( gulps )

I really hope
it's the first one.

Ah, perfect.

( yelling )

Let's see if it's working...

I'm lifting out of my shoes.

It is working!

( screams )

I have never been
so embarrassed in all my life.

And in front of Nick.

Oh, cheer up, girl.

With your grades

you can transfer to
any school in town.

I just know
Neutron's behind this.

When I see him...

We just saw a ghost!

Yeah, and
it has Jimmy!

Good, it can keep him.

Boy, you really have some
anger issues, don't you?


( squishing )

( coughs )

Hi, guys.

I'm back, and by the way,
that wasn't a ghost.

It was me!

But once again,
I've solved everything.


I thought Nerd-tron
was hard to look at before

but this is disgusting.

Yeah, Jimmy, you're totally
gross... yet somehow cool.

But completely nasty!

Yet strangely awesome.

What are you guys talking about?

Oh, my molecules
haven't reassimilated.

Hey, look...
( chuckles )

He's fun to poke.

Stop it, Carl!

No, it's fun.

Pick up a stick
and poke him, Sheen.


Wow, Jimmy, you finally
invented something

we can all enjoy.

Yeah, this is better
than a video game.

Stop it!

I could do this all day,
and I think I will.

Okey-dokey, pokey-pokey!

( laughing )

I call it the Neutron

It isolates and amplifies
alpha brain waves

passes them through a
12-tone interpreter module

and outputs them in
an audible frequency.

Uh, what was that
first part again?

And that middle part?

And the end-y part, too.

Well, simply put

it translates
your thoughts and feelings

into notes and rhythm.

And so, without
further ado

I now present the musical
stylings of my brain.

( yodeling plays on tape )

( laughter )

The feminine brain is a
treacherous minefield, Carl.

Thanks for coming over to
console me in my darkest hour.

Well, actually,
I was hoping you'd help me

with my geometry homework.

Now, the triangles
are the pointy ones, right?

Today was only the latest
in a long line

of humiliating pranks
Cindy's pulled on me.

If only I knew
what she was thinking

I could catch her in
the planning stage and...


( lightning cracks )

( squeaking and whirring )

I'll pull out the tone generator

and substitute
a voice synthesizer...

Come on, work, work!

It works!


the ends of my fingers
look like

little pink plums.

If I use headphones

Cindy will never know

I'm reading
her every thought.

I wish I could
try it tonight

and see if she's got
something sneaky planned

for tomorrow.

Nick, um, um, I-I hate
to bother you at home

but I'm stuck with these
two dumb tickets for, um...

What was that band
you liked again?

( click-beep )

Oops, um, call waiting.

Don't go anywhere.

Hi, Cindy, uh, what you doing?


After I hang up, I'll be getting
an unlisted number.

Hmm, no brain wave response.

Goddard, recalibrate
to 3.8 Gigahertz.

( rapid beeping )

I hope Brainzilla

isn't on to tomorrow's
little surprise.

Ah, jackpot!

Oh, uh, yeah, I
just phoned to see

if you had any special plans
to humiliate me tomorrow.

Oh, no, don't tell me.
He's found out about the--


Are you okay?

If you can hear me,
tell me the answers
to 5-a through 11-c.

I mean, just so I know
that you're okay.



I'm Cindy, and what are you
doing in my room?

Where is my room

and what happened
to my puffy pink nail polish?

( screams )

( Jimmy's voice screaming )

( both screaming )

( electronic hum )


Girl hair! Girl hair!
Girl hair!

Vox, it's me! Let me in!

If you get garbage on my hair,
I'll never forgive you!

What have you got
to say for yourself?

Or myself?
Or whoever you are?!

Please don't put my hands
on my hips!

Guys don't go that!

I'll put my hands anywhere
I want to put my hands.

I'll skip to the doll shop,
swinging my hips, like this.

♪ Swingy, swingy,
swingy, swingy ♪

♪ Girlie, girlie, girlie... ♪


Then fix this, you idiot-- now!


I just need to tinker with it
for a few hours.

We don't have a few hours.

School starts in 20 minutes.

You may have stolen
my body and my clothes

but you're not ruining my
perfect attendance record.

Now get my butt to class!

My ankles are freezing!

Why don't girls just buy
pants that cover their legs?

Stop dragging my feet.
Those are new shoes.

Look, if we just act like each
other, nobody will ever know.

( imitating Jimmy's voice ):
Look at me, everybody!

I sure am smart.

Admire my big,
show-offy brain.

You think I spent
enough hours on my
hair this morning?

Hey, everybody,
look at my ankles.

When will I get a pair
of pants the right length?

Who knows?

Here he goes.

Oh, this one's
going to be great.

He doesn't
suspect a thing.

Oh, yeah, uh...
today's practical joke.

( splat )

( laughter )

Oh, so it's w*r, is it?

( imitating Jimmy's voice ):
Look at me, everybody!

I, Jimmy Neutron, am a blue-
faced, cross-eyed nosepicker.

( laughter )

Oh, yeah?

Listen to this.

Don't you dare.

( farting noise )

( laughter )

( imitating Cindy's voice ):
How very ladylike of me.

Cindy, what happened
last night?

You said something about
an extra concert ticket

and then the line went dead.

( in Cindy's voice ):
I wouldn't go to a concert
with you

if you were the last boy
on Earth.

That's how stuck up I am.

( all gasp )


( faking Jimmy's voice ):
I mean, Nick,
she doesn't mean that.

Quiet, children.

Pop quiz.

( class groaning )

I hope you enjoyed your
straight A's, Neutron,

'cause they're a
thing of the past.

"The ant is a member
of the vegetable family."

"Name the planets:"

Farkle... Gub-Gub...

I would like
an explanation

for these two
disgraceful papers.

( imitating Jimmy's voice ):
There's a simple explanation,
Miss Fowl.

I, Jimmy Neutron, am a complete
gabble-headed dipstick.


( as Cindy ):
But not as big a dipstick

as you are, Miss Fowl.

and if I don't get
a month's worth of detention

for that, you're even
dumber than you look.

( faking Jimmy's voice ):
Oh, yeah?

Well, how many detentions
is this worth, Miss Fowl breath?

( distressed clucking )

( snoring )

( metallic squeaking )

You think you could
figure this out

sometime before
I need to shave?

Hey, I want out of
this badly dressed body

just as much as you do.

Badly dressed?!

Do you know how long
it took me to floss

your big, old beaver teeth
last night?

And, uh, by the way

you start tomorrow
at Hank's Weenie Barn.

Here's your weenie.

( laughter )

( as Jimmy ):
It's something I've wanted to do

all my life, Miss Fowl.

( clears throat )


Here's a list
of all the boys in school

who make me, Cindy Vortex

feel all fuzzy inside.

Abraham "Mud-Face" Adler...

( imitating Jimmy's voice ):
And I want more chores
around the house...


And I want a meat log
for Christmas...


Okay, maybe not Butch.

And I'd like you to sell my bed

forcing me to sleep in the crawl
space under the house

with the rats.

Are you sure
about this, Cindy?

( faking Cindy's voice ):
Yes, Cindy's Mother.

I'm glad
the expensive outfits

I used to be
so foolishly proud of

will now be
clothing the needy.

Do we have to
hide behind here?

Well, sorry, Jim

but we don't want to be seen
talking to a girl.

Yeah, that's a mandatory
five months

of people
pointing at you going:

♪ Nyah-nyah nyah-nyah-nyah ♪

without the possibility
of parole.

I've got to reverse this effect

Do these shoes make me look...

Oh, no, I'm starting
to think like her.

At least you're thinking.

Ooh, conflict-- got to go.

Look, we've spent all our
time sniping at each other

and hardly any time finding
a solution to our problem.

But I don't know
how to generate enough power

to affect a simultaneous
brain transference.


unless I dump both our minds
into a virtual brain pod.

"Dump our minds"?

Yeah, yeah-- while our bodies
are lying useless

we get the most trustworthy
people we know

to sort our respective memories
and abilities

into the correct heads.

Don't worry,
Jimmy and Cindy

I'll put your minds
back in the right places.

You can't even keep the gravy

inside your mashed potato
volcano at lunch.

You expect me to let
you put my brain back?

Cindy, don't worry.

I know your brain,
and I won't let them

put any stupid
boy stuff in it.

Okay, listen up, here.

When our brains are uploaded

all our memories
will appear on that screen.

You three have to decide
what belongs to who.

Don't give Cindy
my astounding ability

to create and build
pioneering technologies, okay?

Oh, yeah, like I'd want to
invent a toilet in a briefcase.

Hey, hey, that could have been

an invaluable accessory
for the traveling businessman.

Carl, throw the switch
and shut them up.

( whimpering )

( zapping )

Look, there's Jimmy's entire
memory of the third grade.

And we drag that
to the jimmy side.

"Supreme dislike
of show-offy boys."

That's Cindy.

Oh, yeah.

"Ability to whistle."

Can Cindy whistle?

I don't know.

We gave Jimmy rapturous
enjoyment of mustard.

Let's give Cindy whistling.

"Extreme dislike of girls who
dislike boys

"who dislike girls who dislike
show-offy boys who dislike..."

It's so confusing!
Just throw that one away!

( beeping )

( bell dings )

And... download.

( flushing )

Jimmy? Cindy?

Are you back
in your heads?

I... I can't see my ankles.

Oh, no! He's blind!

No, Carl,
I've got my own pants back.

I warn you, Neutron, if anything
at all is wrong with my brain...

You mean other than
what was wrong with it before?

...I'll hit you
so hard in the mouth

it'll wake up your dentist.

( bell dings, gears whir )

Did you, um, notice

when our brains
were floating inside
that thing together--

which was disgusting,
by the way--

one of us
was imagining us

walking down a country lane
holding hands and, um, kissing?

Okay, I remember that, but
it wasn't my brain thinking it.

Well, it sure as heck
wasn't mine!

It must have been yours, Vortex,
because it was not mine!

No, you just said...