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02x12 - Out, Darn Spotlight

Posted: 06/15/23 07:01
by bunniefuu
Gotta Blast!

♪ Into the stars,
goin' by Candy Bar's ♪

♪ Rides a kid with a knack
for invention ♪

( gasps )

♪ With a super-powered mind,
a mechanical canine ♪

( barks )

♪ He rescues the day
from sure destruction ♪


♪ This is the theme song ♪

( screams )

♪ For Jimmy Neutron. ♪

( mechanical whirring )

( barking )

( yells )

Macbeth in Space?

This is going to be
the greatest school play ever

because it's in space

and it's about Macbeth.

Uh, who's Macbeth?

I don't know.

Some guy with
a girl's last name.

Principal Willoughby wrote

it was somebody
named Shakespeare.

Isn't he
the custodian?

Libby, this could
be my big break.

A talent scout
might come to the play,

see me and put me
in my own TV show.

And I'm going
to marry Smally Big-Big

and live in his house
in Beverly Hills.

Uh, that's nice.

( in odd accent ):
Bolbi be in play.

Bolbi act good.

Bolbi to be our not to be...

Bolbi, sit down!

What part are you

going to try out
for, Jim?

I'm not.

School plays are just excuses

for kids to make fools
of themselves.

Macbeth in Space?

It sounds silly,
ridiculous, and...

the most beautiful thing
in the world.

Hey, Jimmy,
trying out for the play?

I'm going to try out
for Lady Macbeth.

See you.

( gasps )

Ugh, yuck!

There's a kissing scene

between Macbeth
and Lady Macbeth.

Out of my way.

I've got to be in this play.


To prepare for my audition,

I've researched Shakespeare,
Scottish kings

and downloaded
the Keanu Reeves
advanced acting course.

( imitating Reeves ):
Well... is this a laser sword
I see before me?

Oh, that was very...

Oh, that was
stink-o-roony, Jimbo.

Open up a window.


But luckily
I can help you.

I used to tread the boards
back in the day.

I'll give you
some good acting tips.

Now, you might want
to write this down, son.

When you want
to act mad, do this:

( growls )

Now, if you want
to act happy--

which is different
than mad-- go like this:

( chuckles )

Now, if an anvil

drops on your head,
you'd go, uh...

( screaming ):
There's an anvil on my head.

Ow, it hurts!

And that's pretty much
all there is in acting.

Hugh, where
are you going?

I have no idea.

Okay, here we go
with the auditions, people.

Let them hear you
in the cheap seats.

Will all the great
oceans of Mars

wash this space creature's
mucous clean from my hand?

Lady Macbeth!

Ladies and gentlemen,
we have found our Macbeth.

Principal Willoughby,
that's not fair.

What about the others?

But Nick is...

Oh, all right.


I'll be reading
for Lady Macbeth.

Ladies and gentlemen,
we've found our Lady Macbeth.

She hasn't even read yet.

My great Glamis of the Galaxy,

let one kiss upon your lips

speed you to victory.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I've found my Lady Macbeth.

Uh... sorry.

( clears throat )


( clears throat loudly )


Um... uh...

Carl Wheezer,
you cannot be in the play

if we can't hear you.

You are wasting
our time...

( histrionically ):
It's not my fault.

I didn't even want to do this.

My mom forced me.

She said it would be good
for my self-esteem.

Ladies and gentlemen,
our first witch.

Thank you.


Since the part
of Lady Macbeth

is still available,
I'll take it.

I'll need a big dressing room,
and when you send flowers

I prefer long-stemmed roses,
thorns removed...

We've found our
second witch.

( screaming )

Okay, there's
witch number three.

Who's the star of this thing?

It's this Macbeth dude, right?

I want to be him.

Over my dead body.

Sheen, I see you more
as soldier number five.


A lousy soldier?

No way, forget it.

I'm out of here.

He gets to carry
a laser spear.

Laser spear?

For the love of UltraLord,

please let me be
soldier number five.

I'm reading
for the part of Macbeth.

( haltingly ):
A spaceship, a spaceship,
my kingdom for a spaceship.

Well, he's
no genius at acting.

Yeah... thanks, Jimmy.

Don't quit your day job.

We will now announce...

Wait, wait.

You forget Bolbi.

I act, I act good.

( sighs )

All right, Bolbi,
give it a try.


( in deep, theatrical voice ):
Life's but a walking shadow,

a poor player that struts and
frets his hour upon the stage

and then is heard no more.

It is a tale told by an idiot

full of sound and fury,
signifying nothing.

( crying )

Yeah, sorry, don't see it.

So we've got our witches,
Nick is Macbeth,

Betty is
Lady Macbeth,

a spear carrier

and Bolbi is Rangoon,
the space pirate.

Is role I born to play.

I'm sorry you didn't
get a part, Jimmy.

No big deal, I don't care,

I didn't really want
to be in the play.

You got to put me
in this play.

I'll do anything.

Even... stage crew.

Principal Willoughby?

What do you think of my flying
machine for the witches?


( crash )

Oh... maybe I should
sell tickets instead?

Jimmy, can you make
outer space appear on stage

and create fantastic
visual effects

all on a budget
of $17?

Do it, Jimmy.

You could make some
really cool stuff.

Principal Willoughby,
you found yourself a stage crew.

This will impress Betty
better than some stupid part.

I'm going to make the most
amazing special effects

the world has ever seen.

Hi, Betty.

Do you want to see

my neutronic Storminator?

It can create rain,
thunder and lightning.

Sure, Jimmy.

Time for the
romantic love
scene with Macbeth.

Oh, I'll see you
later, Jimmy.


Jimmy, these hover shoes
are totally cool.

I love being a witch.

P.W.-- You know
these lines

"Bubble, bubble,
toil and trouble"?

I was thinking
we could funk it up
a little, like this:

I love it-- do it.

But not right now.

Principal man, why is
Rangoon space pirate

not in the act of five?

Oh, because he falls
off a 150-foot cliff

into a crater of boiling lava.

Oh... so sad.

But happy for Bolbi.

I acting good.

( grunts )

ye space pirate.

You have awakened the fury
of soldier number five.

Careful, Sheen,
remember it's a real laser.

You could...
( blast )

Hey, Jimmy,
can you help me
with my line?

I'm kind of busy--
I got to set up
the storm cloud.

( harshly ):
"My lord, Lady Macbeth

( suavely ):
Or "My lord, Lady Macbeth

( in Mexican accent ):
Or "Me lord, Lady Macbeth,

All right, love scene.

Let's do it.

Kiss me,
my queen of the galaxy.

Kiss me, my king
of the stars.

Now, go in for the big kiss.

Really plant
that sucker.

( expl*si*n )

( thunder )

( sputtering )

Hey, watch it, Neutron.

Sorry, Nick, won't happen again.

( chortles )

I'm wise
to you, Neutron.

You did that
on purpose.

Accidents happen.

Just don't try anything funny

when I'm on stage,

because if anybody messes
the show up, I mess them up.

My daughter

is the star
of the show.

She's Macbeth?

No, she's a witch.

So I hear.

Five minutes till curtain.

Attention, people-- center.

My old college roommate at
Vassar, Corky Shumatsu, is here.

He's scouting girls
with attitude

to play the lead
in a new TV show, Spunky Girl.

This is my big break.

If any of you does anything
wrong tonight,

I will k*ll you.

That's it, Cindy--
now, lock it.

Okay, everyone, break a leg.

Uh, do we have to break
our own leg?

Can I break Carl's leg?

Saying "break a leg"

is an old theater tradition.

It's bad luck
to say "good luck."

Oh, I get it.

That makes perfect sense.

He's whacked.

Has anybody seen Nick?

( gasps ):

The star of our show?

The boy playing
Macbeth-- that Nick?

Hey, here comes Nick
on his skateboard

going really fast and
doing some extremely
dangerous tricks

that could
cause him to...

( Nick yells )

( crash )

Oh, man, I broke my leg.

All right, that's good luck.

Way to go, Nick.

He can't go on.

We can't do the play.

No play?

No kiss?

No fame?

This show must go on.

Who'll play Macbeth?

Well, someone would have to have

a photographic memory

and be able
to memorize super fast.

Like Jimmy?


I can't.

I'm not a...

I can't.

Look at me.

Look at me!

James Neutron,
you're going out there

a lowly, dirty,
greasy stagehand,

but you've got
to come back a star.

( gulps )

But, but, but...

You can do it, Jimmy.

Ladies and gentlemen...

you've found your new Macbeth.

One minute till show time.

Memorize, memorize.

Got it.

I hope.

Jimmy, you're going to
be a fabulous Macbeth.

Now show Sheen

how to operate
the special effects.

Okay, Sheen,
all you have to do

is press the buttons...

Got it.

I'm not done.

Press the buttons...

Got it.

I'm not done!

Press the buttons
one at a time

when they
light up.

I'm done.

Got it!

See you on stage, Jimmy.

I mean, Macbeth.

Hey, Jimmy.

Um, I thought we agreed
that we didn't like girls.

We don't.

Betty is a woman.

Got it!

Corky Shumatsu
is in the front row.

Just think, Libby,

after I get
discovered tonight

and become a big star,

I'll be living in a mansion
in Beverly Hills.

Yeah, right, and I'm going
on a world tour with
Shoop Puppy Dog Boy.

That's nice.

Hey, Jimmy, I just found out

that the play Macbeth
has a curse

and you're not supposed
to say Macbeth,

because if you say Macbeth,
bad things happen,

and we've been saying
Macbeth a lot.

And congratulations
on getting the part
of Macbeth.

( gasps )

I said Macbeth.

It's show time.

( clears throat )

Bonsoir and welcome to
the world premiere

of Macbeth In Space.

( applause )

Thank you.

The part of Macbeth
normally played by Nick Dean

will be played by...

I bet it's my Cynthia.

She could play
all the parts.

I once played
all the parts
in Snow White,

even all
the dwarfs--

Happy, Zippy, Smiley,
Cranky, Gloomy, Medic,

Shy-Eyed, Drowsy,

Miss Vortex, we do have a little
show we'd like to start.


Thank you.

Macbeth will be played by
Jimmy Neutron.


( whooping )

I'm going
to go give Jimbo

a few last-minute
acting tips

before he gets started.

( grunts )

He'll be fine, Hugh.

After all,
he is a genius.

'Twas long ago in a galaxy
most far, far away...

( majestic music playing )

( hip-hop beat playing )

( rapping ):
♪ Double, double,
Toil and trouble ♪

♪ Fire burn
and cauldron bubble ♪

♪ Old handkerchief
and smelly sock ♪

♪ Rotten eggs
and classic rock. ♪

( music stops, rumbling )


Great stomping
mechanical feet

How now, ye warty hags?

All hail Macbeth!

But I'm no king.

King you soon shall be
say we witches three.

How now,
soldier number five?

What sayest thou?

( crickets chirping )

( softly ):
"My lord, your wife,
Lady Macbeth approaches."

( whispering ):
I know.

I was just taking
a dramatic pause.

What was it again?

"My lord, your wife..."

Macbeth lady,
your my lord approaches, wife.

Oh, why didn't I use a puppet
for that part?

Macbeth, Macbeth.

Wherefore art thou,

my greatest love.


I mean, uh... greetings, wife.

Witches from
another planet

have prophesied
me king.

But to gain the crown,

you must vanquish Rangoon,
the space pirate.

T'will be easy
with my robo space-walker.


Hello, Mr. Shumatsu.

Would you like
a cappuccino

while watching the
fabulous performance

by the beautiful
Cindy Vortex

witch number two?

No, thank you,

No distractions
for the Corkster.

Could I have
a mocha espresso

with plenty of sugar?

Yeah, right.


Exactly-- shh the milk
so it gets all foamy.


Get you tuchis
back on stage.

But soft, what piercing comet
through yonder porthole breaks?

the space pirate.

Friends, Mulvexians, countrymen,
lend me to your ears.

I come to bury Macbeth...

not to praise him.

Oh, Willoughby,
you've done it again.


Get thee to another galaxy.


Now is the winter
of your discontent.

Maketh my day.

( swords zapping )

I'll be backeth.

A plague on
all your galaxies.

Parting is such
sweet sorrow...

Beware, Macbeth.

Rangoon is not dead.

Hello, everybody.

My name is Cindy.

What's yours?

( show-tune music playing )

Smile, baby!

What? There are no
tap-dancing witches
in my play.

Hello? Wait a minute.

All right, it's button-
pushing time, Sheen.

Work your magic.

Kiss me, my queen
of the galaxy.

Kiss me, my king
of the stars.

( thunder rumbling )

Methinks I hear
a storm approaching...

a little too early.

Sheen, what's going on?

I was only
following orders.

Unwelcome visitor, dost
thou desire a piece of me?

( shouting )

( shouting and screaming )


Neutron, you're ruining
my career.

You're ruining my hair.

( guffawing )


This is awesome!

My play,
my beautiful play.

I think I'm going
to faint.

What a world!

Must... disable... tornado.

That wasn't too bad.

I thought it was going
to be much worse.

It will be.

In the outside

the tornado will
increase in size.

I don't usually
like classics,

but this is pretty good.

( cow mooing )

( people screaming )

I'll have to reverse the
direction of the tornado.

What doing, Jimmy?

Bolbi need jet-pack
in act five

for return from dead
as spooky ghosty.

If I don't stop
the tornado,

we might all be
spooky ghosties.

Set jet-pack to hyper-drive.

( jets roaring )

Jimmy Neutron,
you ruined my show.

( all cheering )

( cheering
and applause continue )

Strike that.

Jimmy, you're a genius.

What? What am I--
chopped jalapeños?

These buttons don't push
themselves, you know.

How was Bolbi?

You like?

Two thumbs over?

Bolbi, my lad--

I want you to star
in my next play:

Hamlet on Ice.

Is other role
I born to play.

Why, Mr. Shumatsu.

I didn't know
you were here.

Corky Shumatsu is
everywhere showbiz is,

because Corky is showbiz.

Now, I must ask you

a very important
question, small child.

My answer is yes.

I would love to be the star
of the new TV show Spunky Girl.


But you are not my superstar.

Where is the genius
who played witch number one?

That's me! That's me!

How would you like to be
my spunky girl?

Carl can't be
spunky girl.

He's a boy.

Guilty as charged.


Corky has super brilli.

Change title to Spunky Boy.

Hey, Corky.

You're going to need
some hot funk for that show

and I'm the girl
who can bring it.

( plays riff )

Super crazy.

( cell phone rings )

Go, babe, talk to Corky.


No more Spunky show?

That's showbiz.

Call me, we'll do brunch.


Sorry I messed up
your machine, Jimmy,

but it was awesome.

You didn't
get to kiss Betty,

but the whole school
flew up in the air.

But I ruined the play,

but we went into space.

But we almost burned
up during reentry.

Hey, Jimmy.

Too bad we didn't
get to do our big scene.

But I guess I can
still give you a kiss

for saving our lives.

I love show business.

And it loves us, Jimmy.

This was truly
the most fabulous

and magical night
of our lives.

Um, is that why we're tipping
back and forth?


( all screaming )


This is even better
than when we went in space.

Everybody, lean to the left.

( all screaming )