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28x16 - Ancient History

Posted: 06/16/23 07:23
by bunniefuu
[exciting theme music]

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-♪ Evolution revolution - ♪

♪ mighty Rangers rise. ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪



It's all still here.

Even you.

Tell me,

I miss anything important?

-Control your breathing.

Focus on your opponent

and execute your combo.

-[exhales sharply]

[peanut butter squelches]

You know, Ollie, a PB&J

is not the kind of combo

he means.

-Can't train on an empty

stomach. Right, Izzy?

-[alarm blares]

-Heads up, folks.

We have a visitor.

-What's he doing here?


-Thought I'd drop in

and say hi.

[magical music]



-Don't just stand there.

Bring it in.

Oh. [chuckles]

-It's been million years,

and you haven't aged one bit!

-You're still a charmer.

And thanks. I moisturize.

-So, you're the new Rangers.

I'm Aiyon.

-Antennae, huh?

Are you a knight of Rafkon,

like Zayto?

-Yes, I was. Ooh, food!

Can I try? I'm starving.



-Mmm! Sweet and salty.

-I thought our team was lost

all those years ago.

How did you survive

the great Sporix battle?

-It doesn't feel

like years to me.

I'll show you.

The last thing I remember is

launching the final attack

to obliterate the Sporix Beasts.

[dramatic music]


-Zayto! It's too powerful!

-The Ultrazord's gonna blow!

-Eject! Eject!

-We had to abandon

the Megazord.

[explosions boom]


I must've slept at the bottom

of the ocean for eons,


the Green Morphin

Master appeared.

-Gold Ranger,

you're needed

for an important task.

Without you,

Lord Zedd will reign again.

-Morphin Master?

-Wait, but Lord Zedd's

not on Earth.

He's been gone for ages.

-Maybe the Nexus Prism

wasn't looking for something...

but someone.

It did dive down

into the ocean.


It must have told the

Morphin Masters you were here.

-So, when Zedd escaped us,

they woke you up.

-You'll have to fill me in

on who this Zedd guy is

and whatever a Nexus Prism is.

Oh! But first,

have you heard anything

about my Zord?

-Not a peep.

I'm sorry, Aiyon.

-What's with the

down vibes, g*ng?

It's great to have another

Ranger on the team.

Isn't it, Zayto?

[tense music]


-I'd love to be

a part of your team.

But I have one condition.

I should be the leader.

-Excuse me?

-Why? Zayto is amazing.

-So you haven't told them?

Zayto isn't the great leader

you think he is.

-What are you talking about?

-I was his closest comrade.

We were both proud knights,

eager to protect our planet.



-Then the news came.

-The forces of evil

are nearing Rafkon.

If they attack,

we plan to create an army

of Sporix Beasts

to destroy them.

-Your people made the Sporix?

-The Sporix Beasts were

supposed to fight with us

to protect our planet.

But I knew the people in charge

hadn't done enough testing.

Zayto could have stopped it,

but he didn't.


as leader of the Rafkon Knights,

do you have any concerns

about our plan?


The Sporix are dangerous.

Stop this.

[dramatic music]

-The Military Council

says that they're safe.

I trust their judgment.

-The magma flows

are in alignment.

Activate the machine

and release the Sporix!


[whirring, warbling]

-I took matters

into my own hands.


-Aiyon, don't!

-Stand aside!


-[both grunt]

-This is a mistake!

-[both grunt]



-[both grunt]

-It's over!

[energy blasts]

[Sporix chitter]

-Instead of helping us,

the Sporix Beasts

devastated our planet.


-And we were no longer friends.

-You could've stopped the Sporix

Beasts from ever existing,

and you didn't tell us?!

[alarm blares]

-Speaking of Sporix Beasts,

we've got one at the port.

[brooding music]

-I owe you all answers,

but right now we've gotta

stop this beast.

[antennae squelch]

-[wrist comm trills]


-[wrist comm trills]


-[laser fire zaps]

-Here, fishy-fishy!

Pew, pew!

Man, I am one scary mushroom!

-[footsteps approach]

-Oh. The Sporix Beast is Mucus?

She's no threat.

-Uh, rude!

But I'll show you!

A storm is coming!

-Then I hope you have

a life raft.

-[all]: Link to Morphin Grid!

-[all grunt]

-Stay back. I've got this.

-One Ranger kebab

coming right up!

Pew, pew, pew!

-[bolts blast]

-[metal clangs]


Ugh! What's this gunk?

Fish oil? Oh well.

-Whoa, whoa!



-Fun! I love a moving target!


-Pew! Pew!


Oh great!

-Ha! Looks like your

mighty leader's a bit stuck.

-Don't worry! We got you.


-I wish I was filming this.

-It's slippery,

but I think we can-

-Whoa! Whoa!

-[both yell]

[both grunt]

-So, tell me, Red,

am I a threat now or what?!


-Guess who's catch of the day?

-[trigger clicks]

Oh fungus! I'm out of spears!


Keep 'em busy while I reload.

-[Hengemen grunt]

-Good boys!

-Get ready. This could be messy.

-Not if you follow my lead.



-[blade whooshes]

[exclaims, grunts]


-[all]: Whoa!

-[grunts] Whoo!


-Oh yeah!


-Man, he's cool!



What's up?


Have we met?




-Slick moves, huh? I want a go!

-Aw, are you missing out?

-[w*apon blasts]

Pew, pew!

-[both grunt]

-[trigger clicks]

-Pew, pew! Oh, not again!

-Hey, so...

Can we talk about this?


-Come on. Come on.

And now I-

Oh no.

-Mosa Blast!





-Ouchie! For that, I'm gonna...

-[all exclaim]

-Hey, I'm no threat,


-Mucus! We have what we need,

so let's strike a pose

and bow out.


-What do they want with a boat?


Now that we know where the Gold

Zord is, it's gonna be history!


-They found my Zord?

-Uh, guys?

A little help here?

-Well, it's a miracle

those spears didn't injure you.

-You were really great

back there.

That crate trick was...


-Just doing what's best

for the team.

-It's good you were there.

-But Zayto...

proved my point.

You're not fit to be leader.

[tense music]

-I'm sorry.

-Don't worry about him.

We have to find my Zord

before that mushroom

and creepy cape guy get to it.

-So, how could they have

found it?


the Zord's underwater,

so to find it, you'd have to...

Wait! Mom's submarine drone.

They stole the data

it collected.

There's a copy on my laptop

at Buzzblast.

-Come on.

-[wrist comm trills]


-Thank you for

the clothes, Solon.

You're so good to me. [chuckles]

-Don't mention it.

-I should've told you

about the Sporix.

-Owning up to mistakes

never comes easy,

so I understand why you didn't.

-Maybe I'm not fit to lead.


it's not your fault.

You trusted your superiors.

-I should've trusted Aiyon.

Now the team is clearly doubting

whether I should be in charge.

They might be right.

-One mark of

a good leader is knowing

when to stand your ground and...

when to step aside.

-Are you saying that

I should let Aiyon

lead the Rangers?

-That's a decision

only you can make.


-[Mucus]: ♪ I am so great. ♪

♪ I am so great. ♪

-Installing these parts

is a delicate process,

so cease your distracting!

-My distracting is what

got us these parts.

♪ Let's celebrate Mucus! ♪

-Are you finished?


-Good. While that stolen

drone data will lead us

to the Mosa Zord,

a precious Sporix

is still needed

as the final piece

of our new Zord Destroyer -

or as I like to call him,


[electronic whirring]

-Ha ha!

Another complete success!

-Ahoy, maties!

Now, tell me,

who runs this ship?

-I do.

You can call me Void Knight

or Master.

Now go to the ocean

and destroy the Mosa Zord.

-Aye, aye, Captain!

Uh, where is it?

-Mucus, tell him.

-Aye, aye.

Okey dokey.

I'm chief mate -

second-in-command -

and I run a tight ship.

-That's fine!

-I love the beach, so obviously

I'll join this mission.

But we'll need to make

a quick stop first.

-Spotting a Zord in the ocean's

kind of like...

-...finding a needle

in a haystack?


-But, hey, there's our needle.

We need a fix on its location.

[wrist comm trills]

Go ahead.


there's trouble at

Beachfront Plaza.

-My Zord can wait.

Let's roll.

-Shiver me timbers, Mucus!

-[people yell]

-You're taking forever!

I wanna destroy that Zord!

-Hey, these are

essential supplies

for a day at the beach.

Now, what else?

Ooh-hoo-hoo! Ice cream!

Yum, yum, yum.

Wreckmate, catch!


I don't be wantin' ice cream!

Well, OK. What flavors they got?

-Oh, yummy chocolate!


-Cookies 'n cream!




-Mango! Woohoo!

-Oh. [chuckles]

It looks delicious.



My creams!

-Sorry. I was trying to

save you a dentist bill.

-Prepare to be shipwrecked!

-[Mucus]: Vanilla!






You'll spoil your dinner.

-Belay that!

-Strawber- [screams]


-What are you doing here?

-I just want to help.

A true leader knows

when to step aside.

-Oh really?

OK, then.

-Quit yammering

and prepare for the wrath

of my new, upgraded...

Aqua Hengemen!

-Let's show this pirate

who's boss.

It's Morphin' time.


-[all]: Dino Fury Key!


Link to Morphin Grid!

-[all grunt]

[electronic music]

[dinosaurs growl]

[energetic music builds]

-T-Rex Fury - Red Ranger!

-Ankylo Fury - Pink Ranger!

-Tricera Fury - Blue Ranger!

-Tiger Fury - Green Ranger!

-Stego Fury - Black Ranger!

-Mosa Fury - Gold Ranger!

-[all]: Dino Fury Power!


-[all grunt]

-[exclaims, grunts]

[blade clanks]



-Blazing Dino Key - ready!


-Electro Dino Key - ready!


[energy roars]

-[both]: Battle Armor!

-I'm gonna take point.

You got my back?

-Got it!


Mosa Slash!

-[all grunt]


-Electro Fury Blast!



You bilge-sucking barnacles!

-What does that mean?

-I guess he's mad.

-Turns out you still got

some moves.

-I try. You haven't lost a step.


-We sunk the Hengemen!

-But I'm just getting

my sea legs!

-[all whimper]


-I'll squish ye to shark bait!


-[all exclaim]


-I'll squish ye to shark bait!


-[all exclaim]


-Solon, send in the Zords.

[rocks rumble]

[powerful music]

[metal clangs]

-[all exclaim]

-[all]: Linked!


-[all]: Dino Fury Megazord -

Warrior Formation!


-All right, team. Let's go.

[dramatic music]


-[all exclaim]

[all exclaim]


-[all exclaim]


-He caught our sword?!

-Stay focused. We can do this.





-Time for a deep sea dive!

[footsteps pound]


-[all grunt, yell]

-Down periscope!

[water bubbles]

-All ahead, full!

-Are these Zords waterproof?

-No. Seawater's gonna start

shutting down our systems

any second.

-Aiyon, what's your plan?

-I, uh... I...


-[all exclaim]

-We're in trouble here.

-The Megazord

can't fight underwater.

Guys, how do we win?

-Don't look at me.

-Zayto, what would you do?

-We're not gonna win.

It's too dangerous.

I would teleport to safety

and abandon our Zords.

-But they'll be toast!

-Yes, but we will survive.


-You're right.

It's the only option.

Abandon Megazord!

-[missiles boom]

-[grunts, growls]




[expl*si*n blasts,

Rangers exclaim]

-What have I done?

-What you had to...

to protect your team.

-And if I didn't,...

we'd have been destroyed.

This is the job, isn't it?

Making difficult choices

while you're judged by people

who don't know what it's like?

I was your friend,

and I even judged you.

It's not easy. I get it now.

-You did what you thought

was right.

Honestly, I'm just glad

you're back on the team.

I missed you.



-Hey, Aiyon, is your...?

-My Zord? It's out there!

It's active!


Bon voyage, Megazord!

-[Zord shrieks]



-Finally, a challenge!

-Here it comes!

-[Rangers cheer]


-Wanna help me save

the other Zords?

-Of course!

-Battle Mode!


[epic music builds]

[Zord shrieks]



[water bubbles]

[epic music continues]


-[both]: Linked!

-Mosa Razor Zord - Battle Mode!

-Up for a water fight?

-Let's soak him!

-Thar she blows!

[explosions boom]

[energetic rock music]



[electricity buzzes]

-[both grunt]



[both grunt]

[explosions zap]

[energy blasts]

-Megafury Saber!


-[both]: Mosa Razor Zord -

Harpoon Strike!


I should've battened down

me hatches!


-[both]: Dino Fury victory!


-That Mosa Zord

came just in time.

-Yep. Another few minutes,

and our Zords would've been

dolphin condos.


-Things could've gone

very badly today,...

just like in the past.


you were right about the Sporix

all those years ago.

They were just too dangerous.


You had no way of knowing that.

It was a hard call,

just like today.

Remember what you said?

'A true leader knows

when to step aside.'


that's what I need to do.

-You mean...

-You should lead the team,

not me.

-Of course,...

cos I'm the better fighter.


You didn't see my crate trick?

-[both grunt]

-[Zayto chuckles]

-One thing's not clear.

For the Mosa Zord to activate,

Aiyon's Ranger energy

must have spiked.

But why?

-[both grunt]

-I think the answer's

right there.

Look at the two of them.

-Friends forever.

[electronic theme music]